Sixth Ray (completed 222 of 409 entries
on CD)
(GAWP 225) They must,
finally, love their fellowmen. This they must not do as the sixth ray
person loves them, with an isolating devotion, but as the second ray person loves—with an all round
appreciation of humanity, an understanding heart, plus a critical mind, which
loves steadily in spite of error seen, with a clear sighted perception of the
assets and the debits of an individual or a race. The ability to [Page 225] do
this is one of the factors which enables the sixth ray aspirant to transfer off
the minor sixth ray and find his
place upon the major second ray, as must all sixth and fourth ray initiates.
(DON 5) I would like to pause
here and point out that these forces come into play either cyclically or
through demand. This is an interesting
point for students to remember. The work
done through the Great Invocation is not then necessarily [Page 5] invalid. It might perhaps clarify the subject if I
pointed out that there are five energies
(and there are usually five
dominant ray energies active at any time)
coming into play:
1. Those energies which are passing
out of manifestation, as the sixth Ray
of Devotion is at this time
passing out………..
You have, therefore, in the
present field of divine expression the following energies manifesting:
The energy of idealism,
of devotion or of devoted attention,
embodied in the sixth ray………..
(DON 11) It will be of value
next if I connect up the three major planetary centres of energy with the five rays
which are today working towards
the consummation of the Plan for the race at this time. Three of
these streams of energy are
working powerfully in the world at this time and two others are struggling for
expression. Of these latter, one is [Page 11] struggling towards
domination and the other is struggling to hold on to that which it has so
long controlled. This refers to the incoming seventh ray and
the outgoing sixth ray. They constitute, in their duality, the reactionary
and the progressive forces which
are seeking to govern human thought, to determine natural and human evolution
and to produce widely divergent civilisations and culture — one of which would
be the perpetuation and crystallisation of that which now exists and the other would be so entirely new, as an
outgrowth of the present world upheaval, that it is difficult for the average
student to conceive of its nature.
(DON 29) As you know, there
are at this time, two minor rays (which are rays of attribute) affecting
powerfully the destiny [Page 29] of mankind.
These are the sixth Ray of Abstract Devotion or Idealism and the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic or
Organisation. The sixth ray
began to pass out of manifestation in 1625 after a long period of influence, whilst the seventh Ray
of Ceremonial Order began to come into manifestation in 1675. There are three points to be remembered in
connection with these two rays and their effects upon the race of men. (I am not here dealing with their effects
upon the other kingdoms in nature.)
The sixth ray is as you know, the most powerful in manifestation in
this time and a very large number
of people are responsive to its influence.
It is still the line of least resistance for the majority,
particularly in the Aryan race,
for the reason that when in process of time and through evolution the influence
of a ray has become potent, it is groups that are primarily affected and not just individuals. A rhythm and a momentum is then set up which
lasts a long time and which gains
power through the very force of organised numbers. This truth will emerge more clearly as we
proceed with our studies. Suffice it to
say that the sixth ray people are the reactionaries, the conservatives, the die-hards and the fanatics,
who hold on to all that is of the past and whose influence is potent to hinder
the progress of humanity into the new age. Their name is legion. They provide, however, a needed balance and
are responsible for a steadying process which is much needed in the world at
this time.
3. The result of the
increasing flow of seventh ray energy plus the decreasing influence of the sixth ray — which shows itself as a pronounced crystallisation of the
standardised and accepted forms of belief, religious, social and philosophic — is to throw the millions of people who do not
respond to either of the above influences through egoic or personality relation, into a state of bewilderment. They feel
entirely lost, are gripped by the idea that life holds for them no desirable
future, all that they have learnt to cherish and to hold dear is rapidly
These three groups of people, influenced by the sixth and seventh rays or who are bewildered by the impact of forces
generated by those rays, are those who must together, with understanding and
clear vision, bring order out of the present chaos. They must materialise those new and desirable
conditions which will conform to the subjective pattern in the minds of the
illumined people of the world and to [Page 31] the spiritual plan as it exists
in the consciousness of the members of the Hierarchy. The new age with its peculiar civilisation
and culture will be brought into manifestation through the collaboration of the
well-intentioned many, responsive increasingly to the good of the whole and not
of the individual; they are the idealistic but practical thinkers, influenced
by the pattern of things to come and the world disciples, impressed by the
plans and under the instruction of the Hierarchy which is directing and
controlling all.
It is with these
three groups of people and with
the work upon which they are engaged that any prevision I may evidence will
consistently deal. All changes in
connection with the human family, the fourth kingdom in nature, are always
dependent upon three factors:
1. Those outer physical
events which are definitely "acts of God" and over which no human
being has the slightest authority.
2. The activity of human
beings themselves, working on all the different rays but in any given time and
in any particular period conditioned by:
a. The preponderance
of egos to be found on any particular ray. There are a very large number
of second ray egos in incarnation today and their work and their lives will
facilitate the coming Great Approach.
b. The nature and the quality
of the predominating personality rays of the majority. At this time
there are a vast number of souls in incarnation whose personality
rays are either the sixth or the third. They condition the coming civilisation outstandingly
including all educational and financial enterprises, just as the influence of
those who have soul contact and can express soul quality condition and
determine the current culture.
3. The influence of the outgoing
and the incoming rays at any
time. You have often been told that
these events — for the emergence or disappearance of a ray influence is an
event in time — are a matter of slow development, are psychic in nature, and
are governed by law. The length of
time in which a ray appears, manifests and does its work and finally disappears
is one of the secrets of initiation,
but — as time elapses and the nature of time itself is better understood — the
period and the time equation of the minor rays of attribute will be
established but that time is not
yet, although the intense interest taken today in the phenomena of time
indicates a growing awareness of the problem itself and of the need for
understanding the relation of time, both to space and to event. It will be realised before long that time is
entirely a brain event; a study of the sense of speed as registered by the
brain, plus the capacity or incapacity of a human being to express this speed,
will, when properly approached, reveal much that today remains a mystery.
At this time, the whole world
is embroiled in the chaos [Page 33] and the turmoil incident upon the clashing
of the forces of the sixth and the seventh rays. As one ray
passes out and another comes into manifestation and their impact upon the earth
and upon all the forms in all the kingdoms of nature has reached the point
where the two influences are equalised, then a definite point of crisis is reached. This is what has occurred today, and
humanity, subjected to two types or forms of energy, is thrown "off
centre" and hence the intense difficulty and tension of the present world
period. The cause of this is not only
the impact of the two types of energy, beating upon the forms of life with
equal force, but also that the energy of humanity itself (which is a
combination of the fourth and fifth rays) is swept into the conflict. To this must also be added the energy of the animal
kingdom (again a combination of
the energies of the third, fifth and sixth rays) for this governs the animal or physical form of
every human being. You have, therefore,
a meeting of many conflicting forces and the world Arjuna is faced with a
stupendous battle — one that is recurrent and cyclic but which will, in this
particular era, prove a decisive and determining factor in the age old conflict
between material domination and spiritual control. The forces playing upon the planet at this
time are of supreme importance. If you
will bear in mind that the sixth ray works through and controls the solar plexus (being closely related to the astral plane, the sixth
level of awareness) and that the
seventh ray controls the sacral centre, you will see why there is so much
emotion, so much idealism and so much desire mixed up in connection with the
world conflict and why also — apart from the storms in the political arena and
the religious field — that sex and its various problems has reached a point of
interest in the human consciousness where a solution of these difficulties, a
fresh understanding of the [Page 34] underlying implications and a frank
dealing with the situation is inevitable and immediate.
(DON 37) Let me illustrate
these facts for you by means of the two rays which are our immediate
consideration. Both of them — as is ever
the law — express themselves through a higher and lower form or forms. One of the higher expressions of the out-going sixth ray is to be found in Christianity, the spirit and principles of which were embodied for
us in the life of the Master Jesus, Who was, in His turn, inspired and over-shadowed and used by His
great Ideal, the Christ. In the word "idealism" you have the
keynote of this ray — idealism taking form, providing a living example and
indicating to the race of men their own divine potentialities. [Page 38] In the
appearance of the Christ, the divine ideal for the race, as a whole, was
presented for the first time. Other and
earlier Sons of God presented diverse divine qualities and attributes, but in three
of them a certain perfection of presentation was achieved which (as far as this present world period is
concerned) can never be surpassed.
These three are: Hercules,
the perfect disciple but not yet the perfected Son of God; the Buddha, the
perfect initiate, having reached illumination but not yet having developed to
perfection all the attributes of divinity; the Christ, the absolutely perfect
expression of divinity for this cycle and, therefore, the Teacher alike of angels and of men. That ahead of the race may lie a still higher
perfection than that attained by any of these Exponents of divinity is
inexpressibly true, for we know not yet what divinity really means; in these
three, however, we have three instances
of a perfection which lies far ahead for the majority of the sons of men.
In all of Them, the sixth and the second rays were
controlling factors, with the
first ray reaching full expression. In
Them, idealism, love-wisdom and indomitable will stood forth in all their
divine power. It might be of interest to
you to know just what rays controlled these Sons of God:
the Sun-God, had a first ray soul, a second ray personality and a sixth ray
astral body. These potencies and energies sufficed to
carry Him through all the trials and the labours of the disciple.
The Buddha had a second ray soul, a first ray personality and a sixth ray mind — a very rare phenomenon.
The Christ had a second ray soul, a sixth ray personality (which accounted for His close relationship with the
Master Jesus), plus a first ray mind. [Page 39] These three all embodied the
essences of the spiritual life and all of Them were enabled to set Their seal
upon history and upon the hearts of men, largely through the potency of Their
sixth ray expression. All of Them embodied also the new spiritual
impulse which Their day and age required and all of Them for centuries — by the
strength of Their living love and power — brought the vision and the aspiration
of humanity back to those spiritual essentials whereby men must live. All of Them were part of the directing group
of Lives Who are working out the plans of God, founded upon the love of God. The Buddha and the Christ are still closely
connected with, and working in cooperation with, the Hierarchy. Hercules has gone over into the Shamballa
centre, but still works in a basic association with the Buddha Who is one of
the Forces linking Shamballa and the Hierarchy.
Pure religion, undefiled and spiritually focussed, is the higher expression of the sixth ray (working as is ever the case under the influence and
potency of the second ray) and for us Christianity in its earlier days was the
great and inspiring symbol.
In the same connection, among
the lower aspects of the sixth ray
are to be found all forms of dogmatic, authoritative religion as expressed by
the organised and orthodox churches. All
formulated theologies are the lower expression of the higher spiritual truths
because they embody the mind reactions of the religious man, his confidence in
his own personal mind deductions and the surety that he is obviously
right. They do not embody the spiritual
values as they truly exist. Consequently
the dreadful nature of the lower expressions of the sixth ray and the control by the forces of separativeness
(which are ever the outstanding characteristic of the lower
sixth ray activity) can be seen
[Page 40] nowhere more potently than in religious and Church history with its
hatreds and bigotry, its pomp and luxurious appeal to the outer ear and eye,
and its separativeness from all other forms of faith as well as its internal dissensions, its protesting
groups and its cliques and cabals. The
Church has wandered far from the simplicity which is in Christ. Theologians have lost (if they ever possessed
it) the "mind that is in Christ" and the outstanding need of the
Church today is to relinquish theology, to let go all doctrine and dogma and to
turn upon the world the light that is in Christ, and thus demonstrate the fact
of Christ's eternal livingness, and the beauty and the love which it can
reflect from its contact with Him, the founder of Christianity but not of
(DON 45) If you have followed
intelligently what I have said, two points will emerge with clarity in your
minds in relation to the initial and immediate activity of these two rays — the
and the seventh. First, that entire groups of people are
increasingly susceptible to their influence and this inevitably leads to these
groups (responsive to either the sixth or the seventh ray forces) being in opposition to and antagonistic to each
other. The problem is that, owing to the
developed sensitivity of the race, this antagonism is now upon a world-wide
scale. Hence much of the present
conflict of ideas, and the opposing ideologies, and hence also the feud between
the old inherited traditions and the ancient forms of civilisation, of
government, of religion on the one hand and of the newer emerging ideas on the other. These new concepts should usher in the New
Age and will eventually revolutionise our modern life and standards. They will relegate the old ideas to the same
position as the ideas which governed the race one thousand years ago have today
assumed in our consciousness.
Second: The situation is still further complicated by
[Page 46] the fact that both these rays influence and express themselves (as is ever the case) in a dual
manner and have always a lower and a higher form of manifestation, which is a
correspondence in this connection to the personality, and the egoic expression
of every human being. In the case of
the out-going ray, the higher form
(which is ever the first to manifest in germ) is rapidly disappearing or is being absorbed into the newer idealism, thus
contributing all that is best to the new presentation of truth so that the
emerging culture will be properly rooted in the old. The lower forms are, however, tenacious and
dominant and because of this they definitely constitute today the major problem
of the Hierarchy, so much so that they require the calling in of the first ray
(or the Shamballa force) in order to effect their destruction. Bear this in mind as you study the world
situation. The lower forms of the
seventh ray expression are still in an embryonic stage. This you can see clearly if you consider the
one to which I choose to refer — the spiritualistic movement — which began to take shape only during
the last century and has achieved
its curiously phenomenal growth only because it started upon the American continent. The
In spite of these facts, the
higher and more living energy of the seventh ray is the most active at this
time and its resultant idealism and consequent New Age concepts are playing
upon the sensitive minds of the race and preparing humanity for a great and
much needed change. The work of the Ray
of Ceremonial Order is to "ground" or make physically visible the
results of bringing spirit and matter [Page 47] together. Its function is to clothe spirit with matter,
producing form.
(DON 52) It is interesting to
note that the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict which before long will
come into power again, is to be prominent in the destinies of
(DON 59)
In connection with
(DON 78) a. Ray 6. — Idealism or Devotion, via Mars which rules Aries
and is the double ruler of Scorpio. This
the fanaticism and unreasoning devotion and blind acceptance of conditions, so distinctive of the country at this
time. It is virtue misdirected.
(DON 79) Everything tends to
show that the German people, not being an integrated race, are very
largely victims and should be
just as easily guided into right ways as they have been, at present, guided
into their present activities. They did,
however, provide a good medium through which the ancient Atlantean conflict
could be precipitated and brought to the surface, and the ancient feud between
materialism and the Forces of Light be finally resolved for this particular
world cycle.
(DON 87) c. Ray 6. — Devotion and Idealism, via Mars. I would
remind you that the soul ray of
(DON 88) We will just look at
the controlling factors in one other country, the
This vast land is ruled by
Gemini, linking it therefore closely with
(DON 91) g. Ray 6. —
Idealism or Devotion, via Mars. This greatly augments the sixth ray
personality of the States, thus
presenting very real problems in a young people who are apt always to be
fanatical and exclusive. Exclusiveness
is one of the major weaknesses of the sixth ray type.
(DON 97) The force expressing
itself through the centre,
(DON 99) The forces flowing
(DON 109) To understand a
little the problem involved and the differing modes of work which characterise
those who worked in the past under the influence of the sixth ray and those who are learning to work under the
influence of the incoming seventh ray, it might be helpful if we compared
very briefly the two systems of activity. I would ask you to remember
that both systems and modes of work are equally right in their time and place,
but that the modern disciple should be discarding the old methods and steadily
learning to employ the new and more modern and effective modes of work. This he must learn to do optimistically and
with assurance, knowing that the benefits and the experience gained under the sixth ray
system of discipline is still his
most precious possession because it has been transmuted from method and mode
into characteristics and established habits.
It is the new ways of working and the new forces and objectives which
the disciple of this present era has to master; he [Page 110] must do this
relying upon the lessons learnt in the past and must base his new structure of
truth upon the foundations and the stabilised orientations, which must now be
The first step for the
sincere aspirant is at this point to stop for a moment to enquire and discover
whether he is working primarily under the sixth ray impulse or the
seventh ray influence. I use these words "impulse
and influence" deliberately
because they describe the general effect of the two functioning energies. Upon one thing all disciples and aspirants
can rely and this is the basic and enduring effect of all the sixth ray potencies which have been established during the past two
thousand years. These must be counted
upon, offset and understood and the newer influence must then be studied, the
newer methods investigated and mastered, and the new ideas and idealisms must
be brought through into objectivity and so expressed in a new way. Only thus can the new civilisation and
culture be wisely and sanely produced and the foundations laid for the development
of the human family along right lines during the coming era. It will be of value, therefore, to compare
the old and the new ways of discipline and of training, of attribute and
quality, and of method and objectives.
