Specific Expressions
of Jupiter in Gemini
1. Jupiter (in Gemini)
in Relation to the Three Personality Vehicles:
Jupiter in Gemini increases the mobility of the physical vehicle, and
the “area covered” by this vehicle. This combination also
contributes to the youthfulness of the body through increased lung capacity
and a greater oxygenation of the blood. Within the body of sentiency (the
astral), there is a capacity to reduce the struggle between the pairs
of opposites on the astral plane and resolve them into two interplaying
aspects of one whole.
At the initiation of the astral
body (the second) Jupiter is prominent (EA 70), as is Gemini (GWP 271,
EA 157); through the planets Jupiter, Venus and Neptune, the conflict
between the pairs of opposites will be reduced and one-pointed, aspirational
orientation towards the light established. Jupiter in Gemini naturally
expands the associative power of the lower mind, its power to synthesize
information, and its capacity to contribute to the understanding of the
interplay of the pairs of opposites as they express in various dimensions.
2. Jupiter (in Gemini)
in Relation to the Personality as a Whole:
Jupiter in Gemini leads to a diversification of abilities within
the personality. Negatively there may be “too many irons in the
fire” or “a finger in too many pies”, but, positively,
multiple talents, and the ability to function successfully in many contrasting
spheres of activity. An accented Jupiter in this position gives the tendency
to “know it (Gemini) all (Jupiter)”; negatively, this can
lead to conceit; positively to encyclopedic knowledge (especially if reinforced
by Mercury and Saturn, to ensure factual accuracy). This combination encourages
participation and is a counter-indication to isolation; it serves to weave
the personality and its energies into life’s amazing fabric of diversity.
3. Jupiter (in Gemini)
in Relation to the Fusion of Soul and Personality:
This combination expands the interplay between soul and personality,
making them more and more a part of each other. Esoterically, and at a
sufficiently advanced point of evolution, Jupiter is active in the fusion
of soul and Spirit (EA 365), but even with respect to the relatively lower
fusion of soul and personality, its heart-stimulating magnetism is useful.
The extensive consciousness
of the soul (influenced by the pure reason of buddhi) descends into the
personality consciousness, broadening its horizons, and rendering the
personality an animated participant in an increasingly vast transpersonal
vision, and in an ever-widening range of transpersonal activities. Once
the vision of amazing possibilities has been conferred, the personality
does not wish to return to its former limitations, but rather, to continue
breathing (Gemini) the expansiveness (Jupiter) of the soul in the One
Soul. The wider life is far more interesting; the personality, inspired
by soul vision, is ever more open to communication with the source of
that inspiration.
4. Jupiter (in Gemini)
in Relation to the Synthesis of Human Dualities—Head/Heart; Mind/Love;
In relation to such pairs of opposite, the “work of Jupiter”,
we are told, “ is to develop these two qualities and bring them
into synthetic interplay.” (EA 126) Gemini always promotes a fluid
interplay between the opposites, and Jupiter is the force which “brings
all together”. (EA 126) Jupiter promotes wholeness, and when placed
in Gemini, promotes wholeness through what might be called ‘bi-polar
inclusion’ or ‘the inclusion of the poles within the sphere’.
In the field of “universal or spiritual mind” to which Jupiter
is related (EA 369), the intuitive formula for uniting the two is understood.
5. Jupiter (in Gemini)
in Relation to the Means by which the Expansion of Consciousness may be
Expansion of consciousness may be sought by honoring and embracing
the diversity of life. The vast network of relationships is revealed under
the influence of this combination. No relationship is excluded; no connection
is considered irrelevant. Consciousness is open, and it is increasingly
realized, that “everything is related to everything else”.
6. Jupiter (in Gemini)
in Relation to the Fulfillment of Desire and the Satisfaction of Demand—
1) initially, fulfillment for the little self; then
2) fulfillment of desire for the good of the whole—a fulfillment
achieved through the outgoing expression of love: With this combination,
the lines of communication are open, and the network works. Abundance
flows towards the desiring one through the many lines of connection established.
He knows where to find what he wants, and how (by what channels) it can
reach him.
The disciple or initiate with Jupiter in Gemini, desires that abundance
and benevolence shall characterize the entire network of relationships.
His attitude is beneficent and brotherly. He sees how all are related
for the Good and in the Good. By promoting the free flow of benevolence
through all available channels, what he wants and needs comes to him,
by law, for redistribution to the whole (thus initiating another cycle
of generosity and abundant return). “To those who give all, all
is given.” (DINA I 692)
7. Miscellaneous Meanings of Jupiter in Gemini:
a. For the Jupiter in Gemini
person, one of the key means for expanding consciousness is through
the acquisition of a diversity of knowledge and perceptions.
b. For the Jupiter in Gemini
person, there will be a growth of understanding through the assimilation
of a wide variety experiences
c. Under Jupiter in Gemini,
both “Brothers” wax in strength and scope—especially
Pollux, the ‘higher’ brother. (cf. EA 126)
d. Jupiter in Gemini can
indicate that the two “Brothers” are fused, thus liberating
access to the “pure reason” of the intuition.
e. If, under Jupiter in
Gemini, there is a fusion of spirit and soul, the initiate will live
in, and be aware of, the homogeneity of the spirit and the extensive
variety of consciousness—simultaneously.
f. Jupiter in Gemini will
indicate a broad proliferation and diversification of interests.
g. Jupiter in Gemini contributes
to the fusion-in-understanding of all opposites. We might call this
the ‘philosophical fusion of the opposites’.
h. Negatively, Jupiter in
Gemini, may indicate the scattering and energies and forces and the
doing of too many things.
i. Negatively, Jupiter in
Gemini, may indicate a preoccupation with the growth of the concrete
j. Negatively, Jupiter in
Gemini (with Jupiter in Taurus) may indicate “the suffocation
of the life” through over-accumulation of knowledge. (cf. EH 299-300)
k. Negatively, Jupiter in
Gemini may contribute to the free and permissive reign of Castor, the
lower of the Geminian Twins.