To those who are practically ignorant of the basic realities of life
would say again as I have said before in effect, they have no adequate
[TT 339] conception of the devachanic plane or the conditions of
existence on that plane when they jeopardize all that is desirable and
possible of individual existence on that plane by filling their minds
full of the trivialities of their present life, and their auric sphere with
reflections from other minds which will afford no basis for a real
devachanic bliss.
As you would smile tenderly though pityingly at your child's
concept of maturity, so "those who know" can only smile wistfully at
your feeble concepts of life in its maturer aspects when those concepts
are devoid of evil. We often hear an undeveloped disciple voice his
desire to "renounce devachan" for the purpose of returning at once to
earth life, for the good of humanity. This occurs as a result of hearing
or reading of such a consummation by some high Initiate, but the
words are spoken in utter ignorance of that which must be renounced,
or even of their power to make such a renunciation.
Such a disciple is no more capable of making an intelligent
renunciation of that character thon would be a three-year-old child.
If you to whom I speak are among this class, I can assure you that
you might as well say you will renounce the period between meals,
given to digestion and assimilation of the food you take to sustain
your body ; for one period is as necessary to the soul as the other is to
the body.
If you had evolved to the degree where material food was no
more requisite to the health of the body, as have those higher Initiates,
you might then be able to make such a statement with more
understanding. Instead of impossible renunciation of devachan, it
would be more to the purpose if you would use the energy so lost, in
strengthening your high ideals or forming new ones which would
furnish the substance for assimilation in your devachanic life.
Many wrong ideas are prevalent concerning the nature of
subconscious life. Devachan is supposed to be a state of self-
deception, a dream. If you consider your present life a dream, then
also are you justified in considering devachan a dream, and not
otherwise, for one is as real as the other.
I would ask you : "To what degree have you penetrated the hidden
desires, motives, and private acts of the friend to whom you are most
devotedly attached ?" "Is not the fact that you are utterly unable to
reach to those hidden places one of the chief sources of the discontent
you feel whenever he or she is absent from you, and even when
present in a lesser degree ?" You can never get close enough to your
friend to satisfy your desire, and it is because of your belief in his
possession of virtues now concealed from you that you so desire
closer intimacy with your friend. It is not the faults, the weaknesses,
the [TT 340] contemptible little things of the lower nature that you are
so desirous of contacting. Your devachanic experience, so far as that
one friend is concerned, is a full realization of the highest attributes of
your friend, a unifying of your consciousness with the higher aspects
of that soul, and all the virtues and beauties of mind and body which
you believe exist and which do exist in the Higher Self of that friend.
You cannot so identify yourself with your friend in earth life, but
you can "lay up treasures in heaven" by your desire for and
appreciation of beautiful attributes, your appreciation of beautiful
things, where, metaphorically speaking, no moth or rust of the lower .
the material . self can corrupt or destroy, or thieves break through to
steal them. If you could not come to some knowledge of those
attributes and assimilate them into your consciousness in your
devachanic experience you could never bring them into manifestation
in yourself, no matter how many earth lives you might live.
However much you may desire immediate re-embodiment, so
long as there is a single higher attribute still undeveloped in your
nature a period of devachan is a necessity and is desirable. The
majority of adult human beings absolutely require the rest of devachan
as much as they do the rest of sleep ; for the astral brain . the seat of
the skandas . becomes as weary as does the physical brain in the case
of the undeveloped.
Look askance at the man who maliciously attacks his own
country, his home, or the organization to which he belongs. You may
be sure he is either revenging himself for some deserved punishment,
or has some selfish purpose to carry out.
If a man is sincere in trying to correct a supposedly wrong
condition, and is capable of so correcting it, he will devise a better
condition, prove it feasible in his own life, and then present it to
others. He may be sure that if it is really better than the previous
condition, it will at once appeal to the intuition of all concerned, for
everyone wants better conditions.
It is neither necessary nor right to use the weapons of a coward or
a cur to accomplish a good purpose. The law of progression furnishes
the impulse and points the way for such accomplishment. [TT 341]
There are certain definite cycles in the lives of the more
conservative lines of action time being or the evolution of man or
nation will be sadly threatened, if not temporarily stopped ; cycles in
which sentiment and the higher attributes of mercy and forgiveness
must seem to take on characteristics which are foreign to them during
other cycles.
The law of cycles is as applicable to those attributes as it is to all
other phases of manifestation, and the lowest arc of the cycle of a
sentiment would coincide with the lowest arc of a racial or world
cycle ; and the interaction between the controlling forces back of the
evolving of such a sentiment and the more materialistic aspects of life
which were dominating the race during that particular racial cycle
would be stronger and more incessant than at other periods.
As is usually the case, humanity at large only perceives the
effects, scarcely ever the causes which lie back of the changeable
phenomena which make up its life experiences. It jumps to the
conclusion that it is the cruelty, injustice, wrong living of one class
which is responsible for the enforced suffering and Nard conditions
under which other classes are living. That karmic action and cyclic
law have compelled the manifestation of the conditions that have bred
the class hatred, always in evidence at such periods, does not occur to
either class.
