EEC Sagittarius


Sun (and Ascendant) in Sagittarius in Relation to Personalities (and Souls)

On the Seven Rays


1.      Sun Sagittarius (or Ascendant Sagittarius), R1P (or R1S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4, R5 and R6) (For most people a mild mutual reinforcement or ray and astrology energies emerges through the ray one components of Earth and Mars—the esoteric and hierarchical rulers of Sagittarius respectively. The probable category should be Mild by Rulership. While the first ray is the monadic ray of the Earth {monadic rays being capable of influencing initiates}, for all practical purposes the monadic ray of a non-sacred planet is “non-effective”. Further, the Earth is the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, and while it would have some effect on the life of the initiate, the hierarchical ruler would be even more effective in the life of the true initiate. Relative to Mars, there is speculation that its soul ray is the first; certainly the first ray is transmitted through Mars, as, on Mars, those are trained “who work along the line of the destroyer”. (TCF 1179)  But it is not legitimate to go so far as to say that the first ray is the soul ray of Mars. If there were certainty in this matter, we might use the category Strong by Rulership—Class 3. In this case, however, it would however be more responsible to categorize the astro-rayological interplay in the life of the initiate as Moderate by Rulership. In general, the initiate responds more powerfully to the first ray than those who are less evolved. There is a slight further reinforcement through the first ray component of Mars—this planet ruling the second decanate {whether considered in esoteric or exoteric order})


(a)   (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)


i.                     The selfish, passionate pursuit characteristic of the self-centered Sagittarius person combines with the forceful directness induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the first ray. (These undesirable qualities would be in the nature of a relapse or reversion to a formerly bound condition, as it is not possible to have a first or second ray personality unless one is at least an aspirant. The first or second ray may, however, enter the personality by other lines of influence.)

ii.                   Selfish adventurism.

iii.                  Fool-hardiness.

iv.                 Leading others into danger.

v.                   There is no way but one’s own; there is but “one way to go”.

vi.                 Aggressive expansionism. Disrespect for established boundaries.

vii.                Competitiveness

viii.              Cruel hunting, including the hunting of men.

ix.                 Wreaking destruction (ray one) at a distance (Sagittarius). The bow and arrow, the rifle, the missile (all indicating the power to destroy without engaging in hand-to-hand combat).

x.                   Shooting (Sagittarius) forth of destructive (ray one) thought (Sagittarius) against one’s enemies. Again—destruction at a distance.


(b)   (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple)

i.                     The purposeful one-pointedness of the advancing Sagittarius individual combines with the undeflectable intent induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the first ray.

ii.                   Fearless exploration. Going “where none has ever dared to go”.

iii.                  Taking great risks for the sake of discovery, but calculated risks.

iv.                 Fortitude in all great quests.

v.                   Always extending one’s capacities in sport. Endurance races. Triathlon. Iron-man competitions.

vi.                 Friendly but vigorous rivalries for the sake of enhancing performance.

vii.                On the Path of Discipleship: learning to be the one-pointed disciple, strong in pursuit and incapable of being deviated.

viii.              On the Path of Discipleship: idealism (Sagittarius) and the determination actually to accomplish the ideal—not just envision it, dream about it, or hope for its accomplishment.

ix.                 On the Path of Discipleship: achieving speed and steadiness upon the Path. Relentless forward movement.

x.                   On the Path of Discipleship: isolating essences and first principles. Knowing which of many things are the most important.


(c)   (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate)[Additionally, where relevant,  combine Ascendant Sign, Sagittarius, with the first ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]


i.                     The inspired power to penetrate and explore new dimensions (both outer and inner, but especially inner)—a capacity possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Sagittarius, combines with a fearlessness and intrepidity—attitudes induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the first ray.

ii.                   Fearless penetration of new dimensions of life and consciousness. Courage in the face of the unknown.

iii.                  “Death (first ray) the Great Adventure” (Sagittarius).

iv.                 Identified with the dynamic of “driving forward through space”, “onward progression”, “progress onward”—first ray motion reinforce by the directedness of Sagittarius.

v.                   Willingness to leave the lunar vehicles and familiar conditions (states of vibration) behind. Interestingly, the lunar vehicles are ruled by Sagittarius (in relation to the sixth ray).

vi.                 Ever forging ahead into new sections of the Path.

vii.                A willful approach to the realm of the Spiritual Triad.

viii.              A demanding attitude towards the higher energies and agencies.

ix.                 One-pointed direction of the life process by means of the spiritual will. A willingness to be directed by the will.

x.                   “Striking out” on the Path to the monad.

xi.                 A useful combination if one wishes to “take the Kingdom of Heaven (Sagittarius) by force (first ray)”.

xii.                Eventually, the courage to be “outward bound” on one of the Seven Cosmic Paths.


Directives for Sagittarius and the First Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work):


1.                  Abstract Yourself Through Enlarged Perspective

2.                  Achieve Strength Through One-Pointedness

3.                  Aim Well The Arrow Of Death

4.                  Apply Straight Knowledge To Perceive Truth

5.                  Banish Evil Through The Power Of Truth

6.                  Barrage The Enemy

7.                  Be Filled With Confidence And Joy

8.                  Be Victorious Over All Things Petty, Mean And Low

9.                  Brave All Dangers Upon The Quest

10.              Break Through; Destroy Blindness

11.              Charge With Enthusiasm

12.              Champion Freedom

13.              Command Based Upon Clear And Farseeing Vision

14.              Compel Intrepid Explorations

15.              Conquer Death Through Vision

16.              Destroy Egoism Through Cosmic Perception

17.              Direct Your Life Under The Impression Of Divine Will

18.              Drive Forward, Impelled Towards A Certain Goal

19.              Far-Seeing Be Your Statesmanship

20.              Emphasize First Principles And Stick To Them

21.              Endure Without Deviation

22.              Enunciate The Truth At Any Cost

23.              Envision That Which Transcends Death

24.              Foresee Victory

25.              Get To The “Bottom Line”; Understand Essence

26.              Go Forth! And Don’t Look Back

27.              Guard And Control The Gate

28.              Impress True Vision Upon Those Who Walk In Darkness

29.              Indicate The Shortest Way

30.              Initiate The Quest

31.              Insist On Truth And Justice

32.              Inspire!

33.              Fearlessly Speak The Truth

34.              Follow The Arrow Of Aspiration Fearlessly

35.              Focus Onepointedly On The Will-To-Rise

36.              Move Swiftly And One-Pointedly Towards Advantage

37.              Kill The Lie

38.              Let Nothing Deter You From Reaching Your Goal

39.              Loose The Fiery Arrows From Your Bow; Confront The Monster And Vanquish Him With Intuitive Perception

40.              Marshall Your Forces And Direct Them Massterfully

41.              Pass Boldly Through All Perils

42.              Pierce Illusion; Destroy It

43.              Proclaim A New Vision For Humanity

44.              Progress Onwards; Achieve Your Destination

45.              Project An Arrow Of Light Into The Realm Of Pure Being

46.              Pursue Relentlessly

47.              Risk All; Gain All

48.              Ruling, See Panoramically To The Extent Of Your “Kingdom” And Beyond

49.              Run Straight Towards The Goal; Be Not Deterred

50.              See All In Synthesis As If From A Great Distance

51.              See The One; Be The One

52.              Seek Essence

53.              Shoot The Arrow Of Death When For The Greater Good You Must

54.              Steadfastly Envision That Which Must Be

55.              Stick To Principle; Do Not Relent

56.              Straiten The Way Into The Kingdom Of Heaven

57.              Strengthen The Monad Upon Its Lengthy Pilgrimage

58.              Subjugate The Wayward Mind

59.              Supervise The Battle

60.              Sustain One Pointed Control

61.              Trample The Forces Of Oppression

62.              Tread The Burning Ground Undeflected

63.              Undeflectable Be Your Determination

64.              Unite Joy And Fearlessness

65.              Venture Forth Courageously

66.              Walk Upon The Burning Ground Destroying All Impediment


Mantra for Sagittarius and the First Ray


Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I intend with will and pow’r to see the Vision of the Goal (to know the Purpose and the Plan), and then direct my steps with strength toward the Portal where Reality and Vision merge as one.


Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “I Assert the Fact”—there Exists a Plan and Purpose, there Exists a Goal, a Destiny Divine to which the Vision ever Leads. I now Direct the Seekers, having Trod Myself the Path Thereto!


Proposed Symbol for R1/Sagittarius: Standing at the center in the ‘Nucleus of Power’, and aiming with Self-confidence the ‘Shaft of Certain Purpose’, the poised and steady Leader shoots his arrow of intention undeflected to its destined mark, assuring, thus, that all will see and reach the Goal ordained.


Well Known Individuals Hypothesized as Expressing this Combination of Rays and Signs:

1.                  Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill—British Statesman, Prime Minister 1940-1945, 1951-1955, Orator, Author, Historian, Artist: November 30, 1874, Blenheim Palace, England, 1:30 AM, LMT. (Source: entry in father’s diary, and a letter written by his father. Rectified to 1:19 AM by T. Pat Davis). Died, January 25, 1965, London, England.


(Ascendant, Virgo {some suggest Libra}; Midheaven, Gemini; Sun Sagittarius with Venus also in Sagittarius; Moon and Uranus in Leo; Mercury in Scorpio; Mars conjunct Jupiter in Libra; Saturn in Aquarius; Neptune in Aries; Pluto in Taurus)


Winston Churchill was undoubtedly one of the greatest statesmen of the twentieth century. So many and varied were his notable achievements, that few can equal the scope, depth and variety of his impact upon the progress and welfare of the human race. He was a man of extraordinary vitality and resilience, imagination, intelligence and daring—a truly great patriot, leader and defender of the values of Western civilization, one of humanity’s most inspiring orators, an author and historian of the first rank, a talented amateur painter, and a writer with a masterful command of the English language. Although the positive aspects of his character overshadowed by far his liabilities, these too, were significant and surprising—excessive and ill-considered zeal, stubbornness, arrogance, inconsistency and a kind of perpetual adolescence exacerbated by an immoderate use of alcohol.


Humanity owes an inestimable debt of gratitude to Winston Churchill. Without exaggeration it can be said that the heroic valor of his spirit was a decisive force in preventing the enslavement of humanity by the horrific tyranny loosed upon the world by the Nazi regime. Churchill (and the soul of Britain he inspired in those dark days in the early 1940’s) held out, virtually alone, against the murderous onslaught of the world’s mightiest military machine (the German Army) directed by malicious and hateful individuals who were obsessed by a vision of world conquest and domination. The odds were overwhelmingly against Britain’s survival. Once the Luftwaffe unleashed its full fury against the English cities and military bases, it was conservatively estimated that the country would fall in less than three months. The German war machine seemed invincible and hope but a cruel illusion.       

In terms of men and materiel the situation was, indeed, desperate, but wars are not won and lost on the basis of physical realities alone. Deep-seated psychological and spiritual factors played their crucial part, and it is here that Churchill’s character was worth millions of soldiers in the field. Well he knew that Western civilization (not just Britain) was in mortal peril. So deep was his love of that civilization and its cherished values, that his will was strengthened to a point inconceivable by normal standards. If the selfish and sadistic rulers of Nazi Germany were obsessed by members of the Black Lodge, then Winston Churchill was, equally, obsessed by the “Forces of Light”, by the “Good”. No doubt the Masters of the Wisdom directed towards him potent streams of vitalizing energy and inspiration, to sustain this man whose spirit stood as a bulwark between a besieged civilization and the yawning abyss. Had Britain fallen, Germany would not have been forced to fight a war on two fronts, and, through the concentration of its superbly trained forces, may well have prevailed over the Soviet Union. With all of Europe and the Soviet Union subdued, America, threatened from the West by Japanese aggression, and still inadequately armed compared to Germany, would have been gravely endangered. World enslavement under Germany and the Axis Powers would have been conceivable, and with it, the beginning of a thousand years of darkness—a “re-initiation into the Earth…”. The Tibetan described the dire possibility in this way:      

“If this does not take place [humanity’s ability to ‘use the mind as a reflector of soul purpose’], the present situation will turn into something far worse—a situation wherein the mass of men will be ‘re-initiated into the Earth and forced to turn their backs upon the dawning light.’ A dark period of civilisation will ensue. Instead of the dark cave of initiation wherein the light of the initiate's own nature illumines the darkness and so demonstrates his command of light, the dark cave of materialism and of physical, animal control will take the place of the ‘lighted Way.’ The earthy aspect of Capricorn, the lowest concrete aspect of the mind and an increased control by the Taurian spirit in its worst form will take the place of the divine possibility of entrance into greater light,…” (EA 543)           (It should be noted that a number of Nazi leaders were powerfully conditioned by Taurus and Capricorn—Hitler especially—and by Scorpio as well.)           

That this terrible fate was possible (and even probable) was the conviction of the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet Who, in the latter days of 1942, were preparing to withdraw from contact with humanity, convinced that the human race would indeed go down to defeat, and that the Black Lodge would triumph.


But Britain did not collapse. It stood, with firm and unflinching steadfastness before an overwhelming superiority of men and arms. This resolute refusal to give up was the glory of the British soul—yes—but that glory was magnificently inspired by the valiant spirit/soul of one man who insisted that not only would Britain stand, but that it would prevail in victory over Hitler and his Germany. With one-pointed almost superhuman intent, Churchill willed Hitler’s defeat—and it came to pass. He held the blazing torch of fiery resistance to evil when so few fires of freedom flamed against the encroaching darkness. Churchill. consumed in the fires of the Will-to-Good, burned with such persistence that, at length, the many lesser torches were ignited; a roaring bonfire at last arose and, directed against the aggressor, consumed it completely.


Winston Churchill and his Britain could not have won the war without the tremendous sacrifices of the United States, the Soviet Union and all their allies, but at a time when few seemed to care, or care enough, about the fate of humanity, he, at least, refused to lose the war—thereby buying precious time in which those, less alert to the peril than he recognized, could awaken and mobilize their forces. In the development of all great conflicts there are pivotal moments—hinge points—upon the outcome of which the future is decisively determined. The Battle of Britain was such a moment. Britain survived still strong; Germany paused and changed direction, divided its focus and was, at length, drawn into a war on two fronts which it could not sustain. Thus, did Germany meet its final defeat. The Battle of Britain and the victory of  the British resistance were the beginning of the end of German invincibility.


Which is the Correct Astrological Chart for Winston Churchill?


For many years it was supposed that the proper Ascendant for Winston Churchill’s astrological chart was Scorpio. Indeed, his powerful Scorpio qualities were easily discerned and the assumption seemed logical and astrologically valid.          

Some however, suggested a Libra Ascendant. Again, Libra is a sign evident in Churchill’s nature (he has two planets, Mars and Jupiter in this sign), and often appears in the charts of generals, public figures, and those who do not so much
start wars as finish them.


Then, a letter from Winston Churchill’s father, Randolph Churchill, and an entry from his diary were discovered, stating that Winston’s birth had occurred at 1:30 AM, and not a few hours later as had been supposed. Although the 1:30 AM time is under suspicion as being, at least, slightly rounded-off, it gives an Ascendant different from those used previously (an Ascendant in the last degree of Virgo)—which might seem an unlikely Rising Sign for one of the world’s most resolute and willful wartime statesmen. Yet, this Ascendant has been accepted by many astrologers and rectified by some. Some have rectified this time slightly forward to as to produce, again, a Libra Ascendant. At least one other has rectified the time to about ten minutes earlier, to produce an Ascendant unequivocally in Virgo.


Some Justifications for the Virgo-Rising Chart


As one examines the chart with the Virgo Ascendant, number of convincing justifications emerge.


1.      Physiognomically, the Virgo Ascendant makes sense. The 28th degree of Virgo, for instance, lies in the Taurus decanate of Virgo. Churchill’s decidedly ‘bull-dog’ appearance is, therefore, at least partially accounted for. A close examination of the facial structure of those born in the any of the three decanates of Virgo, will show the last decanate (20° - 30°), all things being equal, to be the ‘beefiest’. As with both Mercurial signs (Virgo and Gemini) the physiognomy will depend much upon the position of Mercury (as in the case of a well-known triple-Gemini individual, Queen Victoria, who had physiognomically-determining Mercury in Taurus).

2.      A Virgo Ascendant would emphasize the importance of the planet Mercury, placed in Scorpio. A Scorpio Ascendant, on the other hand, contradicts the birth information found in the letter and diary entry of Churchill’s father. A rectification producing a Libra Ascendant emphasizes the importance of Venus rather than Mercury. Venus is important, and can be seen in the Churchill’s fair and florid appearance, but Mercury in Scorpio is even more important—both physiognomically and psychologically.  

a.      Churchill was a war correspondent (Mercury in Scorpio), a master of irony, sarcasm and biting humor (Mercury in Scorpio), and was, perhaps, the greatest war-time orator in modern history (Mercury in Scorpio in the second house ruling the voice).

b.      His caustic criticism—so characteristically Churchillian—makes far more sense if the clarity and sharpness of critical Virgo reinforce the sting of the Scorpionic Mercury. This would be the case were Virgo the Ascendant.

c.      He was a master of English prose (grammatical Virgo rising) and claimed to understand “the essential structure of the normal British sentence—which is a noble thing” (a skill, by imputation, beyond the capacity of most writers).

d.      Churchill was, of course, a great writer—in fact receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953, for his history in six volumes, The Second World War. After 1899, he made his living through the pen—thus his Mercury in the second house of personal finances is a convincing placement. This Mercury position is, of course, emphasized considerably if the Ascendant is Virgo.

e.      It must further be remarked that Churchill’s thrilling exactitude in the use of words is far more Virgoan than Libran.

f.        The emphasis upon Mercury through a Virgo Ascendant accounts for Churchill’s extraordinary mobility—for instance, his eagerness during both wars to go wherever he might be needed—to the front lines, to meet on numerous occasions Franklin Roosevelt, to fly to Russia to meet with Stain—he was simply always ready to go.

g.      Perhaps, as well, the presence of the Vulcanian cane or walking-stick is a hint about the importance of Virgo/Vulcan. Vulcan was a ‘god with a limp’.       

3.      Thus, we notice quite a number of Virgoan traits in this great leader. It should be pointed out that, were Libra the Ascendant, there would be no astrological influence of Virgo in the chart, but with Virgo as the Ascendant, the astrological influence of Libra is still very much present, through the Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Libra.         

4.      When one thinks of Churchill’s emphatic character, his remarkable stamina, his refusal to give up or give in, it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that Vulcan (the planet of persistence and endurance) is mightily important. The Virgo Ascendant, esoterically ruled by Moon-Veiled Vulcan (and Neptune), gives the necessary Vulcanian emphasis.. It seems that in the case of advanced Virgo individuals, one must often, if not always, choose between the importance of Vulcan or Neptune. In Churchill’s case, Vulcan is the obvious choice, though Neptune (planet of romanticism) should not be discounted.

5.      The Taurus decanate of Virgo does offer an important Venusian sub-influence, but again, an esoteric rulership by Vulcan is important. Thus, twice, Vulcan emerges within the context of a Virgo Ascendant, and not at all with a Libra Ascendant. We must remember that Vulcan rules “men of will”. (cf. EA 264)

6.      Remembering that the principal esoteric ruler of Virgo is the Moon, Churchill’s Moon in Leo, conjunct Regulus, the “Heart of the Lion” is a highly significant placement. Here is great star of law and command, emphasizing, because conjoined with the Moon, Churchill’s tremendous personal authority and magnetism. He became the very embodiment (Leo, and the Moon as the “Mother of the Form”) of Britain’s courage and greatness of heart (Leo).

7.      Of course, there are matters of timing which suggest the importance of a late Virgo Ascendant, giving, as it does, a late Gemini Midheaven.

a.      The Nobel Prize for Literature was received on a conjunction of Jupiter to the late Gemini MC.

b.      Churchill resigned the office of Prime Minister of Great Britain within the range of a solar eclipse which occurred within less than a degree of the 27°Gemini22’ MC of the 1:19 AM rectified chart. He resigned on April 5, 1955 and the eclipse occurred on June 20, 1955. An earlier solar eclipse at 2°Capricorn59’ on December 25th, 1954, would also be considered effective (especially in an early Libra-rising chart) but other matters of timing make such a chart less likely.

c.      There are a number of aspects and eclipses to indicate his marriage on September 12, 1908, but, interestingly, the progressed Ascendant of the rectified Virgo chart, has reached natal Jupiter (indicator of marriages, and, also, orthodox ruler of his Pisces seventh house cusp—the marriage cusp). If the time were a little earlier than the 1:19 AM proposed by T. Pat Davis, the accuracy of the P-Ascendant/N-Jupiter conjunction would be even more exact. There is also a lunar eclipse at 23°Sagittarius04', about four degrees off the 27°Gemini22’ MC of the 1:19 AM chart. Again, a slightly earlier time would make it closer, and also tighten the T-Jupiter to MC aspect on his reception of the Nobel Prize for Literature.

d.      In January of 1919, Churchill became Secretary of War. A lunar eclipse occurred on Dec 18 1918 at 25°Ge03' (just two degrees of the proposed Gemini MC). Again, the eclipse suggests a time slightly earlier than 1:19 AM, but would be effective in any case. It would not be effective with a Libra Ascendant and a consequent Capricorn MC.

e.      In the autumn of 1922, Churchill became the worst casualty of the fall of an already shaky coalition government; shortly afterwards had an attack of appendicitis (Virgo and Scorpio), and was unable to campaign properly, losing the election for which he was standing by a humiliating margin. There is a solar eclipse at on Sep 21 1922 at 27°Virgo25', just 34 minutes of arc from the 27°Virgo59' Ascendant proposed by T. Pat Davis. Again, a slightly earlier time of birth would render the already close eclipse even more exact. (There is a trend here which points to the validity of a time of birth perhaps slightly earlier than 1:19 AM.)

f.        As a final “pičce de resistance”, marshaled for the purpose of validating the Virgo Ascendant, the Sabian Symbol for the 28th degree of Virgo rising is almost supernaturally congruent with Churchill’s image: “A Bald-Headed Man Who Has Seized Power”, or “A Bald-Headed Man Dominates a Gathering of National Figures”; “The sheer power of personality in times that call for decision”; “The Power of the Will”. These images are uncannily accurate, given the nature of Churchill’s character and the circumstances which brought him to his greatest power. Can the individual who rectified the chart from 1:30 AM to 1:19 AM have been aware of this symbol, and was it his principal reason for choosing that time? Probably not, as there are a number of other convincing astrological confirmations (especially matters of timing) and, in any case, the same symbol would have been in effect with a birth time as early as 1:13:30 AM—more the five minutes from the chosen time of 1:19 AM. The Sabian Symbols were derived in the earlier part of the century, and indicate a specific quality of energy which inheres in each of the 360 degrees. Are they universally accurate and useful? This has yet to be convincingly determined. In this case, the symbol for the proposed degree of Churchill’s Ascendant captures a description of character which is, to say the least, remarkably apt.

g.      Perhaps the foregoing reasons will offer a sufficiently convincing justification for a Virgo Ascendant to allow us to proceed confidently with the interpretation.


Hypotheses Regarding Winston Churchill’s Rays


The Soul Ray: Ray I


There can be little doubt that Winston Churchill’s soul ray is the first Ray of Will and Power. Almost single-handedly, Churchill saved European civilization from barbarism. He did so by sheer force of character, and by a refusal to surrender no matter how punitively savage the attacks against Britain. He persisted; he endured; he stood and at the same time inspired his countrymen to dogged resistance and heroic countermeasures and offensives against the enemy. Clearly, these are all first ray virtues, and of them, Churchill was an outstanding example.


Astrological Conduits for the First Ray


The astrological conduits for the first ray force are noteworthy and important. Constellationally, the first ray signs Aries and Leo are tenanted—Aries holding Neptune, the North Node, the planetoid, Chiron, and the asteroid, Pallas Athene; Leo holds the all important Leo Moon, for which we may substitute the planet Uranus (already in Leo), thus adding weight to the Moon position as a conduit of the first ray. The star, Regulus, within less than a degree and a half from the Moon, adds its first ray, regulatory and directorial, power. Churchill was not a dictator, but his powers of persuasion were immense, strengthened (at least during the war) by his irresistible force of character.

Uranus, monadically a first ray planet, is in the first ray sign Leo, in the house of idealistic group action, the eleventh. It opposition to Saturn (with its own first ray component) in Aquarius strengthens the first ray, creating a tension concerning how the first ray shall be applied—whether conservatively (Saturn) or creatively (Uranus), or both.


If sixth ray Neptune is considered one of the veiled esoteric rulers of Virgo, its placement in first ray Aries creates a combination of the first and sixth rays, and, thus, augments the power to inspire.


The importance of Vulcan—that most willful planet—has already been stressed. Following the presently useful rule of thumb that Vulcan should be no more than eight degrees on either side from the Sun’s position (many say, toward Mercury), the probability is that it would be found in Sagittarius (the sign of inspiration), but a possibility also exists that it might be found in the last degree of Scorpio. If found in Sagittarius, again the first ray (Vulcan) and the sixth ray Sagittarius are combined. Churchill was the master of the “set speech” over which he took enormous pains (fourth ray as “Corrector of the Form”), rather than the impromptu. A comment attributed to F. E. Smith, a British lawyer and politician illustrates this: “Winston has devoted the best years of his life to preparing his impromptu speeches”. The politician Lord Balfour, the Conservative leader said of him, that he carried “heavy by not very mobile guns”. Churchill knew how to take aim with those big guns, and Vulcan in Sagittarius would promote the undeniable power of his oratory to move and inspire. Churchill’s tremendous power of resistance, his one-pointed willfulness, suggests a Vulcan closer to the Sun rather than farther.


Pluto, another conduit of the first ray, must be mentioned, placed as it is in Vulcan’s sign, Taurus, and opposite the all-important ruling planet Mercury in Scorpio, a sign which Pluto rules. The ability to transmit will through the word, is thereby many times increased. Churchill was gifted with the word-power to destroy obstacles in the mental field. He was master of morale, rousing the British to unexpected heights of courage and resistance. Churchill spoke frankly of Britain’s dire situation: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat”, but this brutal frankness had the effect not of depressing the nation, but of summoning its valor to the fore. The T-square between Pluto, Uranus and Mercury, with Uranus on the short leg, represents the ability to mobilize group-courage (Uranus in Leo) through the compelling force (Pluto) of speech (Mercury). From yet another perspective, the Pluto/Mercury opposition can be seen as contributing to Churchill’s speech defect—the impediment of lisping and stuttering—which at length he overcame through sheer determination and oratorical power.  

Sometime first ray Saturn reinforces by sextile the Sagittarian Sun, and Mars (with its own first ray component) conjunct expansive Jupiter (both in karmically motivated Libra), confers the power to retaliate against the aggressor—mobilizing the counter-blow.


Searching for the Personality Ray—Either Ray Six or Ray Four


When it comes to assigning the personality ray, we are faced with a dilemma, because both the fourth and sixth rays are so strongly represented that it is difficult to choose between them. Both of them are active on the personality level, and it is merely a question of discovering which is the principal ray and which is its sub-quality.


The Case For (and Against) a Fourth Ray Personality


1.      Winston Churchill was a colorful and dramatic character, notable for his lack of discipline in a number of personal matters—he drank and smoked to excess—though, in all matters of high purpose, his focus and concentration were absolute.

2.      Churchill was moody and experienced periodic bouts of heavy depression—“the black dog on my back”. Depression is not an attribute of the fourth ray alone, but such natures are cyclically prone to it.

3.      He was a man of temperament, with a great love expressive language and of painting. Of course, the artist, we are told by the Tibetan, is found equally on all the rays, but it cannot be denied that the fourth ray is especially connected with artistic expression. His two important planets in Libra (Jupiter and Mars) would, in part, account for this expressiveness, as well as Venus (planet of art and beauty) is partially fourth ray Sagittarius. The fourth ray Moon is self-expressive Leo is undeniably important, as well.

4.      A certain British Labour politician, Aneurin Bevin, said of him, “He is a man suffering from petrified adolescence”. His frequent errors in judgment were a product of an erratic fourth ray nature as much as the over-zealousness of the sixth.

5.      The factor of steadfastness—an objective most often yet to be achieved by the fourth ray personality, was already and indisputably present in Churchill’s psychological equipment. One can ask whether a fourth ray personality (with its proverbial inconstancy) could have withstood the pressures of leading Britain safely throughout the harrowing war years.

Conduits for the Fourth Ray

There can be no question that the fourth ray is prominent in Churchill’s ray chart—the question is, does it condition the personality as well as the mind (of which more shortly).

1.      All three constellational conduits for the fourth ray are tenanted.

2.      Scorpio, the major fourth ray constellation, holds the major planet of the fourth ray—Mercury—in its hierarchical position.

3.      Sagittarius, a sign transmitting the fourth, fifth and sixth rays, holds the both the Sun and Venus (a planet which, for its capacity to harmonize, seems to have important fourth ray associations).

4.      Taurus, another sign transmitting only the fourth ray (at least this is what D.K. tells us), holds the lethal planet Pluto

5.      The fourth ray Moon is in a sign (Leo) which sign, itself, brings out a fourth ray quality—drama.

6.      The sign Libra, associated with the process of harmonization (as is the fourth ray), holds conflict-prone Mars (thus, Mars in Libra is a ‘war-and-peace’ position), and benevolent Jupiter (emphasizing more the harmony aspect of the fourth ray)


The Case for a Sixth ray Personality


1.      Churchill was one of the most inspiring statesmen of the modern world. His powers to arouse, motivate and uplift (in even the darkest hours) were extraordinary, incomparable. The sixth ray is, above all rays, the ray of inspiration. Perhaps his greatest gift to Britain was that he never allowed its morale to flag. The power and presence of the sixth ray are unmistakable.

2.      Churchill was a great orator—not because he screamed and gesticulated wildly as did Hitler, but because of the clarity and perfection of his language (Virgo), the steady, dignified and controlled emotion which underlay his delivery, and an unmistakable nobility of thought and aspiration which poured through his thrilling words—spoken with greatness and generosity of heart. The sixth ray, above all rays, makes the great orator.

3.      He approached life with what some have called, “characteristic Churchillian intensity”. He threw himself into his projects with immoderate zeal. Whether he proposed to lead Britain to victory, write a book, or paint a picture, he was zealous in approach. The sixth ray is the ‘Ray of Undue Emphasis’. (cf., DINA I 322-323) His relish for dramatic action often led him beyond acceptable limits.

4.      Churchill never wavered with regard to his major objectives. Disconcertingly, he might change tactics, sometimes unwisely, but in intent he was inflexible—a quality of the sixth ray (much reinforced by the first). One of his own statements of purpose will give the idea:  

“I have only one purpose, the destruction of Hitler, and my life is much simplified thereby. If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons”.

One has to laugh and simultaneously applaud. The humor of the fourth ray mind dances in these words, but the obsessive intent cannot be mistaken. The Tibetan has said of the sixth ray man, “his friends are angels, his enemies are very much the reverse”
(EP I 209) This one-pointed (Sagittarius and the sixth ray) will to destroy Hitler is a perfect expression of the sixth ray.

5.      Churchill’s personal energy was prodigious and almost constant. He was ‘down’ now and then (for the fourth ray was strong), but his enormous resilience was proverbial. He drove the British Government with his immense and unrelenting energy—too intent and too focussed to be purely the product of the inconstant fourth ray on the personality level.

6.      Churchill was a great idealist. When Greece, the cradle of Western civilization (as Churchill saw it) came under heavy attack, Churchill (idealistically more than strategically and wisely) diverted many badly needed troops from the North African theatre in the attempt to rescue that brave nation. He suffered the consequences, not really achieving his objective and sacrificing a nearly-achieved advantage in North Africa.

7.      When the Duke of Windsor decided to abdicate his throne to marry the lady he loved (a “commoner”—Wallis Warfield Simpson), Churchill quixotically and romantically defended his decision, even though public opinion was strongly against the abdication. Interestingly, that year, there was a solar eclipse within twenty-two minutes of arc of the proposed Gemini MC, and another solar eclipse on Churchill’s Venus in Sagittarius—hence his support of King Edward’s romanticism. The sixth ray, expressed through Neptune (and in a deep way through Venus) is the ray of romanticism—reinforced, of course, by the fourth.


Conduits for the Sixth ray

1.      From a certain perspective, all three of the constellations/signs expressing the sixth ray are tenanted.

2.      Sagittarius, of course, is the major sixth ray sign and it holds the Sun—in itself a strong indication of a possibly sixth ray personality. Venus, ruler of the third (or Taurus) decanate of the Virgo Ascendant is also of importance, and Venus is trine the sixth ray planet Neptune, which, itself, is a veiled esoteric co-ruler of the Virgo Ascendant.

3.      The proposed Virgo Ascendant also transmits the sixth ray. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, placed in Scorpio, a sign strongly conditioned by sixth ray Mars. Virgo is also ruled by the veiled Vulcan and Neptune. Vulcan is probably placed in sixth ray Sagittarius and sixth ray Neptune is placed in Aries, which, like Scorpio, is a sign conditioned by sixth ray Mars.

4.      The Equatorial Ascendant (not insignificant, especially as it is conjuncting the normal Ascendant) is placed in sixth ray Virgo.

5.      The Anti-Vertex is also found is sixth ray Virgo, conjunct both the Equatorial Ascendant and the Ascendant, and the Vertex (which sign is significant for the quality of fated encounters) is placed in sixth ray Pisces.

6.      Vesta, asteroid of devotional commitment, is opposed the Sun.

7.      Mars and Jupiter, both planets of enthusiasm (Mars with a strong sixth ray, and Jupiter with sixth ray resonances on some level of its expression) are conjunct each other.

8.      Sixth ray Neptune in sixth ray Mars-ruled Aries is closely trine the Moon (which presides largely over the sixth or watery astral plane of emotions.


Choosing the Personality Ray


As we can see, there are good reasons for choosing either of these rays (sixth or fourth) as the personality ray. While both rays share the ‘pros’, perhaps there are more ‘cons’ against the fourth ray. Churchill’s unremitting zeal in the defense of his nation and the pursuit of Hitler, suggests more the sixth ray than the fourth. His Nazi opponent, was, in the author’s new estimation, also a first ray soul, and very reasonably a sixth ray personality. If Churchill possessed a sixth ray personality, then the two of them were matched fatefully and equally—engaged in a relentless battle to the death. Curiously, Hitler almost ‘courted’ Churchill, feeling rather like a rejected suitor when Churchill refused Hitler’s frequent secret overtures for Anglo-German cooperation. Hitler, it seems, loved England in a strange way—identifying Englishmen with the Aryan Race. Churchill, on the other hand, simply hated Hitler (however, impersonally) and all that he stood for—without, however, hating Germany.       

Churchill spoke so often against the irresolution of the British leaders who preceded him, that a double fourth ray would be unlikely—the potential for the very irresolution that he deplored would be too great.  

Perhaps the reader will find the following quotation from the Encyclopedia Britannica a convincing testimony to the strength of Churchill’s sixth ray—most reasonably assigned to the personality level:


In a sense, the whole of Churchill's previous career had been a preparation for wartime leadership. An intense patriot; a romantic believer in his country's greatness and its historic role in Europe, the empire, and the world; a devotee of action who thrived on challenge and crisis; a student, historian, and veteran of war; a statesman who was master of the arts of politics, despite or because of long political exile; a man of iron constitution, inexhaustible energy, and total concentration, he seemed to have been nursing all his faculties so that when the moment came he could lavish them on the salvation of Britain and the values he believed Britain stood for in the world”.


Note the keywords: “intense patriot”, “romantic believer”, “devotee of action”, a man capable of “total concentration”—there is nothing here to suggest the vacillation of the fourth ray, should both the personality and mind be qualified by that ray.


It is the conclusion of the author, therefore, that assigning Churchill a sixth ray personality has the greatest explanatory power, accounting most for his character and behavior. The Sun (so strong a contributor to the quality of the personality ray) is in the major sixth ray sign, which sign also expresses the fourth ray. It is reasonable to think of Churchill therefore as colored in his personality by both rays, but predominantly and preeminently by the sixth and modified by the fourth—a ray which almost certainly is the main ray of the concrete mental vehicle.


The Ray of the Mind: Ray 4, Sub-Ray 1


Here there can be little doubt: the planet of the fourth ray, Mercury, is the exoteric ruler of the Ascendant and placed in a sign which is, during this world period, most identified with the expression of the fourth ray—Scorpio.  Further, Mercury in Scorpio is found in the second house, associated with Taurus, another fourth ray sign. It must be said however, that Mercury is quite close to the house of communication, the house three (by the Placidus house system) where it would have a certain suitability. Mercury can also be ‘read into’ the third house, because its sign is the same as the sign on the cusp of the third house.


For his noble prose, his constant colorful contrasts, for the delightful and arresting surprises in his turns of phrase, for the exhaustive labor he expended upon his choice of words, for his refinement and harmony of expression, for his irony and pungent humor, and for the power of his evocative imagery—for all these reasons, assigning the fourth ray as the ray of the mind seems incontestable.


Perhaps a few quotations from his various speeches and writings will demonstrate the fourth ray quality with clarity. 

“So they told me how Mr. Gladstone read Homer for fun, which I thought served him right”—from My Early Life, Ch. 2.


Note the element of surprise, playful irreverence and unpredictability characteristic of the fourth ray.


“Those who can win a war well can rarely make a good peace and those who could make a good peace would never have won the war”—from My Early Life, Ch. 26.


Here the fourth ray ability to compare, contrast and oppose one thing to another is demonstrated. Churchill’s frequent symmetry of phrasing suggests the use of the fourth ray.


“In defeat unbeatable; in victory unbearable”—referring to Viscount Montgomery, commander of the North African forces.


Here the fourth ray, which might be called the ‘Ray of Contradiction’, is used to emphasize (with a mixture of praise and humor) the contradictions in Montgomery’s character.


“The is the sort of English up with which I will not put”—taken from Churchill’s commentary in the margin of a report in which a Civil Servant had used an awkward construction to avoid ending a sentence with a proposition.


This is one of Churchill’s most humorous grammatical remarks (perfectly in keeping with his proposed Virgo Ascendant) . It uses the fourth ray method of exaggeration to prove the point

“Men will forgive anything except bad prose”—from an election speech, 1906.


Again, Churchill surprises us. We have to remember that Uranus (the planet of surprises) is quite closely square to his Mercury in Scorpio. He simply does not say what is expected. The fourth ray uses this technique to shock (and delight) by contrast and thus engage the reader’s attention.


“I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma”—from a Broadcast Talk, October 1, 1939.


Here Churchill is doing some fourth ray word painting, creating a very evocative effect overall.


“We are waiting for the promised invasion. So are the fishes”—from a radio broadcast to the French People, October 21, 1940.


Here we have the fourth ray love of humorous contrast. Always the fourth ray in the mind offers the possibility of the surprising non-sequitur.


“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”—referring to the Battle of Egypt in a speech on November 10, 1942.


Here again is the fourth ray love of word-play, creating so many contrasts that the reader is made to think.


“There are few virtues which the Poles do not possess and there are few errors they have ever avoided”—from a speech before the House of Commons, 1945.


Here again (as in the reference to Montgomery) is the fourth ray method of apportioning praise and blame through contrast. This method is also psychologically revelatory—it clarifies through contrast.


An appeaser is one who feed a crocodile—hoping that it will eat him last”—attributed.


The fourth ray love of metaphor is indulged, with biting humor and humorous contempt (Mercury is, after all, in sarcastic, satirical Scorpio).


In his frustration with the blindness and denial of the government in power during the menacing build-up of German might, Churchill had the following to say. It is remarkable for its series of ironic contradictions:   

“The government cannot make up its mind, or they cannot get the Prime Minister to make up his mind. So they go on in a strange paradox, decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent”.


Here we find the undeniable stamp of the fourth ray as paradox is piled upon paradox, inconsistency upon inconsistency, for the purpose of revealing  the untenable position of the timid pre-war British government in all its cowardly hesitation.


A First Ray Component to the Mind


The fourth ray for the mental vehicle seems an unmistakably clear choice, but there are powerful displays of first ray energy through Churchill’s thought as well. Mercury is in Scorpio (which is ruled by Mars and Pluto—both of which have strong first ray components). In addition, Scorpio (the sign of Hercules) can be conceived as transmitting the first ray constellationally. Not only does Scorpio add the first ray coloring to the mind (and its thought and speech), but first ray Pluto is opposed to the Mercury position, adding its destructive power to the thought process.


The Rays of the Emotional Vehicle: Ray 6


Given the passion and ardor of his oratory, his great devotion to his country and his family, and his enthusiastic zeal in pursuit of any objective, there can be little doubt that his emotional vehicle was qualified by the sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism.


The Ray of the Physical Vehicle: Ray 3 with Ray 1


Winston Churchill had small use for formalities. Though he labored tirelessly over his speeches to create the perfect oratorical effect, his actions on the physical plane were spontaneous and unpredictable. He showed little talent for strictly administrative projects or posts (which would appeal to those with a strong seventh ray). There was little about his life which exemplified seventh ray regularity. Rather, he was in constant motion, traveling where needed on the spur of the moment. (Uranus square Mercury promoted this.) A man of prodigious energy, his expenditures of vitality were equally prodigious. Evidence points to an etheric-physical body upon the third ray, reinforced by the first, for, equally, he was a man of “iron constitution and inexhaustible energy”.


Astrological Conduits for the Third Ray


Of the three constellations/signs which transmit the third ray, only Libra is tenanted, but it holds the powerful Mars/Jupiter conjunction. The Earth (heliocentrically placed in Gemini, representing the third ray and having much to do with the etheric/physical body) receives a trine from third ray Saturn in Aquarius. Mercury, with its third ray component, is ruler of the proposed Virgo Ascendant. The third ray is not found in Churchill’s psycho/mental vehicles, but it may be important as a factor conditioning the highest and lowest levels of his energy system.


Considerations Related to the Monadic Ray


As always, hypotheses upon the quality of the monadic ray are simply speculations supported by reason and inference.


