Full Moon Meditations, audio & text files
2011 Conference Webinars
Esoteric Astrology Webinars

Treatise on Cosmic Fire

Class on the book A Treatise on Cosmic Fire in Denmark, May 22 - 26, 2010, by Michael D. Robbins

The following audio files contain the Cosmic Fire classes held in Denmark from May 22 - 26, 2010. Both meditations and teaching are included. Subjects: The Five Rules of Magic for the Astral Plane.

(Click on the link below to play the audio files. Right-click on the link to download the audio files.)

Day 1: Rule VII

Opening Meditation 34 MB .mp3 file
Audio of the Meditation on the first six rules of White Magic for the mental plane by Michael Robbins.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 1 Morning Session 56 MB .mp3 file
This audio covers a discussion of the Rules of the Road, followed by A Treatise on White Magic pages 219-221. Discussion of the six Rules of the Road. Importance of the Rules. Meaning of chastened. Transmuting knowledge into Wisdom. Battle of Kurukshetra. Classic books DK asked us to read. The battleground of the astral plane. Mental focus and polarization. Age of Aquarius. How the Rules of Magic are divided. Impersonal life. Krakatoa volcano. The Eye of the Bull.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 1 Before Lunch 45 MB .mp3 file
This audio covers A Treatise on Cosmic Fire pages 1013-1014. Beginning rule VII - Review of earlier rules I - VI. Preparatory and advanced esoteric schools. Beginning of discussion of Rule VII. Bringing the idea down to the astral plane. Ramakrishna. Making decisions on the astral plane. Mind-born body; Kriyashakti. Mind-born Monads. The Religions of Mars. Women bringing in the New Age. Work of the Solar angel. Second Ray geometrizing, attracting, magnetizing. “I” and “Thy.”

This audio covers A Treatise on White Magic pages 221-223. 50 MB .mp3 file
Continuing the study of Rule VII. A prolongation of the Atlantean war right now. Learning to work on the astral plane. Starbucks on the mental plane. Divine sphere of the astral plane. The veils of Maya, that “unthinking, emotional mess.” Legend of Wesak. The emotional problem. Discrimination. Saturn and Mercury. “Distort.” The opera Parsifal. Resisting temptation and seeing through illusion. First and second initiation of humanity.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 1 Late Afternoon Session 62 MB .mp3 file
This audio covers A Treatise on White Magic pages 223-232, completing the study of Rule VII. Battle of Kurukshetra. Right discernment and discrimination. The pairs of opposites. The purpose of pain. Harmony and dissonance. Physical and astral planes. Sentiency, awareness through feeling. The mental plane. Abstraction. Responsibility of disciples to act. Future races. Good stress and bad stress. The wretched aspirant. The two paths. Weapons of the aspirant. Losing your head. Building the vital power. Right choice through dispassion.

Day 2: Rules VII and VIII

Opening Meditation on Rule VII 39 MB .mp3 file
Audio of the Meditation on Rule VII by Michael Robbins.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 2 Morning Session 54 MB .mp3 file
Beginning of study of Rule VIII. This audio covers A Treatise on Cosmic Fire pages 1014-1015. Heart development. Judgment Day. Knowledge and Wisdom. Five differentiations of prana. Entrance to the higher worlds. The Third Eye. Bringing the devas under control. The winds. Candle at the top of your head. Dangers of working magic. Meaning of discretion. Meaning of strict. Speaking the magical words.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 2 Before Lunch 45 MB .mp3 file
This audio covers A Treatise on Cosmic Fire pages 1015-1017, and A Treatise on White Magic page 225. The three formulas. The requirements of training. Getting your karma all at once. Use of the word esoteric. How our creations may return to us. Limitation of good karma. Astral death and drowning. The most important rule. Healing with the mind. The use of words.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 2 After Lunch 54 MB .mp3 file
This audio covers A Treatise on White Magic pages 235-239. Stages of aspiration and discipleship. Summary of previous Rules. Battle on the astral plane. Origin of the Universal Mind. Manifestation of Sanat Kumara. Knowledge and Wisdom. Discrimination. Fourth initiation. Production of the Great Illusion. Nature of fear. The eternal now.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 2 Afternoon Session 54 MB .mp3 file
Beginning of study of Rule VIII. This audio covers A Treatise on White Magic pages 239-248. Continued discussion of fears. Fears related to loved ones. Instinct and fears from TWM page 629. Bungee jumping. Consequences of failing to overcome the Dweller. Cosmic love and evil. Third cause of the Great Illusion. We all have all the rays. The Book of Eli. Cyclic ebb and flow. The healing dark of the night. Extraverts and introverts. Cycles of aspirant’s progress. The midway spot. Falling asleep voluntarily. Definition of the midway spot.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 2 Extra Session after Dinner 26 MB .mp3 file
Finishing Rule VIII. This audio covers A Treatise on White Magic pages 248-253. Working with the centres. Producing cycles through attention and inattention. Dangers of the midway spot. Danger of bringing together land and water. Three stages of the form making process. Head centre on the first ether.