The class in power recognizes the fact that something must be
done to change the conditions which are making for class hatred, but it
does not know what to do to achieve such change. It is as ignorant of
the real facts as are its supposed victims.
A stronger band than theirs is at the helm of the universal ship, a
hand which is in readiness to demand justice for outraged law, and it
chooses just such a period as I have mentioned, when the lowest arcs
of the cycles of sentiment and justice are in opposition-a tune when
radical action is necessary, whatever its effect on individual and
collective man.
As there are cycles in individual life when virtue cannot be
regained by limiting vice, times when merciless, radical action is the
only possible cure for diseases of the mind or body, so, similar cycles
come in national and universal life. The seemingly unnatural and
unnecessarily cruel wars which have occurred from time to time
between two factions of a single nation, as well as the bodies of
people are sacrificed to some ideal, [TT 342] or for some selfish
purpose-have always materialized at such periods as I have referred
to ; and until mankind can realize that strong, determined, radical
action is equally possible and far more effective on fines of unification
than on fines of disorganization, and therefore that it is possible to use
all the radical forces generated at the lowest arc of a cycle for
purposes of good instead of evil, he will continue to slaughter his
fellow man, and then build monuments to his glory, and sing psalms
of victory over what are in truth terrible defeats.
But before collective man can utilize the power that may be at his
command in such a manner, individual man must learn to do the same
thing ; and while he selfishly continues to break down, where he
should be building, while he cajoles and deceives when radical action
is imperative, and uses radical action where the higher conservative
action is atone lawful, he is only a victim of the forces which gather at
the nether pole of a cycle.
War is only necessary between man and man so long as humanity
is blind to the purposes, power and scope of the irresponsible,
semiconscious forces of natural life, which may be used even more
effectually in pursuance of peace than of its opposite, war. These
forces can be used for the uplifting of a race which has fallen under
their action at a time when such action was directed by destructive
It is a sad mistake to accept the theory that the forces of the
negative aspect, the lowest point in the arc of a cycle, are responsible
for the evil deeds committed by mankind at that period. The negative
aspect of any natural force or object is evil only because the forces of
the negative aspect are used FOR evil. In no way is this truth more
easily demonstrated than by the good man who is great enough to sink
himself to the level of the man who has fallen low in the scale of life
and lost all hope of betterment. Only by reaching down to the level of
the other man can he possibly understand the fall of the latter, and lay
the fines of regeneration.
Once awaken the hope of valuable service to mankind in the
breast of a man, and the negative forces which under wrong direction
have worked for his undoing will work just as strongly for his
uprising. This fact may not be generally accepted because of the
evident difficulties in the way and the backsliding experienced by the
man who is trying to rise from a fall. But the latter are all due to auto-
suggestion. He has set up definite currents in his astral atmosphere
which can only be retarded and finally destroyed by personal effort
and direction ; but the same energy he used in the carrying out of
wrong suggestion can be used in carrying out right suggestion ;
however, it requires a strong directing impulse, either by some more
virile man or by the awakened [TT 343] soul of the that energy in the
right direction, and this is where radical action is essential.
No amount of sentiment or precept will fulfil the purpose which
positive example and radical action will accomplish in such an
instance. The races of mankind die out at the lowest point in the arc of
a great cycle when the negative forces are the most active, because
they have been drawing on those forces for selfish and evil purposes
during the whole of the second and third quarters of that cycle, and the
people are surcharged with that one aspect of life. The builders . the
semiconscious elementals of the negative force . have become in turn
the destroyers through wrong direction.
The revelations of ancient and modern science are rapidly
drawing to a focus. It is now but a matter of nomenclature and the
bigotry of a few modern authorities on physics that are keeping the
world at large from a recognition of the spiritual truths which underlie
all phenomena, and therefore which are responsible for the continued
disputations, and the waste of time, means and strength which could
be applied to more important investigation in those fields which would
render the most satisfying results. When some one of the said
authorities proudly proclaims the discovery of a state of matter
hitherto unknown to, and unimaginable by, his contemporaries, and
practically denies the existence of the same state of matter, on the
following day, even deriding the descriptions given by some ancient
authority in a similar field of investigation, and who takes such a
course owing to the fact that the matter indicated by the ancients has
been placed in the field of metaphysics instead of the field of physics,
and can only be identified by some term in common use by
metaphysicians, he is only adding to the confusion in the minds of the
If he would even permit an analogy, a correspondential possibility
to gain a vantage point in his own dogmatic mind, and put it out as a
working theory, the mind of some embryonic scientist or philosopher
possibly less well equipped in some ways, yet more intuitive, would
go right to the root of the difficulty and throw a flood of light on all
phases of the subject. [TT 344]
Wonderful discoveries are announced from time to time in current
literature, discoveries which have been prevented by the Initiates up to
the present tune for the reason that their open announcement might do
exactly what I have intimated, i. e., set some intuitive mind to work at
a problem which the world was not ready to solve advantageously to
itself, and which might have led to outbursts of crime far exceeding in
brutality and wickedness any which had preceded them, such, for
instance, as the burning of the so-called witches. It was the claim
made by metaphysicians of their belief in and knowledge of an
intermediate state of existence and the inhabitants of that state, as well
as the power of the latter to influence sensitives on the physical plane
to injure others by occult methods, which was primarily responsible
for the perpetration of that blot upon civilization termed the era of
witchcraft. Yet the recent announcement by an accepted authority of
the discovery of a state of matter which is in fact identical with the
state and plane of matter discovered by the before-mentioned
metaphysicians by means of their investigations into psychic
phenomena, does not cause a ripple of excitement.