Whatever the subray of the monad, its major ray must in all cases be the first, second or third. First ray monads are rare and even rarer in full expression at this time of history. A “pure” first ray type (by which may be meant, the individual with both a first ray soul and a first ray monad) are not presently to be found in the ranks of humanity, as the human race would not be ready for such an focussed application of pure will.  

The degree to which a subray of the monad will have a powerful modifying effect upon the expression of the monadic ray is worthy of careful consideration. The first ray (like any other ray) may be found as a subray on the monadic level. Or, in the event that the principal monadic ray were the first, the modifying influence of the monadic subray might be so powerful, that the prohibition against the appearance of a pure first ray type would be preserved. This would mean that an individual
could have both a first ray monad and first ray soul, but that the monadic subray (being other than the first) would buffer the expression of the first.    

Given, however, the breadth and diversity of Churchill’s multiple interests and accomplishments, his outstanding intelligence, his love of the written and spoken word, his passion for history and his proficiency as a historian, as well as the enormous activity he typically displayed, it is not unreasonable to hypothesize the major monadic ray as the
Third—the Ray of Activity and Creative Intelligence. Churchill’s great commitment was to the values of Western civilization. The preservation of values is the task of those upon the first ray; dedication to the creative life as an enhancement of civilization is pursued by those upon the third ray. Churchill was a man of brilliant mentality—reasonably a reflection of the third ray monad. The gentler, slower, more unitive second ray seems less a part of his make-up.


Another great first ray soul, who displayed an outstanding talent for writing and for historical analysis, was H.P. Blavatsky, for whom a monad upon the third ray may also be a reasonable hypothesis. H.P.B. (incarnated as Cagliostro in the eighteenth century), had a close relationship to the Comte de St. Germain (later known as Master R.) This connection may have occurred on the third ray, for Master R. (now the Lord of Civilization and director of the entire greater third ray Ashram which includes ashrams upon the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh rays) is certainly a third ray monad. If H.P.B.’s monadic ray is principally the third, then the subray would almost certainly have to be the first. 

(Parenthetically, when thinking of both Master Morya and Master Koot-Hoomi, we can with all reason understand them to have soul rays which are the
same as their monadic rays. (Although They have no longer has a causal body, They do have a triad/soul.)  In the case of Master M, there would be a first ray monad and a predominantly first ray spiritual triad. In the case of Master K.H., there would be a second ray monad and a predominantly second ray spiritual triad. We may ask, “For how many of their leading disciple/initiates would this be similarly the case?” For instance, could AAB (a leading disciple/initiate of KH’s) be considered to have both a second ray monad and a second ray triad/soul? And what about H.P.B. in this regard? And yet, the counter-indications to identical rays for both monad and soul are there in H.P.B.’s case, so it may be best to avoid premature generalization.)


The point opposite the Sun Sign is considered, in any one life, an important conduit for the monadic ray. In the case of Churchill, it is the third ray/second ray Earth (in Gemini, heliocentrically). The Earth is the hierarchical ruler of Gemini. The placement of Earth in the ninth house, accentuates the global and historical perspectives, and would be an effective source of service (Earth) in the field of international statesmanship carried forward within the context of a deep understanding of the meaning of civilization.


It the matter of discerning the monadic ray, it may be the subray of the monad which comes into prominence before the major ray of the monad is detectible. This seems to be the case for Master Hilarion Whose monadic subray can be considered the fifth (as he is a Chohan upon the fifth ray and directs the entire fifth ray ashram), his major monadic ray being almost certainly the first. It is often difficult to determine which of two rays (sensed as conditioning the monadic aspect) should be considered major and which minor. Only if one of such rays is a Ray of Attribute, is the matter easy to decide, as no Ray of Attribute can be a major monadic ray.


Combining the Principal Ray and Astrological Indications


1.      The first ray of the soul in combination with the proposed Ascendant, Virgo, confers the capacity to discern the highest values of civilization and culture, and the strength and endurance to preserve and defend them.

2.      The first ray of the soul in combination with the Sagittarian Sun Sign, confers the power to strengthen the will (first ray) to achieve the envisioned ideal (Sagittarius). Churchill demanded victory over Hitler no matter what might be the cost. He envisioned total victory and was unrelenting in its pursuit.

3.      The sixth ray of the personality in combination with the Virgo Ascendant renders one a devotee of excellence. In Churchill’s case the excellence to be achieved was in the field of thought and language, and in the area of aesthetics.

4.      The sixth ray of the personality in combination with the Sagittarian Sun sign confers full and unrestrained devotion to a higher vision—so often for Churchill, the vision of powerful British Empire upholding and sustaining its rightful place in a dangerous world.


Ray Hypothesis for Winston Churchill


Monad: Ray Three, speculatively, Is the monadic subray the first? The fourth?

Soul: Ray I (with certainty); Sub-Ray 4 or 6

Personality: Ray 6/strong Sub-4

Mental Vehicle: Ray 4/Sub-1 (with certainty)

Astral/Emotional Vehicle: Ray 6

Etheric-Physical Vehicle: Ray 3, with strong Ray 1


Important Features in Winston Churchill’s Astrological Chart


1.      From the perspective of elemental balance, we see five major planets (Sun, Venus, Moon, Uranus, Neptune) and a major asteroid and planetoid (respectively Pallas and Chiron) in fire signs. Essentially we have two grand trines in fire endowing Churchill with his seemingly inexhaustible energy and his undeflectable ardor. All air signs are tenanted (if we include Vesta in Libra), two of the earth signs and one water sign. Water (representing feeling and emotional sensitivity), therefore, is Churchill’s weakest element, and yet Mercury, the planet found therein, in Scorpio, is very powerful in the chart. We might say of him that he was a fiery romantic—not a languid and sentimental romantic. Even Neptune and the Moon (the most ‘watery’ of planets) are placed in fire signs.

2.      We have already discussed the importance of the proposed Virgo Ascendant, which made of Churchill a discriminating thinker and astute historian, masterful in the perfection of his prose, and in the choice of the oratorically apt word and phrase. Through Virgo, we can understand him as well as an individual intent on the preservation of cherished values, fighting (using other strengths of his chart) against anything that would compromise them.  

Virgo is also a sign of purification and eventual perfection. The two great wars, in which Churchill played so large a part, were part of humanity’s terrible purificatory process preparatory to the re-emergence of a new civilization inspired by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet. Perhaps Winston Churchill did not realize this for, like certain other great leaders, he may purposefully (before incarnation) have relinquished knowledge of his affiliations with Hierarchy for the sake of greater effectiveness in service to the race. He was, nevertheless, one of the leading warriors in the “Army of Maitreya”, helping to make the way safe for the emergence of the Christ Consciousness in the hearts and minds of humanity (Virgo) and for the tangible Reappearance of the Christ. Had his Nazi opponents prevailed, the Christ could not have returned—worse, the Hierarchy would have been forced to withdraw from contact with humanity.      

Beneath his more obvious struggles as war-leader and statesman was a ongoing struggle for perfection of thought, for perfection of literary and artistic expression. Largely through his heroic efforts, the freedom without which no true culture can thrive was preserved. His various writings (and especially his histories) contributed significantly to the elevation of culture.

3.      Churchill’s Sun is in the first decanate of Sagittarius. This was one of his greatest assets. Under its influence he became the most inspiring leader of the Second World War—a prophet (Sagittarius) alerting his country and the world to dangers they refused to see, an orator who vitalized the morale of his countrymen and inspired all lovers of freedom at a time when psychological depression would have meant defeat.       

Note that the Sun is placed in the third house—the house of communication, thought and the word through which thought is communicated. The Sun does not make many major aspects: a sextile to regulatory Saturn in the fifth house (steadying his resolve, and welding his Sagittarian zeal to group responsibility, for Saturn is in the group sign, Aquarius). Although the square would be wide, Saturn, actually, can be read as square to Mercury—yet another indication of the speech impediment and stuttering which he overcame so magnificently. Demosthenes, the greatest orator of ancient Greece, also stuttered as a youth. That Saturn is in the fifth house of personal self-expression only reinforced the initial inhibition, and acted as a check against spontaneity of expression.         

The Sun is also found in septile to Mars (the “God of War” in Libra, one of the karmic signs). The septile is often considered an aspect of
fate. This septile creates a link between Sagittarian inspiration and the will to fight back against the aggressor (retaliatory Mars in justice-conscious Libra).    

The Sun is also quintile to the proposed Ascendant degree, making of his thought, speech and oratory an intelligent and creative servant of the soul-purpose indicated by the Virgo Rising Sign. His inspiring words were spoken and written in service to the refined values he sought to see preserved.

4.      The Moon in the last degree of Leo, conjunct Regulus, and veiling, in this case, the electric fire of Uranus, is a position powerful for the expression of individual authority—and, the authority and indisputable leadership of the first ray soul. The grand trine between the Moon, Neptune and Venus (all in fire signs) is potent for intuition and artistic inspiration. It is a uniquely aesthetic triangle, combining imagination, beauty and deeply dramatic instincts. Occultly it signifies the alignment of buddhi with manas, and their embodiment in the persona.

5.      The importance of Mercury has been much discussed. Churchill destroyed and purified (two powers of Shamballa) chiefly through the mind and its expression through speech. It is not a gentle vibration which reverberates through his words. Relying upon lethal Scorpio, he explodes one illusion after another. The mind of humanity is much clarified after it has been subjected to his perception. The two World Wars were principally battles against glamor, illusion and maya. Though his Pluto-empowered, Uranianly electrified, Saturninely chastened Mercury, Churchill was through and attacked the three-headed Dweller. The critique (spurred by perfectionistic Virgo) was complete. No flaw went undetected or unexposed. All stupidity and corruption were brought to light. A verbal blow has been struck against the forces of obstruction and obscuration.

6.      Mercury holds an exalted relation to Virgo and is the hierarchical ruler of Scorpio. Hierarchical rulers come into play in those individuals who possess the initiate consciousness—and Winton Churchill may have been one. The power of the mind to access the intuition and, thereby, triumph over illusion is indicated by this hierarchical position.

Was the war won on the physical plane or in the mind and psyche? Surely, there was a tremendous battle for the hearts and minds of men, and Churchill’s hierarchical Mercury in Scorpio made him an fierce warrior in this subjective battle. His greatest opponent was more the Nazi thoughtform than the Nazis, themselves. He was one of the principal warriors committed to the destruction of Nazi glamor and illusion, and hierarchical Mercury in Scorpio (clear, deadly and uncompromising) was one of his greatest weapons. He saw Nazism for what it was. Could any good and reasonable person hearing his speeches and reading his words see otherwise?

7.      Venus, representing the light and love of the soul, the higher values and aesthetic ideals, is found in Sagittarius in the third house of thought and word. Venus is also retrograde, pointing to a more reserved and introverted expression. Surely he was capable of many tender and romantic words—in private.  

Venus (reinforced by the trines from Neptune and the Moon) gave him his love of the arts, of beautiful verbal expression, and of the creative process in general. It contributed also to the harmony of his written and spoken words. The secret of his inspired oratory lies not only in its power, its incisiveness and arresting contrasts, but in the beauty of sound of the chosen words. Venus is a ruler of the Taurus decanate of the proposed Virgo Ascendant, and esoteric ruler of his MC. Clearly, through Venus, Churchill was carrying the inspiring “Word of the Soul”, and his many words (servants of the One Word), turned his readers and listeners
inward to their own soul as a source of strength. He carried people beyond their smaller, personal concerns into a state of self-sacrifice and even heroism—of which each soul is ever capable.        

Churchill’s marriage was a long and happy one. The grand trine in which Venus plays its part and the close sextile to Venus from felicitous Jupiter in Libra, the sign of relationship, beneficently condition this one area of his life in which harmony prevailed. There was a time, also, when, as the man who held the light, he merged with the soul of Britain, ruled by the opposite sign, Gemini. Under the influence of Venus and responsive to Sagittarius, he offered Britain the opportunity to
see in the light of the soul, and tread the path of the soul. Through illumined and illuminating Venus, he became the ‘Guide in the Night’. The prominent fixed star, Polaris, also had a important part to play in offering this spiritual guidance to his nation and, by extension, to the world.

8.      Mars in Libra makes the fighter for justice and right relations. Hesitant as an aggressor, it is determined to finish any fight forced upon it—in the interests of karmic redress. This position in Churchill’s chart contributed to the continual disruption of any harmony he managed to achieved. It also contributed to the creative ferment of his psyche.   

The parallel of declination between Mars and Juno (in a chart distinctive for its
lack of such parallels) contributed to his romantic ardor. He was a devoted husband, father of five children (of whom one died early) and, in all matters concerning relationships between men and women, a romantic—as his defense of the abdicating Edward VII demonstrated.

9.      Though a zealot in his stance first against Nazism and then Communism, Churchill knew how to cooperate and accept the advice of others when there was the possibility that it might be sound. The fourth ray, which was so often used by him to emphasize contrasts, could also be used to promote harmony and accord. Jupiter (a major planet of unification) in Libra (the sign of peace) could only be helpful in his attempt to promote cooperation. During the Second World War Churchill presided over a coalition government, which held together admirably under the circumstances. We see that this Jupiter-in-Libra ability to promote cooperation is furthered by a trine from Jupiter to the Midheaven. Churchill was a firebrand, but, gradually, he learned his lessons, emerging as a mature statesman. It is easily realized that Jupiter in Libra contributes to popularity—especially, when, as in Churchill’s case, it is sextile to Venus (planet of love and magnetism), the exoteric ruler of Libra. Since Jupiter is conjuncted the South Node, it would appear that Churchill brought these conciliatory and unifying abilities with him from previous life cycles. In order to hold to his first purpose and priority of defeating Hitler, he was even willing to join forces with the Communists. His cooperative overtures, however, always served a higher purpose.

10.  Saturn in Aquarius in the fifth house is part of a grand-cross involving, by translation of light, Mercury, Uranus, and Pluto (to which Saturn is not, in itself, really square). Mundanely, Churchill lost a child (Saturn in the house of children opposed to Uranus, ruler of that house) and had trouble and pressures with some of the others. He also labored under the pressure to become an ever more creative individual, and attempted to overcome his inherent inhibitions (Saturn) to the creative process.   

His life was extraordinarily responsible. There were sudden and apparently irresponsible flights from duty (and from wise judgment), but, on the whole, his life path was not one of amusement (Saturn in the fifth house) but one of ceaselessly intensifying pressure—until his last ten synthetic and reflective years.

Was Churchill a progressive (Uranus) a conservative (Saturn) or both and neither? The fourth ray enters the equation with all its attendant paradoxes. He took very individual stands on differing issues—sometimes Uranus predominated, sometimes Saturn. Their opposition caused him another of those sources of strain and tension which sought release in writing, art and war.      

As an indicator of
group responsibility, Saturn in Aquarius is important. It signifies one who takes on burdens for the collective.

11.  First ray Uranus is in the first ray sign, Leo, in the house of creative group endeavor (the eleventh)—and also the house which represents the Spiritual Hierarchy as a creative Organism. This position points to Churchill as a dramatically expressive individuality offering his creative gifts to the greater group—thus shaking and electrifying the group. He stood uncompromisingly in his own uniqueness (Uranus and the Moon both in Leo), and re-mobilized his nation through force of character. Uranus is trine the midpoint of the Sun and Venus in Sagittarius. His words of inspiration led to great and revolutionary changes—first of all, in the conduct of war. We can see this position as one of the most important conduits through which his first ray soul could work.        

In synastry, we find Churchill’s Uranus on Hitler’s Saturn—disrupting the permanent structure which Hitler was seeking to build. The two were really deadly enemies, with strong Pluto, Mars and Mercury aspects—mostly oppositions and conjunctions. It appears, as well, that their soul, personality, mental and emotional rays were also the same.

12.  Intuitive Neptune is in Aries, sign of the “new”. Neptune is involved in a grand-trine with Venus and Moon, and opposes Jupiter in Libra. It also is in close and supportive sextile to the MC. Exoterically, this eighth house position of Neptune contributed to his alcoholism, because the grand-trine is not only artistic and inspirational, but self-indulgent. The eight house, as well, has not only to do with transformation and triumph, but with that which one must transform and over which one must triumph. So there is some self-undoing occurring in this very psychological ‘mansion’.      

The opposition of Neptune to Jupiter shows strong heart center activation. Although Churchill was not principally a second ray type, any world leader of his stature,
must have a strong heart center activation, or he could not be the focal point for a national (and even international) group. It is clear that Churchill was great-hearted. Many are the heart indications: the Moon in Leo conjunct the “Heart of the Lion”—Regulus; Uranus (associated with the rhythmic pulse of the heart) in Leo, the sign of the heart; Jupiter and Neptune (the first being the disciplic ruler of the heart center, and the second being the ruler of the “solar flames” of the “Heart of the Sun”) in opposition, and Venus, another planet with heart center associations, related to all these planets—Neptune, Uranus, Moon, and Jupiter.          

Courage arises in the mature heart. We can say that Churchill held the British Nation (and also the Commonwealth) in his heart. In his person he absorbed and magnified the courage of the British People. Here is what he said—so beautifully, so nobly, with such humility—exemplifying his relation to the heart of his nation.         

“The nation had the lion’s heart. I had the luck to give the roar”—said on his 80th birthday.

This is a deeply soul-inspired statement. The “lion’s heart” was the second ray soul of Britain expressed through its first ray personality. London, the center of the British Empire, has Leo (the Lion) as its soul sign. The “roar” was the magnificent, magical oratory without which Britain would not have survived. The poignancy of this statement lies in his humble recognition of the priceless privilege it was to serve the soul of his nation. Through the word, “luck”, Churchill, recognizes the work of fate in the role he played—he was but an instrument.

13.  Pluto is, technically, in the sign of its detriment, Taurus. It is, perhaps, not so important by sign as it is in aspect and house position. Placed in the ninth house it serves as a prophet of dire danger and impending catastrophe, and as the destroyer of illusions—principally the illusion of peace in which England ‘slept’.     

Further, Churchill knew Nazism as an abomination, a world-view which threatened all that was best in human civilization and culture. He thought much the same of Bolshevism (Red Communism). He threw himself against these perspectives, seeking to destroy them not only on the physical plane, but on the plane of mind. This was part of his clearing, purifying, destroying dharmic work for humanity. As Pluto was the ruler of his third house of communication, thought and speech, he had the destructive mental power to wage war on the mental plane against philosophies he considered perverse and revolting.  

In some ways, he may have gone too far. His vision of a continuingly prominent British Empire made him the enemy of the self-rule of Britain’s colonies. He dismissively said of India, for instance: “India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator”. Gandhi, another great disciple/initiate, can not have liked to hear that.

14.  We find the North Node in the eighth house and the South Node in the second. It may have been Churchill’s personal desire to preserve the status quo—in which the political and financial (second house) role of Britain in the world was secure and undisputed—but he was obliged to throw himself into the destructive processes of war (eighth house) to salvage his country’s freedom. Churchill’s life saw little of peace—first the Boer War, then the Great War, then the Second World War. His life and times called for struggle and triumph.

Testimony of Asteroids and Other Lesser Factors

Of the several larger asteroids (including the planetoid, Chiron) there are two significant positions.

1.      The mother asteroid Ceres, is in a sign congenial to its expression, Cancer, and in the prominent tenth house. Under this influence, he preferred a paternal/maternal role for Britain, rather than the relinquishment of the colonies. More positively, there is a tenderness which emerges in his most moving oratory; his care for his nation and his sympathy for his countrymen were profound.

2.      Chiron is placed in often-imprudent Aries, which indicates that one will be injured by what one initiates and one will learn therefrom. Churchill’s reputation was, on several occasions, badly damaged by ill-conceived initiatives—causing him to lose popularity, elections and posts. It is instructive to see that Mars, the dispositor of Chiron (since it is the orthodox ruler of Aries) stands opposed to Chiron. This aspect ensured that impulsively or hastily conceived action would come to grief. He always had abundant boldness and zeal in excess; these needed to be tempered and over time they were. Sobering Saturn is in quintile relationship to Chiron. The Second World War forced upon Britain great economies, and upon Churchill caution as a counterbalance to audacity.


Testimony of the Fixed Stars


The fixed stars in Churchill’s chart tell a dramatic story, as some of the most powerful of the fixed stars hold a prominent place in his horoscope. It may be that a relatively advanced stage of evolution is necessary for one to consciously receive and apply the influence of the fixed stars. Churchill, it seems, was of sufficient development.


1.      We have already discussed the power of the royal star, Regulus. Regulus is not within a degree of the Moon, but it is within a degree and a half. The theme of Regulus (according to Brady) is “success if revenge is avoided”. Regulus is also called, “The Crushing Foot” and “King of the Heavenly Sphere”.  Churchill was the eternal warrior, fighting with the full powers of his impressive personality. But he was large-minded, as well, and although he could wither an opponent with a few well-chosen words, he was not mean-spirited or petty.           

His antipathy for Hitler was not, essentially, personal. Hitler represented a monstrous ideology which had to be destroyed (for the sake of humanity). Hitler focussed his full “Will-to-Destroy” upon Hitler and his Reich, but he was not consumed by an ignoble and debilitating hatred. The impersonal force of the Good fed his intent, and avoiding the vengefulness which can accompany the influence of Regulus, he went on to victory. The forcefulness of Regulus contributed greatly to Churchill’s influence as a war-time leader.     

Regulus is considered the most powerful of the four royal stars. Conjunct the Moon, it suggests a noble past instinctively accessed.

2.      Antares, another of the royal stars, is closely conjunct Churchill’s Sun. Thus, there are two stars, Regulus and Antares which confer military prowess. Just as Regulus is the “Heart of the Lion”, Antares is the “Heart of the Scorpion”. Again the heart theme and its life-power are emphasized.         

Antares is called the “Watcher in the West”, and can lead to great success if success does not turn to obsession. In a way, Churchill was
obsessed or possessed by his mission—the salvation of Western civilization. His entire psyche was captured by the “Good”, in the same way that Hitler and his “evil gang” were overshadowed by evil entities. However, Churchill did not let his obsession consume him to the point of losing his larger perspective—the reason why obsession leads to downfall.    

Churchill’s extraordinary vitality was at least partially augmented by this star of extreme focus--working in combination with the one-pointedness of Sagittarius. With single-minded intent he pursued the defeat of Germany and victory for the Allies—he would accept nothing less.       

Antares is known as “Anti-Aries”—the rival of Mars. This was clearly a force useful in countering Hitler’s Martian aggression. Churchill’s oratorical Mercury in Scorpio (no insignificant weapon) was, in fact, opposed Hitler’s Mars. Antares, conjunct Churchill’s Sun was widely opposed Hitler’s Pluto. Antares with the Sun confers mental alertness, strategic ability, courage and risk-taking bordering on foolhardiness. A headstrong self-destructiveness and obstinacy are indicated in the undeveloped, and firm will and great strength in battle in those more advanced. If there were any star to render Churchill a warrior, it would be Antares.

3.      Mercury is in very close conjunct (just 02’ of arc) with Zuben Elschamali, the star of “negative social reform” according to Brady. The negativity of this star and the more positive reformative tendencies of companion star, Zuben Elgenubi, cannot be taken too literally. Suffice it to say that both stars represent powerful forces which change the pattern of society; to this one can add Churchill’s Uranus (the planet of reformation) in Leo in the eleventh house of social reformation. It was the power of Churchill’s thoughts and words which changed the tide of the early European War. Churchill regenerated the morale of his country and Zuben Elschamali assisted.

4.      A very different indication is afforded by Mirach conjunct Churchill’s well-aspected Neptune. Mirach confers harmony and receptivity; beauty, brilliance, beneficence and good fortune in marriage all attend its influence. Venus (the planet of marriage) is trine to Neptune (conjunct Mirach).  Mirach would influence positively the artistic, aesthetic side of Churchill’s nature.

5.      Perhaps the most important fixed star contacts are the close conjunctions of both Betelgeuse and Polaris with the proposed Midheaven. These are two extremely important stars. Betelgeuse is said to give complete success (without complications) and is considered one of the most fortunate stars in the sky. It gives martial honors and great military fortune, preferment, wealth, fame, command and perfection in the arts and sciences. With Orion it is said to give a heart which presses on with unflagging energy in spite of every trial. We can see how well these descriptors fit with Churchill’s considerable attainments and lofty  reputation.

6.      Polaris is a major “Star of Direction” and of “Reorientation”. It confers a good sense of direction and the ability to conceive and realize one’s aims.  The power to offer guidance is considerable. This quality is entirely applicable to Churchill in relation to his nation (especially during the Second World War). He was the captain of the ship of state, and successfully guided the entire process of the war.           

Polaris confers the art of “refacing and recovering that which is lost”.  Britain began the war at a terrible disadvantage—so much had already been lost; European culture had been thrown down. But through the guidance Churchill offered, that which was lost was recovered and reestablished. The people of Europe found their way back to the soul and the threatening darkness was dissipated.

7.      Note that both of these stars are only conjunct the Midheaven within one degree if that Midheaven is in the 28th degree of Gemini, pointing again to the explanatory usefulness of the late Virgo Ascendant, especially an Ascendant in the 28th degree of Virgo.


Some Important Events in Churchill’s Life, Astrologically Considered


1.      In 1895, he father died tragically after a slow and painful syphilitic illness. Churchill entered the Fourth Hussars.  

T-Pluto opposed the progressed natal Sun—within 2 degrees. There was a solar eclipse on the natal Moon later that year. In some ways the death was a liberation, as transiting Jupiter was crossing the MC. As well, the progressed Sun was conjuncting the IC—the place of family and tradition, often indicating the father. Later in the year, there was a solar eclipse very close to his proposed Virgo Ascendant, indicating his new military career. Because of the death, Churchill was forced to establish himself in the world and found the opportunity to do so.

Mon           LEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Sep 15 1894 NS          13:31   22°Pi18' D      
Sun                        SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Aug 20 1895 NS22:08 27°Le14' D     
Sun                        SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Sep 19 1895 NS          05:44   25°Vi40' D      

2.      In 1899, he resigned his military commission to enter politics, and make a living by the pen. T-Uranus was, conjuncting the N-Sun and the Nodes were transiting conjunct the MC/IC. Later in the year, there is a solar eclipse on his N-Sun and also a lunar eclipse involving his MC/IC axis.

Sun                        SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 3 1899 NS           09:57   10°Sg41' D     
Mon           LEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 17 1899 NS10:26            24°Ge56' D    

3.      In 1908 he won an important election and later that year, and on September 12th, he married the beautiful Clementine Hozier; it was a marriage of unbroken affection that provided a secure and happy background for his turbulent career.        

There is a lunar eclipse on June 14, 1908, involving a conjunction with Venus. T-Uranus conjuncted the progressed Sun, The progressed Moon conjuncted N-Mercury. Importantly, P-Asc conjuncted N-Jupiter, ruler of H7 in the 1:19 AM Chart. T-Jupiter also conjuncted N-Moon. These are certainly sufficient indications of a time of active affections, happiness and emotional expression.           

Mon           LEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Jun 14 1908    23:05   23°Sg04' D     

4.      He was transferred to the Admiralty in 1911, and went to work with a conviction of the need to bring the navy to a pitch of instant readiness.        

There were important eclipses involving his progressed Vertex and natal Pluto. As well, there was a solar eclipse on his progressed Ascendant in late Libra. T-Pluto hovered very near his MC, and had been so for two years.       

Mon           LEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Nov 17 1910    09:21   23°Ta47' D     
Mon           LEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    May 13 1911    14:55   21°Sc21' D     
Sun                        SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Oct 22 1911    13:12   7°Li39'D         

5.      In 1915 Churchill came under heavy political attack after the failure of the naval campaign in the Dardanelles. He was removed from his post as Lord of the Admiralty in 1915 and demoted to the Duchy of Lancaster. Disheartened, he rented a farm to retreat from public life and reflect upon the circumstances of his removal.    

The progressed Moon was in the area of N-Saturn and then P-Saturn. T-Uranus (bringing reversals) was conjunct the P-Moon and P-Saturn. Transiting Saturn. T-Saturn (bringing career pressures) had been hovering about the MC for about a year. Jupiter, however, was transiting through the fifth house of creativity, offering new opportunity. Jupiter was also opposed N-Uranus bringing unexpected openings. T-Uranus was also conjuncting the progressed IC, bringing a new basis to the life, and new activities which could be pursued in private. There is a solar eclipse widely opposed the expressive Leo Moon. More importantly, there is a solar eclipse conjunct N-Uranus (again a fresh start). At that time, T-Uranus (the liberator) was transiting N-Saturn, which had been involved in inhibition of expression. There was now scope for new expression and an end to old restraints.      

Sun                        SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Feb 14 1915    13:33   24°Aq25' D     
Sun                        SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Aug 11 1915    07:52   17°Le12' D     

6.      In January of 1919, Churchill became Secretary of War, presiding over the cutting of military expenditures with surprising zeal.           

Progressed Moon was just moving into Aries across the Descendant, giving a new burst of energy. There was a solar eclipse on the Sagittarian Sun on December 4, 1918 and a lunar eclipse involving the MC and IC on December 18th, 1918. Toward the middle of the year, there was another solar eclipse in Gemini, exactly opposite the N-Sun. T-Saturn had been quite active nearly conjuncting the N-Moon (economy) and sextile the MC. It was an important moment for the advancement of his career, and as was so often the case at such times, eclipses were activated in relation to his natal Sun position.     

Sun            SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 4 1918     00:22               10°Sg40' D     
MonLEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 18 1918   04:06               25°Ge03' D    
Sun            SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    May 29 1919    22:08               07°Ge06' D    


7.      In the autumn of 1922 the insurgent Turks appeared to be moving toward a forcible reoccupation of the Dardanelles neutral zone, which was protected by a small British force at Chanak. Churchill was foremost in urging a firm stand against them, but a political debacle (prompted by fears of a new war)ensued, bringing the government down in ruins. He was also gripped by a sudden attack of appendicitis, could not campaign properly for office in the forthcoming election, and was humiliatingly defeated.  

Saturn was crossing the Descendant (popularity) by solar arc direction and the Nodes were also making their transit of the Ascendant/Descendant. On April 21, 1922 there was an lunar eclipse which included the Nodal Axis and involved Chiron (sickness) as well. Later, a solar eclipse on September 21 1922, occurred exactly on the proposed Virgo Ascendant (to the degree). The Ascendant is also a health indicator, and, interestingly, Virgo is a sign related to the intestines and the bowel, to which the appendix is attached.

Mon           LEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Apr 12 1922     05:31   21°Li09' D      
Sun                        SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Sep 21 1922    13:40   27°Vi25' D      

8.      At home there was one grievous, characteristic, romantic misreading of the political and public mood, when, in Edward VIII’s abdication crisis of 1936, he vainly opposed prime minister  Baldwin by a public championing of the King's cause.           

The MC had progressed to a conjunction with his Leo Moon. There was a solar eclipse exactly on his Gemini MC, and also a solar eclipse, later that year, on his natal Venus.          

Sun            SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Jun 19 1936    14:19               27°Ge44' D    
Sun            SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 14 1936   08:27               21°Sg49' D     

9.      Churchill was deeply alarmed by the developments in 1938—the appeasement which gave Czechoslovakia to the Germans. He recognized that Britain, without firing a shot, had sustained a great defeat.      

There is a solar eclipse within three degrees of his Sagittarian Sun. A lunar eclipse involves progressed Mars and also natal Pluto. Another solar eclipse takes place opposite the natal Sun. Finally a solar eclipse occurs exactly square the natal Moon.

Churchill was moving towards prominence. He was empowered by these eclipses, and Britons began to think of him as the only man who could lead them during an increasingly threatening situation.           

Sun            SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 3 1937     08:05               10°Sg22' D     
MonLEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    May 14 1938    17:43               22°Sc54' D     
Sun            SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    May 29 1938    22:50               07°Ge31' D    
Sun            SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Nov 22 1938    08:51               29°Sc01' D     

10.  On Sept. 3, 1939, the day Britain declared war on Germany, Chamberlain appointed Churchill to his old post in charge of the Admiralty. The signal went out to the fleet: “Winston is back.”     

T-Uranus is conjunct N-Pluto. There is a solar eclipse on natal Neptune, co-ruler of the seventh house. Neptune, Lord of the Sea is involved with the appointment to the highest level of the Navy—the Admiralty. There is also a solar eclipse on natal Mars         

Sun            SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Apr 20 1939     01:44               28°Ar44' D      
Sun            SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Oct 13 1939    05:39               18°Li37' D      

11.  On May 10, 1940, after a great and growing demand for his leadership, Churchill was appointed prime minister and received the highest seals of office.           

The progressed Moon had entered Capricorn in H4,
P-Venus was near the IC and solar arc directed Jupiter was  near IC.        

The Vertex was closing on the proposed MC, Uranus was transiting conjunct Pluto, and there was a solar eclipse on natal Chiron—the guide and mentor.    

Sun            SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Apr 8 1940       05:20               17°Ar52' D      

12.  It is significant that during the period when Britain faced the greatest danger (1940-1942), the Vertex (the ‘Point of Fate’) was cresting by progression the top of Churchill’s chart, conjuncting the Midheaven. Indeed, he was “walking with destiny”.

13.  Churchill wrote a six volume history of World War II, for which he received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953. That same year he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. (T-Jupiter was conjuncting MC in the latter part of 1953. It is opposing N-Venus which is the esoteric ruler of the MC. There is a solar eclipse conjunct N-Uranus (which is the ruler of house five, the house of creativity and is natally placed in house eleven, the house of culture and its rewards). There is also a solar eclipse opposed the natal Leo Moon and conjunct the progressed Sun in late Aquarius—again in house five, the house of creativity.)        

Sun            SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Feb 14 1953    09:58               25°Aq03' D     
Sun            SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Aug 10 1953    00:55               16°Le45' D     

14.  Aging and in declining health, Winston Churchill resigned his post as prime minister on April 5, 1955, at the age of eighty. There was a solar eclipse within less than a degree of his proposed late Gemini Midheaven, emphasizing an important, precipitating event in the field of his vocation and public career. T-Nodes were also conjunct MC/IC. Later in the year there was a solar eclipse conjunct Venus in Sagittarius (Venus, being the esoteric ruler of his Gemini MC). T-Pluto (finality) was opposing progressed Sun in late Aquarius and at the end of the year the progressed Sun changed sign to Pisces—the sign of retirement  .

Sun            SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Jun 20 1955    13:09               28°Ge05' D    
Sun            SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 14 1955   16:01               21°Sg31' D     

15.  Just after Christmas 1964, Churchill suffered another stoke and developed a bad cough. He died peacefully at 8:00 AM of 1/25/1965 at the age of 90, London.     

We see a solar eclipse within four degrees of his natal Sun. These solar eclipses have always been found at particularly important points in the life.  

Sun            SEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 4 1964     10:30               11°Sg56' D     



Noteworthy Quotations

1.      “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.”—from his maiden speech as prime minister, May 13, 1940.  

These words ring with the first ray power to face adversity without flinching. By speaking directly of the inevitability of the very worst, he evoked the very best—for he understood that the spirit, in its own essence, will not accept defeat.

2.      “Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duty, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, ‘This was their finest hour’.”—from a speech given before the House of Commons, June 18, 1940, announcing the fall of France, and the start of the Battle of Britain.    

The moment was desperate. France had fallen and the Battle of Britain was about to begin. Here he displays the first ray/sixth ray power to evoke in his countrymen a soaring strength based upon their love of the British Empire. His call was to their patriotism and nobility of spirit. The vision of a splendid future is given; the suggestion is planted—the Commonwealth will last for a thousand years; there will be no Thousand Year Reich. All that is required is that we face the peril—braced and ready to perform our duty to the uttermost. Churchill is lifting the morale of his nation, preparing it for battle.

3.      “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”—from a speech before the House of Commons, London, August 20, 1940, in which he referred to the pilots who fought the Battle of Britain.    

Gratitude pours through these words which could not help but evoke gratitude from every British citizen. The heroism of the pilots calls for heroism on the part of all. His fourth ray power of contrast is at work.

4.      This is no war for domination or imperial aggrandisement or material gain.... It is a war ... to establish, on impregnable rocks, the rights of the individual and it is a war to establish and revive the stature of man.”—from a speech before the house of Commons, London, September 3, 1939, on the day of the declaration of war against Germany by Britain and France.       

Here Churchill is speaking for the preservation of civilized values. As a historian, he understands that the Nazi peril is not just an attack against certain nations, but against the very progress of humanity.

5.      “Outside the storms of way may blow and the lands may be lashed with the fury of its gales, but in our own hearts this Sunday morning there is peace. Our hands may be active but our consciences are at rest.”—spoken by Churchill to Parliament on the day that Hitler invaded Poland.          

Here in image and metaphor he comforts the people, assuring them that theirs is a righteous cause and that they are on the side of the “Good”. It is a spiritual message, reinforcing the alignment of the nation with the subtle spiritual potencies.

6.      “I felt as if I were walking with destiny, and that all my past life had been but a preparation for this hour and this trial”—from The Gathering Storm, p. 38.           

Churchill realizes that there is a guiding providence. He is under the direction of his soul and realizes that he is an instrument of impersonal destiny. This is a first ray realization.

7.      Sure I am of this, that you have only to endure to conquer. You have only to persevere to save yourselves.”—from his first wartime address, September 4, 1914, London.     

Some of his leading thoughts were already fashioned during the First World War. We see the themes of endurance and perseverance. These are Vulcanian themes and relate to the holding power of the first ray.

8.      “Do not let us speak of darker days; let us rather speak of sterner days. These are not dark days: these are great days—the greatest days our country has ever lived.”—from a speech at Harrow School, England, October 29, 1941.         

Here Churchill is lifting his listeners out of the looming darkness into the promising light. He is altering the quality of their perception by speaking from a elevated perspective which sees all circumstance with the eye of history, perhaps, though unconsciously, from the perspective of those who are the hidden source of his spiritual inspiration. He insists upon an unrelenting positivity which does not allow the spirit/soul to capitulate even subjectively. Using the Sagittarian energy, as well as the sixth and first rays, he is subtly transforming how the British perceive their situation and prospects. Refusing to be negatively conditioned by apparently dire circumstance, he, instead, insists upon a reinterpretation which infallibly evokes inner strength and resilience.

9.      “A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.”—quoted in the New York Times, July 5, 1954.         

This quotation comes from post-war years. It is humorous and precisely true. As usual, his fourth ray mind and razor-sharp words, make the statement memorable.

10.  “You ask what is our policy—I will say, it is to wage war by sea, land and air, with all our might, and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the darkened, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, “What is our aim?” I can answer in one word, “Victory”—victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be.”    

Here are not only the “Will-to-Persist” and “Will-to-Victory” of his first ray would, but the great historical compassion of one who has seen too much of grief and human misery over the centuries, over the millennia. A mature and chastened soul is speaking, and his resolve is born of a vast and encompassing perspective.

11.  “I want a war. I want a war”—Churchill’s rousing daily exhortation to himself. When this was reported to Hitler, he became disconcerted, unable to understand Churchill’s continued defiance and resistance.     

The first and sixth rays are at work, causing the fiery energy in his own system to rise up and beat back any thought of negativity or depression.

12.  “You do your worst, and we will do our best”—addressed to Hitler in a speech on July 14, 1941.        

A simple epigram dividing Good from evil, and simultaneously strengthening his countrymen, aligning them with the Good. The reader or listener is affirmed—exactly sure of where everyone stands, and that he or she is standing with the “Good”.

13.  “We shall not flag or fail. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender”—from a speech to the House of Commons, June 4, 1940.

Churchill is actually leading the battle. With these words he becomes pervading presence in every place of conflict, infusing himself into every moment of struggle. This affirmation drives all Britons forward with an irresistible strength. Churchill has invoked the first ray with its motion of “Progress Onward”. Every thoughtform of failure is driven back. The vision of victory is firmly implanted in the psyche of his countrymen—they have no choice but to follow it and prevail.

14.  “In Franklin Roosevelt there died the greatest American friend we have ever known and the greatest champion of freedom who has ever brought help and comfort from the New World to the Old”—from The Second World War.         

Roosevelt and Churchill were great friends (and only occasional rivals). These healing words bind the old wounds which arose during the Revolutionary War. They convey a recognized reciprocity. The Geminian brother/sister nations are harmonized and united. Churchill, himself, was the son of a British aristocrat and an American socialite.

Together Churchill and Roosevelt celebrated Freedom; unconsciously they were working under the Sirian Law of Freedom, and the Atlantic Charter is a testimony to their alignment with this great stellar Source. Both of them had Virgo Ascendants, within four degrees of each other; as the two major leaders of the free world, they were working, together for the purification of humanity and the Reappearance of the Christ.

15.  In war: resolution. In defeat: defiance. In victory: magnanimity. In peace: goodwill.—from an epigram used by Sir Edwin Marsh who called this “a moral of the work” in Churchill’s book.      

Here we see the breadth, heart and highest virtues of the first Ray of Will and Power. This epigram expresses the Will-to-Good in action.


Discussion of Winston Churchill’s Initiatory Level


It becomes clear that even among initiates of the third degree, no perfection of character can be expected. One sees greatness, and accompanying it, an imperfection which, in an ideal world, should have been outlived. One sees this with H.P.B, with Krishnamurti (both in their last incarnations, initiates of the fourth degree). One sees this with the extraordinarily gifted Richard Wagner—an artistic and mental giant who behaved shamefully at times (at least if judged by “conventional” standards). And, perhaps, one sees this in Winston Churchill—a leading ‘general’ in the human battalion of the Army of Maitreya.


Winston Churchill is certainly the proverbial “Rich Young Man”. His accomplishments were many, varied, and one of them, at least (his heroic defense of Britain), was indispensable to the survival of Western civilization and thus, to the progress of all humanity. Surely he was, even technically, a “world disciple”, an individual who guided the destiny of millions and inspired many more.


For all his irregularities of habit, his unconventionality, his apparent irreverence, his disconcerting manners—the vastly more important part of him was solidly in the first ray ashram.


One simply must laugh at the following anecdote. When lunching with the Arab Leader Ibn Saud, and learning that the king’s religion forbade smoking and alcohol, he became typically Churchillian:    

“I must point out that my rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after, and if need be, during all meals and in the intervals between them”.


