My children, remember there is one indisputable fact, the fact
that, even at the longest, there is, comparatively speaking, but a short
time left for you to remain in physical incarnation at this particular
stage of your life journey, and consider whether you desire to be
active or passive in the intermediate . astral . state between the
physical and devachanic states of consciousness, that is, do you desire
to be conscious of personal existence and experience, or do you desire
to lose the sense of personality for a long time when you pass into that
intermediate state ? Bear in mind, it must be one or the other ; there is
no third alternative. It is only the extremely wicked who lose and the
very advanced souls who renounce the devachanic interlude, so it is
well to acknowledge and accept the fact in considering the fate of the
human race, in that respect, and turn your attention temporarily to
consideration of the state preceding the devachanic.
It is not a commonly accepted fact that a normal human being
may choose whether he will remain wide awake, or will passively
accept a half comatose state of existence during that intermediate
period, at the close of which occurs what is sometimes termed "the
second death." If wide awake, the personal mind is more conscious of
the purgation which is taking place than it would otherwise be ; that is,
more conscious of the experiences it is passing through, experiences
both positive and negative-the karmic results of previous action.
When I say man may choose, of course, I use the word choose in
a relative sense, for his power of choice depends largely upon the
condition of the vehicle of his astral consciousness ; and the condition
of that astral vehicle depends upon the degree to which he has
developed that vehicle, by means of the exercise of Desire and Will
while still functioning on the physical plane. If he is an accepted
disciple of the White Lodge such exercise will be given under fixed
rules for controlling these two forms of cosmic energy. Remember, his
action in that respect will not influence his later devachanic
experience, unless [TT 521] he has reached a point where the
individual need for that period of rest no longer exists, as is the case
with the Masters of Wisdom, who are conscious on all planes, at will.
The occult rules for consciously changing the outlines of any
living form are possible of so much misuse they are only given by
Master to pupil, direct ; there are no reliable printed rules for that
purpose. It is a serious matter for one to deliberately decide
consciously to change the configuration of any organ of that astral
body, for if he has much unpaid bad karma he may create conditions
which would increase the action of karmic retribution beyond his
power of patient endurance, as a highly sensitive body may feel pain
more keenly than would a gross body on the physical plane.
It is possible for a strong minded man to do much in the way of
changing his astral body, as I have mentioned, without knowing
anything about the before-mentioned rules, or even being aware that
he is building that body at all ; but if he consciously undertakes to
make such changes while totally ignorant of those rules he is likely to
make some serious mistakes, and the result would be a badly
proportioned, unnatural or deformed organ or body, for he would not
know how or where to fix his thought force. Under such
circumstances, he would do better to leave the changing of that form
to nature atone, for it would be possible for him to tear down by
sudden gusts of anger, hate or jealousy more in a moment of time than
he could rebuild in a year. This also is even true of the normally
moral, well-intentioned man ; but if he is building by rule he may
know better how to correct fault in the building.
One of the peculiar idiosyncrasies of the human racial mind is the
rapidity with which it eliminates certain facts and experiences it would
seem would have been indelibly imprinted within it ; for instance, the
methods and means by which structural changes in form, both astral
and physical, take place and the causes for such changes. Every race,
as a whole, has been repeatedly taught the necessity for morality, and
for spiritual rebirth if the soul is to have an independent existence after
death of the body. They may not have accepted these world . old
teachings, but at least they have heard of them in some degree. They
have something in the line of a concept of a Supreme Being and of a
Heaven and a Hell, but the basic reason for being righteous, "from a
mathematical or geometrical point of view", receives little or no
The knowledge of the fact that the commission of an act, or the
dwelling upon a definite thought which is contrary to divine law, may
produce structural changes in form (both astral and physical) has been
[TT 522] lost at some period of the individual life fine, and this
notwithstanding the fact that the seat of memory is fixed in the soul. It
would seem that the intuition or the racial instinct of a people, if
nothing more definite, would have carried over into a new incarnation
such a super important memory, but this occurs only in exceptional
cases. The loss of a limb or the infliction of some other physical injury
in one life does in fact leave an impress on the soul memory in all
succeeding lives, and this becomes evident in an instinctive fear of the
thing or creature by which such injury was inflicted ; yet the means by
which Karma collects its moral and spiritual debts, in so many
instances, remains a mystery. A man may have been born deaf or
blind, and science may find the cause for it in some structural fault in,
eye or ear, or some hereditary or pre-natal influence. Orthodoxy terms
it the "Will of God", and it seldom if ever occurs to that man that the
primal cause of his blindness or deafness was misuse or abuse of the
properties of Thought, Sound or Light. The mode of motion or the
vibrations of the waves of light or sound which had been evoked by
Thought in that misuse or abuse reached the centers of sound or
vision, in process of formation in the unborn child.