This new discovery, or rather re-discovery, relates to the existence
of minute organisms given the names of cathode corpuscles, and
negative electrons. The existence of these minute lives was quite
clearly indicated in the instruction on Light, given to Templars over a
decade ago.
The emissions, absorptions, and radiations of Light are the bases
of all matter in manifestation, both on the exterior and interior planes
of life. But as long as man refuses to accept the fact of the Spiritual
Sun . the source of all light . he will continue to work in practical
darkness. While he considers the etheric plane as merely the medium
by means of which light and sound waves are conveyed, instead of the
eternal mode of motion of all life . spiritual Light, he will work in a
circle. He will accept and reject his corpuscular theory by turns. The
atomic, ionic, interionic, and all other component parts of his
corpuscles will give him subject matter to theorize about, but he must
eventually accept the facts as given out by the Masters of Wisdom.
Man must experience in order to know, and the before-mentioned
autocrats of modern science must bow their heads to the Level of the
little child and accept unequivocally the facts as given by the votaries
of divine wisdom before it will be possible for them to reach tho
threshold of spiritual experience, which atone holds the key of
knowledge. The dogmatism, egotism and pride engendered by such
successes as they have reached, fanned by the adulation of those who
could scarcely comprehend, much less interpret, their dissertations on
their [TT 345] discoveries, prevents them from reaching the attitude
most requisite for such experience as I have mentioned.
They cannot cross the bar simple faith has set up at the gate of
knowledge, nor can they understand the nature of the substance of that
bar. Although they may reach that substance by inductive methods,
can see and touch it in their investigations, yet they must turn sadly
and disappointedly away each time because of their inability or
unwillingness to cross the bar. But it is being crossed by others in all
quarters of the world, and the discoveries being made by those others
are fast destroying all obstacles, and are building the neutral structure
between the two poles of endeavor within which the two phases of the
one great and divine science can meet and mingle, and from which
will go out to the whole world the glad tidings of great joy.
Every milestone of the path of human progress has been marked
with blond up to the present time, and will continue to be so marked
until all matter is redeemed. Many men have striven rightly to
interpret the statement imputed to the Apostle Paul to the effect that
without the shedding of blond there can be no remission of sin. The
same or similar statements have been uttered by the Initiate teachers at
some time in the first half of every racial period since man became a
self-conscious, responsible being, and they have been to voice the
necessity of sacrifice for broken law. These statements have usually
been called forth as the result of the sacrifice of the life of some great
teacher or leader of men ; but that they might more particularly refer
to a fact in nature . the action of a universal law was seldom
The blond is the vehicle of Prana . material life force, whether
that life force is circulating through human or animal veins, or through
the sap of a tree or the molecules of a stone. When the term "blond
sacrifice" was used by the ancients to indicate the redemption of a race
or a world from the power of evil, it was used in a generic sense, and
included all containers and conveyors of life force, whatever their
form or character, which could be compelled to render up that life
force in a sacrificial rite. [TT 346]
The law of karma is generally understood to apply to self-
conscious beings atone, but that is a mistake, for its action is just as
certain, though not so radical nor pronounced, in the case of every
molecule of living matter as it is in the case of man.
Every such molecule of living matter embodies an embryonic . a
rudimentary . soul, that is on its way to self-conscious existence, and
which is therefore subject to the laws which govern all self-conscious
forms of life . the laws of karma, reincarnation and eternal progress.
No race or kingdom of living things or beings, whether it be
human, animal, vegetable or mineral, can rise to the next succeeding
degree beyond its status at the close of a racial period, until its racial
indebtedness is remitted by the shedding of blond ; that is, by the
yielding up of its bodily envelopes, in order that the value of the
experiences lived through by the constituent molecules of those
envelopes, may be impressed upon them by contact with the spiritual
life forces of a higher plane of existence, and so receive the impetus to
greater endeavor when they shall again be assembled in some more
concrete material embodiment. These lesser elemental lives must be
freed from constriction and confinement in form before such spiritual
impetus can be given ; as the soul of man must be freed from the
physical form, either in concentration, sleep, or death, in order to
contact the spiritual forces or beings of higher forms of consciousness,
and receive the impetus to continued growth.
This is one of the great mysteries of life which science rejects
because it cannot prove, but which is nevertheless at the very root of
evolution. If this truth be accepted it is not difficult to understand why
it is that it is only the dead thing, whether it be a dead world, a dead
government, or a dead enterprise, that can stand still. As long as either
one is alive organic change is inevitable. Change is dependent upon
motion and every mode of motion is incited by Spiritual entities.
The man who departs from any form of established life for the
purpose of realizing some ideal must pay the price of his departure,
and he pays it by yielding up some feature or phase of his life,
whether it be his literal blond, or a higher grade of the conveyors of
life force embodied in his mentality or soul. Those who come after
him will profit by his sacrifice to the extent that he has benefited by
the sacrifice of others ; but he, that is, the Ego, the real man, will come
back into sentient life to share in the success he has been instrumental
in creating by his sacrifice.