What can one say? Is this an initiate speaking? After a pause, one must simply say, “Yes”. There are parts of every human being which don’t enter the Ashram, with which the Master has simply no concern. These things refine in time as perfection is reached. At the third degree—the stage of true world-discipleship—perfection is not reached, but a sense of planetary wholeness is     .

What would the world be today without an Einstein, a Schweitzer, a Beethoven, a Bach, a Leonardo, a Newton—and without a Winston Churchill? The stature of these great individuals shows that they stand with the Hierarchy and
within the Ashram—regardless of their personal shortcomings.


We must, therefore, conclude that Winston Churchill saw human civilization and culture as from the mountain top—imperfectly, yes, (as his attitude towards India and other colonies demonstrated), but still comprehensively and with deep understanding. It is this large, impersonal vision of wholeness which the third degree confers, and the power to identify with and reveal this vision to others so that they may be inspired to leave behind lesser things.


The contrast between Churchill and Hitler is instructive. Hitler, brilliant in his own way, disciplined in his own way, and pure—in his own perverted way—was the example of a second degree initiate who went wrong. He made the choice (Libra Ascendant) and followed the “Left-Hand Path”. Churchill, wider, healthier, robustly larger in heart and mind (yet equally fierce upon the first and sixth rays) choose to champion the Path of Freedom, and thus came under the influence of Sirius and its Law of Freedom which is consciously recognized by initiates of the third degree. Hitler refused the Christ; Churchill, though he was not of a specifically ‘religious’ temperament, embraced Him and in so doing, served the Hierarchy and humanity as few have done or can hope to do.


Astrology and Initiation


Does Winston Churchill’s astrological chart reveal some of the customary signatures of initiation? Surely the signatures of the second degree are there—with the Sun in idealistic Sagittarius and purificatory Virgo rising. Sagittarius gives purification by fire (the process of war throughout his life) and purification of the mind proceeds through Virgo. As well, Mars, the Moon and Uranus are all related—Mars in semisquare to the Moon and in sextile to Uranus.


Sagittarius relates specifically to the first two initiations, but as the Sun progresses other opportunities are offered. Capricorn relates to the third degree (as well as all of the first five) and Aquarius to the third and fourth degrees (as well as the second). There came a time in later 1942 ( very dangerous time for humanity), when the Sun, the Moon and Saturn gathered conjunct in the fifth house (the causal body) in the sign Aquarius (in preparation for a new lunation—progressed Sun/Moon conjunction), buddhic Neptune was crossing the Ascendant, the progressed Ascendant was conjuncting Mercury in Scorpio, and progressed Venus had just moved into transfigurative Capricorn, still conjunct the fourth house cusp. A solar eclipse had just occurred on Uranus, and within less than a year preceding, solar eclipses had occurred exactly on the Ascendant and very close to the Descendant. Deep opportunities were offered by these alignments and emphases. It is impossible to tell whether they were taken—but there is a good chance they were.


Summary and Conclusion


Some have speculated that Winston Churchill was the reincarnation of both Alexander the Great and Napoleon (the relationship between whom can easily be seen)—but returning chastened, and determined to fight against tyranny rather that impose it. However the truth may be, certainly, without Churchill, the free world as we know it might not have survived.

To think of the valor of his “finest hour”, is to find the unconquerable spirit in every human heart. Humanity will always be severely tested before it can proceed into greater livingness. Now that Shamballa draws ever closer, the tests will be increasingly severe. Courage will always be needed on the Path of Occultism. We all have it, but some have yet to find it. To think on Churchill—his words, his deeds—it so come closer to the undying Spirit-Source of that courage.


In a stirring documentary called, “Churchill’s War”, the following words are heard, and with them we will end:           

“In sullen fear-laden camps across the huge bleak expanse of Nazi-occupied Europe, prisoners often with no other language in common, would exchange in greeting a single whispered word—‘Churchill’. ‘Churchill’—in that name, lay the hope beyond despair.”


2.                  Francisco Franco—Dictator of Spain: December 4, 1892, El Ferrol, Spain, 12:30 AM, LMT. (Source: registered at the parish church)  Died, November 19, 1975, Madrid.

(Ascendant, Virgo; Sun and retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius; Moon in Gemini conjunct Neptune and Pluto also in Gemini; Venus conjunct Uranus in Scorpio; Mars in Pisces; Jupiter in Aries; Saturn in Libra)         

Franco, an excellent organizer and a puristic idealist (with four planets plus Ascendant in signs through which the sixth ray is transmitted), expressed the seventh, sixth and first rays. He rose through the ranks to become chief of staff of he army in 1935. He commanded the rebel forces during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) leading the revolt against the Communist-inspired socialist government and planning the offensives which gave victory to the rebel forces. After the War he became dictator of Spain, maintaining a strong anti-Communist policy and using repressive, censorious methods.

It is well to remember that the rays of Spain are the sixth ray soul and the seventh ray personality—two of Franco’s important rays. Yes, withal, the first ray must be considered as a major ray, since the Tibetan informs us that Franco, along with Stalin and Hitler were expressions of the “Shamballa Force”.

3.                  Nelson Mandela—Statesman, President of South Africa: June 18, 1918, Umtata, South Africa, 2:54 PM, EET. (Rectified by Noel Tyl, and supported by Rod Suskin, a South African astrologer).    

(Ascendant, Sagittarius; Sun in Cancer with Jupiter conjunct Pluto also in Cancer; Moon in Scorpio; Mercury conjunct Saturn in Leo square the Moon in H12, with Neptune also in Leo; Venus in Gemini; Mars in Libra; Uranus in Aquarius)

Humanity knows Nelson Mandela as a great liberator—one of the best examples of the first and second rays in combination. It is reasonable to think of the first ray as his soul ray and the second as the ray of his personality. In a way, he stands as the “Father of his Country”, with the Sun in Cancer indicating his patriotism and the Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Cancer, the political fulfillment he brought to his people and the sacrifices (Pluto) endured. Under house arrest for almost one complete Saturn cycle (an experience indicated by his Scorpio Moon in the house of imprisonment, H12, squared by his Saturn/Mercury conjunction—he was imprisoned for his thought and speech—he persisted with his vision (Sagittarius) of a free South Africa, and eventually, through will and occult strength, persisted until his meditations became realities. He stands as a supreme example of the power of non-violent revolution (second ray), and of soul power (Venus) expressed through thought and word (Gemini). The freedom he won is indicated by first and seventh ray Uranus in Aquarius, the sign of revolution. It is interesting to contemplate that his Ascendant is, according to the data available, the same as that of Abraham Lincoln, and his soul and personality rays are probably the same as well.


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Sagittarius and R1


Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.



In Comparison With


1.       Transmits R4, R5, R6 constellationally


1.       R1

2.       Planetary rulers transmit R2, R3, R6


2.       R1

3.       No R1 is transmitted through Sagittarius or its planetary rulers


3.       R1

4.       Color: rich blue (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) blue or blue-indigo. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)


4.       Color: red, red-orange, black

5.       Note: possibly SOL sharp or G sharp


5.       Note: RE or D

6.       Expresses especially through the solar plexus and sacral centers via Mars, and the ajna center via far-seeing Jupiter, R5 and R4. Expression through the oratorical throat is also possible through the Earth and the sixth ray.


6.       Expresses through the base of the spine and the crown center

7.       Creative Hierarchy number VI/XI, unliberated


7.       Creative Hierarchy number I/VI, unliberated

8.       Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Vegetable Kingdom via R6, the Animal Kingdom via Mars, Earth and R6, the Human Kingdom via R4 and R5, the Kingdom of Souls via R5 and R4 and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives via Jupiter and R6.


8.       Related to the Kingdom of Solar Lives and also the Mineral Kingdom

9.       Correlated with consciousness, and activity


9.       Correlated with life

10.   Desire, aspiration


10.   Will

11.   Enlivens emotional responsiveness


11.   Suppresses emotional responsiveness

12.   Enthusiastic and discontinuous (in early evolutionary days)


12.   Willful and continuous

13.   Buoyant


13.   Sober and serious

14.   Hopefulness, optimism


14.   Realism

15.   Vision


15.   Execution

16.   Freeing, less controlling


16.   Insists on control; liberating only later


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Sagittarius and R1


Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

A.      One-Pointedness: Both Sagittarius and ray one share one-pointedness.

B.     Capacity for Abstractions: Both influences have a strong capacity for abstraction. With Sagittarius, there is what might be called ‘abstracted vision’; this is the long-range vision which brings perspective. Sagittarius correlates with the abstract mind; thus we have the power to abstract the mind from immediate conditions. The first ray brings, more particularly, the capacity to abstract the life force.

C.     Cruelty: Both influences can incline towards cruelty—Sagittarius because of an insistence upon its ideals, due to the sixth ray which is so powerfully transmits. First ray cruelty is rooted more within the assertion of the personal ego.

D.     Fearless Honesty and Truthfulness: The first ray is known for “truthfulness arising from absolute fearlessness” (EP I 201), and Sagittarius for its blunt outspokenness. Both influences incline towards heights of honesty.

E.     Spirit of Adventure: Both influences incline towards a spirit of adventure. Sagittarius is the great explorer, intent upon discovery and entry into new dimensions. The first ray shares a similar willingness to penetrate barriers and enter into the new. This capacity to penetrate is related to the Will to Initiate.

F.      Rapidity of Judgment: Persons influenced by Sagittarius or the first ray have the capacity for rapid judgment. This is sometime a “jumping to conclusions”. Their virtue is the capacity to cut through complexity and “get to the point”.

G.     Relevant in Relation to the Second Initiation: Sagittarius rules initiates of the first and second degrees. (EA 178) At the second degree, Sagittarius confers a new and more selfless orientation to the desire nature. Desire becomes focussed aspiration. Further at the second degree, will (the first ray) and desire (sixth ray, and Sagittarius) come into opposition. The will begins to dominate (first ray) and lead the disciple in a new direction (Sagittarius). Will and the monad (however tenuously) now begin to guide him away from lunar living.


2.      Sun Sagittarius (or Ascendant Sagittarius), R2P (or R2S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4, R5 and R6) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the second ray transmitted through Jupiter, the exoteric ruler of Sagittarius. This is further strengthened by the waxing second ray soul transmission of the Earth—the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius. Since the soul ray of Earth is now becoming stronger, this second ray influence cannot be considered negligible—especially in the lives of more spiritually advanced people. The principle category of reinforcement would be Strong by Rulership—Class 1, with the second ray of the Earth being influential in the lives of disciples and initiates—i.e., those who can respond to the esoteric level of rulership. For disciples and initiates, the category Moderate by Rulership would also be appropriate when the second ray soul rulership of the Earth is considered. Further reinforcement of this generally strong mutual interplay comes through Jupiter and the Sun as decanate rulers. Jupiter {transmitting the second ray through its soul} rules the first and third decanate {in esoteric and esoteric order, respectively}. The Sun {transmitting the second ray through both its soul and personality} rules the third and first decanate {in esoteric and exoteric order, respectively}.)


(a)   (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)


i.                     The self-indulgent experimentalism of the self-centered Sagittarius person (cf. EA 333) combines with the lack of discipline and overly-relaxed attitude induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the second ray. (These undesirable qualities would be in the nature of a relapse or reversion to a formerly bound condition, as it is not possible to have a first or second ray personality unless one is at least an aspirant. The first or second ray may, however, enter the personality by other lines of influence.)

ii.                   One who does not know how to say “no” to his desires. The second ray can always introduce a degree of permissiveness.

iii.                  One who carelessly (and even in a well-meaning way) crosses interpersonal boundaries.

iv.                 One who assumes too much. Too improvidently Jupiterian. Overly hopeful

v.                   Naďve optimism and a “happy-go-lucky” character. Lax and informal.

vi.                 Lack of planning. The life is not well-directed, and could go casually in any direction.

vii.                Arm-chair philosophy.


(b)   (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple)


i.                     The search for knowledge and understanding characteristic of the advancing Sagittarius individual combines with the receptivity and love of study induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the second ray.

ii.                   Eager and open for new experience.

iii.                  Tolerant of diverse cultures, and patterns of living

iv.                 Imbued with the quality of foresight.

v.                   On the Path of Discipleship: seeking ever to widen perspective and understanding. The attempt to widen and lengthen the vision.

vi.                 On the Path of Discipleship: a strong orientation to the light. Searching for the light of truth.

vii.                On the Path of Discipleship: increasingly open to the intuition. Sagittarius is one of the intuitive signs, and the second ray is correlated with the second principle (buddhi—the intuition).

viii.              On the Path of Discipleship: engaging in the search for meaning. This involves mental exploration of the context of relationships in which one lives.


(c)   (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate)[Additionally, where relevant,  combine Ascendant Sign, Sagittarius, with the second ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]


i.                     Breadth of wisdom and understanding—a quality revered by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Sagittarius, combines with a “desire for pure knowledge and for absolute truth” (EP I 203) induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the second ray.

ii.                   One-pointed approach to truth and wisdom. Not to be deflected by lesser things.

iii.                  Thinking panoramically.

iv.                 An expansive and ever-expanding approach to understanding. The pursuit of what might be called ‘spherical vision’ under Jupiter (second ray distributor and orthodox ruler of Sagittarius).


Directives for Sagittarius and the Second Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work):


1.                  Abandon Comfort On The Quest

2.                  Abide Ever In Higher Consciousness, Even As Attention Is Due The Concrete World

3.                  Achieve A Comprehensive Point Of View

4.                  Adhere One-Pointedly To The Goal

5.                  Aspire Towards A Comprehensive Knowledge Of The Ageless Wisdom

6.                  Await The Arrows Of Intuition, Returning From The Arrows Of Aspiration You Have Released

7.                  Be Divinely Discontent With Anything But The “Greatest Light”

8.                  Behold The Divine Pattern—The Network Of Higher Relations

9.                  Be Patient And Steadfast

10.              Confer A Broad Vision Upon The Faithful

11.              Desire That Which Is Seen To Be Of Highest Value

12.              Direct The Group Forward Through Steadiness Of Vision

13.              Discover The Ageless Wisdom And Direct Others To It

14.              Elevate Your Desires Through The Power Of Love

15.              Enlarge Your Scope Of Consciousness

16.              Envision The Soul Within

17.              Expand Your Vision; Include All In Sight

18.              Face The East Steadfastly

19.              Fix Your Gaze Upon The Wisdom Of The Ages

20.              Foresee Fulfillment

21.              Generosity Is Your Way

22.              Give Knowledge And Wisdom To Those Who Have Lost Their Way

23.              God Geometrizes: See How He Does So

24.              Hold A Single, Comprehensive Vision Before The Eye Of The Group

25.              Inspire Vision In The Souls Of Humankind

26.              Instruct The Blind

27.              Joy And Uplift—Show Others The Way

28.              Know That Morality Is Based On Love

29.              Let Hierarchy Direct Your Life

30.              Let No One And Nothing Deflect You From Your Studies

31.              Look Forwards, Look Backwards—Identify With All You See

32.              Love The Truth: Be Honest Yet Tactful

33.              Love Is The Greatest Adventure

34.              Make Haste Slowly

35.              Many Are The Viewpoints: Promote Tolerance

36.              Optimism And Positivity—These Are The Ways For You

37.              Orient All Your Faculties Towards The Light

38.              Overcome Anxieties Through A Greatly Enlarged Perspective

39.              Philosophize: Be A Lover Of Wisdom And Of Truth

40.              Ponder Intuitively, One-Pointedly

41.              Project Into The Loving-Wisdom Of The Triad

42.              Promise And Faithfully Adhere To Your Promise

43.              Prophesy In The Light Of Wisdom

44.              Pursue Revelation

45.              Quest After The Ageless Wisdom

46.              Reason Inclusively Within Broadened Horizons

47.              Relieve Attachments Through Perspicacious Understanding

48.              Rejoice: The Ageless Wisdom Is For All Who Truly Seek The Light

49.              Rise Into The Kingdom Of The Soul

50.              Search For The Good, The Beautiful And The True

51.              Scan The Horizon Of Consciousness For New Revelation

52.              See The Truth And Thus Detach From Lesser Loves

53.              Seek The Truth Without Relent

54.              Set Your Eye Upon Illumined Soul-Infusion

55.              Set Your Face Steadfastly “Towards Jerusalem

56.              Slowly And Surely Tread The Path—Without Let Up Or Deviation

57.              Speak Out For The Light

58.              Teach And Guide

59.              Travel For The Sake Of Truth

60.              Undertake An Ever-Deepening Search

61.              Unfold The Spirit Of Sagacity

62.              Uplift Those Who Perish For Lack Of Vision

63.              Venture Forth In Pursuit Of The Golden Apples Of Divine Knowledge And Wisdom

64.              Wisely Foresee

65.              Work Towards The Goal Without Let Up Or Relent


Mantra for Sagittarius and the Second Ray


Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Aligned with Love and Wisdom, I seek the lighted Vision of the Goal, the Purpose and the Plan. With open heart, and drawing others with me as I go, I strive unto the distant Source where all is merged in unity.          

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: My age-long Quest well nigh achieved, “I see [at last] the Greatest Light” which draws all seekers onward to its Center. Merged within that lum’nous sphere, I loose for all the radiant shafts to better light the way into the One Eternal Heart.

Proposed Symbol for R2/Sagittarius: Focussed at the center of a radiant Lotus Blue, the Scholar/Teacher visioning the vast and universal Whole, embraces with his opened ‘Eye’ the all-inclusive Oneness which alone the Light of Wisdom can reveal.


Well Known Individuals Hypothesized as Expressing this Combination of Rays and Signs:


1.                  Robert Browning—Poet: May 7, 1812, London, England, 10:00 PM, LMT. (Source: Sabian Symbols) Adjusted to about 9:35 PM, LMT, as presented in An Astrological Who’s Who, by Marc Penfield) Died, December 12, 1889, Venice, Italy.

(Ascendant, Sagittarius with Neptune rising in Sagittarius conjunct the Ascendant; Sun and Mercury in Taurus; Moon in Aries; Venus conjunct Jupiter in Cancer; Mars in Gemini; Saturn in Capricorn; Uranus in Scorpio opposing Sun; Pluto in Pisces)

Evolutionary vision. Dramatic monologues. Deep thinker. Difficult poet. Fell passionately in love with the writings of Elizabeth Barrett, and, therefore, with her. Wooed Elizabeth Barrett passionately. Eloped with her. Lived in Italy. Penetrating psychologist. Philosophical verse. Much compressed. Saul. Fra Lippo Lippi. My Last Duchess. Psychological verse, deep character portrayal. Choppy verse; Uranus opposed Mercury. (Research book of his poetry)

2.                  Princess Diana—Daughter of the Eighth Earl of Spencer: July 1, 1961, Sandringham, England, 7:45 PM, BST. (Source: her mother) Died, August 31, 1997, 1:50 AM, Paris, France

(Ascendant, Sagittarius; MC, Libra; Sun and Mercury in Cancer; Moon and Jupiter in Aquarius; Venus in Taurus, Mars and Pluto in Virgo; Saturn in Capricorn; Uranus in Leo; Neptune in Scorpio)

“Princess Di” was one of the greatest of world celebrities, at first because of her marriage to Prince Charles (a kind of “fairy-tale marriage”), but even moreso (after their marriage fell into difficulty and finally dissolved) as she emerged as a great political and social force for humanitarianism and world goodwill. She was known for her genuineness, personableness, compassion, her common touch (Cancer Sun), her international perspective (Sagittarius, Ascendant), and her emerging spirituality (Neptune, esoteric ruler of the Cancer Sun, elevated in the 10th house). She seemed to touch the hearts of all humanity, and indication of the power of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, and her tragic and sudden death in an automobile accident (Uranus in H8 opposed Moon {ruler of H8} in Aquarius), with Mars in Virgo also opposed to the Moon) united the world consciousness in love and appreciation. Her influence was clearly global and beneficent (second ray Jupiter in Aquarius).

6.                  Hermann Hesse—German Novelist, Poet, Mentor for Spiritual Seekers: July 2, 1877, Calw, Wuertenburg, Germany, 6:30 PM, LMT. (Source; Time stated in mother’s diary) Died, August 9, 1962, Montagnola     

 (Ascendant in Sagittarius with Jupiter rising in the same sign; MC, Libra; Sun and Venus in Cancer; Moon loosely conjunct Saturn in Pisces, with Mars also in Pisces; NN in Pisces; Mercury in Gemini; Uranus in Leo; Neptune and Pluto in Taurus)

Hermann Hesse was one of the leading psycho-spiritual authors of the twentieth century. For more than half a century (1905-1962) his novels inspired those who sought truth and a deeper sense of their spiritual identity—especially the young. Many of his novels are largely autobiographical, drawn from his life of frequent psychological crisis and suffering, and his progressive understanding of the dynamics of the psyche. His constant bouts with depression, alcoholism and his sometime suicidal nature compelled him to seek the aid of two outstanding psychologists—C.G. Jung and J.B. Lang, with whom he shortly developed a deep and abiding friendship. His experience in prolonged therapy afforded him a profound knowledge of the psyche that found expression in his increasingly psychoanalytic and symbolic novels.       

A number of themes recur in Hesse’s work; the spiritual loneliness of the artist and his estrangement from the modern world; the duality of human nature; the need for man to free himself from the established patterns of culture and civilization in order to discover and live true to his deeper spiritual nature; the value of Eastern Mysticism in the achievement of Self-realization. Hesse's later works reveal his deepening interest in Jungian concepts of introversion and extroversion, the collective unconscious, idealism, and symbols.           

Among Hesse’s better known works are Demian (1919), which made him famous in Germany, Siddhartha (1922, tr. 1951), an imaginative account based on the early life of the Buddha, Der Steppenwolf (1927, tr. 1929, 1963), Narziss und Goldmund (1930, tr. Death and the Lover, 1932; Narcissus and Goldmund, 1968) and Das Glasperlenspiel (1943, tr. The Glass Bead Game, 1970)

Hermann Hesse received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946.     

Significant Rays in Hesse’s Energy System

and some Astrological Correlations with these Rays


The Second Ray of Love-Wisdom: It is probable that the second ray is the Hesse’s soul ray. Beneath his agonizing and artistically-fruitful psychological troubles, one senses an incessant search for the wisdom which releases, for the understanding which restores a human being to his essence. Certain of his novels are written largely on the fourth ray of “Harmony through Conflict”, but three, in particular, sound a note of transcendence of the agony of human dualism, and the resolution which arises through unified spiritual understanding. These novels are: Journey to the East, Siddhartha, and The Glass Bead Game, or Magister Ludi. The protagonist of the last novel, The Glass Bead Game, is clearly an advanced initiate of the Pythagorean mould—a man who understands the world through a developed “pure reason”—in the occult sense.

The second and fourth rays, are notably, rays of suffering (following by the transcendence of suffering through beauty, wisdom and love). The struggles of the fourth ray are proverbial, and of the individual on the second ray, it is said that he is possessed by the tendency to “agonise towards the goal, carrying the burden of the world, learning—through identification with others—a detachment which, as time proceeds, negates all pain.”
(DINA I 149)         Hesse’s path, therefore, was the path of sensitivity agony and suffering leading to redemption and release.           

Hesse was largely a product of German Culture with its fourth ray soul (though his father was of Russian descent, and though Switzerland, from the time he was forty-two, was his country of choice and later home). Given the themes of a number of his novels (duality and conflict), one might be tempted to think of him as a fourth ray soul, except for the persistently underlying themes of wisdom and enlightenment which seem still more fundamental beneath the fray. It is as if the struggles of the fourth ray were meant to lead to the realizations of the second. If a subray for the soul were to be hypothesized, one could very reasonably justify the fourth.


Second Ray Conduits into the Astrological Chart


Two of the three signs/constellations which transmit the second ray are prominent in Hesse’s chart—Gemini and Pisces. Gemini holds a vitally important angular Mercury,  and Pisces holds Mars, Saturn and the Moon (orthodox ruler of his Cancer Sun Sign) as well as the asteroid Vesta and the North Node—clearly a very heavy concentration of astrological factors). As well, the primary second ray planet, Jupiter, rises in its own sign Sagittarius, conferring an incessant urge towards the expansion of consciousness (a predominating second ray theme). The sextile of Neptune to the Cancerian Sun (of which it is esoteric ruler) and the trine from Venus in Cancer to the Pisces Moon should not be ignored for their possibility of transmitting the second ray to and through the emotional vehicle.     

The Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict: Even a superficial study of Hesse’s life and impact will reveal the potency of this ray of artistry and struggle. It is probable that the fourth ray was the ray of his troubled, struggling personality and probably of his lower mind as well. The greater part of his quite long life was spent in the throes of conflict, with which he sought to come to terms using all his psychological insight and artistic sensitivity. He was a man “caught between”, as it were, (the undiscovered planet, Pan, opposes his Sun in Cancer). The protagonists of almost all his novels are beset with rending conflicts, or there are two contrasting protagonists who embody the conflict within Hesse’s own psychological nature. It can truly said that Hesse’s spiritual journey led from the recognition of deep-seated inner and outer conflict, through the intensive application of inner resources to resolve the conflict, and on to the liberation which belongs only to those who have embraced and then transcended conflict (as did Siddhartha when merging with the river he understood the necessity for the Samsara which had well nigh overcome him, and a truer means of release than he had ever fathomed).


Fourth Ray Conduits into the Astrological Chart


Again two of the three signs/constellations that transmit this ray are tenanted by planets. Jupiter rises in fourth ray Sagittarius and Neptune conjuncts Chiron (and parallels it closely as well) in fourth ray Taurus. Scorpio is not tenanted, but Pluto (a ruler of Scorpio) is in fourth ray Taurus and importantly placed in the fifth house of creative self-expression, allowing deep intra-psychic probing to be released in art. Neptune (important because of its association with Cancer and Pisces) is related to the fourth or buddhic plane, and, thus, the presence of Neptune in Taurus can emphasize the fourth ray.     

The Moon and Mercury are the two planets which are primarily associated with the fourth ray. Both are important in Hesse’s chart. The Moon rules Cancer orthodoxly, and is powerful (though problematic) in late Pisces. Fourth ray Mercury is angular (even if the time 6:30 PM is not exactly correct—though it is close). Despite the fluctuations and crises of his life (and, to a degree, because of them), Hermann Hesse was a successful novelist, and this prominent Mercury, transmitting the fourth ray, certainly contributed significantly to his success.


The Sixth Ray of Idealism and Devotion: This ray is prominent is Hesse’s make up, coloring not only his astral body, but his whole personality. If we look for evidence of the sixth ray, we find it demonstrated in his pacifism at the time of the second world war (though he came near to entering the military service, but was rejected by the German Army). Further, he was a dedicated writer. His longing for transcendence (a sixth ray, Neptunian theme) runs through many of his works. Alcoholism is frequently found when sixth ray Neptune is prominent, and when the fourth ray is added to the sixth, the problem is accentuated. Ireland, for instance, which has a reputation for alcoholism, is largely a combination of the fourth and sixth rays. Ireland, like Hesse, has a prominent Pisces, in relation to which Neptune is an important, ‘special’ ruler. With Hesse himself, and with his protagonists, we find the individual embroiled in conflict, but longing to be free. Much of Hesse’s life could be described as a quest for liberation. The sixth ray is the ray of the quest. Given the placement of the Moon and Saturn in this sign, it can be supposed that Hesse had significant incarnational experience upon the sixth ray. At first it seemed he would choose a career in religion and diligently entered a German seminary to prepare himself, but he rebelled shortly, and left the seminary to become a writer. The sixth ray, though strong, was, it may be hypothesized, more of the past than of the present.


Astrological Conduits for the Sixth Ray

Again, two of the three signs/constellations transmitting the sixth ray are potent in Hesse’s chart. We have already spoken of the stellium in Pisces, linked to his Cancerian Sun by the Moon. Pisces can express in relation to either the second or sixth ray, or both as in Hesse’s case. His overwhelming emotionalism, leading to depression, alcoholism and various means of escape, is very much the product of the Piscean influence. When the sixth ray is strongly expressing through Pisces, the individual, acutely aware of the imperfections of life, its less than ideal nature, suffers and, when not constructively motivated, seeks to escape from or obliterate the cause of the suffering.

For accentuation, we find sixth ray Mars placed in sixth ray Pisces and Vesta (an asteroid of devotion and commitment) there as well, conjuncting the hyper-sensitive Moon. The urge to fight for an ideal and to save through idealism can be strong when Mars tenants Pisces.

Sagittarius is the Ascendant; no sign expresses the sixth ray more strongly during this World Period than Sagittarius. Jupiter rising in Sagittarius only accentuates its potency. Hesse was a man with a mission that became increasingly clear to him as life proceeded. Although the sixth ray may have been a “legacy ray” (a ray prominent in an immediately preceding incarnation or incarnations and brought forward into the present) mediated through Pisces, it was, in a higher sense, a ray for the future, because the Rising Sign and its ray (or rays) always point towards a quality which should increasingly be developed if the present incarnation is to be considered a spiritual success. Hesse was to become a source of vision and inspiration to three generations of seekers. One can hardly avoid the sixth ray implications of this destiny.


Other Rays


The two-four-six line is the most prominent in Hesse’s case. Some seventh and fifth ray may be suspected. There appears to have been a physical delicacy and hypochondria, which are not so much found when the third ray is the ray of the physical-etheric vehicle. Some fifth ray seems to be present as well. Sagittarius and Leo both transmit it, but more important is concrete Saturn in the third house of lower mind. For a time he was apprenticed in a clockwork factory in Calw, Germany. The fifth and seventh rays would be needed for such work. He was also apprenticed in a bookstore as a stock clerk. Here we seen the Gemini influence, but also mundane Saturn in the third house associated with the lower applications of mind and hand.

Astrological Factors of Significance


1.      Hesse’s Ascendant is Sagittarius and Jupiter rises. Herman Hesse was a seeker who, through his art, taught others how to seek a deeper spiritual reality. Despite his bouts with depression and alcoholism, he as a spiritual optimist (Jupiter in Sagittarius), who had seen the light and knew that it was real. His was an adventurous journey towards the distant goal of psycho-spiritual fulfillment. He presented a vision of this fulfillment to his readers, enjoining them to travel with him—to the East—although the journey might be fraught with crisis and peril.

2.      Rising Jupiter is closely conjunct the star Acumen and opposed to Betelgeuse. Acumen confers great intelligence and discernment, and Betelgeuse unmitigated success.

3.      Jupiter is also opposed to Polaris (a circumpolar star, the longitude of which is projected on the ecliptic and thus interpreted in terms of its zodiacal position). Polaris is a major “star of direction”, and befits the “guru” role that came to Hesse as generations of seekers came to appreciate the direction of his thought. In a way, Hesse was leading the young people ‘Home’ (Cancer), even though he, himself, had tremendous struggles along the way he so eloquently described.

4.      The heliocentric Earth (as esoteric ruler of Sagittarius) placed in the sign of transfiguration, Capricorn, contributes to the intensity of the light which he envisioned. He had not yet reached the “promised land”, but his vision was both real and inspiring.

5.      Hesse’s Sun Sign is Cancer: exoterically this worked out quite literally in the building of homes for his family. Psychologically, he was a person of extreme sensitivity, only heightened because of the placement of the Moon (orthodox ruler Cancer) in Pisces—in the latter degrees (usually karmically critical). There was great ‘trouble’ in his psychological household, and internecine warfare between the elements and principles of his personality nature. The theme of the isolation (Cancer) of the sensitive artist or spiritual seeker from an uncomprehending environment is prominent. 

Esoterically, we find Cancer at work in his deep interest in the overcoming of schisms within the personality—a process leading to integration and fusion. That which was divided, he sought to make whole. Cancer unites fragments into wholes.

6.      Mars in salvational Pisces is closely trine the Cancerian Sun. Hesse was driven to find a solution to his agonizing crises. This trine (as well as Jupiter rising) contributed to his inspirational effect on so many seekers.

7.      The Pisces Moon indicated an almost morbid sensitivity. Placed in the third house of lower mind, it suggests the fusion of kama and manas (kama-manas), so useful for a novelist or artist, but so troublesome if one wishes to control his emotions. (Fortunately, Mercury is prominent in the air sign, Gemini).

8.      The Moon in Pisces is conjunct the fixed star, Scheat, which for the average individual is considered malefic. It is associated with suicides and drownings. Hesse attempted suicide and sought to ‘drown his sorrows’ in alcohol. However, in those who can respond more positively, Scheat is the star of the free-thinker who displays great mental-creativity, even brilliance. He was able to transform his fears and other psychological liabilities into creative art, and thus redeem them.

9.      The Pisces Moon is within a degree of the asteroid Vesta. This conjunction confers an intense devotion and even self-sacrifice, only accentuated by the influence of Mars in Pisces.

10.  Mercury in Gemini is upon the seventh house cusp, opposing Jupiter and the Ascendant and sextiling Uranus exactly. Hesse was born to be a writer. This is how he met the world. (It is interesting that Leibniz, on quite a different ray and with a vastly different psychology) also had Mercury at the cusp of the seventh, and was an indefatigable writer. Hesse, of course, had many more psychological complications. Initially, he sought the help of Carl Jung in relation to writer’s block. This is graphically displayed by a close square of Saturn (from inhibitory Pisces and in the third house of communication) to Mercury. Even the emotional Pisces Moon is close enough to a square of Mercury (a little more than six degrees) to contribute significantly to the conflict between mind and emotions. One can imagine that Hesse was very subject to his moods—although his mind knew better.

11.  Mercury is closely trine the MC. Hesse was an author by profession. Close aspects to the MC illustrate the manner in which one may successfully pursue a career and gain recognition. If Hesse’s personality and mental rays were the fourth, and if the fourth ray were the subray of the soul, we can see how important would be this Mercury position. It would define the profession of his personality. We can say that the purpose of his soul in this particular incarnation was to seek and share wisdom. The soul used this angular Mercury in the process.

12.  The opposition between second ray Jupiter in Sagittarius and fourth ray Mercury in Gemini describes the dynamic between the proposed soul and personality rays. Mercury enters into the world of conflict (for it is the “Star of Conflict”) and artistically conveys the nature of this conflict through the written word. All this is under the direction of Jupiter in Sagittarius, which seeks to promote the elevation and expansion of consciousness, and the realization of the wisdom, light and love which underlie the many difficult inter-psychic and intra-psychic interactions that Mercury in Gemini so effectively describes.           

We note that Jupiter and Mercury orthodoxly rule all signs on the Mutable Cross. Hesse’s works were useful in helping aspirants make the transition from the late Mutable Cross of aspiration, to the Fixed Cross of consistently applied discipleship.

13.  Mercury is exactly sextile Uranus. Through his writing, Hesse became an awakener. He approach was new and enlivening. He rebelled against conventionality and gave seekers a fresh perspective.

14.  It should be noted that Mercury is quite closely parallel to Venus. This has the effect of a conjunction. The union of these two planets brings quality to the mind, and heightens both its luminosity and its power to express beauty. The Sun is also involved in this parallel, and so are Jupiter and the Ascendant. Luminosity of mind became the servant of a growing expansion of consciousness and growth of wisdom.

15.  Venus is in late Cancer trine the Pisces Moon. Exoterically, this combination contributes to the creation of beautiful homes (in Hesse’s case, beside the water and built by himself). The appreciation of physical beauty would be strong.   

This trine gives beauty to the emotional life and its creativity and lyricism to one’s expression. Indeed, Hesse was a poet whose lyricism was admired.

Esoterically, the light and love of the soul that Venus represents, becomes available to the lunar realm. The entire process of personality integration (undertaken in Cancer) is dependent upon the guidance of the soul. Carl Jung calls this the “individuation process”—a process in which Hesse (Jung’s patient and friend) was deeply involved. One can imagine that with such a strong Moon, Neptune, Pisces and Sagittarius, Hesse was possessed of a fertile visual imagination, which contributed strongly to the individuation process through the recollection of dreams—a cornerstone in the Jungian approach.

16.  Venus is also widely trine the Moon, which can stabilize the affections (which, Hesse, with three marriages—two of them ending in divorce—badly needed). The combination also adds structure to the expression of beauty.

17.  Of Mars and Jupiter much has already been said. Both are in sixth ray signs, and both contributed to the enthusiasm Hesse succeeded in generating in those who sought a more meaningful life.

18.  Saturn is placed in Pisces in the third house. One can see, with the susceptible Moon also placed in the third house (conjunct Vesta) a prescription for depression. The mind could easily become overwhelmed by emotion, image, mood—and feel as if there was no hope, no escape.         

Saturn is involved in a T-Square with Jupiter and Mercury. This T-Square is definitive for Hesse’s life. It saves him from an easy optimism and facile expression of thought promoted by the Jupiter/Mercury opposition. Gifted with a wealth of ideas and visions, and facile in expression, the flow would be uninterrupted if not for the mental/emotional crisis engendered by Saturn, Who puts all visions and thoughts to the test. The vision may be clear and beautiful and the thoughts about the goal exhilarating, but suffering enters, and the actual state of the psyche forces itself to the forefront of consciousness. The actual psychic condition limits the tremendous progress envisioned and the speed towards fulfillment. Unless the karmic residue is worked through (karmic Saturn in karmic Pisces), the great and lofty ideas (Jupiter and Mercury) cannot be actualized.  

The third house is the house of the writer and the thinker. Saturn in Pisces indicates a definite spiritual responsibility to face the ghosts of the past and expiate them. This Hesse did through his writings and through the personal struggles and crises, which enrich his writings with the bitterness and beauty of real experience.

19.  Saturn is also square the proposed Ascendant/Descendent axis. Given a birth time of 6:30 PM, the square is quite exact. Even if the time of birth were a half hour earlier or later, the square would still be preserved, and it is formidable. There were many crises in Hesse’s relationship life. He was twice divorced and only in his third marriage did he find a union of greater quality. Saturn square the Ascendant/Descendent tests all relationships. One can easily see how Hesse’s struggles to express adequately and his self-criticism of his thought process would act adversely upon his unions.

20.  Uranus is not only sextile Mercury, but trine both the Sagittarian Ascendant and Jupiter. We see a very flowing configuration, with Uranus mediating the opposition between Jupiter and Mercury, and reinforcing them both. Uranus is placed in the eighth house of transformation. This eighth house placement enhances the role of Uranus as an awakener and the agent of deep change. Hesse’s Sagittarian vision was anything but orthodox. He offered a vision of transformation (Uranus in H8), and. significantly, he went through the process. Hesse’s consummating vision was optimistic (especially in his final novel) and full of great possibilities. His work showed what can be achieved if one undertakes to really awaken the potentials for deep psychic change. At length the combination of Sagittarius, Jupiter, Uranus and Mercury, overcame the self-doubts, pessimism and depression of Saturn and the Moon in Pisces. Appreciation for his work only grew during his lifetime. He left this incarnation at the age of eighty-five, five weeks after a large birthday celebration honoring him. It would seem that the larger life-objectives had been achieved.

21.  Neptune, as the esoteric ruler of the Cancerian Sun, is significantly placed in a house friendly to it—the fourth. It is, however, conjunct and parallel Chiron. Both planets can be connected with the second ray. Together they can indicate much psychological pain, and the ability to heal that pain.  

The fourth house represents, among other things, the dregs of the aura. Here karma settles and becomes one’s heredity, for good or ill. Throughout much of his mature life, Hermann Hesse was delving into the depths of the psyche—sensitively, intuitively, perceptively—and, so it seems, with the objective of healing (Chiron) the difficulties he discovered.

The Sun in Cancer offers an energy that is useful for personality integration. But Hesse required in-depth integration. This he learned through his art and through consultation with the great depth-psychologist Carl Jung. The deep psyche for which Neptune (and Pluto) is the symbol, required intuitive penetration, and the revelation of the transcendent possibilities inherent in those psychic depths. Carl Jung, himself, was not stranger to such penetration, and one can see that these two men must have shared a profound understanding of the subtleties and dangers of the greater Psyche.

22.  The creative potentials of Pluto in H5 have already been discussed. We note, however, that Pluto is square to transformative Uranus—Pluto being quite the regenerator Himself. Uranus is at home in H8 because it is the house of its exaltation.

23.  Pluto is also intimately related to the eighth house because its rules Scorpio. The square between the two promises that the transformations undergone would be deep and lasting (and, perhaps, dangerous in process). Because of the houses involved we see again the connection between psychological change and creative expression.

The Timing of a few Significant Events in the Life of Herman Hesse

1.      Herman Hesse became a permanent resident of Switzerland in 1919: The progressed Moon (ruling one’s home or native country) was at the MC. The progressed MC was just entering Sagittarius (foreign lands)

2.      Siddhartha was released in 1922: T-Jupiter was conjuncting the MC and P-Moon was just moving into Sagittarius.

3.      He became a Swiss citizen in 1923: T-Saturn was at the MC. Saturn is the law and the MC/IC rules where as person lives. It is his ‘stability axis’.

4.      In 1927 he met and courted his future wife, Ninon Dolbin, and started the construction of his beloved house, Casa Bodmer.  There was a lunar eclipse on the Ascendant/Descendant and a solar eclipse within a few degree of his Sun in Cancer.

5.      Hermann Hesse saw The Glass Bead Game published in 1943. In the year following, P-MC conjuncts P-Jupiter in Sagittarius, indicating the fulfillment of Wisdom. In that same year, there is a progressed lunation in the fifteenth degree of Virgo, just into the ninth house of publishing.

6.      Hermann Hess receive the Nobel Prize for Literature late in 1946: There was a solar eclipse on heliocentric Earth (esoteric ruler of the Sagittarius Ascendant) and thus opposite the Sun; there was a lunar eclipse on his Ascendant/Descendant axis, emphasizing soul mission, his identity and its relation to the public; there was a solar eclipse on his Sun, again, just as when he had built his beloved home. As well, during the year in which he received the prize, progressed Venus (indicating the work of the Solar Angel within the personality) was conjuncting the MC, and T-Jupiter (bringing success and fulfillment) was also conjuncting it. The progressed Moon in Libra was at the MC as well. It looks as if the decision was made sometime in August when all these favorable indicators were concentrated at the MC—his status and reputation. The actual awarding of the prize would then follow as an effect.

