Fifth Ray Qualities
(EA 354) Mars,
therefore, rules Aries from the orthodox angle and Scorpio esoterically, and does not again appear
in the life of the individual except as that individual responds to mass
vibration in Sagittarius, where Mars appears as ruling the sixth Creative
Hierarchy, the lunar lords of the form nature who must eventually be sacrificed
to the higher spiritual aspect and brought under the control of the solar
Angel. The effect of Mars is, therefore, largely mass effect and
group results,
producing great struggles but leading finally to great revelation. In
Aries, it is the final revelation of the nature of knowledge and the purpose of
[Page 211] incarnation;
in Scorpio, it is the revelation of the vision of liberation and service; in Sagittarius, it is the
revelation of the purpose of soul control over the lower kingdoms in nature,
via the human centre of energy. It must consequently never be forgotten that
Mars establishes relations between the opposites and is a beneficent and not a malefic
factor, as is so often supposed.
technique of integration for 5th ray souls and personalities
(EPII 369) Ray Five.
"'Towards me
I draw the garment of my God. I see and
know His form. I take that garment,
piece by piece. I know its shape and
colour, its form and type, its parts component and its purposes and use. I stand amazed, I see naught else. I penetrate the mysteries of form, but not
the Mystery. I see the garment of my
God. I see naught else.'
Love of the form
is good but only as the form is known for what it is—the veiling vase of
life. Love of the form must never hide
the Life which has its place behind, the One who brought the form into the
light of day, and preserves [Page 369] it for His use,—The One Who lives, and
loves and serves the form, the One Who Is.
The Word goes
forth from soul to form: 'Behind that
form, I am. Know Me. Cherish and know and understand the nature of
the veils of life, but know as well the One Who lives. Know Me.
Let not the forms of nature, their processes and powers prevent thy
searching for the Mystery which brought the mysteries to thee. Know well the form, but leave it joyously and
search for Me.
'Detach thy
thought from form and find Me waiting underneath the
veils, the many-sided shapes, the glamours and the thoughtforms which hide my
real Self. Be not deceived. Find Me.
Know Me. Then use the forms which
then will neither veil nor hide the Self, but will permit the nature of that
Self to penetrate the veils of life, revealing all the radiance of God, His
power and magnetism; revealing all there is of form, of life, of beauty and
usefulness. The mind reveals the One. The mind can blend and fuse the form and
life. Thou art the One. Thou art the form. Thou art the mind. Know this.'"
This fifth
ray formula is of exceeding potency at this time and should be used often, but with care, by
those upon this line of divine energy. It has most
powerful integrating properties, but the person who employs it must be mindful
to visualise and hold in his mind's eye the even, balanced, equilibrised
distribution of the divine energy set in motion by the use of this fifth ray
formula so that the three aspects of the spiritual entity concerned—the mind,
the One Who uses it (the Self) and the form nature—may be equally
stimulated. This statement means, for instance, that if
all the emphasis of the soul energy available (it is safest to use the formula
of the Soul ray although if an accepted disciple the personality ray formula
can also be used (EPII 368) is poured into the lower nature, the natural man, it might result in
the shattering of the form and the consequent uselessness of the man in
service. If all of it, on the other
hand, is poured into the receiving chalice of the astral nature, it might only
serve to intensify the glamour and to produce fanaticism.
[Page 370]
1. The lower psychic
man—physical and astral—must receive a balanced quota of force.
2. The mind must
receive its share of illuminating energy.
3. A third part of
that energy must be retained within the periphery of the soul nature to balance
thus the other two.
This is a replica
of the experience of the Monad when coming into manifestation, for the monad
retains a measure of energy within itself, it sends energy forth which is
anchored in that centre of energy which we call a soul. Still more energy pours forth also, via the
soul, for the production of a human being—an expression of the soul upon the
physical plane, just as the soul is an expression of the monad upon the mental
plane, and both are expressions also of that one monad.
The use of this
formula, which produces eventually a definite relation between
the soul and the
various aspects of the form, brings about a needed alignment, and again (as in
the other cases considered previously) produces also, and evokes, a
crisis. This crisis must be regarded as
producing two lesser crises in the consciousness of the personality:
1. That in which
there comes the achieving of equilibrium and what might be called a
"balanced point of view." This balanced vision causes much difficulty
and leads to what might be called the "ending of the joy-life and of
desire." This is not a pleasant
experience to the disciple; it leads to much aridness in the life-experience
and to a sense of loss; it often takes much wise handling, and frequently time
elapses before the disciple emerges on the other side of the experience.
2. This balanced
condition in which the not-Self and the Self, the life-aspect and the
form-aspect, are seen as they [Page 371] essentially are (through the aid and
the use of the discriminating faculty of the mind), leads eventually to a
crisis of choice, and to the major task of the disciple's life. This is the detaching of himself from the
grip of form experience, and consciously, rapidly, definitely and with
intention preparing himself for the great expansions of initiation.
When this dual
crisis is over and that which it has evoked has been rightly handled, then the
light streams forth, leading to the revelation of the relationships of form to
soul. These two are then seen
as one in a sense
never before realised and are then regarded as possessing a relation quite
different to the theoretical relationships posited in ordinary occult and
religious work. It will be apparent,
therefore, how a new relationship and a new type of integration then becomes
possible and how the mind quality of the fifth ray (critical, analytical,
separative and over-discriminating) can become, what in the middle ages it used
to be called, the "common sense."
When this takes
place, form and life are indeed one unity and the disciple uses the form at
will as the instrument of the soul for the working out of the plans of
God. These plans are at-one with the
intention of the Hierarchy. We now have
five words for disciples upon the five rays to study:
The above
concludes the Technique of Integration for the 5th ray personality (if
an Accepted Disciple) and soul ray (only use this if the soul ray is the 5th
and are not yet an accepted disciple)
The threefold
Technique of Fusion
(EPII 385) Certain questions therefore arise:
1. What are the
techniques, producing fusion upon the three major rays.
2. How do these
techniques bring about
a. Illumination of
the mind.
[Page 386]
b. Imaginative
capacity of the sentient body.
c. An inspired
Another point
should here be made; Disciples upon the minor rays likewise employ one or other
of these three major techniques. Fourth
ray disciples employ the second ray technique, as do sixth ray disciples; disciples upon the fifth
ray employ the first ray technique. It is
interesting to note that (prior to the first initiation) the personalities of all
aspirants to this great expansion of consciousness will be found
upon the third ray
which is—like the solar plexus centre—a great clearing house for energies, and
a great transmuting station, if I may use this term.
(EPII 387) It will interest students to note how the first
ray disciple, when
employing this first ray technique of fusion, ends by producing second
ray characteristics of which illumination, producing understanding love and sympathetic
cooperation, is the predominant note.
The second ray disciple, through rightly applied technique, produces
curiously enough, third ray results, of which the use of the creative
imagination is the outstanding characteristic.
The third ray disciple through the development of the "power to
inspire" adds to his innate qualities certain
definitely first ray potencies. All are,
however, subordinated to the second ray nature of the divine expression in this
solar system.
When Techniques of
Integration and Fusion have done their work the third initiation can be taken
(EPII 390) The result of this inflow of supremely high
energies is that the processes set in motion by the Technique of Integration are completed and the rays
of the lower man are welded or fused into the Personality Ray.
This itself is later blended with the egoic
ray, enabling that spiritual Identity which we recognise as standing behind
phenomenal man to work through both these rays, thus bringing about a
correspondence to that grouping within the divine expression which we call the
major and minor rays. The rays of the
triple lower nature then form one single avenue through which the soul, and
later the energy of spirit can contact the larger Whole [Page 391] in
manifestation upon the physical, astral and mental planes. When the Techniques of Integration
and Fusion have done
their intended work, this spiritual Identity can work in service to humanity
and in cooperation with the Plan in the three worlds of human endeavour and in
the five states of consciousness, human and superhuman. This brings the disciple to the period
wherein the third initiation can be taken; then still higher forces can be brought
into play and the Technique of Duality can be considered, mastered and used. It will be obvious to you that I cannot give
you the rules of this technique, as they constitute part of the veiled secrets
of initiation. Though duality is
emphasised, it is a duality which produces simplification, merging and
synthesis. Man is then viewed as a
duality of spirit and matter and not as the well known triplicity of spirit,
soul and body.
Now let us for a
moment consider the Technique of Fusion.
The keynotes of the three techniques are as follows:
Ray.........................Isolated Unity.
Ray.....................Inclusive Reason.
Third Ray........................Presented
5th ray
souls have to use the 1st ray Technique of Fusion to take the 3rd
(EPII 391) Isolated Unity is that stage of consciousness which sees
the whole as one and
regards itself, not theoretically but as a realised fact, as
identified with that whole. (realised fact-not with the mediating mind
or personality-the soul has all the detailed knowledge necessary-he must now
feel and know as realised fact that he is the whole) It
is a whole which is "isolated" in the consciousness of the man, and
not the man himself who regards himself as isolated. The word "isolated" [Page 392]
refers to that complete organised organism of which the man can
feel and know himself to be a part. The word
"unity" expresses his relationship to the whole. It will be apparent therefore that this whole
is something progressively realised. For
the bringing about of this progressed realisation the great
expansions of consciousness, called initiations, have been temporarily arranged as a hastening or
forcing process. This progression of
realised "isolations in unity" may begin with the disciple's group,
environment or nation and, through right use of the understanding, will end by
enabling him to isolate the whole divine scheme or living
structure, and to
identify himself with it in an active capable manner.
I must say I
cannot really see much difference between isolated unity and the 2nd
ray technique of Inclusive reason
The result of
meditation upon this theme will be:
1. A definite
illumination of the mind, for it will then be at-one with the Universal Mind
and all the ways of God and the plans of God will stand revealed to him.
2. The creative
imagination will be powerfully evoked in response to this revelation, and modes
and methods of cooperation will be sentiently developed and the disciple will
become a creative cooperator and not just an obedient servant of the Plan.
3. His life will
be then inspired by the desire to serve humanity and to cooperate with the
Custodians of the Plan. This will bring
in the full tide of soul life, producing temporarily a violent conflict between
the personality ray and the soul ray, but also producing a steady subordination
of the lower to the higher, of the minor to the major.
I cannot too
strongly call to your attention that I am not here dealing with the normal
service and the self-enforced cooperation of the aspirant—a cooperation based
upon theory and a determination to prove theory and plan and service to [Page
393] be evolutionary facts—but with that spontaneous illumination, creativity
and inspiration which is the result of the use of the Technique of Fusion by
the soul—by the soul, and not by the aspiring struggling disciple. Here lies the clue to meaning. We are dealing consequently with that stage
of development wherein, in deep contemplation, the man is consciously merged
with the soul and that soul, in meditation, decides,
plans and works. He functions as the
soul and has achieved a definite measure of success in living as a soul,
consciously upon the physical plane.
This particular
technique of meditation involves the use of the head centre, demands the
ability to focus the consciousness in the soul form, the spiritual body, and,
at the same time, to preserve soul consciousness, mind consciousness and brain
consciousness—no easy task for the neophyte and something which lies far ahead
for the majority of students who read these words. This condition has been described as
"the intensest reflection of the man, isolated in God Who is the negation
of isolation and is
nevertheless the Whole which is set apart from other Wholes." When this state of awareness has been
achieved (and Patanjali hints at it in the last book of the Sutras) the
disciple becomes invincible upon the physical plane, for he is completely
unified and linked up with all aspects of himself in the greater Whole of which
he is a part, is fusing all attributes and is at-one with the Whole, not simply
subjectively and unconsciously (as are all human beings) but in full, waking,
understanding awareness.
Interesting that
the 5th ray soul will use the 1st ray formula - whereas 2nd
4th and 6th ray souls will use this 2nd ray
formula of inclusive reason based on detailed knowledge or detailed unity-this
suggests the 5th ray personality is knowledgeable enough and needs
identification, etc.
(EPII 393) Inclusive Reason, which is the theme for the initiatory
meditation of the second ray disciple, produces that inherent divine capacity
which enables the detail of the sensed Whole to be grasped in
meticulous entirety. This wide, yet detailed, scope
or universal recognition
is extremely difficult for me to explain or for you to understand. The second ray has been [Page 394] called the
Ray of Detailed Knowledge and where this term has been employed, the beginner has necessarily laid the emphasis
upon the word "detail". It
might rather be called the Ray of Detailed Unity or the Ray of the
Divine Pattern, or of beauty in relationship. It involves on the part of the disciple a very
(EPII 460) We are primarily engaged with those problems
which arise in the mental nature of man and from his power
to create in mental substance.
2nd , 4th and 6th ray
personalities remain mentally introverted and work always towards a crisis
1. Those who remain mentally introverted, and profoundly and deeply pre-occupied
with their self-created thought forms and with their created world of thought,
centered around the one dynamic thought form they have built. These people work always towards a
crisis and it is
interesting to note that this crisis may be interpreted by the world—
a. As the
revelation of a genius, such as emerges when some great scientist unfolds to us
the conclusions of his focussed attention and period of thought.
[Page 461]
b. As the effort of a man to express himself
along some creative line.
c. As the violent and often dangerous
expressions of frustration in which the man attempts to release the result of
his inner brooding along the chosen line.
These all vary in
expression, because of the original equipment with which the man began his life
of thought upon the mental plane. In the
first case, you have genius; in the other (if paralleled by a rich emotional
nature) you will have some creative imaginative production, and in the third
case, you will have what will be regarded by the world as insanity, curable in
time and not permanent in its effects, provided some form of creative
imaginative emotional release is provided.
