Synthetic Meditation
for the Subjective Assistance
of the Third Ray Ashram

The Ray of Creative Intelligence

(Version 6.2: Revised 05Feb04)


1.                  Before beginning the meditation, blow softly into the pitch pipe on the green note “F” establishing the note and color that you will be using repeatedly in this third ray meditation, then quietly sound the OM once on that note and in green to establish the Keynote and Key-Color for the meditation.

2.                  Render all aspects of the personality (and the personality itself) quiet and receptive to the soul.

3.                  Realize that the meditation that we are now performing is essentially a group meditation.

4.                  As a soul-in-incarnation, acknowledge the group of souls forming the group soul which (through the use of this meditation) is seeking to serve humanity and the world subjectively along the second ray/third ray line.

5.                  Align with the causal body/Egoic Lotus—the ‘best that is in you’—the accumulated quality harvested from many incarnations. Focus your consciousness within this ‘truer home’ upon the higher mental plane.

6.                  Imaginatively recognize the group causal body/Egoic Lotus—the ‘best that is in us’.

7.                  Extend the alignment to the supervising Solar Angel (the Angel of the Presence) and feels its presence pervading and infusing the causal body/Egoic Lotus and, by extension, the personality.

8.                  Imaginatively recognize the unity of all Solar Angels associated with the meditating group and attempt to feel the presence of those Solar Angels pervading and infusing the group causal body/Egoic Lotus, and by extension the group personality.

9.                  Silently or very quietly sound the OM, visualize the individual antahkarana scintillating with color, but especially the two colors of your soul and personality rays (if known), or with the two archetypal colors of indigo blue for the soul and yellow for the personality (if the rays of the soul and personality are not known).

10.             Establish the vibrancy of the antahkarana by sounding (silently or very quietly) the Word of Power of your soul ray (if known) or the Word of Power of the second ray (if the soul ray is not known) ‘across’ the visualized “rainbow bridge” linking the mental unit on the fourth subplane of the mental plane with the mental permanent atom on the first subplane of the mental plane. Slowly repeat the Word of Power until you sense the link established.          

Words of Power:

a.                   First Ray: I Assert the Fact

b.                   Second Ray: I See the Greatest Light

c.                   Third Ray: Purpose Itself am I

d.                   Fourth Ray: Two Merge with One

e.                   Fifth Ray: Three Minds Unite

f.                     Sixth Ray: The Highest Light Controls

g.                   Seventh Ray: The Highest and the Lowest Meet

11.             Visualize the contribution of ‘your’ antahkarana to the group antahkarana and affirm the potency of both as you repeat the Word of Power.

12.             Continuing the very quiet or silent use of the “Word of Power”, imaginatively extend the 'reach' of the individual and group antahkaranas until they seem to 'touch' the buddhic and the atmic planes (intuition and spiritual will), and, if possible, the monadic plane, whereon is focussed the microcosmic point of pure being—the monad.

13.             Attempt for a moment to ‘feel’ this alignment from the ‘highest’ to the ‘lowest’ aspects of your nature, and, by extension, the group nature. Realize that all monads are One Monad.

14.             In concert with the group soul of the group of souls with whom you share meditative intent, imaginatively align with the Third Ray Ashram, visualizing the Venetian Master at its center.

15.             Identified with the group soul, seek to attune to the Venetian Master and what He represents, then quietly (or meditatively) say: “Salutations to the Venetian Master—OM”. (If it can be done with relative ease and accuracy, sound the OM in green on the note F)

16.             In concert with the group soul of the group of souls with whom you share meditative intent, imaginatively align with the Third Department of Hierarchy, visualizing the Mahachohan (Master Rakoczi) at its center.

17.             Identified with the group soul, seek to attune to the Mahachohan and what He represents, then quietly (or meditatively) say: “Salutations to the Master Rakoczi, the Mahachohan of our planet—OM”. (If it can be done with relative ease and accuracy, sound the OM in green on the note F)

18.             In concert with the group soul of the group of souls with whom you share meditative intent, imaginatively align with the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Planet visualizing the Christ, the Lord Maitreya, at its center.

19.             Identified with the group soul, seek to attune to the Christ and what He represents, then quietly (or meditatively) say: “Salutations to the Christ, the Master of All Masters—OM(If it can be done with relative ease and accuracy, sound the OM in green on the note F)

20.             In concert with the group soul of the group of souls with whom you share meditative intent, imaginatively align with Sanat Kumara at the Center of Shamballa—the “Center Where the Will of God is Known”.

