The man who chooses from a statement of facts, or the expressed
opinions of another man only those features of the same which will
minister to his own vanity or otherwise favorably affect his personal
opinion of himself, and rejects in toto those which are to his discredit,
will inevitably fail of success in all the great purposes of life. Even the
harshest honest critic can scarcely fail to estimate more fairly the
motives and effects of a man's act than can the man himself.
Exactly as the reliable art critic must stand away from the picture,
the musical instrument, the voice, the piece of sculpture, in order to
form a fair estimate of the value of the work of the artist, so the honest
critic of his own acts or those of another human being must stand
away from the point of action. He cannot come too close in sympathy
or affection for others without becoming more or less identified with
the personal opinions of those others. His estimate of the motives and
effects of an act indulged in by those others, whatever its nature, will
be more or less modified. Distance is essential to impartial judgment ;
so the man who would conquer his own limitations and win a victory
over inhibiting conditions must be temperate minded enough to weigh
carefully the expressed opinions of others regarding his acts, however
invidious those opinions may appear to be. [TT 476]
How can any man protect himself from the wiles of the female
who reduces herself to a seeming nonentity in his company, pouts and
weeps over the cruelty of other men and women, while her tongue
carries the sting of a viper when out of his presence, if he has
overvalued his own power of discrimination and so cannot accept the
estimate other men place on the character of the woman ?
How can a woman protect herself from the vile machinations of
the man who, to gain his own ends, pretends to credit her with all the
virtues, graces and attributes of a goddess, if she has allowed herself
to be convinced that she possesses all those attributes and is therefore
a sorely misunderstood martyr to the false opinions of others, when in
fact those others may be endeavoring to protect her by their honest
criticism of her weakness and gullibility ?
How can a nation protect itself if its people will not heed the
warning, given by a friendly power in relation to the approach of a
dangerous enemy : and refuse to do so for the reason that in their self
sufficiency they cannot conceive of the necessity for armament and
defensive maneuvers ?
There are all degrees of self-deception between the extremes I
have mentioned, and some one of these degrees fits every man and
woman in the world. The closer one clings to his own individual
degree of self-deception, however slight it may be, the surer will it
lead him into pitfalls from which it may take him many incarnations to
extricate himself. The more conceited, the vainer the possessor of the
particular aspect of self-deception he has cultivated, the more
persistently and emphatically will he deny the existence of such
weakness in his character.
You may say, "If that be true, how then is one to become
enlightened ? how overcome such a limiting defect ?" It will not be an
easy task. It has been built up into a monstrosity by the "little things",
the minutiae of over-appreciation, through many lives, and, as is the
case with other personal defects, it must be torn down and removed by
steady, persistent effort. It is the most subtle, the deepest seated
characteristic of human nature, and the heart will bleed when it is
removed. But if it is the greatest hindrance to all power and
development, the soul, the observer of all the fluctuating phenomena
of life, should be ready and willing to bear the testing force.
So, however deeply it may sink into the consciousness, whatever
the hurt to pride, self-esteem or reputation, take the blow straight
between the eyes, whether it comes from friend or enemy, if it be in
the form of a personal criticism, and set yourself to find out what it is
in you that has been hurt, and to what extent you deserve the criticism.
[TT 477]
You will never convince your friend that he has been unjust, by
argument, or your enemy that he has been wrong, by a return blow.
There will be but one way to do either, that is, to rid your aura of the
rubbish, whatever degree of that rubbish you may have fostered, and
so become in fact the conqueror over the elementary force which now
rules mankind, instead of its protector as you now are.
Only by means of the "line of God", the straight, true line, can be
constructed the outline of a perfect form and that form be made
Every physical form or material object was originally built on the
perfect pattern form existing on etheric planes. To whatever degree
man has cultivated the attributes of God within himself, to that degree
can he reconstruct any corresponding line that has been broken down
or distorted in the outline of a physical body or an organ of a physical
body, and unless such lines can be reconstructed on the perfect lines
of the pattern form, it matters not what appearances or sensation may
promise, a diseased organ or body cannot be perfectly and
permanently made whole. The fact that mathematical and geometrical
laves could be applicable in any sense to the healing of a diseased
organ would not occur to the average man, yet an Initiate of the White
Lodge would apply those laves, to whatever degree was necessary, in
the healing of a diseased organ, providing karmic lave permitted him
to undertake such healing at all.
The perfect pattern, the first reflection of z form, is indestructible.
It is this form of which we find a record in Genesis. God made man in
His own image. It is the outline of the body of the soul. But the second
reflection of that form existing on one of the lower mental planes is
subject to change, and as the physical body is a more dense reflection
of the mental pattern, the fines, curves and angles of the physical form
must follow the fines, curves and angles of the mental pattern.
