The Original Letter Introducing

The Ashramic Assistance Meditation Program


Dear Friends of Humanity and the Ageless Wisdom,

Today is the day of what has been called the “Harmonic Concordance”. There is a grand-sextile with the Sun in Scorpio, Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn in Cancer, the Moon in Taurus, Mars in Pisces and Chiron in Capricorn arranged in a six-pointed “Seal of Solomon”—that ancient symbol which has been called the “Star of Vishnu” and which was used so emblematically by Master Morya in His incarnation as Akbar the Great in India. Those of you who are students of esotericism know the tremendous significance of this six-pointed star, its connection with Shamballa and the monad, and its association with the blending and merging of the higher and lower triads.

The University of the Seven Rays took its birth at the period of the “Harmonic Convergence”, some fifteen years ago, on August 13, 1987.

Now a new a more subjective initiative becomes a possibility at the “Harmonic Concordance”.

During these few hours before the Scorpio Full Moon, 2003, I would like to propose to you a type of esoteric/occult service which may be of benefit to a humanity in the midst of its vital and dangerous transition towards greater soul consciousness—a humanity which is undeniably in crisis.  I have been thinking about a potentially potent opportunity for those who have established or growing experience working in meditation. The following a brief sketch of a Plan which will be elaborated during the coming months and made available to all of you for your participation should you decide to serve as described.

1.                  I will begin by paraphrasing a statement by Master Morya in the Agni Yoga Teachings: "half the world thinks; the other half carries out the thought".

2.                  As somewhat experienced students and practitioners of the Ageless Wisdom, we may not be in positions of exoteric political or social power, but we have certain internal capacities which can be turned to the benefit of a struggling humanity.

3.                  The Hierarchy serves humanity along seven distinct lines correlated with the seven Ashrams on the seven rays.

a.      The Ashram of Master Morya on the First Ray

b.      The Ashram of Master Koot-Hoomi on the Second Ray

c.      The Ashram of Paul the Venetian on the Third Ray

d.      The Ashram of the Master Serapis and Master P. on the Fourth Ray

e.      The Ashram of the Master Hilarion on the Fifth Ray

f.        The Ashram of the Master Jesus on the Sixth Ray

g.      The Ashram formerly directed by the Master R. on the Seven Ray (now directed by an unnamed seventh ray Master).

4.                  In addition, the Tibetan Master has detailed ten Seed Group Projects which, as they develop, will act as an inlet for the reception of redemptive hierarchical energies.

a.      The Telepathic Servers

b.      The Observers of Reality: Dissipating the World Glamor and Illusion

c.      The Magnetic and Radiatory Healers

d.      The Educators of the New Age

e.      The Political Servers

f.        The Severs in the Field of the New World Religion

g.      The Scientific Servers

h.      The Esoteric Psychologists

i.        The Economists

j.         The Servers in the Field of Creative Manifestation

5.                  As the Aquarian Age will be the Age of the Group, different kinds of groups will arise, each with its specific contribution to make to redemption of humanity.

6.                  It has occurred to me that those who love humanity must throw everything they have into the elevation and redemption of the human race during these perilous transitional times.

7.                  What do we have that we can bring to the battle for human welfare, elevation and redemption?

8.                  We have the power of consecrated thought. We have our training in occult meditation. We have a growing understanding of white magic. We have the will to serve the Christ and His Hierarchy, and thus to serve humanity in ways sanctioned by the Great White Brotherhood. These are just a few of our esoteric and occult capacities.

9.                  I propose a concerted subjective offensive characterized by the dedication of our occultly-trained thought-life to the solution of humanity’s major problems.

10.             I will create a number of occultly-aligned meditations which will focus powerfully and directly on the kinds of service projects sponsored by the Seven Ashrams. Additional meditations will focus on some or, perhaps, all of the Seed Group service areas.

11.             These meditations will be offered to friends of the University of the Seven Rays, to members of the World Wide Esoteric Group, to participants in the 28 Rules Initiative, to members of the Living Ageless Wisdom School, and, in general, to those who wish to work subjectively on the solution of humanity’s most pressing problems.

12.             Once the meditations are created, a schedule for these meditations will be proposed, and those who wish to participate can tune in together according to inclination and the time available to them. This is an entirely voluntary process. It will not be monitored. Participants decide the degree of their involvement.

13.             My belief is that together, we can make a difference through the power of our soul/spirit-impulsed thought life. My belief is that we will only get better at what we do, and before long we will know how to work with ‘magical effectiveness’ on the inner planes on behalf of humanity and in cooperation with the Hierarchy.

14.             Please write to me at, and tell me if you are interested in receiving the Ashramic Assistance Meditation Program (AAMP). Simply say, “I am interested in receiving the Ashramic Assistance Meditations”, and I will send them to you as they are prepared, with the proposed schedule for their use. The rest will be up to you and really, to all of us.

Those of us who are committed to throwing the power of our consecrated thought life into the process of aiding humanity subjectively, occultly and, at length, magically, look forward to working with you. Just let us know.

With Love and Many Blessings to All,

Michael Robbins

For AAMP: The Ashramic Assistance Meditation Program