It may be that a government, an association of people, a tribe or a
family has arisen in beauty, strength and power, only to yield up its
life as a body, in turn, to make way for a higher form of associated
[TT 347] life in another day and age. But the Ego which presided over
the first-sacrifice made for the ideal condition will share in the
benefits as well as the succeeding sacrifices of the body with which it
was thus connected.
Whenever you see a man rise to the height of a great sacrifice you
may be sure countless numbers of lesser sacrifices lie behind him, as
you may be sure he is on the point of receiving the benefits he has
thus earned, for justice rides the universe. Man builds his ladder step
by step if he would reach to an eminence.
To the onlooker it seems a great pity that so much apparently
needless sacrifice is being constantly made. It appears to be a calamity
that the inevitable destroyer must come in and annul the fruits of great
labor, and of sacrifice unbounded, but the elementary forces, the lesser
lives which make up the hosts of the destroyers, whether their work is
done by inciting human hatred or other passions to destructive acts, or
whether that work is done in the great storms and upheavals of earth,
or by any other one of natures methods of destruction . those
elementary hosts are doing the work for which they were created, and
are agents of karmic law on the way to higher forms of development.
The great ideals of the Gods and of men, atone are eternal, all else
is change, all else is sacrificial ; so "be not attached to the fruits of
action." Live aright today and the morrow will be right ; live wrongly
today and tomorrow will surely bring you remorse and
discouragement. Do not look forward to the results of your brother's
sacrifices of today with expectation of individual advantage at some
later day, for it is only your own sacrifices that will bring you
individual attainment. You will be partaker in the results of your
brother's shedding of his life force in so far as you have stood by your
brother in his needed trial, and therefore have shed your own blood .
your own life force . whether it be the blond of the soul or body, at
the same time.
Remember, sacrifice is the law of all life and progress. Without
sacrifice there is no remission of sin, no wiping out of evil, of
inharmony, of death. The assertion that a brother's blond will cry out
from the ground for vengeance is generally believed to have been used
in a figurative sense, but to the advanced psychic it is seen to be a
statement of fact ; for with the expulsion of blond from . an animal or
human body there occurs a premature reuniting, a commingling of the
earth and fire elementals from which the material constituents of the
blond originally came, and a demand is thereby made on the universal
law by those elementals for payment of the debt contracted by the one
who has cast [TT 348] fore the time when they would have been
released by natural law, and so given the opportunity for the higher
impulse before referred to ; for the law decrees that the souls of
mortals who die violent deaths shall remain in Kama Loka until the
day of their appointed end, at which tune they are released to attain to
Devachan and to receive the higher, the spiritual impulse, and the
same law is correspondingly active in the case of the lesser lives
which make up the physical body of man. In fact it is largely the
breaking of this law which has given cause for the confinement of the
soul in Kama Loka during the aforementioned interval, in the cases of
those who die violent deaths. Violent death is unnatural death, and
nature cannot be thwarted.
The conditions in which the violently expelled blond elementals
are involved are comparable to the conditions which obtain in Kama
Loka, where all is confusion and unintermittent change ; consequently
conditions of suffering in various degrees.
Is there one among your number or among your friends and
acquaintances who would not raise a hand in response to a question as
to the need of sympathy at some time when the waves of sorrow had
beaten down the last stronghold of materiality ; in some hour when the
very depths of suffering had been sounded and the soul was atone with
God ; when no human succor was possible ; when all that lay between
life and death was whatever degree of the power of endurance that
soul had developed ?
If memory can recall such an hour with sufficient vividness, does
it not also remind you of the agonized promises you made to your
better self, to your God, to undo some wrong you had done, or to do
some righteous action which might change the current of your life, if
so be you might find relief ?
Even death would be welcome at such an hour if there were no
other way of bringing surcease of suffering to soul or body, as the case
might be.
You may not know it, but you touched the Godhead, in that
moment or hour in the depths, far closer, more intimately than you had
ever done before, or could do again unless like conditions obtained ;
and something was given you in that touch that you had never
possessed [TT 349] before, something which forevermore separated
you from the self of matter you had previously served. Whatever name
or title you choose to bestow upon that gift, whether the gift was an
expression of divine Love, Sympathy, or a mutual understanding, it
matters not, it was in all truth a part of God's essence bestowed upon
If you have permitted that gift to lie idle, or have only drawn
capon it when a claim was made by a personal friend, or when some
national calamity pounded so hard at the door of your heart that you
had to open the door in self defense, you are forfeiting the greatest
opportunity given to man, and one for which will be demanded a most
rigid accounting.
It should make no difference to you who or what a sufferer may
be or may have been, what had been the original cause of his
suffering, or what was going to be done eventually with the results of
your awakened sympathy. The one thing that should count with you is
the fact that for the moment or hour you have been graciously
permitted to become a vehicle for the transmission of that gift of the
Holy Spirit to another human soul, that you have been enabled to
radiate the same divine Essence, by and through which you had
become godlike for the time being.