As only a Master could intelligently visualize the outlines of the
perfect pattern and also perceive similar outlines of the mental pattern,
only such an one could be absolutely sure of the position and
condition of the broken down or distorted portion of an outline, and so
feel assured he was not working further injury to the organ in
attempting the reconstruction of that portion of the outline. [TT 478]
Even as the White Magician would have the power to reconstruct
such fines, so the Black Magician would have not only the power to
build, but would more often use that power temporarily to break down
or distort those fines, thus bringing about conditions which would
make possible the development of disease germs within the physical
organ which corresponds to and which is in fact the basic material
form of that organ. But as all evil is impermanent and illusory, he
would not have power to render such conditions permanent. There
must inevitably come a time in one incarnation or another when the
true pattern would reflect a perfect pattern again on the mental plane.
The effects of the evil would have been counteracted.
The power to change or distort what were once perfect fines exists
to a less degree in every human ego, but without deliberate intent and
power of will such changes are very fluctuating, and especially in so
far as their effect on others is concerned ; but they may last
indefinitely or during the life . cycle of the personality, if destructive
thought forces are turned in such a direction to any great degree.
You have all doubtless met many persons who had what is
commonly termed "a true eye", that is, persons who had the power of
perfectly visioning or marking a straight fine, or of estimating the
degree of curve or angle of any visible form at a casual glance.
Without knowing it such persons may have something more than "a
true eye." Metaphysically speaking, they possess the "measuring rod
of God." That rod is one aspect of the attribute of truth. God cannot be
false in any respect, and the nearer man approaches Godliness, that is,
develops the attributes of God, the truer he will be in all respects.
However, a man may be true to some one ideal or principle and false
to another. He may have developed perfect vision, physical and
mental and even spiritual vision, and therefore be able to perceive the
true intuitively, whether it be a perfectly proportioned geometrical
figure or a true concept of a mental problem, and still be utterly false
in all the common relations of life. Therefore he would have
developed only one aspect of the attribute of truth.
Every aspect of the attribute of truth is developed in the Godman,
the Master of high degree. Therefore, the "measuring rod of God" is
his to use at will. He knows that every fine, curve or angle of the
various organs and divisions of the human body is built by exact
measurements, and he knows the units of such measurements. If a
certain part of the outline of an organ is displaced or distorted, he
would know exactly the number of units of bone or tissue substance
he must change to bring that part of the outline back to its original
state of perfection. And it is right here that a miracle may occur, so far
as a miracle is possible, for no possible exterior means could change
that outline back exactly to its original form. The Initiate must unite
the constituent elements of those units, must actually create the
substance he uses to reform or replace the broken outline and must do
this on the plane of the second reflection and therefore by means of
Kriyashakti and mental power.
If an extraneous object enters an organ of a physical body through
all the layers of cuticle and embeds itself in the flesh, the outline is
indented or changed, however minute the wound thus made may be.
Nothing in the fine of surgery or other extraneous means can render
that outline exactly perfect again. Wherever the cuticle is scarified the
outline is broken or distorted, and a similar outline in the mental or
astral body bears the same semblance. If the latter can be changed
back to the original perfect outline the corresponding physical outline
will regain its former appearance. Consequently, it is on that mental or
astral counterpart that the said Master must perform his operation if a
diseased organ is to be perfectly healed without leaving any exterior
sign of the process. The ability to perform such a seeming miracle is
due first to his development of the power of Will, secondarily to his
knowledge of the constituents of the substance we are agreed to call
mind stuff, and thirdly to his knowledge of higher mathematics and
geometry, and this gives one a clue to the Master's insistence on the
importance of these sciences.
Among the commandments given by Jehovah to the Hebrews is
the following : "Thou shalt not kill." This is supposed to apply to the
murder of man by man, but the far reaching consequences of the
taking of life in other forms are very lightly considered, if at all, by the
majority of the people of the earth. The fact that every molecule of
matter is a conscious life on the path of evolution makes the taking of
the lives of even the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms a matter
for consideration, but if those lives are sacrificed to furnish sustenance
for higher forms of life the lesser lives receive an impulse toward
growth as a result of their close contact and association with other
hierarchies of lesser lives which have already been raised into other
kingdoms of nature . the lives which have become the basic substance
of blond and tissue as a result of their forced sacrifice. Just [TT 480]
so far as those lesser lives are sacrificed necessarily for the growth and
development of man, as well as for that of the lesser lives, the karma
for such action is overcome. The interdependence of both forms of life
is established by Divine Law. But when man willfully kills and wastes
such lives through his own carelessness, cruelty and selfishness, in
whatever form they come inter his hands, he is committing the sin
which may be designated . murder.
It is no wonder that so many homely household proverbs in all
languages have grown out of the ides of waste, for while the severe
lesson taught by waste is very apt to come home to the waster with
crushing effect at some time of life, the soul itself cries out in warning
to every sensitive person when brought to face waste in any form, and
the mind viii shrink from committing such waste unless is still too
undeveloped to sense the cry, or has crushed of his soul so long he is
no more moved to action. He is not apt to realize that, by the wasting
of fond material which would have sustained life he is compelled to
take, or induce others to take by purchasing their products, countless
other lives which might. have been left to growth, he is thus
responsible for the commission of that crime against Divine Law. It is
useless to say he is not responsible for the taking of those extra lives,
and that the materials would lie on the market unused if he did not
purchase them, for that is not true.