Let us take the sixth ray
methods of activity and its major
characteristics first of all. They are,
for us, the most familiar and can be rapidly considered, enabling us to pass on
to the new ways of demonstrating and discovering the ancient wisdom, and to the
comprehension of the fresh modes of working which will give new vitality to the
work of the Hierarchy upon the physical plane.
The outstanding
characteristic of the disciple
and the aspirant under the old regime was devotion. The race had,
of necessity, to achieve a different and right orientation to [Page 111] the
world of spiritual values, and hence the effort of the Hierarchy during the past
twenty centuries was to lay the
emphasis upon the realm of religious values. The world
religions have held the centre of
the stage for several thousand years in an effort to make humanity seek one-pointedly for
the soul and thus prepare itself for the emergence of the fifth kingdom in
nature. This is slated (if I might use
such a specialised word) to come into manifestation during the imminent
Aquarian age; this age will be
predominantly the age of worldwide discipleship, leading later to the age of
universal initiation in Capricornian times.
Therefore the great world religions have held authoritative sway for a
very long time; their peculiar tenets, adapted to specific nation, race or
time, embodied some truth through the medium of some particular teacher who attracted to himself individuals throughout the
world who were spiritually minded, because he expressed for them the highest
goal towards which they could
possibly strive. All the world religions
have been thus built around an embodied Idea, Who, in His Own Person, expressed the immediate
ideal of the time and age. He
demonstrated certain divine attributes and concepts which it was necessary to
present to the vision of the sons of men as their possible and immediate
goal. In these manifestations — as I
have earlier pointed out — the sixth ray influence can easily be seen. When,
however, an individual sixth ray influence can be noted in an era wherein the sixth ray
is uniquely active, then the
reason for the potency of the religious idea, as expressed in theological dogma
and doctrine and the universal authority of the Churches can be seen.
This orientation
of man to the world of higher values
has been the main objective of the Piscean age which is ending now and of the sixth ray
influence which is so [Page 112]
rapidly passing out. Though there has
never been a time when this basic orientation has not been going steadily
forward, it is of value to bear in mind that during the past two thousand years a much higher, rarer and more difficult process of
orientation has been held before the race and for the following reason. The fourth kingdom in nature has been
definitely attracted upwards towards the emerging fifth kingdom and this has
made necessary also the shift of attention away from the three worlds of human
endeavour and expression into the higher world of soul consciousness. It has necessitated likewise the refocussing
of the instinctual and intellectual attention which are the main factors in the
unfoldment of divine awareness. This
awareness can be instinctual, intellectual and therefore human, and also
spiritual. But all three are equally
divine, which is a point oft forgotten.
The second objective of the sixth ray
disciple or of the man who is
emerging out of the sixth ray influence but is still conditioned by it (being a representative
human being from the current evolutionary angle) has been the unfolding
of the "capacity for abstraction," as it has been called.
The outstanding quality of our day and period, as a result of
transmuting human quality and character in and through its disciples, has been
the expression of the idealistic nature of man, or of his instinctual response to the higher
intuitional values. In the past, highly
developed but rare people have here and there demonstrated this power to
abstract the consciousness from the material or form side of life and to focus it
upon the ideal and upon the formless
expression of living truth. Today, whole
masses of people and entire nations are regimented to certain forms of idealism
and can and do appreciate ideas, formulated into ideals. Thus again the success of the evolutionary
process can be seen [Page 113] and the work of the Hierarchy, as it endeavours
to expand human consciousness, can be demonstrated to be effective.
Because of the potency of the
ray activity, owing to the long
period wherein it has been expressing itself, the reaction of the average human
being is one of intense devotion to his particular ideal, plus the effort, fanatically, to impose his idealistic dream (for that is all it potentially is) upon his
fellowmen and to do so in such a
form that unfortunately the original idea is lost, the primal
ideal is destroyed and the
devotee becomes much more occupied by the method of applying his ideal than by
the ideal itself. Thus the idea is lost in the ideal and the ideal, in its turn, in the method of its
application. The man becomes the devotee
of an ideal which may or may not be embodied in an individual expression; this
controls his thoughts, fore-ordains his activities and leads him frequently to
merciless excesses in the interest of his peculiar and formulated idea.
Under the immediate
expression of the sixth ray, the
divine principle of desire has shifted potently away from the desire for material
form into the realm of higher
desire. Though materialism is still
rampant, there are few people who are not animated by certain definite idealistic
aspirations for which they are ready, when needed, to make sacrifices. This is a relatively new phenomenon and one
that should be carefully noted. Down the
ages, great sons of God have ever been ready to die for an idea; today, whole masses of men are equally ready and have
done so, whether it is the idea of a superhuman state, empire or nation, or
some response to a major world need, or some potent adherence to some current
ideology. This indicates phenomenal
racial achievement and the pronounced success of [Page 114] the Hierarchy to
shift human attention into the world from whence ideas emerge and on to the
higher and the less material values.
The instinct which has
characterised this passing sixth ray period and which has been noticeably fostered under its
influence is that of taste — taste in food, in human intercourse, in
colour, in form, in art and architecture and in all branches of human knowledge.
This discriminating taste has reached a relatively high stage of
development during the past two thousand years and "good taste" is a
highly cherished mass virtue and objective today. This is a totally new thing and one which has
been hitherto the prerogative of the highly cultured few. Ponder on this. It connotes evolutionary achievement. For the disciples of the world, this sense of
taste has to be transmuted into its higher correspondence — a discriminating sense of values. Hence the
clear emphasis laid in all textbooks on discipleship upon the need to develop
discrimination. Desire —
taste — discrimination; these are
the values, under the sixth ray, for all evolutionary unfoldment and peculiarly the goal of all disciples.
The methods whereby the activity of the sixth ray
and its objectives have been imposed
upon the race are three in number:
1. The development of
instinct. This is followed by
intelligently recognised desire and thus there is a steady expansion of
requirements, of realisation and then of reorientation.
2. The consequent stimulation
of the human consciousness towards expansion, leading finally to spiritual
3. The reflection of reality
in the mind consciousness follows next and this is sensed, demanded and sought
through the medium of group work.
The apparatus of the human
being, which is the mechanism whereby the soul contacts the three worlds which
would be otherwise (under the present plan) sealed and hidden to the experience
and experiment of the soul, has been more acutely sensitised and developed
during the past two thousand years than in any previous period of ten thousand
years. The reason for this is that the
mind of man has been consciously aiding in the process of coordinating the
instincts and transmuting instinctual reaction, translating it into intelligent
perception. In the case of the world disciples,
this process has been carried forward into the next stage of unfoldment to
which we give the name of intuitional knowledge. The counterparts of the five senses and their
higher correspondences upon the subtler planes are being rapidly unfolded, organised
and recognised and it is by means of these inner senses that spiritual
discovery becomes possible as well as the more familiar psychic
discoveries. In the three phases:
a. Instinct to aspiration
b. Stimulation of divine
c. The reflection of reality
you have the history of the activity
of the sixth ray and of its
relation during the past few centuries to its major field of expression, the astral
We can now proceed to
consider the seventh ray in its relation to the present situation in just the
same way as we considered the sixth ray. Through doing this, there will unfold in your
consciousness an idea of the developing process and of the emerging events and
of the imminent happenings which may logically be expected. There are, as you may realise, two ways
in which any particular ray may
[Page 116] be considered. It can be
studied, first of all, from the angle of energy which is ever coming into
relation with other energies and forces, producing through their meeting and
frequent conflict a situation entirely different and changed from that which
existed prior to the contact. The stages
of this import might be covered briefly by the following words: Contact, conflict, adjustment, equilibrium (a
form of stalemate or static condition such as was arrived at during the 19th
century), absorption and the final disappearance of the weaker outgoing
energy. The conclusion is always
inevitable for it is not the rays themselves which are in conflict
but the substance and the forms
which are implicated during the period.
Secondly: the quality
of the ray can be
considered. This is in reality the
expression of its soul and intrinsic nature, which — impinging upon the condition existing when
the ray comes into manifestation — definitely does three things:
(DON 117) 3. Changes
in the type of egos or souls which will take incarnation during any particular ray period. By this I mean that just as during the age
which is now coming to an end, the bulk of the incarnating souls were predominantly sixth
ray in quality, so we can look
for an increasing number of seventh ray egos now to appear.
The furtherance of the coming seventh ray civilisation of synthesis,
fusion, and of increased soul expression, and the development of the new stage
into which the white magic of the Hierarchy is entering is, therefore,
inevitable and for this stage there should be definite preparation and
(DON 121) When we studied
the sixth ray, we considered
first of all the effect of the ray upon the work and training, the life and the
plans of the disciple, conditioning as it inevitably must his activities and
life output. Then we considered the
motivating principle of desire in this connection and finally touched upon the
three modes of the prevalent ray activity.
Let us follow the same procedure now, thus gaining some idea of the relationship
between the sixth and the seventh rays and the manner in which the potency of the sixth ray has prepared
humanity for the imminent happenings with which it is faced.
What I have now to say will not be followed with ease [Page 122] or with due appreciation by the sixth ray
disciple, because the methods
employed by Those Who are handling and directing the new energies are not
comprehensible by him, grounded
as he is in the methods of the past; hence the appearance of the fundamentalist
schools, found in every field of thought — religious, political and even
scientific. Again, when the sixth ray
disciple attempts to use the new
incoming energies, they express themselves for him upon the astral plane and the result is astral magic, deepened glamour and pronounced deception. To this fact
must be ascribed today the appearance of teachers, claiming to teach magic, to bring about certain magical results, to work with
rays of differing colours and to utilise Words of Power, to pronounce
decrees and to be repositories of
the hitherto unrevealed wishes and secrets of the Masters of the Wisdom. It is all a form of astral glamour, and the contacting upon the astral plane of that
which will later precipitate upon earth.
But the time is not yet and the hour for such usages has not
arrived. The sense of time and the
understanding of the correct hour for the carrying out of the Plan in its
future detail has not been learnt by these sincere, but deluded, people and —
focussed as they are upon the astral plane and undeveloped as they are mentally
— they misinterpret to themselves and for others that which they there
psychically sense. They know far too little
and yet believe that they know much.
They speak with authority, but it is the authority of the unexpanded
mind. The expression of old magical
patterns, the digging up of hints and indications of crystallised and worn-out
methods from the ancient past is all too prevalent at this time and it is
responsible for much deception of the masses and consequent mass delusion.
White magic — as I would have
you remember — is concerned [Page 123] with the unfoldment of the soul in form and its gaining needed experience thereby. It is not concerned with direct work upon the
form but with the indirect influence of the soul, functioning in any form in every kingdom in nature
as it brings the form under its control, thereby effecting needed and
developing changes in the apparatus of contact.
The white magician knows that when the proper and correct ray
stimulation is applied to the centre which we call the soul in any form but not
to the form itself, that then the soul, thus stimulated, will do its own work
of destruction, of attraction, of rebuilding and of a consequent renewed life
manifestation. This is true of the soul
of man, of the soul of a nation and of the soul of humanity itself. Bear this in mind, for I have here stated a
basic and fundamental rule by which all white magic is agelessly governed.
It is for this reason that
the seventh ray is spoken of as governing the mineral kingdom and also as
manifesting through its mediumship that significant soul characteristic and
quality which we call radiation. That word
effectively describes the result of soul stimulation upon and within every
form. The life of the soul eventually
radiates beyond the form and this radiation produces definite and calculated
effects. The sixth ray is, as you know, very
closely related to the animal kingdom and its effect there is to produce in the higher forms of animal life
the quality and expression of domesticity, and the adaptability of the animal to human contact. The rays controlling the animal
kingdom are the seventh,
the third and the sixth. Hence you can easily see that the relation
which exists between the higher animals and man is a ray relation and,
therefore, useful under the evolutionary law and inevitable in its
results. The rays governing the vegetable
kingdom are the sixth, the second and the fourth and here again there is an interlocking [Page 124]
relation through the medium of the sixth ray. The human
kingdom is governed by the fourth, the fifth and again the fourth and this
again indicates relationship. Some day
these relations and inter-connected lines of force will be better understood
and scientifically studied and the lines of related energies investigated. This interlocking directorate of energies
will engage the attention of some of the best minds and when that takes place
much will be learnt. This information
is, however, of negligible use at this time and will remain so until such time
as men are sensitive to the vibration of the different rays and can isolate a
ray rhythm in their consciousness. When
this sensitivity is developed, then many rapid, significant and revolutionary
discoveries will be made.
(DON 126) In this
comparative, even if inadequate, study of the old and of the new types of
discipleship, one of the problems [Page 126] facing the Hierarchy is how to
bring about the necessary changes in technique and method of development which
the seventh ray type will require and yet at the same time so condition these
changes that there can be smooth process of adjustment and interplay between
the Hierarchy and the world aspirants. This
adjustment must include the two groups (one at present large and the other
still small) of sixth and seventh ray disciples. The problems
of the Hierarchy are, of course, no real concern of those who have not achieved
liberation and cannot, therefore, look at life through the eyes of those who
are no longer held by the forces of the three worlds, but it might serve a
useful purpose if disciples occasionally gave some thought to the relation as
it exists upon the Master's side and gave less thought to their own individual
and peculiar difficulties.
One of the major
characteristics of the seventh
ray disciple is his intense practicality. He works upon the physical
plane with a constant and steady objective in order to bring about results which will be effective
in determining the forms of the coming culture and civilisation; towards the
end of the seventh ray cycle he will work equally hard to perpetuate what he
has brought about. He wields
force in order to build the forms
which will meet his requirements and does this more scientifically than do
disciples on other rays. The sixth ray
devotee is far more abstract and mystical in his work and thought, and seldom has any real understanding of
the right relation between form and energy. He thinks
almost entirely in terms of quality and pays little attention to the material
side of life and the true
significance of substance as it produces phenomena. He is apt to regard matter as evil in nature and form as a limitation, and only lays the
upon soul consciousness as of
true importance. It is this failure to
work intelligently, and I would [Page 127] like to add, lovingly with substance
and so bring it into right relation with the dense outer form that has made the
last two thousand years produce so disastrously a mismanaged world and which
has brought the population of the planet into its present serious
condition. The unintelligent work upon
the physical plane, carried forward by those influenced by the sixth ray
force, has led to a world which
is suffering from cleavage in as true a sense as an individual person can
suffer from a "split personality."
The lines of demarcation between science and religion are a striking instance of this and have been clearly
and forcefully drawn. The cleavage to which
I refer has been drawn by the churchmen of the past and by no one else; the
lines have been determined by the mystics, impractical and visionary, and by the fanatical devotees of some idea who were,
nevertheless, unable to see the broad implications and the universal nature of
these recognised ideas. I am
generalising. There have been many
devoted and holy sons of God who have never been guilty of the above
stupidities and separative tendencies.
At the same time as we recognise this, we must also recognise that
orthodox religion has temporarily separated the two great concepts of spirit
and matter in their thought and teaching, thereby pushing apart religion and
(DON 127) The task of the new
age workers is to bring these two apparent opposites together, to demonstrate
that spirit and matter are not antagonistic to each other and that throughout
the universe there is only spiritual substance, working on and producing the
outer tangible forms.
When a form and an activity
is what you call evil, it is only so because the motivating energy behind the
form and responsible for the activity is wrongly oriented, selfishly impulsed
and incorrectly used. Here again the two basic
truisms of modern occultism
(there are others which will [Page 128] be imparted when these two are mastered
and rightly applied) are of importance:
1. Energy follows thought.
2. Right motive creates right
action and right forms.
These two statements are of
very ancient origin but are as yet but little understood. Hence the first thing which every
disciple has to learn is the nature, control and direction of energy; he does this by working with initiating causes, by learning
the nature of the realm of causes and by developing the capacity to get behind
the effect to the cause which generated or produced it. In the case of the individual disciple and in
the preliminary stage of his training, this involves the constant investigation
of his motives until he has
discovered what they are and has so directed his thought that those motives
can, in every case, be depended upon to work automatically and dynamically
under soul direction.
The sixth ray disciple, in the majority of cases, carries his work down as far as the astral plane and there lies the focus of his attention, his life and
his thought. Automatically and of necessity, his physical
nature responds to the impulse sent from the astral plane, motivated from the
mental and — at times — directed by the soul.
But the potency of this desire and his determination to see the fruit of
his labour has produced much
difficulty in the past by arresting the true expression of the originating
impulse. It is arrested upon the astral
plane. This has been balanced by the
cyclic intervention of other ray forces or otherwise the situation would be
much worse than it is. The seventh
ray disciple will bring the
energy which he is wielding right down on to the physical plane, thereby producing integration; and the dualism which
characterises it will be that of a centre of energy upon the mental plane and one upon
the [Page 129] physical plane. The dualism of the sixth ray
worker is that of the pairs of
opposites upon the astral plane.
