Letters Of Helena Roerich II,
Letters Of Helena Roerich II, 19 March 1936. Likewise, note that in the
diagram attached to my earlier letter, "Unlike the others, the Fourth
[Globe-sphere] has no 'sister' Globe on the same plane as itself, and it thus
forms the fulcrum of the 'balance' represented by the whole chain. It is the
sphere of final evolutionary adjustments, the world of Karmic scales, the Hall
of Justice, where the balance is struck which determines the future course of
the Monad during the remainder of its incarnation in the Cycle. And therefore
it is, that, after this central turning-point has been passed in the Great
Cycle, - i.e., after the middle
point of the Fourth Race in the Fourth Round on our Globe - no more
Monads can enter the human kingdom. The door is closed for this Cycle and the
balance struck." Therefore, we should expect no more migrants from the