The lave of supply and demand would take care of all such
matters if man would permit, and would live close enough to nature to
allow the lave to function for him ; but he has defied all these laves
and created unnatural conditions to which he is now bound.
The unity of life and the interaction and interdependence of all
lives is beyond the realization of the average man. When the life blond
or life essence has been freed, in the killing of animals, or gathering of
grain or other forms of plant life, and the foodstuffs so secured are
prepared by fire or other means into palatable fond, it is generally
believed that life is ended for the animal or plant. The fact that
elemental lives have been freed, and different hierarchies of these
elemental lives have been welded together by fire, causes the natural,
result, i. e., revolt of the fiery lives, and it is their action on the body
and mentality of man which brings about the karmic action of disease,
or mat' be instrumental in bringing about poverty and want, which are
the sequel to the waste,
The laves above referred to are as applicable to the willful waste
of spiritual and mental forces, as to more concentrated matter. Man is
as responsible for the waste of the higher forms of elemental life as for
the lover. It is said that man must give an account of every idle word .
then why must he not account for every other waste ?
Take this lesson to heart, study it in all its bearings and see if you
cannot discern the logic and justice of my deductions.
One of the greatest hindrances to understanding the purpose and
accomplishing the given result of directions imparted to his disciples
by an Initiate of the White Lodge lies in the efforts made by the
disciples to confuse the issue and refuse to believe that the simple
natural form in which it is given does not hide some abstruse problem
which requires divine wisdom to solve.
No statement made by Jesus of Nazareth to His disciples or to the
multitude conveyed a deeper truth or one couched in more simple
language than did that which runs as follows : "If ye have faith as a
grain of mustard seed ye shall say to this mountain, remove hence to
yonder place and it shall remove." Yet that statement has been made
the base of tomes of literature of various kinds. It is used as the
fundamental tenet of any number of faith cures, as it well might be if
it were accepted as it vas given . a simple statement of fact. Faith is a
mighty engine, and like other engines it requires a definite form of
power, a well qualified engineer and a given purpose if anything is to
be accomplished by its use. But it is something more than an engine ;
it is a superhuman instrument which has grown by accretion, and
according to the laves which govern its plane of existence.
You will note, Jesus said "faith as a grain of mustard seed." The
word as holds the clue to whatever mystery mat' be accredited to the
statement. In order to grow ; a mustard seed is planted in the earth, i.
e., in darkness, coldness, shut away from its kind, atone, there to lie
until the natural laves which govern growth, the application of
moisture, heat and the nourishment of mother earth have brought it to
germination, burst its shell and shot it up into another plane of
existence, that is, into the light and life of the sun and air.
Yet, in the application of Faith the average believer in its power
would seek for a full grown entity whose power of accomplishment
vas phenomenal, in that mere belief in its existence vas sufficient to
accomplish miracles, despite the fact that this believer mat' dent' the
[TT 482] possibility of miracles, and rightly so, as there are no
miracles, this very matter of Faith being a proof of the truth of that
statement. The faith by means of which great deeds are done by man
must develop and grow under circumstances that exactly correspond
to the growth of the mustard seed. It is rot a ready made tool for use at
any moment and by anyone. It is "as a seed" in the soul of man and
must develop under conditions analogous to those of the mustard seed.
As the seed develops in the darkness and coldness and loneliness of
earthly life, and grows by the light of the Central Sun it becomes like
unto the mighty engine to which I have referred ; but then that engine
must be operated according to the laws of the plane it has entered. The
nucleus of the seed of the mustard will rot permit that seed to expand
into an oak tree ; it will only grow mustard ; neither will the nucleus
of Faith develop any other attribute or thing ; it will always be just
Faith, one of the mighty engines by which the Christs build worlds
and men, and destroy them as forms.
What the average person means to convey in his use of the word
Faith is merely a certain degree of belief in the power of a divine
being. What the advanced occultist means by his use of the same word
is a universally diffused form of force or energy which in one sense
might correspond to the action of electrical energy, a form of energy
or substance which is one of the constituents of every atom or
molecule of physical substance, and therefore like every other
constituent of matter is capable of growth, extension, expression and
final disintegration and dissolution. The Faith which the high Initiate
has developed in himself is closely akin to the energy of Will.