The interaction of all energies, substances and matter on all planes
of life is little understood as yet.
These are crude illustrations but they may give some ides of the
method and the means by which prenatal variations of form are
accomplished, and the causes back of such structural changes, both
good and bad, from a material point of view. One may listen to the
tale against, and subscribe to the revengeful punishment of another
man, without making an effort to learn the truth of the charge against
the man or to help the sufferer, thus passively becoming an accessory
to his suffering, but Divine Law takes account of that sin of omission.
The waves of sound or vision, or both, have been evoked and diverted
from their natural or divine course ; and sometime, somewhere, in
some newly incarnating life, a center of hearing or sight in the then
forming Linga Sharira . astral form . will catch those diverted waves,
and when ear or eye is fully formed there will be some fault, some
malformation which will not permit the great normal, natural waves of
sound or light to plat' upon the astral ear or eye centers in process of
Possibly this illustration will give some ides of the interaction of
substance on different planes, although it is to illustrate the action of
the higher spiritual forces in and through gross matter.
It is no uncommon circumstance to hear an under-developed
student of life complain of having reached the limit of mental effort.
The cause does not always occur to the sufferer or to the confidant of
his woes even when the latter is a physician or surgeon, for the reason
that the cause lies just beyond the last point his scalpel can reach,
although still in the domain of physical matter. The remedy is in his
own bands so long as he bas the power of direction, for in order to
effect a cure the patient must recognize the cause and direct the mental
energy which bas all but ceased flowing through certain brain centers
which are not classified in any accepted physiological work.
There are seven of these minor centers in the brain which serve
the larger sense centers, the master chakras, or centers which direct
the functioning of the various organs of the body somewhat as may
the keys of an electric switchboard which turn off and on the current
of electricity that travels by wire or wave.
As the average man or woman is ignorant of the existence and the
functions of the minor centers no specific effort is made to keep them
in working order, and eventually they deteriorate as does every unused
center or organ of the physical body, except in so far as nature may
direct their functioning indiscriminately. The weakening of the
surrounding tissue of these centers through disuse or misuse is what
causes the gradual weakening of the mental powers in old age.
Occasionally you see an elderly man or woman whose interest in the
affairs of life is as keen at eighty years of age as at thirty. If you are
able to acquaint yourself with the details of the events of such a life
you will probably learn that a super-normal curiosity about
phenomena of every kind was the most notable characteristic of the
person, a curiosity which impelled the most active interest in
everything connected with the object of curiosity. When a subject of
interest is introduced in the hearing of such an one the vital point of
the subject is seized upon at once, and no pains are spared to hunt that
point to its last hiding place. If, for instance, the subject is the motive
power of aeronautics, every possible clue leading up to the discovery
and the nature and use of that power will be followed to its end. In a
person of this character the particular brain centers of the class I have
mentioned function the motive power of invention and execution, and
the interest is increased by every point established until there is a
strong current of force set [TT 524] up between the Tatwic centers
and the chakras. This increase in vibration brings an increase of blond
to the corresponding plexuses, consequently better nourishment.
As an illustration, take a person engaged in any line of mental or
physical activity, one whose whole mind for many hours in the day is
concentrated on that one line of endeavor, and who has little or no
interest in life outside of that fine. The brain centers most active in
promoting that line become overdeveloped. The connecting lines
between that one center and other centers associated with other lines
of life interest are gradually either wholly or partially atrophied and
life holds no real interest for that person outside that one line as
advancing age creeps upon him and his power of concentration on the
one line decreases. If interest seems to be dying out in the normal
affairs of life, and one would avoid such a fate as is lest pictured, he
has no alternative but to make a practice of deliberately seizing upon
some point of every subject which would naturally interest him if he
were in a normal condition, and force his interest to the point nature
intended. By persistently following this rule he will gradually awaken
new life in these connecting lines by a purely natural process.
These super-sensitive centers, "tatwic centers" as they are termed
by the orientalists . the undeveloped or unused centers referred to by
me, are the first centers to develop in the head of the foetus. In and
through these centers come and go the impulses from the universal
tatwas . the seven principles of life.