21.             Identified with the group soul, imaginatively seek to attune to Sanat Kumara and all He represents. Send gratitude towards Sanat Kumara, then quietly (or meditatively) say: “Salutation to Sanat Kumara, King of Shamballa—OM”. (If it can be done with relative ease and accuracy, sound the OM in green on the note F)

22.             Focus imaginatively on the “Unfettered Enlightenment” of Shamballa. Ponder on the “Light of Life Itself”. Ponder deeply on the essential nature of “Light” and its relation (not only to the second ray and the fifth) but to the third.

23.             Envision Sanat Kumara centralizing the “Greatest Light” as the highest example in Shamballa of the “acute energy of divine mental perception”— Ponder on the Ray of Creative Intelligence (of Abstract and Active Intelligence) as you imagine it expressing through this highest planetary Center.

24.             Envision a stream of supremely intelligent third ray energy pouring from cosmic, systemic and extra-planetary sources, to and from Sanat Kumara, through the Third Shamballic “Ray Lord” and the Third Buddha of Activity, towards the Three Great Lords, through the Christ, and radiating into the Mahachohan (the Master R.) and illuminating the Divine Intelligent Comprehension of this great Lord.

25.             See the stream of luminous, creative intelligence, directed towards the Third Ray Ashram, under the directorship of the Master Paul the Venetian.

26.             See the stream centralized in this great Lord and flowing through all Masters, initiates and disciples who work in affiliation with the Third Ray Ashram.

27.             Ponder deeply on the nature and purpose of the Third Ray Ashram, recognizing it as an aspect of the Second Ray soul of our planet Earth, imbedded within our Second Ray Solar System.

28.             Meditate upon the hierarchical mission of the Master Paul, the Venetian (inspired by the Mahachohan, Master R. focussing through a third ray monad) in relation to the human race and on the responsibility of ashramically affiliated initiates and disciples in relation to the mission of these Masters.

29.             Let the consecrated meditating group welcome into its energy system the Green Ray of Creative Intelligence (of Abstract or Active Intelligence) (while silently thinking or very quietly repeating the Third Ray Word of Power—Purpose Itself Am I):

a.                     reaching Sanat Kumara from cosmic, systemic and extra-planetary sources:

            i.                  The One About Whom Naught May Be Said and its appropriate constellational chakra (TCF 293) affiliated with the third star, Alioth, in the Great Bear. (That constellational chakra may well be the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades—though not the entire Pleiadian Cluster.),

            ii.                  The zodiacal constellations Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn,

            i.                  Our Blue Logos—Sol,

            ii.                  The Entity “Vishnu” of our Solar System (the most influential of Three Entities surrounding the Solar Logos),

            iii.                  The Entity “Brahma” of our Solar System (one of Three Entities surrounding the Solar Logos),

            iv.                  Saturn (and other planets related to the third ray, including the Planetary Logos of the Earth),

b.                     and streaming from Sanat Kumara in Shamballa (thus involving our monad in the flow),

c.                     through the Three Buddhas of Activity,

d.                     and the Third Shamballic “Ray Lord”

e.                     into the Three Great Lords, (but, especially, the Mahachohan, Master R.),

f.                       through the Master Paul the Venetian,

g.                     and through the Third Ray Masters and initiates,

h.                     and through the Hierarchy as a whole focussed within the Spiritual Triad, (and received on the third subray of any particular Ashram),

i.                       through Solar Angels on the third ray,

j.                        thence passing from and through the spiritual mind of the manasic plane—

k.                     into the knowledge petals of the group-Egoic Lotus (of the group soul),

l.                        into the mental body of the meditating group,

m.                   entering the group-throat center,

n.                     thence the group-sacral center

o.                     and returning to the group-throat center and there focussing (cf. EP II, p. 389).        

Maintain the sense that all this incoming energy is shared and distributed amongst the members of the meditating group and is not centralized in your energy-system alone.

29.             Utilizing a self-chosen symbol for the third ray, feel the group soul increasingly imbued by this great third ray energy until it becomes full to overflowing—ready to distribute third ray energy for the sake of humanity and the planet.      

(Sample Symbols: Triangle, web of light, Fleur-de-Lis, the rotating wheel, etc.)