Sun      SEcl                      (X)       Tr-Tr    Jan 3 1946      21:15   12°Cp32' D    
Mo       LEcl                       (X)       Tr-Tr    Jun 15 1946    03:39   23°Sg05' D     
Sun      SEcl                      (X)       Tr-Tr    Jun 29 1946    12:52   06°Cn48' D    

7.      Herman Hesse died of a cerebral hemorrhage, on August 9, 1962: T-Pluto opposed progressed Mars. T-Mars was conjuncted to the seventh house cusp. There was a solar eclipse within three degrees of  the Vertex, the point of fate. T-Saturn had reached the opposition to that July 31st solar eclipse.    

It is impossible to tell, given our present stage of astrological understanding, exactly what indicators or combinations of indicators will cause death. Perhaps no combination inevitably will bring the death of the physical body, but some combinations increase the likelihood. Hermann Hesse had both Mars very active on the day of his passing, and Pluto and Saturn were exact as well. For much of the day, the transiting Moon had been in Scorpio—ruled by Pluto and Mars.

There are many other dynamic factors of considerable interest, but time does not allow them to be treated. The interested student can take the exploration further.

The Esoteric Perspective

If we consult the esoteric rulers of the Sun, Ascendant and Midheaven, we learn of the importance of Neptune, the Earth and Uranus. The heliocentric Earth and geocentric Neptune are trine. Uranus, however, is not in aspect with either. Esoterically, Neptune in Taurus is a light-bearer, bringing the light of the pure reason of the buddhic plane into the lunar worlds, which are represented by the fourth house (though Neptune is not far from the fifth and in the same sign as is found on the fifth house cusp—Taurus). Esoterically, Hesse was bringing the light of intuition into dark and wounded (Chiron) places, and seeking their redemption (Chiron and Neptune).        

We know that Sagittarius rules the “glorification of the Path”, and the Earth (esoteric ruler of Sagittarius) represents the practical treading of that Path, leading to the development of the sacred human being, and eventually, a sacred planet. Earth is heliocentrically in Capricorn; the vision of the mountain-top, with its supernal light, exists. Hesse was challenged, not just to envision the goal and describe the Path, but (in a practical Capricornian manner) to tread it. We can see from studying his life that he often had a decided difficulty in doing that, but her persisted and inspired many. 

Uranus, as esoteric ruler of the MC, indicates a higher calling—one of greater significance than that indicated by artistic Venus in Cancer (orthodox ruler of the MC) trine the Moon. Hesse’s apparent vocation was writer, novelist and poet.  More deeply, he was a liberator of the individual (Uranus in Leo) through psycho-spiritual transformation (Uranus in H8, trine Ascendant and Jupiter, and square to Pluto, the “Regenerator”). Hesse, a spiritual Sagittarian, was describing a journey to the Light and into greater consciousness. To restructure the psyche (Uranus in H8) with which he was presented at birth, was his means.




In these studies we are to a degree focussed on the relation of the individual analyzed to the Path of Spirituality. Was the individual “on the Path”? Was the individual an aspirant, a disciple, an initiate? How do we know? What can the rays proposed for the individual and the astrological indications tell us about the individual’s spiritual life?         

We find in Hermann Hesse an advanced individual of great sensitivity and artistic skill. The issues of the psyche and its forces are well-known to him. He is not naďve with respect to the depths and heights of human nature. He is a true seeker, forced to encounter and resolve the inevitable ‘troubles’ along the way—troubles born of residual karma and, simply, the human condition.  

Such were the irregularities of his life, the unconquered areas of lunar living, that we cannot conceive of him as having attained the third initiation. His struggles, it would seem, pertain far more to the second, with its mastery and harmonization of the astral body.         

But his vision was towards the achievement of the third degree, and the protagonist in his final novel The Glass Bead Game, had certainly achieved the goal. Hesse saw the Great Light, and knew that it could be attained by all who would truly “Journey to the East”.

It is reasonable to think of Hermann Hesse as an advanced seeker, capable of leading and inspiring many lesser seekers. He was full of aspiration, one-pointed through all his struggles; losing his way (apparently) and finding it again, righting himself, and re-embarking upon the Great Quest.       

Perhaps his greatest gift to his aspiring readers is his conviction that, despite psychological conflict, crisis and turmoil, there is a way through to great realizations and expansions of consciousness. His service was that of inspiration through beauty, leading, at length, to enlightenment and wisdom.

3.                  John XXIII—Pope:  November 25, 1881, Sotto il Monte, Italy, 10:15 AM, LMT. (Source: Recorded. According to LMR, Fagan in American Astrology, November, 1963 quotes a photostat copy of the B.C.) Died, June 3, 1963, Vatican City, Rome.

(Ascendant Capricorn with Moon in Capricorn rising; Sun in Sagittarius; Venus conjunct Mercury in Scorpio with both conjunct the MC; Mars in Cancer retrograde and conjunct the DC; Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter all conjunct in Taurus, with Saturn and Pluto also in Taurus; the IC is midway between Neptune and Saturn)           

The name of John XXIII is associated with liberalism and ecumenism in the Catholic Church. While the sixth ray must necessarily strong in a Sagittarian Pope, the second ray of Love-Wisdom coming through second ray Jupiter in Taurus, the sign of enlightenment, created that opening of the heart and mind which modernized the Catholic church and introduced the ray of the Christ (rather than the ray of the Master Jesus) in greater power. It can be seen, through the conjunction of Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter (all of them, in part, second ray planets) in the second sign (of light), that John would institute a great healing initiative “at home”—i.e., within the Church itself. The mind would be liberated (Mercury conjunct Venus) and the influence of the soul (Mercury/Venus) would be powerfully felt, transforming old negative attitudes. Pluto opposing the Sun in Sagittarius is another way of seeing this transformation at work.        

The progress of John XXIII was from aspiration (Sagittarius) to institution (Capricorn). One senses that it was John’s responsibility (Capricorn) to anchor (four planets surrounding the IC in Taurus) the energy of the heart and of love in an often crystallized organization—the Church. With so many planets of love and the soul on the MC/IC axis, he succeeded brilliantly.


Noteworthy Astro-Rayological Factors for Further Contemplation

1.      The great heart, personal warmth, humility, refreshing openness, friendliness, joviality and genuine inclusiveness of Pope John XXIII clearly mark him as a second ray soul. At his death he was considered one of the most loved men on Earth; he received what he gave.

2.      He considered himself a “reconciler”, and long before he became Pope, was often called upon to ease a variety of tensions both within the Church and concerning Church relations with temporal powers. He had a natural ability to relate constructively and harmoniously to a great diversity of people and institutions. These qualities point to the strong presence of fourth ray in his character—especially as Libra is not represented.

3.      Astrologically, the fourth ray is especially strong, as all three signs/constellations which transmit it have planets: there is a six-planet stellium in fourth ray Taurus (Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, Pluto, along with Chiron and Vesta; two planets are placed in fourth ray Scorpio; and the important Sun in fourth ray Sagittarius. This makes nine factors found in fourth ray signs, seven of which are the usual planets.

4.      The sixth ray is present (at least astrologically, if not in the ray chart) as Sagittarius, the Sun Sign, is the strongest of the sixth ray signs. Further, the two major sixth ray planets (Mars and Neptune) are both angular—Mars at the Descendant and Neptune near the IC.     

His steadiness, loyalty and devotion are further indications of the sixth ray, perhaps on the personality level. The sixth ray demonstration was not fanatical or fiery; the water element was at least as strong. There is only one major planet (the Sun—a “Light”) in fire, and three planets in water.

5.      Pope John XXIII’s Sagittarian Sun is placed in the potentially progressive eleventh house where a vision of the ideal (conferred by Sagittarius) is reinforced by an inclination toward reform.

6.      The Sun is opposing Pluto, indicating that John XIII could be far more radical than he appeared. No doubt he formed in silence many opinions about a better direction for the Church, never imagining that he would one day be placed in a position to enact his thoughts.

7.      The Sun is conjunct the North Node, indicating the importance of the function of guide, leading the Church in a new direction.

8.      The Capricorn Moon conferred humility, with the help of which he obediently accepted some rather unspectacular assignments, fulfilling them conscientiously. It would contribute to self-control and restraint.

9.      The Capricorn Ascendant is of course more important spiritually. Externally, it would add to the appearance of conservatism or at least non-radicalism; it would make John seem politically “safe”, and yet it would induce a determination toward high yet definitely practical achievement—the will to manifest the ideals he had long contemplated when patiently fulfilling the quite ordinary positions to which he had been assigned for many years of his life.

The Sabian Symbol assigned to the thirteenth degree of Capricorn is suggestive (though because of the possibly rounded off time it cannot be relied upon completely)—“A Fire Worshipper” and “A Fire Worshiper Meditations on the Ultimate Realities of Existence”; “The subjective quest for the ultimates beyond the interplay of life and death processes”; “Will To Transcendence”. It is surely the most apt of the symbols for the several preceding and succeeding degrees. In this case, we must remember that “God is a Consuming Fire” and “God is Love”.

10.  That the ruling planet of the Ascendant (Saturn) is placed in the down-to-earth sign Taurus, further emphasizes the will toward tangible achievement. Saturn is in the third house conjunct Vesta, representing his attitude of committed, responsible labor, and also the environmental restrictions entailed in a number of his assignments.

But Saturn is also conjunct the IC, emphasizing the wish to anchor in a practical manner that which has been conceived.

11.  As both Sagittarius and Capricorn are signs of initiation (Sagittarius being, usually, a  ruler of  the first two initiations, and Capricorn, of the first five, but especially the third) the potentials for the expansion of consciousness far beyond the possible rigidity of the Capricorn Moon is clearly apparent.

12.  One of the most important positions in the chart is the conjunction of Venus in Scorpio to the Scorpio MC. Whether the MC is precisely accurate (or the Ascendant for that matter is questionable, as the birth time appears to be rounded off to the quarter hour, but it is close). Pope John was a Pope who made major contributions in the world to the spirit of peace and to right human relations. He was instrumental in creating the psychological atmosphere which helped defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis, and his major encyclical, Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth) was warmly and appreciatively received throughout the world.       

We recognize that Venus is the planet more related to the influence of the Solar Angel; it is the planet of the light and love of the soul, and impulses the redemptive process within the lower human nature. Its healing, magnetic energies contributed greatly to the spirit of reconciliation and warmth which characterized Pope John’s papacy. It is fittingly placed in Scorpio, the sign of its detriment where it could do much good, for Scorpio represents the theatre of human stress and conflict (representing as it does especially the conflict aspect of the fourth ray). So, at especially tense moments, John XXIII was called in to bring more harmonious relations. This position represents, in a way, a ‘descent into Hell’ by one who carries the lighted, loving influence of the soul. Venus is hierarchically related to the Capricorn Ascendant. Its position in Scorpio can be understood as ‘mounting by descending’. The first great ‘spiritual destination’ of Venus is Capricorn where it displayed the light upon the mountain top of transfiguration. There is shines with blazing loving light for all to see. In Scorpio it is “on its way”—shedding the light below before it is displayed above. It cannot be lost on the analyst that Venus is place in the most elevated position in the chart and within the house generically associated with Capricorn, the fifth. The Sabian Symbol for Venus, “An Inventor Inventing”, is particularly apt considering the ingenious methods used by Pope John to bring out the reconciliations he envisioned. He was clearly an exponent of the “intelligence of the heart”.  

13.  Venus is conjoined by Mercury about a degree away. Mercury and Venus together again represent the soul—the “Divine Hermaphrodite”. Mercury is Hermes and Venus is Aphrodite. Through John XXIII, the soul is communicating to the world, and in depth, attempting to bring resolution to age-long grievances. Mercury is powerful in Scorpio, its hierarchical position. There it is perceptively shrewd and knows how to work psychologically. Though apparently simple in his approach, John XXIII was perceived as one who could communicate in depth (Scorpio)

The Sabian Symbol of Mercury is also very revealing—“Telephone Linemen At Work”. His remarkable ecumenical efforts were meant to reestablish true communication, both within the fragmented Church (with its catholic, protestant, and Eastern Orthodox divisions—divided, even within themselves), and between the Church and an often-distrustful world. The meaning of the symbolism is clear—he was repairing the lines of communication.      

14.  The aspects of the Venus/Mercury conjunction are significant, powerful and harmonious. They are sextile the Capricorn Ascendant, demonstrating their energetic cooperation with soul purpose. There is also a septile of the MC with his very important Uranus, thus, by translations of light, Venus and Mercury are involved. Also, there is an opposition to the conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune, and Saturn also is involved. Three of the planets of the heart (Venus, Jupiter and Neptune) are involved in this conjunction. Note that these three are the three especially active in the second initiation, to which Sagittarius also is related. The indications for the second degree are clearly present, and potentials for the third degree can also be found.         

15.  Mars (trine to Venus, Mercury and the MC) plays an important and interesting role in the whole. In some ways, it is both prominent, thus strong, but weak in by sign and position—for it is in Cancer, the sign of its “fall” (where is stirs up the emotional life and creates defensiveness) and in the seventh house, which is the house of its detriment (Libra and the seventh house being related to peace, and Mars being the “god of War”. Further Mars is retrograde, so its normally outgoing expression is subdued and more inwardly directed. 

It is clearly a powerful psychological position—thwarted three time (by sign, house and retrogradation) and yet prominent  (on an angle) and the exoteric and esoteric ruler of the Scorpio Midheaven. It’s meaning is clear—quiet, deeply-felt resistance to many abuses. Angelo Roncalli may have appeared to go along, to obey, to do what he was told (quietly and cooperatively), but in his mind (and, more importantly, perhaps, in his emotional nature ruled by Mars) was the rejection of many conditions within the Church.          

Mars remained retrograde for most of Pope John’s life, but in March of 1951, it turned direct (doing so in Gemini, not Cancer, its natal sign) A subtle re-orientation must have occurred, and a far more direct willingness to communicate the thoughts upon which he had long meditated. Seven years later, he became Pope; his Mars was ready for action.

16.  Uranus, very well aspected in the eighth house of sacrifice, regeneration and  transformation, is very important. John XXIII was responsible for surprisingly sweeping reforms. He “opened up” the Church. He was as a “breath of fresh air” when compared with the normally guarded and power-conscious popes who preceded him. The Catholic Church (according to the Tibetan’s ray assignments) has a first ray soul, a manipulative, materially-engaged third ray personality, a sixth ray mind and astral body, and a seventh ray physical form. The inclusive warmth of Pope John’s second ray was at variance with the Church and in harmony with the Spirit of the Christ.

Uranus, with its spontaneity and revolutionary spirit, assisted him to change its structure. He said the idea for an Ecumenical Council came to him as “a sudden inspiration” (Uranus, of course).
His purpose was to “bring the church up to date” (aggiornamento) and to work for its spiritual regeneration.          

Uranus’ aspects reveal its inspiring effects: it is trine the Moon (spontaneity) and also trine expansive Jupiter, wise Chiron and mystical Neptune. Uranus is also in wide sextile to action-oriented Mars. Jupiter/Uranus confer “beneficent organization”. Together, they are the most progressive combination possible and they opened the doors. Uranus Chiron conceived of new, ingenious methods of healing long-standing cleavages. Uranus Neptune combined effectiveness in form with the transcendental spirit. Students of the Tibetan would say it unifies the mystic and the occultist, or buddhi with atma/manas, or the heart and the mind.    

We see that Uranus is involved in a powerful (and practical—because earth signs are involved) grand trine, which suddenly swept through the Church, changing everything. It is probably a good thing that Angelo Roncalli’s Capricorn energies were so strong, allowing him to keep his reformist tendencies ‘under wraps”, otherwise he would never have been promoted to the position in which they could b exercised.

17.  The triple conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune (all in Taurus—the sign of the “light of wisdom”) is indispensable in understanding Pope John XXIII. Saturn is involved as well. All the planets involved in this conjunction are retrograde, which can be interpreted as attention to ‘unfinished business’. Pope John undertook the correction of a number of abuses which clung to the Church as part of its karma.        

John was a Jupiterian (and Uranian) pope. If the soul ray was the second (as it surely appears to be), Jupiter would be a major conduit for its expression. Jupiter is also the planet ruling his Sagittarian Sun, and is, therefore, doubly important. Further, it is placed in the house of its exaltation (the fourth)          .

Jupiter is the planet of the open heart, and it is conjuncted to the Chiron, the “Wounded Healer” (also a largely second ray planetoid) and Neptune (the planet linking solar plexus to the heart and ruling the “Solar Flames” of the “Heart of the Sun”.

This triple conjunction, therefore, is clearly a love-wisdom conjunction (three planets of love and healing in Taurus, the sign of the light of wisdom) and all in the house of the ashram. The healing was applied, to a great extent, “at home” (fourth house)—i.e., within the Catholic Church, itself. The Church was set on a new course of action (Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter) and established on a new and more spiritually authentic foundation (fourth house). A great healing was in process.    

The Tibetan told us that by 1980 the Master Jesus would be experimenting with the overshadowing of the pope. “From the chair of the Pope of Rome, the Master Jesus will attempt to swing that great branch of the religious beliefs of the world again into a position of spiritual power and away from its present authoritative and temporary political potency”.
(DON 59) Perhaps the opportunity arose earlier than expected, and John XXIII was overshadowed. “By their fruits ye shall know them”.

18.  Even the position of the asteroid Ceres (rising) is significant. Ceres is the asteroid of nurturance, and its glyph displays the “shepherd’s crook”—the perfect symbol for the “Good Shepherd” in ever-responsible Capricorn.

19.  The conjunction by parallel of declination of Chiron, Neptune and the Vertex, tells of the fated (Vertex) appointment with spiritual (Neptune) healing (Chiron).

20.  The soul is the “quality of life”, and it was the quality of Pope John XXIII’s presence and heart energy which effected the dramatic changes. Love is the great transformer.

21.  A few of the fixed star positions are unusually significant. The elevated Mercury (expressing in relation to a symbol expressing the repair of disrupted communications) is conjunct within on minute of arc Zuben Elgenubi, the star of positive social reform. Expansive, open and inclusive second ray Jupiter is parallel, also within one minute of arc, Alhena which characterizes those who have a mission. It was clearly a Jupiterian mission demanding the wise spreading of loving understanding. Progressive Uranus is closely parallel Procyon, the star of eager advancement into new projects and, hence, rapid (if often unstable) progress. But Pope John’s Taurus and Scorpio planets (fixed signs) stabilized his ideas and saw them well-instituted (Capricorn). The MC is conjunct both Acrux (the Southern Cross—an appropriate symbol for a pope) and exactly conjunct Alphecca (which represents the crown of quiet achievements). Note that Nero, also significant for his infamous relationship to the early Christians, had Acrux on the MC (at least in the proposed chart). Alcyone, the central star of our little cosmo-system) is closely conjunct Pluto (as it was for so many born at that time), but in the chart of a pope who radically changed the inner and outer structure of the Catholic Church, this alignment of the central star with radical Pluto must be considered important. He went deeper (Pluto) in his changes than any pope in recent history.

22.  Pope John XXIII, through the sheer force of his humanity, was responsible for the infusion of a major flow of Love-Wisdom into the Catholic Church. The beneficent changes (Jupiter/Uranus) were extraordinarily welcome and long overdue. His entire papacy was a surprise—a breath of soul which carried the Church closer to its inspiration—the Christ. We therefore, must view Angelo Roncalli (Pope John XXIII) as true disciple of the Lord, Maitreya with a significant role to play during the period of the Forerunner which prepares the way for the Externalization of the Hierarchy and the Reappearance of the Christ.

4.                  Abraham Lincoln—President of the United States, Humanist, Human Avatar: (Lincoln is listed here in relation to the second ray, because not only is there every reason to believe that his personality was upon this ray, but that his monad as well, is upon the ray of Love-Wisdom. Given Abraham Lincoln’s level of evolution, and the extraordinary demands placed upon him by his role, the energy of this monadic ray would emerge, and did. He seemed to be a representative of the energy of Synthesis, which is a second ray expression of the first ray energy.)    

February 12, 1809, Hodgenville, Kentucky, 2:10 AM, LMT. (Source: Doris Chase Doane) Another time, 6:54 AM, LMT is given in some biographies which state that the birth occurred about “sunup”. The 2:10 AM time yields a Sagittarius Ascendant, and the 6:54 AM time, an Aquarius Ascendant. (For 2:10 AM time: Ascendant, Sagittarius; Sun in Aquarius; Moon in Capricorn; Mercury conjunct Pluto in Pisces; Jupiter also in Pisces; Venus in Aries: Mars in Libra square the Capricorn Moon; Saturn conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius, both conjunct the Ascendant; Uranus in Scorpio) For 6:54 AM time, the Neptune and Saturn conjunction would have been conjunct the MC, giving added weight to Sagittarius just as the Sagittarius rising chart does. An 8:36 AM time is also offered as a rectification, but is unlikely. Died, April 15, 1865,Washington, DC.           

Worked as a rail splitter, flatboatman, storekeeper, postmaster, surveyor, and lawyer in 1836. Member of the legislature, 1834-41; U.S> Representative, 1847-49; president, 1861-65; Issued the Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863. Shot on April 14, 1865.

Abraham Lincoln was more than simply a human being. Spiritually he was, according to the Tibetan Teacher, a racial avatar
(EXH 297-298), representing the Forces of Light just as Otto von Bismark held a contrary position with respect to the Force of Materialism. Lincoln came forth upon the first ray (his soul ray), and his greatest achievement was to “preserve the Union”. The power of the first ray of synthesis, supported by the second ray of love-wisdom made this preservation possible. The second ray is very likely his personality ray.           

The sign Aquarius indicates Lincoln as a great humanitarian—someone whose actions affected all of humanity and not just the lives of the citizens of his nation. Interestingly, however, his Aquarius Sun correlates with the soul sign of the United States—also Aquarius.  It was Lincoln’s gift to think beyond petty, parochial concerns, thus realizing the greater destiny of the United States, which it was his duty to protect. Assuming the correctness of the Sagittarius rising chart (which seems correct judging from Lincoln’s bodily stature and physiognomy—his receding, Sagittarian chin), Lincoln can be seen as a prophet and a visionary (Sagittarius Ascendant, with psychic Neptune and karmic Saturn both conjunct. He was attuned through prophetic vision with the destiny of America, and realized his role in fulfilling that destiny through holding the Union in tact.

Both Sagittarius and Aquarius are forward-looking signs, both ruled by Jupiter (Aquarius, esoterically), and both have a great love of freedom. Lincoln is credited with “freeing the slaves” through his Emancipation Proclamation (Aquarius).       

There are advantages to either chart. Surely no one can dispute the importance of Aquarius in the chart, indicating in this case, the third initiation and the great service which follows that degree. The Sagittarius Ascendant could indicate the steady helmsman of a nation which had lost its moral bearings, and the adherence to an orientation which would lead to freedom for all. In the Sagittarius chart, the Moon rules the eighth house of death and is almost exactly squared by Mars, showing, in this case, the suddenness and violence of the assassination. In both charts the prophetic and destined Neptune-Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius is emphasized—conjuncting the Ascendant in the Sagittarius rising chart and conjuncting the Sagittarian MC in the Aquarius rising chart.

5.                  Sir Thomas More—Statesman and Humanist—a “Man for all Seasons”: February 7, 1478, London England, 3:00 AM, LMT. (Source: his father’s diary). Died (beheaded), July 6, 1535, Tower Hill, London.  

(Ascendant, Sagittarius; Sun and Mercury in Aquarius; Moon loosely conjunct Venus in Aries; Jupiter also in Aries; Mars in Libra; Saturn and Pluto in Virgo; Uranus conjunct Neptune in Scorpio in H12)

(Research on Thomas More is needed)

6.                  Eleanor Roosevelt—Stateswoman and Social Reformer: October 11, 1884, New York, New York, 11:00AM, EST. (Source: Recorded at Birth) Died, November 7, 1962, of tuberculosis, in New York, NY.  

(Ascendant, Sagittarius; Sun and Mercury in Libra; Moon in Cancer; Venus and Uranus in Virgo; Mars in Scorpio; Jupiter in Leo-orthodox ruler of the Ascendant; Saturn and Pluto in Gemini; Neptune in Taurus).

Above all, Eleanor Roosevelt was an apostle of peace and of right human relations— the true meaning of the sign Libra. One of her major messages was that of fairness—especially in relation to those who were less fortunate or privileged. Her international sphere of activity and her progressivism are indicated by Sagittarius, and her well known shyness, domesticity and sympathy by the Cancer Moon. Although their personal relationship chilled (Venus in Virgo) because of Franklin Roosevelt’s amorous nature, she formed and maintained the truest kind of Libran partnership with him. Throughout his presidency, she was in very many respects his equal, his trusted advisor, and indispensable partner. 

Franklin Roosevelt was primarily a first ray disciple—in his soul nature. Eleanor was his counterbalance, offering the qualities of compassion and humanism so frequently expressed by those upon the second ray. She was a source of inspiration and reconciliation to many, promoting many progressive and liberal causes (second and sixth rays combined). It might be said that Eleanor Roosevelt firmly established the concept of the “First Lady” as a working partner to her husband the president. Before her time, no wife of any president had emerged with such strength and influence. Her influence, however, was largely that of the magnetic power of the heart, indicated by her ruling planet Jupiter in the sign of the heart—Leo.

7.                  Dane Rudhyar, Author, Astrologer, Composer, Artist: (1895-1985?) March 23, 1895, Paris, France, 00:42 AM,. (Source: from his wife, L. Rael, taken from a given time of “midnight to 1:00 AM”, and used by Dane Rudhyar, himself.) Died, September 13, 1985, San Francisco, CA.  

(Ascendant, Sagittarius; MC, Libra; Sun and Venus in Aries; Moon in Aquarius; Mercury and NN in Pisces; Mars, Pluto and Uranus all conjunct in Gemini, with Mars/Neptune conjunct the seventh house cusp, and Jupiter also in Gemini; Saturn and Uranus in Scorpio)

Dane Rudhyar was a pioneer (Sun in Aries) in the field of transpersonal astrology, also known as “Humanistic Astrology”. He was deeply interested in the psychospiritual meaning of astrology (evidence of his second ray soul and his Rising Sign, Sagittarius), focussing far less upon the event level of astrology—though he was surely capable of doing so. His search was for the archetypal patterns (second ray and Sagittarius) which caused and gave significance to outward manifestations.         

Rudhyar wrote voluminously (expansive Jupiter, exoteric ruler of his Sagittarian Ascendant in verbal, thought-filled Gemini) on astrology and related psychospiritual fields. Mars, exoteric ruler of his Aries Sun, conjunct both Pluto and Neptune in Gemini, promotes intensity and depth in the expression of thought. A high note of idealism sounds through his writing as a result of this Mar/Neptune conjunction—both planets of the sixth ray. Additionally, the Sun is found in the third house of mind, and also the house of the writer and thinker. Further, the North Node (indicating a focus to be applied) is placed there as well.  

His was a mind of unusually subtlety, sensitivity and depth (Mercury, the esoteric ruler of the Sun sign—valid in the chart of initiates—in Pisces, exoterically disposited by Neptune, and exoterically by Pluto, both conjunct in Gemini). His depth of psychological insight is indicated by the planet of transformation, Uranus, and the planet of realistic assessment, Saturn, both in Scorpio.      

It is interesting to note the position of Chiron on the MC, conjunct the Earth (heliocentrically considered). Chiron, at its higher level of expression, is a second ray planet, a healing, guiding planet—and indeed Rudhyar was the wise guide to more than a generation of progressive, spiritually-inclined astrologers. Chiron, the “Quest Guide” is naturally associated with Sagittarius, his Ascendant, and thus the indicator of soul-direction in this particular incarnation. The Earth is the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, and is conjuncted to Chiron, indicating a practical dharma for Rudhyar as one who indicates the Path, and the wise (Sagittarius) and balanced (Libra) manner of treading it.

“Sagittarius, which is governed esoterically by Mother Earth, produces those conditions whereby the Path itself achieves glorification.” (EA 130)           

Dane Rudhyar had great versatility—as a thinker, artist, philosopher, poet, metaphysician, astrologer and composer. He was a kind of modern Renaissance man. This universality is reinforced by his four Gemini planets, with Jupiter among them trine his eclectic Aquarian Moon. More deeply, it indicates the inclusiveness of his second ray soul. He was a good friend of Alice A. Bailey (who considered him a brother in the second ray Ashram). They held each other in the highest respect. Dane Rudhyar (according to the Tibetan in unpublished writings—a “world disciple”) was one of the few people (not a member of the Tibetan’s Groups of Nine) to receive the installments of the book on Esoteric Astrology which A.A.B. and the Tibetan were in process of writing. In Rudhyar’s classic Astrology of Personality, there are a number of tabulations taken directly from the Tibetan’s books—notably A Treatise on Cosmic Fire and Esoteric Astrology.

White there can be no certainty in such matters, a reasonable ray chart for Dane Rudhyar might be conceived as follows: III 2 4-367.       

His great fundamental intelligence suggests a monad upon the third ray (as is the case with at least seventy five percent of disciples in the world today, having come from the “Moon Chain:)—a third ray which, interestingly, would find expression through the ‘Earth Point’ (considered as the Monadic Point) in third ray Libra. His second ray soul, inclusive, wise, full of loving-understanding seems clear. Second ray Jupiter in second ray Gemini would be the planet and sign through which this second ray could most powerfully express, aided by intelligent, intuitive Mercury in second ray Pisces. An artistic, expressive, versatile fourth ray personality is likely—expressing, of course, through the entire chart, but finding special points of expression through the circulatory fourth ray Aquarian Moon (the sign of which it is the hierarchical ruler) and fourth ray Mercury in intuitive, synthesizing Pisces. His mind is hypothesized to be conditioned by the third ray of “Creative Intelligence”. Its great powers of abstraction and synthesis and its fluidity seems to suggest the third ray—reflective of a hypothesized third ray monad. (The mind, archetypally reflects the monad, just as the astral nature reflects the soul and the physical nature, the personality as a whole). As for the idealism or devotion of the sixth ray, this is much supported by the Mars/Neptune conjunction, both of them important sixth ray planets. This two/six line expressed very much through his Gemini planets, and thus through his writing. His physical appearance suggests a seventh ray body.

Because Dane Rudhyar is, presumably, linked to the second ray Ashram, and was, in fact, quite closely connected with the Tibetan Teacher, and because he was a psychologist of such depth, his rays may shine through more clearly than is the case with many well-known persons. He would be an excellent subject of study (as is Roberto Assagioli) for those interested in understanding the way of the modern, second ray disciple-initiate in the modern world.

8.                  Baruch Spinoza—Philosopher (the “Gentle Philosopher”, the “God-intoxicated Philosopher”): December 4, 1632, Amsterdam, Holland, 4:00 PM, LMT. (Source: Marc Penfield who references Matthews who gave Spinoza Gemini rising). Died, February 21, 1677

(Chart Referenced: Ascendant, Gemini; Sun in Sagittarius, with Mercury conjunct Saturn also in Sagittarius; Moon and Uranus in Virgo; Venus conjunct Mars in Capricorn; Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Taurus; Neptune in Scorpio)


Again we are faced with the possibility of two or, perhaps, three charts. A date of November 24, 1632 is sometimes suggested , but it is uncertain whether this date is to be interpreted in the Old Style which would convert it to December 4, 1632, New Style (a date also frequently used and the one which will be used in the present interpretation). The New Style positions for December 4, 1632 and the Old Style Positions for November 24, 1632,  4:00 PM are as given above. The New Style positions for November 24, 1632, 2:00 PM are as given immediately below:       

(Alternative Chart not Referenced: Ascendant, Aries: Sun in Sagittarius conjunct Saturn also in Sagittarius; Moon in Taurus; Mercury in Scorpio; Venus conjunct Mars in Sagittarius; Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Taurus; Uranus in Virgo; Uranus in Virgo; Neptune in Scorpio)          

(Another alternative chart could be erected with Gemini on the Ascendant for the earlier date, November 24, 1632. Such a chart is suggested by Marc Penfield in his An Astrological Who’s Who, 1972, and shows the last degree of Gemini rising. When Penfield published his Penfield Collection in 1978, he utilized the December 4th date, and changed the Ascendant in Gemini from the 30th degree to the 18th degree. It is this latter chart which will be used as the basis for the interpretation.)   

The author has done his best to compare these charts to Spinoza’s character and to the events in his life. The December 4th chart, NS, was chosen for the following reasons.


1.      Immediately before his mother’s death in late 1638 or early 1639 there was a solar eclipse (on December 5, 1638) in the very same degree as Spinoza’s Sun in the December 4th natal chart. The Sun is ruler of the IC in all Gemini rising charts for Spinoza, and, therefore, rules the “mother”.

2.      Immediately before his own death which occurred on February 21, 1677, there was another solar eclipse (on December 5, 1676) which occurred within just a degree of Spinoza’s Sun in the December 4th natal chart. The fourth house rules, among other things, the “end of life”.

3.      These two very similar eclipses were decisive in his life and would not have touched any such significant points in the chart erected for November 24th, New Style, for the Sagittarius Sun would have been in only the third degree.

4.      The rigor and exactitude of Spinoza’s rationalistic thought are characteristic of a conjunction between Saturn and Mercury (in Sagittarius). This conjunction occurs only in the December 4th chart.

5.      Spinoza died of tuberculosis, apparently aggravated by his inhaling glass dust from lens grinding. In the 4:00 PM chart for December 4th, Saturn in Sagittarius is placed in the sixth house (ruling his occupation—not his true philosophical career or vocation). Saturn is the ruler of the eighth house, the house of death. This placement, therefore, shows the cause of death as related to his occupation or employment. This is not the case with the chart usually offered for the November 24th date—a chart with Aries rising and Saturn in the eighth house.

6.      Further, in the Gemini rising charts, the December 4th chart shows a conjunction between Saturn and Mercury—Mercury being the orthodox ruler of the Gemini Ascendant. Mercury and Gemini are associated with the lungs and Spinoza died of a lung affliction. In the earlier Gemini rising chart (for November 24th), Saturn and Mercury are at least eleven degrees from each other—too wide for a conjunction. The cause of death as tuberculosis is far more accurately reflected by the Saturn/Mercury conjunction (with Saturn as the bringer of affliction)—especially since Sagittarius, in which they are both found, since it is the sign reciprocal to Gemini, is often involved in lung ailments.

7.      Spinoza developed considerable expertise as a lens grinder. The Virgo Moon of the December 4th chart is more suggestive of this skill. Additionally, Mars and Venus have moved into Capricorn in this later chart. These three earth signs suggest something of the exactitude required for mastery of such a craft—much more so than a Taurus Moon and Mars and Venus in Sagittarius (in the November 24th chart).

8.      The Aries rising chart of November 24th does not correlate well with the character of the “gentle philosopher”, who, it appears, ever sought to avoid confrontation (even with the elders of the Jewish Synagogue who unjustly accused him of blasphemy and heresy).

9.      The extensive correspondence which Spinoza carried forward, correlates far better with a Gemini Ascendant and a Sun near the seventh house cusp than with the Aries Ascendant.

10.  The Virgo Moon, found only in the December 4th chart, seems suitable for Spinoza’s retiring way of life and bachelorhood. Further, when his father died in March of 1654, there was a lunar eclipse (on March 3, 1654) two degrees from the Virgo Moon. There was property dispute as a result of this death, and the Moon, implicated by eclipse, symbolizes property, and is the ruler of the third house in the December 4th chart. The dispute was with one of Spinoza’s siblings (siblings are ruled by the third house)—his stepsister. Another solar eclipse about six months before the father’s death occurred within twenty minutes of arc of Spinoza’s Uranus position. In the Gemini rising chart of December 4th, Uranus is the ruler of the Aquarius MC, indicating the (sudden?) loss of the father.

11.  Most convincing of all for the chart with the 18th degree of Gemini rising is Spinoza’s excommunication from the Jewish Synagogue in July of 1656. Again two solar eclipses are involved—one in the 10th degree of Leo about a year before the excommunication and another in the 7th degree of Aquarius about six months before this determining event. The Aquarius/Leo MC/IC in the December 4th Gemini chart was, therefore, implicated—though the “hit” was not exact.. Nothing would be touched in the Aries rising chart of November 24th.

12.  Further, and most impressively, Pluto which is the planet ruling excommunication, expulsion and exile was making a transit across the ascending degree (the 18th degree of Gemini) exactly at the time of the excommunication. In addition, after that expulsion from the synagogue,  he was banished (Pluto) from Amsterdam for a short time by the civil authorities. All of this most certainly points to the validity of a Gemini rising chart, as Pluto had passed the opposition of his Sagittarius Sun some two years before, and nothing so dramatic had occurred. The Gemini rising chart for December 4th is far more convincing than the a Gemini rising chart for November 24th.

Life and Chart Analysis


Benedict (Baruch) Spinoza was one of the world’s great philosophers. He was both a rigorous rationalist and a pantheist, seeking to understand the world by the Euclidean method, reasoning deductively from self-evident axioms and carefully formulated definitions to profound conclusions concerning the nature of God, Man and human society.        

Since his death in 1677, Spinoza has at various times been both in and out of favor. The period of particular disfavor occurred for about a century after his death, during which times his ideas were widely considered as blasphemous. A skeptical critic, Pierre Bayle called Spinozism
“the most monstrous hypothesis imaginable, the most absurd”. David Hume, a Scottish Skeptic, empiricist and historian, referred to the “hideous hypothesis” of Spinoza. Yet, no lesser minds that the great German initiate poet, novelist, and scientist, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, as well as dramatist and critic G.E. Lessing, and the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge found in Spinoza much to admire—an intensely spiritual understanding of reality yet divorced from all religious dogma.     

Spinoza has been called the “gentle philosopher” and the “God-intoxicated philosopher”. A man of modest and retiring habits, he had a profound effect upon some of the foremost thinkers of the seventeenth century and his influence has continued to grow in philosophical circles, especially since the early 19th century. Spinoza became so popular with unusually diverse groups of philosophers partially because it was possible to read into his works a support for such widely contrasting world-views as atheism, materialism, pantheism, absolute idealism, and empiricism, to name only a few. That so many antagonistic schools of thought could find a resonance with Spinoza’s philosophy gives some idea of the breadth and depth (and perhaps, the essential obscurity) of Spinoza’s lucidly-articulated ideas.      

Spinoza’s principle works are the Ethics (1665), the Short Treatise on God, Man, and His Well-Being, the Treatise on the Correction of the Understanding, the geometrical version of René Descartes Philosophical Principles, A Treatise on Religious and Political Philosophy  (1670), and Posthumous Works, including the
Treatise on the Improvement of Understanding, Letters, and Hebrew Grammar.   

Spinoza belonged to a group of Jews who fled the Inquisition from Spain and Portugal. His family settled in Holland, which after its successful revolt from Spain adopted a policy of religious toleration. Spinoza was educated in the orthodox Jewish manner, but studied Latin, absorbed the works of the significant philosophers, especially Thomas Hobbes and René Descartes, and received a thorough schooling in scholastic theology and philosophy. He emerged as an independent thinker which led him into constant conflict with the authorities of the Jewish Synagogue of Amsterdam. After threats and bribes failed to silence him, he was excommunicated from the Synagogue in July, 1656. He abandoned his Hebrew name, “Baruch”, and chose the Latin name, “Benedict”.     

Apart from his philosophical pursuits, Spinoza became a lens grinder of great skill (Moon in Virgo and the presence of the fifth ray). Some suggest that he undertook this occupation of necessity in order to make a living, but others see him pursuing a scientific interest in optics. Apparently he was also supported by a series of grants, pensions and bequests which made it possible for him to pursue his interest in philosophy.     

Spinoza lived a modest and retiring life. He had numerous friendships with the philosophically and scientifically minded, and shared his writings within these circles; he dared not publish them for fear of the authorities—civil and religious. Only one of his books (A Treatise on Religious and Political Philosophy) actually was published under his true name during his lifetime.       

Spinoza maintained a wide correspondence (Gemini Ascendant) and was visited by many philosophers, the distinguished Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz among them. A few years before his death he was offered a professorship at Heidelberg, but he preferred his quiet life and especially the freedom of thought which it afforded him.  

He contracted tuberculosis (Gemini/Sagittarius axis, with Mercury conjunct Saturn) and his condition was apparently aggravated by his inhalation of glass dust from the grinding of lenses. He died on February 21, 1677, leaving instructions for the posthumous publication of various of his works—under his own name.

Spinoza’s Metaphysics: Spinoza philosophy was rationalistic, deductive and monistic (i.e., characterized by the hypothesis of one fundamental substance). Deductive rationalism is characteristic of the third ray (the Ray of Abstract Intelligence); Monism suggests the presence of the inclusive second ray of Love-Wisdom. Spinoza shared with Descartes an intensely mathematical appreciation of the universe, though he differed with Descartes on certain fundamentals. Whereas, for Descartes, mind and body were two different substances, for Spinoza there was but one substance of which mind and body could be considered different aspects. He called this substance both “God” and “Nature”. He conceived the universe as a single substance capable of an infinitude of attributes (hence his pantheism). “God is a Being infinite in an infinite number of ways”. The universe can be known by two of these attributes especially—“extension” (the major property of matter) and “thought”, (the major property of mind). God is not seen as a supernatural Entity in contradistinction to Nature; God and Nature are one. God is Nature in its fulness.  

Although Spinoza was a rationalist, he was, unlike a number of the absolute idealists, also an empiricist. He was a close observer of Man and Nature. He studied physical experiences in order to produce “adequate ideas” which, in his view, depended upon a coherent, logical association of perceived physical experiences.  His belief in observation and empiricism was, it might be said, out-pictured in his secondary occupation—that of lens grinding. He interest was in how things are seen. His respect for empiricism and his deepening understanding of optics both speak for the presence of the scientific fifth ray in his ray formula.   

