Some references from DK’s
writings which support the idea that a vegetarian diet is not necessarily essential
during the many incarnations
between the 1st and 2nd initiations
The following reference is often quoted to support
the idea that one must be vegetarian while preparing for and until the 1st
initiation but is not required after the 1st initiation until one is consciously preparing for the 3rd
(RI 352) ............which
the spiritual man must pass then he undergoes the first initiation……..The physical body no longer rules him, either through its limitations and faults or
through the physical disciplines
which have been hitherto needed but are no longer required.
This is another reference
which suggests a vegetarian diet is needed for the 1st initiation
while the physical and etheric bodies are being
merged, and that afterwards it is not essential.
(RI 124) ………….This sixth Rule
is the polar opposite of the rule as it was given to applicants. There, if you will refer to my exegesis upon
that rule in Initiation, Human and Solar, you will find that theobjective of that
rule was physical purification with the emphasis upon the need for a vegetarian
diet at a certain stage of the
preparatory process.
Vegetarianism required for
probationers-It really depends what DK here means by probationer, because
elsewhere he says that in the new age, the probationary path will include all
stages up to and including the 2nd initiation.
(RI 125) It is also an interesting illustration of
the technique of the Masters, whereby They permit a
fallacy to remain uncorrected
(because it is originated by the disciple himself [Page 126] and must be
dissipated by him also) and the use of language which conveys a wrong
impression. By so doing, the user of the
language discovers eventually his erroneous approach to truth. Life cannot be taken in the spiritual sense. This error or
mistake in the approach of truth enables men and women upon the
Probationary Path to demonstrate the earnestness and sincerity of their
aspiration by the discipline of substituting the produce "of the
second," and to refrain from
sustaining life on the produce "of the third." By sacrificing the life of the second kingdom
in nature (to use the applicant's own misstatements) and by nourishing the
physical body thereby, the probationary disciple does succeed in ending the grip or
potency of the physical nature, and that is always helpful. He as yet does not know that he is adhering
to lesser "rules in time and space," and that once he
has demonstrated to himself that he can hold them and obey them, he is
then freed from them and needs them no
more. The disciple and the candidate for initiation
knows that life is one, whether it takes form in the second kingdom or in the
third or the fourth; he knows that the life in him is one with the life in the
first kingdom, the mineral; he learns too that life is impregnable; that it
cannot be taken or destroyed but "passes on" from form to form, from
experience to experience, until the perfect will of God is expressed through
The true disciple does not
need vegetarianism
(RI 126)The true
disciple does not need vegetarianism or any of the physical disciplines, for the reason that none of the fleshly appetites have
any control over him. His problem lies elsewhere, and it is a waste
of his time and energy to keep his eye focussed on
"doing the right things physically," because he does them automatically
(RI 128) Let me repeat: the physical disciplines are of value in the beginning
stage and impart a sense of
proportion and an awareness of defects and of
limitations. These have their place in
time and space, and that is all……….
This reference is really
important because DK makes it absolutely clear there is a stage when one is
definitely vegetarian, and later incarnations when one
may not necessarily be vegetarian. This idea supports some of the other refs
where DK has said that one needs to be vegetarian for the 1st
initiation, and it strongly supports the idea that there may be many lives between
the 1st and 2nd initiations when one is not necessarily
vegetarian. Whether one is or is not vegetarian between the 1st and
2nd initiations probably depend on many different factors such as
the culture one is brought up in. There may or course be many people who remain
vegetarian throughout the many incarnations between the 1st and 2nd
(EH 334) ………There is no group
diet. No enforced elimination of meat is
required or strict vegetarian diet compulsory.
There are phases of life
and sometimes entire incarnations wherein an aspirant subjects himself to a discipline of food, just as there may be other phases or an entire life
wherein a strict celibacy is temporarily enforced. But there are other life cycles and incarnations wherein the disciple's interest and his service lie in
other directions. There are later
incarnations where there is no constant thought about the physical body, and a
man works free of the diet complex and
lives without concentration upon the form life, eating that food which is
available and upon which he can best sustain his life efficiency. In preparation for certain initiations,
a vegetable diet has in the past
been deemed essential. But this may not
always be the case, and many disciples prematurely regard themselves as in
preparation for initiation.
To accurately read the akashic
records and past lives one must have been strictly vegetarian for ten years. (EPI 241) …………Those who seek to read the akashic
records, or who endeavour to work upon the astral
plane with impunity, and there to study the reflection of events in the astral
light correctly, have perforce and without exception to be strict vegetarians. It is this ancient Atlantean lore
which lies behind the vegetarian's insistence upon the necessity for a vegetarian
diet, and which gives force and
truth to this injunction. It is the
failure to conform to this wise rule which has brought about the misinterprertions of the astral and akashic records by many of the psychics of the present time, and has given rise to the wild
and incorrect reading of past lives. Only those who have been for ten years
strict vegetarians can work thus
in what might be called the "record aspect of the astral light"…………But
the goal of a vegetarian diet is this field of service, the arguments for its following and for that form of diet
are usually futile and of no real