30.             Scan the lower three worlds of our planet (the physical, astral and mental planes) and locate an 'area of need' which requires the right application of the Ray of Creative Intelligence (of Abstract or Active Intelligence).

31.             Ponder on the need you have chosen and how to meet that need.

32.             Thoughtfully, lovingly and purposefully direct third ray energy into an area of need. (Points 33 and 34 describe how this may be done.)

33.             (Third ray energy can be utilized, for example:

a.                   in relation to the economic regeneration and cooperation of nations and societies;

b.                   in relation to the right sharing of the world’s wealth and resources;

c.                   in relation to the right adjustment between “capital” and “labor”;

d.                   in relation to right sharing of ‘information resources’;

e.                   in relation to the establishment, in general, of right business practices;

f.                     in relation to the development of logical and creative thinking;

g.                   in relation to the development of the right and skillful use of the intelligence;

h.                   wherever the development of right speech is desirable;

i.                     in relation to the practice of truth in thought, speech and action;

j.                     wherever the development of philosophical understanding is needed;

k.                   wherever forethoughtful skill-in-action must be developed;

l.                     wherever economic planning is required;

m.                 wherever resources must be gathered and utilized for the manifestation of that which is of value;

n.                   in general, wherever money is needed for the manifestation of “God’s Plan”.

o.                   etc.)

34.             During any particular meditation, select one of these areas of need, or choose an area of need based upon you own sense of planetary need and—

a.                    (cognizant of an alignment beginning with cosmic, system and extra-planetary sources,

b.                    thence to and from Sanat Kumara in Shamballa {thus involving our monad in the flow},

c.                    passing through, the Buddhas of Activity {but especially the Third Buddha},

d.                    and through the Third Shamballic “Ray Lord”,

e.                    through the Three Great Lords (especially, the Mahachohan. Master R.),

f.                     through the Head and Masters of the Third Ray Ashram, its initiates and disciples,

g.                    through Hierarchy as a whole, (received on the third subray of any particular Ashram)

h.                    and ending with the appropriate petals and chakras of the group soul and group personality vehicles of the meditating group)—

Direct the stream of Creative/Abstract/Active Intelligence into the chosen area of need, seeing the redemptive effects of the stream unfold before your inner eye.

35.             After you direct the ray into your chosen area of need and watch the “Good” emerge, pause for a moment and say quietly (or silently) to yourself, “For the Christ’s sake and the Glory of His Name, I ask that this be done”.

36.             Carefully formulate a definite, redemptive thought or mantram expressive of the third ray, designed to assist humanity as well as the Third Ray Ashram in its service objectives on behalf of humanity. Once formulated, repeat the thought or mantram to yourself to strengthen it.

37.             Breathe that thought or mantram forth three times into the human thought stream on the sound of the OM (when possible on the note F in Green).

38.             United with the group soul, and using the color Green (and the crown center, ajna center, heart center and the centers in the palms of the hands as agents of distribution), pour forth the blessings of the Third Ray Stream of the “Acute Energy of Divine Mental Perception” upon the entire human race, imaginatively observing its regenerative, restorative effects upon humanity and the planet.

39.             Imagine the progress of a great planetary movement current at this stage of planetary development: the merging of the second ray, Love-Wisdom Soul of our Planetary Logos with His third ray, intelligent personality. See the merging of the blue and green rays in relation to our “blue-green planet”.

40.             Firmly committed to assist, however you best can, with the preparation for the Reappearance of the Christ and the Externalization of the Hierarchy, and clearly understanding how the correct use of the Energy of  Creative (Abstract or Active) Intelligence can further the redemption of humanity, sound the Great Invocation, followed by three OMs.

41.             For those who find it both possible and evocative, sound the three OMs on the Green note, FA—the note “F”.

42.             In the stillness following the OMs, hold a vision of our planet as a sacred planet, irradiated by the pure white light of Hierarchy and Shamballa.

Note: Those who wish to use the musical note appropriate to a particular ray may find it convenient to acquire a small “pitch pipe” with the 12 notes of the musical scale. Only attempt to use the note if you, and/or the group you are working with find it a natural process to do so, and can sound the note with relative accuracy.