The seven master chakras of the brain control the senses of man
and are dependent upon the flow of the seven life currents through the
tatwic centers. When an impulse from a cosmic tatwic force impinges
upon a corresponding tatwic center in the human brain, that center is
set in rapid vibration and the energy aroused is then communicated to
the corresponding sense chakra, thence to the corresponding plexus
and to the organ of sense by means of the motor and sensory nerves
which control the action of the nerves and muscles. When man fails to
recognize and makes no use of the cosmic tatwic forces as they
impinge upon the tatwic centers of the brain, those centers lose
elasticity and power of response and finally atrophy or become in
some instances completely paralyzed. In such an instance the organ or
part of the body which is under the control of the corresponding sense
chakra, will gradually begin to be affected. If it is the chakra which
controls hearing the individual will begin to lose his power of hearing.
The principle of Buddhi-Manas has been partially inhibited from
action in that instance.
By studying the principles and their relation to the various brain
centers you will find all these correspondences. [TT 525]
It is the vital interest . the curiosity in relation to any thing or
subject which a life impulse has awakened in any tatwic center which
increases the activity of the chakra in which has been ' aroused an
increase of vibration by the tatwic force. This interest or curiosity will
bring a steady flow of the tatwic force to the corresponding chakra
until that interest or curiosity is satisfied. If constant effort is made to
so satisfy interest in phenomena, and an increase of blond and
therefore of life force flows steadily to the portion of the brain
occupied by the tatwic center and the chakra in question, the mental
and physical development will be rapid.
The normally intelligent man is interested in and curious about
every unfamiliar objective or thought condition which presents itself
and strives to learn the causes and consequences of the same. The
purely self indulgent, indolent man gradually loses interest in all that
does not add to the gratification of the organs of sense. He has little, if
any, curiosity about Natures great secrets, therefore neglects
development of these tatwic centers which control the master chakras,
which in turn make possible the higher development of brain and
body ; consequently he ages more quickly than the first mentioned
Unless a student of occultism is thoroughly conversant with the
philosophy of the Wisdom Religion, notably that portion of it which
declares the seven-fold division of Matter, Force and Consciousness,
he may be quite easily deceived by some of the literature now being
disseminated by means of newspapers and magazines, and by some of
the teachings put forth by certain organizations on the subject of
automatic revelations, which, it is claimed, have been given by the
disembodied souls of the newly dead.
The ignorance of many of the mediums of communication
between the physical and astral planes concerning the constitution of
matter and the nature of life on the interior planes is evident in every
line of some of these communications and therefore the danger of
accepting them verbatim is evident. Similar mistakes to led to the
formation of some modern spiritualistic organizations are being made
by many psychics and mediums of the present time.
If authentic, such communications originate within the sixth
plane, counting from above, a sub-plane of the full astral plane . a
plane [TT 526] which the soul contacts immediately upon leaving the
body. It is a plane of reflection and of incessant change ; a plane of
purgation, and the plane within which the "second death" . release
from the limitations of gross matter eventually occurs. Whereas, in
some of the automatic revelations put forth, completion of the life .
line of the individual soul is clearly indicated. But very little that is
seen on that sub-plane has any permanent existence.
The fact of an occasional communication from a Master to some
disciple who has not yet developed the higher centers of sight and
hearing, but whose astral senses are sufficiently developed to allow
him to become a medium of communication between certain
earthbound souls and still living personalities on the physical planes,
does not militate against the truth of my statements.
The directions and instructions given by a Master to a more
highly developed disciple, or Agent, of the White Lodge, are given by
the use of Kriyashakti Power, a power which the Master has won
during his many lives, and is not subject to interference by elementary
forces of a lower plane.
Communications given by the average medium in seances are
generally designed to help some inquirer, regardless of the worthiness
or unworthiness of the latter to receive such help or comfort from a
spiritual source, and even if the medium is reliable, and the psychic
centers have been partially developed, the scenes witnessed are
generally reflections of objective forms on the physical plane, or of
the thought forms of strong desires as they are pictured in the
mentality of the medium or the questioner. The pictures would appear
to indicate perfect satisfaction of each desire and naturally would
deceive the personality as to their spiritual value.
I do not intend to enter minutely into the subject of miscalled
spiritualistic phenomena at this time ; my main purpose is to call the
attention of advanced students of occultism to the literature based on
automatic revelations that is flooding the world at this time, and to
advise such students to put all articles on that subject before the
judgment seat of their own souls and strive to learn how nearly they
conform to the teachings of the Wisdom Religion, and especially to
those teachings which take up the seven-fold division of Matter, Force
and Consciousness and the relation of the incarnating Ego to those
states or planes of life. By doing so, they should soon be able to
separate the chaff from the wheat. By testing such communications as
I have referred to by the light of the Temple Teachings atone, they
will not go wrong, for they are in perfect harmony with the teachings
of the Wisdom Religion.