This is often the struggle point of the 2nd, the 4th and the 6th
ray personality.
1st (inclusion)
and 5th (detachment) ray personalities can become aware of
themselves as centres of thought, wisdom, power and creative capacity
2. Those who become amazingly self-conscious and aware of themselves as centres
of thought. They are obsessed with their own
wisdom, their power
and their creative capacity. They pass
rapidly into a state of complete isolation or separateness.
This can lead to acute megalomania, to an intense pre-occupation with and an
admiring satisfaction with the self, the lower self, the
personality. The emotional, feeling,
desire nature is utterly under the control of the dynamic self-centred point
of thought which is
all of which the man is aware at this time.
Consequently, the brain and all the physical plane activities are
equally controlled and directed towards the planned aggrandisement of
the man. This condition is found in varying degrees,
according to the point in evolution and the ray type, and—in the early
stages—it is curable. If it is persisted
in, however, it makes the man eventually untouchable, for he becomes entrenched in a [Page 462]
rampart of his own thought forms concerning himself and his activities. When curable, the effort should be made to decentralise
(the opposite of the 2nd ray formula for
integration of the personality)
the subject by the
evocation of another and higher interest, by the development of the social
consciousness and—if possible—by contact with the soul. This condition is often the struggle point of
the first and fifth ray personalities.
3rd (stillness)
and 6th (stillness) ray personalities can become strongly
extroverted by the desire to impose the conclusions of their one pointed
thought upon others
3. Those who become
strongly extroverted (an excessive going out to
others to get what they want-lack of self reliance) by the desire to impose the conclusions they have
reached (through their one-pointed mental focus) upon their fellow men. This constitutes quite often the crux of the
difficulty for the third and sixth ray people.
These people will be found ranging in consciousness all the way from the
well-meaning theologian and dogmatic doctrinaire, found in practically all schools of
thought, to the fanatic who makes life a burden to all around him as he seeks
to impose his views upon them, and the maniac who becomes so obsessed with his
vision that, for the protection of society, he must be locked away.
an example of a 5th ray astral body
(EPII 102) Therefore, psychologically speaking, and when
greater knowledge has been gained of the energies determining the type of a
man, a person, for instance, whose Monad is presumably upon the third ray, his ego being on the fourth
ray, and his personality
on the seventh ray, will
be described as a Three, IV.7. Within
this simple formula there will be lesser differentiations and a seventh
ray personality may
have a first ray mental body, a fifth ray astral body, and a third ray [Page 102]
physical body. The formula which would
describe him would be
IV. 7. 1,5,3
This, when
interpreted, means
Monad third ray.
Ego fourth ray.
Personality seventh ray.
body first ray.
Astral body fifth
body third ray.
(EPII 293) Ray
1. The power to
develop thought.
2. The spirit of
materialistic enterprise, the divine urge, as it evidences itself in the early
3. The tendency to
enquire, to ask questions and to find out.
This is the instinct to search and to progress, which is, in the last
analysis, the urge to evolve.
4. The tendency to
crystallise, to harden, or to have an "idee fixe." In this connection, it will usually be
discovered that the man who succumbs to an "idee fixe" has not
only a fifth ray mental body but either a sixth ray personality or a sixth ray
emotional body.
1. The true
thinker, or mental type—awake and alert.
2. The one who
knows the Plan, the purpose and the will of God.
3. The one whose
intelligence is being transmuted into wisdom.
4. The scientist,
the educator, the writer.
(EPII 295) The problem can be posited and its extent
made clear by the following tabulation which gives the rays that may be
supposed or imagined to govern or control a problematical or hypothetical man
in a particular incarnation.
1. The Ray of the
Monad (the life aspect) Second Ray of Love-Wisdom.
2. The Ray of the
Soul (the consciousness aspect) First
Ray of Will or Power.
3. The Ray of the
Personality (the matter aspect) Second
Ray of Love-Wisdom.
a. Ray of the mental body Fifth Ray of Concrete
b. Ray of the
astral body Sixth
Ray of Devotion.
c. Ray of the
physical body Second Ray of
3. Taking the
hypothetical chart given above, students should notice how the rays of the
personality relate them, within the sphere or periphery of their own
manifestation, to the major rays of the monad, ego or personality. This is a correspondence (within the
microcosmic manifestation) to the macrocosmic situation, touched upon in the
previous paragraph. In the case cited
(which is one of quite usual occurrence) we find that
a. The fifth
ray of the mental body relates the man to his egoic ray, thereby facilitating soul contact.
Had it related him to his monadic ray a very different situation would have eventuated.
I wonder if the mental body ray needs to relate to the Monadic ray
when the time for the 3rd initiation comes
line of must ever be remembered.
b. The sixth ray
of the astral body relates the man to his [Page 297] monadic ray, and it will
finally constitute his astralbuddhic approach to life, and will be employed
when he takes the fourth initiation.
This ray relates him also to his personality and intensifies his natural
line of 2.4.6. must also be carefully borne in mind.
c. The second ray
quality of his physical body relates him both to the personality and finally to
the monad. It is, therefore, for him a
great problem, a great opportunity, and a great "linking"
energy. It makes the life of the
personality exceedingly dominant and attractive, and at the same time
facilitates the future contact (whilst in a physical body) with the monad. His problem of soul consciousness will not,
however, be so easily solved.
You will note also
that the monad (2nd ray), the astral body (6th ray) and the physical body (2nd
ray) are all along the same line of activity, or of divine energy, creating a
most interesting psychological problem.
The soul (1st ray) and the mental body (5th ray) are along
another line entirely,
and this combination presents great opportunity and much difficulty.
4. In the lower
expression of the man whose psychological chart we are considering, the
psychologist will find a person who is intensely sensitive,
inclusive and self-willed. Because of the fact that the second ray
personality and the physical body are related by similarity of ray, there will
also be a clearly pronounced tendency to lay the emphasis upon material
inclusiveness and tangible acquisition, and there will, therefore, be found (in
this person) an exceedingly selfish and self-centred man. [Page 298] He will not
be particularly intelligent, as only his fifth ray mental body relates him definitely and directly
to the mind aspect of Deity, whilst his first ray egoic force enables him to use all means to plan
for himself, and to use the will aspect to acquire and to attract the material
good he desires or thinks he needs. His
predominant second ray equipment, however, will eventually bring the higher
values into play.
The following is
interesting because it shows that as the soul takes over from the personality
the whole vocational direction can change
(EPII 335) A man
who—being, through personality predilection, a creative artist—suddenly takes a deep and profound
interest in mathematics,
might be inferred to be coming under the influence of a second ray
soul; or a man, whose
whole personality was definitely upon the sixth ray of fanatical
idealism or devotion
to an object of his idealism, and who had functioned during life as a religious
devotee, and who then switched the centre of his life interest into scientific
investigation, might
be, therefore, responding to a fifth ray soul impression.
(EPI 320) The human entity is a curious synthesis, on
the subjective side of his nature, producing a fusion of life, of power, of
harmonious intent and of mental activity.
The following should be noted, for it is of profound psychological
interest and import:
Rays I, IV and V....predominate in the life of humanity and govern
with increasing power man's mental life and determine his mental body.
[Page 321]
Rays II and
VI....govern potently his emotional life and determine the type of his astral
Rays III and
VII....govern the vital physical life and the physical body.
Here you have, if
you note carefully, a summation of the rays which govern and differentiate the
life of the personality forms, and therefore bring in other factors which
psychologists will have to consider as time goes on. You will see therefore that:
1. The human soul
or ego is found on one or other of the seven rays, in one or other of the seven ray groups.
2. The mind
nature and mental body
are governed by the Rays of Purpose, of Harmony or Synthesis,
and of Knowledge.
3. The emotional
nature and form are governed by the Rays of Love, Wisdom and of idealistic
4. The vital life
and physical body are governed by the Rays of Intelligence in matter and of
Organising Power.
(EPI 321) Through
the active work of the two rays above discussed, we find the fourth
ray producing
eventually in man the appearance of the intuition.
The fifth ray is responsible for the development in him of the intellect.
(EPI 343) The ray which governs the sum total of the
human kingdom is the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict. It might be symbolically stated that the egoic
ray of the Life which
informs the human family is this fourth ray, and that the personality
ray is the fifth ray of knowledge through discrimination,—the Ray, as it is called, of Concrete
Knowledge or Science
Harmony through conflict, and the power to achieve knowledge
through discriminating choice—these are the two rays or major influences which sweep through
humanity as a whole, and drive it forward towards its divine destiny. They are the predisposing factors upon which
a man may count and infallibly depend.
They are the guarantee of attainment, but also of turmoil and temporary
duality. Harmony, expressing itself
in beauty and creative power, is gained through battle, through stress and strain. Knowledge, expressing itself eventually
through wisdom, is attained only through the agony of successively
presented choices. These, submitted to the discriminating
intelligence during the process of the life experience, produce at last the
sense of true values, the vision of the ideal, and the capacity to distinguish
reality behind the intervening glamour.
(EPI 76) Before enumerating the names of this great
Life, I should [Page 76] like to point out that the fifth ray is one of unique
and peculiar potency
in relation to the human kingdom. The
reason is that the fifth plane of mind is the sphere of His major activity and
it is on this plane that we find the triple aspects of mind:
1. Abstract or
higher mind, the embodiment of a higher triad.
2. The concrete or
lower mind, the highest aspect of the
lower self.
3. The ego or
solar Angel, the pure Son of Mind, Who expresses intelligence, both abstractly
and concretely, and is the point of unification.
This Life has also
much power today in connection with the fifth root-race and with the
transference of the consciousness of humanity into the fifth or spiritual
kingdom. Students would learn much if
they contrasted the building power of the higher mind with the
destroying power of the lower. Just as the personality has no
other function in the divine plan than to be a channel for, and the medium of
expression of, the soul, so the lower mind (which planet is most indicative
of the higher mind?) is intended to be
the channel for the pure inflow of higher mind energy.
This fifth
ray is a Being of the intensest spiritual light (we may here remind ourselves
that the Monad is to the Planetary Logos what the third eye is to Man-Venus and
the Ajna/third eye) and
in His manifestation on this fifth plane, which is peculiarly His, He
symbolises the three aspects in a way achieved by no other ray. Through His quality of higher
mind, this ray is a pure channel for the divine will. Through the septenary grouping of the
solar lives on the mental levels whereon they appear, He brought into functioning
activity seven corresponding reflections of the seven centres of Deity, as far
as our planet is concerned, a thing which none of His six brother rays have
done. This statement means little to
you, but the tremendous sacrifice and effort thus involved are paralleled only
by the life of the Buddha, and this is one of the reasons why, [Page 77] in this
fifth race, love and mind must eventually and mutually reveal each other.
Some of the names
given to the Lord of this ray are as follows:
The Revealer of
The great
The Divine
The Crystallizer
of Forms
The Three-fold
The Cloud upon the
The Precipitator
of the Cross
The Dividing Sword
The Winnower of
the Chaff
The Fifth great
The Rose of God
The Heavenly One
The Door into the
Mind of God
The Initiating
The Ruler of the
Third Heaven
The Guardian of
the Door
The Dispenser of
The Angel with the
Flaming Sword
The Keeper of the
The Beloved of the
The Brother from
The Master of the
This fifth
ray has so many names,
owing to His close connection with man (since man was originally created), (created by the Monads from
Venus) that it has not
been easy to choose those which are of the most use in enabling the student to
form an idea of the fifth ray characteristics and mission; but the study of the
six aphorisms, and the qualities which they indicate, will show how potent and
important is this ray Lord. These six
aphorisms were chanted by His six Brothers at that momentous crisis wherein the
human family came into existence and the solar Angels sacrificed themselves. Esoterically speaking, they "went down
into hell, and found their place in prison." On that day souls [Page
78] were born. A new kingdom of expression came into being,
and the three highest planes and the three lower were brought into a
scintillating interchange.
1. God and His
Angels now arise and see. Let the
mountaintops emerge from out the dense wet mist. Let the sun touch their summits and let them
stand in light. Shine forth.
emergence into form and out of form.
2. God and His
Angels now arise and hear. Let a deep
murmur rise and let the cry of seeking man enter into their ears. Let man listen. Let man call.
Speak loud.
Quality......power to make the
Voice of the Silence heard.
3. God and His
Angels now arise and touch. Bring forth
the rod of power. Extend it outward
toward the sons of men; touch them with fire, then bring them near. Bring forth.
initiating activity.
4. God and His
Angels now arise and taste. Let all
experience come. Let all the ways
appear. Discern and choose; dissect and
analyse. All ways are one.
of the way.
5. God and His
Angels now arise and sense the odor rising from the burning-ground of man. Let the fire do its work. Draw man within the furnace and let him drop
within the rose-red centre the nature that retards. Let the fire burn.
with fire.
6. God and His
Angels now arise and fuse the many in the One.
Let the blending work proceed.
Let that which causes all to be produce the
cause of their cessation. Let one temple
now emerge. Produce the crowning
glory. So let it be.
manifestation of the great white light.
(The Shekinah. A.A.B.)
There is much
of practical usefulness to the reader in a study of these qualities.