It will be apparent,
therefore, that, having established the two points of energy (mental and
physical), the next task of the
worker in magic will be to produce a synthesis upon the physical plane of the
available energies, to concretise them, and invest that which has been
constructed with the potency of activity and persistence. The energy thus employed will, in the
majority of cases, be of three kinds:
1. The energy of the
mind. This will be the dominant
controlling energy used during the period of accepted discipleship and until
the second initiation.
2. The energy of the
soul. This will be wielded, used and
creatively employed from the second until the third initiation.
3. The energy of soul and
mind, blended and synthesised. This
combination is of tremendous potency.
After the fourth initiation, this will be augmented by energy coming
from the Monad.
I would have you bear in mind
that, though all is energy yet at the same time in correct esoteric teaching
the higher impulsive activity is called energy and that which is conditioned by
and swept into activity through its agency is called force. The terms are therefore relative and
movable. For the bulk of humanity, for
instance, astral impulse is the highest energy to which they normally aspire
and the forces upon which astral energy plays will then be the etheric and
physical forces. Higher energies may
intermittently control, but as a general rule the life incentive or impulse is
astral, and this can either be called desire or aspiration, according to the
objective. The latter may simply [Page
130] be mental ambition or desire for power and the term "aspiration"
should not be confined only to so-called religious impulses, mystical longings
and the demand for liberation.
(DON 130) The sixth ray
disciple, working with the laws
of nature and of the soul, will qualify his results and produce
his creative forms upon the astral plane; he has consequently to learn frequently to work through a seventh
ray personality for several lives
(either before or after achieving discipleship) before he will be able to bring
through on to the physical plane his dream and his vision.
(DON 130) The seventh
ray disciple works consciously by
means of certain laws, which are the laws governing form and its relation to
spirit or life. In A Treatise On Cosmic
Fire, I gave you the three major laws of the solar system and the seven
subsidiary laws through which these three express themselves; I gave you also
indications as to the laws which govern group work. You must remember that disciples
upon different rays will wield these laws according to the quality of their ray
impulses (I am handicapped here
for words which are appropriate), interpreting them in terms of their specific
life obligation or dharma and producing the desired results through the medium
of differing ray techniques, conforming always, however, to the inevitability
of the results wrought by the energies which they have released to play upon
forces under the laws of their being.
The sixth ray disciple, working with the laws of nature and of the soul, will
qualify his results and produce his creative forms upon the astral plane; he has consequently to learn frequently to work
through a seventh ray personality for several lives (either before or after achieving discipleship)
before he will be able to bring through on to the physical plane his dream and
his vision. The seventh ray disciple has no such
problem. By his knowledge of ritual
(which is the ancient codified means whereby the attractive and expressive
nature of the energies to be employed are organised and related), by his
understanding of the "Words of Power" (which he discovers by
experiment) and by using the potency of sound, the disciple of the future will
work and build the new world with its culture and civilisation. A curious [Page 131] indication of the effect
of the seventh ray magical work upon the mass consciousness is the growing use
of slogans and of "catch phrases" (is that not the term used?) which are employed to bring about
results and to sweep human beings into certain forms of mass action. This is the embryonic use of the Words of
Power, and from a study of
their tonal values, their numerological
indications and their inherent potency, men will eventually arrive at vast magical achievements and
creations, producing group activity and the appearance of certain forms of
expression upon the outer plane. After
all, scientific formulas have reduced the most intricate and abstruse
discoveries to a few signs and symbols.
The next step is to embody these signs and symbols into a word or words,
thus imparting to them what is esoterically called "the power of
embodiment." If I might express it
this way, the ancient statement that "God spoke and the world were
made" simply means that God's formula for creation was reduced to a great
Word which He sounded forth and the inevitable results followed. Something of this process on a tiny human
scale will be seen happening in the coming age.
At present, what I have said above may sound fanciful and fantastic to
the average student.
It will be obvious to you
that seventh ray disciples wield much power and for this reason the emphasis in
all teaching given is laid upon purity of motive. In the past, the emphasis has been laid upon purity of
body in the case of the sixth ray disciples.
As was inevitable, they
have carried the idea to a fanatical extent, and have stressed celibacy,
asceticism and stringent rules of physical life, oft making sinful that which
is natural. This has been a necessary
stage in their development for it was essential that the physical
plane should become a greater factor in their consciousness and that their attention should be turned from the realm of
[Page 132] abstraction (which is
their line of least resistance) and focussed upon physical living, for, again, energy follows thought. Thus their attitude to life could become
more practical (6th ray
people are very impractical) and
the necessary integration take place.
Disciples in the new age will lay the emphasis upon the mental
principle, because it conditions thought and speech. All magical work is based upon the energy of
thought and of the spoken word
(the expression of the two magical centres referred to above) and purity in the
realm of the mind and motive is regarded consequently as a basic essential.
(DON 132) The seventh
ray influence is that which will
produce in a peculiar and unexpected sense the Western School of Occultism just as the sixth ray impulse has produced the
Eastern School of Occultism — the
latter bringing the light down on to the astral plane and the new incoming
influence carrying it down on to the physical.
The Eastern teaching affected Christianity and indicated and determined
the lines of its development and Christianity is definitely a bridging religion. The
roles will eventually be reversed and the shift of the "light in the
East" will be over Europe and America. This will
inevitably bring about the needed and desired synthesis of the mystical way and
the occult path. It will lead later to
the formulation of the higher way; of this it is useless to speak at this time
for you would not comprehend. None of
the foundational and ancient Rules of the Road will ever be abrogated or
discarded. Just as men used to travel on
the ancient highways on foot, conforming to the requirement of their time and
age, and today travel by rail or automobile (arriving at the same destination)
so the same road will be followed, the same goal achieved but there may be
different procedures, varying safeguards and changed protective measure. The rules may vary from time to time in order
to provide easier indication [Page 133] and adequate protection. The training of the disciple in the future
will differ in detail from that of the past but the basic rules remain
The keynote, governing the
development of the sixth ray disciple, was expressed for him in the words of Christ when He
said: "I, if I be lifted up, will
draw all men." The emphasis of all sixth ray
work is Attraction and Repulsion —
hence division and cleavage, producing eventually a realisation of the
necessity for a consciously undertaken synthesis and integration, mentally
motivated and produced. The history of
Christianity (which is the history of
The keynote of the seventh
ray disciple is "Radiatory
Activity." Hence the emergence in
world thought of certain new ideas — mental radiation or telepathy, the radiatory use of heat, the discovery of
radium. All this connotes seventh ray
(DON 135) I would have you
bear in mind in connection with the five rays which we have seen are
influencing or beginning to influence humanity at this time (the first, second, third, sixth and seventh rays) that their effect varies according to the ray type or
ray quality of the individual concerned and according to his position upon the
ladder of evolution. Such points are
often forgotten. If a man is, for
instance, upon the second Ray of Love-Wisdom, it may be expected that the
influence of that ray and of the sixth (which is along the second ray line of
power) will be easily effective and will necessarily constitute the line of
least resistance. This situation may,
therefore, produce undue sensitivity and an unbalanced unfoldment of
characteristics. It is our
characteristics which influence our conduct and our reactions to
circumstance. It will mean also that the
influence of the first, third and seventh rays will be fundamentally unsettling
and will call out resistance or — at the very least — an attitude of
non-receptivity. In the world today, the
rays which are along the line of energy which is that of the first Ray of Will
or Power (including the third and the seventh) are in the ratio of three to two
(as regards present manifestation) and, [Page 136] therefore, we can look for a
fuller expression of the first ray attributes and happenings than would
otherwise be the case. This will be
particularly so because the sixth ray is fast going out of manifestation. All the above
constitutes a piece of information which is of small value at this time. Its implications will become increasingly
apparent as time goes on and I am, therefore, including them in my teaching.
(DINAI FOREWORD) 6. The sixth Ray
of Devotion or Idealism. Many
Christian people. Fanatics. Numbers of earnest Churchmen of all the world
(DINAI 85) There are, of
course, other requirements but if you can understand the above and seek—to the
best of your ability—to meet them, that is all that I ask at present. One of
the great needs of all disciples and aspirants is the detached relinquishing of
pet theories as to life, discipleship and the Plan; the preserving of that open
mind which is ever ready for the unexpected presentation and able (when the spiritual
vision is strong enough) to achieve a quick reversal of all preconceived
ideals. This must be done when it is deemed spiritually wise and it involves
also that waiting attitude which expects the new vision to appear, the newer
truths to emerge into formulated clarity and the new potencies to become
increasingly effective. Such attitudes are peculiarly difficult for those
disciples who have the sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism dominant in their energy equipment, for the ideals of a sixth ray
aspirant crystallise most rapidly
and are quickly distorted thereby. The temporary ideal (intended to guide the
undeveloped aspirant) can become a barrier, separating him from truth and from
the realisation of a truer vision.
(DINAI 107) "I pledge
myself to the Path of Love. I demand of my soul that I, the Spirit in form,
shall act as a channel for compassion and an instrument for love until I know
myself to be Love itself. I am that Love. With pure intent I serve. This love
and zeal in me must feed the aspiration of my fellowmen. To this—in knowledge
full—I pledge myself."
Your gift to this group of
co-disciples is that fiery, dynamic, zealous aspiration which is the spiritual quality of the sixth ray, which governs your personality.
(DINAI 117) 6. The vibration
of sixth ray groups which respond
to a second ray vibration. Their work lies predominantly on the astral plane and is contacted relatively easily.
A consideration of the above
may indicate to you something of value. Curiously enough you and your fellow
disciple B.S.W. represent the two extreme poles in this process of theoretical
recognition. You both recognise a certain contact yet, practically, B.S.W. is
more sensitive to my vibration than you are; he loses much, however, by an
imposed impersonality to it; you lose much by being too sure at times.
In connection with this
matter of sensing vibration, (this is a good example of one of the functions of
To BSD-begins on page 105
(DINAI 121) The astral or
emotional body is conditioned by
the sixth ray of devotion or of idealism, but this can be most easily transferred and
transformed under the influence of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom. Your task
this life is to make this
possible so that, in your next life, you can have an astral
body conditioned by the second ray.
Your ability to go forward in the face of obstacles in order to attain your
ideal is your outstanding asset, and one that will land you eventually at your
goal. Your major [Page 121] difficulty, at this time, is your fifth ray mind.
Is this not true, my brother?
You have a third ray (the Ray
of Intelligent Activity) physical body. This is largely controlled, interiorly,
by your fifth ray mind. Again you see the dominance of this type of energy in
your equipment of expression. Your rays are, therefore:
1. The soul ray—the third Ray
of Active Intelligence.
2. The personality ray—the sixth Ray
of Devotion.
3. The ray of the mind—the
fifth Ray of Concrete Science.
4. The ray of the astral body—the
Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the third Ray of Activity.
This analysis should throw
much light upon your problem for you will note the dominance of the third major
ray and the sixth minor ray of devotion.
(DINAI 126) I ask myself
anew: How can I convey to this disciple the nature of his problem? I will put
it in this form. Your egoic energy, focussed in your mind, (3rd ray soul focused in the 5th ray
mind) is at the service of your personality and of
the work which you are endeavouring to do in the particular field wherein you
are forcing yourself to remain. It should be the other way round and the
personality—with all its unified powers—should be at the service of the soul.
All the forces of your lower nature should be at the disposal of the higher
Self, working through an illumined mind and sensitive brain. Ponder on this.
The energy of the intelligence and two intelligent forces—the soul, the mind
and the physical nature—serve your devoted personality. You should reverse
this, my brother, and let the intelligent soul control your devoted personality. There lies your problem.
The need of every disciple is
ever to develop a closer and more direct alignment between soul and personality
and that is, therefore, your problem, even if it seems to you an elementary
problem. What you need to do is to focus the energy of your soul (via Saturn) in your
sixth ray astral body (
1. It will create a temporary
upheaval in your life and, therefore, naturally affect your solar plexus, producing a period of real difficulty.
2. It will transfer the
energy of the soul and the force of the mind into the realm of the
emotions and of sensitive feeling
response, thereby greatly increasing your usefulness but also increasing for
you the "dire pain of life itself"; this is a pain with which all
disciples must learn to live and from which all disciples must inevitably
3. It will stimulate your
brain cells and swing into activity many hitherto dormant cells, thus making
you capable of increased service of a different nature to that with which you
are now occupied. It will lead you to enquire if your present field of
service is, for you, a legitimate
one or—if it is—what must you do to "change the nature of the seed which
must therein be sown." You will know to what I refer without my further
(DINAI 179) Your astral or
emotional body is on the sixth ray,
so that again you have a line of force direct from the soul. In your case, this
ray energy shows itself
predominantly as devotion to duty as realised, (What does this mean?) and to responsibility as recognised, (what?) and not so
much in devotion to persons or even ideals. This has constituted a paramount balancing factor in
your life.
Your problem will appear more
clearly to you when I tell you that the ray of your physical body is the
1. The soul ray—the second Ray
of Love-Wisdom.
2. The personality ray—the
seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order.
3. The ray of the mind—the
fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict.
4. The ray of the astral
body—the sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the second Ray of Love-Wisdom.
(DINAI 197) Your astral
body is on the sixth ray. This
gives you a one-pointed attitude to life and primarily, in your case, to the things of the
spiritual world. You are definitely "on your way" and with a quite
satisfactory simplicity are going forward. This ray also enables you to make a
fairly facile soul contact, should you so desire. Your rays, therefore, are:
1. The soul ray—the second
Ray of Love-Wisdom.
2. The personality ray—the
fifth Ray of Concrete Science.
3. The ray of the mind—the
fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict.
4. The ray of the astral
body—the sixth Ray of Devotion or Idealism.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the third Ray of Active Intelligence.
What, therefore, constitutes
your major difficulty, for you are not satisfied yourself with your progress,
and rightly so?
The main reason lies in your
fifth ray personality, wherein the emphasis is laid upon the critical,
analytical mind. This leads you to watch and criticise and to argue with
yourself and with circumstances. It also lies in your third ray physical body
which, again upon the mental line, increases the activity of your critical
personality. It is yourself, however, whom you mainly criticise, but this can
be as wrong and as unnecessary as criticising others. If you will let your soul
influence your personality more definitely, working through your fourth ray
mind and your sixth ray astral body, studying and utilising these lines of least
resistance, you will make rapid progress towards that goal you have set
yourself in this life—the integration of soul and personality.
(DINAI 205) Your astral
body is, as I dare say you have
suspected, upon the sixth Ray of Devotion. This gives you idealism, devotion to causes, your power to sacrifice and your determination always to produce good out of seeming
evil. This latter characteristic
is outstandingly yours. I would like here to call to your attention that there
is a lack found in your equipment of the modifications of the first ray line of
energy. You have none of the forces of the third, fifth, or seventh rays in you
at all. Balance is preserved through your first ray aspects. Therefore we have:
1. Your soul ray—first Ray of
Will or Power.
2. Your personality
ray—second Ray of Love-Wisdom.
3. Ray of the mind—fourth Ray
of Harmony through Conflict.
4. Ray of the astral body—sixth Ray
of Devotion.
5. Ray of the physical
body—first Ray of Will or Power.
To ISGL-Soul transferring from 6th
to 2nd ray Soul
(DINAI 215) You work with
human beings and you seek to integrate into this group of mine because I, whom
you know and love, have asked you so to do. This is of assistance to you but
there must be for you a still greater achievement. As you realise the status of
your soul, you must come to the understanding that you serve with us and not
simply because you are asked to serve. Give to your group brothers of that
great gift of love which is so fundamentally yours but which is as yet only in
process of finding full expression. Your problem is summed up in the word which
I earlier gave you. I told you that you were shifting egoically from the sixth Ray
of Devotion on to the second Ray of Love-Wisdom—the ray whereon I myself am found. Your first ray personality gives you power with men
and this power you know you possess, and you have endeavoured to use it wisely.
Your sixth ray soul-polarisation
has served to enhance [Page 216] the dynamic one-pointedness of your first ray force. Now that condition is
beginning to change and during this transition period you suffer much. But you
have the task of making this transition and of embodying the love-wisdom force before the close of this life and, my brother, it is
one requirement that you can fulfil. You can also guard yourself from too much
suffering over others and over general life conditions and in this wise
detachment your first ray energy can aid.