Accept tentatively that which seems reliable from everything that
comes your way, but above everything learn to true and the false.
Among the strongest desires expressed by a human being is a
desire for assurance of the continuity of life after death, and for
communication with friends who have crossed the border between life
and death, so it is not surprising that people will go to almost any
length to obtain satisfactory assurance of the same, especially if they
do not know that they can very materially retard the evolution of the
soul they desire to contact, by drawing it back toward the physical
plane while it is breaking the connection between the astral and
physical planes.
Bear in mind that your efforts should be directed to the
development of your own higher centers of consciousness, so that it
will be possible for you to contact those friends on higher planes
without an intermediary, when they also have broken the attraction of
the astral and physical planes.
In one sense the Lords of Karma are the administrators of Divine
Justice . the Supreme power of the Universe, the Lord of the Absolute
. the creator of motion, therefore the creator of cyclic action upon
which all law is dependent.
The Lords of Karma . high spiritual entities . guide and direct the
action of every form of force and energy set free by gods, angels or
man. The Higher Self of man is his own judge and executioner, but
the Higher Self can only apply the effects of a given cause to the
personal self after the Lords of Karma have reversed the stream of
energy set free by that personal self as a result of any act that is
contrary to law, for Divine law cannot be broken with impunity.
Disobedience to a Divine law may obstruct the action of that law
temporarily, but cannot do so permanently. Cyclic action will
ultimately bring about conditions comparable to those which existed
at the time the law was broken. The Karmic results of the
disobedience may have been worked out in the meantime, leaving as it
were, opportunity for final adjustment end a clear field at the close of
the cycle.
Man is so bound by familiar terras of expression, he is greatly
handicapped in his efforts to understand super-physical phenomena
[TT 528] when they are presented in unfamiliar terms and there are
language by means of which certain forms of energy may be
designated, or their action on the physical plane described ; for
instance, the forms or degrees of energy which are generated by
different sounds and motions and which so far as may be observed by
the senses have no exterior effects. Every spoken word or sound, as
well as every act of man tends to free a definite form of energy which
must take a clearly defined course according to the guidance of the
Lords of Karma.
If you throw a stone into a pool of water, thus setting the water in
motion, you have released some form or degree of energy ; the waves
of water will moue outward until they reach the verge of the pool,
where they will receive the impetus to return to their starting point.
But action will not cease with that one round, the waves will complete
many rounds before the initial force is exhausted, and the number of
rounds will depend largely upon the size and weight of the stone cast
into the water. So it is the size and weight of the stone, the original
cause or motive of the act, which is cast into the Ocean of universal
Life that determines how many times the waves . the effects of that
cause . will return to the one responsible for the act, or how many
incarnations will be affected as a result of that act.
There are three grand divisions of the Lords of Karma, and very
many times three minor divisions. As there is continuous
interpenetration and correlation between different grades of force and
substance, there is correspondingly continuous interchange,
synchronous vibration, between all degrees and orders of the Lords of
Karma and with the higher selves of all humanity ; consequently there
is no possibility of a miscarriage of Divine Justice as a finality. For
instance, a man may commit a murder as a result of a carefully
considered plot and from an utterly selfish motive, thus throwing a
very weighty stone . a great evil, into his individual pool of life and
setting free a powerful stream of energy. Instead of allowing that
stream of energy, weighted with evil as a result of the action of will
and motive, to run its course and injuriously affect countless others,
the Karmic Lords may turn that stream of energy back on its course to
the Auric sphere of the one who sent it forth. The energy so returned
is utilized by the Higher Self in working out the effects of that original
cause upon the lower or personal self, and as the cause was so
powerful for evil in itself, it may take the personal ego many
incarnations to work out all the effects of that one cause ; i. e., the
waves of the individual pool would return again and again to the point
. the cause . where that heavily weighted stone was cast into the pool.
It is a mistake to believe that the one who commits murder of the
physical plane in one life must be killed in another life by his victim in
order to satisfy the Karmic law. Such another act of disobedience to
Divine Law could not satisfy Divine Justice. Divine Law always acts
for the ultimate benefit of humanity, even when its decrees bring
sorrow and loss upon the units of a race or a nation. Evil can never be
overcome by evil on any plane of existence. The Higher Self has other
ways of utilizing the return wave . the stream of energy turned back
by the Karmic Lords, in such an instance as I have mentioned. In the
eyes of the average man the punishment meted out to the murderer by
the Higher Self might not seem commensurate to the crime, but if he
were able to see far enough the future to behold the final result of the
decrees of Karmic law upon the incarnating Ego of the murderer, he
would be satisfied with the administration of Divine Justice.