It is rot difficult for the normal human being to perceive the
outlines, the uses, the possibilities of a finished product, but it is
indeed difficult to perceive the design and purpose of an uncompleted
object by means of any one section atone, yet the occultist is
frequently called upon to do so. When the average person attempts to
formulate some idea concerning the physical plane his mind naturally
turns to visible objective forms of his own little world. It does rot
occur to him that there is an actual state of matter, a universe in itself,
just below and another just above the physical plane, wherein are
constantly occurring [TT 483] all the changes which make his world
what it appears to be to his senses. These intermediate planes or states
of matter are rot those to which the term "astral" has been somewhat
promiscuously applied, but are exactly what the term "intermediate"
implies. It is within these planes that occurs all the vibratory action
which changes the substance of one form into that of another, and
these changes occur under the direction of definite laws which pertain
to those atone and are completely under the direction of the Divine
Builders of Form. There is a certain correspondence between the
under and overtones of music and the intermediate planes, as there
also is between Life and Death, and between Fire and Flame, etc. To
the psychic and the dreamer the phenomena of the intermediate planes
are observable by means of the psychic senses, but neither one is able
to bring back to the waking senses the consciousness of the processes
of change, or of the laws which govern the same. He mat' perceive the
almost immediate change in one form or another ; for instance, a well
known face mat' change form and features ; the watt of a building mat'
crumble and reform on different lines, labyrinthine paths mat' lead
into or cross each other without visible cause, whole cities change into
other cities while there would appear to be no purpose to be served, no
object to be gained by such changes. But if the physical or astral eyes
might pierce those planes where the changes were instigated and
carried out, and the human Ego could guide the elemental forces
producing such changes, the process of changing an undesirable
quality, characteristic or feature into more acceptable form would be
much easier than is possible by the slower methods of undirected
A junction is a point where two or more lines meet, and the term
seems peculiarly apt in referring to an intermediate plane.
The idea of a 4th dimension of space is commonly accepted, but
that there mat' be a 5th, a 6th, and a 7th dimension of space is rot so
well understood, nor is the fact that these dimensions are in fact
junctions between definite states or planes of substance wherein is
accomplished the evolution of the human soul.
The 4th dimension of space, the "withinness" of matter, as it is
sometimes termed, and the first intermediate plane beyond the
physical are identical. The instability of matter is a well recognized
fact, but that there is a definite point or place wherein the impulse to
change form-to pass from one state of vibration into another is given
and the change accomplished, is rot of common knowledge. The
changes which appear on the physical plane take place in the cells of
the objective form, and eventually appear in some modification of that
form. The changes which take place in the substance of the Astral and
Mental bodies first occur in the molecule and atom ; but it must be
remembered [TT 484] that the changes are instigated and produced on
the intermediate planes between the full planes upon which substance
is stabilized to a much greater degree.
To the physical eye such changes as occur in outer forms appear
to be somewhat dependent on time ; but time is not a factor in the
production of such changes on interior planes. It is on the intermediate
planes that the Initiates, the great Masters, accomplish their seeming
miracles, and whether consciously or the reverse it is on these planes
that the human Ego must work to change any part of his nature. If
physical man desires to make such changes more rapidly and
intelligently than they are being made by nature he must strive to
identify the lower mind with the Higher Mind in order that he may be
able to observe the action of controlling laves of substance on all
interior planes, for those laves differ greatly from the laves which
govern matter of lower rates of vibration,
Every quality or characteristic in the nature of man has taken a
definite form in the individual aura, and is subject to change. As
before said, changes may be made by man, but in order to make them
man must understand somewhat of the nuances of form and of the
significance and subtleties of curve and angle, line and square deep
mysteries which only the Higher Self can solve. This is one more to
gain the needed identification with the Higher Self.
Every conscious effort he makes takes him another step toward
that end, and the step which brings him to a realization of the
aforementioned intermediate planes or junctions on which the real
work of changing farm takes place is a most important step.
In a previous communication to Templars, on the subject of self-
responsibility, I stated in effect that a single individual might defer the
advent of an Avatar for a definite length of time. Many Templars have
looked askance at this statement, others have refused even tentatively
to accept it, owing largely to the fact that they are not capable of fully
accepting the philosophical viewpoint of the Initiates on the subject of
Centralization . centralization of power, of energy, of force, of every
constituent of gross matter, and of the geometrical lines of influence
which guide, attract and crystallize, and finally solidify and
disintegrate the minor crystallized. divisions of every ion, atom,
molecule and cell which is responsive to one or the other of the seven
major tones or keys which control the said fines of influence, and
which therefore are primarily responsible for the raising and lowering
of the vibratory pulse of all matter in manifestation on the physical
plane throughout a manvantara.
It requires a strong analytical and mathematical turn of mind to
divide and subdivide and remold into a definite mental form, possible
of expression by words, all the various aspects of Centralization ; and
unless one has the power of raising the personal consciousness to a
state corresponding to one or all the fines of influence of the seven
keys aforementioned, it is difficult to grasp the subject in its entirety.
It depends upon the ability to do this how far it is possible to grasp the
deep truth I endeavored to express in the words of the message
referred to in the beginning of this communication, and it depends
upon how far even the average human being can identify his
consciousness with the central cell of each form of differentiated
substance within the fine of influence where evolutionary lave has
placed him, how near he can approach the state of evolution
commonly referred to as adeptship.
If the central cell . the mind and soul . of a human being within
the same fine of influence as that which enfolds the individual Ego of
one who has reached adeptship (and who therefore may possibly
fulfill the duties of an Avatar to all within that fine of influence) shall
set his will and mind against the outer expression of that particular
Avatar, he can set in motion elemental forces which might greatly
hinder the appearance of the latter for a limited time. Such an
individual might not even be conscious of the effect of his fine of
action, as a child on the physical plane might easily and innocently set
fine to a valuable building by some careless act, or as an evil minded
person might willfully and deliberately commit a similar crime ; it
would be the action of the fire itself which would destroy or injure the
building ; neither child nor man could be classed as the effect,
although one or the other might be the cause of the fire.