Your own exemption from infinitely worse suffering than you had
ever endured was hanging in the balance when the unspoken call was
made capon you to share that divine gift with another. You have
nothing whatever to do with the results of such expenditures, whether
they take the form of spiritual or material things. The responsibility of
the results rests capon the God who incited you to that action in that
never to be forgotten hour while in the depths of your own suffering.
Though you have been forgetful of, and ungrateful for that gift at
times, you still have faith to believe that there will come a tune when
you will NOT forget, and when Gratitude will become a permanent
Believing this, can you not also realize that repeated efforts will
sometime bring others to the place where they will not forget what
you did for them while they too were "in the depths" ?
Therefore you have no cause to fear the final effect of any good
act, whatever its temporary aspect.
High or low, black or white, educated or uneducated, human
beings are much alike when it comes to the real, the vital things of
their complex lives, and there are some notes in the grand scale to
which every soul must respond.
Do I hear you say "but what of the evils of ingratitude ? Would
not such indifference on the part of one incite to equal indifference on
[TT 350] the part of the other ?" Ah, my child, again I say you need
not concern yourself with the results of any righteous act. You may
safely leave such results with the giver of the gift you received in your
hour of exaltation, for He hath other gifts in His power, and your
expression of sympathy may prepare the recipient for the coming of
the gift of Gratitude . the key which will unlock the fart closed door
of the heart that has been seared by the cruelty, the coldness and
indifference of the world at large. You may joy in the gratitude of
another, but you may not demand that gift as your right.
Not many, even among the most orthodox Christians, have ever
fully interpreted that most occult saying of the Master Jesus .
Whosoever will give a cup of cold water in my name the same is my
What the cup of cold water is to the dried, parched lips of the
desert . worn traveler, such is the dew of sympathy and help to the
lonely soul in the depths of suffering ; and if it be given in the name
which means in the power of the Christ . there is also imparted the
spiritual power, Endurance, the power to rise above and conquer the
restricting elementals which have plunged that soul into those depths.
You are in the throes of a vast opportunity. A like baptism of Fire
to that which descended upon the disciples of Jesus, in the "upper
chamber", is falling today on all people whose hearts are open to its
The tongues of flame, and the tongues which gave utterance,
during that fiery deluge, to strange languages, were of one and the
same nature ; both were tokens of the power of the Christ to impart
knowledge of the strange new language of human brotherhood.
The man or woman in the depths of suffering is a Christ . given
opportunity to all those who can hear the call of the sufferer ; and may
God have mercy on the human soul who perceives that call and
refuses to respond to it, for there will be no mercy shown that one
when the decrees of evolutionary law are uttered by the blind
administrators of that law ; and there will arise no pleader in the name
. that is, in the power of the name . in the power of those tongues of
flame . the power of the Christ, which was bestowed upon that one
when God the Son recombined the God in man with man in God, in
that moment or hour "in the depths."
It will be of no consequence whether you be a member of a
church or any other organization, or a free lance among the
unorganized, but it will be of much consequence whether or not you
are able to hear the call of your Higher Self.
It may be made through my lips at the present moment, or
through the lips of a child, a beggar, a woman of the street, or a prison
bound [TT 351] criminal, at the next moment, but whenever or
however it should bring back to you some measure of your own
experience, and incite you to answer . and then to forget that you had
answered, if you are inclined to expect an outer expression of
You will fend it difficult to hear that call if your inner ears are
still sealed by the sense of separateness . the belief that separation
between bodies extends to souls.
Only the realization of the essential unity of all things, all people,
will unseal the ears and eyes of the soul, and finally bring about the
annihilation of suffering.
Published February, 1913
The criminal indifference or mental indolence of a large majority
of the white race in view of their present defenseless position, on the
one band, and their inane, inadequate plans for such defense as seems
needful to them on the other band, could only be sustained by a race
blinded by egotism and self-adulation, and can only result in the
destruction of the race as a race, when the hour strikes for the next
cyclic upheaval of races (as strike it must in a comparatively short
time), unless some worldwide awakening to the real facts in the case
takes place and a united, determined effort is made to correct the
mistakes that have resulted from the use of wrong educational
methods. Those mistakes have been made in the face of prophecy,
payable, warning, and entreaty sounded from pulpit, lecture platform
and in various literary productions, from wherever and by whomever
the light of wisdom has escaped ; and today the thinking people stand
aghast at the possibilities presenting themselves.
Spasmodic efforts put forth by first one and then another for the
formation of a peace pact between nations will be fruitless of expected
results, nor could such efforts ever succeed unless all interested
factors combined could recognize and use the knowledge of spirits .
spiritual and psychic forces which are at present only perceptible to a
At the apogee of a racial period the divine impulse of cyclic law
sets into action certain elemental farces which destroy those races
which [TT 352] have not utilized their opportunities to the full, and
finally uses the energy generated in the process of the destruction of
one race, for the building up of another race. Paradoxical as it seems,
it requires a corresponding amount of life force to kill that it does to
The yellow and the brown races have retained possession of a
divine power won by them in other ages and incarnations . the power
of concentration. Not even their subsequent degradation and loss
could rob them entirely of that power, and it is their consciousness of
the possession and availability of that power that will furnish the
dynamic force back of their plans of warfare in any struggle with a
white race.