I have taken one of the worst of crimes to illustrate my point ; but
the breaking of any Divine law will bring results in perfect accord
with Divine Justice ; and all such universal laws are founded on
universal principles. Those principles are the very foundation stones
of the universe, and are therefore irrevocable and unalterable. So far
as man . made laws are identical with Divine Laws, they are just ; but
when they vary in the least they are mutable and cannot always stand
the test of life.
From the Master K. H.
If it were not for the soul tragedies in process of culmination
which they are compelled to witness, the Initiates of the White Lodge
might more tranquilly watch the action of inexorable Law than are
able to do at present, as one after another of the self-deceived victims
of their own ambition, or the ambitions of others, falls the sloughs of
the lower astral plane in the belief that they are contacting the Masters
of Wisdom or the angelic hosts of high heaven. But as it is, the
knowledge possessed by the Masters of the inevitable tragedies which
will follow, even in the case of some of their own solemnly pledged
disciples who have been led astray, as well as others who have never
had like advantages, is a source of deep sorrow and regret to them.
[TT 530]
Those students who believe that the Masters of Wisdom are no
longer subject to sorrow and pain, know but little of the offices and
effects of those great nature forces. It is not that the Masters are
unable to control the action of the raid forces, but that they will not
separate themselves from the race they are serving, and must often
stand helplessly by when their own Neophytes are suffering, for the
reason that the Karma of the Master and that of the Neophyte for
whom he has assumed the responsibility of training, become identified
to whatever degree knowledge has been imparted which would enable
the Neophyte to misuse the power he has gained, if he subsequently
falls under the dominion of the Brothers of the Shadow. This has been
the case with those Neophytes referred to in the opening paragraphs of
this communication.
The deeply regretted mistake of our much prized representative,
Helena Blavatsky, in accepting as students, and in imparting some of
the teachings of the Secret Science to those chelas who were utterly
unprepared for their receipt, has been repeated by other advanced
disciples of the Masters in the present era, and the consequence is that,
never since the sinking of Atlantis as a result of the misuse of Spiritual
power have there been so many units of a human race fallen so deeply
and irretrievably under the glamour of Black or of Ceremonial Magic,
as has been the case in the present era. This is evident to the seeing
eye in the lowering of the tone of morality of the race as a whole, the
many sexual perverts under observation at present, the contempt of
moral and national laws, and the willful breaking of the mort sacred
vows of discipleship by solemnly pledged Neophytes.
When the curse of personal ambition seizes a soul, the mind
becomes blind to honor and principle. It seizes upon every pretext to
advance personal interests ; friends and relatives are shelved without
compunction, until at length there comes a day when the tragedy of
utter desolation falls upon that soul. The work of the Brothers of the
Shadow is thus completed for one, if not more, incarnations and the
long hard path must be retrodden if the soul is to gain emancipation.
It seems all but impossible to convince an over-ambitious student
that the simple, natural laws of life cannot be disobeyed with
impunity. He does not sufficiently realize that it is by means of the
physical, mental and psychic strength and virility gained as a result of
implicit obedience to those laws, that it becomes possible for a
Neophyte to pars the necessary tests of endurance, strength and
concentration ; tests which even an Initiate must have passed
successfully to enable him to take the step which opens to him the
Path of final Initiation. If he has failed to pars those tests, the hurt to
his pride, and his disappointment may make of him an easy victim for
the first [TT 531] self-seeking claimant of Occult Power who passes
his way, unless he is filled with the holy spirit of self-sacrifice and
Christly humility, in which case he remains under the protection and
receives the assistance of his Master as before, until a recurring cycle
opens another opportunity for Trial.
A broken physical or mental law demands Karmic adjustment.
The Soul of man cannot be satisfied with its state of progress if the
correlation between his mind and physical body is continually being
hindered by the results of disobedience to natural laws.
A broken law of discipleship quickly brings its own retribution.
Although such retribution may follow as a result of some action taken
by the Master or Teacher before whom the Vow was taken, that action
was taken at the demand of the Soul of the Disciple. The Soul has
demanded the fulfillment of that Vow, and the Master, or teacher, who
is conscious of that demand endeavors to aid in its fulfillment.