When he believes himself to be upon a particular ray, they
will indicate to him some of the characteristics for which he may look, and perhaps demonstrate [Page 79] to
him what he has to do, what he has to express, and what he has to overcome. These qualities should be studied
from two angles: their
divine aspect and their reverse aspect or the form
side. This ray, for instance, is shown to be the revealer
of the way, and it
should be remembered therefore that this fifth ray reveals the way
down into death or into incarnation (which is the death-like prison of the soul), or it
reveals the way up and out of darkness into the pure light of God's day. I mention this as I am exceedingly anxious
that all who read this treatise should make application of this teaching to
their daily lives. I am not interested in imparting weird or
unusual items of information anent these matters for the delectation of an
unhealthy mental appetite. The stocking
of the memory with occult detail which serves no useful purpose only strains
the brain cells and feeds the pride.
(EPI 178) You will note that so strenuous is the work
of breaking down national group isolation and separativeness that it takes the
united energies of three groups of workers to bring about the desired
results. The seven groups of workers are organised therefore as follows:
1. In the
department of politics First,
sixth and seventh rays.
2. In the
department of religion Second and
fourth rays.
3. In the
department of education Third
and fifth rays.
(EPI 202) The first
ray man often has
strong feeling and affection, but [Page 202] he does not readily express it; he
will love strong contrasts and masses of colour, but will rarely be an artist;
he will delight in great orchestral effects and crashing choruses, and if modified
by the fourth, sixth or seventh rays, may be a great composer, but not otherwise; and there is a type of
this ray which is tone-deaf, and another which is colour-blind to the more
delicate colours. Such a man will
distinguish red and yellow, but will hopelessly confuse blue, green and violet.
The characteristic
method of approaching the great Quest on this ray would be by sheer force of
will. Such a man would, as it were, take
the kingdom of heaven "by violence."
We have seen that the born leader belongs to this ray, wholly or in
part. It makes the able
commander-in-chief, such as Napoleon or
(EPI 208) The artist on this ray (5th ray
Soul) is
very rare, unless the fourth or seventh be the influencing secondary rays-this quote makes it clear that the
secondary ray is the personality ray-and this formula should be applied to the
refs below
2nd ray
souls with a 4th (Jupiter in relation to Mercury), 5th (Jupiter
in relation to Venus) or 7th (Jupiter in relation to Uranus) ray
personality will make good business men
(EPI 203) The second ray man will have
tact and foresight; he
will make an excellent ambassador, and a first-rate teacher or head of a
college; as a man of affairs, he will have clear intelligence and wisdom in
dealing with matters which come before him, and he will have the capacity of
impressing true views of things on others and of making them see things as he
does. He will make
a good business man, if modified by the fourth, fifth and seventh rays.
The soldier on this ray would plan wisely and foresee possibilities; he
would have an intuition as to the best course to pursue, and he would never lead
his men into danger through rashness. He
might be deficient in rapidity of action and energy. The artist on this ray would always seek to
teach through his art, and his pictures would have a meaning. His literary work would always be
ray Souls with 5th ray
personalities make the perfectly balanced historian, and also the truly
great mathematician-literary style of 3rd ray soul is vague and
involved unless has 1st, 4th, 5th or 7th
ray personality-3rd ray soul with a 5th ray
personality will be master of the pen
(EPI 205) One type of this ray (3rd ray) is
unconventional to a degree, slovenly, unpunctual and idle, and regardless of appearances. If influenced by the fifth ray as the
secondary ray this character is, entirely changed. The
third and the fifth rays make the perfectly balanced
historian who grasps
his subject in a large way and verifies every detail with patient
accuracy. Again the third
and the fifth rays together make the truly great mathematician who soars into heights of abstract thought
and calculation, and who can also bring his results down to practical
scientific use. The literary
style of the third ray man is too often vague and involved, but if influenced by the first,
fourth, fifth or seventh rays, this is changed, and under the fifth he will be a master of the
Special Virtues:
accurate statements, justice (without mercy), perseverance, common-sense,
uprightness, independence, keen intellect.
Vices of Ray:
criticism, narrowness, arrogance, unforgiving temper, lack of sympathy and
reverence, prejudice.
Virtues to be
devotion, sympathy, love, wide-mindedness.
This is the ray
of science and of research. The man on this ray will
possess keen intellect, great accuracy in detail, and will make unwearied efforts to trace
the smallest fact to its source, and to verify every theory. He
will generally be extremely truthful, (Saffi) full of lucid explanation of facts, though sometimes
pedantic and wearisome from his insistence on trivial and unnecessary verbal
minutiae. He will be orderly, punctual,
business-like, disliking to receive favours or
It is the ray of
the great chemist, the practical electrician, the first-rate engineer, the great operating surgeon. As
a statesman, the fifth ray man would be narrow in his views, but he would be an
excellent head of some special technical department, though a disagreeable person under whom to work. As a soldier, he would turn most readily to
artillery and engineering. (EPI
208) The artist on this ray is very rare, unless the fourth
or seventh be the influencing
secondary rays; 5th ray souls rarely artists unless have 4th
or 7th ray personalities even then, his colouring will be dull, his
sculptures lifeless, and his music (if he composes) will be uninteresting,
though technically correct in form. His
style in writing or speaking will be clearness itself, but it will lack fire
and point, and he will often be long-winded, from his desire to say all that
can possibly be said on his subject.
In healing, he is
the perfect surgeon, and his best cures will be through surgery and
For the fifth
ray, the method of approaching the Path is by scientific research, pushed to ultimate conclusions, and by the acceptance of the
inferences which follow these.
(GAWP 223) Fifth
ray people suffer the least
from glamour but are
primarily the victims of illusion, and for them the Technique of
the Presence is all-important because it brings in a factor which the true fifth ray person is
apt to negate and
refuse to admit, the fact of the Higher Self. He feels self-sufficient. They respond so easily and with such satisfaction
to the power of thought; pride in their mental competence is their besetting sin and they are,
therefore, set in their purposes and preoccupied with the world of the concrete
and the intellectual. The moment that the Angel of the Presence is a reality to
them, their response to illusion weakens and disappears. Their major problem is
not so much the negation of the astral body, for they are apt to despise its
hold, but they have a major difficulty in recognising that which the mind is
intended to reveal—the divine spiritual Self. Their lower concrete mind
interposes itself between them and the vision.
Many Christian
scientists are either 5th or 6th ray Egos
(DINAII 685) In
this connection and in order to enlarge your perspective, I would add that Christian
Science is a fifth ray expression of thought and was one of the effects of the incoming
fifth ray life. A very
large number of Christian Scientists are either fifth or sixth ray egos, for this particular school of thought was
one of the means whereby the fanatical emotional idealism (engendered by the
potency of the sixth ray influence dominant for so many centuries) could be
offset, and the mental grasp of truth and of life carefully fostered. Under its
influence, the stage was set on which many mystics could begin
to organise their mental bodies and discover that they had minds which could be used,
and thus be prepared for the occult way. It is therefore a masculine or
positive influence in its general effect, but its positivity is in relation to
the personality—the mind as the factor dominating [Page 686] the human expression.
It can, and eventually will, be negative to the soul, revealing the higher
mind. It is interesting whilst considering the pairs of opposites (the negative
and positive factors) to study the following groupings:
(DON 57) The Ray of Love or Inclusiveness, the Ray of
Active Intelligence showing itself so predominantly in the electrical
civilisation of modern times, and the fifth Ray of Exact Science are all potently active at this time, for
they are all pouring their energies onto our planetary life.
(DON 58) If, for instance, the energy of the fifth
ray, which is the soul ray of the French nation, can make its potency felt in
the stress and misery of the present world condition, then to
(DON 72) The egoic ray of
(DON 124) This interlocking directorate of energies will
engage the attention of some of the best minds and when that takes place much
will be learnt. This information is,
however, of negligible use at this time and will remain so until such time as
men are sensitive to the vibration of the different rays and can isolate
a ray rhythm in their consciousness. When this
sensitivity is developed, then many rapid, significant and revolutionary
discoveries will be made.
(DON 143) RAY V — This ray has
been in manifestation for nearly seventy years. It
will pass out (by special and unique arrangement) in another fifty years, thus
breaking into its own normal cycle, because it is deemed that the needed
special impulse has been adequate and that the impetus given to the human
"spirit of discovery" has served its purpose. Any further intensification of the mental
processes just now (except through the general pervasive effect of the third
ray) might prove disastrous. The ray
cycles are usually set and determined, but, in collaboration with each other and
because of the imminent spiritual Crisis of Approach, the Lord of the Fifth Ray
and the Lord of the World have decided temporarily to withdraw this type of
force. It will take about
fifty years to do
(DINAI XIV) 5. The fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge
or Science. Scientists and people who are purely mental and governed only by
the mind.
(DINAI 120) The mental body in your case
is governed by fifth ray energy. This is a pronounced condition and constitutes much
of your life difficulty. It is, in the case of all aspirants thus conditioned
mentally, the
paramount cause of their non-magnetic behaviour, using that word in its
psychological implications. I would remind you that being non-magnetic at your
stage of development means that (even though you may have some measure of soul
contact) you cannot radiate that soul life to others as you would like to do,
for your dominant fifth ray mental body (the Ray of Concrete Science, as you
know) is insulated, isolated and has a natural tendency to that discrimination
which leads to separativeness. The reverse effect is also true. The radiation of others can be also
shut off and hence your inability to register telepathic impressions. The value
of a fifth ray mind is however very great, for it means a keen and useful mind
and (ponder on this) an open door to inspiration.
You have a third
ray (the Ray of Intelligent Activity) physical body. This is largely
controlled, interiorly, by your fifth ray mind. Again you see the dominance of this type
of energy in your equipment of expression. Your rays are, therefore:
1. The soul
ray—the third Ray of Active Intelligence.
2. The personality
ray—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
3. The ray of the
mind—the fifth Ray of Concrete Science.
4. The ray of the
astral body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the
physical body—the third Ray of Activity.
(DINAI 126) First, your
egoic or soul ray focusses itself in and through your fifth ray mental body. This—as I told you in an earlier [Page
126] instruction—has given you your defined mental focus, your critical
attitude and your isolation, relatively speaking. It is this combination which has always enabled
you to rationalise yourself into a confidence in the rightness of your decisions
and into a surety that your particular life choices and your preferred
circumstances are correct and justified. This energy and force are reinforced
also by the controlling force of your physical body which gives you a third ray
(DINAI 198) 1. The
soul ray—the second Ray of Love-Wisdom.
2. The personality
ray—the fifth Ray of Concrete Science.
3. The ray of the
mind—the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict.
4. The ray of the
astral body—the sixth Ray of Devotion or Idealism.
5. The ray of the
physical body—the third Ray of Active Intelligence.
[Page 198]
What, therefore,
constitutes your major difficulty, for you are not satisfied yourself with your
progress, and rightly so?
The main
reason lies in your fifth ray personality, wherein the emphasis is laid upon the critical,
analytical mind. This
leads you to watch and criticise and to argue with yourself and with circumstances. It also lies in
your third ray physical body which, again upon the mental line, increases the
activity of your critical personality. It is yourself, however, whom you mainly
criticise, but this can be as wrong and as unnecessary as criticising others.
If you will let your soul influence your personality more definitely, working
through your fourth ray mind and your sixth ray astral body, studying and
utilising these lines of least resistance, you will make rapid progress towards
that goal you have set yourself in this life—the integration of soul and
(DINAI 304) You will probably find (as you are a first
ray soul) that you can make an impression upon their minds more easily than they can impress yours,
but your fifth ray personality will offset some of this, as you function more easily on the mental
plane than on the astral on account of your ray polarisation.
(DINAI 315) The ray of your mental body is
the fifth, and because
it is the same ray as that of your personality, you will have to guard
with care against mental crystallisation, and the undue influence of the critical
mind. This ray gives
you ability in the field of knowledge, but it must be balanced by the
unfoldment of the intuition; it gives you the power to master your
chosen field of knowledge,
but that power must be balanced by the simultaneous mastering of the world
wherein love and wisdom control.
Your rays
therefore are:
1. The egoic ray—the
first Ray of Will or Power.
2. The personality
ray—the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge.
[Page 316]
3. The ray of the
mental body—the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge.
4. The ray of the
astral body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the
physical body—the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic.
5th ray
mental body can build a protecting wall
(DINAI 316) It is dangerous work, my brother, and I am
mentioning it to you in this place because your fifth ray quality of mind
can serve a useful
group purpose. You are in a position to build a protecting wall (but
not a separating barrier) around the group as a whole; it is to this activity I call you at this
time. You can begin to prepare the way for the group activity. I am, therefore,
giving you a meditation which has this service intent and I would ask you to do
it for the next six months. It will strengthen your fifth ray quality, which is that of knowledge, and which,
when present, can produce illumination. It is that quality which permits the
man who has it, to stand steady in the light, to rest in pure being, and to
become the true Observer. These qualities of steadiness with the intent to
reflect light, of centralisation of the self, and of right observation are
essential [Page 317]
to this group. They must be developed as group qualities, if the work planned
is to be safely undertaken. The producing of these group attitudes can be
greatly assisted by you and through their intensification in your own life you
can foster their growth in others. In a letter written to you a year or so ago,
you will find another reason why you have this special service to render along
these lines. Will you re-read that letter?
One of the things
which I have endeavoured to do with this group of disciples is to give them a
grasp of their personality problem by telling them the rays with which they
predominantly work in order to help them subordinate the lower man to the
spiritual man. You would profit by making a study of the fifth ray and by
assimilating, as far
as you can, the information anent this ray found in my books. It would be a
profitable thing if students would gather together all the information they can
anent their two major rays, with the view to practical work with themselves.