From the angle of the mind,
this soul activity and change of focus will force your idealistic tendencies to find expression in teaching. Idealism
is the major gift of the sixth ray force. Teaching
is an expression of second ray energy. This combination of idealism
and of teaching is for you the
From the angle of the
emotional body, this transition marks a vital change from personal
to impersonal work. This capacity
to be impersonal has been greatly developed in you by your first ray lower
nature which renders you easily impersonal—if you so choose. But for you the
lesson of all disciples must be learned which is to be impersonally personal. That is not easy of attainment. An attached
detachment is for you the goal. It is in order to aid you in learning this
lesson that you have been placed in my group of disciples, which can (for the
time at least) provide the "playground" for your soul. To love your
co-disciples, impersonally to identify yourself with the subjective life of the
group and to work in rhythm with them is somewhat difficult for you, but most
valuable. I ask you to attempt it, my brother, and to pursue this objective in
spite of all personality objections. In a few years' time, you will better
understand my plans for you.
(DINAI 219) There are two
major factors of paramount interest to all aspirants and—in your case—the task
is made somewhat difficult because you have to add to these two tasks the work
of shifting your soul ray from the sixth Ray of Devotion to the second Ray
of Love-Wisdom. This is not an
easy thing to do without an interlude of intense difficulty and of energy
disruption, accompanied oft with loss of personality balance. You have,
however, nearly completed the task and the worst part of the process is over.
It had primarily a physiological effect upon you which showed itself in the
difficulty you had a couple of years ago. At that time, as you know, I
endeavoured to help you. That condition is now definitely ameliorated. The
psychological implications are to be found in the transference of the psychical
energy you wield from the solar plexus centre to the heart centre. (this strongly suggests a 6th ray soul will
function largely through the solar plexus chakra until the shift onto either
the 3rd or 2nd rays) In terms of
living expression, this means that you can transmute devotion into love, and idealism into proven wisdom. (this transmutation is worth deep meditation) Is not this your immediate aim, my brother?
As you know, your soul
ray is the second ray, for your
basic nature is essentially love-wisdom. Your personality ray is the first, the
Ray of Will or Power. That has been for a long time subordinated to the past ray
of your soul, that of devotion to the soul, to the Hierarchy, to humanity as well as to
yourself. Your problem of personality emphasis has changed from that of the
continuous impressing of your personality attitudes, ideas and desires upon your
environment (as was the case in your
last life) to an occasional cyclic and almost violent emphasis
upon some individual. (perhaps he means
the 6th ray soul devotion to some individual-this would seriously
conflict with the 1st ray personality forces) This
is now only occasional (relatively speaking). You are learning to leave others
free—a hard lesson for a first ray personality, animated as yours is by knowledge and goodwill.
As your emotional
body is, however, on the sixth ray
(as was your soul when you came into incarnation) it is there that the emphasis
of the soul has been and there
has been for you the line of least resistance. Now the line of
least resistance should be the mind,
and your major objective in life and in meditation should be the mind, and
increased illumination—this in order to render increased service to your
fellowmen. Hence the meditation which I have outlined for you and which I would
ask you to follow. It is brief and powerful.
…….Therefore, your rays are
as follows: (ISGL)
1. The soul ray—the second
Ray of Love-Wisdom.
2. The personality ray—the
first Ray of Power or Will.
3. The ray of the mind—the
first Ray of Power.
4. The ray of the astral
body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the first Ray of Power.
(DINAI 233) Your astral or
emotional body is on the sixth Ray of Devotion. This brings in the conflicts of idealism, and constitutes for you the crux of your life
problem. It enables you also to bring certain offsetting tendencies to your
personality and mind rays which are most valuable.
As your physical
body is also upon the sixth ray,
your brain is consequently most responsive to your astral impulses,
particularly along the lines of idealism. The combination of these two sixth ray forces in your equipment are your only points of contact (in
this incarnation) with the great second ray lines of force. You should bear
this most carefully in mind and cultivate the higher or group idealism assiduously and
earnestly, for it is through this
idealism that your entire personality life expression can arrive at
the needed balance and
(DINAI 236) The result of
this tendency is an excessive intensity of vibration which wrecks and shatters
the mechanism. Your sixth ray personality produces an intense adherence to
your ideals and to the truth, as
you see it; it produces also a one-pointedness which has led to a focussing of energy in the head. (this is suggestive
of Martian 6th ray energy ruled by Aries-check the horoscope-or of 1st
ray soul force meeting the 6th ray personality force at the ajna
centre) This
has been intensified also, owing to our western civilisation being immersed in
the thoughtforms of the Piscean Age—the age of the sixth ray which is still
with us. When the first ray energy of the soul pours in and blends itself with the sixth ray force, the shattering effect is increased and the
personality carries more force than it can handle. That energy is also unevenly
distributed and goes primarily to the throat and to the solar plexus, causing a disturbance and an upsetting of the balance
of the forces in the body. This, in its turn, produces a disturbance in the
alimentary tract and when this disturbance becomes an established habit, a very
real problem is presented.
(DINAI 242) My brother, for
long you have occupied the centre of the stage in your own thought. You are not
jealous in the ordinary sense of the word because your pride refuses to permit
the usual form of jealousy. But you are ever conscious of being in the centre
of your circle of human contacts and have a feeling of resentment—oft
unrecognised—when this is not the case. This was one of the main factors in
your humiliation last year. Such an attitude is easy of achievement and simple
to hold; it is the line of least resistance for your personality. My word to you
today is decentralisation. You must struggle to shift your mind away from
yourself as teacher, friend, wife, worker, or disciple of the Tibetan; you must
cultivate that understanding heart which will make you more aware of others
than of yourself. A hard saying and one not easy to express in thought and
life! In the last analysis, your problem is the subjection of your sixth ray
personality to your first ray
soul impulse. A study of the sixth ray
characteristics will help you
here, particularly if you remember that (being a disciple) it will be your sixth ray
vibration [Page 243] which will
cause you the most trouble and along which glamour will easily enter. It is,
for instance, your personality fanaticism and your personality devotions (both to people and to ideas) which need tempering if
your first ray power is to manifest. Your fanatical devotee will must be superseded by the purpose, ordered and steadfast, of your first ray soul. In this last sentence is for you
the key to your future
unfoldment. The steely, brittle, determined, dynamic will of the devoted
aspirant must change into the steadfast, powerful, calm purpose of the soul, working through the disciple. The soul is fluid in
adjustment but undeviating in aim. Likewise, the brilliant fanatical devotion to this,
that or the other person or ideal must
give place to the gentle unchanging love of the soul—the love of your soul for
the soul of others. In this lies for you a hint and your future success. I
think you will realise whereof I speak. In conformity to soul impulse mould
your life and shift out of the realm of high desire and aspiration into that of
settled purpose and an undeviating attachment to reality.
(DINAI 244) The reason is to
be found in the difficult combination caused by your two rays in expression—the
ray and the first. When your sixth ray
personality can work, free from
the influence of your soul ray and
be one-pointedly directed towards some determined programme, there is no hindrance in your physical plane
expression. When your first ray ego can likewise so work, then much will be
accomplished by you. But, at the present time, your first ray expression in
conjunction with your sixth ray personality produces more
destructive work than a manifestation of the divine purpose of your soul. In your efforts, for instance, to help
people, your sixth ray devotion is apt to frighten them away from you and your first ray power oft shatters that
particular inner body which is for them their weakest point; you are then left
as ever the "one who stands alone." This is characteristic of the beginner
in the conscious life of a first ray soul. Is this not oft the case with you, my brother? It is not that people
do not love you, for they do; it is not that you do not love them, for you do.
It is that you are too dynamic in your approach and the force that flows through you destroys as
quickly as it builds and drives away by its "blast of out-going
power" that which you sought to attract and which has been temporarily
attracted. You lose so many people out of your range of influence, and this you
well know and it bewilders you. The fault lies primarily in you and not in
You see, my brother, I am
seeking to begin your training as a worker; hence my emphasis upon this first
ray characteristic of your soul (as it vitalises your sixth ray nature). You must begin to handle it wisely if you are ever
to be of use.
In an earlier teaching, I
endeavoured to awaken you to the risk of constantly assuming the position of the
"one in the centre."
That attitude, as well as the one to which I today refer, is also distinctive
of a first ray soul and the presence of these two attitudes (of the one in the centre and the one who stands alone) are indicative of the fact that your first ray soul
is beginning to assume some control over your personality. Is this not a real
encouragement? You are on the verge of seeing the results [Page 245] of your
work with your own nature. If you can accept that which I have to say in
connection with the destructive aspects of your soul contact, you can save
yourself much difficulty and trouble and save other people too. You might
rightly ask me how and in what manner you can offset these tendencies. I can
but reply to you with simple and ordinary truths—so simple and so ordinary that
their scientific value is easily overlooked. I say to you: Lose interest in
your personality life, in its contacts and affairs by substituting a dynamic
interest in world work. Do not arrive at this detachment through an
intensification of your sixth ray personality attitudes; we do not desire to have
in association with us. Arrive at it through a deepening of your love nature as
it includes others and excludes your own lower nature. I say to you: Work with
detachment and, because you are demanding nothing for the separated self, all
things will, therefore, come to you. You will not then stand alone but will
function as an attractive magnetic unit in group service. Here, therefore, lies
your immediate problem. You have to learn to be decentralised and to step out
of the centre of your own picture. You have to learn to be magnetic
and to build and not destroy. (clarify the issue as to whether 6th ray
personalities can be magnetic or not) Ponder on these suggestions and work simply, quietly and happily at
your problem.
(DINAI 247) [Page 247] These
are questions which you alone can answer and they still hold for you indication
of a needed task. Liberation for you lies in submergence in your group of
fellow disciples and in the elimination—as I have earlier told you—of your
sixth ray fanaticism. Along this
latter line you have made much progress and are much to be commended. Now the
life of the first Ray of Will or Power must sweep increasingly into prominence.
For you, it is not so much the imposition of the will aspect which is needed
but the understanding of the Plan and your consequent intelligent cooperation
with that Plan. But it is the plan for humanity and not the plan for you as a
partner and cooperator with the greater Plan. In your personal reading and
study for the coming months, I suggest that you search out all references to
the Plan in my books, noting the aspects which are of immediate import and
dealing not with the plan for the coming race and for the distant future. Then
list briefly and concisely the salient points in the Plan; be not prolix and
train yourself to a brevity which in no way negates lucidity.
(DINAI 249) The sixth ray
expression of love is usually
idealistic and fanatically applied;
frequently, true love itself is lacking and there is the imposition
upon others of what the person himself thinks is love. It was the second ray energy [Page 249] of love
which, in the case of Christ, dominated His sixth ray Personality. Slowly and gradually, this domination must begin to
take place in you.
(DINAI 252) If you will with
faithfulness carry forward this work, you will free yourself from the grip of
personality and there will not then exist in you those barriers to group
integration which are now found. Having pointed this out to you, my brother,
let me add that you have no real cause for discouragement for you have made
real progress. You have much, as a soul, to give. Once you have freed the
channel from that which today clogs and hinders, you can greatly enrich the
group life and give much to your fellow disciples. Go forward, therefore, with
joy into a richer service and a more true self-forgetfulness. The breaking of the influence of sixth ray energy, as it expresses itself in your personality life, is
not an easy task but it is one to which you are equal. Earlier I definitely
laid the foundation for what I have here said to you for you will remember that
I referred to the sublimination of your personality.
(DINAI 254) You have for many
years reflected upon the relationship existing between your first ray
soul and your sixth ray personality.
You have realised that for you (in this incarnation) only love and service must
govern your life expression, if the ambition and pride of the first ray, and
the fanaticism of the sixth ray
with its glamour-producing characteristics are to be offset and balance
achieved. This relationship is your major problem. Let us further complicate
that problem by the recognition of the ray qualities of the three bodies!
Perhaps, however, complication will be simplified and a study of the more
detailed personality tendencies may reveal to you sources of strength and
produce clarification. It is of value to know the lines of least resistance.
Your mental body is on the
fourth ray and this can definitely be a help to you if the energy involved is
rightly used, because—though it means the achievement of harmony through
conflict—it also swings into action another second ray attribute, thus aiding
in the work of "sweetening" your nature, if I may use such a banal
word. As this ray controls your mental body, it places you, symbolically
speaking, in the warrior caste and [Page 255] leads you to fight, e'en if it be
idealistically, or at times under
the influence of glamour.
A good example of how the 6th ray
works differently in the astral body to how it works in the personality
Your astral
body is a real problem because it
the ray of the personality; it
too is on the sixth ray.
It should be remembered that the rays themselves have their secondary
attributes and just as the sixth ray—expressed in your personality—can lead to the fanatical following of the ideal (whatever that may connote to you) so the same ray
in the astral body produces the expression of devotion. In your case, this devotion constitutes for you the seed of selflessness. This
devotion where you are concerned is not devotion to your own selfish interests
but it is for you a great extroverting factor. (6th ray astral body as a great extroverting
factor) It leads you along the
way of service. When, however, two instruments or vehicles and the soul are on
the same ray, then the problems of the right balancing of forces emerges and
this has been very real in your case, has it not?
3rd ray physical body very useful
for grounding 6th ray types
You have a third ray
physical body. This gives you
contact and brings you down to earth, a thing that a sixth ray
person predominantly needs,
particularly when highly developed. It aids you in expression upon the physical
plane; it makes a focal point for the manifestation of the soul, for it is
peculiarly the ray through which the third aspect of divinity sweeps into
expression; it can produce the potency of personality expression but it can
also prove a definite hindrance.
In summing up, therefore, it
might be stated that your rays are as follows:
1. The ray of the soul—the
first Ray of Will or Power.
2. The ray of the
personality—the sixth Ray of Devotion or Idealism.
3. The ray of the mind—the
fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict.
4. The ray of the astral
body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the third Ray of Active Intelligence.
6th ray people can offset some of
their fanatical and violent activity by mastery of the Law of Cycles
The coming year will see you
facing two basic decisions. What they will be is not for me to indicate.
Through recognition of the decisive crises in life, the disciple gains the
strength to stand alone and detached, and, through the ability to stand
detached, comes the power which the divine Observer can wield if he does not
identify himself with circumstance. One of the things which will emerge during
the coming century will be a better understanding of the Law of Cycles. There
will then eventuate a comprehension of the life rhythm with its high moments,
its dark and depressed hours (I speak not in terms of emotional reaction but of
the alternates to the moments of altitude) and its difficult interludes wherein
understanding is wrought out through the action of applied reason. It is particularly
for sixth ray people to master the Law of Cycles and of rhythmic growth, for their predisposition to fanatical
and violent activity can be
offset by wise handling of the life rhythm.
(DINAI 257) I seek today to
deal with the mental problems of the disciples in this group. I told you
earlier that your mental body was conditioned by the fourth Ray of Harmony
through Conflict. This ray has been a factor which has resolved many of the
difficulties set in motion by your sixth ray personality, focussed and made more powerful
by a sixth ray astral body. The
personality is always predominantly allied with or focussed in one of its three
aspects. I will endeavour to show you now the vehicles through which the soul
ray also outstandingly expresses itself:
1. Soul energy, in your case,
seeks expression through the vital or etheric body.
2. Personality force is
focussed in the astral body.
(DINAI 258) However, as you
seek to bring about this emphasis, remember always, my brother of old, that it
must be the will-to-love which is essential to you; it is to this end that I
suggest the assigned meditation. I would suggest that you concentrate upon this
fourth ray, with its keynote of the will-to-love, expressed in harmony whilst
in the midst of conflict. In your next incarnation, you should function through
a second ray personality but this will depend upon the success of your present
effort and upon your ability to grasp the outlines of your task. You have,
therefore, to transmute your sixth ray devotional and fanatical
tendencies into spiritual love
and strength; your one-pointedness must be based on an inclusive orientation. It has, hitherto, been based on sixth ray
aspiration. In the future, it
must be founded on intelligent conviction—a very different thing, my brother,
and mental in nature.
(DINAI 261) I would ask you
also to follow a very brief meditation so that there may come about a more easy
fusion between your soul and personality, between these two ray energies—one of
which conditions you in space and the other determines you in time. The problem
is not an easy one, because your first ray energy—combining with and subduing
your sixth ray forces—will
produce a great stimulation unless you adhere closely to my instructions. The
effect will be felt in your astral body. This [Page 261] stimulation is not
desirable and must be avoided by you at all costs. If, therefore, you find that
the use of this meditation produces an increased expression of sixth ray
force and that you are becoming
increasingly potent astrally, increasingly "devoted" to what you are doing, increasingly critical and irritable and increasingly
fanatical—then promptly
discontinue its use. Work only in the heart centre when using this suggested
form and be sure no thought shifts down to the solar plexus—that open door to
the astral plane. Make a short, quick alignment with the soul. Know yourself to
be, in truth, the One Whose nature is spiritual detachment and isolation (not
separativeness or division), then pause and stabilise yourself in that
consciousness. In the secret place within the heart, let the personal self meet
the real Self face to face and let it there dedicate itself to the service of
the soul with deep consecration, devoted love and fluidic intent. By fluidic, I
mean the willingness to do what the soul requires, when registered and
recognised by you as the next duty.
