Dear Ashramic Assistance Meditators:

Here are the seven meditations designed for those who wish to subjectively assist the work of the seven Ashrams through the power of their consecrated thought. These were initialized at the Full Moon in Scorpio, 2003, the time of the Harmonic Concordance. The seven meditations represent the first part of the AAMP (Ashramic Assistance Meditation Program).

More specific meditations on the Seed Groups will follow after this meditation work has become well-established ...

All those who cooperate with this program are characterized by service-driven meditative assertion.



There are seven meditations designed for the subjective assistance of the Seven Ray Ashrams; each meditation is keyed to one of the seven rays, and the colors and notes appropriate to those rays.

Each meditation is performed, ideally, once a week on the day of the week correlating to the planet and ray:

      • Thursday: Jupiter — R2
      • Friday: Venus — R5
      • Saturday: Saturn — R3
      • Sunday: Sun/Vulcan — R1
      • Monday: Moon/Uranus — R7
      • Tuesday: Mars — R6
      • Wednesday: Mercury — R4


The meditations are presented in long and short forms. The long forms are synthetic, comprehensive and detailed, and will require significant occult study to be used properly. These meditations involve imaginative individual and group alignments with high Beings and Sources, and the translation of the energy contacted into the creation of practical thoughts for the helping of humanity (in specific ways, according to the tasks of any particular Ashram).

Each meditation involves the construction and use of the Antahkarana and the related words of power discussed in The Rays and The Initiations (pp. 441-529):

      R1: “I Assert The Fact”
      R2: “I See The Greatest Light”
      R3: “Purpose Itself Am I”

      R4: “Two Merge With One”

      R5: “Three Minds Unite”

      R6: “The Highest Light Controls”

      R7: “The Highest And The Lowest Meet”


The colors which may  be used in building and projecting the antahkarana are as follows:

      R1: Red or Electric Blue
      R2: Indigo Blue or Sapphire Blue
      R3: Emerald Green
      R4: Yellow
      R5: Orange or Indigo Blue
      R6. Rose or Light Blue
      R7: Violet



The following chart from A Treatise upon Cosmic Fire (pp. 1238-1239) should be closely studied in relation to the meditations. Meditators should have access to these charts while meditating. After the various lines of energy are memorized, consultation of the chart may not be so necessary.



The Solar Logos

The Solar Trinity or Logoi

I           The Father                             Will.

II           The Son                                  Love-Wisdom.

III          The Holy Spirit                       Active Intelligence.


The Seven Rays

Three Rays of Aspect.

Four Rays of Attribute.

I. Will or Power....II. Love-Wisdom....III. Active Intelligence


                                                                                                4. Harmony or Beauty.

                                                                                                5. Concrete Knowledge.

                                                                                                6. Devotion or Idealism.

                                                                                                7. Ceremonial Magic



S. Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World.
(The Ancient of Day
The One Initiator)


The Three Kumaras (The Buddhas of Activity.)

1    2    3

The reflections of the 3 major and 4 minor Rays.


The 3 Departmental Heads.

I. The Will Aspect                              II. The Love-Wisdom Aspect                        III. Intelligence Aspect.

A. The Manu.                         B. The Bodhisattva                           C. The Mahachohan.

            |                                               (The Christ.                                        (Lord of Civilisation)

            |                                               The World Teacher.)                         |

            |                                                                       |                                               |

b. Master Jupiter.                              b. A European Master.                                 |

c. Master M –.                                    c. Master K.H.                                    c. The Venetian Master.

                                                            d. Master D.K.                                  

                                                                        |                                               4. The Master Serapis.

                                                                        |                                               5. Master Hilarion.

                                                                        |                                               6. Master Jesus.

                                                                        |                                               7. Master R.

Four grades of initiates.

Various grades of disciples.

People on the Probationary Path.

Average humanity of all degrees.

(Please note: The “Reflections of the Three Major Rays and Four Minor Rays” (Who are called the “Seven Spirits Before the Throne” or the ‘Planetary Ray Lords’) are not shown on the charts, but are part of the alignments in the AAMP Meditations.