In his most famous and revolutionary work, the Ethics, Spinoza explores the concepts of freedom, bondage and free will. In many ways, Spinoza is a determinist, seeing the universe as a mechanistic system, and taking issue with the existence of free will (either for God or Man).. The principle of necessity (Saturn is conjunct Mercury and  is dispositor of his Venus/Mars conjunction) is of determining importance in his thought. All beings seek to maintain and express the power of their being, and thus virtue and power are one. But for Spinoza, power derives from a knowledge of necessity. When powerful or virtuous persons act,  they understand why they must act. They are free only in their understanding. What they must do, they cannot escape doing, but, because the have “adequate ideas”, they are aware of the necessity of so doing.. Those, on the contrary, who are not free, act without awareness of the law of their being  (i.e., they are driven to act by instinct and do not understand why they must act or how they must act). Man is rigorously compelled and determined, but some human beings see and know what is happening to them (and are thus free—at least, in consciousness) and others do not see and know, and hence are enslaved.           

The free individual is guided by the laws of his own nature. Those so guided are never out of harmony with others similarly guided because the true law of one’s nature is never at variance with the true law of another’s. Always there is an inescapable conformity to law, and no possibility of evading the law of one’s nature. The person in bondage is moved by causes which he does not understand or about which he is confused. For Spinoza, there is no distinction between will and reason. Ideas cannot be passively entertained and later put into action. Ideas, and not will, are the causes of action. By equating idea with power and virtue, and thus discounting the will as an independent agency, Spinoza displays his third ray bias. The third ray exalts the mind above all other faculties. Thus, for Spinoza, the clear and reasonable mind is the cause of all correct action. Will is subsumed into mind. Indeed, in Spinoza’s ray makeup, the first ray is deficient, and his view of the process of willing and thinking reflects this deficiency.      

In the realm of political philosophy, Spinoza shares with Thomas Hobbes a number of similarities, but their conclusions are very different. Both identify the reality of the “social contract”. Right is seen as relative, and the social contract proves binding only as long as it serves the advantage of the participants. But for Hobbes, strongly influenced by Aries, Taurus and a greater intensity of the first ray, advantage lies in satisfying as many desires a possible. Hobbes was the more materialistic thinker. For Spinoza (focussed upon the Sagittarius/Gemini axis) advantage is found is escaping from those desires through understanding. Spinoza’s is the more detached view.          

To clarify Spinoza’s view of man’s social possibilities, it can be said that Hobbes does not imagine a community of individuals whose desires can be consistently satisfied, so the use of force or repression is always necessary; Spinoza, however, more benign in his imagination, can foresee just such a community and such consistent satisfaction, so, in his political and religious thought, the notion of freedom, especially freedom of inquiry (Gemini, Mercury, fifth ray), is of fundamental importance. Again, we see a somewhat detached mind at work, perhaps naďve in its estimation of the ease with which man’s instinctual nature can be managed. The November 24th chart, shows an Aries Ascendant, like that of Hobbes, and a Taurus Moon (Hobbes also had a strong stellium of four planets and two asteroids in Taurus). This kind of chart does not seem correct for the “gentle philosopher”, so detached from his well controlled emotions (Moon in Virgo). Spinoza is capable of ‘mentalizing’ the life process, and seeks freedom from the bio-psychic compulsions; Hobbes seems rather more in their grip. Thus, again, the later chart for December 4th, emphasizing Gemini and Virgo (Sagittarius remains the same) seems more suitable.    

With this woefully brief summary of Spinoza’s philosophy and some knowledge of his life process, we can offer a speculative hypothesis regarding his rays.    

Monad: Ray Two

Soul: Ray III

Personality: Ray 2

Mental Vehicle: Ray 5

Astral Vehicle: Ray 2

Physical Vehicle Ray 7


Perhaps it is not possible to gain a good idea of the ray of Spinoza’s monadic vehicle. The overall impression of his energy system is that it offers a mixture of rays two and three. Spinoza, as one of the greatest of philosophical minds, may well have stood at an evolutionary point where the ray of the monad could be considered influential. There is much to suggest that he was an initiate of the third degree or, at least, very nearly at that stage. His profound love and respect for geometry connects him to that Ray Lord Who is known as “The Grand Geometrician”—the Ray Lord of the second ray.     

The following quotation from The Secret Doctrine contrasts Leibniz’ and Spinoza’s views with respect to ultimate reality—(for us) the realm of the monad.     

“The student must now be shown the fundamental distinction between the system of Leibniz* and that of occult philosophy, on the question of the Monads, and this may be done with his Monadology before us. It may be correctly stated that were Leibniz' and Spinoza's systems reconciled, the essence and Spirit of esoteric philosophy would be made to appear. From the shock of the two -- as opposed to the Cartesian system -- emerge the truths of the Archaic doctrine. Both opposed the metaphysics of Descartes. His idea of the contrast of two substances -- Extension and Thought -- radically differing from each other and mutually irreducible, was too arbitrary and too unphilosophical for them. Thus Leibniz made of the two Cartesian substances two attributes of one universal unity, in which he saw God. Spinoza recognised but one universal indivisible substance and absolute ALL, like Parabrahman. Leibniz, on the contrary perceived the existence of a plurality of substances. There was but ONE for Spinoza; for Leibniz an infinitude of Beings, from, and in, the One. Hence, though both admitted but one real Entity, while Spinoza made it impersonal and indivisible, Leibniz divided his personal Deity into a number of divine and semi-divine Beings. Spinoza was a subjective, Leibniz an objective Pantheist, yet both were great philosophers in their intuitive perceptions”. (SD Vol. I, 629)       

Spinoza was, in HPB’s words a “subjective Pantheist”, and Leibniz, an “objective Pantheist”. Here, it can be argued, we see the difference between a profoundly unitive second ray and the profundity of the ray of multiplicity and discrimination—the third. Both philosophers sought to overcome the “Cartesian split”, but Spinoza had recourse to a “universal, indivisible substance and absolute ALL, (in HPB’s words) like Parabrahman”, and the other, more influenced at a fundamental level by the third ray,  believed in an “infinitude of beings”. Like Plato and Aristotle, the truth lies in the combination of perspectives—Plato representing more the second ray and Aristotle the third. There is something Neptunian about the tendency to dissolve all multiplicity into a single substance, and indeed, Neptune is prominent in the December 4th, 4:00 PM chart, conjunct the Vertex in Spinoza’s chart for December 4th. .  

Conduits for the second ray in Spinoza’s astrological chart are several. Firstly, if Gemini is the Ascendant (as can be reasonably hypothesized), then the second ray is strongly represented. Further, if we speak of monadic influence with respect to the second ray, the point opposite the Sun (considered by the author as the “monadic point”) would be found in second ray Gemini, and would therefore be an important point of entry for second ray energies related to the monad. This does not mean however, that all monadically sensitive individuals with a Sagittarius Sun (and thus a monadic point in second ray Gemini) would necessarily have a second ray monad, just as the ray or rays distributed by the soul-oriented Ascendant do not necessarily reveal the ray of the soul.

Anther conduit for the second ray is the Moon in second ray/sixth ray Virgo. The Moon is the esoteric ruler of Virgo and veils either Vulcan or Neptune. Spinoza’s pervasive, gently unitive (rather than ardent) mysticism makes the veil of Neptune more likely, though for a highly advanced and mental individual, Uranus must always be considered in relation to the veiling Moon. In Spinoza’s chart, Uranus, as it happens, is in Virgo relatively close to the Moon, with the Part of Fortune at the midpoint between the two.       

Still another second ray conduit is second ray Jupiter found in the second sign, Taurus. Jupiter, as the orthodox ruler of the Sagittarius Sun sign, is a powerful planet. Placed in Taurus, it emphasizes the Wisdom rather than the Love aspect of the second ray.. Jupiter is also closely parallel to one of the alternative Ascendants—the Equatorial Ascendant. As well, Jupiter is found in the twelfth house, a mansion in which it is accidentally dignified and friendly to the expression of the second ray, for the sign most correlated with  the twelfth house is Pisces, which distributes the second ray as well s the sixth.   

Spinoza’s soul ray (a subray of the monadic ray) was very probably the third, which inclined him him, initially, to identify so strongly with the thought of René Descartes, to the point that Spinoza re-systematized and presented in a more geometrical form Descartes’ Principia. His connection with another great third ray soul, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz was also profound. By one’s deep affiliations on the physical plane, the ray of the soul can be reasonably estimated.           .

 Spinoza was a rationalist and ‘deductivist’—approaches to thought supported by the reasonable and reasoning third ray rather than the more strictly empirical fifth ray, or the more intuitive second. Of course, any thinker on any ray can use deductive, empirical/inductive or intuitive means, but the preponderance of emphasis indicates the preponderant ray quality.     

Further, the emphasis upon necessity, conformity to law, and lack of free will relates Spinoza to the Saturnian aspect of the third ray. Mercury as well as Saturn distributes the third ray (Mercury, probably, in its planetary personality nature), and Sagittarius (in which these two planets are found conjuncted) is the third fire sign much associated with the third aspect of the spiritual triad—the higher mind. Seen in this way the Mercury/Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius represents a powerful third ray focus (though it would also strengthen a concrete mind upon the fifth ray).         

Further, Spinoza’s historical emphasis in Biblical interpretation and criticism links him to the historical third ray. He was a thoughtful enemy of unwarranted credulity (so often found upon the sixth ray). His freedom from both religious dogmatism and blind faith, however, were not the effect of the third ray alone (which when combined with the sixth can, indeed, be dogmatic), but were equally caused by the probable absence of the sixth ray in his ray makeup (regardless of power of sixth ray Sagittarius), and by the strong representation (on possibly three levels—monadic, personal and astral) of the second ray of Love-Wisdom.           

Spinoza placed a strong emphasis upon intelligibility. For him the doctrine of free will (whether ascribed to Man or to God) rendered the world unintelligible. He therefore repudiated the presumed freedom of a transcendent God and with it, the free will of Man.. He, therefore, espoused a variety of exacting determinism frequently found when the third ray conditions the thought process. As well, he was dissatisfied with the informality of exposition characteristic of  his first two works. In his search for rational, deductive rigor, he was responding to the thought-systematizing tendencies of the third ray, supported by the fifth and seventh. This rigorous approach is truly characteristic of the reasoning Saturn/Mercury conjunction. His purpose was
to present metaphysics deductively,  that is, as a series of theorems derived by necessary steps from self-evident premises expressed in terms that are either self-explanatory or defined with unquestionable correctness. In this approach we can surely see how much he blended the third and fifth rays.    

Third ray conduits in Spinoza’s astrological chart are found in relation to the sometimes third ray sign, Capricorn (containing a conjunction of Mars and Venus) and also through Gemini (the third sign), and through Virgo (like Gemini ruled by sometimes third ray Mercury, and, itself, identified with the third or matter aspect). As previously stated the Saturn/Mercury conjunction in Sagittarius can also represent a third ray center of focus.          

The second ray seems the appropriate ray for the personality of this “gentle philosopher”. He was mentally bold, but personally retiring and inoffensive. Often he was employed as a  teacher or tutor, frequently gathering through his magnetism a study circle around him. His method was one of accommodation. When, at his father’s death, his stepsister sought to claim the entire inheritance, he entered a law suite (which he won), only to let her keep nearly everything. This is characteristic of the kind, second ray personality, and hardly consistent with the possibility of an Aries Ascendant.

Spinoza’s interest in optics and, in general, in the science of the day relates him to the fifth ray—the “Ray of Science and Concrete Knowledge”. It has already been noted that he embraced the value of empiricism (while keeping it as a subset of third ray rationalism). Empiricism is also motivated the fifth ray. Sagittarius conveys the fifth ray, and the Virgo Moon and the Mercury/Saturn conjunction can reinforce its exacting, discriminating tendencies. Fifth ray Venus is the esoteric ruler of the hypothesized Gemini Ascendant, and is placed in Capricorn, a sign friendly to the power of the discriminating mind. The Venus in Capricorn position must be noted in relation to the possibility of the third initiation (which it rules). That initiation is ruled by the fifth ray and Capricorn, Venus is, thus, hierarchically placed, offering to those capable of fulfilling its potential, the possibility of intense illumination. Spinoza was capable. His doctrine of substantial monism was his own way of revealing unity—the task of every disciple who aspires to the third degree or has achieved it.        

On a more objective level, Spinoza’s method of thought is clear, lucid and logical. Throughout his work, he explicitly or implicitly emphasizes the value of definition (the province of the fifth ray), and is at pains to define with precision so that his deductive method can be maximally fruitful. As well, the practicalities of lens grinding and polishing certainly must have demanded the fifth ray (plus the seventh) if the task were to be successfully accomplished. He was, after all, an expert in the craft. As well, his ongoing search for what he called “clear and distinct ideas”, certainly suggests the presence of the fifth ray.   

The seventh ray (entering especially through Capricorn) can be inferred because of his apparent physical delicacy, his modesty, quietude, and also his practical work with optics. The orderly and logical presentation of his Ethics also suggests the ordering quality of the seventh ray. 

Turning more specifically to Spinoza’s astrology, we find his Sun, Mercury and Saturn all in Sagittarius. In many ways, Sagittarius is the philosopher’s sign, and also that of the seer. His interest in vision and optics is, thus, partially related to this sign. Sagittarius is also related to the quest for pure truth—especially when combined with the second and third rays (the philosophical rays).For Spinoza,
the wisdom that philosophy seeks is achieved when one perceives the universe in its wholeness, through the “intellectual love of God,” which merges the finite individual with the eternal unity and provides the mind with the pure joy that is the final achievement of its search. How very much this objective sounds like the purpose of occult philosophy. One can see that the deeper purpose of the Great Quest is not only the knowing but the merging—thus the importance of the second ray (distributed by Jupiter—a ruler of Sagittarius).          

The Virgo Moon contributed modesty, humility, practicality and precision in matters of technique (for, it is said that he became an expert lens grinder), and, in general, an ability to detach from the life of the emotions (which he sought to understand, thus avoiding the tyranny of desire). It also gave Spinoza the conviction that philosophy was a personal and moral quest (Sagittarius), not only for wisdom in life, but for the achievement of human perfection (Virgo).  

The proposed Gemini Ascendant would be highly important, and a more probable sign than combative, confrontive Aries. When faced with the censorious attitude of the elders of the Synagogue, Spinoza did not seek to enflame the situation with a head-on confrontation characteristic of Aries. Instead, he sought to defend himself rationally, and in an accommodating manner. Some six months before his excommunication, he even gave a substantial monetary offering as a demonstration of his loyalty to the faith. His troubles had begun because of his unorthodox thinking, teaching, reasoning—and conversation. He simply found the orthodox approach to religious thought unreasonable and unintelligible, and said so, especially in conversations (Gemini) with other students. His practical fifth ray mind saw no reason to believe in angels, in the immortality of the soul, or that God had no body. His rebellion was of the mind rather than of the personality; the second ray personality is not given to the more drastic, physicalized forms of rebellion.  

Uranus, the planet of the new and better way, is implicated in his troubles with the Jewish religious authorities.. His mind was rigorous and orthodox enough (but only in relation to the definitions he formulated and to his strict manner of reasoning from principles which he considered self-evident) Rebellious Uranus, however, stands in quintile to his Sagittarian Sun, and square to his Venus/Mars conjunction in Capricorn. The quintile promotes originality of thought and demands a mentally creative solution to problems. Uranus never promotes acceptance of tradition—even though, in terms of devising a technique to arrive at truth, his mind could be considered conservative (Saturn conjunct Mercury). Venus, as a planet of harmony and correct social relations, would be disrupted by the Uranus square, and the square between Uranus and Mars would lead to all sorts of unintended (accidental), unmanageable consequences. 

HPB thinks of Spinoza as an intuitive philosopher. Surely his first principles were derived intuitively. What he did with them was ultra-rationalistic. We see Gemini as a sign promotive of his intuitive process, and Sagittarius, in which his Sun, Mercury and Saturn are placed is also an intuitive sign. Because the esoteric ruler of Gemini, Venus, is placed in rigorous Capricorn, there is a blend of intuition and intense mental illumination—a stage of mental perception characteristic of the third initiation. This configuration of the Gemini Ascendant and its ruler gives him, via the philosophical antahkarana, direct access to buddhi-manas. It is important to realize that Spinoza was impersonal in his thought, and that he was, therefore in certain ways, bypassing the causal body, which, for all its beauty and quality, represents the sublimation of personally harvested quality. Esoterically speaking, Spinoza had an actively employed antahkarana, however rigorously rational he sought to be once the accessed ideas entered the lower mental vehicle qualified by the fifth ray.          

The Mars/Venus conjunction in Capricorn tells us something about a possible sublimation of the sexual instinct (a useful exercise in the achievement of  the soul-illumined mind). Very little is known about Spinoza’s relationship life, except for some information about his important friends, professional associations, and the family with which he stayed on very good terms during the years before his death. Mars and Venus together can represent a strong sexuality, or the reverse. In Spinoza’s case there is good reason to argue the reverse, pointing to the Moon in chaste Virgo, transmutative Uranus exactly sextile the Juno position in Scorpio, and suppressive Saturn only three degrees away from Juno. Both Venus and Mars are powerful in Capricorn—Venus, hierarchically, and Mars because it is the exalted planet. But Venus (already the esoteric ruler of the hypothesized Gemini Ascendant) is really a planet of greater spiritual strength than Mars, and in this case could be thought of as subduing the passional nature of Mars, and absorbing such energies for the sake of illumined soul culture. Ultimately, Venus in Capricorn represents the “light supernal” found upon the mountain top of initiation. One can see Spinoza’s ‘mental passion’ (Mars in Capricorn) bending every effort to reach the sublime light. This conjunction, therefore, can represent the power of the soul (Venus) over the personality (Mars), and the conquest of passion (Mars) by dispassion (Venus). One has the sense that Spinoza knew what it was to negate the “ancient authority” of the personality, and thus pass into the greater Light.      

Spinoza’s most important work was his Ethics. Sagittarius conduces to reasoning about ethical matters, and the second decanate of the Gemini Ascendant, ruled by Libra, presents issues of right human relationship for deliberation. As well, the Sun is found very near the seventh house cusp where deep questions concerning the structure and patterns of human society are to be solved. Further, the Moon is Virgo, gives the tendency to find the flaw and offer critique in the effort to heal. The asteroid of commitment, Vesta, is found in the Libra, the sign of justice, fair play and right human relations, augmenting Spinoza’s interest in ethical considerations and his hope for solutions to humanity’s social problems.          

By nature, Spinoza was an optimist (Sun in Sagittarius), though strangely he did not believe in freewill. He believed that humanity could be released from its passions through the power
of understanding. Was he imagining that the majority of human beings could achieve what he had? If so, perhaps he was overly optimistic, for few stood at his level, depth and breadth of perception.       

The conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto in Taurus (both conjuncted to the Equatorial Ascendant) is significant for several reasons. First of all, it creates because of its spatial contrast with the remaining planets, a “seesaw” pattern—indicative of alternation and the need for balancing and harmonizing opposing forces. This conjunctive blending of the planets Jupiter and Pluto (one upon the second ray and the other upon the first) focused in the karmic and summarizing twelfth house where resolution and synthesis are to be sought, accounts for an important dynamic in Spinoza’s life. He was, in his thought, at once constructive (Jupiter) and destructive (Pluto). Jupiter in Taurus can be related to his philosophy of one, all-embracing (Jupiter) substance (Taurus). Pluto relates to his philosophical need to eliminate both a transcendent God and human free will and to see all action as the necessity (Saturn) and the compulsion (Pluto) of law (Saturn). Pluto further represents the banishment of many personally comforting religious and theological thoughts to the realm of illusion. These two planets are, therefore, closely related to his substantial monistic pantheism. God is all (Jupiter) of Nature (Taurus). There is but one all-inclusive (Jupiter) substance (Taurus). This one substance annihilates (Pluto) all distinctions. Pluto is the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of this twelfth house, and represents the destructive power which reduces all things to one thing.          

Pantheistic, anti-Deist  ideas were considered heretical and dangerous. Spinoza did not and could not directly challenge the prevailing repressive and unphilosophical religious opinion which surrounded him. Jupiter represents the power to publish, and it is in the twelfth house where expression is suppressed and inhibited. Pluto strengthened the inhibition upon publication. Pluto, in this case, represents the dire penalty which would have been exacted had Spinoza published his thoughts directly and under his own name. Together these two planets can be interpreted as ‘surreptitious (Pluto) publication (Jupiter)’ (which was the method he chose in order to bring his writings into at least some sort of circulation—mostly among his friends and sympathizers).    

So we see Spinoza’s Pantheism anchored in his Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in the twelfth house, and Neptune at the Vertex. His rationalism and determinism were working through his Saturn/Mercury conjunction. His elevation of thought over passion is indicated by the Venus/Mars conjunction in sober, purposeful Capricorn and also Saturn at the midpoint between Mercury and Juno. His rebellion against conventional perspectives entered through his Uranus quintile to his Sagittarius Sun and the Uranus square to Venus and Mars. The mastery of his precise craft (lens grinding) was facilitated by his Virgo Moon and, again, by the Saturn/Mercury conjunction. His intuition was promoted by his Gemini Ascendant with its esoteric ruler, Venus, in Capricorn, the sign of supernal light. Ceres, the asteroid of nurturance is found in the seventh house (of the social contract) within two degrees of the cusp, and indicates his care and concern for the improving the quality of human interaction. The Ascendant and Sun are opposed to each other (and contraparallel) indicating his broad, objective perspective, and his attempt to apply an ethical solution of the conflict between self and others.       

For all his rationalism and lofty impersonal thought, Spinoza must have been very aware of the power of opposing, irrational forces. His Mars is conjunct the “evil” star Facies, which relates to ruthlessness and aggression, to being the perpetrator or victim of violence. The negative potentials did not work out in physical violence in Spinoza’s life, but he must have been acutely aware of the horrific potentials lurking in the “beast”, the sumtotal of aroused and poorly comprehended instinctual nature. Indeed, his excommunication from the Jewish Faith was the result of psychological violence directed against him; the “archer” of religious bigotry had taken aim at his freedom of thought. Perhaps the potency of Venus, so close to Mars by conjunction, served to transmute and elevate this difficult energy, so that, at least he was the victim rather than the perpetrator.

Another difficult star was influential in his nature. Jupiter is also conjunct Capulus, which signifies male sexual energy, aggression and libido. Again, however, a “benefic” planet (Jupiter) is involved with the difficult star, offering the Jupiterian possibility of elevation through understanding. The presence of negative and materially-tending energies gives no indication about how an individual will handle them. So much depends upon the level of evolution; Spinoza’s was high.       

The closest of these star aspects is a parallel between Alcyone (the “Star of Individuality”) and the Ascendant. Perhaps this connection to Alcyone connected Spinoza to a deep appreciation for the true nature of substance—for the Pleiades are fundamentally connected with the substantial/material nature of reality. There is an important triangle between the Pleiades, Gemini and Sagittarius, expressed through Mercury (found in Sagittarius).This triangle emphasizes the importance of matter and intelligence. is reminded of a revelatory jest by the Master K.H., when He stated, ironically, “Don’t you realize we are materialists?” His knowledge of the equivalence of spirit and matter lay behind this statement.          

Perhaps a few quotations from Spinoza himself, will more vividly illustrate the nature and quality of his thought:          

Whatsoever is, is in God, and without God nothing can be, or be conceived”. (Ethics, Book I, Proposition XV)      

This is a pantheistic statement, and overcomes the split between God and His Creation. 

“God is the efficient cause not only of the existence of things, but also of their essence.
Corollary. Individual things are nothing but modifications of the attributes of God, or modes by which the attributes of God are expressed in a fixed and definite manner”.
(Ethics, Book I, Proposition XXV) 

We could well be dealing with Gnostic Emanationist Theory. This position is very like the one taken in Eastern Esotericism. The complete identification between God and ‘things’ is hereby enunciated.  The fusion of the second and third rays is evident. The One and the Many are united; this union can be appreciated under the Sagittarius (the One) and Gemini (the Many) polarity.      

“He, who has a true idea, simultaneously knows that he has a true idea, and cannot doubt of the truth of the thing perceived”. (Ethics, Book II, Proposition XLIII)  

Here we touch the planet of pure reason, the buddhi plane, and come face to face with the “straight knowledge”, the unmediated knowledge of the intuition. Mind in the usual sense has been transcended. Reasoning has turned to pure reason. It is clear that Spinoza knew the joys of triadal perception.

 “As men’s habits of mind differ, so that some more readily embrace one form of faith, some another, for what moves one to pray may move another to scoff, I conclude ... that everyone should be free to choose for himself the foundations of his creed, and that faith should be judged only by its fruits”. (A Theologico-Political Treatise)             

Here is a statement advocating complete toleration of all religious views. It arises particularly from the sign Gemini, which understands the relativity of  all things, and from Sagittarius which honors the religious impulse..        

“Anyone who seeks for the true causes of miracles, and strives to understand natural phenomena as an intelligent being, and not to gaze at them like a fool, is set down and denounced as an impious heretic by those, whom the masses adore as the interpreters of nature and the gods. Such persons know that, with the removal of ignorance, the wonder which forms their only available means for proving and preserving their authority would vanish also” (Ethics, Book I, Appendix).           

Here is rationalism at its clearest, and an example of the clear-seeing analysis of Saturn Mercury, supported by the luminosity of Venus in Capricorn. Spinoza is speaking from a chapter of his own history, when he was excommunicated from the Jewish faith for thinking (and discussing) his metaphysical ideas freely. This occurred as expulsive Pluto transited his Ascendant.


Spinoza himself probably would not have seen much validity in astrology. He was part of the Enlightenment, which sought to do away with superstitious ideas which clouded the mind. Perhaps, if he had accepted astrology (as Newton did), he would have found in it only a method for justifying the inescapable determinism which was so much a part of his mechanistic world view     .

When we consider Benedict Spinoza, we find ourselves in the presence of a profound, careful and original thinker—a lover of wisdom (philosopher) with deep spiritual intuitions and a mind insistent upon presenting these intuitions to the world of human thought in the most rational and reasonable way possible. History has demonstrated the enmity of the unconscious forces to such enlightened systems. In light of the events of the twentieth century, Spinoza could be considered a naďve optimist. Nature is not “rational” (apparently); Man is unmanageable; human progress is not assured and chaos, it seems, is built into Creation. Yet we suspect Spinoza was privy to certain perceptions which can be gathered only when focussed within the realm of the spiritual triad, and which are eternally true upon that level. Somehow, he found “God” there, and sought to convey that vision of unity to those who were capable of thinking about it    .

”In unison let the group perceive the Triad shining forth, dimming the light of the soul and blotting out the light of form. The Macrocosmic Whole is all there is. Let the group perceive that whole and then no longer use the thought, ‘my soul and thine’.”
(Rule V for Disciples and Initiates, R&I 20)


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Sagittarius and R2


Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.



In Comparison With


1.       Transmits R4, R5, R6 constellationally


1.       R2

2.       Planetary rulers transmit R2, R3, R6


2.       R2

3.       Color: rich blue (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) blue or blue-indigo


3.       Color: indigo blue or light blue

4.       Note: possibly SOL sharp or G sharp


4.       Note: SOL or G

5.       Expresses especially through the solar plexus and sacral centers via Mars, and the ajna center via far-seeing Jupiter, R5 and R4. Expression through the oratorical throat is also possible through the Earth and the sixth ray.


5.       Expresses through the heart chakra; the “heart in the head” and also through the spleen as solar prana on our planet

6.       Creative Hierarchy number VI/XI, unliberated


6.       Creative Hierarchy number II/VII, unliberated

7.       Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Vegetable Kingdom via R6, the Animal Kingdom via Mars, Earth and R6, the Human Kingdom via R4 and R5, the Kingdom of Souls via R5 and R4 and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives via Jupiter and R6.


7.       Related to the Vegetable Kingdom and the Kingdom of Souls

8.       Rapid and one-pointed in action


8.       Wise and slow in action; encompassing and embracing

9.       Enthusiasm


9.       Calmness

10.   Risk-taking


10.   Careful

11.   Adventurous


11.   Cautious, due to sensitivity

12.   Outspoken


12.   Tactful, considerate

13.   Strong body-consciousness and physical focus


13.   Inclines to less vigorous physicality; instead, psychological focus

14.   Intent upon freedom; needs space and room


14.   Closeness, intimacy, adhesiveness

15.   Higher manas, abstract mind


15.   Causal consciousness

16.   Abstract mind


16.   Heart

17.   Quick summations—“sizing up”; “jumping to conclusions”


17.   Cautious study before arriving at conclusions


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Sagittarius and R2


Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.


A.      Related to Light and Vision: Both Sagittarius and the second ray are closely related to light and to vision. The Sagittarian sees the goal. For the individual upon the second ray, “the quality of the hidden vision” (EP II 221) proves irresistible.

B.     Expansiveness: Both influences inclines towards expansiveness. This quality is especially shared in relation to the expansion of consciousness.  Both influence contribute to the enlargement of understanding. This has be seen readily, as Jupiter (the planet of expansion) rules Sagittarius and transmits the second ray.

C.     Perspective:  Both influences incline towards perspective, towards breadth of vision. They wish to see not just a fragment of the truth, but the whole truth as it appears in a (relatively) completed context. Then all individual items will be revealed in terms of their true meaning within the whole.

D.     Intuition: “Sagittarius is one of the intuitive signs”. (EA 177) The second ray also inclines towards the reception of intuition, for the intuition is buddhi, which is the second principle responsive to the second ray.

E.     Wise Foresight: Sagittarius and the second ray both confer (at a certain relatively advanced point in evolution) the capacity for wise foresight. Theirs is the ability to advise, to mentor, to guide. Sagittarian adventures have reaped experience. The Sagittarian has “been there”. The ray two capacity to identify with all kinds of human beings and to empathically place oneself in diverse situations ensures that guidance will be based upon real understanding.

F.      Relevant in Relation to the Second Initiation: Sagittarius rules “Initiation 1 and 2” (EA 178) Sagittarius (in relation to the sixth ray) can influence towards militancy and fanaticism, but it can also incline towards breadth, temperance, balance, moderation and wisdom—when transmitted through Jupiter and the second ray. At the second degree, the initiates proves his freedom from various intensifications of the emotional life.     

“Those preparing for the second initiation have to demonstrate their freedom from the slavery of ideas, from a fanatical reaction to any truth or spiritual leader, and from the control of their aspiration which—through the intensity of its application—would sacrifice time, people and life itself to the call of the Initiator—or rather, to be correct, to what they believe to be His call” (R&I 127)

The second ray in cooperation with the broadening of perspective conferred by Sagittarius would be useful in encouraging the kind of freedom referenced above.


3.      Sun Sagittarius (or Ascendant Sagittarius), R3P (or R3S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4, R5 and R6) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the third ray transmitted through the personality Earth—Earth being the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius. The appropriate category of reinforcement would be Strong by Rulership—Class 2, and would apply principally in the lives of those on the spiritual Path. Additionally, Mars has a third ray component to its nature, since it represents the astral body of a great third ray Entity. As the third fire sign, Sagittarius also corresponds to ray three through numerical affinity. As the ruler of the second decanate {naturally, in both esoteric and exoteric order}, Mars brings additional slight reinforcement of the astro-rayological interplay, through its third ray associations.)


(a)   (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)


i.                     The selfish adventurism of the self-centered Sagittarius person combines with a state of undisciplined ‘mayavic’ activity induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the third ray.

ii.                   Confusion (third ray) in all question of direction (Sagittarius)

iii.                  Carelessness. Overlooking details. Cannot be bothered.

iv.                 Errant adventures. “Going places” (apparently) but not really reaching a goal.

v.                   Excessive activity. Chaotic experience.

vi.                 Envisioning a multiplicity of potentials, but too impractical to manifest any of them.

vii.                Overwhelmed by possibilities. Too many directions to choose from.

viii.              Complicated, impractical theories disconnected from reality. The theoretical mind—not the practical mind. “Spinning” theories.

ix.                 Talking a “good game”, but can one “walk the talk”?

x.                   Naďve futurism. Unrealistic planning. Dreaming of the future, while ignoring present conditions.


(b)   (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple)

i.                     The urge to explore the realms of both mind and matter—a quality characteristic of the advancing Sagittarius individual combines with the power to plan and to foresee eventualities and contingencies induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the third ray.

ii.                   Ever seeking the expansion of contacts—through exploration.

iii.                  Highly theoretical, but theory is more connected to truth.

iv.                 Looking backwards—seeing causes; looking forwards—seeing probable outcomes.

v.                   Growing facility for “life planning”; strategic planning for goal fulfillment.

vi.                 On the Path of Discipleship: capacity to enter and utilize the abstract mind via the antahkarana.

vii.                On the Path of Discipleship: the power of comparative thinking is enhanced.

viii.              On the Path of Discipleship: learning relativistic thinking.

ix.                 On the Path of Discipleship: learning to think in broader, wider and more general terms. Attempting to see not only the relations between things, but the relations between relationships.

x.                   On the Path of Discipleship: learning to reason one’s way to truth.

xi.                 On the Path of Discipleship: a broader and more cautious consideration of associated variables which militates against ‘simplisticy’ (simplistic, simple-minded judgment) and fanaticism.


(c)   (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate)[Additionally, where relevant,  combine Ascendant Sign, Sagittarius, with the third ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]


i.                     The power (through vision, mediation and imagination) to project the consciousness into higher dimensions—a power characteristic of the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Sagittarius, combines with the abilities to think broadly and reason purely—both induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the third ray.

ii.                   Learning the content and modes of thought characteristic of the Divine Mind.

iii.                  At home in the abstract mind—higher manas.

iv.                 Understanding the importance of the notion that any estimation of truth depends upon the perceiver and the point of view. When either the perceiver,  the point of view, or both change,  then that which is deemed to be the “truth” seems to change as well.

v.                   Relativity is understood as Reality. The “Theory of Relativity” is not just a theory, but is understood as descriptive of the truth.

vi.                 Free from the normal mental illusions; freedom from the domination of thoughtforms.

vii.                The philosopher; the thinker in the field of higher mathematics and philosophy.

viii.              The practitioner of “pure reason” (as this term is applied to the higher mental plane).

ix.                 Able to put most thoughts and perceptions into a broad and intelligent context.

x.                   Adept at “probability thinking”.


Directives for Sagittarius and the Third Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)


1.                  Abstract Your Mind From Myopic Points Of View

2.                  Act And Speak Only For Good Reason

3.                  Analyze Diverse Perspectives

4.                  Avoid Leaping To Conclusions: Reason Cautiously

5.                  Be Sensitive To Trends

6.                  Cast Out Petty Points Of View; Serenely View Significant Relationships

7.                  Cognize The Destination Of Numerous Circuitous Paths

8.                  Communicate Directly And Yet With Subtlety

9.                  Comprehend The Various Perspectives On Any Subject

10.              Conceptualize From A Point Of Abstraction

11.              Cultivate Sincerity And Honesty

12.              Develop Abstract Thought

13.              Engage In Long Range Planning—You Have The Ability For It

14.              Escape From The Labyrinth

15.              Exercise Caution; Look Before You Leap

16.              Experiment: If One Plan Does Not Work, Try Another

17.              Find The Way Through The Maze

18.              Focus A Three-Pronged Attack

19.              Follow The Laws Of Reasoning To Achieve Pure Reason

20.              Foresee Economic Trends

21.              Gain A Clear Perspective Of The Past As A Means Of Foreseeing The Future

22.              Go Around Obstacles (If Necessary) On Your Way To The Goal

23.              Higher Mind Is Your Preserve And You, The Hunter

24.              Hunt For Investment Opportunities

25.              Imagine The Things That May Be, No Matter How Apparently Remote From Present Conditions

26.              Integrate The Personality In All Its Diversity

27.              Intuit Creative Solutions

28.              Intuit The Best Plan

29.              Journey In The Mind

30.              Kill The “Stymphalian Birds”—Think Significant Thoughts; Speak Significant Words

31.              Let Straight Knowledge Augment Your Knowledge Of The Divine Plan

32.              Many Paths Lead To The Same Goal; Which Ones Are You Treading?

33.              Master The Projection Of Thought

34.              Overcome The Illusion Of Time In A Flash Of Intuition

35.              Patiently Pursue Philosophical Studies

36.              Penetrate The Realm Of Ideas—The Mind Of God

37.              Perceive From A Distance Many Complex Relations

38.              Plan Wisely By Means Of Ample Foresight

39.              Promulgate Your Views

40.              Publicize Your Theories

41.              Pursue An Understanding Of Higher Mathematics

42.              Pursue Theoretical Comprehension

43.              Reason Your Way To The Goal

44.              See Into The Distance But Do Not Ignore That Which Is Close At Hand

45.              See Simplicity Within Complexity

46.              Soar Into The Realms Of Higher Mind

47.              Strategic Planning Is The Way For You

48.              Support Intuitive Insight With Reason

49.              Survey From Afar The Process Of The ‘World-Weaver’

50.              Sustain Concentration Through The “Acute Energy Of Divine Mental Perception”

51.              Swiftly Perceive The Salient Point Of The Many Possible Points

52.              Take A Calculated Risk With Venture Capital

53.              Temper The Quest For Wealth

54.              Theology Is Interesting, But Relate It To Reality

55.              Think Carefully Through Your World-View

56.              Travel To Gain Global Understanding

57.              Understand Desire Within The Worlds Of Maya; Extricate Yourself

58.              Unveil The Mystery; Let Revelation Come

59.              Venture In Consciousness Beyond Time And Space

60.              When Tempted To Escape Responsibility—Do Not!


Mantra for Sagittarius and the Third Ray


Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Creatively, with mind acute, I seek to weave my way toward the visioned Goal, to comprehend with intellect the Purpose and the Plan. I tread the varied, winding ways, knowing that my many paths must all converge as One.    

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: I see, at last, the Purpose which I serve and still more deeply, am. Thus, merged within the thinking of the patterned Mind of Deity, I weave with keen intelligence a lighted plan congruent with the Plan Divine which God, Himself, envisions and intends to see fulfilled.


Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R3/Sagittarius: Acute, alert and centered in the pulsing “Web of Life”, the Weaver, with intelligence, beholds the many threads of mind, the many threads of matter—and contemplating Time and Space sees both the Great Illusion and patterns of Reality alive within the One.  

Well Known Individuals Hypothesized as Expressing this Combination of Rays and Signs:


1.                  Woody Allen—Screenwriter, Actor, Comedian: December 1, 1935, Brooklyn, New York, 10:55 PM. (Source: Birth Certificate)      

(Ascendant, Virgo with Neptune in Virgo; MC in Taurus; Sun, Mercury and Jupiter all conjunct in Sagittarius; Moon in Aquarius; Venus is Libra; Mars and NN in Capricorn; Saturn in Pisces conjunct DSC; Uranus in Taurus; Neptune in Virgo; Pluto in Cancer)

Known to be a compulsive worker and neurotic, prone to paranoia and depression, and an inability to enjoy himself, Allan has produced much acclaimed work, especially with his former partner Mia Farrow (qv).  He was discovered in 1964 and wrote a screenplay for his first film in June 1965, 'What's New Pussycat'.  One of his masterpieces, 'Annie Hall' opened in April 1977.  In August 1992, Allen and Farrow were embroiled in a law suit, and Allen was alleged to have sexually abused his child.  He began an affair with his adopted teenage daughter in December 1991.  The split and court case (Farrow was triumphant) was one of the ugliest in recent times.

2.                  Andrew Carnegie—Industrialist, Philanthropist: November 25, 1835, Dunfermline, Scotland, 5:00 AM, LMT or 6:00 AM, LMT. (Sources: Sabian Symbols and Notable Nativities) Died, August 11, 1919, Lennox, Massachusetts

(Ascendant, in both instances, Scorpio with Saturn and Mercury in Scorpio; Saturn is on the Ascendant of the earlier chart and Mercury on the Ascendant of the later; Sun widely conjunct Mars in Sagittarius, Mars widely conjunct Venus in Sagittarius; Moon conjunct Neptune in Aquarius; Uranus also in Aquarius; Jupiter as a singleton in Cancer in H9; Pluto in Aries)          

Starting from abject poverty, Andrew Carnegie rose, through industry and intelligence, to become one of the worlds wealthiest men. His relation to money relates him to the third ray, but he will be remembered far more as one of the world’s most generous philanthropists than as an industrialist. He had a great love (sixth ray—so present through three planets in Sagittarius) for higher education (second ray Jupiter—a singleton—in the house of Sagittarius—the ninth). During his life, Carnegie generated vast quantities of material resources (indicated by the power of Scorpio to amass power, by materialistic third ray Saturn rising, and by a concentration of three Sagittarian planets in the second house of resources), and laid these resources at the disposal of education, establishing and endowing libraries throughout the nation. His principal rays, then, were the third and the sixth, but he aspired towards the second ray, and ultimately served this ray most generously.

3.                  Lewis Carroll—Logician, Mathematician and Author of Alice in Wonderland : (1832-1898) January 27, 1832, Daresburg, England, 3:48 AM, LMT. (Source: Sabian Symbols, Daath in Modern Astrology, and Lyndoe in American Astrology. LMR gives 3:45) Died, January 14, 1898, Guidford, England.         

(Ascendant Sagittarius with Moon in Sagittarius exactly on the Ascendant; MC, Libra; Sun conjunct Neptune in Aquarius, both widely conjunct Uranus in Aquarius with Jupiter also in Aquarius; Mercury in Capricorn; Venus and Mars conjunct in Sagittarius; Saturn in Virgo, H9; Pluto in Aries)           

Charles Ludwidge Dodgson, a logician and mathematician. Stammered badly and was deaf in one ear. A shy, fussy bachelor, regarded as a crank. Created the fantasy stories of Alice in Wonderland (1865). and Through the Looking-Glass.

4.                  Benjamin Disraeli—Statesman, Prime Minister of England, Novelist: December 21, 1804, London England, 5:30 AM, LMT. (Source: Notable Nativities, and Sabian Symbols) Died, April 19, 1881, London.

(Ascendant Scorpio, with Venus, Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Scorpio—Jupiter and Neptune rising, Jupiter from H12 and Neptune from H1; Sun in Sagittarius; Moon and Mars in Leo; Mercury in Capricorn; Uranus conjunct Saturn in Libra; Pluto in Pisces)

Disraeli was a politically astute figure in Victorian England. At various times he held considerable power in government; he was Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1868, the only Jew ever to gain that post. He was a flamboyant character, with “exaggerated speech and extreme dress”, according to Lois Rodden. His relationship with Queen Victoria was unusual, both official as a member of government, and more private serving as both her close advisor and confidant. His policies were considered imperialistic.