I am sorry to say that letter after letter, direction upon direction,
has been and still is being given publicity, purporting to come from
me or from one of my brothers of the same degree of the Great White
Lodge. We have neither written letters, nor given directions, to those
who are responsible for circulating such letters or directions. Our bona
fade Agents . Representatives, are flouted or ignored by the latter.
The directions, which in fact have been given by us, if obeyed, would
have saved thousands of lives in the part five years and would have
furnished the fundamental planks of a round governmental system.
These directions have passed unnoted or have been secretly destroyed
by the agents of the black brotherhood, while we, because of our
reverence for Law and our obedience to the direction of the Maha
Chohans, to whom we are subject, must possess our souls in patience
until the coming of "The Great Day."
Received, Jan. 7, 1920.
ADDENDA to preceding lesson ; given by Master H.
The present cyclic wave of astralism is fart rolling up and
engulfing its victims by scores. Natural Law shows no favoritism and
these victims of self-deception, or astral intoxication, will come from
all grades of human life. The reaction . the return wave . will end in a
period of suppression corresponding to that which ushered in the
Inquisition and the Era of Witchcraft. The wave will sink to a depth
corresponding to the heights it reaches in a decade. Karma win then
and one more of the rounds of the present human race will then be
Received, Jan. 10, 1910. [TT 532]
Every true revelation of the great mysteries of Divinity declares
individual responsibility for the dissemination of the Light of the
World. The Master Jesus made this declaration in the words, "I am
sent to be a Light to lighten the world." In the sacred Stanzas of Dzyan
may be found a similar declaration : "I am sent to be a torch to light
the fires within your hearts." Whatever be the form in which the intent
is clothed, there is no misunderstanding the nature of the intent.
Infinitely more than the Light of the Solar Orb can mean to
physical man, does the Light of the Central Spiritual Sun mean to the
Soul of Man, and until man has awakened to some knowledge of its
reality, and of its ever-present and permeating influences, he cannot
rise to any comprehension of that Divine Being who is worshiped,
ignorantly or wisely, by all the races of the earth, under different
It must be remembered that God has never left Himself without a
witness. In his worship of the Solar Orb, the most ignorant of savages,
as well as far more enlightened men, have worshiped the Light of the
World as it shone through that visible sun ; that Light which is, in fact,
the very Vesture of God.
Every Avatar that has come to earth, or that ever can come, is a
radiating Center of that Light.
As physical man depends on the light of the sun, or on some
secondary light which is dependent on the sun, for power to visualize
objective forms, so the spiritual man is dependent on the Light of the
Central Spiritual Sun for power to perceive and comprehend Divinity.
The Soul of man clone can perceive that light and it is because the
substance of the soul is of the nature of the Vesture of God that it is
possible for it ever truly to know God, or to refuse to know Him by
choosing evil. By so choosing it inhibits the action of the Light of
which it is a part. To the Soul is given the power of choice. It makes a
wrong choice when it chooses to act in opposition to the dictates of
the radiating center of light within itself.
Whether it be termed Conscience, Perception, or Intuition, that
which impels man to act in unison with the Divine Beings who guide
the evolution of the races of mankind is the Light of the Spiritual Sun.
The appreciation of beauty and perfection of form in the artist ;
the love of harmony and melody in the musician, are effects of the
action of the rays of light from the Central Spiritual Sun shining into
the sense centers of man. Those sense centers are, as it were, receiving
stations which catch those raya of light and translate them into
[TT 533] terms that are comprehensible to man. But there are also
stations which catch the shadows left by the passing of the light-the
effects of ignorant or selfish use of the light.
Every unselfish desire is a reflection of a similar desire in the
Mind of God. If the desire is strong enough and the will to carry it out
is fully aroused, man must succeed. If the unselfish aspect of a desire
is changed and becomes clouded by the personality, the plan in the
Mind of God is not carried out and a constrictive force is brought into
action which binds, closes up and contracts the lines of the form
which has been reflected by the Spiritual Light, and the form thus
created will not conform to the pattern form in the Mind of God.
When Intuition has opened the avenue of perception in the mind of
man, the Light of the Spiritual Sun will reflect an image of the truth
through that avenue to a brain center whenever a call is made upon it.