Here is a color chart, created by Vicktorya Stone, freely offered for your online use, or for fee by post; larger jpg version or hardcopy is available, by email.


  1. The long form of the meditations may take about 45 minutes to perform once one has become familiar with the form.

  2. The short forms are abbreviated to take us quickly to that section of the meditations that we can call “Solutions for Humanity” (based upon the idea presented in the Tibetan’s book, Problems of Humanity.) Above all we have to stay alert to world need—as seen from the perspective of the soul and of Hierarchy. According to the sensed world need we may focus upon any “area of need” related to the sphere of responsibility of a specific Ray Ashrm.

  3. When focusing upon the Problems of Humanity (or Solutions for Humanity) we want to avoid superficiality, personalizing the problem to individuals, glamours and illusions. We want to aid, not jeopardize, the hierarchical efforts. Therefore a careful analysis of the actual problem with an illumined mind and in the light of the intuition is necessary. The light of the intuition is needed as a controlling factor when directing energy into areas of world need.

  4. We remember the story (imparted by the Tibetan) that the Christ only noticed the Arcane School/Lucis Trust when it began to work on the Problems of Humanity. He reportedly said to the Tibetan (I paraphrase): “What is this group that is interesting itself in our work”?

  5. There is no obligation placed upon you simply because you have received these meditations. You may use them or not as you see fit. If you do use them, you will be meditating each day with people (at least a triangle of experienced meditators) who have promised to use a particular Ashramic Assistance Meditation on that particular day throughout the year. If you feel called to commit to one or more of these meditations each week throughout the year, please let us know, and we will put you on the list for that work, and think in your direction. There is, however, no obligation to thus commit. For those who do commit, however, I consider it an aspect of the “Pledge” which one makes when one is directing his/her life towards the higher stages of “Pledged Discipleship”. We take commitments seriously.

  6. This project started for a number of reasons. One of these reasons has to do with the impression that the thought power of esoteric-trained disciples in the world is insufficiently mobilized and directed—however much each disciple may be accomplishing individually. These meditations seek to effect mobilization and direction of thought-power in cooperation with the Ashrams and on behalf of humanity.

  7. Despite any apparent complexity of the meditations, they leave the meditator or meditating group a great deal of freedom. There are many ways to help through the power of thought, and the meditator is given wide scope. He/she or a group may choose the area of assistance or need according to his/her best light. The only requirement is that a meditation pertaining to a specific Ashram on a specific ray will be used on a specific day. The rest is up to you.

  8. I believe real healing power can be generated for Ashramic use, and that the energy we generate is positive and constructive, any that the seven Ashrams will find ways to use and direct such energy according to their own means and purposes. That part of the process is not up to us; we simply generate the thought power (and associated energies) and make it available to humanity. The Ashrams will avail themselves of our labors as and if they see fit.

  9. The process is essentially simple. We use the meditations as a general outline, applying our own understanding and creativity. No reporting on the process is required; there is no outer group created in relation to the process. Later, depending on subjective developments, some outer-plane precipitations may occur, but it is too early to speak of this.

  10. It is possible that the AAMP Meditations might lead to over-stimulation; please monitor your system and maintain a cautious approach .

    a.                  Minimize the inflow of energy

i.      For example, limit yourself to the meditation only every second week or once a month. And limit the time you spend on each meditation.

ii.      The abbreviated versions of the meditations might help as they are less extensive and demanding in their specific alignments.

b.                  Use the group as a source of protection

i.            Always maintain the sense that the incoming energy is shared and distributed amongst the members of the meditating group and is not centralized in your energy-system alone. Remember: “The significance of group work—one of its major functions—is to absorb, share, circulate, and then distribute energy.” (R&I 68)

ii.            Don’t hesitate to discuss any problem you may be having with me or Stefan, or with those who have volunteered to form a small group to uphold the performance of the meditations focussed on a particular Ray. Sharing and mutual support are very important balancing factors.


Working together in this way, I trust we can make a useful difference—however small that difference may be.
In the Companionship of those who serve Humanity and Hierarchy,
Michael Robbins