Rays very much in evidence were the third, fourth and perhaps the first. His personality was probably on the fourth ray, and his soul on the third.

5.                  Charles Goren—World’s Foremost Expert on the Game of Bridge: March 4, 1901, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1:00 AM, EST (Approximately) (Source: LMR cites Church of Light which  quotes Drew for “approximate time.”) Died, April 3, 1991.

(Ascendant, Sagittarius with Uranus in Sagittarius rising; MC, Virgo; Sun and Merucry in Pisces; Moon in Virgo; Venus in Aquarius; Mars in Leo; Jupiter loosely conjunct Saturn in Capricorn; Neptune and Pluto in Gemini)


6.                  Martin Heidegger—German Existentialist Philosopher: September 26, 1889, 11:30 AM, Messkirch, Germany. (Source: birth record) Died, died on 5/26/1976, Freiburg, Germany.

(Ascendant, Sagittarius; MC, Virgo with Mars also in Virgo; Sun in Libra closely conjunct Ceres also in Libra; there is a multiple conjunction in Libra with Moon and Uranus closely conjunct also conjunct Juno, with Juno, itself, conjuncted to Mercury—all being conjuncted by translation of light; Venus in Leo closely conjuncted to Saturn in Leo; Jupiter in Capricorn conjunct the SN; Neptune and Pluto conjuncted in Gemini, both closely conjuncted the seventh house cusp)


7.                  Timothy Leary—Futurist and Visionary, ‘Psychodelecist’: October 22, 1920, Springfield, Massachusetts, 10:45 AM, EDT. (Source: personal) Died, May 31, 1996, Beverly Hills, CA. 

(Ascendant, Sagittarius; MC, Virgo with Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo; Sun in Libra; Moon in Aquarius conjunct Uranus in Pisces; Mercury loosely conjunct Venus in Scorpio; Mars in Capricorn; Neptune in Leo; Pluto in Cancer).         

High priest of the 60’s LSD movement. Harvard professor until fired for experiments with halluncinogenics. The first of twenty-nine arrests for possession was in 1965. Escape from prison in 1970 for two years. A third marriage in Europe. Parole in 1976.

8.                  Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz—Philosopher, Scientist and Mathematician: July 1, 1646, NS, Leipzig, Germany, 6:12 PM, LMT. (Source: Ebertin’s book on Pluto. Various other times are given elsewhere, thus,  the data is conflicting) Died, November 14, 1716, Hanover, Germany.        

(Ascendant, Sagittarius and Neptune also in Sagittarius; Sun conjunct Jupiter in Cancer; Moon in Aquarius; Mercury and Pluto in Gemini; Venus in Taurus; Mars conjunct Saturn in Taurus; Uranus in Scorpio).       

Leibniz was one of the great geniuses of all time. Wisdom Magazine estimated his I.Q at 183. He was a philosopher, mathematician, physicist, and historian. He is known for his theory of the Monad and for discovering the Calculus independently of Newton. He had a career as a civil servant while making major contributions to mathematics, logic and metaphysics.

Clearly, his predominant ray was the third ray of Abstract Intelligence. His capacity to see in wholes is furthered by his Sun sign, Cancer, which also holds inclusive, whole-making Jupiter. These Cancer positions also reinforce the strength of the third ray. Jupiter is the orthodox ruler of the proposed Sagittarius Ascendant. Sagittarius in this case links to the abstract mind and provides breadth of vision, and furthers the same in his third ray nature.

9.                  Margaret Meade—Anthropologist: December 16, 1901, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 9:00 AM, EST (quotation from a letter and from a colleague) or 9:30 AM, EST (from her by phone). Died,  October 3, 1978, New York, of cancer. 

(Ascendant, Capricorn; Sun conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius, with Mercury also in Sagittarius; Moon and Venus in Aquarius; Mars, Jupiter and Saturn all conjunct in Capricorn; Neptune in Cancer; Pluto in Gemini).           

Given its penchant to develop a global perspective, Sagittarius is perhaps one of the signs most associated with anthropology and the study of global cultures. The Sun/Uranus conjunction brings a definitely new perspective to the study, and the capacity to awaken others to a new vision. The stellium in Capricorn bestows the tenacity to required for scholarship in her chosen field. The academic side of Sagittarius is in full expression along with the innovations suggested by Uranus. Venus and the Moon in Aquarius give an interest in human nature, an appreciation for diverse social structures and the capacity to come into harmony with them. Rays three (breadth of thought and the power of comparison), five (research), and six (enthusiasm) are suggested. Perhaps the third ray stands out most strongly, giving her the capacity to grasp the study of anthropology in a large-minded way and communicate her vision to academia and to intelligent humanity as a whole.
(More and clearer needed here)

10.              Jean Paul Sartre—French Existentialist Philosopher: (1905-1980) June, 21, 1905, Paris France, 6:45 PM, LMT. (Source: from Gauquelin—“from him”) Died, April 15, 1980, Paris, France

(Proposed Ascendant, Sagittarius; MC, Libra: Sun conjunct Mercury conjunct Pluto in Gemini; Moon in Aquarius; Venus and Jupiter in Taurus;  Mars in Scorpio; Saturn in Pisces; Neptune in Cancer; Uranus in Capricorn)

French philosopher, novelist, essayist and playwright. Leader of French intelligentsia after 1939. His philosophy of Existentialism stated that the world has no meaning for humankind, and the individual is responsible for his or her own purpose.

11.              Stephen Spielberg—Film Director, Writer, Producer: December 18, 1946, Cincinnati, Ohio, 6:16 PM, EST. (Source: birth certificate).         

(Ascendant, Cancer; MC, Pisces; Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius with SUn conjunct Mars in Capricorn; Moon in Scorpio with Jupiter and Venus also in Scorpio, conjunct; Saturn conjunct Pluto in Leo; Uranus in Gemini; Neptune in Libra)

Spielberg was a director at Columbia Pictures at 20 and has gone on to film some of the most commercially successful films of all time.  He made the outstanding film 'Schindler's List', released in December 1993, and won an Academy Award.


12.              Baruch Spinoza—Philosopher (the “Gentle Philosopher”, the “God-intoxicated Philosopher”): December 4, 1632, Amsterdam, Holland, 4:00 PM, LMT. (Source: Marc Penfield who references Matthews who gave Spinoza Gemini rising). Died, February 21, 1677

(Chart Referenced: Ascendant, Gemini; Sun in Sagittarius, with Mercury conjunct Saturn also in Sagittarius; Moon and Uranus in Virgo; Venus conjunct Mars in Capricorn; Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Taurus; Neptune in Scorpio)


Again we are faced with the possibility of two or, perhaps, three charts. A date of November 24, 1632 is sometimes suggested , but it is uncertain whether this date is to be interpreted in the Old Style which would convert it to December 4, 1632, New Style (a date also frequently used and the one which will be used in the present interpretation). The New Style positions for December 4, 1632 and the Old Style Positions for November 24, 1632,  4:00 PM are as given above. The New Style positions for November 24, 1632, 2:00 PM are as given immediately below:       

(Alternative Chart not Referenced: Ascendant, Aries: Sun in Sagittarius conjunct Saturn also in Sagittarius; Moon in Taurus; Mercury in Scorpio; Venus conjunct Mars in Sagittarius; Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Taurus; Uranus in Virgo; Uranus in Virgo; Neptune in Scorpio)          

(Another alternative chart could be erected with Gemini on the Ascendant for the earlier date, November 24, 1632. Such a chart is suggested by Marc Penfield in his An Astrological Who’s Who, 1972, and shows the last degree of Gemini rising. When Penfield published his Penfield Collection in 1978, he utilized the December 4th date, and changed the Ascendant in Gemini from the 30th degree to the 18th degree. It is this latter chart which will be used as the basis for the interpretation.)   

The author has done his best to compare these charts to Spinoza’s character and to the events in his life. The December 4th chart, NS, was chosen for the following reasons.


13.  Immediately before his mother’s death in late 1638 or early 1639 there was a solar eclipse (on December 5, 1638) in the very same degree as Spinoza’s Sun in the December 4th natal chart. The Sun is ruler of the IC in all Gemini rising charts for Spinoza, and, therefore, rules the “mother”.

14.  Immediately before his own death which occurred on February 21, 1677, there was another solar eclipse (on December 5, 1676) which occurred within just a degree of Spinoza’s Sun in the December 4th natal chart. The fourth house rules, among other things, the “end of life”.

15.  These two very similar eclipses were decisive in his life and would not have touched any such significant points in the chart erected for November 24th, New Style, for the Sagittarius Sun would have been in only the third degree.

16.  The rigor and exactitude of Spinoza’s rationalistic thought are characteristic of a conjunction between Saturn and Mercury (in Sagittarius). This conjunction occurs only in the December 4th chart.

17.  Spinoza died of tuberculosis, apparently aggravated by his inhaling glass dust from lens grinding. In the 4:00 PM chart for December 4th, Saturn in Sagittarius is placed in the sixth house (ruling his occupation—not his true philosophical career or vocation). Saturn is the ruler of the eighth house, the house of death. This placement, therefore, shows the cause of death as related to his occupation or employment. This is not the case with the chart usually offered for the November 24th date—a chart with Aries rising and Saturn in the eighth house.

18.  Further, in the Gemini rising charts, the December 4th chart shows a conjunction between Saturn and Mercury—Mercury being the orthodox ruler of the Gemini Ascendant. Mercury and Gemini are associated with the lungs and Spinoza died of a lung affliction. In the earlier Gemini rising chart (for November 24th), Saturn and Mercury are at least eleven degrees from each other—too wide for a conjunction. The cause of death as tuberculosis is far more accurately reflected by the Saturn/Mercury conjunction (with Saturn as the bringer of affliction)—especially since Sagittarius, in which they are both found, since it is the sign reciprocal to Gemini, is often involved in lung ailments.

19.  Spinoza developed considerable expertise as a lens grinder. The Virgo Moon of the December 4th chart is more suggestive of this skill. Additionally, Mars and Venus have moved into Capricorn in this later chart. These three earth signs suggest something of the exactitude required for mastery of such a craft—much more so than a Taurus Moon and Mars and Venus in Sagittarius (in the November 24th chart).

20.  The Aries rising chart of November 24th does not correlate well with the character of the “gentle philosopher”, who, it appears, ever sought to avoid confrontation (even with the elders of the Jewish Synagogue who unjustly accused him of blasphemy and heresy).

21.  The extensive correspondence which Spinoza carried forward, correlates far better with a Gemini Ascendant and a Sun near the seventh house cusp than with the Aries Ascendant.

22.  The Virgo Moon, found only in the December 4th chart, seems suitable for Spinoza’s retiring way of life and bachelorhood. Further, when his father died in March of 1654, there was a lunar eclipse (on March 3, 1654) two degrees from the Virgo Moon. There was property dispute as a result of this death, and the Moon, implicated by eclipse, symbolizes property, and is the ruler of the third house in the December 4th chart. The dispute was with one of Spinoza’s siblings (siblings are ruled by the third house)—his stepsister. Another solar eclipse about six months before the father’s death occurred within twenty minutes of arc of Spinoza’s Uranus position. In the Gemini rising chart of December 4th, Uranus is the ruler of the Aquarius MC, indicating the (sudden?) loss of the father.

23.  Most convincing of all for the chart with the 18th degree of Gemini rising is Spinoza’s excommunication from the Jewish Synagogue in July of 1656. Again two solar eclipses are involved—one in the 10th degree of Leo about a year before the excommunication and another in the 7th degree of Aquarius about six months before this determining event. The Aquarius/Leo MC/IC in the December 4th Gemini chart was, therefore, implicated—though the “hit” was not exact.. Nothing would be touched in the Aries rising chart of November 24th.

24.  Further, and most impressively, Pluto which is the planet ruling excommunication, expulsion and exile was making a transit across the ascending degree (the 18th degree of Gemini) exactly at the time of the excommunication. In addition, after that expulsion from the synagogue,  he was banished (Pluto) from Amsterdam for a short time by the civil authorities. All of this most certainly points to the validity of a Gemini rising chart, as Pluto had passed the opposition of his Sagittarius Sun some two years before, and nothing so dramatic had occurred. The Gemini rising chart for December 4th is far more convincing than the a Gemini rising chart for November 24th.

Life and Chart Analysis


Benedict (Baruch) Spinoza was one of the world’s great philosophers. He was both a rigorous rationalist and a pantheist, seeking to understand the world by the Euclidean method, reasoning deductively from self-evident axioms and carefully formulated definitions to profound conclusions concerning the nature of God, Man and human society.        

Since his death in 1677, Spinoza has at various times been both in and out of favor. The period of particular disfavor occurred for about a century after his death, during which times his ideas were widely considered as blasphemous. A skeptical critic, Pierre Bayle called Spinozism
“the most monstrous hypothesis imaginable, the most absurd”. David Hume, a Scottish Skeptic, empiricist and historian, referred to the “hideous hypothesis” of Spinoza. Yet, no lesser minds that the great German initiate poet, novelist, and scientist, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, as well as dramatist and critic G.E. Lessing, and the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge found in Spinoza much to admire—an intensely spiritual understanding of reality yet divorced from all religious dogma.     

Spinoza has been called the “gentle philosopher” and the “God-intoxicated philosopher”. A man of modest and retiring habits, he had a profound effect upon some of the foremost thinkers of the seventeenth century and his influence has continued to grow in philosophical circles, especially since the early 19th century. Spinoza became so popular with unusually diverse groups of philosophers partially because it was possible to read into his works a support for such widely contrasting world-views as atheism, materialism, pantheism, absolute idealism, and empiricism, to name only a few. That so many antagonistic schools of thought could find a resonance with Spinoza’s philosophy gives some idea of the breadth and depth (and perhaps, the essential obscurity) of Spinoza’s lucidly-articulated ideas.      

Spinoza’s principle works are the Ethics (1665), the Short Treatise on God, Man, and His Well-Being, the Treatise on the Correction of the Understanding, the geometrical version of René Descartes Philosophical Principles, A Treatise on Religious and Political Philosophy  (1670), and Posthumous Works, including the
Treatise on the Improvement of Understanding, Letters, and Hebrew Grammar.   

Spinoza belonged to a group of Jews who fled the Inquisition from Spain and Portugal. His family settled in Holland, which after its successful revolt from Spain adopted a policy of religious toleration. Spinoza was educated in the orthodox Jewish manner, but studied Latin, absorbed the works of the significant philosophers, especially Thomas Hobbes and René Descartes, and received a thorough schooling in scholastic theology and philosophy. He emerged as an independent thinker which led him into constant conflict with the authorities of the Jewish Synagogue of Amsterdam. After threats and bribes failed to silence him, he was excommunicated from the Synagogue in July, 1656. He abandoned his Hebrew name, “Baruch”, and chose the Latin name, “Benedict”.     

Apart from his philosophical pursuits, Spinoza became a lens grinder of great skill (Moon in Virgo and the presence of the fifth ray). Some suggest that he undertook this occupation of necessity in order to make a living, but others see him pursuing a scientific interest in optics. Apparently he was also supported by a series of grants, pensions and bequests which made it possible for him to pursue his interest in philosophy.     

Spinoza lived a modest and retiring life. He had numerous friendships with the philosophically and scientifically minded, and shared his writings within these circles; he dared not publish them for fear of the authorities—civil and religious. Only one of his books (A Treatise on Religious and Political Philosophy) actually was published under his true name during his lifetime.       

Spinoza maintained a wide correspondence (Gemini Ascendant) and was visited by many philosophers, the distinguished Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz among them. A few years before his death he was offered a professorship at Heidelberg, but he preferred his quiet life and especially the freedom of thought which it afforded him.  

He contracted tuberculosis (Gemini/Sagittarius axis, with Mercury conjunct Saturn) and his condition was apparently aggravated by his inhalation of glass dust from the grinding of lenses. He died on February 21, 1677, leaving instructions for the posthumous publication of various of his works—under his own name.

Spinoza’s Metaphysics: Spinoza philosophy was rationalistic, deductive and monistic (i.e., characterized by the hypothesis of one fundamental substance). Deductive rationalism is characteristic of the third ray (the Ray of Abstract Intelligence); Monism suggests the presence of the inclusive second ray of Love-Wisdom. Spinoza shared with Descartes an intensely mathematical appreciation of the universe, though he differed with Descartes on certain fundamentals. Whereas, for Descartes, mind and body were two different substances, for Spinoza there was but one substance of which mind and body could be considered different aspects. He called this substance both “God” and “Nature”. He conceived the universe as a single substance capable of an infinitude of attributes (hence his pantheism). “God is a Being infinite in an infinite number of ways”. The universe can be known by two of these attributes especially—“extension” (the major property of matter) and “thought”, (the major property of mind). God is not seen as a supernatural Entity in contradistinction to Nature; God and Nature are one. God is Nature in its fulness.  

Although Spinoza was a rationalist, he was, unlike a number of the absolute idealists, also an empiricist. He was a close observer of Man and Nature. He studied physical experiences in order to produce “adequate ideas” which, in his view, depended upon a coherent, logical association of perceived physical experiences.  His belief in observation and empiricism was, it might be said, out-pictured in his secondary occupation—that of lens grinding. He interest was in how things are seen. His respect for empiricism and his deepening understanding of optics both speak for the presence of the scientific fifth ray in his ray formula.   

In his most famous and revolutionary work, the Ethics, Spinoza explores the concepts of freedom, bondage and free will. In many ways, Spinoza is a determinist, seeing the universe as a mechanistic system, and taking issue with the existence of free will (either for God or Man).. The principle of necessity (Saturn is conjunct Mercury and  is dispositor of his Venus/Mars conjunction) is of determining importance in his thought. All beings seek to maintain and express the power of their being, and thus virtue and power are one. But for Spinoza, power derives from a knowledge of necessity. When powerful or virtuous persons act,  they understand why they must act. They are free only in their understanding. What they must do, they cannot escape doing, but, because the have “adequate ideas”, they are aware of the necessity of so doing.. Those, on the contrary, who are not free, act without awareness of the law of their being  (i.e., they are driven to act by instinct and do not understand why they must act or how they must act). Man is rigorously compelled and determined, but some human beings see and know what is happening to them (and are thus free—at least, in consciousness) and others do not see and know, and hence are enslaved.           

The free individual is guided by the laws of his own nature. Those so guided are never out of harmony with others similarly guided because the true law of one’s nature is never at variance with the true law of another’s. Always there is an inescapable conformity to law, and no possibility of evading the law of one’s nature. The person in bondage is moved by causes which he does not understand or about which he is confused. For Spinoza, there is no distinction between will and reason. Ideas cannot be passively entertained and later put into action. Ideas, and not will, are the causes of action. By equating idea with power and virtue, and thus discounting the will as an independent agency, Spinoza displays his third ray bias. The third ray exalts the mind above all other faculties. Thus, for Spinoza, the clear and reasonable mind is the cause of all correct action. Will is subsumed into mind. Indeed, in Spinoza’s ray makeup, the first ray is deficient, and his view of the process of willing and thinking reflects this deficiency.      

In the realm of political philosophy, Spinoza shares with Thomas Hobbes a number of similarities, but their conclusions are very different. Both identify the reality of the “social contract”. Right is seen as relative, and the social contract proves binding only as long as it serves the advantage of the participants. But for Hobbes, strongly influenced by Aries, Taurus and a greater intensity of the first ray, advantage lies in satisfying as many desires a possible. Hobbes was the more materialistic thinker. For Spinoza (focussed upon the Sagittarius/Gemini axis) advantage is found is escaping from those desires through understanding. Spinoza’s is the more detached view.          

To clarify Spinoza’s view of man’s social possibilities, it can be said that Hobbes does not imagine a community of individuals whose desires can be consistently satisfied, so the use of force or repression is always necessary; Spinoza, however, more benign in his imagination, can foresee just such a community and such consistent satisfaction, so, in his political and religious thought, the notion of freedom, especially freedom of inquiry (Gemini, Mercury, fifth ray), is of fundamental importance. Again, we see a somewhat detached mind at work, perhaps naďve in its estimation of the ease with which man’s instinctual nature can be managed. The November 24th chart, shows an Aries Ascendant, like that of Hobbes, and a Taurus Moon (Hobbes also had a strong stellium of four planets and two asteroids in Taurus). This kind of chart does not seem correct for the “gentle philosopher”, so detached from his well controlled emotions (Moon in Virgo). Spinoza is capable of ‘mentalizing’ the life process, and seeks freedom from the bio-psychic compulsions; Hobbes seems rather more in their grip. Thus, again, the later chart for December 4th, emphasizing Gemini and Virgo (Sagittarius remains the same) seems more suitable.    

With this woefully brief summary of Spinoza’s philosophy and some knowledge of his life process, we can offer a speculative hypothesis regarding his rays.    

Monad: Ray Two

Soul: Ray III

Personality: Ray 2

Mental Vehicle: Ray 5

Astral Vehicle: Ray 2

Physical Vehicle Ray 7


Perhaps it is not possible to gain a good idea of the ray of Spinoza’s monadic vehicle. The overall impression of his energy system is that it offers a mixture of rays two and three. Spinoza, as one of the greatest of philosophical minds, may well have stood at an evolutionary point where the ray of the monad could be considered influential. There is much to suggest that he was an initiate of the third degree or, at least, very nearly at that stage. His profound love and respect for geometry connects him to that Ray Lord Who is known as “The Grand Geometrician”—the Ray Lord of the second ray.     

The following quotation from The Secret Doctrine contrasts Leibniz’ and Spinoza’s views with respect to ultimate reality—(for us) the realm of the monad.     

“The student must now be shown the fundamental distinction between the system of Leibniz* and that of occult philosophy, on the question of the Monads, and this may be done with his Monadology before us. It may be correctly stated that were Leibniz' and Spinoza's systems reconciled, the essence and Spirit of esoteric philosophy would be made to appear. From the shock of the two -- as opposed to the Cartesian system -- emerge the truths of the Archaic doctrine. Both opposed the metaphysics of Descartes. His idea of the contrast of two substances -- Extension and Thought -- radically differing from each other and mutually irreducible, was too arbitrary and too unphilosophical for them. Thus Leibniz made of the two Cartesian substances two attributes of one universal unity, in which he saw God. Spinoza recognised but one universal indivisible substance and absolute ALL, like Parabrahman. Leibniz, on the contrary perceived the existence of a plurality of substances. There was but ONE for Spinoza; for Leibniz an infinitude of Beings, from, and in, the One. Hence, though both admitted but one real Entity, while Spinoza made it impersonal and indivisible, Leibniz divided his personal Deity into a number of divine and semi-divine Beings. Spinoza was a subjective, Leibniz an objective Pantheist, yet both were great philosophers in their intuitive perceptions”. (SD Vol. I, 629)       

Spinoza was, in HPB’s words a “subjective Pantheist”, and Leibniz, an “objective Pantheist”. Here, it can be argued, we see the difference between a profoundly unitive second ray and the profundity of the ray of multiplicity and discrimination—the third. Both philosophers sought to overcome the “Cartesian split”, but Spinoza had recourse to a “universal, indivisible substance and absolute ALL, (in HPB’s words) like Parabrahman”, and the other, more influenced at a fundamental level by the third ray,  believed in an “infinitude of beings”. Like Plato and Aristotle, the truth lies in the combination of perspectives—Plato representing more the second ray and Aristotle the third. There is something Neptunian about the tendency to dissolve all multiplicity into a single substance, and indeed, Neptune is prominent in the December 4th, 4:00 PM chart, conjunct the Vertex in Spinoza’s chart for December 4th. .  

Conduits for the second ray in Spinoza’s astrological chart are several. Firstly, if Gemini is the Ascendant (as can be reasonably hypothesized), then the second ray is strongly represented. Further, if we speak of monadic influence with respect to the second ray, the point opposite the Sun (considered by the author as the “monadic point”) would be found in second ray Gemini, and would therefore be an important point of entry for second ray energies related to the monad. This does not mean however, that all monadically sensitive individuals with a Sagittarius Sun (and thus a monadic point in second ray Gemini) would necessarily have a second ray monad, just as the ray or rays distributed by the soul-oriented Ascendant do not necessarily reveal the ray of the soul.

Anther conduit for the second ray is the Moon in second ray/sixth ray Virgo. The Moon is the esoteric ruler of Virgo and veils either Vulcan or Neptune. Spinoza’s pervasive, gently unitive (rather than ardent) mysticism makes the veil of Neptune more likely, though for a highly advanced and mental individual, Uranus must always be considered in relation to the veiling Moon. In Spinoza’s chart, Uranus, as it happens, is in Virgo relatively close to the Moon, with the Part of Fortune at the midpoint between the two.       

Still another second ray conduit is second ray Jupiter found in the second sign, Taurus. Jupiter, as the orthodox ruler of the Sagittarius Sun sign, is a powerful planet. Placed in Taurus, it emphasizes the Wisdom rather than the Love aspect of the second ray.. Jupiter is also closely parallel to one of the alternative Ascendants—the Equatorial Ascendant. As well, Jupiter is found in the twelfth house, a mansion in which it is accidentally dignified and friendly to the expression of the second ray, for the sign most correlated with  the twelfth house is Pisces, which distributes the second ray as well s the sixth.   

Spinoza’s soul ray (a subray of the monadic ray) was very probably the third, which inclined him him, initially, to identify so strongly with the thought of René Descartes, to the point that Spinoza re-systematized and presented in a more geometrical form Descartes’ Principia. His connection with another great third ray soul, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz was also profound. By one’s deep affiliations on the physical plane, the ray of the soul can be reasonably estimated.           .

 Spinoza was a rationalist and ‘deductivist’—approaches to thought supported by the reasonable and reasoning third ray rather than the more strictly empirical fifth ray, or the more intuitive second. Of course, any thinker on any ray can use deductive, empirical/inductive or intuitive means, but the preponderance of emphasis indicates the preponderant ray quality.     

Further, the emphasis upon necessity, conformity to law, and lack of free will relates Spinoza to the Saturnian aspect of the third ray. Mercury as well as Saturn distributes the third ray (Mercury, probably, in its planetary personality nature), and Sagittarius (in which these two planets are found conjuncted) is the third fire sign much associated with the third aspect of the spiritual triad—the higher mind. Seen in this way the Mercury/Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius represents a powerful third ray focus (though it would also strengthen a concrete mind upon the fifth ray).         

Further, Spinoza’s historical emphasis in Biblical interpretation and criticism links him to the historical third ray. He was a thoughtful enemy of unwarranted credulity (so often found upon the sixth ray). His freedom from both religious dogmatism and blind faith, however, were not the effect of the third ray alone (which when combined with the sixth can, indeed, be dogmatic), but were equally caused by the probable absence of the sixth ray in his ray makeup (regardless of power of sixth ray Sagittarius), and by the strong representation (on possibly three levels—monadic, personal and astral) of the second ray of Love-Wisdom.           

Spinoza placed a strong emphasis upon intelligibility. For him the doctrine of free will (whether ascribed to Man or to God) rendered the world unintelligible. He therefore repudiated the presumed freedom of a transcendent God and with it, the free will of Man.. He, therefore, espoused a variety of exacting determinism frequently found when the third ray conditions the thought process. As well, he was dissatisfied with the informality of exposition characteristic of  his first two works. In his search for rational, deductive rigor, he was responding to the thought-systematizing tendencies of the third ray, supported by the fifth and seventh. This rigorous approach is truly characteristic of the reasoning Saturn/Mercury conjunction. His purpose was
to present metaphysics deductively,  that is, as a series of theorems derived by necessary steps from self-evident premises expressed in terms that are either self-explanatory or defined with unquestionable correctness. In this approach we can surely see how much he blended the third and fifth rays.    

Third ray conduits in Spinoza’s astrological chart are found in relation to the sometimes third ray sign, Capricorn (containing a conjunction of Mars and Venus) and also through Gemini (the third sign), and through Virgo (like Gemini ruled by sometimes third ray Mercury, and, itself, identified with the third or matter aspect). As previously stated the Saturn/Mercury conjunction in Sagittarius can also represent a third ray center of focus.          

The second ray seems the appropriate ray for the personality of this “gentle philosopher”. He was mentally bold, but personally retiring and inoffensive. Often he was employed as a  teacher or tutor, frequently gathering through his magnetism a study circle around him. His method was one of accommodation. When, at his father’s death, his stepsister sought to claim the entire inheritance, he entered a law suite (which he won), only to let her keep nearly everything. This is characteristic of the kind, second ray personality, and hardly consistent with the possibility of an Aries Ascendant.

Spinoza’s interest in optics and, in general, in the science of the day relates him to the fifth ray—the “Ray of Science and Concrete Knowledge”. It has already been noted that he embraced the value of empiricism (while keeping it as a subset of third ray rationalism). Empiricism is also motivated the fifth ray. Sagittarius conveys the fifth ray, and the Virgo Moon and the Mercury/Saturn conjunction can reinforce its exacting, discriminating tendencies. Fifth ray Venus is the esoteric ruler of the hypothesized Gemini Ascendant, and is placed in Capricorn, a sign friendly to the power of the discriminating mind. The Venus in Capricorn position must be noted in relation to the possibility of the third initiation (which it rules). That initiation is ruled by the fifth ray and Capricorn, Venus is, thus, hierarchically placed, offering to those capable of fulfilling its potential, the possibility of intense illumination. Spinoza was capable. His doctrine of substantial monism was his own way of revealing unity—the task of every disciple who aspires to the third degree or has achieved it.        

On a more objective level, Spinoza’s method of thought is clear, lucid and logical. Throughout his work, he explicitly or implicitly emphasizes the value of definition (the province of the fifth ray), and is at pains to define with precision so that his deductive method can be maximally fruitful. As well, the practicalities of lens grinding and polishing certainly must have demanded the fifth ray (plus the seventh) if the task were to be successfully accomplished. He was, after all, an expert in the craft. As well, his ongoing search for what he called “clear and distinct ideas”, certainly suggests the presence of the fifth ray.   

The seventh ray (entering especially through Capricorn) can be inferred because of his apparent physical delicacy, his modesty, quietude, and also his practical work with optics. The orderly and logical presentation of his Ethics also suggests the ordering quality of the seventh ray. 

Turning more specifically to Spinoza’s astrology, we find his Sun, Mercury and Saturn all in Sagittarius. In many ways, Sagittarius is the philosopher’s sign, and also that of the seer. His interest in vision and optics is, thus, partially related to this sign. Sagittarius is also related to the quest for pure truth—especially when combined with the second and third rays (the philosophical rays).For Spinoza,
the wisdom that philosophy seeks is achieved when one perceives the universe in its wholeness, through the “intellectual love of God,” which merges the finite individual with the eternal unity and provides the mind with the pure joy that is the final achievement of its search. How very much this objective sounds like the purpose of occult philosophy. One can see that the deeper purpose of the Great Quest is not only the knowing but the merging—thus the importance of the second ray (distributed by Jupiter—a ruler of Sagittarius).          

The Virgo Moon contributed modesty, humility, practicality and precision in matters of technique (for, it is said that he became an expert lens grinder), and, in general, an ability to detach from the life of the emotions (which he sought to understand, thus avoiding the tyranny of desire). It also gave Spinoza the conviction that philosophy was a personal and moral quest (Sagittarius), not only for wisdom in life, but for the achievement of human perfection (Virgo).  

The proposed Gemini Ascendant would be highly important, and a more probable sign than combative, confrontive Aries. When faced with the censorious attitude of the elders of the Synagogue, Spinoza did not seek to enflame the situation with a head-on confrontation characteristic of Aries. Instead, he sought to defend himself rationally, and in an accommodating manner. Some six months before his excommunication, he even gave a substantial monetary offering as a demonstration of his loyalty to the faith. His troubles had begun because of his unorthodox thinking, teaching, reasoning—and conversation. He simply found the orthodox approach to religious thought unreasonable and unintelligible, and said so, especially in conversations (Gemini) with other students. His practical fifth ray mind saw no reason to believe in angels, in the immortality of the soul, or that God had no body. His rebellion was of the mind rather than of the personality; the second ray personality is not given to the more drastic, physicalized forms of rebellion.  

Uranus, the planet of the new and better way, is implicated in his troubles with the Jewish religious authorities.. His mind was rigorous and orthodox enough (but only in relation to the definitions he formulated and to his strict manner of reasoning from principles which he considered self-evident) Rebellious Uranus, however, stands in quintile to his Sagittarian Sun, and square to his Venus/Mars conjunction in Capricorn. The quintile promotes originality of thought and demands a mentally creative solution to problems. Uranus never promotes acceptance of tradition—even though, in terms of devising a technique to arrive at truth, his mind could be considered conservative (Saturn conjunct Mercury). Venus, as a planet of harmony and correct social relations, would be disrupted by the Uranus square, and the square between Uranus and Mars would lead to all sorts of unintended (accidental), unmanageable consequences. 

HPB thinks of Spinoza as an intuitive philosopher. Surely his first principles were derived intuitively. What he did with them was ultra-rationalistic. We see Gemini as a sign promotive of his intuitive process, and Sagittarius, in which his Sun, Mercury and Saturn are placed is also an intuitive sign. Because the esoteric ruler of Gemini, Venus, is placed in rigorous Capricorn, there is a blend of intuition and intense mental illumination—a stage of mental perception characteristic of the third initiation. This configuration of the Gemini Ascendant and its ruler gives him, via the philosophical antahkarana, direct access to buddhi-manas. It is important to realize that Spinoza was impersonal in his thought, and that he was, therefore in certain ways, bypassing the causal body, which, for all its beauty and quality, represents the sublimation of personally harvested quality. Esoterically speaking, Spinoza had an actively employed antahkarana, however rigorously rational he sought to be once the accessed ideas entered the lower mental vehicle qualified by the fifth ray.          

The Mars/Venus conjunction in Capricorn tells us something about a possible sublimation of the sexual instinct (a useful exercise in the achievement of  the soul-illumined mind). Very little is known about Spinoza’s relationship life, except for some information about his important friends, professional associations, and the family with which he stayed on very good terms during the years before his death. Mars and Venus together can represent a strong sexuality, or the reverse. In Spinoza’s case there is good reason to argue the reverse, pointing to the Moon in chaste Virgo, transmutative Uranus exactly sextile the Juno position in Scorpio, and suppressive Saturn only three degrees away from Juno. Both Venus and Mars are powerful in Capricorn—Venus, hierarchically, and Mars because it is the exalted planet. But Venus (already the esoteric ruler of the hypothesized Gemini Ascendant) is really a planet of greater spiritual strength than Mars, and in this case could be thought of as subduing the passional nature of Mars, and absorbing such energies for the sake of illumined soul culture. Ultimately, Venus in Capricorn represents the “light supernal” found upon the mountain top of initiation. One can see Spinoza’s ‘mental passion’ (Mars in Capricorn) bending every effort to reach the sublime light. This conjunction, therefore, can represent the power of the soul (Venus) over the personality (Mars), and the conquest of passion (Mars) by dispassion (Venus). One has the sense that Spinoza knew what it was to negate the “ancient authority” of the personality, and thus pass into the greater Light.      

Spinoza’s most important work was his Ethics. Sagittarius conduces to reasoning about ethical matters, and the second decanate of the Gemini Ascendant, ruled by Libra, presents issues of right human relationship for deliberation. As well, the Sun is found very near the seventh house cusp where deep questions concerning the structure and patterns of human society are to be solved. Further, the Moon is Virgo, gives the tendency to find the flaw and offer critique in the effort to heal. The asteroid of commitment, Vesta, is found in the Libra, the sign of justice, fair play and right human relations, augmenting Spinoza’s interest in ethical considerations and his hope for solutions to humanity’s social problems.          

By nature, Spinoza was an optimist (Sun in Sagittarius), though strangely he did not believe in freewill. He believed that humanity could be released from its passions through the power
of understanding. Was he imagining that the majority of human beings could achieve what he had? If so, perhaps he was overly optimistic, for few stood at his level, depth and breadth of perception.       

The conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto in Taurus (both conjuncted to the Equatorial Ascendant) is significant for several reasons. First of all, it creates because of its spatial contrast with the remaining planets, a “seesaw” pattern—indicative of alternation and the need for balancing and harmonizing opposing forces. This conjunctive blending of the planets Jupiter and Pluto (one upon the second ray and the other upon the first) focused in the karmic and summarizing twelfth house where resolution and synthesis are to be sought, accounts for an important dynamic in Spinoza’s life. He was, in his thought, at once constructive (Jupiter) and destructive (Pluto). Jupiter in Taurus can be related to his philosophy of one, all-embracing (Jupiter) substance (Taurus). Pluto relates to his philosophical need to eliminate both a transcendent God and human free will and to see all action as the necessity (Saturn) and the compulsion (Pluto) of law (Saturn). Pluto further represents the banishment of many personally comforting religious and theological thoughts to the realm of illusion. These two planets are, therefore, closely related to his substantial monistic pantheism. God is all (Jupiter) of Nature (Taurus). There is but one all-inclusive (Jupiter) substance (Taurus). This one substance annihilates (Pluto) all distinctions. Pluto is the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of this twelfth house, and represents the destructive power which reduces all things to one thing.          

Pantheistic, anti-Deist  ideas were considered heretical and dangerous. Spinoza did not and could not directly challenge the prevailing repressive and unphilosophical religious opinion which surrounded him. Jupiter represents the power to publish, and it is in the twelfth house where expression is suppressed and inhibited. Pluto strengthened the inhibition upon publication. Pluto, in this case, represents the dire penalty which would have been exacted had Spinoza published his thoughts directly and under his own name. Together these two planets can be interpreted as ‘surreptitious (Pluto) publication (Jupiter)’ (which was the method he chose in order to bring his writings into at least some sort of circulation—mostly among his friends and sympathizers).    

So we see Spinoza’s Pantheism anchored in his Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in the twelfth house, and Neptune at the Vertex. His rationalism and determinism were working through his Saturn/Mercury conjunction. His elevation of thought over passion is indicated by the Venus/Mars conjunction in sober, purposeful Capricorn and also Saturn at the midpoint between Mercury and Juno. His rebellion against conventional perspectives entered through his Uranus quintile to his Sagittarius Sun and the Uranus square to Venus and Mars. The mastery of his precise craft (lens grinding) was facilitated by his Virgo Moon and, again, by the Saturn/Mercury conjunction. His intuition was promoted by his Gemini Ascendant with its esoteric ruler, Venus, in Capricorn, the sign of supernal light. Ceres, the asteroid of nurturance is found in the seventh house (of the social contract) within two degrees of the cusp, and indicates his care and concern for the improving the quality of human interaction. The Ascendant and Sun are opposed to each other (and contraparallel) indicating his broad, objective perspective, and his attempt to apply an ethical solution of the conflict between self and others.       

For all his rationalism and lofty impersonal thought, Spinoza must have been very aware of the power of opposing, irrational forces. His Mars is conjunct the “evil” star Facies, which relates to ruthlessness and aggression, to being the perpetrator or victim of violence. The negative potentials did not work out in physical violence in Spinoza’s life, but he must have been acutely aware of the horrific potentials lurking in the “beast”, the sumtotal of aroused and poorly comprehended instinctual nature. Indeed, his excommunication from the Jewish Faith was the result of psychological violence directed against him; the “archer” of religious bigotry had taken aim at his freedom of thought. Perhaps the potency of Venus, so close to Mars by conjunction, served to transmute and elevate this difficult energy, so that, at least he was the victim rather than the perpetrator.

Another difficult star was influential in his nature. Jupiter is also conjunct Capulus, which signifies male sexual energy, aggression and libido. Again, however, a “benefic” planet (Jupiter) is involved with the difficult star, offering the Jupiterian possibility of elevation through understanding. The presence of negative and materially-tending energies gives no indication about how an individual will handle them. So much depends upon the level of evolution; Spinoza’s was high.       

The closest of these star aspects is a parallel between Alcyone (the “Star of Individuality”) and the Ascendant. Perhaps this connection to Alcyone connected Spinoza to a deep appreciation for the true nature of substance—for the Pleiades are fundamentally connected with the substantial/material nature of reality. There is an important triangle between the Pleiades, Gemini and Sagittarius, expressed through Mercury (found in Sagittarius).This triangle emphasizes the importance of matter and intelligence. is reminded of a revelatory jest by the Master K.H., when He stated, ironically, “Don’t you realize we are materialists?” His knowledge of the equivalence of spirit and matter lay behind this statement.          

Perhaps a few quotations from Spinoza himself, will more vividly illustrate the nature and quality of his thought:          

Whatsoever is, is in God, and without God nothing can be, or be conceived”. (Ethics, Book I, Proposition XV)      

This is a pantheistic statement, and overcomes the split between God and His Creation. 

“God is the efficient cause not only of the existence of things, but also of their essence.
Corollary. Individual things are nothing but modifications of the attributes of God, or modes by which the attributes of God are expressed in a fixed and definite manner”.
(Ethics, Book I, Proposition XXV) 

We could well be dealing with Gnostic Emanationist Theory. This position is very like the one taken in Eastern Esotericism. The complete identification between God and ‘things’ is hereby enunciated.  The fusion of the second and third rays is evident. The One and the Many are united; this union can be appreciated under the Sagittarius (the One) and Gemini (the Many) polarity.      

“He, who has a true idea, simultaneously knows that he has a true idea, and cannot doubt of the truth of the thing perceived”. (Ethics, Book II, Proposition XLIII)  

Here we touch the planet of pure reason, the buddhi plane, and come face to face with the “straight knowledge”, the unmediated knowledge of the intuition. Mind in the usual sense has been transcended. Reasoning has turned to pure reason. It is clear that Spinoza knew the joys of triadal perception.

 “As men’s habits of mind differ, so that some more readily embrace one form of faith, some another, for what moves one to pray may move another to scoff, I conclude ... that everyone should be free to choose for himself the foundations of his creed, and that faith should be judged only by its fruits”. (A Theologico-Political Treatise)             

Here is a statement advocating complete toleration of all religious views. It arises particularly from the sign Gemini, which understands the relativity of  all things, and from Sagittarius which honors the religious impulse..        