Synthetic Meditation for the Subjective Assistance
of the Third Ray Ashram

The Ray of Creative Intelligence

(Abbreviated Version)

(Version 6.2: Revised 05Feb04)

1.                  Align with the group soul, then, utilizing the individual and group antahkaranas and the creative imagination, align further with the Spiritual Triad, the Third Ray Ashram, Hierarchy and Shamballa.

2.                  Focus within the triadally-inspired group soul.

3.                  Utilizing a self-chosen symbol for the third ray, feel the group soul increasingly imbued by this great third ray energy until it becomes full to overflowing--ready to distribute second ray energy for the sake of humanity and the planet. 

(Sample Symbols: Triangle, web of light, Fleur-de-Lis, the rotating wheel, etc.)

4.                  Scan the lower three worlds of our planet (the physical, astral and mental planes) and locate an 'area of need' which requires the right application of the Ray of Creative Intelligence (of Abstract or Active Intelligence).

5.                  Ponder on the need you have chosen and how to meet that need.

6.                  Thoughtfully, lovingly and purposefully direct third ray energy into an area of need. (Points 7 and 8 describe how this may be done.)

7.                  (Third ray energy can be utilized, for example:

a.                   in relation to the economic regeneration and cooperation of nations and societies;

b.                   in relation to the right sharing of the world’s wealth and resources;

c.                   in relation to the right adjustment between “capital” and “labor”;

d.                   in relation to right sharing of ‘information resources’;

e.                   in relation to the establishment, in general, of right business practices;

f.                     in relation to the development of logical and creative thinking;

g.                   in relation to the development of the right and skillful use of the intelligence;

h.                   wherever the development of right speech is desirable;

i.                     in relation to the practice of truth in thought, speech and action;

j.                     wherever the development of philosophical understanding is needed;

k.                   wherever forethoughtful skill-in-action must be developed;

l.                     wherever economic planning is required;

m.                 wherever resources must be gathered and utilized for the manifestation of that which is of value;

n.                   in general, wherever money is needed for the manifestation of “God’s Plan”.

o.                   etc.)

8.                  During any particular meditation, select one of these areas of need, or choose an area of need based upon you own sense of planetary need and—

a.                   (cognizant of an alignment beginning with cosmic, system and extra-planetary sources,

b.                   thence to and from Sanat Kumara in Shamballa {thus involving our monad in the flow},

c.                   passing through, the Buddhas of Activity {but especially the Third Buddha},

d.                   and through the Third Shamballic “Ray Lord”,

e.                   through the Three Great Lords (especially, the Mahachohan, Master R.),

f.                     through the Head and Masters of the Third Ray Ashram, its initiates and disciples,

g.                   through Hierarchy as a whole, (received on the third subray of any particular Ashram),

h.                   and ending with the appropriate petals and chakras of the group soul and group personality vehicles of the meditating group)—

Direct the stream of Creative/Abstract/Active Intelligence into the chosen area of need, seeing the redemptive effects of the stream unfold before your inner eye.

After you direct the ray into your chosen area of need and watch the “Good” emerge, pause for a moment and say quietly (or silently) to yourself, “For the Christ’s sake and the Glory of His Name, I ask that this be done”.

(Maintain the sense that all this incoming energy is shared and distributed amongst the members of the meditating group and is not centralized in your energy-system alone. (For more exact energy alignments and flows check the Full Meditation Form related to the Third Ashram/Ray 3)

9.                  Carefully formulate a definite, redemptive thought or mantram expressive of the third ray, designed to assist humanity as well as the Third Ray Ashram in its service objectives on behalf of humanity. Once formulated, repeat the thought or mantram to yourself to strengthen it.

10.             Breathe that thought or mantram forth three times into the human thought stream on the sound of the OM (when possible on the note F in Green).

11.             United with the group soul, and using the color Green (and the crown center, ajna center, heart center and the centers in the palms of the hands as agents of distribution), pour forth the blessings of the Third Ray Stream of the “Acute Energy of Divine Mental Perception” upon the entire human race, imaginatively observing its regenerative, restorative effects upon humanity and the planet.

12.             Firmly committed to assist, however you best can, with the preparation for the Reappearance of the Christ and the Externalization of the Hierarchy, and clearly understanding how the correct use of the Energy of  Creative (Abstract or Active) Intelligence can further the redemption of humanity, sound the Great Invocation, followed by three OMs.

13.             In the stillness following the OMs, hold a vision of our planet as a sacred planet, irradiated by the pure white light of Hierarchy and Shamballa.