It might be the use of the stored up power in the man and his
position within the fine of influence that would make possible such
temporary inhibition as I have mentioned in the case of an Avatar, but
it would be the character of the energy set free by his acts that would
be the determining factor in such inhibition ; and the stored up power
which made possible his action would necessarily be the fruits of
previous efforts at gaining control of the centralized forces of some
one or more forms of substance. That central point or spark in every
cell [TT 486] or division of mental or physical substance is the point
of connection between spirit and matter. It is the individual
consciousness of that cell or division, and the greater man's
recognition and control of the central cell of any form of substance
beneath that which constitutes his own vehicle of expression, the more
potent for good or ill are the effects of his acts.
If I were to tell you that barely seven people, four men and three
women, were the points of precipitation, the avenues through which
the powers of disintegration, slaughter and destruction were
preeminently active at this era . one in each of the seven major
divisions of the earth . and that not all of them were perfectly
conscious of the measure of their use, you might feel justified in
disputing my statement, yet it is true. All other exterior influences at
work to create the present conditions in all the great nations of the
world are secondary, although many of them are aware of their being
used for such purposes.
When any great issue comes up which affects the world as a
whole to a supernormal degree it has been precipitated by two
centralized powers or individuals, one on either side of the problem
presented ; one is positive to the other's negative. Every secondary
power or individual who consciously or unconsciously thwarts the
action of the law which provides for a true and just solution of the
problem, retards the action of that law.
The fact that such a great issue has arisen is a very sure indication
that the evolutionary forces have forced the issue, whatever may seem
to be the contributory causes. Even the crude laws of combat between
man and man have a large measure of divine initiative behind them ;
the third person who steps in between the combatants, or who
endeavors to trip or throw or over-encourage one or the other by overt
acts, is the real enemy to both.
When the great issue has been settled the secondary or
contributory causes may precipitate other issues, but they would not
be of like import. Here again I revert to the primary cause of this
communication, namely, the necessity for e better understanding of
the laws of Centralization, and of personal responsibility, by students
of life who are striving for the apples of wisdom, the fruit of
knowledge, for they are the fundamental laws of all progress.
The great test of the degree of development a human soul has
reached in this Messianic Cycle will be whether it is a matter of vital
[TT 487] importance as to what form . or even whether there be any
visible form . the coming Avatar of the human race will choose in
which to perform his mission to man.
Unless a man has evolved to the degree where it will have
possible for him to interiorly recognize the presence of the contact is
made within the Auric Sphere of the earth, he might be as easily
deceived, as many men are now deceived, by the claims of those who
declare themselves to be Avatars of the present age, soul of a man is
evolved to the degree referred to, it will be a matter of indifference to
him personally whether that Avatar will appear in a physical body or
not, for he will know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the long
sought is at hand when He comes, as surely as one would be conscious
of an electric shock, even if there were no dynamo or battery in sight,
when one received that shock.
In the process of development, one would have created within
himself a psychic center of action within which a response would be
aroused by the mental stimulus of another who was attuned to the
same key.
Perfect devotion to, and inter-communication with, the Christos,
would attune the consciousness to the key-note of the Christos, and
every Avatar of the Christ strikes the same key, to use a homely
If you are a sensitive, the presence of a beloved one in your
immediate vicinity is known to you at once. You have no need to
argue the question with yourself, or to turn about to face the physical
form of that loved one. Then how much greater would be the magnetic
attraction of the vehicle of the Christos to whom your soul was drawn.
There is always a measure of doubt, or unbelief, if man must see
with his outer eyes before he can recognize the Truth.
Though it tax your belief to the breaking point, I must repeat
again, and yet again if necessary, a statement made to the original
group of seven disciples called together by the Initiates of the White
Lodge in the year 1898 to form the nucleus of a future organization.
[TT 488] This statement was in effect that the seven said Initiates had
labored diligently for centuries to secure seven highly organized
psychically sensitive disciples in incarnation at one tune, who would
remain faithful and obedient during the necessary period of their
chelaship, in order that they might gain the knowledge and power
which would enable them to work in collaboration with the Initiates
for the further enlightenment of the more intelligent people of the
world, in ways absolutely necessary for growth on interior lines of
life. As I then told the selected seven who formed that first group, it
remained to be seen how far success would crown the efforts of the
units of the group. As the natural span of life for the humanity of the
present races of the earth does not allow for more than 50 years at
most, in which man in his prime is capable of strenuous, long
protracted mental and physical exertion, it tan be readily perceived
that many vacancies must have occurred in groups previously formed,
before their units were fitted for the work to be accomplished ; and t
as part of the necessary training leads to the prolongation of life, the
failure or death of even one, at a critical point in training, would leave
the group incomplete and valueless as a group, unless the vacancy
could be filled at once.
It is now tune that some of the information given to the first
mentioned group should be somewhat extended, for there should be
those among the students of life who would be fitted for any vacancy
which might occur in such a group.