“Anyone who seeks for the true causes of miracles, and strives to understand natural phenomena as an intelligent being, and not to gaze at them like a fool, is set down and denounced as an impious heretic by those, whom the masses adore as the interpreters of nature and the gods. Such persons know that, with the removal of ignorance, the wonder which forms their only available means for proving and preserving their authority would vanish also” (Ethics, Book I, Appendix).           

Here is rationalism at its clearest, and an example of the clear-seeing analysis of Saturn Mercury, supported by the luminosity of Venus in Capricorn. Spinoza is speaking from a chapter of his own history, when he was excommunicated from the Jewish faith for thinking (and discussing) his metaphysical ideas freely. This occurred as expulsive Pluto transited his Ascendant.


Spinoza himself probably would not have seen much validity in astrology. He was part of the Enlightenment, which sought to do away with superstitious ideas which clouded the mind. Perhaps, if he had accepted astrology (as Newton did), he would have found in it only a method for justifying the inescapable determinism which was so much a part of his mechanistic world view     .

When we consider Benedict Spinoza, we find ourselves in the presence of a profound, careful and original thinker—a lover of wisdom (philosopher) with deep spiritual intuitions and a mind insistent upon presenting these intuitions to the world of human thought in the most rational and reasonable way possible. History has demonstrated the enmity of the unconscious forces to such enlightened systems. In light of the events of the twentieth century, Spinoza could be considered a naďve optimist. Nature is not “rational” (apparently); Man is unmanageable; human progress is not assured and chaos, it seems, is built into Creation. Yet we suspect Spinoza was privy to certain perceptions which can be gathered only when focussed within the realm of the spiritual triad, and which are eternally true upon that level. Somehow, he found “God” there, and sought to convey that vision of unity to those who were capable of thinking about it    .

”In unison let the group perceive the Triad shining forth, dimming the light of the soul and blotting out the light of form. The Macrocosmic Whole is all there is. Let the group perceive that whole and then no longer use the thought, ‘my soul and thine’.”
(Rule V for Disciples and Initiates, R&I 20)


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Sagittarius and R3


Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.



In Comparison With


1.       Transmits R4, R5, R6 constellationally


1.       R3

2.       Planetary rulers transmit R2, R3, R6


2.       R3

3.       Color: rich blue (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) blue or blue-indigo


3.       Color: green and black

4.       Note: possibly SOL sharp or G sharp


4.       Note: FA or F

5.       Expresses especially through the solar plexus and sacral centers via Mars, and the ajna center via far-seeing Jupiter, R5 and R4. Expression through the oratorical throat is also possible through the Earth and the sixth ray.


5.       Expresses through the throat chakra and (to a degree) through the sacral chakra, also through the spleen as planetary prana, and, quite reasonably, through the ajna center when that center represents the Spiritual Triad

6.       Creative Hierarchy number VI/XI, unliberated


6.       Creative Hierarchy number I, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number III/VIII, unliberated

7.       Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Vegetable Kingdom via R6, the Animal Kingdom via Mars, Earth and R6, the Human Kingdom via R4 and R5, the Kingdom of Souls via R5 and R4 and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives via Jupiter and R6.


7.       Related to the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives

8.       Directness


8.       Indirectness

9.       One-pointedness


9.       Diversification

10.   Straightforwardness


10.   Manipulativeness

11.   Honesty


11.   Mendacity; tendency to lie

12.   Intuition


12.   Reasoning

13.   “Straight-knowledge”, vision


13.   Clouding the vision with thought

14.   Love of wisdom


14.   Love of knowledge

15.   Prodigality


15.   Economy

16.   Faith, believing


16.   Reason, disbelieving, skeptical

17.   Simplicity of mind; thinks in terms of guiding principles


17.   Complexity of mind

18.   Fiery


18.   Colder, aloof

19.   Eager


19.   Cautious

20.   Flying to “heaven”


20.   Bound to earth


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Sagittarius and R3


Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.


A.      Sacral Center Stimulation: Both Sagittarius and the third ray stimulate the sacral center strongly. Sagittarius is the desire-driven “centaur”, intent upon sexual satisfaction, and the third ray is the ‘Creator of Forms’ (a function over which the sacral center presides).

B.     Relation to Movement, Locomotion: The principle of locomotion is related to both influences. Sagittarius rules the thighs, which provide the power to propel man (or mammal) to his destination. The third ray is, among other things, the Ray of Activity, and gives the power to move through the field of space. “He who works upon the third ray must reach the path from here to there”. (R&I 507)

C.     Connected to both Mind and Body: Sagittarius focuses strongly upon the body as well as the mind. Its influences incline towards vigorous activity in the body. The third ray, as the Ray of Activity, gives a great deal of action—often rapid action—upon the physical plane.

D.     Abstraction: Sagittarius gives access to the abstract mind and the third ray is the particular ray ruler of this human principle—higher manas. Both influences confer a capacity for abstraction in the field of mind.

E.     Foresight and Planning: The capacity to foresee and to plan is shared by both. Although Sagittarius is connected chiefly with foresight and the third ray (as the “Lord of Memory”) is historical, many Sagittarians make excellent historians (as, of the fire signs, Sagittarius is connected with the third aspect of divinity) and many of those upon the third ray make excellent futurists, as they have the capacity to understand consequences.

F.      Related to the Throat Center: Both influences relate to the throat center and its proper use. At first there is over-use—the Sagittarian does not control speech and the man upon the third ray talks too much. Later, as we are informed in the Labours of Hercules, Hercules slays the raucous Stymphalian Birds and achieves right silence in mind and voice. The overly-vocal third ray individual becomes the ‘Silent Weaver’—“and silently he weaves”. (EP II 360) Thus thoughtforms and words are used only for the furtherance of the Divine Plan, and not for the irresponsible creation of unnecessary forms.

G.     Casualness and Informality: There is a certain casual approach to the physical plane common to both influences. Sagittarius (other influences notwithstanding) is often informal in relation to the environment. Unless there are planets in neighboring Capricorn, Sagittarians do not “stand on formality”. The third ray, in one of its types, is “regardless of appearances” (EP I 205), demonstrating, equally, a loose and casual approach to physical plane behavior. In both cases, the casual attitude may well be based upon a desire for freedom of movement.

H.     Truth and Honesty: Sagittarius almost always inclines towards honesty. In the early days of human evolution, this is not true of those upon the third ray. Eventually, however, the third ray instills a love of truth, and the third ray individual learns to think and speak the truth. In this regard, we remember that the third ray is particularly associated with the throat center, which influences thought and speech. In relation to the Good, the Beautiful and the True, the third ray is the True.

I.         Relevant to Preparation for the Third Initiation: Neither of these influences is considered a ruler of the third initiation, but both are instrumental in preparing for it and can feature in the revelation which comes at the third degree. At the third initiation there is a freedom from the illusions of the concrete mind. The enhancement of the power of the abstract mind certainly releases from the misconceptions which prevail when the focus of consciousness is within the concrete mind. Both Sagittarius and the third ray are correlated to the abstract mind and give facility in its use. At the third degree, higher manas steps into a new position of strength and control. A great and impersonal vision is presented to the initiate. In many ways, it is a third ray vision, for the third aspect of the monad is involved in conferring it. Sagittarius rules breadth of vision, and the third ray is directly correlated to higher manas. Of course, since it is the third initiation of which we are speaking, the third ray must necessarily be involved according to the principle of numerical affinity. 

The consciousness and vision must expand before the third degree can be confirmed. Both Sagittarius and the third ray can contribute significantly to this expansion.


4.      Sun Sagittarius (or Ascendant Sagittarius), R4P (or R4S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4, R5 and R6) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the fourth ray transmitted constellationally—though not in greatest strength—through Sagittarius. The appropriate category of reinforcement would be Strong by Constellational Transmission. Additional weak reinforcements come from mind fourth ray associations related to both Earth and Mars. The symbol for Earth is the cross (fourfold), and it is {counting only one intra-Mercurial planet}, the fourth planet from the Sun. Mars has associations with conflict as well, and in one of its symbols, the fourfold cross is elevated above the circle. There are no really significant decanate reinforcements.)


(a)   (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)


i.                     The capricious impulsiveness of the self-centered Sagittarius person combines with the undisciplined spontaneity induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the fourth ray.

ii.                   Impulsive living. Sudden enthusiasms. Risk-taking. Gambling. Living by “luck”

iii.                  Spontaneous, improvident adventurism. Reckless experimentalism.

iv.                 Constantly seeking stimulation, and over-stimulation.

v.                   Plunging into life experience, without forethought.

vi.                 Feeling one’s way through life rather than seeing clearly and for a distance ahead.

vii.                Capricious errancy, due to following contradictory impulse.

viii.              Heading in opposing directions simultaneously.

ix.                 Leading an ill-coordinated life.

x.                   Engaged in many conflicts over directions and ideals.

xi.                 Colorful, entertaining but contradictory.

xii.                Can easily hold contradictory opinions, even in relation to important matters.


(b)   (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple)

i.                     The powers to ‘see’ and imagine characteristic of the advancing Sagittarius individual combine with the imaginative creativity induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the fourth ray.

ii.                   Vivid imagination. The ajna center is powerfully stimulated.

iii.                  Dreaming worlds into existence,

iv.                 A creative (ray four) visionary (Sagittarius).

v.                   Following and experiential way of living.

vi.                 Spontaneous access to creative ‘flows”.

vii.                On the Path of Discipleship: the intuition begins guide the life. The fourth ray is an intuitive ray and Sagittarius one of the intuitive sign.

viii.              On the Path of Discipleship: many struggles are encountered as the aspiring disciple attempts to stay on the “straight and narrow”. There is the direction ahead, and, opposing it, the possibility of deviation to the right or the left (fourth ray)

ix.                 On the Path of Discipleship: the reception of inspiration with its uplifting and enfiring effects, becomes a more constant experience

x.                   On the Path of Discipleship: the experience of being the seeker whether of light or of beauty. (cf. EP I 134, EA 349)

xi.                 On the Path of Discipleship: cultivation of the creative imagination as an instrument of service.


(c)   (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate)[Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Sagittarius, with the fourth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]


i.                     A capacious, high-minded intuitive understanding characteristic the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Sagittarius, combines with the power to grasp intuitive impression (often through symbolism) induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the fourth ray.

ii.                   Seized by a powerful intuition, conferring the direct apprehension of truth.

iii.                  Ability to “follow the scent” which leads to truth.

iv.                 A power of visualization which immediately reveals the truth or falsity of that which is visualized.

v.                   Visual access, through symbolism, to the Realm of Archetypes.

vi.                 Ability to see the Divine Plan (and its next intended developments) in terms of a series of symbols.

vii.                Ability to access symbols of direction and symbols of transformation.

viii.              Sensitivity to the guiding images which embody the motivation behind any life cycle (at first of a human being, and later of a civilization or race, etc.)


Directives for Sagittarius and the Fourth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)


1.                  Achieve A Unified Vision After A Stressful Exchange

2.                  Arouse Aspiration By Painting An Inspiring Picture Of The Future

3.                  Aspire Towards A Vision Of Beauty

4.                  Attain Serenity Through A Lofty Vision

5.                  Battle With The Animal Nature

6.                  Behold Life’s “Picture Book”—Gather Meaning From The Visual Image

7.                  Be Inspired By A Vision Of Beauty

8.                  Bring The Personality, For All Its Struggles, Into A State Of Aligned Integration;

9.                  Dance Through The Light And Dark

10.              Direct Harmonious Thoughts Into Troubled Areas Of Life

11.              Discover A World Of Color

12.              Encounter The Many Reversals On The Path In A Spirit Of Optimism

13.              Envision A World At Peace

14.              Explore The Meaning Of Life Through Rich And Varied Experience

15.              Experiment With Expressivity

16.              Fly With Enthusiasm But Watch For A Possible ‘Crash’—Later

17.              Focus Beyond The Mental Plane, Where The Purpose Of Conflicted Interplay Is Revealed

18.              Gaze Upon The Astonishing Interplay Of Light And Dark

19.              Gain That Perspective Which Reveals ‘Two Merging With One’

20.              Harmonize For The Sake Of Alignment

21.              Identify With Humanity, Struggling Towards The Goal

22.              Illustrate Your Points With Beautiful Images

23.              Intercede—Bring Peace Through The Power Of Projected Thought

24.              Inspire Through Art

25.              Intuit Buddhic Revelation

26.              Keeper Of The Gate—Discern With Straight Knowledge Who May Pass

27.              Let Dire Distress Bring Deepened Understanding

28.              Live A Colorful, Spontaneous Life

29.              Live In The Moment; Know The Power Of The “Eternal Now”

30.              Overcome Inner Warfare Through Faith And Joy

31.              Paint, Draw Or Capture Uplifting Images

32.              Perceive The Inner Harmony Of Life

33.              Preserve A Vision Of Victory Above The Fray Of Battle

34.              Progress Through Struggle—It Seems To Delay But Is Most Direct

35.              Project—Link The Worlds Above With The Worlds Below

36.              Pursue The Beautiful

37.              Quest For Ever-Higher Forms Of Beauty

38.              Read The Symbols In The “Book Of Life”—Read Spiritually

39.              Reduce Tensions With Humor

40.              Refine Your Life Upon The “Burning Ground”—The Path Of Fire

41.              Release Artistic Creativity

42.              Realize: Beauty Is Truth And Truth Is Beauty

43.              Resolve The Duality Of Your Nature: Achieve The Single Eye

44.              Revision The Goal When Inertia Settles Upon You

45.              Resolve Inconstancy Through One-Pointedness

46.              Rise Above Conflict

47.              Search For Meaning In Ideographic Languages

48.              See The Coming Light In Even The Darkest And Most Tortured Situation

49.              Seek Buddhic Inspiration Through The Meditative Process

50.              Soar Into The “Realm Of Air” Where The Problems Of Philosophy Are Illuminated

51.              Spontaneous Humor Can Bring Relief To The Most Depressive Situations

52.              Steady Your Gaze, Oh “Perceiver On The Way”

53.              Straight Knowledge And The Revelation Of The Intuition—These Are Your Gifts

54.              Strive For Harmony In The Bodily Nature

55.              Struggle Until You Reach Your Goal

56.              Supervise The Battle From A General’s Vantage Point

57.              Tell A Good Story

58.              There Is A Path That Lies Between The “Pairs Of Opposites”; Walk On That Path

59.              Tread The Path That Leads From The Fourth To The Fifth Kingdom

60.              Tread The Path That Leads To The “Birth Of Horus”

61.              Uplift Through The Power Of The Imagination

62.              Utilize Aspiration To Reconcile The Opposites Upon The Astral Plane

63.              Visualize Beautiful Forms

64.              “Walk In Beauty”

65.              Walk The Middle Way Unphased by “Ups And Downs”


Mantra for Sagittarius and the Fourth Ray


Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: With intuition keen, with marveled eye alert to wonder, I seek to see and feel the nameless Beauty of God’s Harmony Divine.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Two Merge with One” in Beauty, when at last the long-sought Goal is reached harmoniously uniting all the Poles.


Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R4/Aries: Vibrantly responsive to the scintillating ‘Spectrum of all Rainbow-Colored Tones’, the ‘Artist of his Life’ beholds discordant multiplicity converge upon a promised point of joyous resolution. Inspired by this vision of a concord yet to be, he guides aright each clashed and vagrant aspect of the whole until the sensed and destined harmony is finally fulfilled.

Well Known Individuals Hypothesized as Expressing this Combination of Rays and Signs:


1.                  Hans Christian Anderson—Danish Author and Story-teller: (1805-1875) April 2, 1805, Odense, Denmark, 1:00 AM, LMT (Source: recorded) Died of cancer, August 4, 1875.

(Ascendant, Sagittarius with Jupiter in Sagittarius, H12; MC in Libra with Uranus in Libra loosely conjunct the MC; with Saturn also in Libra; Sun and Mercury in Aries; Moon in Taurus; Venus in Pisces; Mars in Leo; Neptune in Scorpio; Pluto in Pisces)

His fairy tale stories translated into more languages than anhy other books except the Bible. Also wrote plays, novels, poems, and travel books. Chiefly remembered for "The Ugly Duckling", "The Emperor's New Clothes" and "The Red Shoes"

2.                  Ludwig Van Beethoven, German Composer: December 16, 1770, Bonn, Germany, 1:29 PM, LMT (Kraum correcting Eschelman; also from Marc Penfield), 1:00 PM, LMT (March) 3:40 AM, LMT (Eschelman from Lyndoe); 4:11:40 AM (Jansky). The Ascendant is arguably Taurus or Scorpio. There are, in fact, reasonable arguments for both the Scorpio and Taurus rising charts. Died March 26, 1827, Vienna, Austria

“Lyndoe in AA, 5/1970.  Kraum in AA, 12/1970, corrected that to 1:29 PM as, "the true time given in Mensch Im Alle, 3/1935."  Robert Jansky  had 4:11:40 AM.  March had 1:00 PM.  Tyl rectified to 11:03 PM.   

Bekker, "Beethoven," Dent and Sons, New York, 1925, p.3, "early authentic information of his life is remarkably scarce, even the date of his birth is unknown.  It may have been 15th or 16th December, 1770."        

A copy of Parish Church Book of Baptisms in hand from Steinbrecher gives the baptism date as 12/17/1770, noting that, "Generally new babies are baptized two or three days after their birth”

Taurus Rising Chart: (Ascendant Taurus with Uranus rising in Taurus, and hidden Vulcan playing a very important role); MC, Capricorn, with Jupiter and Venus in Capricorn and Pluto in Capricorn conjunct the MC; Sun, Moon and Mercury all conjunct in Sagittarius; Mars in Gemini; Saturn in Leo, H5; Neptune in Virgo)

This chart with many planets above the horizon fits the fame of Beethoven, even in his own time.

Scorpio Rising Chart: (Ascendant, Scorpio; MC, Leo with Saturn conjunct the MC; Sun, Moon and Mercury all conjunct in Sagittarius, all in H2, Taurus house!; Jupiter, Pluto and Venus in Capricorn, H3; Uranus in Taurus, H7; Neptune in Virgo, H6).

The powerful sonic blows found throughout much of Beethoven's music relate to Taurus and its esoteric ruler Vulcan, the “Blacksmith of the Gods”. Taurean people have much first ray because of Vulcan, and this was true in Beethoven's case. Sagittarius bestows its tremendous aspiration, one-pointedness and high idealism. Taurus rules the hearing and the deafness.


3.                  William Blake—Poet, Artist, Visionary: November 28, 1757, London, England, 19:45 (from a personal friend of Blake’s), 19:15, LMT (from Notable Nativities, and Isabel Pagan) or 18:45, LMT (Craswell from Varley) Died, August 12, 1827, London. England.

(Ascendant and Moon in Cancer; Ascendant for the 7:45 time is very close to Leo and may be questioned; Sun conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius with Pluto also in Sagittarius; Mercury in Scorpio; Venus in Capricorn; Mars conjunct Neptune in Leo; Saturn in Aquarius; Uranus in Pisces).       

William Blake was a radical, visionary artist and poet. According to Lois Rodden, “his works [are] marked by genius, mysticism and compassion; his Prophetic Books (Sagittarius) [are] so complex and obscure that few profess to understand them. Blake dealt with profoundly mystical and archetypal themes, inspired by the combination of the fourth and sixth rays—the rays which combine to produce spiritual or religious art. The sixth ray is accentuated by the Mars/Neptune conjunction (both of them planets of the sixth ray) in Leo (ruled esoterically by Neptune). Further, Neptune is the esoteric ruler of the Cancer Ascendant. A further accentuation of the sixth ray is seen in the conjunction of the Sun and enthusiastic Jupiter in sixth ray Sagittarius—both in the house of individual self-expression, the fifth. His fourth ray is accentuated by the fourth ray potentials of Sagittarius and Scorpio which, together, hold four planets. The Ascendant is exoterically ruled, as well, by the moon transmitting the fourth ray.  

Blake’s world was a world of celestial images. He was, however, an iconoclast. This we see from an elevated Uranus in imagistic Pisces, in the house of higher visions, the ninth house.

(Consult more on Blake’s character)

4.                  Samuel Taylor Coleridge—Poet: October 21, 1772, 10:45 AM LMT, Ottery, St. Mary, England.  (Source: LMR references Arthur Blackwell who quotes Table Talk of S.T. Coleridge.Same from Leo in How to Judge a Nativity) Died (of aortic disease) July, 25, 1834, Highgate, London.

(Ascendant, Sagittarius; MC in Libra, with Mercury in Libra conjunct both the MC and the NN, also in Libra; Moon in Leo; Venus in Virgo conjunct both Neptune and Saturn, both also in Virgo; Mars in Cancer conjunct the Vertex; Jupiter in Aquarius; Uranus in Taurus; Pluto in Capricorn)


5.                  Gaetano Donizetti—Opera Composer: November 29, 1797, Bergamo, Italy, 7:30 PM, LMT. (Source; Speculative from Marc Penfield) Died, April 8, 1846, Bergamo, Lombardy, Austrian Empire.         

(Ascendant, Cancer, with Saturn in Cancer, H12; MC, Aries with Moon conjunct Jupiter in Aries; Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius; Venus in Capricorn; Mars in Libra; Uranus in Virgo;  Neptune in Scorpio; Pluto in Aquarius)

6.                  Hesse—Author: (1877-1962) July 2, 1877, Calw, Wuertenburg, Germany, 6:30 PM, LMT. (Source; Time stated in mother’s diary) Died, August 9, 1962, Montagnola

(Ascendant with Jupiter rising in Sagittarius; MC, Libra; Sun and Venus in Cancer; Moon loosely conjunct Saturn in Pisces, with Mars also in Pisces; NN in Pisces’ Mercury in Gemini; Uranus in Leo; Neptune and Pluto in Taurus)         

Books include The Glass Bead Game, Steppenwolf, and Siddhartha, also Journey to the East. Winner of the Nobel prize in 1946. Guru to the youth from 1905 to his death in 1962. Afflicted with depression, hypochondria, thoughts of suicide, and bouts with alcoholism.

7.                  Leonardo da Vinci—Painter, Architect, Inventor, Engineer, Genius: April 14, 1452, OS, April 23, 1452 NS, 9:40 (estimated) PM, LMT, Vinci, Italy. Times of 9:46 PM, 10:00 PM and 10:30 PM are also given, all with a Sagittarius Ascendant. the MC in some is Virgo and in others Libra. Died, May 2, 1519, Castle Cloux, France.

“LMR quotes "Leonardo da Vinci," Reynal & Co., which cites a family diary, "A grandson of mine was born April 15, Saturday, three hours into the night."  As it was Florentine time and sunset was 6:40 PM, three hours after sunset would be c. 9:40 PM which was still April 14 by modern reckoning.  The conversion to NS adds nine days = April 23 NS.  PC gives 10:00 PM.  Blackwell gives 9:46 PM.  Noel Tyl rectifies to 10:30 PM”

(Ascendant Sagittarius, Sun and Venus in Taurus; Moon conjunct Jupiter in Pisces; Mercury in Aries; Mars in Aquarius; Saturn in Libra; Uranus in Cancer; Neptune in Libra; Pluto in Leo) The Tibetan suggests that Leonardo was on the fourth ray calling him the “inspired artist”
(EXH 260) and mentioning him in the same breath with Shakespeare (EXH 297). The Tibetan even suggests that Leonardo was a “pure ray type” just as were the Christ, Buddha, Alexander and Julius Caesar. Clearly, the Tibetan is suggesting a “pure ray type” along the fourth ray. (cf. EP I 73) The Tibetan also suggests that in such a case as a Leonardo (or a Shakespeare) the soul or personality may be found along the fourth ray line as well as the mind. (cf. EP II 292) It is to be noted that Taurus and Sagittarius both transmit the fourth ray, and are thus excellent reinforcements for the fourth ray which is to be found qualifying the soul of Leonardo and probably his mind as well.

Leonardo was an illuminated being with the power to work through many kinds of media or materials (conferred by Taurus).Moon conjunct Jupiter in Pisces bestows imagination. Sagittarius Ascending confers the power to envision the future, and Neptune on the Midheaven is an open source to inspiration.

8.                  Michaelangelo Buonarroti—Sculptor, Painter: March 6, 1475, Caprese, Italy, 1:30 AM, LMT or 1:45 AM, LMT (Source: 1:30, Fagan; 1:45, The Life of Michaelangelo, by Ja.A.Symonds) Died, February 18, 1564, Rome, Papal States. 

Circle Book quotes J.A.Symonds, ‘The Life of Michelangelo,’ in which the child's father wrote in his notebook, ‘A male child was born to me on Monday  morning (March 6 OS)  four or five hours before daybreak’ (LMR computes sunrise as 6:15 AM)”

(Ascendant, Sagittarius; Sun conjunct Mars in Pisces with Moon also in Pisces conjunct Mercury in Aquarius; Mercury and Jupiter in Aquarius; Venus in Aries; Saturn in Cancer; Uranus and Neptune in Scorpio; Pluto in Virgo)          

Michaelangelo was one of the great geniuses of all time. He is known chiefly as a sculptor (the David), and as the painter of the frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Like Leonardo, he had Sagittarius as his Ascendant and a fourth ray soul. However, his personality ray was very likely, ray six, reinforced by the Sun conjunct Mars in sixth ray Pisces with the Moon also in Pisces. The three signs through which the sixth ray passes, constellationally (Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) all have planets or are prominent in the chart.  

Pisces bestows upon Michelangelo his tremendous sensitivity and imagination. Venus in Aries, his instant and unrestrainable enthusiasm for beauty. Jupiter in Aquarius, orthodox ruler of the Ascendant, indicates his profound affect upon the culture (Aquarius) of Italy and of the world. The Mercury Moon conjunction shows the ingenious skill (Mercury in Aquarius) with which he was able to execute his deep subjective and imaginative impulses (Moon in Pisces). Saturn in Cancer trine the Mars/Sun conjunction in Pisces, conferred his ability to regulate his impulses and bring form (Saturn and Cancer) to perfection. Pluto in Virgo assisted this, as he knew exactly what to eliminate to bring his sculpture forth from the stone in which they were encased. Both his prodigious power to envision and his unparalleled achievements in the field of religious art are indicated by Sagittarius (which is the soul sign of religious Italy). His extraordinary execution of the art which represented Catholic Theology can be seen by his ninth house Pluto in Mercury square his Sagittarius Ascendant and opposing his Sun/Mars conjunction in Pisces. The elevated Pluto contributed to the “Last Judgment”   

Michelangelo, a man of great intensity and enthusiasm, had an undying passion for beauty. Interestingly, his rays, proposed as the fourth and the sixth, are exactly those of Italy—however reversed, as Italy has a sixth ray soul and a fourth ray personality.

9.                  John Milton—English Poet and Political Writer: December 19, 1608 (NS), London, England, 6:30 (6:33) AM, LMT. (Source: Minutes in the Life of John Milton, by John Aubrey, as per Lois Rodden) Died, November 8, 1674, Chalfont St. Giles, England.

(Ascendant and Sun in Sagittarius: Moon in Taurus with Jupiter and Pluto also in Taurus; Mercury and Venus conjunct in Capricorn with Saturn also in Capricorn; Mars in Pisces opposing Neptune in Virgo; Uranus in Gemini conjunct the cusp of H7)

John Milton is famous for writing his works of religious epic poetry—Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes. The exaltation and grandeur of his masterpieces required the combined application of the fourth and sixth rays—as is the case with Dante and Blake, and found together whenever religion and the arts are united.

The sixth ray is powerfully indicated in his chart, given the double Sagittarius influence and the opposition between two sixth ray planets (Mars and Neptune) tenanted in signs which transmit the sixth ray (Virgo and Pisces, respectively). Thus all signs transmitting the sixth ray are emphasized. Two of the fourth ray signs (Taurus and Sagittarius) are also emphasized.        

Milton’s life held a number of tragedies and disappointments. His married life was unhappy and unstable—he was twice widowed (as unpredictable Uranus at the Descendant might suggest), and he became blind. The drama of darkness and light (a ray four theme, intensified by the sixth ray) is worked out on a grand scale in his poetry (and in his life); he seemed to have a fascination with the original luminosity of Lucifer, the “Fallen Angel”, who fell into darkness. Interestingly, Taurus is the sign of illumination (from an esoteric perspective) and holds both Jupiter, the orthodox ruler of both his Sagittarian Ascendant and Sun, and Pluto (“Lord of Darkness” in the sign of light. Chiron, the planet of wounding, rises in Sagittarius, the sign of vision, and T-Squares his two opposed sixth ray planets.

10.              Nero—Emperor of Rome: December 15, 37 AD, Rome Italy, 7:30 AM, LMT.
(Source: Suetonius in his book The Twelve Caesars gives a sunrise birth).  Died, June 9, 68 AD.

(Ascendant, Sagittarius with the Sun, Pluto and Mars in Sagittarius, conjunct and rising; Mercury is also in Sagittarius; MC, Libra; Moon in Leo conjunct the Vertex; Venus in Capricorn; Jupiter in Scorpio; Saturn and Uranus in Virgo; Neptune in Aquarius)

“You can easily appreciate the fact that the evocation of the energy of the will and its effect upon the unprepared, materialistically minded person might and would prove a disaster. It would simply serve to focus and strengthen the lower self-will, which is the name we give to realised and determined desire. It could then create such a driving force, directed to selfish ends, that the person might become a monster of wickedness. In the history of the race, one or two advanced personalities have done this with dire results both to themselves and to the people of their time. One such figure in ancient times was Nero; the modern example is Hitler.” (EA 585)

Noteworthy Astro-Rayological Factors for Further Contemplation

1.      Although the chart used must be considered, in part, speculative, it is supported by a respectable source. The day is considered historically accurate and the time of birth is given by an historian of the period.

2.      It is probably best to trust the day of birth more than the hour. Another chart which would indicate an unbearable theatricality, grandiosity, self-display and self-indulgence, would show Leo rising, with the Moon in the first house and the Sagittarian stellium in the fifth house of self-expression (Leo’s house).

This second chart would put Jupiter in the fourth justifying the immense (and financially draining) building projects which Nero conceived and attempted to put into action.

3.      Yet there is no reason to prefer this second chart over the first. Some fairly close research would be needed. Whether or not it is worth expenditure of time to study such a perverted life to confirm or disconfirm the sunrise chart is debatable. Yet, always, there is something to be learned—even in considering the more notoriously mismanaged lives.

4.      The most notable rays of Nero are the fourth and the sixth. If the first ray was present, it was not his principle ray. He aspired to be a poet, actor and an artist more than a leader. He even mused upon giving up his responsibilities as emperor so that he could devote himself entirely to the stage. His last words are reputed to be, “What a artist the world is losing in me!”       

Surprisingly, Nero’s early reign was characterized by acts of generosity, leniency and accommodation—entirely contrary to his later and odious reputation. He pardoned many (often unwisely, and even when they had plotted against his life), sponsored contests in poetry, theatre and athletics to replace brutal gladiatorial games, banned capital punishment and was socially progressive. His image of himself was that of the magnanimous ruler.    

Accompanying these finer qualities were those of shameless, self-centeredness, unbelievable grandiosity and self-indulgence, all contributing to a colossal display irresponsibility. Few historical figures have equaled his rampant megalomania and monumental narcissism.

The lack of discipline characteristic of the fourth ray was evidenced early. He developed a scandalous reputation, not only for extravagance, theatricality and exhibitionism, but for his disgraceful nocturnal rioting in the streets.        

He was also irresponsibly permissive in his nature—little realizing (as those conditioned principally by the first ray would have realized) what it takes to govern a nation. His perception was much more that of an unrealistic, self-obsessed artist (fourth ray). For instance, due to unthinking generosity fed by an idealistic abhorrence of the abuses of tax collectors, he thought to simply abolish various forms of needed taxation, even though Empire depended upon these important sources of revenue. After the great fire of Rome (which he was accused of setting because he found Roman architecture distasteful) he begin to rebuild the city in the Greek style which he so much admired. Had his “Golden House” been completed, it would have covered fully one third of the city of Rome.    

He simply lacked the dignity of an emperor, and was generally repudiated for his insistence on playing almost any kind of part of stage—even acting the roles of “pregnant women and slaves about to be executed”. His lack of decorum, his embarrassing behavior, were disgusting to many in powerful positions. Finally, the widespread hemorrhage of respect proved fatal to his reign. He was forced to flee the city and is said to have committed suicide (perhaps with some assistance by one of his slaves) shortly afterwards. He did not live beyond his first Saturn Return.

5.      His grandiosity and extravagance—both aimed at indulging his artistic pretensions, are more than slightly reminiscent of the extravagant self-indulgences of Ludwig II of Bavaria, patron of Richard Wagner. Ludwig (by no means an evil figure) gradually outraged (and impoverished) the Bavarian government by his expenditures for Wagner’s operas, and, even more, on fabulously appointed castles for himself. He, too, was forced to abdicate. The rays were the same—the fourth and the sixth.

6.      That Nero’s behavior was so contradictory (a part of his nature hating murder and destruction, and another part actively engaged in the very thing he hated) demonstrates, irrefutably, the presence of the fourth ray. Another historical figure who was the victim of similar terrifying inconsistencies (and similar cruelties) was Tsar Ivan the Terrible of Russia.

7.      In the year 63 Nero began to develop strange religious enthusiasms and became fascinated by preachers of novel cults; this trend indicates his latent fanaticism conditioned by the sixth ray. One can see how his stellium in Sagittarius would be implicated in such behavior.

8.      According to the Encyclopedia Britannica he had “delirious pretensions as both an artist and religious worshiper”—the combination, again, of the fourth and sixth rays.

9.      The astrological chart is remarkable for the conjunction of Sun, Pluto and Mars conjunct the Ascendant in Sagittarius. Mercury, too, is found in that sign. The Sun, Pluto and the North Node are also parallel the Ascendant. The cruelty for which his memory is execrated is well-embodied in this conjunction of murderous fanaticism. Even if this triple conjunction were not on the Ascendant, it would still be potent for cruelty.

As well, the conjunction tells of the brutality and murder with which he was surrounded in early life. He was very much a victim of his mother’s obsession with him and with power (to be realized through him). The Sun/Pluto conjunction shows this obsession.

10.  Jupiter is orthodox ruler of the Ascendant and placed in the sign Scorpio, indicating the many deaths for which he was responsible.

11.  His dramatic pretensions are indicated by his Leo Moon in the eighth house (a psychological placement. Extravagantly emotional excesses are indicated by the Jupiter square the Moon. Really, if a wide orb is allowed between Jupiter and Neptune, we have a T-square with glamorous Neptune opposed the instinctual Moon and both square Jupiter in Scorpio—the planet, negatively considered, of conceit and pomposity.

12.  His notorious financial irresponsibilities are indicated by Neptune, the planet of glamor, illusion and unreality, in the second house of finances, opposed the self-indulgent Leo Moon.

13.  His megalomania is accounted for by the Sun conjunct and exactly parallel the Ascendant. He simply could not see beyond himself.

14.  Saturn in Virgo is square to the Sun, Pluto and Mars, indicating ruthlessness and the tendency to purge his adversaries. As well, it indicates his many enemies. Saturn is square the Ascendant/Descendant, showing the morally motivated criticism to which he was subjected. It also augured poorly for his wives and partners, though finally a more sedate marriage with a Roman matron was contracted (after the murder of one wife and the death of another). Saturn is, after all, in trine to Venus.

15.  Nero is infamous as a matricide. He had his mother murdered because of her insanity and obsessive attempts to control him (Pluto—the “dark mother” conjunct the Sun)/ Mars the ruler of the fourth house (mother) is also conjunct Pluto (the planet of murder, death and treachery).

16.  Interestingly, we find the star Acrux on his Midheaven—not only indicating his demonization by the Christian Religion, but the idea of an individual who “puts matter first”.

17.  The closest aspect to a star-like object is a close parallel of Pluto (within seven minutes of arc) with Facies (the “eye of the Archer). Facies has  the reputation for being one of the cruelest ‘stars’ (really a nebula) in the heavens. Facies produces a perpetrator of violence or its victim and gives a strong streak of ruthlessness. Pluto, which is rising, is (negatively considered) the planet of death and perfidy; Facies is deadly as well. One can recognize the potential effect of this lethal combination.

18.  In a number of ways, the date and circumstances of his death confirm the sunrise chart, which, perhaps, should be a few minutes later (about three). First of all, he was experiencing a Saturn Return—within a degree of his natal Saturn at the time of his death. The progressed Moon was still conjunct both natal and progressed Saturn. T-Saturn was square to the proposed Sagittarian Ascendant/Descendant; he was under severe criticism from all quarters. Deadly Pluto was opposing his Moon in Leo in the eighth house of death. Rebellious Uranus was conjunct his progressed Sun by transit, and exactly inconjunct (150°) his progressed Vertex (fate). Transiting Neptune was at his fourth house cusp, undermining his stability, respect and social ‘standing’. Solar-Arc Uranus was conjunct his MC—dramatically changing his career (as death usually does!). If the birth were, as suggested, a few minutes later, the conjunction aspect from SA-Uranus would be exact, and the transit from Neptune conjunct the IC would be a little closer. There was also a lunar eclipse on progressed Jupiter in Scorpio (his Ascendant ruler) and close to the progressed MC, a month before his death.

19.  It is not possible to use the esoteric rulers for an individuality like Nero; he was thoroughly and immaturely absorbed in his own personality. Occasionally, however, it is well to see how astrological and rayological energies can be frightfully misused, and thereby learn through contrast.

11.              Giacomo Puccini—Opera Composer: December 22, 1858, Lucca, Italy, 02:00 AM. (Source: Recorded) Died of cancer, November 29, 1984. 

(Ascendant, Libra; Sun very late Sagittarius; Moon, Cancer; Mercury, Capricorn; Venus, Sagittarius; Mars, Aquarius; Jupiter and Uranus in Gemini; Saturn, Leo; Neptune, Pisces, fifth house and trine Moon and MC; Pluto, Taurus).           

Puccini was one of the greatest of the opera composers. He is known for his beautiful, poignant melodies and his orchestral colors and moods. His modal, melodic writing relates him strongly to the fourth ray, and Libra correlates to the sheer beauty of his operas. Many of his stories are exotic and occur in settings distant from ItalyJapan (Madama Butterfly); China (Turando); the United States (the Girl of the Golden West). The correlation with Sagittarius is clear. As well the sixth ray is pronounced—the themes of devoted love are prominent throughout his operas.


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Sagittarius and R4


Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.



In Comparison With


1.       Transmits R4, R5, R6 constellationally


1.       R4

2.       Planetary rulers transmit R2, R3, R6


2.       R4

3.       Color: rich blue (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) blue or blue-indigo


3.       Color: yellow and crčme

4.       Note: possibly SOL sharp or G sharp


4.       Note: MI or E

5.       Expresses especially through the solar plexus and sacral centers via Mars, and the ajna center via far-seeing Jupiter, R5 and R4. Expression through the oratorical throat is also possible through the Earth and the sixth ray.


5.       Expresses through the ajna center at a relatively advanced point of evolution. Related as well to the fourfold base chakra and to the fourth center, the heart center with its four chambers

6.       Creative Hierarchy number VI/XI, unliberated


6.       Creative Hierarchy number II, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number IV/IX, unliberated

7.       Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Vegetable Kingdom via R6, the Animal Kingdom via Mars, Earth and R6, the Human Kingdom via R4 and R5, the Kingdom of Souls via R5 and R4 and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives via Jupiter and R6.


7.       Related to the Vegetable Kingdom and the Human Kingdom

8.       One-pointed


8.       Divided, conflicted

9.       Abstract mind


9.       Intuitive reception

10.   Orientation towards the future


10.   Orientation towards the present

11.   Far-seeing, above the fray


11.   Blinded by the smoke and dust of battle

12.   Idealistic orientation


12.   Experiential living


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Sagittarius and R4


Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.


A.      Related to the Fourth Kingdom of Nature: Sagittarius (which transmits the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict) was (with Gemini) instrumental in creating the Fourth Kingdom of Nature, the Human Kingdom, ruled numerically by the fourth ray.

B.     Attraction/Repulsion Dynamics: Sagittarius is closely related to the Principle of Desire, transmitting as it does the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism—the ray most closely linked to the astral body (the seat of desire as humanity now understands it). Desire is linked to the great Law of Attraction and Repulsion, which induces learning either through the satisfaction of desire or the failure to satisfy desire. Sagittarius thus soon finds itself inducing the desire to approach and be satisfied or the desire to flee and avoid dissatisfaction. Careful thinking about Sagittarian dynamics will reveal it to be as much given to flight and retreat as to pursuit.

The fourth ray shares a similar bi-polar dynamic with respect to the satisfaction of desire. The fourth ray induces approach/avoidance behavior—related, to a degree, to “fight or flight” behavior. The fourth ray is a soft-line ray, and is closely related to the Law of Attraction and Repulsion (which is principally a second ray law). This law includes dynamics characteristic of both the second ray (attraction) and the first ray (repulsion). This fact links it to the fourth ray, the dynamics of which can be reasonably understood as a combination of second ray and first ray tendencies.

Both energies (Sagittarius and the fourth ray) thus share an experiential, spontaneously experimental approach to evolution. They “learn as they go”, in the moment, and only later evoke the faculty of memory and mind to guide their desire-driven quest.

C.     Spontaneous and Experiential: Sagittarius and the fourth ray both induce a spontaneous, experiential, “in the moment” attitude. They are both experimental and risk-taking. This experimental approach can be undisciplined in the beginning and intuitively guided during later evolutionary periods, for it is possible that a human being will be born a number of times with Sagittarius as the Sun sign and the fourth ray as the personality ray.

D.     Intuition: Sagittarius is one of the “intuitive signs” and the fourth ray is, paramountly, the Ray of Intuition through numerical resonance. The plane of intuition is the buddhic plane and it is the fourth in number.

E.     Related to the Faculty of Vision: Although the various signs of the zodiac have a pervasive influence through all the chakras, there are some with which they are more closely affiliated. In the unfolding individual, Sagittarius has a close connection with the ajna center, the center of vision. The Tibetan hints that Mercury rules the ajna center after the third initiation, and Uranus the head center. (EH 151). Mercury, let us remember, distributes the fourth ray, which begins to function through the ajna center at that higher stage of evolution. Through Mercury, the envisioning potential of the ajna center becomes a tool of the intuition. Thus, we see a strong line of relationship between Sagittarius, Mercury and the fourth ray.