To LDN-C (I-6)
(DINAI 262) And what shall I
say to you, fiery warrior in our work? Just this: In quietness and in
confidence shall be your strength and in an all-inclusive love lies your
opportunity. This, I think you know. You have made real progress in swinging
free from the limitations of a sixth ray personality during the past three years. I have
watched you now for seven years and you have broken loose in great measure from
certain very definite handicaps. That which hinders you now is mostly old
habits of thought and speech and these too must go. They must go, not through a
drastically imposed inhibition, but swept away through the inflowing tide of
You have a difficult
combination of rays, my brother, and these have powerfully conditioned your
life. Your egoic ray is the first ray and your personality ray is
the sixth Ray of Devotion. Power,
will, devotion, idealism, fanaticism—such is the combination. Fortunately for
you, in your last life, your personality ray was the second ray of love and so
it had been for several previous lives. This has greatly aided in off-setting
the dynamic destructive effects of your sixth ray force. Of this you should be very glad.
(DINAI 299) It is difficult
for me to know just what to say to you at this difficult half year period. The
past few months have been times of difficulty to you, but they have
nevertheless been times of real growth, even if you yourself sense it not. Yet,
regarding yourself as a member of your group you have offered but little to the
united group life of your brothers. This may perhaps be somewhat due to a
misconception as to the true significance of my purpose. It is so
difficult for a person who has [Page 299] sixth ray qualities predominantly
present (either as the result of
this life's direction, or as carried over as predisposing influences from
another life, as is your case), to realise the one-pointed intention (using this word in the sense in which the Catholic
uses it) of a group. One's own point of view, one's own dharma, one's own
problems and one's own unfoldment are followed so one-pointedly and—complicating the difficulty—with such
truly right and high motives.
When to this is added an intensely critical mind, the problem is doubly hard.
But, brother of old, your intense inner loyalty to truth, your truly developed
selflessness, your strong link with the Hierarchy as a pledged disciple, and
your clearsightedness are contributions to the group life of such value, that I
ask you today to attempt to reintegrate yourself into the group in a true and
selfless manner.
(DINAI 315) Your astral
body is on the sixth ray but, as
in the case of I.B.S., its major quality is devotion and devoted persistence, and not fanaticism. This energy is of immense value to you because it is, curiously
enough, your only link with the great second ray of love in this particular
incarnation. But it is a strong and powerful link.
Your physical body is
controlled by the seventh ray, and this, as you will note, is also along the
line of 1, 3, 5, 7. This is a point upon which you should ponder and reflect,
for the aggregate of your ray tendencies constitutes for you a problem, and
your sixth ray energy contributes the only balancing factor. And yet, my brother, you are in many respects well
balanced. One hint I would here give to you in this connection and to all of
you who study these instructions. The ray of the personality in a previous
life leaves definite habits of thought and of activity; it has built into the life rhythm certain
unalterable tendencies for which much gratitude can sometimes be felt. This is
so in your own life. In a previous incarnation, your personality
was on the second ray, thus
leaving you with a deeply loving and understanding nature and a power to
include, which is a major asset; it serves to offset the first ray tendencies
which are so dominant in this particular life. It is hard for the disciple who
sees not the picture whole, and who only knows the quality of the present life
and its natural tendencies (due to ray influence) to think truly about himself.
Your rays therefore are:
1. The egoic ray—the first
Ray of Will or Power.
2. The personality ray—the fifth
Ray of Concrete Knowledge
3. The ray of the mental
body—the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge.
4. The ray of the astral
body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic.
(DINAI 320) You yourself have
a ray combination very similar to that of R.S.U., but owing to your sixth ray
astral body, the personality
situation is saved. There is, as you know, a preponderance of the
will-mind-activity in you but a powerful and well developed astral body has enabled you to express the love nature which you
brought to a fairly high point of development in a previous life. This life has
been for you a balancing one and [Page 320] when you return again it should be
with a second ray personality because the shift of this life expression, in
combination with the last life, should bring about the evocation of a second
ray personality, intelligently equilibrised.
(DINAI 322) I would say to
you, my brother, that the instructions which I last gave to you still carry for
you the needed teaching—a teaching which, if followed, will lead to
realisation. I have today but little to add. Will you again and with a lighted
heart read what I there have said? Your progress on the Way and your power to
take the
(DINAI 336) Your emotional
body is on the sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism; hence your devotion to those you love, to truth
and (unknown and unrealised by you) to me, your Tibetan brother and teacher. Hence also your devotion to the
Hierarchy which I serve. Hence also the interplay between your sixth ray
personality and your sixth ray astral body which provides both spiritual opportunity but also a
definite problem.
1. The soul ray—the first Ray
of Will or Power.
2. The personality ray—the
sixth Ray of Devotion.
3. The ray of the mind—the
second Ray of Love-Wisdom.
4. The ray of the astral
body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the first Ray of Power.
(DINAI 344) There are also to
be found three sixth ray lines of force. These produce that definite drive which tends
towards ultimate success, but also a drift towards fanaticism. This must be guarded against; for disciples in
training, fanaticism is not desirable. In this brief analysis of the ray forces
present in this group, it is apparent that you should find points of contact.
The problem of two of your fellow disciples, though not definitely similar, has
many resemblances from the angle of the soul. May I add here, that the point of
evolution of the disciples and their status upon the Path of Discipleship lies
[Page 345] entirely between them, their own souls and myself, and need not
engage the attention of any other person. It is an entirely futile speculation
on the part of personalities. I have only called your attention to these points
of rapport, because of their value in group integration……..
(DINAI 350) Your astral
body is on the sixth ray and this
is one of the factors which links you so closely to several of your fellow
disciples. Both your major rays, as you will have noted are the same as R.S.W.
You can see how potent a part you can play in this life if the force or
influence which flows through you, via your emotional nature, is rightly
directed by your soul. Being on the same line of energy as the soul—2, 4, 6—a
line of least resistance for soul force is found.
1. The egoic ray—the second
Ray of Love-Wisdom.
2. The personality ray—the
seventh Ray of Order or Magic.
3. The ray of the mental
body—the fifth Ray of Concrete Science.
[Page 351]
4. The ray of the astral
body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the seventh Ray of Order or Magic.
(DINAI 352) The seventh ray
in your personality and physical body gives you the desire to use your hands
and it determines your life work, because the hands are the agents of the
magician and you are most definitely upon the Path of the White Magician. Your sixth ray
astral body has given you your idealism, and the one-pointedness of your fifth ray mind has determined the
nature of your mental approach to problems and to people; but you lack certain
qualities which would supplement your life expression and which would round out
your nature. You need more skill in action, a more firmly focussed will to
understand; thus you will bring more of your brain cells into activity through
the exercise of the third ray qualities. Ponder on this, but become not
over-serious about it.
(DINAI 407) For you, there
must now be a period of steadfast stabilising of that which has been acquired,
and a gentle outgoing to your world of friends. Let them reveal themselves to
you. They will, when patient loving gentleness meets them all the time. Inclusiveness
must take the place of your sixth ray one-pointedness, for that one-pointedness has in it the quality
of piercing, and this focussed
work you have carried forward long enough. Your sixth ray has also given you a sensitive emotional nature which means a solar plexus too active in its
functioning. This you know well.
Upon this, the heart quality must supervene. More I will give you later, but
the above hints will give you that which you need, if you ponder duly upon my
words, and resent not what I say. My problem is to train each of you so that
you serve the group without personality hindrances and separativeness....
(DINAI 413) 1. The soul ray—the seventh Ray of
Order or Magic.
2. The personality ray—the sixth Ray
of Devotion.
3. The ray of the mental
body—the first Ray of Power or Will. Hence the facility with which you can
bring in energy.
4. The ray of the astral
body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the third Ray of Active Intelligence.
A first ray mind can offset the failure of the
6th ray astral body to understand the larger issues
(DINAI 415) Another source of
your trouble is to be found in your sixth ray astral body (the ray of idealistic, fanatical devotion) for it produces
a real lack of balance, an undue
attention to details of process, and of devotion to those details from the
emotional satisfaction which
comes from this attention; this brings about a failure to understand the larger
issues and an inability to move
gently on the Way. This your first ray mental nature can offset if you will
give it a chance and live more in your mind and less in your feelings and emotional
reactions. Your third ray physical
body inclines you to great physical activity (such as rapid movement and rapid
speech); it keeps you working at something all the time and often at something
quite unproductive of good results, and not proportionate to the labour
(DINAI 427) Let me tell you
the rays of your threefold lower nature. It is needless for me to remind you
that your soul ray is the second and your personality ray is the sixth.
Your mental body is on the
first ray, and I think if you will study this with care, much of your present
problem will become clear to you.
Your astral body is also
governed by the first ray. This is an exception to the general rule that
the second and sixth rays govern the astral bodies of all humanity. This rule varies occasionally in the case of
disciples. This combination of a first ray mental body and a first ray astral
body is interesting and provides you with a definitely difficult problem, for
the necessity to balance and to achieve equilibrium, is enhanced in your case.
However, it also makes possible an easier control of the astral body by the
mind, if you so choose—and you do.
The ray of your physical body
is the seventh. This I presume you have already guessed. Your rays therefore
1. The soul ray—the second
Ray of Love-Wisdom.
2. The personality ray—the sixth Ray
of Devotion. Idealism.
3. The mental body—the first
Ray of Will or Power.
[page 428]
4. The astral body—the first
Ray of Will or Power.
5. The physical body—the
seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic.
One of the interesting things
to be noted (as one studies your ray tendencies) is that all your three bodies
are on the line of 1-3-5-7, yet your personality ray is on the 6th, on the line of
(DINAI 437) The only other
thing I seek to do today is to tell you the nature of your personality rays and
thereby bring you to a clearer understanding of yourself. As you know, your
egoic or soul ray is the second Ray of Love-Wisdom, and your personality
ray is the sixth Ray of Devotion.
There is no need for me to do more than indicate to you that the following
contacts are easy for you to make, owing to this combination.
1. A contact with your soul.
This is already made and established.
2. A contact with the
Hierarchy, through the medium of your soul.
3. Contact with the astral
plane, through your sixth ray personality which functions easily, therefore, on the sixth plane, the astral.
4. Contact with ideas,
through an active intuition.
These are definitely assets
and are the hallmark of the advanced disciple. This I think you know without my
telling you. But all these contacts involve the handling of force and present
their own unique problems.
Your astral
body is on the sixth ray, as is
your personality, and this greatly aids you in your life task, provided that
you [page 438] use the astral body as the medium of soul expression and not as
an agent, per se, on the astral plane. This ray force gives you devotion,
idealism, a dynamic will to pierce through all glamours and misconceptions and thus achieve truth and freedom, both for yourself and for your
group and those you serve. It could give you also, if you permitted it, a
tendency to be yourself glamoured and overcome by illusion.
(DINAI 447) Your astral
body is on the sixth ray. This, I
think, you have yourself suspected. This gives you intensity in aspiration and the
dynamic will to push forward
which has sufficed hitherto to carry you over all obstacles. You have succeeded
in avoiding the usual difficulties of personality development where the sixth ray
is concerned, and fanatical
adherences to people or schools of thought. That is good. The transmuted, reoriented, higher
attributes of those qualities should be your goal.
5th ray personality with 6th
ray astral body makes it hard to grasp
the larger issues
(DINAI 452) The process of
expanding your consciousness to grasp the larger issue is never easy, particularly with a fifth ray personality and a sixth ray
astral body. That is why you have
a mental body which is conditioned by the fourth ray; your battle for vision
and inclusiveness must be fought out in the mind and on realised mental levels;
that is for you definitely a mental issue. Your task is to link the emotional
and the intuitional nature and so evoke spiritual sensitivity to revelation. To
that, you must add the conscious bringing through of the unfolding light into
the area of the physical brain, thus making what [page 453] you know and see
available to others. This must be done in three ways:
(DINAI 466) To aid in the
process of balancing and off-setting the danger, your soul chose a seventh ray
physical body. This is of real assistance to you and helps in the synthesis of
the two lines of energy. Your rays therefore are:
1. The soul ray—the second
Ray of Love-Wisdom.
2. The personality ray—the sixth Ray
of Devotion or Idealism.
3. The ray of the mental
body—the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict.
4. The ray of the astral
body—the first Ray of Will or Power.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order.
(DINAI 486) Your astral
body is on the sixth ray and this
intensifies your Taurian tendencies for, as the Bull rushes straight forward seeing only
that which lies directly ahead, so does the sixth ray fanatic. When, however, this aptitude is applied to the path of
service, much progress can be made. Herein lies a hint to you.
The personality ray can colour the ray type of
physical body
Your physical body is upon
the third ray but so strong is your personality ray, the first (for you are an
integrated personality), that it colours the nature, type and quality of your physical
body which is definitely not a
third ray type. Your rays, therefore, are:
1. The soul ray—second Ray of
2. The ray of the
personality—first Ray of Will or Power.
3. The ray of the mind—fourth
Ray of Harmony through Conflict.
4. The ray of the astral
body—sixth Ray of Devotion or Idealism.
5. The ray of the physical
body—third Ray of Active Intelligence.
The 6th ray astral body is
subservient to either the personality or soul ray
(DINAI 520) Your astral
body is governed by the sixth ray
and is as yet largely subservient to the will of the personality. This leads you to devote yourself to your personality
surroundings and to the
conditions which karmically you have evoked.
Your physical
body is also on the sixth ray
which makes it—and, therefore, your brain—predominantly the servant
of your astral body but it also
makes you intuitive or astral-buddhic. Therefore, I would have you note that,
in your case, there is an exception to the usual rule controlling the physical
body, for very few physical bodies are on the sixth ray, as is yours.
1. The soul ray—the second
Ray of Love-Wisdom.
2. The personality ray—the sixth Ray
of Devotion.
3. The ray of the mind—the
fifth Ray of Concrete Science.
[page 521]
4. The ray of the astral
body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
It will be clear to you,
therefore, that much of your problem can be summed up by the recognition of the
relation existing between the personality, the astral body and the physical
body. The physical body and the astral body are, therefore, automatically the
servants of the personality. Yet the relation between the sixth and the second
rays is so close that the problem of your soul is not insuperable in this life.
(DINAI 524) You have made
real progress. That is the first thing I wish to say to you. A little more
clear thinking and acceptance of the facts which you know about yourself will
set you free. Your problem is difficult. It is not based upon the difficulties
of your life, for your life problem is not at all unusual—though you have given
unusual attention to it. It is based upon the fact that you have a sixth ray
personality, a sixth ray astral body and a sixth ray physical body. This constitutes a terrific combination of forces,
but you assumed the responsibility of handling these forces in order to break the
sixth ray hold which that type of
energy has had on you for three lives in sequence. You have reached the age of
sixty (or is it a little more, my brother?) and have not yet broken it.
Therefore, your soul purpose has not yet been fulfilled. The differences
between your attitude now and your attitude thirty years ago is that then you
did not realise what it was all about and now you do. Then you had, in reality,
no responsibility for you did not know the nature of the task to be done. But,
through soul contact, you do know now what the problem is and your responsibility
to do something definite is, consequently, heavy. The glamour of ties and
relationships has held you for years. The personality umbilical cord still
links you to your children and it should have been severed (and rightly
severed) several years ago. It would have been of real benefit both to you and
to them. This, you know well when the glamour of the responsibilities of
motherhood is not upon you. You
have to realise now that you have no such responsibility.
6th ray astral body can give a measure
of narrowness
(DINAI 540) Your astral
body is upon the sixth ray. This
gives you the one-pointedness which is such an asset to any disciple, but it also gives a measure of
narrowness which at times handicaps you.
Up to 130
(DINAI 540) Your rays are, therefore:
1. The soul ray—the second
Ray of Love-Wisdom.
2. The personality ray—the
fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict.
3. The ray of the mental
body—the fifth Ray of Concrete Science.
4. The ray of the astral
body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the third Ray of Active Intelligence.