The soul of the world is in sore travail, and not one human being
of its myriads of inhabitants will escape the effects of that travail. The
spiritual forces of love and hate are arrayed against each other, and the
battle is on for supremacy. Like unto a pack of hunger-maddened
wolves the masses are living up against those whom they believe to be
the classes. Ignorance of the primal causes of their distress, a sense of
injustice and of betrayal at the hands of those they have trusted, is
leading many of the frenzied poor even to bite the hand of those who
would feed them. They cannot now tell friend from foe, they have
been deceived so often.
On the other hand the ignorance of the wealthy on other fines in
many cases has led to their ignoring the signs of the coming of the
inevitable reaction of the forces they have been setting free. The
experiences of past ages have been forgotten, and they have blinded
their eyes too long to the signs and portents of the present era.
If I could but make my voice heard to the four corners of the
world I would cry out to every human soin, "Oh, son of man, pity the
brother who stands at thy side, for he is thy brother, even if he be the
one who would slay thee ; he knows not what he would do. He is
caught in the snare set by the demons of hate, even as thou [TT 5534]
hast been caught. He is but a tool in the hands of the opponents of
universal Love, even as thou hast been. If but he and thon could
imagine the agony of remorse which will sweep over both as the
scales fall from your eyes on the other side of the life stream, when
full recognition of brotherhood dawns upon the consciousness of each
one, then would you understand the uses to which both have been put
by the Brothers of the Shadow. What does it require but the sowing of
the seed of hate in the hearts of the people of a divided world, to turn
men from faith in and love for God into distrust of God and love of
evil ?"
There is an Angel in the heart of every human being. Ah !
children of mine, listen to the voice of that Angel as it bids you to
show compassion toward your brother man whatever be his offenses
against thee. Only by so doing wilt thou be able to meet his agonized
eyes when death hath brought you to a common level. His offenses
against thee will seem so small in comparison with thine against him,
as thou viewest them from the heights of life. And remember, the
brother thou hast sinned mort deeply against, will be the first to meet
thy quickened eyes when thy footsteps fall on the nether shore. The
days of retribution are falling fast. Make clean your own hearts and
there will be naught for you to fear.
If you were able to perceive the deep sympathy felt by the
Masters of Wisdom, and their understanding of the power of the great
temptation facing you in common with other soul . hungry people as
the present wave of psychism approaches its height, you could better
appreciate their efforts to stem that wave and save you from the dire
effects of yielding to the thrall of investigation by mediumistic
methods whose devotees are utterly powerless to protect the
investigator from the effects of the action of the lover elementals and
astral shells of the human souls who have passed into Devachan,
leaving only the lover qualities to animate the shells left on the lover
astral plane. These elementary forms of life gather around the sphere
of investigators into psychic phenomena and feed on the magnetic
emanations drawn from them.
It is sad beyond power of expression to see men and women of
scientific culture and renown deceived by mediumistic methods even
when those methods are studied by conscientious investigators, yet
who are deceived by such dangerous tools as the Ouija board and
other like implements.
Communications so received are the result of sub-conscious
control of the mind and hands of the operator when no deceit is used.
The sub-conscious mind has access to the memory leaves of the soul,
the mental images or expressions of every object and form of life the
individual ego has contacted in all its incarnations in form. These
memories are fixed in the auric sphere of the individuality and may be
reproduced in any incarnation if the right conditions are made and
may supply the data for many wonderful psychic experiences.
In the case of a highly developed Mystic or Master there may be a
temporary identification of his sub-conscious mind with that of
another Mystic, and the memories fixed in the auric sphere of either
one may be flashed into the outer consciousness of the other, but the
power by means of which this phenomenon is produced is a high
spiritual power which could not be used for any selfish purpose
without disaster to the one so using it. Such a Mystic would be
incapable of degrading that power by using it to deceive some heart
hungry person into believing he or she had been placed in rapport with
a dear one who had crossed the border between two planes of
consciousness, or by countenancing the use of any interior power to
advance the financial, social or political interests of some inquirer
who might greatly misuse the knowledge so gained.
I entreat you to refuse to accept the ideas promulgated by some of
the self deceived adherents of the so-called "new thought" movements
relating to sex freedom and psychic development which are pernicious
in their effects. I refer particularly to those features which are in fact
opposed to the light principles of life and action inculcated by the
Masters of Wisdom throughout this manvantara, and upon which all
true civilizations have been founded.
Promiscuous sex relations and superstition have been the primary
causes of the destruction of many civilized races in the past, and will
be the cause of the destruction of the present one unless the race can
recognize its danger and correct the present tendency in these
directions before it is too late.
Spiritual development is dependent on purity of life and purpose.