This is for you a peculiarly valuable thing for both your personality
ray and your mind ray are on the fifth line of force. You have, consequently, a real problem in
connection with yourself and at the same time a real asset in connection with
the group. You can aid them in gaining the needed group poise for the work to
be done.
(DINAI 318) In reference to your meditation work,
continue as before, but when you have finished the work of building the
symbols, and have sounded the O.M. three times, then take as your seed thoughts
the following and meditate upon the themes indicated below:
1. The power to
stand within the light, leading to right reflection of the light.
2. The power to
rest in spiritual being, so as to focus the soul within the chosen field of
3. The power to
attain right observation, so as to see correctly that which should be done.
These are really 5th
ray themes
Do this meditation
with the consciousness focussed in your fifth ray mind but with your attention turned towards the
astral world whereon your group is planning to work. This may at first produce
an intensification of your own point of glamour and to guard against this you
will have to institute watchfulness. Much good will eventuate if you make one
definite and lasting gesture or act of freedom from your glamour (if you know
what it is and face it with precision) and opportunity to do so may come to you
in a few weeks' time. I wonder if you will recognise it, my brother, and have
the spiritual independence to seize it.
I ask your
assistance in this preparatory work and would ask you also to get in touch with
L.U.T. who is also doing some work for me along another line. In conclusion I
would point out that
1. Your soul
energy normally finds expression through your fifth ray mind and it is wise for you to link this up
with my earlier comments on this matter.
(DINAI 320) I would point out to you, however, the
problem which emerges when you have a straight line of contact between the first
ray soul, the fifth ray personality, a fifth ray mind and a seventh ray brain. This leads to intelligent
high grade work in your chosen profession but negates the free play of the intuition. This
latter, however, is aided by the fact that at this time, your first ray soul
focusses itself in the astral body and, therefore, greatly aids its expression
by giving you emotional power (if you care to use it) and enabling you to
release much magnetic force—again if you care to, which is seldom. The reason
for this is that—through your definite soul contact—you tend to express the
outstanding quality of the first ray which is loneliness, isolation (not
separativeness with you, my brother, for that is not one of your faults), the
ability to stand alone and unmoved. Your personality, as you have probably
guessed, finds its focus of expression in the mental body. There is an easy
line of fusion there.
(DINAI 344) This
seventh ray personality enables you to work actively in many ways upon the
physical plane, bringing together the subjective reality and the outer form.
Your feeling that there is in you indication of a fifth ray activity is due
to the fact that it was your personality ray in your last life and is, for you, the line of least
resistance therefore.
(DINAI 350) Your mental body is on the fifth ray. This is definitely what I might call a
"left over" from the fifth ray personality in which you functioned in
your previous incarnation. This fifth ray mind gives you the enquiring,
questioning nature which is one of your outstanding characteristics—a great
asset when rightly used; a major problem and real deterrent to the inflow of
soul light when over-emphasised. Eight years ago it was thus over-emphasised.
1. The egoic
ray—the second Ray of Love-Wisdom.
2. The personality
ray—the seventh Ray of Order or Magic.
3. The ray of the
mental body—the fifth Ray of Concrete Science.
[Page 351]
4. The ray of the
astral body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the
physical body—the seventh Ray of Order or Magic.
(DINAI 352) Your sixth ray astral body has given you your
idealism, and the one-pointedness of your fifth ray mind has
determined the nature of your mental approach to problems and to people; but you lack certain
qualities which would supplement your life expression and which would round out
your nature. You need more skill in action, a more firmly focussed will to
understand; thus you will bring more of your brain cells into activity through
the exercise of the third ray qualities. Ponder on this, but become not
over-serious about it.
(DINAI 379) Your mental body is not on one of the usual
rays, but is strongly second
ray in its nature, and
is, therefore, responsive to your second ray soul force. This is an asset but
also a liability, for the sharpening of the mind which is the result
of the effect of the usual fourth or fifth ray forces (the usual effects) is
lacking. There is a lack
of precision, of clear cut decision in you. Theoretically, my brother, this condition leads
you—again theoretically—to be too nice, too kind, too appreciative, but not in
reality. Fortunately (though unfortunately at times) this is offset by your
first ray personality which nips your second ray mental reactions in
the bud and re-asserts
isolation for inclusiveness and understanding. Yet, if you once [Page 379]
grasp the implications of this first ray personality and the difficulties
engendered thereby in your group relations, you can most easily put the matter
straight, for your second ray soul can come in, in full tide, via your second
ray mental body. Your task is not, therefore, difficult and you have no cause
for discouragement.
(DINAI 383) Forget not to love with detachment. That is
your main lesson, my brother, and you have only grasped its true importance
when the lengthier part of life has gone. The ties through attachment over many
years hold firm and on the physical plane they must not, may not, be
severed but ever
within yourself they must be completely snapped. This can
be done before this life episode closes, leaving you thus free in your next
life cycle for service, a
service to be rendered with undivided attention. This breaking can be done
almost instantaneously if your first ray soul power is brought into play, or it can be
accomplished more slowly if you work through the medium of your fifth ray
personality force.
Ponder on this.
(DINAI 437) Your mental body is on the
fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science. Hence your interest and usefulness
in the science of astrology which is in many ways the science of sciences.
Hence also your keen mind, your untiring search for truth and your power to
achieve light on many matters. The one point you should remember is that the fifth
ray is a crystallising factor and (in conjunction with the will and power developed by you in your
last life) could tend to make you dogmatic and consequently separative. This
must be offset by your second ray soul.
Criticism and
(DINAI 449) How shall I make clear to you the nature of
the glamour which at this time can hinder your close integration into this
group of brothers? It is of so subtle a kind that, perhaps, I cannot make it
present as a fact in your consciousness; only where glamour is recognised and
seen for what it is, is it possible to dissipate it. It is not
the glamour of criticism or of undue analysis that is your problem. It is in some way a result or
sequence, growing out of these two aspects of mental activity and yet it is neither of them exactly.
Perhaps I might call it the "glamour of the Judge"—trained, wise, experienced but
forever exercising (as a life habit) the prerogative of the judgment seat. A
case in point, my brother, which may serve to illustrate my point was your
reaction to the ——. For several days I watched your inner turmoil and distress
until you escaped by the door of decisive judgment distributing the blame, exonerating some
and resting back upon the assumed correctness of your decision. Yet you knew
not enough—even about your own group.
The glamour of
dissection, analysis and conclusions of the 5th ray personality
At the same time,
your rays are such that they constitute a deep pool or well of loving
understanding; it is only your fifth ray personality that stands
in the way of a full expression of the love which is truly your major and outstanding quality.
This, your mental and astral vehicles (being both along the line of the second
ray) will aid you in expressing. But it is the task of the fifth ray (when
dominating the personality) to dissect, to analyse, and to come to conclusions and this is a glamour, requiring most careful handling or a
barrier will be set up—in your case—between the soul and the three vehicles
through the medium of the synthesising of personality energy. Ponder on [page
450] this. Think it out, for when you have clarified the issue in your own
mind, you will have cleared away one of the most potent of the relatively few
things which hold you back from a very important step forward.
(DINAI 452) Those of you who are in a position to aid
unfolding minds, as you are today, and who possess fifth ray
personalities as you do, can affect many minds and lay the foundation for lives and
activities based upon right thought. It is in your field of activity that the world must
eventually find the instruction which will lead to right action, based on right
understanding of the Plan, and to a right handling of the younger generation (a
thing hitherto totally unknown)……
expansion of consciousness to larger issues is not easy for 5th
ray personalities
The process of expanding
your consciousness to grasp the larger issue is never easy, particularly with a
fifth ray personality and a sixth ray astral body. That is why you have a mental body which is
conditioned by the fourth ray; your battle for vision and inclusiveness must be
fought out in the mind and on realised mental levels; that is for you
definitely a mental issue. Your task is to link the emotional and the
intuitional nature and so evoke spiritual sensitivity to revelation. To that,
you must add the conscious bringing through of the unfolding light into the
area of the physical brain, thus making what [page 453] you know and see
available to others. This must be done in three ways:
Fifth ray minds
are analytical but not discriminating
(DINAI 520) Your mental body is on the
fifth ray and,
therefore, you have an intensely analytical mind. I would, however, remind you
that you are analytical but not discriminating. Ponder on this distinction.
1. The soul
ray—the second Ray of Love-Wisdom.
2. The personality
ray—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
3. The ray of the
mind—the fifth Ray of Concrete Science.
[page 521]
4. The ray of the
astral body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
5. The ray of the
physical body—the sixth Ray of Devotion.
(DINAI 540) Your mental body is on the
fifth ray, giving you your grip of facts and your grasp of the contours of the occult
sciences. But this mental body must be guided into being an instrument of
illumination and not simply a recorder of facts; this only becomes possible when head and
heart vibrate in unison.
(DINAI 541) Part of the problem is connected with your
third ray physical body which demands change and requires variety; it dislikes
quietness and stability; part of it is the result of your fifth ray mentality
(your personality focus is pre-eminently there) which renders
you non-magnetic and gives you a vertical and not a horizontal attitude to
life. Your personality
ray, being the fourth, opens wide the door for soul contact and (when that
contact is made and established) it will bring in your second ray energy. This,
in your case, will express itself as love more than wisdom, and it will render
you creative in a newer and more powerful sense, and make you so magnetic that
you will become a focal point of inspiration and loving service to all around
Resume your
creative work, my brother, and let the love that is deeply hidden in your
nature emerge more fully to the surface in relation to the many and not only to
the few.
I would suggest
that you follow the meditation suggested below. It is definitely a fifth ray
meditation and has for its purpose the revelation of the science
of service. The fifth
Ray of Concrete Knowledge is, in reality, that on which a man learns to use all
acquired knowledge of the "form divine" in such a way that the inner
life is served and the outer form becomes the magnetic expression of the divine life. It is the ray of
intelligent love above all else, just as the second ray is the ray of intuitive
love—a fact which is seldom remembered or known.
1. Alignment.
Focus attention in the mind nature to the vibration, the quality of the overshadowing
second ray soul.
2. Then make the
effort to achieve a point of fusion, holding the consciousness at that point as
steadily and for as long as possible.
3. Then sound the
O.M. as the aspiring personality and again as the overshadowing soul, and once
more from the attained point of fusion.
4. Ponder then on
the following fifth ray seed thoughts or symbolic phrases, endeavouring to see
them visually in symbol form.
First month The great
Wheel turns—the Potter's wheel. The vase of life is formed.
Second month The ivory puzzle
box contains the many lesser forms, all true to type, conforming to the
pattern. They veil a central ball—the seed of life.
Third month A chrysalis
appears. Upon its outer shell, upon the inner side, appears the pattern of the form
which is to be. What is that future form?
Fourth month A block of
marble, deep within the quarry lies. Hidden within it lies [page 543] likewise
a form of beauty rare. The sculptor works, patterning true to that which lies
revealed unto the inner sight. He patterns true and beauty comes to life.
month A bridge is built. Two forms are brought within
each other's reach. Build thou a form, a bridge.
Sixth month I saw all forms gathered within the
Form of God. Thus one great Form appeared.
5. Sound the O.M.
and vitalise the pictorial vision which you have succeeded in evoking in your
imaginative consciousness whilst pondering on the monthly seed thoughts.
(DINAI 556) You see, my brother, you are essentially the
occultist, being a first ray soul and working through a fifth
ray personality. This
is a combination of great value but it carries with it its limitations because
it is entirely along one major line of energy, [page 556] 1-3-5-7, and this is
intensified by the fact that your mental body is on the third ray and your
physical body is on the first. This last force type utilised by you in the
physical body runs counter to the usual rule but with disciples the rule is not
unchangeable. You will see, therefore, how the line of the will or power
energy, intelligently applied, dominates your equipment in this life.
5th ray
personality makes it easy to put on rapport the intellect and intuition-it is
not the same for the 5th mental body?
(DINAI 556) You
have done much of mind preparation and of personality coordination. Your
fifth ray personality makes the reception of illumination easy, for your intellect and your intuition could
be put en rapport with facility. You have achieved much that others are still
struggling to achieve.
(DINAI 573) My problem is, therefore, to aid you to do
this—as easily and as intelligently as possible. The secret of success lies for
you, in an effort to shift your focus of attention out of the head and into the
heart. This, incidentally, may aid the head condition of which you complain.
Your monadic ray is the second ray and hence your soul, being on a minor ray,
must transfer to that line. As you know, the sequence of activity is ever the
transfer of the fourth and sixth rays on to the second and
the third, of the fifth
and the seventh rays on to the first ray.
(DINAI 718) Isolated unity is connected with the mental plane, is governed
by the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science, and is a reflection of the will-to-know.
Isolated identity is connected with the astral plane, is governed by the sixth
Ray of Devotion or Idealistic Sensitivity and is a reflection—distorted and
unstable—of the will-to-love. Isolated individuality is connected with
expression upon the physical plane, is governed by the third Ray of Active
Intelligence, and is a reflection—again distorted and unsure—of the will-to-be.