A large majority of the last named race have either ignored,
neglected or despised the evidences of such a power as that possessed
by the brown and yellow races and formerly by the red races when
such evidence was forced on their notice, notwithstanding their
knowledge of the resultant strength, endurance, contempt of physical
pain and even of life itself. One of the evidences of the possession of
this power is national and racial devotion and this devotion will
supply the ideal needful as a base for the concentrated effort and the
wise direction of the energy now being utilized in building up,
equipping and training their armies. Once utilized in subduing and
governing natural desires and functions of life and in the performance
of magic and psychic phenomena, it bas been turned in the opposite
direction, and we would ask what preparation bas the white race made
for meeting and combating such forces when launched against it with
destructive intent ?
It would be a very grave mistake for one to consider it incumbent
upon or excusable in him or her to make an intimate connection with
one of the opposite sex of an antagonistic race merely because it had
been prophesied that similar connections were inevitable at some
future time.
The great benefit to be derived from prophecy is the opportunity
which previous knowledge of coming events affords man to equip
himself with the requisites for meeting the rapid changes incidental to
the coming of such events ; changes which occur in ever increasing
ratio as time brings the event closer, and such changes inevitably
affect the lives of those who are influenced by the shadowy outlines of
the event . the men and women who see and feel intuitively that far
reaching incidents are occurring in some interior field of activity, yet
who without special guidance or prophetical knowledge are unable to
grasp the proportions of such incidents and seize their individual
opportunities for conserving energies, enlarging perspective, and
strengthening the power of endurance, by persistently practicing
concentration in the daily [TT 353] affairs of life and realizing that
any duty worth performance at all can be better performed if the mind
is fixed immovably upon it for the time being.
The tremendous waste of energy in useless words, passion for
amusement, loss of vital fluids, thirst for abnormal pursuits and the
resultant ennui and brain and nerve exhaustion, is fast sapping the
moral, mental and physical inheritance which came to the present
white race from a more vigorous ancestry, thus making impossible the
concentration of will power and consecration of purpose which atone
will furnish the vital energy requisite for the fulfilling of a great
national purpose or the protection and conservation of a great race.
The egotism which results in accepting as an assured fact that
common theory that a race must be white in color to be supreme in
power is another prolific cause for the apathy of the white race now at
the height of its power, while the truth is that the cyclic opportunity
for the rapid rise of the yellow and brown races is close at band, and
nothing will prevent the eventual supremacy of these races for
centuries to come but the amalgamation of the three races mentioned
and the consequent birth and development of a new race, the long
prophesied Sixth Race.
Such epochs as I have referred to in the history of men can only
occur at the expiration of such vast periods of time that no reliable
records are left in the bands of the people at large, although many
legends and myths survive. The only authentic records of such epochs
are in the bands of the Initiates and are preserved with such extreme
care that the laity have no access to them.
At certain definite periods such knowledge as is requisite for the
races in manifestation during said periods, is given out by the Initiates
who are appointed by the Hierophant of that Degree of the White
Lodge which holds the records and which is the guiding power of that
period. If the race will not accept and heed the information given, it
must bear the results of its indifference or wilfulness. A perfect stream
of such knowledge and information bas been poured out on the
humanity of this age within the last half century. In isolated cases it is
appreciated and utilized, but the world-wide enthusiasm and effort, the
impulse, the wave of ardent endeavor which should rise and swell to
such a height as to overwhelm the error, supineness and self-
satisfaction of those to whom that knowledge bas been given, have
hardly started, and time is flying.
Life is a constant battle at the best and it makes incalculable
difference what impulse and purpose nerves the ram, sharpens the
battle axes or propels the bullets. Symbolically and literally, the
generalship, [TT 354] the marksmanship, the calibre of weapons and
men and these are all dependent upon the forces of concentration and
devotion inherent in a race . the two forces which the white race have
not sufficiently developed up to the present moment. Where is the
man who will speak the word or write the treatise that will lift the life
wave of enthusiastic effort into motion ?
Year after year, century after century, cycle upon cycle passes
without any appreciable change, so far as may be observed, in the
character, the desires and aims of the masses of the human race. What
wonder at the revolt of the individual man or woman who has been
partially awakened from thrall to things . to imaginary national, social
and family requirements, when those requirements are seen to be but
the results of the prostitution of all the higher instincts and ideals of
those who have passed this way before, or those who are now in the
toils of the same slave drivers . lusts of the flesh . which originally
incited to such prostitution !
I say truly the prostitution of all higher instincts and high ideals,
for wherein does the difference lie between the courtesan who uses
her body for the gaining of gold, and the man or woman who uses
brain and soul for a like purpose when the proceeds of their shame is
used for self-gratification ?
Round after round of the grand cycle, as in a treadmill, goes race
after race under similar conditions, similar aims, impelled to similar
efforts ; and the one man, the one woman, who steps out from among
the masses and points to the manna falling from heaven for the
feeding of the soul, is torn to pieces by the beast . like passions of
man, or crucified on the cross he or she has innocently raised to
indicate the way to the storehouse where the manna oĢ other ages still
lies stored.