One cause for the secrecy maintained in regard to Numbers by the
Masters of Wisdom is the difficulty encountered by the average
human being in comprehending the nature of the substances which
constitute the first four planes of manifestation. Finite minds are not as
yet capable of cognizing the nature of the finer forces or energies, and
their relationship to number, although their effects are noted under
different names in all the ancient philosophies. It is not until they are
reflected or radiated, i, e., until the Three become the Four and Seven,
that their nature becomes even approximately understood and noted
by the senses of man. This is soon apparent to the inquirer who seeks
to discover by mechanical means the secret which only the key of
touch, i. e., feeling, will unlock.
Science has striven in vain to discover the source and ultimate
nature of Light, Electricity, Heat and Gravity . the Four which
become the Seven by differentiation (the last three are Magnetism,
Chemical affinity and Cohesion). To reach a better understanding of
the main point under discussion . the necessity for a group of seven
human beings . it is well to postulate a Central Spiritual Sun as the
basic source of the above mentioned energies and of all forms of life
in manifestation within the sun and planets of a solar system. The
recipients of the radiations from the Central Sun take the form and
nature of the said energies and it is as various degrees of those
energies that they become evident to the senses of man on this earth.
Somewhat as the spokes of a wheel reach the circumference from
the hub, the seven direct rays or energies pass from the Central Sun to
the center of the objective sun, thence to its circumference, and again
to centers of groups of nebulae, which will become centers of other
planets, and thence to man.
The heart of every human being is an embryonic center of a world
to be, a point of attraction, as it were ; but in order to receive and be
able to respond to the action of the said energies, from the center of
the earth, for instance, they must pass first through the seven most
highly organized and highly evolved Beings upon or within the earth.
These Beings are vehicles for the transmission of attenuated forms or
degrees of the energies referred to. They are sometimes erroneously
termed Gods ; they are in fact Masters of very high degree. In turn
there must be seven lesser beings, end again seven times seven,
through whom in constantly lowering degrees those streams or fines
of energy must pass in order to safely reach and accomplish their
divine mission of growth and development in the masses of less
developed human beings, and thence to the heart Center of every other
living creature. It is by means of the said energies and their
differentiated degrees that all matter in manifestation is created and
maintained, and he who comprehends the exactness of all the laws
governing physical life understands that there tan be no variations in
the enforcement of those laws.
In our postulate I have given you some idea of the methods and
principles involved, but no human intellect tan grasp the reason for the
use of the numbers, Three, Four and Seven throughout every center of
manifested We know their use is the effect of an action of universal
law, and must be satisfied with that knowledge for the present. The
Masters of high degree select such groups from their personal
disciples as are necessary for the furthering of their work. Positions in
groups are not matters of choice by the disciples. If a single vacancy
occurs in a selected group of seven units, by the passing from earth or
the failure of a unit, the perfect interchange of thought and the seven-
fold division of Masters who direct their action is broken. The work of
the Masters far that group is jeopardized if the vacancy cannot be
filled. [TT 490] the privileges of the units of such a group are many,
the responsibility is great.
By means of the intercommunication established between Master
and disciple it is possible for the Master to so instruct the disciple that
he may become a conscious instrument for use in the evolution of
lesser orders of the kingdoms of nature, at the same time that he is
becoming a unit of a center which will ultimately become the nucleus
of a larger organized body, and so aid in enlightening the masses of
humanity. Thus, as it were, on strictly mathematical principles, a
direct fine is established from the Central Spiritual Sun through the
fields of spiritual as well as material life. I say spiritual life, for spirit,
is the guide, the director of all the forms of energy which constitute
life in manifestation. Naturally I tan gave you but little more than
correspondences in such an article as this, but those correspondences
or hints may be of incalculable importance if you will be guided by
intuition in reaching conclusions. However, you must bear in mind
that the energies mentioned are conscious spiritual entities on their
plane of manifestation, and that it is only the effects of their action on
their own plane which appear as forms of energy to the senses of man
on the physical plane.
It is perfectly true that from each solar orb are radiated the
streams of energy which supply life force and power of growth, in
fines of mathematical precision, to each one of the heavenly bodies
belonging to its solar system. In their passing the ether is thrown into
The more highly a human being may be developed the greater the
possibility of aligning his consciousness with that of the spiritual
Beings who are the vehicles of transmission to and fro from one plane
to another, of the finer forces of nature, and the more surely tan he
attract and use those nature forces.
All other forms of energy in operation within the physical plane
are combinations or differentiations of two or more of the seven
before-mentioned energies. There is a perfect system of interchange
and interaction between the seven streams of energy as they pals from
sun to the various bodies of its solar system and thence to all the
centers of life upon or within those bodies. Full knowledge of this
system is known only to the Masters of Wisdom who have become ;
as it were, perfect dynamos of tremendous power, and as a result of
their control of the nature spirits they are able to direct some measure
of those streams of energy into the channels which tan be used by
them for the benefit of the world at large and so help on the evolution
of the units of that world Those channels are the seven-fold 'groups of
which mention has been made. [TT 491]
Possibly I may shock or discourage those among my children who
have accepted modern interpretations of a philosophy as old as the
world, and who in their efforts to reconcile two or more irreconcilable
phases of that philosophy have given the mongrel result the title of
new thought ; but I am hoping that deeper consideration and thorough
investigation will better enlighten those who have accepted the view
presented by the original founders of the various present cults.