Day 3: Rules VIII and XI

Opening Meditation on Rule VIII 36 MB .mp3 file
Audio of the powerful meditation on Rule VIII by Michael Robbins.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 3 Morning Session 65 MB .mp3 file
Continuation of study of Rule VIII. This audio covers A Treatise on Cosmic Fire page 1017 and A Treatise on White Magic pages 257-258. Impressions that occurred during the meditation. Archetypes of the universal mind. Vital power. Circle of consciousness. Spirit does not evolve. Thoughtform manifestation. Horizontal and vertical telepathy. Location and status of the Solar Angel. The thoughtform in process of precipitating. Fifth Ray Formula. Beginning of discussion of Rule IX. Summary of Rule IX in Cosmic Fire. Learning through symbols and the third initiation. The necessity for purity. Creating in response to the soul. Forms on the cosmic etheric. What makes a sacred planet.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 3 Morning Before Lunch 33 MB .mp3 file
This audio covers A Treatise on White Magic page 258. Archetypes. Destructive and purifying fires. Degeneration. Defining transmutation. The middle way. Hitler. Einstein. Bismarck. Lincoln. Europe. The Manu.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 3 After Lunch Session 48 MB .mp3 file
This audio covers A Treatise on White Magic pages 259-262. Two types of drowning. Offsetting human karma. Sacrifice, service, and love. Energy sources. New Group of World Servers as a Buddhic impulse. Need to focus on essentials. Fundamental forms. Adhering to an ideal. Vibration. Vulcan. Our progress through lives. Cagliostro. Apollonius of Tyana and Jesus. Changing rays.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 3 Late Afternoon Session 44 MB .mp3 file
This audio covers A Treatise on White Magic pages 262-265. The form of the personality. Vulcan, the fourth initiation, and ray four. Monads resolving into the three major rays. The form of the devotee. Living in the now. Changing vibration is pain. Changing your key.

Day 4: Rules IX and X

Meditation on Day One of the Gemini Festival. Keynote of Love. 38 MB .mp3 file
Audio of the Meditation on Day One of the Gemini Festival by Michael Robbins. The Keynote of this day is Love.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 4 Morning Session 54 MB .mp3 file
Continuing with Rule IX on the four types of forms. This audio covers A Treatise on White Magic pages 265-266. Transitions bring difficulty and destruction. Bridging Pisces and Aquarius. Equality. “Friend of Christ.” Devotion to the Master. Breathing. Pliability. The soul is building unconsciously. Service and the Plan. Need for a powerful mind. Reference to A Treatise on White Magic pages 473-475.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 4 Morning Before Lunch and Meditation on Rule IX 44 MB .mp3 file
Completing Rule IX. This audio covers A Treatise on White Magic pages 267-269. The left-hand path. Form is not divorced from consciousness. Left-hand path forms. Right use of the form. Prisoners of the form. Ray and astrological chart. Materialism. A meditation on Rule IX. What does purity mean to you? Alignment with the Divine Plan.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 4 After Lunch 56 MB .mp3 file
Beginning Rule X. This audio covers A Treatise on Cosmic Fire pages 1017-1020. Vulcan and Mars. First Ray magnetism. Lotuses. Vulcan. The rays of the Solar Logos. Formulas. Mercury. Petals in the solar lotus. Magic squares. Egoic petals and energy centers. Invoking the petals. Surya. Aspects of solar force. Mother, Matter, and Moisture. Involutionary and evolutionary forces. Moon, Sun, and Earth. Mars for analysis, Venus for synthesis. Vital power.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 4 Afternoon Session 65 MB .mp3 file
Completing Rule X. This audio covers A Treatise on White Magic pages 273-281. A wrong position on the path to be followed. Cosmic Logos. Fragments and parts. Definition of constellation. The ethers. The reorientation of humanity. Planetary pineal and pituitary. Aphorisms of magic. The inner builders. Etheric life. The decentralized life of the disciple. Skipping the rest of Rule X.

Day 5: Rule XI

Meditation on Day Two of the Gemini Festival. Keynote is Resurrection. 37 MB .mp3 file
Audio of the Meditation on Day Two of the Gemini Festival by Michael Robbins. The Keynote of this day is Resurrection.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 5 Morning After Breakfast 54 MB .mp3 file
Beginning Rule XI. This audio covers A Treatise on Cosmic Fire pages 1020-1023 and A Treatise on White Magic pages 447-449. Releasing the thoughtform. Boomerang effect. Manipulating the matter. Precipitation. Magnetism and severance. The Word of Death. Working in mental matter. Ideas and Ideals. Desire for physical incarnation. Continuity of consciousness. Affecting our environment through thought. Organisms. Pre-vision of cosmic manifestation. Thinking the teaching into manifestation. Ideas and thoughts. Socrates. Former lives of Master DK.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 5 Morning Before Lunch 44 MB .mp3 file
Continuing with Rule XI. This audio covers A Treatise on White Magic pages 449-455. Using a formula to crystalize a thoughtform. Destiny of the Nations, page 131. Mantrams. Formulas, word of power, and mystic phrase. The life principle in man. The quality aspect. Changing hierarchical plans. Initiation Human and Solar, pages 60-61. Prophecy regarding the reappearance of the Christ. Interpreting the Rules. Creation by greater lives. Characteristics of thoughtforms. Creating businesses and music.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 5 Morning After Lunch 33 MB .mp3 file
Completing discussion of Rule XI. This audio covers A Treatise on White Magic pages 455-458.Continuing with the four characteristics of thoughtforms. Definition of formula. Building the antakarana. Ray of mathematical exactitude. Three books of formulas. Requirements for manifesting the ideas of the Creator. Occult art. Blueprint of the formula. Jupiter.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 5 Afternoon Class Summary 5 MB .mp3 file
Class Summary. Summarizing the Rules. How we learn the Rules.

Cosmic Fire Class in Denmark by Michael Robbins, Day 5 Meditation for Karen 16 MB .mp3 file
A Meditation for Karen.