Monogamy is the keystone of the family, and the family is the
keystone of civilization. The increase of insanity among the devotees
of the Ouija board and other objective forms for obtaining
communications from interior planes is deplorable, and the danger lies
in the opening of the manasic centers of the brain to malefic
influences active on the lover astral plane, and in the robbing of the
brain centers [TT 536] by the aforesaid lower elementals and astral
shells of the magnetic force they require for the functioning of
manasic energy. This robbery is often accomplished unconsciously by
the medium who depends on the magnetism of the inquirers engaged
in the attempt to secure communication for themselves from the
discarnate. The manasic centers of the brain are dependent on
magnetism for. life expression on the physical plane, and any
concentrated effort of will opposed to natural evolutionary law
weakens the resisting power of the physical substance which forma
the outer wall of each molecule of Chat substance, to the negative
forces which attack them unless that wall is protected by the
individual Higher Self, and it is not so protected when the center is
used by the lower self in defiance of the aforesaid evolutionary law.
The opening of the psychic senses, even when accomplished by
normal evolutionary process, is always attended by more or less
danger to the delicate brain centers involved, but the danger is far
greater when it is undertaken in an attempt to speed cap the process by
effort of will under the direction of another person, unless such
direction is given by a Master who possesses the requisite power of
protection ; otherwise the devotee is taking unimaginable risks of
breaking down one or more brain centers, thereby becoming mentally
Knowing these facts, the person who dares to direct that process
in the case of another, while unable to protect that other, is piling cap
some dread karma for himself as well as for his victim.
Years pass by and are lost in decades ; decades pass into
centuries, and centuries into ages. Races anti nations are born and
pass, yet man, the result of all of natures efforts, with all the gathered
experience of the ages behind him, balks at the law which demands
that he shah live for his race, his nation, his world and not for himself
atone. Whenever he breaks that law he tells down its punishment
capon his own head and capon the heads of his children canto the third
generation and beyond. When he breaks the law of Love he breaks the
one law which underlies all other laws, for capon the inviolability of
that law rests the health, the sanity, the growth and development of his
The law of Love and the law of monogamy at their base are one
and the same. The degradation of virginity, the contempt of that
[TT 537] law, in man or woman, is a crime against Divine Love from
which there is no appeal. The man . made law whose servants have
decreed the union of one man and one woman, though they may be in
ignorance of the fact, is based on that one divine law, and no man or
woman tan break it without increasing the results of the curse which
has fallen on the human race because of the age long violation of that
law. All the worst conditions of human life are the result of the
breaking of that one law. Argue as he will, examine himself as he will,
curse the law as he may, for man that law stands as irrevocable today
as the day it was made, the day of the separation of sex.
Each man, each woman is called capon to decide not whether he
or she is personally getting the best out of life, not whether wife or
husband is a saint or a sinner, but whether as units of the race to which
they belong they will advance that race by precept and example, or
whether they will add to the desolation, the crime, the devolution of
that race, as a result of revolution against that law of Love. Until the
human race as a whole recognizes this truth a perfect race cannot be
As the rays of a dying sun fall obliquely on each angle of all the
drops of moisture suspended in the atmosphere, each one of those
angles flashes out its own particular color, or rather flashes back the
ray of color its angle has broken from the one white ray. So when the
white ray of the spiritual sun fans athwart the angles of the crystallized
qualities and characteristics in the mental and psychic bodies of man,
it is broken cap by those angles and tan only reflect the different
colors of the broken ray . the effects of the thoughts, words and
actions of the man . into the auric sphere, the vehicle of the Higher
Crystallization holds the key to the manifestation of spirit in
matter, but the key could never be turned by a materialist, for such a
one could never perceive the connecting links which intuition atone
tan supply. Each color given out by each angle of a crystal, when a ray
of light is turned capon it from the right direction, would indicate to
the eyes of the occultist the exact state of matter, the first plane of its
manifestation, and the next step in the scale of life of the minute lives
sacrificed in the process of crystallization. [TT 538]
A good chemist, if examining a crystal formed of the escaping
fluid of a physical body, could tell at a glance which fluid formed that
crystal. He might even be able to determine from which one out of
several bodies the fluid was taken, and what the process of
crystallization was, from a material point of view. But of the different
planes or states of matter which gave birth to those minute lives, the
forms they were destined to create, their ulterior purpose, and many
other features, he could tell nothing. All these secrets the occultist
could import if so minded, and could do so by observing the action of
light on the different angles of the crystal, and applying his knowledge
of the elemental forces which combined and molded the minute lives
into different forms according to a divine plan.