First of all you must consider the natural tendency of the human
mind avidly to grasp and strive to apply any fact or theory which gives
promise of immediate relief from painful or undesired conditions.
How eagerly they read or listen to the gleanings from any and every
exposition obtainable which appears to confirm their accepted theory,
and reject in part or in toto the gleanings which appear to oppose or
refute a theory founded on the same expositions. This natural trend of
the human mind is so obvious that it does not require a very brilliant
intellect to grasp and use a theory which seems to offer personal
advantage as a base for propaganda, and you may note that the
majority of the "New Thought" teachers have seized upon some
method of healing or of gaining material wealth, and put it forth as the
ultima thule of all endeavor. The very sound or sight of the word
Spiritual is seized by the imagination and generously applied to the
aforementioned methods.
The suffering from what are at the very most temporary forms of
disease, and the deprivations suffered from what are equally
temporary conditions of so-called poverty are far less acute than are
other forms of suffering which the human being is capable of
The qualities of patience, courage and endurance, attained in one
life period, might render the sufferer immune to the greater suffering
in other fines ; but this fact is tabooed or scoffingly denied.
In many instances the immutable decrees of the laves of Karma
and Reincarnation are either denied or twisted into a form which
would appear to justify the theory advanced. The illusory plane of
gross matter takes precedence in the minds of those theorists over
what are in very fact the real planes of life, and this despite all their
idealistic descriptions of life after death upon those planes, and their
desirability as a dwelling place ; Were such not the case a vaster
knowledge of those decrees of possible while their present limitations
obtain. That they are right in so far as their conception of the power 'of
thought is concerned, is [TT 492] indisputable, but they are often
wrong in their application of the power, and ignorant of the nature of
the instrument used to accomplish their desired ends. Necessarily their
thoughts are focused on the physical plane to a great degree, and this
prevents the wider sweep of the soul on interior planes of life.
No intelligent mind can deny the fact that certain results are often
accomplished by the application of mental force ; the main point at
issue here is whether such results would be desired by the individual
who is treated by the said methods if he were aware of the ultimate
effects, For instance, if a man is afflicted with a disposition toward
some one form of cruelty, however concealed from others or
discredited by himself, the fact of its existence at this time is the result
of repeated acts of cruelty by himself in former incarnations. Cruelty
is an evil which must eventually be eliminated from the mental sphere
where it has developed to an abnormal degree, and as every mental
inhibition or undesirable quality must be eliminated by means of a
definite process which necessitates its manifestation in gross form . a
lower vibration of matter . that tendency to cruelty may be
materialized in some form of disease. If that disease were eliminated
by means of a higher, a spiritual force, before the Ego had succeeded
in reducing that tendency toward cruelty, a spiritual force would have
been misdirected, the tendency toward evil would remain unchanged,
necessitating an increase of suffering in later life or in future lives.
While the above only illustrates one point of my argument it may
be of interest to you to learn that such a form of cruelty as is the
suppression of sympathy, which is evident in the cases of many
votaries of the old or New Thought, may easily result in one particular
of disease in the body. The inconsistency of many devotees of the
theorists is a bar to belief in their teachings in the case of a logical
mind ; for when they vigorously affirm that spirit (their particular idea
of spirit) is all in all, and by their methods of treatment claim to be
perfectly capable of applying the said treatment for the eliminator all
forms of evil, while subsequently they make exceptions showing that
other, more material means are necessary for treatment in exceptional
cases, it is difficult for them to convince a logician as to the
infallibility of their methods.
The Initiate, Paul, voiced a statement which should be of interest
to that section of New Thought healers who claim to use the power of
Faith alone as a means to the healing of all disease. He said, "Faith
without works is dead." Faith void of obedience to the laves which
govern the plane of action upon which it is applied is truly ineffective.
The works to which Paul referred must be concerned with the matter
or substance of the plane upon which the energy of Faith is acting at
the time being. The universal laves which govern the plane of mind or
soul decree that the substance of mind can only operate within its own
plane . its particular rate of vibration. The governing laves of
substance or matter of lower vibration thon that of Manas . matter of
greater weight and density, cannot allow such matter to enter the
Manasic plane. It would be in defiance of the governing laves of both
planes were it possible to transport a piece of iron ore or of physical
tissue into the substance of the Manasic plane. But a perfect picture of
that iron ore or tissue might be observable by the inner eye upon that
Manasic or Psychic plane, and that picture would be clearly the result
of the action of the rays of the Central Spiritual Sun within the
substance of an intermediate state of substance between the mental or
astral and the physical plane-a state corresponding to a film or
negative in the case of a photograph taken by means of solar light, a
camera and negative plate.
The ignoring or repudiating of the necessity for an intermediate
vehicle to bridge the gulf between spirit and matter constitutes one of
our chief objections to the promulgating of some of the modern
theories founded on so-called spiritual healing. Another objection is
based on the deceit practiced on the ignorant by those who fly to the
medical fraternity for aid in emergencies, and claim all credit if
success has crowned the efforts of the physician or surgeon employed
and repudiate responsibility if the latter are unsuccessful.