(DINAII 221) The fifth Ray of Concrete
Knowledge is also
expressing itself powerfully in the meditation and the reflection of the world
scientists in all fields of human interest; in their hands the form of the new
civilisation is being constructed. I would remind you that when I use the word
"scientist," I refer to all who are working in the social sciences
and the economic [Page 221] sciences as well as the large group
of chemists, biologists, physicists, etc., who are usually covered by that term. The
organising, defining power of the mental plane is being brought to bear upon
all phases of human life by the scientists of all the many schools of thought;
out of this meditative and creative thought which they all so admirably
demonstrate will come the structure of the new civilisation.
(DINAII 336) Many have taken the second
particularly those who are working in fifth ray Ashrams and in
third ray Ashrams, for
such disciples are distinguished by a lack of emotional
(DINAII 577) For yourself, my
brother, I have but a word. Deepen your understanding and remember that owing
to the fact that you have two rays upon the first line of outgoing energy, [Page
577] aloofness must be carefully avoided by you. It is the first step towards
isolation. Disciples must ever remember that any over-emphasis of the energies
which govern the personality lays the foundation of the form
nature in the next incarnation. In your case, for instance, an undue emphasis of your fifth
and seventh lines of force in this life might produce a powerfully dangerous
form nature in your next incarnation—one which would probably bring about a personality
upon the first ray with a third ray mentality, the same sixth ray astral body and a fifth
ray physical body. You
can see the danger of this combination where a disciple is concerned and the
problem with which he would be confronted. I have here given a hint as to the
mode of unfoldment in connection with karmic responsibility for
the future. Such a
hint has not hitherto been made available to the public. In this paragraph I
have given you much food for thought.
(DINAII 646) You have a particularly interesting group of
life forces or energies conditioning you, interesting because of the specific
combination. The saving grace of your life expression has been your second ray
astral body because the combination of a first ray soul, a fifth
ray personality and a third ray physical expression might have resulted in a
hard, concrete materialistic person. These rays are the ones which have produced what is
called the Prussian type of mind. Incidentally, this ray combination
produced your karmic relationships in this life. Fortunately for you, your past
immediate incarnation as a personality was overwhelmingly second ray and of
this you brought over a second ray astral nature and a fourth ray mental
equipment. Hence the balancing in two directions and hence also the general
trend of your life conditioning.
LTS-K will come
into incarnation with a 1st ray personality
(DINAII 731) You have, as you know, a third
ray soul and a sixth ray personality. Your task as regards the latter is to transit
on to [Page 731] the first ray, so that next life you will come into incarnation with the difficult combination of
three and one. For
this the training, discipline and discoveries of the present incarnation should
have prepared you, and you can therefore face the future with caution but with
Your mental
body is on the fifth ray
and hence your interest in things scientific; but the calibre of your
mind is not yet of such a nature that you can profit from this,
and this is a fact which you must accept.
(EOH 56) The work of the seventh group, which is in
the field of science,
is closely allied to that of the seventh ray and is one with a most practical
physical purpose. It
is strictly magical in its technique, and this technique is intended to produce
a synthesis between the three aspects of divinity upon the physical plane, or
between life, the solar energies and the lunar forces. This involves a
difficult task and much understanding; the work to be done is not easy to
comprehend. It will be carried forward by first ray workers,
assisted by seventh ray aspirants, but using fifth ray methods. They will thus combine, in their
personnel, the work of the destroyer of outgrown forms, the findings of the
scientists who penetrated behind the outer form to its motivating energy, and
the practical work of the magician who—under the law—creates the new forms, as
expressions of the inflowing life.
(EOH 57) I doubt that it will be possible to do much
in connection with the forming of this group, and this for several reasons. [Page 58]
The first is that such a group cannot be formed until a certain
scientific discovery has been made of such moment that our present scientific inhibition
in recognising the fact of the soul as a creative factor,
will disappear. This discovery will be part of the acknowledged "facts
of science" by the year 1975. Secondly, A.A.B. has not the necessary scientific
knowledge to do more than grasp the broader outlines of the intended work, and
then only primarily from the angle of the more mystical and philosophical
approaches. Nor, my brothers, have I. It will take a fifth or
seventh ray initiate to deal with this matter, and though I could invoke the assistance of such a
brother, it does not seem to me a profitable expenditure of force at this time.
The sigh of relief from A.A.B. as she grasps the fact that there is one less
group to tackle on my and your behalf would almost warrant my making this a
major reason!
(EOH 89) V. The
materialistic forces Planetary sacral centre Fifth
Ray aspect Mind
The Matter
aspect. Conditioning substance. of First Ray. Generation.
(EOH 548) As the
forerunner of that release of energy which will change the mode of human living
and inaugurate the new age wherein we shall not have civilisations and their
emerging cultures but a world culture and an emerging civilisation, thus
demonstrating the true synthesis which underlies humanity. The atomic
bomb emerged from a first ray Ashram, working in conjunction with a fifth
ray group; from the
long range point of view, its intent was and is purely beneficent.
(EOH 577) The Ashram of a Master on the fifth ray,
the custodian, among other things, of science and of that which relates and
brings into expression the duality of spirit-matter. This Ashram has an
important part to play in the work of preparation, for it is through the
scientific use of energy that the world will be rebuilt and the factual nature
of the Hierarchy be proved.
Through the
pressure of education (second ray energy), through the growth of the concept of
synthesis (first ray energy), and through the correct use of energy
(fifth ray energy),
this world can be brought into a condition of preparedness for the
externalisation of the Hierarchy.
(EOH 579) Allied to the efforts of these two
groups of disciples and initiates will be those
disciples on the fifth ray, whose task it will be to lead mankind into the benefits
of the atomic age. The occultist has ever proclaimed that the
field wherein the Hierarchy works is that of energy; they have taught that
there is nothing in existence but energy in some form or other, and that all we
see, all with which we daily work (including our own material natures, mental,
emotional and physical), and all that produces phenomena is energy in relation
to forces, or forces as they are directed by energy.
(EOH 667) We now
come to a consideration of the vast Ashram controlled by the Master R. He is
the Lord of Civilisation and His is the task of bringing in the new
civilisation for which all men wait. It is a third ray Ashram, and therefore
enfolds within its ring-pass-not all the Ashrams to be found upon the third Ray
of Active Intelligence, upon the fifth Ray of Concrete Science and upon the seventh Ray of Ceremonial
Order. All these Ashrams are working under the general direction of the Master
R. He works primarily through the Masters of these three types of ray energy.
He Himself at this time is occupied with seventh ray energy, which is the
order-producing energy upon our planet.
Every October and
every March, the Master R. gathers [Page 669] together His council of helpers,
the Masters and the senior initiates in the Ashrams of the third, the
fifth and the seventh rays. Though He is the Head of the third Ray of Aspect and is in control,
therefore, of the two Rays of Attribute mentioned above, He does not Himself
wield these forces, because He is One of the three
Heads of the Hierarchy and His work cannot be confined to the activity of any
one ray. He works through the Ashrams of these rays, but He Himself works
primarily in cooperation with the Christ and the Manu.
(GAWP 64) Through wrong embodiment
of ideas. This refers primarily to the difficulties
encountered by those developed souls who do touch the world of
the intuition, who do intuit
the great spiritual ideas,
[Page 64] and whose responsibility it is to embody them in some
form, automatically
and spontaneously, through a trained and rhythmic activity of the soul and
mind, working always in the closest collaboration. The idea is contacted, but
is wrongly clothed in mental matter and therefore wrongly started on its way to
materialisation. It finds itself, for instance, integrated into a group
thoughtform of a colouring, keynote and substance which is entirely unsuited to
its right expression. This happens far more often than you might think. It
concerns the higher interpretations of the Hindu aphorism: Better one's own
dharma than the dharma of another.
This is illusion
through wrong discrimination where substance is concerned.
This is really
interesting because DK has said that the 5th ray mind is analytical
but not discriminating- And here the illusion is caused through wrong
discrimination-so which ray is the most discriminating? Its cause is lack of esoteric training in
creative activity.
Its cure is the application
of fifth ray methods,
which are the methods of the mental plane.
This form of error
seldom applies to the average aspirant and concerns an illusion which is the
testing applied to many initiates of fairly high degree. The ordinary disciple,
such as you and others in this group, seldom touch a pure idea, and hence seldom need to embody it.
5th Ray
Monads pass to the path of Magnetic work
(HIS 187) 2. The Path of Magnetic Work.
Those who do the
work of wielding forces, or electrical magnetism for the use of the Great Ones
on all the planes, pass to this Path.
They wield the elemental formative energy, manipulating matter of every
density and vibration. [Page 187] Great
waves of ideas and surging currents of public opinion on astral levels, as well
as on the higher levels where the Great Ones work, are manipulated by
them. A large number of fifth
ray people, those who
have the Ray of Concrete Knowledge for their monadic ray, pass to this line of endeavour. The inherent quality in the type of the monad
settles usually the line of activity.
The karma of the fifth ray is one of the factors which produces
this. These monads work with Fohat, and
must, to the end of the greater manvantara.
They have their eventual position on the cosmic mental plane, but as yet
the capacity for abstract thought is so little developed that it is impossible
for us to comprehend the significance of this expression.
Method of
meditation for 5th ray Soul
As the process is
continued, the piercing of the periphery of the causal body becomes so frequent
that in the end disintegration is produced and a man is set free. It is mentality driving a man on to perfection
and forcing him to utilise all knowledge in the loving service of his race.
An example of a 2nd
ray soul who in a particular incarnation has a 5th ray personality
and who advances in this life through focussing on the acquisition of
scientific knowledge
Let me illustrate,
if in any way I can elucidate the matter; accuracy of comprehension is desired.
We will assume
that the egoic ray of A is that of the Love or Wisdom Ray, whilst the ray of his lower self is that
of the fifth or the Ray of Concrete Knowledge. A in past
lives has demonstrated love and has made real progress in the method of the synthetic ray, that of
expansion. He loves much and expands
with fair facility his consciousness to include a just part of his environing
[Page 21] circumstances. But, though of
average intelligence, he lacks the stabilising vibration that
attaches to the fifth ray. He has not that concentration that forces results, and he needs the basic foundation of facts before he can wisely and safely proceed
much further. The wise teacher, in
apprehending this necessity, uses the method of expansion
inherent in the egoic ray (Jupiter) and applies it to the expansion
of the mental body. By a wisely adjudicated method, he will apply
the faculty of expansion (hitherto used only to include others through love) to
the one-pointed effort likewise to expand for the purpose of apprehending
knowledge. When this is done, every effort of the
personal life may apparently (in one particular incarnation) be given to the acquirement
of scientific position
and to the development of mind. Intellectual
progress may seem of too paramount importance to the uninstructed onlooker;
yet, after all, the work proceeds as desired by the inner guide, and only the
life succeeding will demonstrate the wisdom of the egoic choice.
Intellectual expansion by the combination of second ray methods with fifth
ray application will be achieved. Have I
made this matter clear? I write for
clarity for this question of meditation is of much vital importance to many.
It will,
therefore, be clear to you on careful perusal, that as one knows more, one judges less. A person
may be well-developed on the love side, yet in some particular incarnation that
side may lie in abeyance, and the line of development most apparent may be the
purely intellectual. Reservation of
opinion is the best line for the wise onlooker to take, for he has not yet the
inner vision that sees the colour, nor the occult hearing that recognises the note.
A group of 5th
ray souls will reveal next three truths of electricity
(CF 456) A group of scientists will come into
incarnation on the
[Page 456] physical plane during the next seventy-five years who will be the
medium for the revelation of the next three truths concerning electrical phenomena. A formula of truth concerning this aspect of
manifestation was prepared by initiates on the fifth Ray at
the close of the last century, being part of the usual attempt of the Hierarchy to
promote evolutionary development at the close of every cycle of one hundred
years. Certain parts (two fifths) of
that formula have worked out through the achievements of such men as
5th ray
Egos will benefit enormously from the incoming 7th ray cycle
(CF 474) This need not be looked for at this time, and
will only begin to be noticeable about three hundred years
hence, when the
incoming seventh Ray Egos will be numerically strong enough to be recognised as the prevailing
type for a certain period. Their
physical bodies, owing
to their being built for seventh Ray force will respond more readily than the others,
though first Ray egos and fifth Ray Egos will benefit enormously from this influence. The etheric devas will build during a
peculiarly favourable period, and the physical bodies
then constructed will be distinguished by:
a. Resilience,
b. Enormous
physical magnetism,
[Page 474]
c. Ability to
reject false magnetism,
d. Capacity to
absorb solar rays,
e. Great strength
and resistance,
f. A delicacy and
refinement in appearance as yet unknown.
(CF 553) 5. Vibrations from the seven Rishis of the Great
Bear, and primarily from those two Who are the
Prototypes of the Lords of the seventh and fifth Rays.
This is a most important point, and finds its microcosmic correspondence
in the place which the seventh Ray has in the building of a thoughtform, and
the use of the fifth Ray in the work of concretion.
All magicians who work with matter and who are occupied with
form-building (either consciously or unconsciously) call in these two types of
force or energy.
All Egos must
spend some time on the 5th ray-probably personality ray before
remaining on his monadic ray
(CF 586) This harmony is reached through the fifth
plane, and the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge acts as a step to the fourth, for many who
work on the fifth Ray pass eventually to the fourth. In
this system the fifth Ray is of paramount importance in the development of all egos.
Each must pass some time on it before definitely
remaining on his monadic Ray. In many incarnations much time is spent on the
fifth subplane of each plane, which is governed principally by the fifth
Ray. All pass [Page 586] then on the
fourth subplane governed by the fourth Ray, and in this particular period of
the fourth round in the fourth chain, more time is spent on the fourth subplane
by evolving Egos than on any other. Many
come into incarnation directly on to this plane, and it is here that they begin
to think harmoniously.
