The practice of the AAMP Meditations


1.                  Once the pattern of the meditation form is established in your mind, feel free to move according to inspiration. Sometimes the alignment may be of longer or shorter duration, and sometimes you may wish to give more emphasis to certain sections . Once you are familiar with the overall pattern your intuition will guide the process.

2.                  These meditations may be studied at other times to enhance the performance of the meditation.

3.                  Once the Great Vertical Alignment has been established during the meditation, there is no need to later repeat the naming of the various parts of the Alignment. There are moments that you may wish to remind yourself of the Alignment, but by then the flow will have been established and the sequence of Entities involved in the descent of each ray energy will be firmly established and the ray energy (aided by the repetition of the Word of Power and the visualization of the color for a particular ray) will descend rapidly.

4.                  I am struck by the potency of these meditations and by the room we have to ‘grow within them’. I feel we are discovering yet another way to make the application of the seven rays practical in the task of world redemption. I think that we will discover much about the use and direction of subtle energy as we proceed with this work.

5.                Feel free to share these meditations with those for whom you think they may be suitable, but as they are not ‘beginning meditations’ be judicious in your sharing.

6.                  If you have any questions about the meditations please write us; we may establish a forum for the exchange of occasional thoughts which arise from the performance of the AAMP Meditations. .


A Few Suggestions about Performing the Meditations


1. Regarding SOUNDS:

If you use the musical parts of these meditations, train your ear so when you hear a musical note you can duplicate it with your voice. It usually takes practice. Before beginning the meditation, blow softly into a pitch pipe to establish the note for the particular meditation, then sound the OM once on that note to establish the Keynote. When leading a group meditation you may find it helpful to blow very softly into the pitch pipe on the appropriate note to keep the note in the mind of the meditators. One place to do this is when directing a particular ray energy into an area of need. It will soon begin to seem natural to hear or sound a certain note, visualize a certain color and hold a particular symbol in mind—all simultaneously.


2.      Regarding COLOURS:

Indigo should be used as the esoteric color for the fifth ray and is suitably sounded on the note “A”. If using orange for the fifth ray, the note “D” should be used.    

Red is the esoteric color for the first ray. If sounding the first ray on the color orange, ‘flaming orange’ or “roaring orange” (these names are an attempt to give an impression of the color quality) the note "D" should be used. There are some rays for which you can use two colors; experiment to see which works best. The sixth ray is interesting. The note “C” is connected with both the first ray and the sixth, for it is the “Red” note. Mars, the sixth ray planet, is the “Red” planet. The use of “Red” in relation to the sixth ray should be used only if the more Martian, militant aspects of that ray are required. When Master DK works with the sixth ray He usually suggests the use of light blue and rose (a deep rose or a silvery rose). The note “G” which is the second ray note, can be used when using light blue for the sixth ray. You may also use rose in connection with “G”; although the color fit is not exact, the importance of the second ray to the elevation of the sixth ray, makes this permissible. I have also been experimenting with sounding the note “A flat” (or G sharp) in connection with the color rose. Since both light blue and rose are caused by the addition of white to blue and red, there are no notes which are exactly correlated with those colors. This inexactitude will not be problematical as we are at least combining notes and colors which are related by ray.


3. Regarding TIME: For the long form of the meditation, I average about forty-five minutes, and this will naturally vary with the meditator or meditators.

4. After you direct the ray into your chosen area of need and watch the “Good” emerge, you may wish to pause for a moment and say quietly (or silently) to yourself, “For the Christ’s sake and the Glory of His Name, I ask that this be done”.

5. I have found it useful to mentally affirm the Word of Power for the day upon awakening in the morning. One can then repeat it at various times during the day. (For instance, on Thursday, I would mentally affirm, “I See the Greatest Light” upon awakening, and then simply bear it in mind in background consciousness during the day.)