In every instance where a genuine cure of an actual (not an
incorrectly diagnosed) disease is made by the application of spiritual
or mental means, it is due to the recognized or unrecognized action of
the third, the intermediate state or entity which to the orthodox mind
bears an idea of the Christ. This intermediate state from one point of
view may correspond to a flux, in which two totally dissimilar states
of substance may be made to unite and thereby become an entirely
different form of substance. This intermediate state is unconsciously
accepted and termed the healing force by many New Thought
advocates, although they are often unaware of its ultimate nature or
the laves which govern it.
It is to be regretted that in some instances the right to study
modem works tin chemistry and other scientific works is denied to
students by their teachers, for it would lead to a better understanding
of the spiritual, mental and physical laves, and only too often this
refusal is based on the fear of losing their adherents, rather thon on the
best good of those concerned.
Far be it from me to deny the power of any attribute of the
Godhead. My objection to the use of the finer forces of Life lies in
what I recognize as the total ignorance of the majority of those
[TT 494] who would so use them, and therefore the frequent misuse
of those forces and the final sad results of such misuse. The man who
would use a very precious stone for the shoveling of earth would be
termed a foot or worse by those who saw him do so when a common
tool vas available. Yet something far more precious is often applied to
such a passing immaterial thing as a slight headache or sore finger
which only requires some slight material aid.
As before said, the inconsistencies, the illogical findings, the
cruelty and indifference toward the suffering of others, by many of
this class should make an intelligent man carefully consider the whole
question of mental or spiritual action in the healing of disease or the
gaining of material values.
My Children :
I greatly deplore the necessity for adding vital energy to a thought
form rapidly taking shape on the lover manasic plane, as does occur in
even considering the basic ideal of a subject, which is primarily
responsible for bringing a thought form into expression, for the more
vitality a thought form is given the more quickly it may be
materialized and the stronger it may be. While the form in question is
already in material expression in some of the European nations, it will
inevitably eventuate in America also, unless there is a radical change
in the minds of the people in relation to the general interpretation of
the words, personal freedom. This is my justification for bringing the
subject up for your consideration.
As is always the case, the awakening of one pole of force or
matter prefigures the awakening of the opposite pole, and with the
awakening of the positive ideal of Liberty in the minds of a people, its
negative pole, License, becomes the ultima thule of endeavor in that
portion of a race which has not yet evolved to a perception of the ideal
of Liberty which is held in the minds of a more highly developed
portion of the same race.
The one fundamental and all-important base of a true civilization
is the ideal of the family. The purity of a race, the possibility of a
clean genealogy, depends upon the offspring of the union of one man
and one woman, and whatever strikes at this base . this root of
civilization, strikes at the possibility of the continuous existence of the
race. [TT 495] The man or woman who indulges in promiscuous
cohabitation is guilty of a very far-reaching crime against the race to
which he belongs.
Whatever may be the. faults or failings of Orthodoxy in other
respects, its insistence on the sacredness of the marriage tie has been a
most redeeming feature. I am bringing these points up at this time, for
the days are fast coming when one of the results of this world
upheaval which I have termed a religious war, and of the precipitation
of the thought . form previously referred to, will be upon you as it is
now upon Germany and some other nations of this. dark star. The days
when whatever body is in power at the time may advise and even
demand that promiscuous cohabitation shall obtain, using as a 'plea for
the same the supposed need of numerically maintaining the population
of a nation may yet arrive, and I ask you men who have wives and
mothers, sisters and daughters, if you are inclined to countenance the
false ideas of personal liberty in matters of sex now being freely
discussed among many people. How would you feel if you were to see
the bodies of those wives and mothers and sisters and daughters at the
mercy of some of the human beasts of prey who are now actively
supporting the program of the ruling powers of the countries referred
to, the men and women whose minds have been permeated with the
effluvia arising from the ravings of a madman, because they were
either too indolent or too sense . besotted to realize the subtlety and
the dangers of the philosophy presented to them ?
There is a bar sinister on the escutcheon of the soul that can be so
utterly deceived as to make it impossible to interpret the word Liberty
as others would naturally interpret the same word, and so far as you
are spiritually above such a sorely deceived soul, just so far are you
bound to work for the dissemination of the Light of Truth herein
imparted to you wherever you are placed. Especially is it your duty if
you expect to become leaders of men in the future.
If you do not do this, it will be upon you, and upon others like
you, that the onus of such conditions as I have referred to will rest, for
you have had the advantage of over 2000 years of preparation and
instruction on those lines which make for race purity and high
You may refuse to believe that here in America, or in England or
France, such conditions would be tolerated, but just calmly consider
the fact that it only requires the addition of comparatively few mote
sympathizers to each one of the many groups already formed ; groups
of men and women who Are even now advocating the repudiation of
the present commonly accepted code of morals and high ideals, to
bring about conditions which would make for unbridled license.
[TT 496]
There is a tremendous responsibility resting on all clean minded
men and women, and there is no time to be lost.