(CF 590) The Ray of Concrete Science has a peculiar
relationship to the animal kingdom, in that it is the Ray that governs the
merging of that kingdom into the human.
The planet, Venus, in her fifth round, gave the impetus which produced
the spark of mind in animal man—a fact well known. It is also the fifth Ray, and has an interesting
connection with the fifth Law of Fixation. We might
study, too, with profit, the analogy that can be seen between these factors and
the fifth root-race, the race of peculiarly strong development of the concrete
mind. The Law of Analogy always holds
(CF 596) Out of the shattered form of the fifth
subrace of the fifth root race, built up under the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge, with the aid of the fifth Law of
Fixation, will emerge the sixth subrace of brotherly love—love shown in the
realisation of the one life latent in each Son of God.
(CF 1022) Four Rules for the Physical Plane. In the magical work of form creation, we have
carried the thought form down from the mental plane where the solar Angel
initiated the work, through the astral, where the equilibrising work was done,
to the physical plane, or to the etheric levels. Here the work of producing objectivity is
carried forward, and here the worker in magic is in critical danger of failure
should he not be cognisant of the forms and mantrams by which the new group of
builders can be reached, and the gap between the astral plane and the gaseous
subplane of the physical be bridged. It
might be useful here to remember that in the work of creation [Page 1022] the
white magician avails himself of the current Ray influence. When the third, fifth and seventh
rays are in power, either coming in, at full meridian, or passing out, the work
is much easier than when the second, sixth or fourth are dominant. At the present time, the seventh Ray, as we
know, is rapidly dominating, and it is one of the easiest of the forces with
which man has to work. Under this Ray it
will be possible to build a new structure for the rapidly decaying
civilisation, and to erect the new temple desired for the religious impulse. Under its influence the work of the numerous
unconscious magicians will be much facilitated.
This will eventuate in the rapid growth of unconscious psychic
phenomena, in the spread of mental science, and the consequent ability of
thinkers to acquire and to create those tangible benefits they desire. Nevertheless, this magic of the unconscious
or selfish kind leads to karmic results of a deplorable nature, for only those
who work with the law and who control the lesser lives through knowledge, love
and will, evade the consequences entailed on those who manipulate living matter
for selfish ends.
(EPI 52) The fifth ray has produced
what we call science. In science we find a condition which is rare
in the extreme. Science
is separative in its approach to the differing aspects of the divine manifestation which we call the
world of natural phenomena, but it is non-separative in actuality, for there is
little warring between the sciences and little competition between
scientists. In this the workers in the scientific
field differ profoundly from those of the religious. The reason for this is to be found in the
fact that the true scientist, being a coordinated personality and working
therefore on mental levels, works very close to the soul.
The developed personality produces the [Page 52] clear distinctions of
the dominant lower mind, but (if one may use such a symbolic way of expression)
the close proximity of the soul negates a separative attitude.
The 5th
ray is the point of consummation for the personality
(EPI 88) Two rays are largely the goal of human
endeavour, the first ray and the second ray.
One ray is the goal of the deva or angel evolution, the third ray. All these three rays contact the two poles,
and the attainment of the goal at the end of the cycle marks the achievement of
the solar Logos. This again is hidden in mystery. The seventh ray and the first ray are very
closely allied, with the third ray linking them, so that we have the relation
expressed thus,— 1. 3. 7. There is a close association also between
rays 2. 4. 6., with the fifth ray in a peculiar position, as a
central point of attainment, the home of the ego or soul, the embodied plane of mind, the point of consummation for
the personality, and
the reflection in the three worlds of the threefold monad.
(EPI 121) There is, for instance, a definite reason why
the bulk of the wild flowers and garden flowers in the occident, and also those
found during the autumn season, are at this time found in tones of yellow
and orange; and the mental calibre of the later sub-races of the Aryan race, as well as its general tone throughout
the Aryan age, is also related to the same reason. The influence of the fourth Ray of Harmony
and Beauty, and the developing power of the fifth Ray of Knowledge (synonymous
to the merging of the intuition and the intellect in highly
evolved man) have a
definite effect upon the vegetable kingdom and upon the human aura. Yellow-orange shines forth in both. I mention this as an illustration of an
externalisation of ray force, and as an indication of the value of the esoteric
science when applied to the exoteric.
(EPI 320) Two rays of divine energy are peculiarly
active in bringing this kingdom into manifestation. These are:
1. The fourth
Ray of Harmony, beauty and
unity, attained through conflict.
2. The fifth
Ray of Concrete Knowledge,
or the power to know.
(EA 166) The third and fifth rays (this combination produces the
master of the pen and the truly great mathematician or historian) are peculiarly active upon the Path
of Discipleship, just
as the sixth and fourth are dominant upon the Path of
Evolution and the first
and seventh upon the Path of Initiation. The second ray (Jupiter as king of the Gods) controls and dominates all the other rays, as you
well know.
[Page 166]
Path Rays Planets Constellations
Evolution 6 and 4 Mars. Mercury Aries. Gemini. Cancer.
Virgo. Scorpio
Discipleship 3 and 5 Venus. Saturn Gemini. Sagittarius.
Initiation 1 and 7 Vulcan. Uranus. Taurus. Libra. Pisces.
An example of the
rays in relation to the Sun sign and the whole cross of which it is a part
(EA 249) The following planets and their rays govern
the Cardinal Cross of which Libra is one of the points:
1. Mars
6th Ray Idealism Devotion (Aries)
2. Mercury 4th Ray Harmony through Conflict. (Aries)
3. Uranus 7th Ray Ceremonial Order, Law or Magic. (Aries/Libra)
4. Venus
5th Ray Concrete Knowledge or
Science. (Libra/Capricorn)
5. Saturn 3rd Ray Active Intelligence. (Capricorn/Libra/Aries)
(EA 249) Here we have six planets and five rays
of energy and the
expression of the two lines of spiritual energy; Love-Wisdom in two of the
rays and planets, and three
of the rays and planets
upon the first major stream of energy, will or power. You will note how three
of these rays definitely predispose the Libran subject to concrete
understanding, to intelligent will and to knowledge: the first ray (functioning
through the 3rd and 5th rays) the fifth ray and the third ray. Hence the effectiveness of Libra
upon the physical plane and the power of the developed Libran to project the
inner spiritual purpose or intended will into physical expression. An instance
of a person, equipped to do this, can be seen in H. P. Blavatsky.
(EA 354) It is for this reason that you have the exoteric
ruler given as Mercury
and the esoteric ruler as Venus, for they embody between them the energies
of the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict and the fifth
Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science which is embryonic understanding of causes and
conditions resulting therefrom and also of the Plan.
Taurus is directly
affected by the 1st and 5th rays-this means that anyone
with Sun or Asc in Taurus has 1st and 5th ray qualities
as subrays to the soul or personality rays
(EA 394) Thus from every angle, illumination remains
the theme of this sign.
We have somewhat
considered the rays and their effect and relationship as they, through
Taurus and its rulers, pour
their force and energy into individual man, or into humanity as a whole. The two
rays which directly affect the sign are, as we have seen, the fifth (through Venus) and
the first (through Vulcan). These two when viewed in combination with the Earth (which is an
expression of the third ray) demonstrate a most difficult combination of rays,
for all are along the line of the first Ray of Energy:
Ray 1.—The ray of Will or Power.
Ray 5.—The ray of Concrete Knowledge.
Ray 3.—The ray of Active Intelligence.
This combination
tremendously increases the already difficult task of the Taurian subject. Only
indirectly does the second Ray of Love-Wisdom and its
subsidiary line of energies appear and, therefore, love and wisdom are often
noticeably lacking in the person born in this sign. Such a man will have much self-love,
self-esteem, self-respect
and a good deal of selfish centralisation or personality
focus. He will be intelligent
but not wise;
aspirational but at the same time stubborn and set so that his aspiration does
not take him very far very rapidly. He will move spasmodically and in wild
rushes; steady measured progress upon the Way is very hard for him. He finds it
difficult to apply practically the knowledge gained. It is apt to remain a mental
acquisition and not a
practical experience. He will be almost painfully conscious of duality but,
instead of its producing a struggle for unity, it produces often a set and
static depression. He will be destructive because "bull-headed" and
because the hammer aspect of Vulcan will be dominant. Because he has a measure
of light—his power to be thus destructive will distress him.
(EA 600) RAY
V.—The energy of Concrete Science or Knowledge. To understand this expression
of the divine will,
the student should bear in mind the occult aphorism that "matter is spirit
at its lowest point of manifestation and spirit is matter at its highest."
Basically this is the will which produces concretion and yet at the same time constitutes the
point at which spirit and matter are balanced and co-equal. That is the reason
why human perfection is carried forward consciously upon the mental plane, the
fifth plane; this is brought about by the fifth ray and upon this plane
liberation takes place at the time of the fifth initiation. This
is the will which is inherent in substance and which actuates all atoms of which all forms are made. It is closely
related to the first solar system even whilst liberating members of the human
family who will constitute the nucleus around which the third solar system is
constructed. The energy of this ray is intelligence; it is the seed
of consciousness but
not of consciousness as we understand it; it is the inherent [Page 600] life of
matter and the will to work intelligently; it is that living something for
which we have no name which was the product of the first solar system. It is
one of the major assets of God, the Father and also of the human Monad. This is
the Will to Action.
Today, as regards
humanity, its highest expression is liberation—through death or initiation.
(EH 302) V. "The Great One arose in His wrath and
separated Himself. He swept aside the
great dualities and saw primarily the field of multiplicity. He produced cleavage on every hand. He wrought with potent thought for separative
action. He established barriers with
joy. He brooked no understanding; He
knew no unity, for He was cold, austere, ascetic and forever cruel. He stood between the tender, loving centre of
all lives and the outer court of writhing, living men. Yet He stood not at the midway point, and
naught He did sufficed to heal the breach.
He widened all cleavages, erected barriers, and sought to make still
wider gaps."
It has been most
difficult to describe the nature of the imperfection of the energy of
the Lord of the fifth ray. In the activity
of this energy which demonstrates primarily upon the fifth or mental plane will
be found eventually the source of many psychological disorders and mental
trouble. Cleavage is the
outstanding characteristic—cleavage within the individual or between the
individual and his group,
rendering him anti-social. I have dealt
with this in an earlier part of this treatise and need not further enlarge upon
the difficulties here (In Esoteric Psychology, Vol. II of A Treatise on the
Seven Rays). Other results are certain
forms of insanities, brain lesions and those gaps in the relation of the
physical body to the subtle bodies which show as imbecilities and psychological
troubles. Another form of disease,
emerging as a result of this fifth ray force is migraine, which is caused by a lack of relationship
between the energy around the pineal gland and that around the pituitary
body. (symbolizing a gap between the soul and
the personality)
Methods of Healing
for different rays
(EH 650) Healers on the second, third and fifth
rays use more generally the mode of laying on of hands
or magnetic healing. This term applies to the direct act of laying on of hands upon the
patient's physical body,
and not to the action of the hands in the second method, when the hands are
immersed in the etheric body of the patient and are definitely working in
etheric matter. Healers on the first,
fourth and seventh rays use the mode of "hand immersion," as it is sometimes called. The sixth ray healer is rare and is
successful only when highly developed; he will then use both methods
interchangeably. All spiritually
advanced healers use both hands. Healers
are, however, advised first of all to ascertain their ray, and then to perfect themselves in the
type or mode of healing best suited to that ray; then, when adequately efficient and able
to use facility and skill, they can add the mode of healing which is not so
adaptable to their ray type. People on
the sixth ray are advised to abstain from the healing art until they have arrived (consciously) at
the [Page 651] initiate stage. When both
modes of magnetic healing have been mastered, the healer may employ both
alternately in the act of healing, or he may use the mode of magnetic passes
first so as to set up a changed activity in the diseased area, and then finally
use a definite laying on of hands.
(EH 710) 5. The fifth
ray technique.
That which has
been given must be used; that which emerges from within the given mode will
find its place within the healer's plan.
That which is hidden must be seen and from the three, great knowledge
will emerge. For these the healer
seeks. To these the healer adds the two
which are as one, and so the fifth must play its part and the five must play
its part and the five must function as if one.
The energies descend, pass through and disappear, leaving the one who
could respond with karma yet to dissipate and taking with them him who may not
thus respond and so must likewise disappear.
The obvious and
simplest meaning of the fifth ray mode of healing is that the healer, working scientifically
and largely on concrete levels, employs all aids to bring about a cure, starting with appropriate physical care
and passing on to subtler modes of healing.
Again I would point out that physical aid can be as divinely used as the
more mysterious methods which the metaphysical healer of the present time
believes to be so profoundly more effective.
Just as all modern knowledge, developed on the
physical plane, through the personalities of men and women of insight and
genius everywhere, is useful to the disciple and initiate, in time and space,
so it is with the medical sciences.
Just as right application of these varying sciences has to be made by
the disciple or the initiate in order to bring about spiritual results, so must
it be when the healer is at work.