(DINAI 550) Your astral
body is on the sixth Ray of Devotion or Idealism. This accounts for much in your life interests, which
provides opportunity for service and indicates certain lines of impressionability.
These require watching and
necessitate correct interpretation. Upon this suggestion, I would ask you to
ponder, remembering that when the astral body is upon the sixth ray there is
necessarily established a line of least resistance between it and the sixth plane, for you have the sixth vehicle, the sixth plane, and
the sixth ray all closely
related. Students would do well to bear these relationships in mind, for the lines of
least resistance are seldom
the lines to be followed. Yet, at
times, they are. Hence the need for discriminating consideration.
(DINAI 556) 1. What exactly
is the vision, as I see it, in connection with my immediate unfoldment?
2. What will be the practical
outcome in my daily, outer life of the materialising of this vision?
3. What will be the quality
of the experience when I have made it fact in my mind and brain consciousness?
You see, my brother, you are
essentially the occultist, being a first ray soul and working through a fifth
ray personality. This is a combination of great value but it carries with it
its limitations because it is entirely along one major line of energy, [page
556] 1-3-5-7, and this is intensified by the fact that your mental body is on
the third ray and your physical body is on the first. This last force type
utilised by you in the physical body runs counter to the usual rule but with
disciples the rule is not unchangeable. You will see, therefore, how the line
of the will or power energy, intelligently applied, dominates your equipment in
this life. Your astral body is on the sixth ray; this constitutes your "door of
entrance" to the major ray of the solar system, and to the Heart of God and of your fellowmen. In your
next incarnation, you will need to balance this condition, and the balancing
will only take place as is desired, if the impetus for it originates through
the potency of the love which your astral body can succeed in expressing in this incarnation.
Therefore, for the remainder of your present life, the right unfoldment and the
achieved control of the love nature, as your sentient astral body can express
it, is of paramount importance. It is essential for your rapid integration into
the hierarchy of souls and servers.
This disciple had a 6th ray
personality in his last incarnation actuated
by the will aspect of devotion which according to DK has resulted in a 1st
ray astral body in this incarnation
(DINAI 566) In connection
with your rays, my brother, it is of interest to you to know, as I have earlier
told you, that your soul ray is the second and your personality ray is the sixth, both these rays being along the one line of 2.4.6.
It is necessary that there should be some conscious and definite rounding out.
This over-balance is accentuated also by the fact that your mental body is upon
the fourth ray, thus completing the direct representation of this line of
divine energy. As you will naturally see, this complicates your problem
considerably, because the line of least resistance, when it is as powerful as
it is in your case, becomes a definite hindrance.
Like a few others in my
group, your astral body is not found upon the usual rays. These are normally
either the sixth or the second, but
you have a first ray astral body and the focus of your personality power is found in your emotional nature. This is a residue
of a sixth ray personality in
your last incarnation, which
was one of great potency and wilfully actuated by what I might call the will
aspect of devotion. I know that
you will comprehend that to which I refer.
1. The soul ray—the second
Ray of Love-Wisdom.
2. The personality ray—the sixth Ray
of Devotion.
3. The ray of the mental
body—the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict.
4. The ray of the astral
body—the first Ray of Will or Power.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the third Ray of Active Intelligence.
(DINAI 568) Thoughts, brother
of mine, are things; they are creative, creating and created entities, and
every time anyone sees this thoughtform of me and responds to it, he increases
its strength and power. From its magnetic aura, my disciples and followers must
free themselves, for it is but man's thought of me, and not I myself. It can
side-track and delude you; it can speak good words of mediocre cheer and
encouragement, but they are not my words, and this I would have you bear in
mind. Your sixth ray personality and
your first ray astral body make you prone to this beautiful yet deceptive
force, flowing from an illusory form.
(DINAI 572) First, brother of
mine, let me readjust your ideas as to yourself. You are a sixth ray
soul, functioning through a first ray personality. In telling you this, I indicate to you your group
contribution and likewise your individual problem. Your personality
polarisation is predominantly mental. For you, one-pointedness both in soul
matters and personality relationships is the line of least resistance; you have
a one-pointed approach to problems, conditions, and situations which in many
cases constitutes a one-pointed attack. I say this not from a spirit of
criticism, for it is the right use of this faculty and its re-orientation which
will land you before the Portal of Initiation. This I hold before you with
deliberation and not as an inducement to progress or even as an encouragement
but as a prophecy of a probability. You are on the Path of Discipleship.
My problem is, therefore, to
aid you to do this—as easily and as intelligently as possible. The secret of
success lies for you, in an effort to shift your focus of attention
out of the head and into the heart.
This, incidentally, may aid the head condition of which you complain. Your
monadic ray is the second ray and
hence your soul, being on a minor ray, must transfer to that line. As you know,
the sequence of activity is ever the transfer of the fourth
and sixth rays on to the second
and the third, of the fifth and the seventh rays on to the first ray.
(DINAI 580) Let us have a
talk today upon the difficulties of the Way and thus seek to discover what are
the hindrances and the problems which you have to face. A great deal of the
difficulty, incident upon the intense fluidity of your mind, is based on the
fact that you are transferring off the sixth ray on to the second; thus, in this egoic shift, there is a transference of energy. You are passing
through an interim period. One or two of my other disciples are also occupied
with the same task but they have nearly completed that task. The effect upon
some of them is largely physical and also upon the heart centre. With you, the
effect has been felt in the mental body and in the throat centre. The physical condition which troubles you has not
originated in connection with this shift.
(DINAI 583) Your astral
body is upon the sixth ray and
here again lies for you a problem. Upon it I need not enlarge, beyond reminding
you that a sixth ray astral body (where a disciple is concerned) predicates
intense adherence to a line of thought, [page 583] to an idea, a group, a person or an attitude or to a preconceived notion. These may be right or
wrong but the tendency to adherence is powerfully present and can be a great
asset or a major hindrance. In any case—again for a disciple—any idée fixe
(beyond that of a right spiritual orientation) can be a deterrent to progress,
if fanatically motivated.
……..Your rays can, therefore,
be stated to be:
1. The soul ray—the second
Ray of Love-Wisdom.
2. The personality ray—the
first Ray of Power.
3. The ray of the mind—the
first Ray of Power.
4. The ray of the astral
body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order.
(DINAI 586) Your first ray
mind has tended to bring about in you the following conditions:
A sense (sometimes
unrealised) of separativeness. Where you have been non-separative, it has been
because you have forced yourself to cooperate, and yet you were, all the time,
conscious of it. Cooperation and human contacts are easy for you in theory, but
difficult in fact, and would have been hitherto impossible had it not been for
your sixth ray emotional body
and the steady beat of your loving soul—now emerging into control.
(DINAI 588) I would like to
point out two things also: First, your sixth ray astral body—sensitive, finely organised
and motivated by high aspiration—is
swept into dramatic, over-emphasised action very frequently because it reacts to
the violent impact of your first ray personality and mind. Let this end. Train your emotions [page 588] to
respond to your second ray soul and for a period at least eliminate
the mind from astral control. Can
you do this? If you can, you will balance and round out your nature, for the
dominating factors will then be:
1. The soul, working through
the astral body and controlling your heart light.
2. The personality, working
through the mind and controlling all group relations, making them intelligent
and presenting to the soul and heart the service of a mind and brain, attuned
to the loving, intelligent impulses of the group life.
(DINAI 597) The two
suggestions which I seek to make and on which I ask you to work for the next
twelve months are as follows:
First: Forget your karmic
relationship with me and give no time in your thoughts to the Tibetan. This
will be hard for you to do, but remember that I am only one who stands by and
who offers opportunity, seeking for those who will lose themselves in service. Your
sixth ray devotion has turned
your effort towards astral recognition more than to unity and at-one-ment in the great work.
(DINAI 609) A fresh cycle of
work is opening up before you at this time, and this is the result of the
attention which you have paid to my instructions and to the response which you
have given to the effort of your soul to release your personality from glamour.
May I point out to you that very often, after a certain measure of glamour has
been overcome (as is the case with you), that illusion can then step in? I
would warn you against two such illusions:
[page 609]
a. The illusion that glamour
no longer can hold sway over you. Constant watchfulness will be necessary.
b. The illusion
of selection and reward. To this,
sixth ray aspirants are more than
usually prone.
(DINAI 609) First of all, I
would say to you: Take not yourself so seriously. The world still proceeds upon
its way and the planet continues to revolve whether you serve or not. Lower the
intensity of your vibration. You can serve and your service is needed. All
servers are needed at this time. You have been through a drastic disciplining
and should have learnt much; but you will nullify your usefulness and shorten
your period of service through your intense earnestness. Remember, you have to
offset constantly your sixth ray personality. Will you comprehend me if I say that you never
evidence any imagination or excitement except along the lines of discipleship,
and that then you evidence too much? I will give you some verses later on in
this instruction, upon which I will ask you to ponder and reflect, not in your
meditation (for I would have you follow only your group meditation) but during
the day. Be balanced, my brother, and remember that work for us embraces many
things, e'en hours of relaxation, and it most certainly necessitates the use of
the discrimination in ascertaining the essentials and separating them from the
(DINAI 611) I would recall to
you certain remarks which I made in my last instruction. With your usual
aptitude to select that which your personality prefers, and which intrigues
your sense of sin (I say this with a smile, brother, but the dramatic
glamour of the sixth ray person,
working in the Piscean Christian age, loves public conviction of wrong
doing) and, feeding your sense of
drama, enables you to say: "Now I know," when you do not. You
emphasised that which was obvious, and ignored the real things with which I
sought to reach you. What were the points of real importance in my last
communication to you? I will list them briefly:
1. The illusion
of selection and reward to which,
I warned you (as a sixth ray person) you were prone.
(DINAI 618) Spiritual
radiation holds the key to your successful service, and the careful watching of
your lower sixth and third ray tendencies. You must be prepared for tests and difficulties
until you have proved yourself; these seldom come the expected way. One of your
major safeguards is ever, as I have already told you, to adhere to and carry
forward the next duty and to concentrate upon that which has been undertaken.
Avoid that which lies outside the periphery of the work, regarding anything
else as a sidetrack for you.
(DINAI 624) Since your entry
into my group of disciples there is a growing evidence of the awakening of the
heart centre and this should give you encouragement. Let us work more
definitely at that. I seek not to interfere at this time with your meditation
but you have recognised that, in the press of work and for the period of the
next few years, your work can be directed by me, if so you will, and thus, for
a brief period, you have voluntarily submitted to the suggestions of a second
ray disciple, myself. The pressure of work on the Masters Morya and K.H. is
such that some of us are lifting what we can off Their shoulders. In the same
way the Master Hilarion is lifting a good deal of the work of training sixth ray disciples
off the shoulders of the Master Jesus. A number of inner adjustments are going on in the exigencies of the
stress of this cycle. It is one work, my brother, and all forces are
expressions of the energy of love and the potencies of wisdom.
(DINAI 633) Your astral body
is under the influence of the sixth Ray of Devotion and hence your early interest in things Piscean and
[page 633] your strong Christian tendency. Hence, also, your strong emotional nature which is, however, well controlled, largely because in this life you have a masculine
As you might well imagine,
your physical body is conditioned by the seventh ray. Upon this I need not
enlarge. You are, therefore, a composite aggregate of forces, as follows:
1. The soul ray—first Ray of
Will or Power.
2. The personality ray—the
seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order.
3. The ray of the mind—the
fourth Ray of Harmony.
4. The ray of the astral
body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order.
(DINAI 637) I am speaking
with frankness because I want to see you released from this condition and from
the impasse at which you have arrived. I would ask you, therefore, that
—whether you accept my conclusion or not is immaterial—you give ten minutes
each morning to achieving the attitude and altitude of the soul and from that
point (or as high a point as you find it possible to attain at any given time)
to think through the arguments for and against your present life attitude and
interests. Endeavour to see, as you so do, that soul and brain are brought en
rapport—a thing which seldom happens with you. If you can do some clear
thinking along this line, you will rapidly free yourself from glamour. Forget not, your sixth ray astral body intensifies
your problem for it leads you to
be devoted to the superficial phenomena which you regard as realities....
(DINAI 646) Your personality
ray is the sixth. This gives you power
upon the astral plane and, in
consequence, it gives you a powerful and sensitive astral body with all the implications of success and failure
which go with that situation.
The close juxtaposition of
your soul and personality rays is an asset, not a hindrance. This leads to
quick results on the physical plane when both types of energy are
simultaneously applied. Ponder on this.
(DINAI 647) Your astral
body is upon the sixth ray so
that it will be obvious to you that through that vehicle your personality will
find the least resistance; there also lies the need for watchful supervision.
This I think you know and there is no need for me to elaborate this theme.
You have a first ray physical
body. This is the only vehicle or energy of expression in your equipment which
is on one of the major rays.
Curiously enough, this fact indicates to those of us who watch on the inner
side that your monadic ray is the first and that later, in your next life, it will be
necessary for you to shift the centre of your egoic or soul attention on to the
second ray. The shift of emphasis
has in it the main objective of this present incarnation and hence your
possession of a sixth ray personality and astral body. This devoted, idealistic one-pointedness is an aid
to you in your soul's enterprise. I know that this will give you much food for
thought and instigate you to renewed purpose in your life endeavour.
1. The soul ray—seventh Ray
of Ceremonial Order.
2. The ray of the personality—sixth
Ray of Devotion.
3. The ray of the mental
body—fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict.
4. The ray of the astral
body—sixth Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the physical
body—first Ray of Will or Power.
The qualities which you
should cultivate are persistence, expansion, and strength, applied with love.
(DINAI 659) Your astral
body is definitely sixth ray and
hence predisposes you to Piscean attitudes, emotional idées fixes, violent astral
storms, great devotions which
call your emotional reactions into play on matters and subjects which, in this
day of world suffering and crisis, do not warrant attention and constitute an
easy tuning-in on glamour and illusion.
(DINAI 665) Your personality
ray is the sixth ray, as you may
have often suspected. This will link you closely by similarity of vibration
with your brothers, D.H.B. and D.I.J.
(DINAI 666) Your astral body
is closely linked with your soul and governed by the second ray, thus making
for you the line of least resistance in this life. For you, the line of
feeling-intuition, of astral-buddhic approach has been the way. It is right here
that the fourth ray problem of your mind has its major difficulty [page 666]
and this for the following reason: In this life your major vibration runs
along the line of
(Soul, personality, mental, astral 2,6,4,2)
Your rays, therefore, are:
1. The ray of the soul—the
second Ray of Love-Wisdom.
2. The ray of the personality—the
sixth Ray of Devotion.
3. The ray of the mental
body—the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict.
4. The ray of the astral
body—the second Ray of Love-Wisdom.
5. The ray of the physical
body—the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order.
(DINAI 667) It may be of
assistance to you and complete the information given in your first personal
instructions, if I were to indicate the points of contact through which your
soul and your personality primarily work:
1. In this incarnation, your ego or
soul is seeking expression through your astral body. There lies for you the line of least resistance. This established contact will rapidly transmute
sixth ray devotion into universal and non-critical love. It will give you what I might call horizontal
inclusiveness as well as vertical one-pointedness. Ponder on this.
[page 668]
2. Your personality force is
focussed in your seventh ray brain. This gives you the power to plan, to
organise, and also the power to give form to ideas. Ponder also on this.
(DINAI 718) b. Isolated unity
is connected with the mental plane, is governed by the fifth Ray of Concrete
Knowledge or Science, and is a reflection of the will-to-know. Isolated
identity is connected with the astral plane, is governed by the sixth Ray of
Devotion or Idealistic Sensitivity
and is a reflection—distorted and unstable—of the will-to-love. Isolated
individuality is connected with expression upon the physical plane, is governed
by the third Ray of Active Intelligence, and is a reflection—again distorted
and unsure—of the will-to-be.
6th ray people do
not know how to cooperate
(DINAII 86) Throw yourselves
behind those who have made themselves responsible—under F.B.—for the Triangles
and Goodwill work. Make their work possible and avoid interference; they will
make mistakes, and these you will be prompt to note; your sole duty is to stand
by. Mistakes do not matter if clarity of vision, spiritual persistence and love
accompany them. Keep the personnel of the work as far as possible masculine
[Page 86] and put no sixth ray people in positions of influence; they know not how to cooperate and are frequently
points of dissension and dislike.