The deep lined faces of men, the paint-smeared, hardened features
of women, who are now, figuratively speaking, dancing along the
edge of the precipice built of the broken laws of nature, or crouching
under overhanging cliffs . man . made laws . which have made
possible such security as has conduced to the gathering of golden
store ; and both of them sick at heart with fear, or callous and
indifferent to the [TT 355] prophecies of enforced payment of debts,
contracted in defiance of all spiritual law . is it any wonder that men
and women go mad in their helpless, aimless revoit at their bondage,
or sink into abject, cowardly indifference ? "Lo, here, and lo, there",
cry the would . be prophets, themselves powerless to find the safe
path for their own feet to traverse, to say nothing of rightly guiding
others ; and always, in the far distant past as in the present, from the
heaven within a voice is crying, "Seek ye within." "Seek first the
kingdom of God and all things thou desirest shall be given unto thee."
And man says, "No, the last shall be first ; give me now the things I
desire . then will I seek within." He knows not what he really desires,
he only knows what his senses demand for the privilege of using that
body for a season. What he, the real man, the real woman desires
above all else is God, and nothing less will satisfy. But a man must go
naked of soul, as he was naked of body when entering the world, into
that "within :" He can take none of the trappings of lust, of ambition or
greed, with him, and as he will not part with these, the eternal tragedy
is re-enacted moment after moment.
When one who has passed within the gate and caught a glimpse of
the glory beyond tries to tell his fellow men what he has seen his
tongue is completely tied. All that he can do is to point to the path by
which he entered ; and because that path is beset by wild beasts which
have bitten, and mauled, and trampled him, when he shows the scars
of his passage, the eyes of other men, of other women are so fixed
upon those scars they fait to see the light of Shekina shining through
his eyes ; and so they cry, away with him, we will have none of him.
Crucify him ; let him starve or die ; he is a fraud, a lie, fit only for the
subject of a cartoon, an object of scorn. The light dies out of his eyes,
drenched in sorrow for those he cannot serve, even though he gave his
life, because their eyes are holden by the THINGS they have gathered
about them, things of matter and things of mind, both results of their
The last part of the path to the heights of life is cold and dark and
lonely, and the senses cry out for warmth and light and company. But
the coldness, the darkness, and the loneliness are essential for the
freezing of lower desire, the gestation of the embryo of the new life,
the perception that God is all there is of life. Possessing God, the soul
possesses all things desirable.
There are moments in all mature lives when that great truth comes
home to the heart in unmistakable terms, but the things for which man
sells his soul smother the heart's longing, and not knowing what else
to do, the great majority go on collecting more things, to the end of the
great tragedy. [TT 356]
The one all important subject that is exercising the minds of the
deepest thinkers along religious fines, in this age, is that of the long
prophesied return in the comparatively near future of the Master and
Avatar formerly known as Jesus of Nazareth. The method of His
reappearance, the proof of His identity, the purpose of His coming, the
possibility of recognition, and even His personal presence on earth at
this time, all these and countless minor details are discussed widely,
and in almost all instances from such erroneous points of view as to
render the one who must perforce listen to them in silence while
knowing that he has correct data to base certainties upon, all but
desperately anxious to give vice to the premises which might lead his
listeners to more correct conclusions.
But such a one is so handicapped m that respect by his knowledge
of the action of a certain irrevocable spiritual law that any effort he
might make to impart that knowledge to the unprepared would prove
futile. And it is ignorance of this law, or defiance of the karma which
will be the inevitable result of wilful disobedience to its mandates, that
is primarily responsible for the ease with which countless numbers of
both deceivers and deceived are bringing the subject of the return of
the Avatar into disrepute and even into the fields of caricature.
The words "Cosmic consciousness" have been coined to express a
state of spiritual uplift which the soul of man may enter under certain
conditions of development and where all knowledge is attainable. In
an effort to describe the indescribable in a few words we might say, it
is a state of being in which the consciousness of the individual is
merged in the consciousness of every living thing and being and all
sense of separateness is temporarily lost, while at the same tune the
sense of individuality remains. But no normal human being of the
present races of the earth could remain in bondage to form and
continue to function in that state of exaltation for any length of time ;
consequently when one attains to the state of spiritual consciousness
referred to, the experience is instantaneous. Such an experience cannot
be measured in terms of tune ; were it otherwise the rapid vibrations
of that Spiritual state would disintegrate his gross body. Therefore
when one claims to have attained to a permanent state of "cosmic
consciousness" he is either stating a deliberate falsehood or is self-
deceived as to the nature of the phenomena undergone. Whatever
degree of knowledge and power he had attained to during that
experience, [TT 357] if it were bona fide, would be transferred by
reflection to his brain consciousness, and if the memory tells of
developed they would record and retain the memory of the experience,
but if by any chance his power was limited by the possession of
undeveloped or degenerated memory tells, ambition, or by desire to
use the knowledge so gained for his personal advantage, and he should
forget, ignore, or repudiate one particular detail of the knowledge
gained in such an experience . a detail of infinite importance . and so
should absolutely contribute to the misuse or abuse of that knowledge,
he would plunge headlong into the left band path . the downward path
of life. That particular detail of knowledge is the individual certainty
which tomes during such an experience of the unity of all life, and
consequently the necessity for the entire subjection of his personal
will and desire if he is to take advantage of the knowledge gained.