All work becomes
spiritual when rightly motivated, when wise discrimination is
employed and soul
power is [Page 711] added to the knowledge gained in the three worlds. The dynamic use of energy in one of its seven
streams, added to the sane understanding and work of the modern physician,
aided by the healer (who works as does a catalyst), can produce miracles when
destiny so ordains. The metaphysical
healer who works solely on the subtler levels is like the spiritual worker
who fails so constantly to precipitate the needed financial assets on the physical plane. This is caused frequently by a subtle—though
usually unrecognised—sense of superiority with which the average healer and the
esotericist views his problem of materialisation of either physical health or
money. Ponder on this and realise that fifth
ray methods carry through to the physical plane; there they engender conflict and eventually
produce a physical precipitation of the desired nature. In what I have said anent the fifth
ray techniques, I have
given more hints and information than in any of the others.
(RI 401) 2. The Path of Magnetic Work (many 5th ray Masters
go this way and work in a great 2nd ray vortex of energy-Venus and
In referring to
this Path, I have stated that Those Who find Their way on to this Path work
with fohat, or with the essential energy of our solar system which
differentiates into seven major types of energy. Our planet with its ruling Lord is an
integral part of the life expression of a still greater Entity, the solar
Logos, and it is with the astral energy incident to His cosmic nature that the
Master has to work. He learns to direct
the currents of this essential energy, and because of His past relation to the
Earth, He is part of the directing agency for astral energy within the
planetary ring-pass-not. I also said
that many Masters Who leave reached liberation upon the fifth ray find Their way to this Path, thus proving the statement that it is not the ray
which determines decision. These fifth
ray Masters (among
many others, of course) will be working in a great second ray vortex of
Many 1st
and 2nd ray souls follow this 5th path-and therefore work
in 5th ray energy
(RI 420) It is, however, with these ray intentions
that the Initiate of the sixth degree is occupied when He passes on to the fifth
or Ray Path. His decision and the intention of the ray
[Page 420] Lord at first, and the united intention of all of Them
eventually, are curiously and uniquely connected. The Master on this Path works at the comprehension of the
intention and the life purposes of the ray Lords. Many first ray souls find their way on to
this Path, for there
is a close connection between the decision at the sixth initiation and this
fifth Path; this might be expected for two reasons: one, that every Master is on one of
the three major rays,
and secondly, every Master has to develop an understanding of the world
of cosmic Purpose. It is a connection based upon the use of the
will; it is the will-to-power, the will-to-love and the
will-to-know, plus the
other four aspects of will* which form the elementary basis of the training
given on this fifth Path. Souls from
other rays reach the same goal and occasionally choose this Path, but it is not
the one which constitutes for Them the line of least
resistance, as it often is for Masters on the first ray.
Masters from the first
ray and the second ray tread it often, and each of Them has a
different mode of approach, technique and type of realisation:
(RI 460) I would like here also to point out some
further relationships. You know well
that upon the mental plane the three aspects of mind, or the three focal points of
mental perception and
activity, are to be found:
Venus and the
lower concrete mind
1. The lower
concrete mind. This expresses itself most completely through
the fifth Ray of Concrete Science, reflecting the lower phase of the will
aspect of divinity and summarising within itself all knowledge as
well as the egoic memory. This lower concrete mind is related to the knowledge
petals of the egoic lotus
and is capable of pronounced soul illumination, proving eventually to be the
searchlight of the soul. It can be brought
under control through the processes of concentration. It
is transient in time and space. Through
conscious, creative work, it can be related to the manasic permanent atom or to
the abstract mind.
2. The Son of
Mind. This is the soul itself,
governed by the second aspect of all the seven rays—a point I would ask you seriously
to register. It reflects the lower phase of the love
aspect of divinity and summarises in itself the results of all accumulated
knowledge which is wisdom, illuminated [Page 461] by the light of the
intuition. Another way of expressing
this is to describe it as love, availing itself of experience and
knowledge. It expresses itself most
fully through the love petals of its innate being. Through dedicated and devoted service it
brings the divine Plan into activity in the three worlds of human
accomplishment. It is therefore related
to the second aspect of the Spiritual Triad and is brought into functioning activity through
meditation. It then controls and
utilises for its own spiritual ends the consecrated personality, via the
illumined mind, referred to above. It is
eternal in time and space.
3. The abstract
mind. This reveals itself most completely under the
influence of the first Ray of Will or Power, reflecting the higher aspect of the will
of divinity or of the atmic principles it summarises in itself when fully developed the
purpose of Deity, and thus becomes responsible for the emergence of the
Plan. It energises the will petals until such time as the eternal life of the
soul is absorbed into that which is neither transient nor eternal but which is
endless, boundless and unknown. It is
brought into conscious functioning through the building of the
antahkarana. This "radiant rainbow
bridge" unites the illumined personality, focussed in the mind body,
motivated by the love of the soul, with the Monad or with the One Life, and
thus enables the divine manifesting Son of God to express the significance of
the words: God is Love and God is a
consuming Fire. This fire, energised by
love, has burnt out all personality qualities, leaving only a purified
instrument, coloured by the soul ray and no longer necessitating the existence
of a soul body. The personality has by
this time completely absorbed the soul, or to put it perhaps more accurately,
both soul and personality have been fused and blended into one instrument for
the use of the One Life.
(RI 589) nitiation III. The Transfiguration. Ray V.
Energy of Concrete Knowledge.
As all disciples
have to be focussed on the mental plane and must operate from that level of
consciousness, the understanding of this type of consciousness is one of major
importance. It is glibly and most easily
said that disciples and (necessarily so) initiates must use the mind, and that
their polarisation must be mental. But
what does this mean? Let me give you
some concise definitions of this ray energy, leaving you to make your own
individual application, and from your study of these concepts anent the mind,
learn to gauge your own mental condition.
[Page 590]
1. The energy of what
is so peculiarly called "concrete science" is the quality or the
conditioning nature of the fifth ray.
2. It is
pre-eminently the substance of the mental plane. This plane corresponds to the third subplane
of the physical plane, and is therefore gaseous in nature—if you care to use
its correspondence as a symbol of its nature.
It is volatile, easily dispersed, is the receptive agent of
illumination, and can be poisonous in its effect, for there are undoubtedly conditions
in which "the mind is the slayer of the Real."
3. This energy is
characterised by three qualities:
a. The quality
which is the result of relationship with the Spiritual Triad. We call this "abstract mind" and
the impact which affects it comes from the atmic level of the Spiritual Triad, that of spiritual will.
b. The quality
which in this solar system is easily responsive to the major ray of the planet,
that of love-wisdom. So responsive is it
that—in conjunction with emanations from the three worlds—it has produced the one
existent form upon the mental plane.
This form (in the planetary sense) is that of the
c. The quality
which is basically related to the emanations or vibrations arising from the
three worlds; these creatively result in the myriads of thoughtforms which are
found upon the lower levels of the mental plane. It might therefore be said that these
qualities or aspects of the fifth ray of spiritual energy produce:
Pure thought
The thinker or the
Son of Mind
4. This energy (as
far as mankind is concerned) is the thoughtform making energy, and all
impressions from the physical, etheric and astral planes force it into activity
on the level of concrete knowledge, with a resultant kaleidoscopic presentation
of thoughtforms.
[Page 591]
5. It is
fundamentally the most potent energy at this time in the planet, because it was
brought to maturity in the first solar system, that of active intelligence.
6. It is the
energy which admits humanity (and particularly the trained disciple or
initiate) into the mysteries of the Mind of God Himself. It is the "substantial" key to the
Universal Mind.
7. It is
profoundly susceptible to the energy of Love-Wisdom, and its fusion with the
love aspect is given the name of "wisdom" by us, because all wisdom
is knowledge gained by experience and implemented by love.
8. This energy, in
its three aspects, is related in a peculiar sense to the three Buddhas of
Activity. These great Lives reached Their present state of development in the previous solar
9. This energy, in
so far as it is considered as the mental energy of a human being—and this is
one of its minor limitations though a major one for a human being—is the higher
correspondence of the physical brain. It
might be said that the brain exists because the mind exists and needs a brain
as its focal point upon the physical plane.
10. The quality of
this energy of concrete knowledge or science is twofold:
a. It is
extraordinarily responsive to impressions coming from some source or other.
b. It is rapidly
thrown into forms in response to impression.
11. The
impressions received come from three sources and are sequentially revealed to
man. These three are:
a. Impressions
from the three worlds; these come, first of all, from the individual and then,
secondly, from the levels of planetary consciousness.
b. Impressions
from the soul, the Son of Mind, upon the level of mentality itself.
c. Impressions
from the Spiritual Triad, via the antahkarana; these come when the antahkarana
is constructed or in process of construction.
[Page 592]
12. This energy is
essentially a lightbearer. It
responds—again sequentially in time and space—to the light of the Logos. It is for this reason that the mind is regarded
both as illumined when higher contacts are present and as an illuminator where
the lower planes are concerned.
13. This energy is
(from the human standpoint) awakened and brought into activity through the
action of the five senses which are the conveyors of information from the three
worlds to the mental plane. It might be
said that
a. Five streams of
informative energy, therefore, make their impact upon the concrete mind and
emanate from the physico-astral plane.
b. Three streams
of energy, coming from the soul, also make an impression upon the concrete
c. One stream of
energy—during the initiatory process—contacts the mind. This comes from the Spiritual Triad and
utilises the antahkarana.
14. The energy of
this fifth ray might be regarded as the commonsense, because it receives all
these impacts of varying energies, synthesises them, produces order out of the
many ceaseless impacts and interprets them, thus creating the multiplicity of
forms to which we give the name of "world thought".
15. This energy
transforms the divine ideas into human ideals, relating the knowledges and
sciences of humanity to these ideals, thus making them workable factors in
human evolution, its cultures and civilisations.
There is much more
that I could add, but the above gives you a series of simple definitions of
value as you study the mental unfoldment of the disciple, as he undergoes the
initiatory process which is our theme at this time. It also throws light upon the ray effects
upon humanity as a whole. This ray
energy is indeed sadly concrete in its expression in our Aryan race—a race,
however, which will see more people take initiation than ever before in human
history, and which will, in a peculiar sense, see the descent of the Kingdom of
God to Earth as a result of the ascent of so many upon the ladder of
evolution. Just as the disciple [Page
593] or the initiate is a soul-infused personality, so will humanity—upon the
physical plane—be also soul-infused, thus precipitating the Kingdom of God and
giving birth to a new kingdom in nature.
This great spiritual descent will be prefaced (if I may use such a word)
by the appearance of the Christ among the peoples of the world and by a
stupendous inflow of love-wisdom. There
is a tendency in the minds of esotericists always to refer to the great lines
of force: 1-3-5-7 and
What is the effect
of this ray upon humanity as a whole and at this time? The effect of these influences is very great
and of supreme importance in this fifth root race, the Aryan race, in this
second solar system. Again you can see
the clarity of the correspondences which are emerging. I would have you note them again.
Ray II, the Ray of Love-Wisdom; and Ray V, the Ray of Concrete Knowledge or
2. The second
plane, the monadic plane; and the fifth plane, the mental plane.
3. The second
solar system of love; and the fifth root race, the Aryan race, of active
In all these basic
relationships, that which is the fifth in order is destined to be the
instrument, the vehicle or the implementing factor for the second. The Universal Mind, as it works through all
the planes of our conscious planetary life, is the creative agent and the
form-building factor which makes the revelation of love possible.
Today in our Aryan
age and race, we see the vital expression of this fifth ray energy. When I use the word "race" I deal
not with man-made or pseudo-scientific differentiations of nations and races or
types. I deal with a state of
consciousness which is the Aryan or mental consciousness or state of thinking;
this finds its exponents and [Page 594] its "race members" in every
nation, without any distinction or omissions.
This I would have you carefully remember, for there is no new race in
process of appearing, from the territorial angle; there is only a general
distribution of those persons who have what have been called the sixth root
race characteristics. This state of
consciousness will find its expression in people as far apart racially as the
Japanese and the American or the Negro and the Russian. It posits an ability to function with clarity
upon the mental plane, to collate information, rightly to interpret and relate
that information, and to create the needed thoughtforms or concepts for those
These thoughtforms
fall into three major fields of thought or thoughtform areas of consciousness:
1. Science. Under this word I include all that which the
educational processes cover or are supposed to cover, and such a useful science
as medicine.
2. Philosophy,
with its presentation of great conditioning ideas.
3. Psychology,
with its effort to account for humanity and to discover what man is essentially
and how he functions.
You will note that
I have not included religion in this analysis.
The reason for this is that IF the world religions were really
controlled by concrete knowledge or science, they would not be the vague,
speculative, mystical and glamour-controlled systems which they are at
present. Some day the minds of
men—illumined by the light of the soul—will formulate the One
universal religion, recognisable by all.
Then the
Today we find this
ray energy expressing itself mainly through science—a science sadly debased and
corrupted by materialism and human greed, but a science which (when [Page 595]
animated entirely by goodwill) will lift humanity on to higher levels of
consciousness, thus laying the foundation for that time when humanity on a
large scale can pass through the Transfiguration Initiation. Steps in this direction are already being
laid and the existence of the press, the radio and the rapid means of
transportation have done much to further the revelation of that unity and that
Oneness which is the major characteristic of the Universal Mind.
These developments
can be regarded as the initial steps of the initiatory process for the third
initiation—far ahead as that initiation may lie for the mass of men. It is unification and a growing sense of
oneness which is required in order to take this initiation, and it is the
integrated personality which takes it.