(DINAII 221) The sixth ray
disciple is active also in organising the mystical aspiration of the masses of men everywhere which is in itself a most potent
energy; these aspirational men (no matter what may be their immediate
aspiration) are necessarily polarised upon the astral plane but are not yet
capable of the clear mental perception of the massed intelligentsia or
susceptible to the influence of the accurate, esoteric approach. Their guided,
mystical orientation will be one of the most powerful factors in the
destruction of the old values and in the massed recognition of the spiritual truth
which underlies all life; it is with this reorientation that sixth ray
disciples, wielding sixth ray energy, are occupied at this time. You need to remember that the one-pointed attitude of
the mystic, functioning in group formation, will be a powerful factor in the
creative work being done by the Hierarchy and by the New Group of World
Servers, because theirs will be a massed effect, and usually wielded
(DINAII 260) b. Part of the
world glamour is thus dissipated and thus a clarifying of the astral plane
takes place and humanity is consequently served. Every disciple who arrives at
a recognition of the initiate-revelation releases light and dissipates a part
of the glamour which blinds the mass of men. The sixth ray disciple takes far longer
over this stage of penetration
than do disciples on the other rays but only in this world cycle.
(DINAII 337) Group initiation
has been forced upon the Hierarchy by the rapid unfoldment of the spiritual
consciousness in humanity, an unfoldment which demonstrates—no matter what the
ray—as goodwill. This goodwill is not to be interpreted as the sentimental
sixth or second ray untrained
aspirant is prone to interpret it. It can take many forms: it can show itself
as sacrifice on the part of science and a dedication of the fruits of
scientific research to human welfare; it may take shape in the third ray
aptitude to dedicate great wealth to philanthropic or educational enterprises.
In neither of these cases is the disciple apparently distinguished by a so-called
loving nature. Yet the results of their application to science or their
accumulation of the crystallised prana of the financial world are turned to the
helping of mankind. This will be a hard saying for some of you who rate an
irritable remark by a co-disciple as something disgraceful and belittle the
efforts of the money-maker, and do both with a sense of self-righteous
6th ray people
find it hard to learn correct timing
(DINAII 395) I wonder,
brother of mine, if you can realise that a hint is not a hint as long as it
fails to give you direction and the power to move forward. A hint is not a
static point of information. Correctly approached, it becomes the dynamic,
underlying next step forward upon the Path of Return. It is there that the
words "in time and space" come to have significance. One of the first
things which a disciple has to learn is correct timing, both as regards his own experimental spiritual life
and in relation to the work which he may be doing under hierarchical impression
in the world of everyday affairs. It is one of the hardest lessons to learn,
particularly during the stage wherein the disciple can be easily swayed by
impulsive, emotional enthusiasm; it is a peculiarly hard thing for people upon
the sixth Ray of Idealism or
Devotion to grasp.
6th ray people can
easily form a group around themselves but cannot hold it for very long
(DINAII 477) 2. The Robe of
Rose. The symbolism here, my brother, is obvious. Rose is the colour of
devotion, and of that quality you have a full supply. It is however to its
magnetic attractive quality, as it affects others rather than yourself, that I
seek to draw your attention. People of pledged devotion are those who have
reached a point where that devotion is in no way a hindrance; it is seemingly a
safeguard, [Page 477] simplifying their lives. Because of that fixed devotion,
they can walk undeviatingly upon the Way. But they are apt to forget
that—equally because of that devotion—they ray forth a quality which stimulates
its correspondence in others. That is why sixth ray people can easily form a group
around themselves. But they seldom
succeed in holding those thus attracted for very long, because they do not understand the reason for this
facility and ascribe it ever to wrong causes. Only your astral
body is upon the sixth ray of devotion, but that makes it potent indeed and, in your case, produces that
sense of inferiority to which I referred above. I would ask you to change your
point of view and to regard your sixth ray astral body as a powerful piece of
equipment to be used in service.
In these two symbolic phrases
we have related the heart centre to the head centre, and likewise the heart
centre to the astral body.
Rays of Catholic Church are
(DINAII 506) One reason why I
have emphasised the need for attachment in this instruction is that right
attachment releases the love of the soul, and only love, consciously,
intelligently and deliberately applied, can make for successful work, both in
Europe and South America—your two recognised fields of service. Only your
second ray personality will have the capacity to reawaken contact with your
students in
(DINAII 513) You are as yet a
comparatively young man. The crux of your whole problem is to be found in the
shift which you [Page 513] are supposed to make this incarnation from the minor ray,
the sixth Ray of Devotion, to a major ray, the second Ray of Love-Wisdom. When you have accomplished this, you will
take initiation. The task is
however a stupendous one because as an accepted disciple in the technical sense
of the word, the characteristics of the sixth ray—owing to your having a
sixth ray astral body—are very pronounced and dominant. This condition is aggravated (if I might so express
it) by your having a first ray personality. When, as in your case, the
polarisation is in the astral body and so the energy of power pours in, the
situation becomes acute, which is to be expected. Fortunately, disciples are driven
by intensity and devotion to take the needed steps which will bring release and
a consequent moving forward, and the incarnation wherein they do this is always
peculiarly circumstanced, subjectively at least, even if the exoteric life is
of no major interest. This is not so with you. In your case the following
conditions embody your problem and hence your opportunity:
The intense difficulty of
shifting from one ray to another ray. The aspiration of your sixth ray astral
body must be lifted on to the plane
of knowledge. The power of sense realisation must become divine wisdom through
surety. Vision must give place to intuitive focussed perception—a very
different thing, my friend.
(DINAII 513) 2. You were born in
the sign Gemini which again
presents its own peculiar problems. You vibrate between the pairs of opposites
in a very pronounced and definite manner—as does A.A.B. The point of balance
and of equilibrium is ever a difficult one for the disciple to achieve in this
3. Your first ray personality
works through a physical body which is on the same ray so that a triple first
ray energy again complicates your life theme because all these forces are
concentrated in the lower nature. This could lead (in the case of a pledged
disciple) to a powerful and distracting spiritual ambition which in a group
leader—such as you are—would be a detriment to the group. Where the astral
body is on the sixth ray [Page
514] and devotion is dominant, the glamour of devotion can veil the reality of any existent ambition.
(DINAII 516) My relation to
you is slightly different to that which I face when approaching the bulk of the
members of my Ashram; you belong, as does F.B., to the Ashram of the Master
Morya. You have been assigned to my Ashram on account of the nature of the
vibratory activity of your astral body, and because—owing to your own definite
soul choice—you are shifting on to the second ray of love-wisdom. You might
well ask, therefore, how it happens that your orientation has been towards the
Master M. and that you have been affiliated with His Ashram. The reason is to
be found in the fact that your personality, your mental nature and your
physical body are all upon the first ray, and that consequently the power of
your intelligent and focussed mind has driven you into the aura of the leading
first ray Ashram, and has held you there. Closer participation was not
possible, owing to your sixth ray soul, whose natural and predetermined destiny was to fuse its
secondary energy with the energy of the second ray, thus opening the door for you into a second
ray Ashram. It was felt,
therefore, that I (through the medium of my Ashram) could provide those
conditions which would facilitate this transition and at the same time prepare
you for the next great spiritual expansion of consciousness—the initiation of
which you know. This will mark the consummation of this major life cycle.
As you know, and as I have
before pointed out, you have a profound task of balancing to carry out, owing
to the ray [Page 517] energies which at this time condition your life. Three
aspects of the first ray and two aspects of the sixth intensify each
other. Were you not the advanced
disciple which you are, they would be liable to produce a life and karmic
expression of a fanatical self-will.
To this difficult situation of balancing must be added the difficulties always
entailed in a transitional life wherein a major transfer must be effected. To
all this again must be added the present world condition, wherein the Shamballa
force is abroad and potently affecting those natures which have a preponderance
of first ray aptitudes. You have thus no easy time, my brother. This you
realise, and I too know it, and stand by.
It was for this reason that I
have urged you for some years to concentrate upon the book "The Way into
Shamballa," knowing that an intelligent and loving consideration of the
problem would do much to bring your first ray personality nature into line with
the purposes of your second ray soul, and thus facilitate the transfer of your egoic
consciousness off the sixth ray of devotion on to the second ray of love-wisdom. The first and the second rays work closely together;
love and will are closely identified on the higher levels of consciousness and
service; the two basic energies in reality constitute one great expression of
divine planning and purpose.
(DINAII 527) The book you
have lately published I have psychometrised and find it to be sixth ray in nature; it will prove most helpful to probationary
disciples, and they need such help; it will not help disciples, for it deals
with that which they know well. The call went out to you from the Ashram to
write upon the theme of Shamballa, the centre where the will of God
is known and from whence the love
of God flows forth. This you rejected, owing to the emotional turmoil in which
you found yourself. Yet I had a purpose and a reason in suggesting this theme.
It was not just to have a book which would be of service to disciples, but
because it was essential—as part of the pre-initiation tests for you—to bring
in some of the Shamballa force to your consciousness. It was the impact of this
Shamballa force (which you can touch and to which you can intelligently
respond) which was the main factor in bringing to the surface all the latent
emotion and all the glamour which are today enveloping you. As you considered
the theme of Shamballa (and later rejected my suggestion to write upon it) you
brought yourself [Page 528] in contact with the energy emanating from
Shamballa. Yet, my brother, had
you occupied yourself with my suggestion and dealt with the theme The Way into
Shamballa much of that Shamballa force would have been transmuted along
constructive lines and creative endeavour, and your condition would not be what
it is today.
(DINAII 530) Earlier—years
ago—I gave you three words which were to be the keynotes of your life—Love,
Fearlessness and Understanding. The first two have preoccupied you much. You
have worked hard to express love and have materially sweetened and broadened
your nature. As a result you are aware today, as never before, how lack of love
betrayed you and brought untold suffering to three people in your life. This is
known only to you. Fearlessness is now a glamour in your mind for your
sixth ray brain and astral body
have suddenly betrayed you. Your earlier freedom from glamour led to
carelessness—and as you well know we are oft betrayed at the point where we
judged ourselves the strongest. Nevertheless, the past few years have seen real
progress, pronounced liberation and true development.
(DINAII 545) When the personality
ray is the same as the ray of the astral body (as in your case) a most difficult situation is apt
to arise, handicapping the service until such time as right inner adjustments
are made. In a curious way, you are isolated from many people by the power and
focus of your third ray physical body—a thing which you are the last to desire
but which is due to the dominance of the first ray element in your nature, for
it conditions your soul quality and that expresses itself through the third ray
physical nature. Intense focus is, therefore, the continuous theme of your life
expression for—as you know—you have the first ray and the sixth ray continuously interrelated in your nature.
(DINAII 546) I am giving you,
therefore, a personal meditation. I too must have this in mind, reminding you
that renunciation itself can be a glamour and a sixth ray idealist is prone to over-express. I shall not give you what you would
call a real meditation. That which will aid you the most at this time is a
visualisation exercise on Light.
(DINAII 574) I wonder whether
you have sufficiently realised that for you to bring through the love of your
soul is the line of least resistance, owing to the fact that your personality
ray is the seventh ray—the ray of consummation, the ray of expressing
adequately on the physical plane the form through which the soul—whose nature
is love—can express itself. This is particularly easy also in your case because
the ray of your physical body is also the seventh. The line of descent,
therefore, for the form building energy is direct. To this again you can add
the fact that your personality vehicles are on the fifth, the sixth and
the seventh rays; these follow
each other in sequential order, producing again a direct channel. You should consequently (if you are truly to understand
the mechanism through which your soul has to function) make a much closer study
of the seventh ray. It is also the incoming ray for the next immediate cycle. A
knowledge of the ray influences,
techniques, mechanics and objectives will be ascertained by disciples in whom these rays are pronouncedly manifesting.
(DINAII 577) For yourself, my
brother, I have but a word. Deepen your understanding and remember that owing
to the fact that you have two rays upon the first line of outgoing energy,
[Page 577] aloofness must be carefully avoided by you. It is the first step
towards isolation. Disciples must ever remember that any over-emphasis of the
energies which govern the personality lays the foundation of the form nature in
the next incarnation. In your case, for instance, an undue emphasis
of your fifth and seventh lines of force in this life might produce a powerfully dangerous form nature in
your next incarnation—one which
would probably bring about a personality upon the first ray with a third ray
mentality, the same sixth ray astral body and a fifth ray physical body. You can see the danger
of this combination where a disciple is concerned and the problem with which he
would be confronted. I have here given a hint as to the mode of unfoldment in
connection with karmic responsibility for the future. Such a hint has not hitherto been made available to
the public. In this paragraph I have given you much food for thought.
(DINAII 585) For you, this
present life has two factors of prime importance: the working off and
termination of karma in relation to some people, and secondly, the attainment
of the control of your sixth ray astral body. You entered life as a disciple
upon the verge of acceptance and upon the periphery of the Ashram, even though
your consciousness registered it not; you will enter your next incarnation
having advanced in discipleship, and will rapidly achieve consciousness of the
fact. For the remainder of this life there is for you a beautifying of all
experience, the conscious rendering of that service to others which obliterates
karma, the widening of your point of view, particularly in the realm of
healing, where you are as yet still somewhat controlled by your sixth ray idealism, and the increasing admission of your second ray
energy so as to control your organising personality. Does this seem what you
call a "tall order," my brother? Forgive my use of slang, but it is
oft curiously descriptive. If you study carefully what I say you will see that
you are already doing all these things and that all that I am asking is an
intensification of present action.
(DINAII 586) I have
registered and then recorded on your ashramic chart your strong and constant
effort to fulfil requirements as I have presented them to you in my last two
communications. Particularly have you—in this incarnation—mastered the lesson
of occult obedience. Have
you ever realised that occult obedience—correctly understood and applied—is the
royal route through the astral plane, particularly in connection with glamour
and with sixth ray tendencies, to
the very heart of the Hierarchy? People are apt to regard obedience as the
carrying out of rules and orders, imposed upon them by some authoritative
source. This, as you well, know is not the case in any true hierarchical
training. Obedience, for the disciple, is a quick spiritual reaction to the
Plan as it emanates from the Hierarchy, rapid and correct sensitive
registration of the quality of the Ashram with which he may be affiliated and a
consequent and in time almost automatic undertaking (with speed) the required
task. It is a task which [Page 587] the disciple assigns to himself and is not
one ordered by the Master. The acceptance of the task is simply evidence that
the disciple is an ashramic worker, pledged to the welfare of humanity.
You are, as I feel sure you
know, in process of shifting your entire polarisation in preparation for your next incarnation. When that
comes, you will renew your service with a first ray astral body, provided, of course, you have in this life reduced
the usually obdurate sixth ray tendencies and
are controlling them. This you are doing with real success and I have no
question in my mind as to your ultimate success.
(DINAII 658) 2. That your
life problem today involves primarily three factors:
a. The soul second ray.
b. The personality sixth ray.
c. The astral body first ray.
This constitutes an
interesting and somewhat unbalanced triangle of energy, for the sixth ray personality is quick to respond to soul energy but the effects
work out in a fanatically oriented and powerful astral body. The consequent interplay produces much of the glamour
which besets you and which it is the task of your first ray mind to dissipate.
You are perhaps surprised at my use of
the word "fanatical" in
connection with you for you in no way regard yourself as a "fanatical
devotee." Nor do I so regard
you. The fanaticism which you display is in respect to your own judgment
where other people are concerned
and it involves also an almost proud dependence upon the wisdom which you have undoubtedly developed during many
lives. This tends to give you a surety of opinion, in relation to others, which
conditions and your decision do not always warrant; it produces [Page 659] also
a willingness to impose your own ideas and your judgment upon others when, my
brother, it may be neither your duty nor your right so to do. This quality (oft
found in disciples who are learning the nature of true spiritual humility) is
esoterically called "the fanatic opposition of the wise person to the
facts." This statement is most paradoxical but it is one which it would
profit you much to consider and study.
Disciples like yourself (and
they are fairly numerous and constitute some of the most promising material for
training that we possess) are apt to be hard and unyielding—both to themselves
and others. They have learnt much and surmounted much in the crucible of
suffering and nothing has prevented them from a steadfast pursuit of reality.
This capacity leads them to judge with harshness those who do not, apparently,
achieve results or possess their own staying power. When such a disciple is
naturally upon the teaching line as you are, he then handles opportunity on the
basis of his truly enlightened personality but his methods are nevertheless
personality ones and when—as in your case—the personality is on the sixth ray, one is apt to have a disciple fanatically identified
with his own way of approach and one who expects others to go his way; he will be wedded to his own methods and anxious to
impose them upon others. He is convinced that the techniques he employs are the
best for all. All disciples have to learn to recognise the many ways, the many
methods and the widely differently developed techniques. Their attitude (when they have learnt this lesson) is
ever the fostering, the interpreting and the strengthening of the ways and the
methods which suit those with whom they are associated and working, or those
whom they are endeavouring to help. Remember this, my brother, and aim at
decentralisation without diffusion. Think about this statement and seek to
understand it and make it practical. If you can learn this lesson, there will
open for you a wider field of opportunity. Decentralisation in mind from
yourself and identification with
the self in all should be your steady and practical objective.