He could never again say in truth, "I am", "I can", "I will", from
the personal standpoint. He could never again stand forth as an object
for personal aggrandizement. He could never again lay claim to any
personal thing or creature. Much less could he go out among men and
like a braggart make claim to his possession of "cosmic
consciousness." Even the Great Master had to die to, and in the world,
before He was "lifted up", i. e., before He attained to permanent all-
spiritual consciousness.
If it be true that a man has been so "lifted up", and has retained
the knowledge of his unity with all that lives, his associates will tome
to some understanding of that great reality as a result of the influences
set free by his acts and words, as well as his magneto-spiritual
emanations. They will never learn it from his lips ; for if it be indeed
that he has safely passed that supreme test of the disciple, even the
thought of separate interests, of personal deification would be of the
nature of torture to him.
Every Avatar, every Saviour of humanity has successfully passed
that test ere finally reaching Nirvana.
Knowing these facts, there will be no excuse for you if you permit
yourselves to be led astray into worship of "false gods" by
self-advertised "Avatars" ; and happy indeed are you if, knowing these
facts previous to such an experience as I have mentioned, you use
such knowledge to fortify your personal consciousness of the truth of
Unity when it shall be revealed to you by experience ; for in such case
your memory tells would be greatly strengthened, and you would not
be in so much danger of forgetting, denying or repudiating that appear
to lessen your personal importance. [TT 358]
The evident attraction between people of totally different
character station is a puzzle to those who do not accept the ancient
teachings regarding the action of the lave of opposites.
To the great surprise of acquaintances some pure and innocent
girl will fend a point of attraction in some notorious libertine, or a
clean minded, intelligent young man will be caught in the snare set by
a vicious, depraved woman, and his life be jeopardized or ruined. The
world at large looks on and wonders, oblivious of the fact that there is
a direct current of force operating between the qualities we term virtue
and vice which if left unbroken in the case of any two individuals
caught in that current must inevitably draw the psychic desires of both
to a common center, and a bond be there created which it is well nigh
impossible to break until satiation has driven the two bodies apart.
When that current is consciously broken by an individual it is
done by virtue of an awakened conscience, and such an awakening
comes at a definite time in a life cycle, and always at the lowest point
of the particular spiral round of evolution which is typified in biblical
fore by the return of the Prodigal Son to a normal state of mind. It is at
such a period of satiation, of self analysis, that the victim of the
current of attraction determines to "arise and go to his Father", and ask
to be made a servant, instead of demanding his forfeited right of
sonship ; in other words, when the personal will becomes subservient
to the Divine Will.
But there is in fact the possibility of a prodigal at the pole of
virtue as well as a prodigal at the pole of vice, prodigals of natural
lave. Prodigality of virtue may result in as many complications as
prodigality of vice, and the results of the former serve to create the
environment in which the prodigal men and women will find their
mental and psychic habitat during the days or years of their penitence,
the habitat created by the judges and executioners of the moral and
psychical laves which have been~ broken.
One of these poles is typified by the eider son, of the payable of
the prodigal son, the other by the younger son. In either case when the
point of satiation, the point of self analysis is reached, a new departure
must be made, a new step taken, and that step must be in the direction
of renunciation, submission to the Divine Will, regardless of the
effects on the personality if the power of attraction is to be broken and
the pilgrim is to be freed from oscillation between [TT 359] the two
poles to which he has been subjected ; otherwise there will merely be
a change in position and circumstances in a succeeding incarnation,
instead of such a general rise in the cosmic scale of life, as there well
might be if both eider and younger sons . prodigals both . seized their
opportunities at the appointed time when the lave of evolution had
made such action possible, and so had broken the current first set up
by unfulfilled desire.
The recognized action of the farce of attraction between virtue
and vice has been attributed to the curiosity of those involved, to
abnormality, to fear, to almost everything but that which it truly is in
essence ; namely, one of natures means of testing the calibre, the soul
development, the possibilities, of the evolving soul, whether it be a
human or an animal soul, in order that it may be rightly placed in the
grand scale of life ; and the force used by nature is as material as is the
force of animal magnetism, and its operations are fulfilled by the
divine lave of opposites.
Its poles are positive and negative, masculine and feminine, and at
the point where the before mentioned current is broken, the neutral
center of the force manifests and equilibrium is set up.
The force of human magnetism is set in action between two
people of opposite tendencies and characteristics as soon as they come
together in any close relation on the physical plane, and it depends
altogether upon whether one or the other or both have reached the
point of equilibrium which corresponds to a neutral center, as to
whether the lower degrees of the force of magnetic attraction can be
broken, and one escape from the power of the other. If both are
equally well developed when they meet they will become subject to
higher degrees of the force of magnetism, which operate on a higher
plane of life, and so will transfer their desires to other fields of
endeavor, as for instance may be done by transferring desire from the
physical to the mental, or from the mental to the higher astral planes.
An increase of effort would naturally follow such transfer, but the
nature of the difficulties to be overcome, the limitations to be
conquered would be changed, an increase in power and vitality be
won, and final victory be proportionately greater.