The major sin of Russia, and that which has prostituted and warped the
initial divine impulse underlying the ideology of that country, is the determination
she demonstrates at this time to be separative and to shut the Russian people
away from world contact, using the implements of deception and the withholding
of information. It is not the
totalitarian nature of the Russian government which is the prime disaster; it
is the refusal to develop the universal consciousness. Many governments today are totalitarian in
nature, either openly or subtly, but—at the same time—their peoples have free
access to press and radio and are not kept in ignorance of world events.
The existence of a
closed mind on a national scale is dangerous in the extreme, just as the
individual is in a dangerous "state of mind" when he closes it to
world contact, world news and world understanding, and when he refuses to admit
new ideas and new modes of behaviour.
Fortunately, the influence of this fifth ray energy—which is always present, whether the ray is in incarnation or not—is
steadily leading humanity towards illumination.
[Page 596]
This ray energy
operates always in connection with the Law of Cleavages. Today, tremendous cleavages between the past
and the present are in order. The
importance of this statement is to be found in the fact that—for the first time
in human history—humanity is aware of cleavage at the time it is being brought
about. Hitherto cleavages have been
noted during an historical retrospect. Today, all men everywhere are conscious of the
fact that the old order, the old cultures and civilisations are rapidly passing
away, and they are universally clamouring for the new. Everywhere men are laying the foundation for
the new order, the coming of which is threatened only by one country,
Before humanity
can pass through the Transfiguration Initiation the new world order must be
functioning and the coming civilisation must be at its height. It is useless for me to consider with you
this third initiation in connection with humanity as a whole, or its
preparatory or subsequent initiatory process.
All this lies too far ahead for even advanced humanity to consider;
there are, however, senior disciples who are preparing for this initiation,
just as there are a few who are passing through the initiatory process, prior
to taking the fourth initiation.
The outstanding
expression of this fifth ray energy can be seen in the rapid formulating of the
many ideologies which have taken place since the year 1900. Such words as Fascism, Communism, National
Socialism, Socialism as the British accept it, and the names of many schools of
psychology and philosophy, were unknown one hundred years ago; today they are
the common talk and phrases of the man in the street. The inflow of this mental energy into the
world of men, the attainment in consciousness of mental ability by many
thousands, and the achievement of mental polarisation by aspirants all the
world over, are all due to the activity of this fifth ray energy; this may be
[Page 597] regarded as preparatory work for the first and the second
initiations. Some of this success is due
also to a little-realised function of this fifth ray energy—that of telepathic
interplay. Few people realise in the
slightest degree how naturally telepathic every human being is or how
impressionable are their minds; this again is an effect of fifth ray influence.
The creation (and,
I should add, the over-creation) of the millions of material things which men
everywhere regard as essential to their well-being is also the result of the
creative activity of the fifth ray consciousness. This is, of course, as it demonstrates upon
the physical plane. When it demonstrates
upon the mental plane, we then talk of ideas, concepts, philosophies and
ideologies. When it demonstrates upon
the astral plane, we are aware of the religious impulse, of mysticism and of
the emotional and conditioning desires.
All these aspects are present in the consciousness of men everywhere
today. Everything is crystallising in
human consciousness, and this takes place in order to make man aware of where
he stands upon the ladder of evolution, and of what is wrong and what is
right. All this again is due to the
influence of fifth ray energy. This will
begin to transform human living and human desires and also human affairs and
attitudes, and will lead eventually (in the middle of the sixth root race) to
the great Transfiguration Initiation in which the reality that lies behind all
human phenomena will stand revealed.
Let us now
consider the effect of this ray energy upon the life of the individual, as he
faces the third initiation. This third
initiation is, as earlier said, the first initiation, from the angle of the
Hierarchy; it is the one in which the spiritual man demonstrates his complete
control of the personality. The physical
body has been controlled through the medium of the physical disciplines; the
emotional nature has been reorganised and made receptive to spiritual
impression coming from the plane of pure reason (the buddhic plane) through the
transforming processes of the mind or the fifth principle. In this connection, the mind has acted as an
organiser of astral reaction and as a dispeller [Page 598] of glamour. The disciple is now focussed in his everyday
consciousness upon the mental plane, and the triangular relation of the three
aspects of the mind upon this plane is now dominant. In the next initiation, the Renunciation,
this relationship becomes a dual one instead of a triangular one, through the
destruction of the soul vehicle which is no longer needed. Soul fusion with the personality is now
During the
initiatory process preceding the third initiation, the mind works in a new
manner. Its transmuting work with the
physical body has been accomplished; its transforming work with the emotional
nature has been successful, and now its transfiguring work with the personality
as a whole is carried forward, making the initiation of the Transfiguration
possible. It is of value to the student
to consider these three activities of the mind.
The transmuting agent in the first case is the lower or concrete mind;
the transforming agent is the soul, whilst the transfiguring agent is the
Spiritual Triad, working through the higher or abstract mind. You will here note the wonderful synthesis of
the spiritual work. When this work is
concluded, you have the initiation of the third degree made possible. This produces impelling and new
contacts. It should here be remembered
that when I use the word "new" I mean that which is new in
consciousness, for the basic synthesis and fundamental relationship always
exists in factual recognition, but is only progressively realised by the
evolving spiritual man.
It is well nigh
impossible to differentiate the results of fifth ray energy in the various
aspects of the personality, for the reason that the initiate is now functioning
as a soul-infused personality, and therefore the three aspects of that
personality are nothing more or less than agents of the soul, and thus are
progressively responsive to the inflow of triadal energy. It might therefore be said that, as a result
of the Transfiguration Initiation—the culminating point of strictly human
unfoldment—the three types of energy which are expressed through the Spiritual
Triad [Page 599] man begin—only begin—to flow through the reflection of itself
in the three worlds. Let me state this
as follows:
1. The directing
energy of the higher mind is—as a result of the Transfiguration Initiation and
via the antahkarana—thrown into the brain; therefore the man upon the physical
plane is guided, directed and controlled by group purpose and by the
hierarchical plan.
2. The
illuminating energy of pure reason, emanating from the buddhic plane, pours
down into the clarified and organised body of sensitive response which is all
that remains of what has been called the astral body. This produces complete freedom from glamour
and the creation of "a limpid pool of such reasonable response to the love
of divine relationship" that the initiate becomes a sensitive revealer of
that love.
3. The dynamic
energy from the atmic plane (the highest aspect of the Spiritual Triad) pours
into the mind and begins slowly to reveal the will-to-good, which is
essentially the will of God.
Behind these three
differentiations which are all of them expressions or aspects of the divine or
the universal mind, the initiate dimly senses or becomes consciously aware of
what has been called the Monad or Spirit or Life. This is subtly revealed in the
Transfiguration Initiation of the Master Jesus Who re-enacted all the five
human initiations for the benefit of humanity.
In this dramatic picturing of the third initiation, the three disciples
(or the three vehicles of the personality) prostrate themselves upon the ground
and the Master Himself (the glorified personality) is transfigured before
them. At this climaxing point they hear
that which is called "the voice of the Father"
speaking to the transfigured Jesus.
The personality is
now possessed of knowledge, for fifth ray energy has done its needed work; the
disciple is also aware that he is in possession of the wisdom which enables him
to use knowledge in the furtherance of the Plan, and therefore to work as an
illuminating factor in the world of men.
He knows clearly what has been accomplished [Page 600] and senses something
of what lies ahead. The great principle
of cleavage (which the fifth ray governs) is the dominating factor in his time
sense; he now differentiates sharply between past and present and that which
has to be ascertained in the future.
Cleavage, in the sense of separateness, is finished for him and he now
feels and knows something of the essential unity of all manifested life;
therefore, from the angle of space, he has dominated and overcome cleavage and
division; in the sense of time he has not.
The great heresy of separateness no longer exists in his consciousness;
the consciousness of the initiatory process is not yet over, however for that
involves the recognition of time.
During the
initiatory process between the second and the third
initiations, the
initiate has to battle with illusion in exactly the same sense as he earlier
had to battle with glamour. Illusion
is, in the last analysis,
the control of the mental processes by great and massive thoughtforms; this
conflict persists from the moment that the disciple has achieved mental
polarisation (at a
midway point between the second and the third initiations) until he stands
before the Initiator at the sixth Initiation of Decision, when the last
illusion disappears. You will feel and
comment that the Masters are therefore subject to illusion. This They definitely
are, and there are great and basic illusions governing life within the
Hierarchy. Nevertheless, they are
illusions of such a high order that—for advanced humanity—they would signify
achievement. I may not give you more
than one instance of such illusion, but that should prove clear and
sufficient. It is not until the sixth
Initiation of Decision that the illusion of the planetary ring-pass-not finally
disappears. The Master then knows that
such a limitation is non-existent. For
Him, the choice between the seven Paths becomes possible. This basic illusion constitutes for mankind a
great hierarchical mystery and is based upon the Principle of Privation, by
means of which the planetary Logos chooses to circumscribe His freedom and to
limit His activities.
[Page 601]
This curious
freedom from successive limitations is experienced at the third, the sixth and
the ninth initiations; these are, all three of them,
related in a mysterious manner to each other.
Transfiguration leads eventually to Decision, which culminates in due
time with a final refusal to accept any planetary limitations whatsoever.
It will be obvious
to you that the higher the initiation, the less will any involved energy have a
personality control or connection.
Progressive and recognised fusions have taken place as one initiation
after another is undergone; the effect of the energy involved will be noted in
relation to humanity as a whole, to the work of the Ashram within the Hierarchy
and to the planetary life. This must
ever be borne in mind and must necessarily limit the scope of the teaching
which I am able to give you.
Let me now
summarise the effects of this fifth ray energy in relation to humanity and to
the individual initiate:
1. I gave, first
of all, fifteen items of information anent this fifth ray energy, or fifteen
definitions of its activity. These will
warrant careful study.
2. The effect of
this fifth ray energy upon humanity in this fifth root race was considered; it
was noted that this Aryan effect was dominant and dynamic in the extreme and
that it has greatly hastened human evolution.
3. I pointed out
the close relation between love and mind, as follows:
a. Ray II and Ray V
b. Plane II and
plane V
c. Solar system II
and root race V
In all of these
relationships, the fifth in order is the prime agent and the revealer of the
second type of spiritual energy
4. The fifth ray
energy produces three major areas of thought, or three prime conditions wherein
the thought-form-making energy expresses itself:
a. Science ...
education ... medicine
b. Philosophy
... ideas ...
c. Psychology
... in process of modern development
[Page 602]
5. This fifth ray
energy operates in connection with the Law of Cleavages.
6. It is also
responsible for the rapid formation of great conditioning ideologies.
7. This fifth ray
energy is the important factor in making possible the first major initiation,
the Transfiguration Initiation.
8. Fifth ray energy
works in three ways in connection with the three aspects of the personality:
a. As the transmuting agent ...
the physical body
b. As the transforming agent ...
the astral body
c. As the transfiguring agent ...
the mental body
This gives you
much food for thought; it indicates the personality goal and the mode whereby
it is attained. After the third
initiation, we reach out in consciousness to higher expansions of consciousness
and will then enter a realm of ideas which are not yet easy for the disciple to
appreciate or to understand. Much that I
will have to say anent ray energy and the higher initiations will mean little to many, but it will mean much to the
initiate-consciousness. The world
initiates will be coming into incarnation at this time, and will read my words
towards the end of this century with great understanding.—
The above
completes refs to the 3rd initiation and the 5th ray(6 pages)
(RI 646) I would
ask you to consider the relation of the fifth initiation, the
fifth Ray of Science and the first Ray of Will, for there lies the key to
the revelation accorded to the initiate-Master. We should consider these facts from the point of view that the two
direct ray influences on Taurus are Vulcan and Venus
(RI 688) You will note, therefore, how this third
initiation is a climaxing point and also inaugurates a new cycle of activity
leading to the seventh Initiation of Resurrection. I would call your attention to the fact that
the third, fifth and seventh initiations are under the control of the fifth, first
and second rays. These, as you might
expect, will constitute the emanating energies transmitted through the application of the Rod of
III. The fifth Ray of Science. This inflowing energy produces
its major effects upon the mind, or upon manas, the fifth principle; it enables the initiate
to use the mind as its major instrument in the work to be done, prior to passing through the
fourth and fifth initiations.
V. The first Ray of Will or Power. At this initiation the disciple appreciates
for the first time the significance of the will and uses it to relate the head
centre and the centre at the base of the spine, thus completing the integration started at the third
VII. The second Ray of Love-Wisdom is here active, as the major planetary
ray. The application of the Rod of
Initiation by the Initiator (working this time from the highest plane, the
logoic plane) produces in a [Page 689] mysterious way an effect on the totality
of humanity and—to a lesser extent—upon the allied kingdoms. The effect is similar to that produced in the
individual at the fifth initiation, wherein the head centre and the centre at
the base of the spine became closely en rapport—through the use of the will.
(RI 709) In connection with the energy generated by
the disciple, it will be obvious that this will include the energy
of the soul ray, until the fifth initiation when it will be superseded by the energy of the
Monad. This will reach him, first of
all, as the energy of the Spiritual Triad, and later that (in its turn) will be
superseded by the direct energy of the Monad itself; the initiate will then
know practically (and not just theoretically) what Christ meant when He said,
"I and my Father are one."
(WM 289) Fifth Ray:—"Let the three forms of energy electric pass
upward to the Place of Power. Let the
forces of the head and heart and all the nether aspects blend. Then let the soul look out upon an inner
world of light divine. Let the Word
triumphant go forth:
'I mastered energy for I am energy Itself. The Master and the mastered are but One.'"