(DINAII 673) You need to bear
in mind, my brother, that your second ray emphasis is that of wisdom and not of love. Therefore the love quality is not so
potent, and this presents difficulties to you of which you are curiously
unaware. It is your task—at any cost—to develop the love quality. The wisdom
attitude makes you hard, and you have not yet balanced it—in intensity—by the
love quality. This hardness you must transmute on a large and general scale.
You can transmute for individuals you love or for whom you feel a sense of
responsibility. It is this quality of love which you must develop before you
see the Christ—not simply as an initiate taking an initiation, but as a
disciple warranting His attention. You see now the purpose of my remarks in an
earlier instruction? Today, few disciples realise that the Christ has two
relationships to them: that of initiation, and another—far rarer—that of One
Whom they may consult in connection with their work. This permission to
approach is only accorded when love and wisdom are balanced and equal. This is
not so in your case as yet, and I would have you bear this point in mind. Your personality
ray is a serious handicap to you, not [Page 674] because of its developed
aspect but because of its crystallised assurance aspect. A sixth
ray personality is ever sure of his recognition of truth, and is consequently very easily glamoured, and when this is coupled (as in your case) with a
first ray astral body, the difficulty which confronts you as a disciple is very
(DINAII 684) Again, my
brother, have you realised that if I evoked from you a personality devotion I
should be hindering you and in no way demonstrating to you that soul love which
actuates all my reactions to each and all of you. Your sixth ray personality would respond to such an attitude on my part and
then—what would that feed and develop in you? Just self-satisfaction and a
settling back upon the fact of relationship and not upon the fact of the soul.
It would produce an increase of the glamour to which you are prone. In past
lives, your progress has been from one devotion to another, from one position of pledged fealty to another. In
this life, you are faced with the opportunity to free yourself from such
personality reactions and relations and become stabilised in soul behaviour. It
is to this end that I help you. Disciples would do well to appreciate somewhat
the problem of the Master. He has to watch the effect of all the energy which
flows from Him to His disciples and to guard against its stimulating [Page 685]
unduly their personalities, and thus tend to the evocation of personality
Will you therefore rest back
on facts and lived experience and waste not time in wishing and in emotional
reactions? You have made much progress in this life, my brother. You are not
young but that, in your case, need not deter you from further search for
liberation, based on a planned relinquishing. Sixth ray aspirants have a
particularly hard task at the
close of this Piscean age, due to the sixth ray expression of the Christian
era. Today the energies are
concretising and working through that which is old and honoured, that which is
"conditioned by gold" (as the saying is) and that which belongs to a
passing age—an age which should pass. This affects also your sixth ray
personality and, consequently,
from many angles your allegiances and your loyalties are motivated by the
sixth ray and based on
personality decisions and not on the illumined vision of the soul. The fact,
however, that you have broken with orthodoxy where theology is concerned
indicates (to us who watch) a great measure of emancipation and of emerging
soul control. You will find, if your intuition gets more dynamic and your first
ray astral body (the ray of government and politics) does not unduly affect
you, that an increasing measure of thought release will be yours.
In this connection and in
order to enlarge your perspective, I would add that Christian Science is a
fifth ray expression of thought and was one of the effects of the incoming
fifth ray life. A very large number of Christian Scientists are either fifth
or sixth ray egos, for this
particular school of thought was one of the means whereby the
fanatical emotional idealism
(engendered by the potency of the sixth ray influence dominant for so many centuries) could be offset, and
the mental grasp of truth and of life carefully fostered. Under its influence,
the stage was set on which many mystics could begin to organise their mental
bodies and discover that they had minds which could be used, and thus be
prepared for the occult way. It is therefore a masculine or positive influence
in its general effect, but its positivity is in relation to the personality—the
mind as the factor dominating [Page 686] the human expression. It can, and
eventually will, be negative to the soul, revealing the higher mind. It is
interesting whilst considering the pairs of opposites (the negative and
positive factors) to study the following groupings:
(DINAII 686) I will give you
now a personal meditation which will serve, I hope, to lift the life of the
astral body out of the solar plexus into the heart centre, thus breaking down
some of the limitations which will disappear when the astral
body and the sixth ray astral force are transmuted and love of the whole takes the place of love of the
(DINAII 728) 3. Accept the
fact that you are not young enough to make many basic personality changes, for
the sixth ray crystallises too rapidly.
(DINAII 730) You have for
long asked me to tell you the rays upon which your three personality bodies are
to be found. I do so now, for you can profit from the information.
You have, as you know, a third ray
soul and a sixth ray personality.
Your task as regards the latter is to transit on to [Page 731] the first
ray, so that next life you will
come into incarnation with the difficult combination of three and
one. For this the training, discipline
and discoveries of the present incarnation should have prepared you, and you
can therefore face the future with caution but with surety.
(DINAII 754) 4. Then see the
rays of the soul (the sun of your life) extending and embracing your astral
nature and irradiating the astral plane with which you are in contact, thus
bringing an outpouring of love. This again should be relatively easy of
accomplishment as your astral ray is the sixth ray of devotion and idealism.
This ref re DK saying aspects of his nature
are 1st ray and that they come from the Triad could be a major hint
re his personal make up or he could be referring simply to the fact that all
triads embody first ray energies-the first aspect of the Triad for example
(DINAII 760) I would ask you,
therefore, each month and for the rest of your life to follow for three days a
definite procedure.... I ask this because I believe you have that persistent
staying power which is characteristic of all those whose personalities are on
the ray which is yours. The procedure will involve putting yourself en rapport
with my Ashram and to register it in your physical brain consciousness. You may
not and probably will not succeed in this endeavour immediately, but in due
course of time and with persistent effort you [Page 761] inevitably will. Think
of me as you know me to be; let not your sixth ray devotional nature play any part in this process or contact. Bear in mind
that first ray disciples are in my Ashram, and that there are aspects of my nature which are of first ray
origin, but when you remember
this, bear also in mind that the aspect to which I refer is Triadal.
The Masters have no
personalities as you understand personality. Their conditioning factors are the
three aspects of the Spiritual Triad, and these aspects, being creative, build
the phenomenal apparatus or mechanism by means of which a Master makes contact
with the three worlds.
(EOH 581) Later, disciples
and initiates of the seventh ray and of the sixth ray will come into physical incarnation. The only Ashram
which will be then unrepresented—and this for a long time—will be the fourth.
As the fourth ray is, however, the constant ray of the human family, its
influence is consistently present, and this Ashram is equally constantly aware
of and influential in human affairs; it will come into full expression when the
intuition of the human being, emanating as an energy from the fourth or buddhic
plane, has been evoked by the human soul and is a recognised asset in human
consciousness. The fourth ray will come into manifestation before many
generations have passed, but only from the angle of its incarnating Monad, and
not from the angle of its active Ashram.
(GAWP 78) The glamour
of devotion causes many
probationary disciples to wander circuitously around in the world of desire.
This is primarily a glamour which affects sixth ray persons and is particularly potent at this time owing to the
age-long activity of the sixth Ray of Devotion during the rapidly passing Piscean Age. It is today
one of the potent glamours of the really devoted aspirant. They are devoted
to a cause, to a teacher, to a creed, to a person, to a duty, or to a
responsibility. Ponder on this.
This harmless desire along some line of idealism which confronts them becomes
definitely [Page 78] harmful both to themselves and to others, because through
this glamour of devotion they swing into the rhythm of the world glamour which
is essentially the fog of desire. Potent desire along any line, when it
obliterates the wider vision and shuts a man within a tiny circle of his own
desire to satisfy his sentiment of devotion, is just as hampering as any of the
other glamours, and is even more dangerous because of the beautiful colouring
which the resultant fog takes on. A man gets lost in a rapturous mist of his
own making, which emanates from his astral body and which is composed of the
sentimentalising of his own nature about his own desire and devotion to the
object of his attracted attention.
(GAWP 199) This particular
work of dissipation is our immediate theme. It is of vital importance that
those who recognise [Page 199] the open door to the future through which all
men must pass should begin to carry forward this work. Only thus can humanity
be helped to leave behind the errors, the glamours and the failures of the
past. It is this technique which brings freedom from glamour and which can
transform human living, and so bring in the new civilisation and culture. This
dissipation can be carried forward by disciples in all parts of the planet, aided
by the world aspirants; it will, however, be primarily the work of those whose ray
focus makes astral living the line of least resistance and who have learnt or are learning to dominate it by
the power of thought and mental light. These are the sixth ray people in the
first instance, aided by
aspirants and disciples upon the second and fourth rays.
In time and space, this task
will be first of all instituted and controlled in group formation only by aspirants whose soul or personality rays are the sixth or by those whose astral bodies are conditioned by the
sixth ray. When they have grasped
the nature of the work to be done and "fanatically adopted the technique
of light in the service of the race," their work will be completed by
second ray disciples, working from the Ashrams of those Masters Who take
disciples. The work done by these two groups will be finally revealed (and at a
much later date) by those aspirants and disciples who will swing into astral
activity when the fourth ray again begins to manifest. Therefore, the work of
dissipating glamour is carried forward by those who come out into manifestation
along the lines of energy which embody the second, fourth and sixth rays. I emphasise this as disciples frequently undertake
tasks for which they are not particularly fitted and whose rays do not aid them
in accomplishment and sometimes prevent that accomplishment.
(GAWP 201) It will be
apparent to you, therefore, that groups working consciously at the service
of dissipating glamour will have
the following characteristics:
1. They will be composed
of sixth ray aspirants and disciples,
aided by second ray spiritual workers.
2. They will be formed of
those who:
a. Are learning or have
learnt to dissipate their own individual glamours and can bring understanding
to the task.
b. Are focussed upon the
mental plane and have, therefore, some measure of mental illumination. They are
mastering the Technique of Light.
c. Are aware of the nature of
the glamours which they are attempting to dissipate and can use the illumined
mind as a searchlight.
(GAWP 222) b. The Dissipation
of Group Glamour and of World
Group work in dissipating
world glamour must be handled (as will be obvious to you) by those who are
working at the dissipation of glamour in their own lives and have learnt to
use the formula just given. The
majority of those so working are sixth ray aspirants—those who have sixth ray personalities or whose soul
ray is the sixth, plus those on
all rays who have powerful sixth ray astral vehicles. These make the most effective workers in the group
but are subject to one major difficulty. In spite of aspiration and good
intention, they are seldom aware of the glamours which control them. It is exceedingly hard to induce the sixth ray
aspirant to admit that he is held [Page 222] by a glamour, particularly when it is glamour of spiritual
connotation and of a very high order. In their case, the glamour
is enhanced by the energy of devotion which stiffens it and brings in a quality which makes it most difficult
to penetrate. Their complete assurance proves a serious obstacle to
clear-sighted work because that has all to go before the work of dissipation
can be carried forward successfully. First ray people can overcome glamour with
relative ease once they become aware of it as a personality limitation. Third ray
people are as susceptible to it
as are those of the sixth ray
and their devious, twisting, planning minds and the rapidity with which they
can deceive themselves (and seek often to deceive others) greatly hinders their
work of clearing away glamour. Their pronounced tendency to be the victims of
glamour is evidenced by the inability of the third ray aspirant and disciple to
convey his meaning clearly by speech. He has guarded himself for many lives by
devious formulations of thought and of ideas and can seldom convey his meaning
clearly. This is why sixth ray people and third ray people
almost inevitably prove themselves unable to teach. Both these groups must, therefore, learn to use this
formula and they would greatly hasten the process of dissipation if they would
force themselves to speak or write their thoughts clearly, if they would never be ambiguous or deal in half
thoughts, innuendo or suggestion. They should clearly enunciate the ideas with
which they may be dealing.
(GAWP 225) They must,
finally, love their fellowmen. This they must not do as the sixth ray
person loves them, with an isolating devotion, but as the second ray person loves—with an all round
appreciation of humanity, an understanding heart, plus a critical mind, which
loves steadily in spite of error seen, with a clear sighted perception of the
assets and the debits of an individual or a race. The ability to [Page 225] do
this is one of the factors which enables the sixth ray aspirant to transfer off
the minor sixth ray and find his
place upon the major second ray, as must all sixth and fourth ray initiates.
(HIS 47) The World Teacher
presides over the destiny of the great religions through the medium of a group
of Masters and initiates Who direct the activities of these different schools
of thought. In illustration:—The Master
Jesus, the inspirer and director
of the
In the department of the
Mahachohan a large number of Masters, in fivefold division, work in connection with the deva evolution, and with
the intelligence aspect in man. Their
divisions follow those of the four minor rays of attribute:—
1. The ray of harmony or
2. The ray of concrete
science or knowledge.
3. The ray of
devotion or abstract idealism.
4. The ray of ceremonial law
or magic,
just as the three
departmental heads represent the three major rays of:—
(HIS 56) The Master
Jesus, Who is the focal point of
the energy that flows through the various Christian churches, is at present living in
a Syrian body, and dwells in a
certain part of the
(HIS 182) ………….Above all, its
interest lies for us in the fact that it is the ray (7th) which brings opportunity to the
occidental races, and through the
medium of this life force of executive organisation, of government by rule and
order, by rhythm and by ritual, will come the time wherein the occidental races (with their active, concrete mind, and their vast
business capacity) can take initiation,—an initiation, we must remember, upon a ray which is
recognised as a major ray. A large number of the initiates and [Page
183] those who have obtained adeptship in the last cycle, have been
orientals and those in
Hindu bodies. This cycle has been dominated
by the sixth ray, which is just
passing out, and the two preceding. In
the preservation of equilibrium the time now comes when a period of
attainment by occidentals will be seen, and this upon a ray suited to their type
of mind. It is interesting to note that
the oriental type attains its objective through meditation, with a modicum of
executive organisation and ritual, and that the occidental will achieve largely
through the organisation which lower mind produces, and a type of meditation of
which intense business concentration might be considered an illustration. The one-pointed application of the mind by a
European or American business man
might be regarded as a type of meditation.
In the purification of motive lying back of this application will come,
for the occidental, his day of opportunity.
(TEV 5) An illustration of
this is to be found in the history of the
(TEV 89) This stage, which
embraces the second type of impression in its earliest forms, can be quite a
long one, for it [Page 89] covers a very definite period of transition from the
astral plane to the mental plane. The time equation varies according to ray and
the age of the soul. Sixth ray people, for instance, are very slow in
making this transition, owing to
the pronounced factor of glamour; first and second ray people are relatively
quick. Third ray people are also slow, for they are lost in the threads of
their own glamorous manipulations and their devious thinking, and hardly know
where truth begins and delusion ends; illusion, which is the problem of the
mental types on all rays, is far more temporary in its effects than is
(TEV 160) b. All who come
into incarnation upon one of the Rays of Attribute—the fourth,
fifth, sixth and seventh rays—find
their way finally on to one of the three major Rays of Aspect. The changes of
shifts in ray focus are made when the etheric body has in it an adequate
measure of the substance of the lowest of the cosmic ethers, the buddhic
substance; this is basic for all, on all the rays, for at the end of the age,
when cosmic etheric substance [Page 161] composes the etheric vehicles of the
initiate, the three rays become the two rays, and later another absorption
takes place into the second Ray of Love-Wisdom which is the ray of our present
solar system.
(CF 436) We have now to deal
with the influence of a force that is waning and passing out of dominance, that
of the sixth Ray of Devotion or Idealism. It will not be possible to
predicate much anent it, beyond pointing out certain general ideas which may be
of value in the contemplation of Ray cycles in general.
(CF 439) This is what is
beginning to happen in relation to this sixth Ray of Devotion. Egos who
are on that particular Ray will take form elsewhere on other globes, and in other chains, and not so much on our planet. The
vibrations of that Ray will quiet down as far as we are concerned, and find
increased activity elsewhere. To phrase
it otherwise, our planet and all thereon will become positive and
non-receptive, and will temporarily repulse this particular type of force. A psychical manifestation of this can be seen
in the dying down of what is called Christian enthusiasm. This Ray, on which the Chohan Jesus may be found, will no longer pour its force to the same extent
into the form He built, and it will necessarily slowly but surely disintegrate, having served its purpose [Page 440] for close on two
thousand years. Later again the same
force will be felt returning, and a new form will be found slowly coming into
being, but along more adequate lines.
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