F.      Visual Imagination: Sagittarius is a sign of vision, and the fourth ray confers the ability to see, (which is not to say that the fifth ray does not also do so). A strong visual imagination is one of the characteristics of the fourth ray. It is difficult to assign the fourth ray to only one of the senses. Ray three has a close association with sound, and ray five with sight, but ray four is related to both sound and sight.

G.     The Seeker: Both Sagittarius and the fourth ray can be called seekers. The fourth ray induces that behavior which is called “the following of the scent” (EP I 134), and is “pre-eminently the way of the seeker, the searcher and the sensitive reflector of beauty”. Sagittarius also is the “seeker” (EA 349) as well as  the “hunter” following his prey—whether through vision or through smell. Sagittarius tracks the vision and the fourth ray tracks beauty, following it to its source. Both are in pursuit using, eventually, the intuition to lead them to what they seek.

H.     Relevance to the Process of the Second Initiation: Sagittarius is one of the signs associated with the second initiation (cf. EA 178). At this initiation, the aspiration is re-directed towards the soul-as-mind and the disillusioning process (related to both Sagittarius and the fourth ray) begins. As well, the fourth ray contributes to the harmonizing of the astral body and its sensitization to the energy of buddhi (or love). At the second degree, love enters the astral body more completely, replacing normal desire (which has “died”). The second initiation indicates the “death of desire”. Aspiration (Sagittarius) however, is alive and well.


5.      Sun Sagittarius (or Ascendant Sagittarius), R5P (or R5S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4, R5 and R6) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the fifth ray transmitted constellationally—though not in greatest strength—through Sagittarius. The appropriate category of reinforcement would be, Strong by Constellational Transmission.  The only additional reinforcement would come through the fifth ray component of Mars {whether monad or mind}, and this would be quite remote as an influence. Mars rules the middle decanate of Sagittarius in both exoteric and esoteric order.)


(a)   (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)


i.                     The narrow, one pointed sensory focus of the self-centered Sagittarius person combines with the sense-bound materialism induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.

ii.                   Induces a narrow range of specific interests.

iii.                  Narrow specialization is initially possible. The seeker pursues or “targets” one piece of information but not others.

iv.                 The urge to seek and discover is strong, but confined to the world of the senses.

v.                   Truth is important, but judged by very narrow standards.

vi.                 The doctrinaire theologian can be produced by the union of Sagittarius and the fifth ray.

vii.                Attack through the power of thought is also a possibility. The arrows or (more precisely) darts of thought can be well-aimed and lethal.

viii.              Under this combination, there may be a clash of differing opinion, and different interpretations of ‘fact’ may be hotly debated. Deadly debates over what is religious truth, and what is heresy fall into this category. We must remember that Sagittarius has as part of its structure, much of the sixth ray.


(b)   (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple)


i.                     The intelligent, one-pointedly focussed attitude of the advancing Sagittarius individual combines with the urge to know and discover truth through experimentation—a characteristic induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the fifth ray.

ii.                   “Seek and ye shall find”.

iii.                  The drive to seek, explore and discover is very strong.

iv.                 The seeker is willing to travel far afield to learn. He travels “in search”.

v.                   Expeditions are arranged for the sake of discovery.

vi.                 Space travel. The urge to explore (Sagittarius) is made possible by advanced aero-space technology (fifth ray).

vii.                Nature studies—often of the animal kingdom (this kingdom being linked to Sagittarius). Going to the jungle to study gorillas; working beneath the waves to study the mating patterns of particular whales; traveling to the Andes to study the life patterns of the few remaining condors, etc..

viii.              On the Path of Discipleship: a growing willingness to “go anywhere” to learn what one seeks to learn.

ix.                 On the Path of Discipleship: skill grows in the practice of Gnani Yoga, the Yoga of Knowledge.

x.                   On the Path of Discipleship: the seeker becomes more proficient in the art of alignment. A straight line of transmission is created between soul-mind-brain. The meditating personality gains penetrates the causal sphere and gains access to “what the soul knows”.

xi.                 On the Path of Discipleship: the disciple becomes more proficient in concentrating the mind (fifth ray), and the practice of one-pointed (Sagittarius) meditation. There grows a capacity to deflect all mental process which is not relevant; thus one-pointed attention on the focus of meditation is preserved.

xii.                On the Path of Discipleship: one learns to seek the wisdom of the soul in providing specific pieces of needed technical information.


(c)   (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate)[Additionally, where relevant,  combine Ascendant Sign, Sagittarius, with the fifth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]


i.                     The ability to penetrate into the “Mind of God” through abstract thought, intuition—an ability cultivated by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Sagittarius, combines with the natural luminosity which eventuates when “Three Minds Unite”—a luminosity facilitated within the soul or spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.

ii.                   The capacity to leave the world of normal mentality, transcending even causal consciousness, and enter into the dimension of the Divine Mind (from which the world process is directed and coordinated).

iii.                  Ability to use the threefold mind as an aligned, integrated, unified instrument of discovery and direction.

iv.                 The capacity to transcend specialization, and see (as from within the Divine Mind) the synthesis of the many sciences.

v.                   The capacity to seen a ‘beam of inquiry’ into the higher worlds, and find any required item of knowledge.

vi.                 The power to become a true Knower. Seeing not according to ones accumulated personal experience, but entering the Mind of God in such as way as to see as God sees. This is elevated, Triadal sight.

vii.                The capacity to work occultly/scientifically in targeting (Sagittarius) certain places and dimensions within the World Process which are in need of certain energy qualities, and sending/shooting those qualities “on the beam”. An advanced use of the ajna or brow center is involved here.

viii.              This combination of energies also telepathic.


Directives for Sagittarius and the Fifth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)


1.                  Achieve Clear Perspectives Through Careful Analysis

2.                  Aim For Certainty

3.                  Analyze Carefully The Processes Of Personality Alignment And Integration

4.                  Apply Yourself To The ‘Science Of Speed’

5.                  Ascertain The True Direction To Be Followed

6.                  Ask Intelligent Questions; Be Intuitively Open To The Answers

7.                  Aspire Towards A Factual Understanding Of The “Garment Of God”

8.                  Avoid Preoccupation With Goals Too Narrow

9.                  Be Both A Generalist And A ‘Specifist

10.              Begin The Process Of Destroying The Causal Body With Laser-Like Beams Of Light

11.              Blend Idealism And Realism

12.              Carefully Analyze Desire

13.              Concentrate Undeflectably

14.              Counter Dark Arrows With Beams Of Luminous Thought

15.              Crystallize The Ideal Vision

16.              Detect The Salient Point In A Collection Of Facts

17.              Direct The Mind Into Research

18.              Employ Sirian Energy On The Path Of Fiery Aspiration

19.              Engage In One-Pointed Research

20.              Envision The Worlds Of Luminosity

21.              Equip Yourself With The Technical Equipment Needed For Your Journeys

22.              Explore The Worlds To Discover Truth

23.              Find The Line Along Which Three Minds May Unite

24.              Focus One-Pointedly Upon A Specified Field Of Knowledge; Attain Expertise

25.              Free Yourself Through Knowledge

26.              Generalize, But Back Your Generalities With Facts

27.              Go “In Search”

28.              Hold Concrete Thoughts In The Higher Light And Expect Illumination From ‘Above’

29.              Invent The Means Of Moving People Through Space

30.              Investigate The Science Of Aspiration

31.              Join With Your Comrades In Scientific Quests

32.              Know Where You Are Going And Exactly Why You Are Going There

33.              Learn The Technicalities Of The “Path”

34.              Let Divine Discontent Drive Your Towards Discovery

35.              Let Intuition Fertilize Your Cautious Observation Of The Facts

36.              Lift Your Gaze To The “Angel With The Flaming Sword”

37.              Maintain A High Standard Of Truthfulness

38.              Make Straight For The “Door Into The Mind Of God”

39.              Master The Best Techniques To Speed Rapidly Upon The Path

40.              Open Your Analytical Mind To The Arrows Of Intuition

41.              Penetrate Into The Clear Cold Light

42.              Perceive Exactly What Is There

43.              Pierce The “Disk Of Golden Light” And Venture Beyond

44.              Predict the Advent of new inventions and technology

45.              Project Streams Of Energy With Accuracy

46.              Promote The Contribution Of Science To The “Glorification Of The Path”

47.              Prove That Which Is ‘Believed’; Substantiate What Faith Reveals

48.              Quest For The “Light Supernal”

49.              Receive The Answers To Your Questions Almost Before You Ask Them, But Prepare Your Questions Well

50.              Research Your Subject With One-Pointed Attention

51.              Reveal The Truth As It Is Seen From The “Third Heaven”

52.              Scan The Far Horizon For The Truth That May Be Revealed

53.              Search For Hidden Formulas And Causes

54.              See From A Distance The Pattern Of Relationships In Which Detail Is Nested

55.              Speak The Truth

56.              Specify Your World View

57.              Steadily Aim For Illumination

58.              Study The Science Of Projectiles—All Kinds Of Projectiles

59.              Target Your Projections Accurately

60.              Think Lucidly; Speak Directly

61.              Throw Light Upon The Path

62.              Treat Scientific Inquiry As A Great Adventure

63.              Uplift Others Through The Dispensation Of Knowledge

64.              Use A Mathematical Thought-Process To Advantage

65.              Venture Into The “Mind Of God”

66.              Your Mission Is To Discover

67.              Zero-In On The Causes Of Phenomena


Mantra for Sagittarius and the Fifth Ray


Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Upon a beam of focussed thought, I seek to pierce the Higher Mind, to penetrate the “Mind of God”, discov’ring there the Vision which the Lord of Light, and Love and Life imagines and conceives.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Three Minds Unite” revealing in the blazing Light the awe-inspiring Vision which the Lord of Light and Love and Life imagines and conceives.


Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R5/Taurus: Intent within a ‘Beam of Intensely Focussed Light Divine’ the ‘Scientist of Life-in-Form’, pursues his exploration of the Goal toward which all movement tends—for ev’ry life unfolding is directed by its destiny and moves thereto relentlessly—following the archetypal Pattern of it Purpose.          

Well Known Individuals Hypothesized as Expressing this Combination of Rays and Signs:


5.                  Christian Doppler—Physicist: November 29, 1893, Salzburg, Germany. No time of birth is given. A Noon-Chart is offered below.

His researches revealed the “Doppler Effect” which is noticeable in relation to sound waves as the elevation of pitch of an approaching sound source and the lowering of the pitch of a receding sound source. In relation to light waves, the Doppler Effect is experienced as the “red shift” for a receding light source and the “blue shift” for an approaching light source.

6.                  Richard Feynman—Theoretical Physicist:  May 11, 1918, Died, of cancer, Los Angeles, CA, 1988.

(Speculative: Sagittarius Ascendant)


7.                  Werner Heisenberg—Theoretical Atomic Physicist, Creator of Quantum Mechanics Philosopher: December 5, 1901, Wurtzburg, Germany, 4:45 AM (Source: Dewey quoting Ebertin). Died, February 1, 1976, Munich, Germany.        

(Ascendant, Scorpio; Midheaven, Leo; Sun conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius; Moon in Libra; Mercury in Scorpio; Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn, Saturn/Jupiter conjunct; Neptune in Cancer; Pluto in Gemini)           

Werner Heisenberg was one of leading theoretical physicists of the twentieth century. He ranks, in the profundity and range of his thought, with Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, both of whom influenced him profoundly. He was first a student of and, later, a collaborator with Niels Bohr.       

Heisenberg made numerous significant contributions to the field of theoretical physics, but is best known for establishing the field of quantum mechanics and the advancement of understanding in that field. Quantum mechanics (according the Encyclopedia Britannica) is “the
science that accounts for discrete energy states—as in the light of atomic spectra—and other forms of quantized energy, and for the phenomenon of stability exhibited by atomic systems.           

As Bohr advanced the work of Einstein, so Heisenberg advanced the work of Bohr, by recognizing the limitations of the model of the atom called the “Bohr atom” and working brilliantly to develop the quantum mechanics of atomic systems. Heisenberg later collaborated with Bohr in elaborating the Principle of Complementarity.

Heisenberg received the Nobel Prize in 1932 for the creation of quantum mechanics. In 1927 he articulated an “Uncertainty Principle” with which his name has been identified. The essence of the Uncertainty Principle is the thesis that is it not possible to determine with true accuracy both the position and velocity of a subatomic particle at the same time. The meaning of this principle changes our understanding of the laws of physics; instead of absolute certainties, they become statements about relative probabilities.

Heisenberg was a philosopher as well as a physicist (especially in later years) and concentrated upon interpreting the meaning of the quantum mechanics and the theory of indeterminacy in terms of theories of knowledge. An opponent of the philosophy of Logical Positivism, Heisenberg argued that no absolute data could be revealed by observation—only “theory-laden” data, relativized and “contextualized” by the nature of the observation. In short, the observer affects that which he observes by the very act of observation.

Heisenberg’s philosophical work was also focussed on the reciprocity between certain ancient philosophical problems (such as the relation between the part and the whole, or the many and the one) and the development of microphysics—the physics of subatomic particles. As well, he was a lover of music and (like Einstein before him) believed that the laws and physics of music had much to teach the theoretical physicist.

During the Second World War he was assigned the task of developing for Germany a nuclear reactor. Fortunately, he failed to do so—many believe, deliberately. After the war he concentrated on developing a “fundamental spinor equation” which, according to the Britannica is
“a nonlinear differential equation capable of representing with spinors--complex vector-like entities—all possible particulate states of matter”. as he Postulating the existence of universal symmetries in nature, his theories took on an increasingly “Platonic” quality. More pragmatically, his voice was also prominent in promoting the peaceful use of atomic energy.           

Werner Heisenberg is clearly a representative of the fifth ray Ashram, and elements of the third and fourth rays also appear to be present.



Noteworthy Astro-Rayological Factors for Further Contemplation


1.      The major rays of Werner Heisenberg are proposed as a fifth ray soul, with the fourth ray strong within the personality nature and/or mind. There are also elements of the relativistic third ray in the lower mind. The principal monadic ray is probably the third. If one were to search for a subray of the fifth ray soul, it could very reasonably be the philosophical third ray of Creative Intelligence.    

The depth of Heisenberg’s theoretical thought, and especially his interest in the discrete unit known as the “quanta”, distinguishes him as a member of the scientific Fifth Ray Ashram. In his emphasis upon the “particle” and his willingness to accept the apparent illogic of the quantum world, he differentiated himself from Einstein, whose rays emphasized the third ray more than the fifth.          

Heisenberg’s desire to reconcile different worlds of thought—such as music and physics, or classical philosophy and microphysics suggests a strong presence of the fourth ray.    

Whatever the subray of the monad may be (the great third Ray of Abstract Intelligence) seems the most logical choice for the major monadic ray. There can be little question that his advanced work was focussed principally with the Mind rather than the Heart or Will of God.

2.      We note that there is a stellium of four major planets (plus Chiron) in the earth sign, Capricorn. Capricorn is, in one respect, a deeply material sign, and in combination with the fifth ray, is well suited to focus upon the mysteries of matter. That the planets are mostly within the third house of mind emphasizes the profound mental application of these Capricorn energies. The Part of Fortune is part of this stellium, indicating that an unobstructed flow of personal/soul energy is focussed in the area of mental enquiry.

3.      One of the outstanding conjunctions in this chart is between the Sun and scientific Uranus, both in Sagittarius and in the second house of both matter and the illumination of matter—the house of “Light”. Uranus is the ruler of both orthodox science and occult science. The Tibetan has suggested that the true scientist of the modern world is also the occultist. This is profoundly true in the case of such individuals as Einstein, Bohr and Heisenberg.          

Sagittarius is a sign which conveys the fifth ray (as well as the fourth and sixth)—for the fifth ray is the ‘ray of discovery’, thus linking it with a principal Sagittarian theme. One can see, through this conjunction, how Heisenberg’s vital energy (Sun) was identified with a great quest (Sagittarius) to unearth (second house) the occult secrets (Uranus) of matter. That the planet of the depths (and of deep research) Pluto, is opposed the Sun/Uranus conjunction, adds strength to this configuration. Both Uranus and Pluto (in a certain sense, the ‘highest’ and the ‘lowest’) are energies necessary for the revelation of the secrets of the atom (and sub-atomic particles).

This conjunction of Sun/Uranus is also conjunct the Anti-Vertex where fresh, original and unconditioned action may be initiated. Heisenberg always distinguished himself by introducing and defending new concepts. Pluto, then, is not far from the Vertex, revealing a ‘fated appointment’ with the power which research into the deep secrets of matter can reveal.     

In the chart of an advanced yogi, a Sun/Uranus conjunction opposed by Pluto would signal the potential for activating and using the kundalini. While this may or may not have been true of Heisenberg, he was, in a sense, working with planetary kundalini—the liberated energy of the atom.

4.      Scorpio, the sign of research and the profound thought required by true research, is the Rising Sign. The exoteric and esoteric ruler is Mars, in Capricorn on the cusp of the third house of mind. Interestingly, Mars rules science (EA 215), especially in the sign of its exaltation Capricorn, and in relation to the house of concrete mind. This position would add to his aspiration (Mars) to wrest the secrets from the unknown. Even on the level of macro-physics, Mars in Capricorn is adept at “mechanics”. This combination is found in Edison’s chart—also with Scorpio rising. In the case of Heisenberg it becomes much more subtle (opposing etherial Neptune—which we might call ‘Lord of the Unseen’). The T-square between Mars, Neptune and the conciliatory Libra Moon, is one outpicturing of Heisenberg’s quest to relate and harmonize the subtle (Neptune in Cancer) and the gross (Mars in Capricorn)—the world of macro-physics and that of micro-physics. Indeed, a number of his models proposed for explaining the phenomena of the micro-world were based upon the more ordinary principles of Newtonian physics. Heisenberg certainly did not repudiate Newtonian physics; he simply explained that it represented a special case in a special context just as micro-physics was also a special case in a different context. He strove for what is called “pragmatic and model-theoretical continuity” between macrophysics and microphysics. Again, this striving for continuity between the “old” and the “new” is an example of the fourth ray in action.

5.      Mercury is the hierarchical ruler of the Scorpio Ascendant and is placed in its own hierarchical position. We find it inconjunct to Neptune and sextile to Venus. The inconjunct would render the already penetrating mind more subtle. The sextile would bestow upon the already penetrating and deep mind the luminosity of Venus in its hierarchical position. We should note that both planets of the mind (Mercury and Venus) are in their hierarchical positions and also in harmonious aspect. Heisenberg’s love of music would be furthered by this aspect.

6.      Actually, a very powerful configuration exist between Mercury, Venus and Neptune—the so called, “Finger of God”—the “Yod”. The powers of the Mercury-Venus mind are focussed through Neptune and vise-versa. This is an extremely intuitive configuration, for not only are both Mercury and Venus in their hierarchical positions, but Neptune is as well. Three planets related in a Yod, and all in their hierarchical positions!

These three planets are extremely important because they rule those dimensions in the septenary constitution of man where mind and intuition interface. Venus, in its ‘position of transfiguration’ rules the illumination of the concrete mind by the higher mind; Mercury is the intermediary between mind and intuition, with power in either domain; Neptune is the ‘god of intuition’, and is the clear ruler of the buddhic or intuitional plane. Thus, we see in this configuration, buddhi-manas at work. We realize that Heisenberg was an inspired scientist, and that his intuition was leading him deeply into the Divine Mind where his theories were ‘discovered’

7.      It is needless to say that Neptune, even from an orthodox perspective, is the planet of uncertainty. When we see Neptune so intimately related to powerfully placed mental planet rulers (Venus and Mercury) we can gather insight as to the reason why Heisenberg was able to formulate the “Uncertainty Principle”. The Libra Moon added to his appreciation of ambiguity. As well, Neptune was trine to the Ascendant, where the soul-direction is to be found.

8.      Mercury, important in its own right as hierarchical ruler of the Ascendant, powerfully related to Venus and Neptune, is also closely parallel the Equatorial Ascendant, to which it is widely conjunct, longitudinally. These ‘alternative ascendants’ (Equatorial Ascendant and Anti-Vertex) must be taken into consideration as points of reinforcement (especially when planets are placed on them—as Uranus is on the Anti-Vertex and Mercury on the Equatorial Ascendant). Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury and they both give entrée into the Mind of God.

9.      Saturn conjunct Jupiter in third house. Saturn rules Capricorn exoterically and esoterically, and Jupiter is in the position of its “fall” (though strong in this position when in the chart of a highly developed person, for Jupiter assists in the psychic revelation of the soul of matter). Jupiter and Saturn are a planetary “pair”, and control the dynamics of what might be called ‘correct proportion”. In the third house, the mind expands in a visionary fashion (Jupiter) but is held in check by experiential data—the fact. Jupiter is useful in conceiving a theory of matter, and Saturn is giving it proper formulation. Together, they would contribute to Heisenberg’s notable mathematical ability, as would Venus (ruler of the sign Taurus—which “counts”).

10.  Venus can be considered unusually powerful in the last degree of the sign which it rules hierarchically, and in the house associated with the sign which it rules esoterically (namely, Gemini). This Venus position is potentially full of illumination, and could confer the ‘transfigured vision’ upon the mind—revealing the true nature of matter—beyond what merely ‘common sense’ reveals. The last degree of any sign is called a “critical degree”, and summarizes within itself the full meaning of the sign.

11.  The T-square between Mars, Neptune and the Moon has already been partially interpreted. We must note that Chiron participates in this T-square, conjuncting Mars, opposing Neptune even more closely than does Mars, and squaring the Moon. Chiron is the “Quest Guide”, directing the quest deeply into the nature of matter (Capricorn). Chiron and Mars together indicate the wounds and injuries which must inevitably arise on this adventure.

12.  This chart is unique for a conjunction of five parallels of declination contraparallel three other parallels. Uranus, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and the Sun are all parallel each other and contra-parallel Neptune, Earth, Neptune and the Vertex. The first five are concentrated (except for the Sun) in the third house, and is a parallel reinforcing the multiple conjunction in or bordering upon the third house. The second conjunction of three parallels contains Neptune (so important in relation to relativity, indeterminacy  and ‘uncertainty. The contraparallel has something of a third-house/ninth-house flavor. The many specificities explored in the third house are put in a fluid relativistic context by Neptune with its connection to the intuition (as it affects the higher mind). The eightfold contraparallel structure, again, defines opposites which much be reconciled.

13.  Werner Heisenberg was clearly a very advanced human being. Because of their perceptions of the underlying unity, it has been speculated that both Einstein and Niels Bohr had an initiate consciousness equivalent to the third degree. Given the Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn progression, and thinking about his stature in the world of thought, it would not be unreasonable to think of Heisenberg similarly.

3.                  Albert Abraham Michelson—Physicist: December 19, 1852, Stremlo, Germany. No time of birth is given in the sources considered. A Noon-Chart is offered  below. Died, May 9, 1931, Pasadena, California.          

(Ascendant, unknown; Sun and Mercury both in Sagittarius with Mercury retrograde; Moon in Leo; Venus in Capricorn; Mars conjunct Uranus, both in Scorpio; Jupiter in Taurus; Saturn in Libra; Neptune and Pluto conjunct in Gemini)

He was best known for the Miclelson-Morley experiments concerning the speed of light and demonstrating, so it seemed, the non-existence of the “ether”.

4.                  Andreas Vesalius—Physician, Anatomist: January 10, 1515. (Source; recorded; according to Marc Penfield. Same from Manly Palmer Hall and Cardan. Another time of 5:30 AM is offered by Garceus) Died, October 15, 1564.      

(Ascendant, Sagittarius with Pluto and Saturn in Sagittarius; MC, Libra; Sun in Capricorn; Moon in Cancer; Mercury and Neptune in Aquarius; Venus in Pisces; Mars and Uranus in Aries; Jupiter in Gemini)

Note that all three seventh ray signs are tenanted, giving the strong possibility of the union of rays five and seven.

First great anatomist and most celebrated of all dissectionists. A master of knowledge of the body, by age 20; a professor of anatomy at the University at 23. Published De Humani Corporis Fabrica (1515-1564)


5.                  Eli Whitney—Inventor of the “Cotton Gin”: December 8, 1765, Westborough, MA, 7:00 AM, LMT. (Source: Speculative from Marc Penfield) Rectified from approximate time. Died in 1825. 

(Ascendant Sagittarius; Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius; Moon in Libra; Venus in Aquarius; Mars in Scorpio; Jupiter in Leo; Saturn in Gemini; Uranus in Aries; Neptune in Virgo) An alternative (and perhaps more accurate) time also exists: 3:00 PM, LMT, giving a Taurus Ascendant, a Scorpio Moon conjunct Mars, and an Aquarian MC—all changes being most fitting.           

Eli Whitney has two major inventions or innovations to his credit. The first is the invention of the cotton gin, which made the production of cotton so profitable in the United States that it became the largest producer of cotton in the world. The economic gain which Taurus symbolizes is evident. Secondly, he began the making of guns with machinery, marking the beginning of mass production in the US. A Mars/Moon conjunction in Scorpio in the sixth house of industry would certainly correlate with the production of fire arms.   

The fifth ray (the ray of the inventor) is clearly in evidence. With either chart, the three signs distributing the fifth ray (Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius) all hold planets. The Taurus rising chart has the advantage of emphasizing Vulcan, which would be important considering the nature of Whitney’s inventions.



Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Sagittarius and R5


Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.



In Comparison With


1.       Transmits R4, R5, R6 constellationally


1.       R5

2.       Planetary rulers transmit R2, R3, R6


2.       R5

3.       Color: rich blue (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) blue or blue-indigo


3.       Color: orange or indigo blue

4.       Note: possibly SOL sharp or G sharp


4.       Note: LA or A

5.       Expresses especially through the solar plexus and sacral centers via Mars, and the ajna center via far-seeing Jupiter, R5 and R4. Expression through the oratorical throat is also possible through the Earth and the sixth ray.


5.       Expresses through the ajna center, where it serves at the primary ruler

6.       Creative Hierarchy number VI/XI, unliberated


6.       Creative Hierarchy number III, liberated and Creative Hierarchy number V/X, unliberated

7.       Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Vegetable Kingdom via R6, the Animal Kingdom via Mars, Earth and R6, the Human Kingdom via R4 and R5, the Kingdom of Souls via R5 and R4 and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives via Jupiter and R6.


7.       Related to the Human Kingdom and the Kingdom of Souls

8.       Full of faith and belief (especially when responding to its strong sixth ray component)


8.       Full of reason and verification

9.       Intuitive


9.       Thinking

10.   Associated with the abstract mind and abstraction


10.   Associated with the concrete mind and concretion

11.   Seeks that which lies behind, within, beyond or ‘above’ the senses


11.   Seeks a full understanding of what the senses (gross or subtle) reveal

12.   Related to the animal (in the process of founding the Fourth Kingdom)


12.   Related to the Angel (in the process of founding the Fourth Kingdom)

13.   Enthusiastic affect (emotion)


13.   Subdued affect (emotion)

14.   Exaggerative


14.   Strictly accurate

15.   Magnetic (due to strong astral vibration)


15.   Tendency to be non-magnetic (due to subdued astral vibration)

16.   Capacity to arouse


16.   Capacity to explain

17.   Risk-taking


17.   Confirming security

18.   Overlooks details


18.   Careful attention to details

19.   More casual as regards the condition of form


19.   Very attentive to the condition of form

20.   Envisioning possibilities


20.   Utilizing common sense

21.   Overlooking the immediate environment


21.   Alert to the nature of the immediate environment

22.   Long-distance focus


22.   Short-range focus

23.   The ‘dreamer’


23.   The observer


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Sagittarius and R5


Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

A.      Ajna Center: Both Sagittarius and the fifth ray share a strong connection to the ajna center. Sagittarius is the “Visionary”, and the Visionary’s vision is seated in the ajna center from which the personality directs itself forward by following the vision it sees. Venus is, both for average man as well as for the disciple up to the third degree, the ruler of the ajna center, and Venus transmits the fifth ray. If Sagittarius become the “Director of Men” (EA 331), it fulfills this function by utilizing the ajna center, the center or chakra of direction.

B.     Related to the Eye: Both Sagittarius and the fifth ray have a close connection to the eye. Sagittarius sees the “Vision” through one eye or another (there are three choices), and the fifth ray is peculiarly connected to the development of the sense of sight.

C.     Related to Light: If Sagittarius and the fifth ray both relate to the eye, they must also relate to the light. Both incline those they influence to seek for the light (even if that quest, in the case of Sagittarius) must pass first through the realm of desire.

D.     Truth: Both influences are strongly related to the factor of truth. Sagittarius is the truth-seeker and the fifth ray seeks verification (i.e. the veracity of all suppositions) so that it will not be deceived.

E.     Search and Research—the Quest: Both Sagittarius and the fifth ray inspire a capacity to earnestly seek that which must be found. Fifth ray ‘re-search’ is analogous to the Sagittarian quest. In this respect both influences share a one-pointed approach to that which must be discovered.|

F.      Straight, Experiential Knowledge: Both energies incline those they influence to want to “see for themselves”, to know the truth for themselves. Sagittarius can induce belief, but also the quest to see and know. The fifth ray follows the trail of hypothesis until it knows with certainty. Both energies are useful in helping humanity move from belief to what Master Morya calls “straight knowledge”.

G.     Related to Preparations for the Third Degree: The third initiation is governed by the fifth ray. This degree requires an enlarged and, at last, synthesized mental perspective which rises above illusion. Sagittarius contributes to this enlargement and Capricorn fulfills the synthesis. Under the fifth ray, the degree of mental luminosity continues to increase until, at last, there is a blinding display of internal light. Sagittarius is related to the capacity to ‘see’ an ever increasing measure of the light, until the blinding experience occurs through Capricorn.; The King of Beasts is blinded in yet another way, by the long horn of the Unicorn.


6.      Sun Sagittarius (or Ascendant Sagittarius), R6P (or R6S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4, R5 and R6) (A very strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the sixth ray transmitted constellationally and in greatest strength through Sagittarius. The appropriate category of reinforcement would be, Very Strong by Constellational Transmission. A strong further reinforcement comes through sixth ray Mars, the hierarchical ruler. Even though Mars is the hierarchical ruler, its sixth ray influence seems effective in Sagittarius at even early stages of evolution {which seem rather more Martian than Jupiterian!} An additional appropriate category of reinforcement is Strong by Rulership—Class 3. This reinforcement would be strongest in the lives of initiates, but would have an attenuated, filtered-down effect on all individuals born in or under Sagittarius. For those born in the second decanate {whether these individuals are on the ordinary or reverse wheel}, there is additional strengthening of the mutual reinforcement as sixth ray Mars rules that decanate. )


(a)   (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)


i.                     The narrow, one-pointed ‘drivenness’ of the self-centered Sagittarius person combines with potent, unreasoning desire induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the sixth ray.

ii.                   An enflamed desire body.

iii.                  The potential for fiery fanaticism.

iv.                 Passionate narrowness.

v.                   Unbalanced extremism which always, eventually experiences a backlash from within its own nature.

vi.                 An intensity of desire and aspiration which is destructive to self and others.

vii.                Intense sexuality, as both Sagittarius and the sixth ray stimulate the sacral center—which is the sixth.

viii.              Religious aspirations may be combined with sexual thoughts.

ix.                 The tendency to see no other point of view but one’s own. In a lesser measure—simply opinionated.

x.                   Being entirely too sure of oneself. Unwarranted self-certainty.

xi.                 Faith and belief are of vital moment; reason is dismissed.

xii.                Creating a fiery burning ground which leads more to ‘hell’ than to ‘heaven’. Forcing and driving others to tread that way—and no other. Spain is ruled by the sixth ray and Sagittarius in its soul nature—reflected into its repressive Capricorn, seventh ray personality.

xiii.              “The crucifier and the crucified”. (EP I 80)

xiv.              Longing for “heaven”—somewhere ideal (sixth ray) far away (Sagittarius).

xv.               Similarly, “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”.

xvi.              Seeing truth or the ideal outside oneself.


(b)   (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple)


i.                     The high-minded idealism of the advancing Sagittarius individual reinforces the idealism induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the sixth ray. Sagittarius is (at this time) the major distributor of the sixth Ray of Idealism.

ii.                   Tremendously motivated pursuit.

iii.                  Capacity to motivate and inspire others through the presentation of vision which should be followed.

iv.                 On the Path of Discipleship: the power to see the vision and follow the vision.

v.                   On the Path of Discipleship: beginning an inner search for truth

vi.                 On the Path of Discipleship: a willingness to tread the burning ground of “purification by fire” (cf. EA 293, R&I 219)

vii.                On the Path of Discipleship: a willingness to achieve the goal at any personal cost. This is the method of “divine fanaticism” (LOM 18)


(c)   (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate)[Additionally, where relevant,  combine Ascendant Sign, Sagittarius, with the sixth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]


i.                     The ability to transcend the pull of the lower three worlds—a characteristic possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Sagittarius, combines with an ability to sense and cooperate with the “Highest Light”—an ability induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the sixth ray. For the elevated sixth ray soul and spiritualized sixth ray personality, “The Highest Light Controls”.

ii.                   Rising out of the lower three worlds. Ascending.

iii.                  A burning release into higher dimensions.

iv.                 Ability to utilize the antahkarana as the conveyer of a Vision of the World of the Triad. “In unison let the group perceive the Triad shining forth, dimming the light of the soul, and blotting out the light of form”. (R&I 20)

v.                   Ability to “follow the Vision” wherever it may lead.

vi.                 Growing ability to control the life from the levels of the Triad (and eventually from the spirit)—the sources of the “Highest Light” (which must, at length, control).

vii.                Power to kindle the aspirational fires to such an extent that they become transmutative, transformative, and eventually lead to transfiguration.

viii.              The burning ground clears the way for a vision of transfigured life.

ix.                 Participating in the “Baptism so as by fire” and able to stimulate this possibility in the lives of others.

x.                   Recipient of inspiration—within the fivefold meditational sequence of concentration (Leo), meditation (Virgo), contemplation (Libra), intuition (Scorpio), inspiration (Sagittarius).


Directives for Sagittarius and the Sixth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)


1.                  A Pilgrim On A Mission—This Is Who You Are; Remain Devoted To That Mission

2.                  “Arise” And Go To Your “Father”

3.                  Arouse Devotion In Human Hearts And Human Minds

4.                  Aspire Towards The Goal With Fiery Aspiration

5.                  Be A Loyal Archer For The Lords Of Light

6.                  Bear Both Sword And Arrows For The Logos

7.                  Become Aflame Upon The “Way Of Fire”

8.                  Behold The High! Behold The Lord Of The World! Sacrifice Yourself For One And Not The Other!

9.                  Bravely Tread The Fiery Path Leading To The Immolation Of The Lower Man

10.              Broaden Your Perspective: Allow All Men Their Path

11.              Burn With Ardor For The Object Of Your Search

12.              Come To The Aid Of All Ernest Seekers

13.              Consecrate Yourself To The Path Of Liberation

14.              “Controller Of The Gate”, Test The Devotion Of Those Who Approach

15.              Devote Yourself To That Which Lies Above And Journey Thence

16.              Direct The Twelve Upon Their Way

17.              Encourage Others To Commit Themselves To The Pursuit Of Their Vision

18.              Envision The Ideal

19.              Faith Will Lead You To Your Goal

20.              Fix Your Gaze Upon A Great Ideal

21.              Focus Upon The Object Of Your Devotion

22.              Follow The Path Of Heart’s Desire

23.              Foresee Where Your Devotion Leads

24.              Glorify The “Way To God”

25.              Hope! Have Faith! It Is Sure To Be Rewarded—In Sight!

26.              Imagine The One Who Embodies Your Ideal; He Exists

27.              Impart The Vision To Those Who Are Lost

28.              Inspire Dedication; Inspire Devotion

29.              Journey Into The “Far Country” Guided By “Ceaseless Persevering Devotion”

30.              Let Your Faith And Devotion Lead You To The Burning Ground

31.              Let Divine Discontent Spur You On; Your Devotion Is To That Which No Human Eyes Have Seen

32.              Live So That Your Loyalty Will Never Be Questioned; It Is Natural For You To Do So

33.              Man Of Vision—Lead Those Who Look Toward You In Veneration

34.              May Your Devotion Be Intense Enough To Reach The Goal

35.              Meditate Upon The Ideal; Become Inspired

36.              Mobilize Your Forces In Answer To The Call

37.              Orient Your Consciousness Towards The “Highest Light”

38.              Perceive The Many Paths And Commit Yourself To The One Which Is The Best

39.              Persist Upon The Way

40.              Pledge Yourself To Tread The Path One-Pointedly

41.              Point The Way To The Heights

42.              Purify The Lunar Lords Through Aspiration

43.              Re-Direct The Lunar Life Towards Aspiration

44.              Rise Above The Emotions; Be Dispassionate

45.              Revere The Divine Plan And Divine Purpose

46.              Run Straight To The Goal But Avoid Fanaticism

47.              The “Last Full Measure Of Devotion” Leads To The Goal

48.              The Path Winds Uphill All The Way—Ascend!

49.              See The Unseen Things Of Which Faith Is The Evidence

50.              “Seek And Ye Shall Find”

51.              Send Forth Thoughts And Visions To Which All Men May Aspire

52.              Set Forth Upon A Journey Towards The “Highest Light”

53.              Speak Out For The Ideal

54.              “The Beloved” Beckons: Follow

55.              Transcend All That Lower Sight Reveals; Perceive The Highest

56.              Tread The Path To Its End, Proving Seeker And Sought As One

57.              Undertake A Vision Quest

58.              Upon The Straitened Path, Be “The One Whom Naught Can Turn”

59.              Visualizing “The Beloved One”, Lift Up Your Heart, Be Filled With Joy

60.              Yearn To See “The Beloved”



Mantra for Sagittarius and the Sixth Ray


Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Devotedly, with ardor keen, with fiery aspiration, I seek to see then merge within the Vision all aflame wherein both Seeker and the Sought are surely One.   

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “The Seeker and the Sought are One”, “The Highest Light Controls”; the Truth behind the Vision now revealed—I, the Guide and Mentor, I, the Seer and the Seen, direct my inspiration to the guidance of all seekers of the Holy, True and Real.         


Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R6/Sagittarius: Enraptured at the center of a ‘Scintillating Rosy Flame’, the ardent ‘Devotee of Life’—envisioning with intensity the Holy, High and truly Real—sets forth upon his Quest which leads thereto.


Well Known Individuals Hypothesized as Expressing this Combination of Rays and Signs:


1.                  Marlon Brando—Actor: April 3, 1924, Omaha, Nebraska, 11:00 PM, CST. (Source: recorded, B.C.)     

(Ascendant, Sagittarius with Jupiter in Sagittarius; MC, Virgo with NN in Virgo; Sun and Moon conjunct in Aries with Mercury also in Aries; Venus in Taurus; Mars in Capricorn; Saturn in Scorpio; Uranus Pisces conjunct the IC; Pluto in Cancer)       

Marlon Brando is considered by many to be the finest actor of his generation. He is well known for his portrayals in “A Streetcar Named Desire”, “The Wild One”, and in 1954 he won the Oscar for best actor in “On the Waterfront”. He has also received several additional nominations for Oscars.      

Marlon Brando has developed a reputation as both a genius and a difficult, eccentric individual. He chooses his films very selectively; his performances are not many, but they are invariably a huge box-office draw. A number of directors dread to work with him because of his unpredictability. Having established so great a reputation, he has become something of a “law unto himself” (Aries) and does not seem to play be the rules which bind other actors (rebellious, willful Uranus conjunct the IC, opposing the MC)

One of the qualities for which Brando is known is his honesty—an often disturbing and unsettling honesty. This quality, in his case, is correlated to his Sagittarian Ascendant with its exoteric ruler also in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the lover of truth. The first ray also has a reputation for speaking the truth fearlessly, and for being; utterly indifferent to comment. There is an abundance of first ray indicated in the chart—an intense Sun/Moon conjunction in first ray Aries; the exoteric ruler of Aries, Mars, in first ray Capricorn; and Neptune placed in first ray Leo. The close trine between first ray Pluto in Cancer and Saturn (with its first ray component) in Scorpio, ensures that Brando will not refrain from speaking his opinions strongly (and even cruelly). The grand trine in fire signs adds to the intensity of the life.

Most people know Marlon Brando as an actor, and artist of the stage and screen. Certainly, the fourth ray is powerfully represented in the chart through Sagittarius and Scorpio. Perhaps fewer know him as an idealist and an activist. He seems to have a certain contempt (first ray) for the acting profession, considering it unimportant. He seems to “throw away” or reject (first ray) what others most value in him—his artistic talent. Instead, he focuses on social abuses, especially when those abuses have fallen on Native Americans. In fact, Marlon Brando is a passionate advocate for Native American causes. Throughout his life he has spoken out (Sagittarius) on behalf of the American Indian, and has even been arrested while participating in protests against laws and policies which he considered unfair to them. Interestingly, the asteroid Hopi, which has to do with the culture and ways of indigenous peoples is conjunct his ruling Mars within  fifteen minutes of arc.           

The inlets for the sixth ray are numerous and powerful. Sagittarius, the major sixth ray sign, rises. Its expansive exoteric ruler, Jupiter (endowed with the enthusiasm characteristic of the sixth ray) is also found in this sign, reinforcing its strength, and sixth ray Mars (exoteric ruler of his Aries Sun and Moon) is closely parallel to Jupiter. Clearly Brando is “up front” in promoting his views and is not a bout to be held back or held in. He might be called a “rebel with a cause” (revolutionary Uranus square Jupiter, contraparallel and opposed to the MC). The sixth ray is further accentuated by sixth ray Neptune placed in the ninth or generically Sagittarian house, in the Sagittarian decanate of Leo (the third) and trine Sagittarian Jupiter and exactly quincunx to sixth ray Mars in Capricorn. As well, Uranus is place in Pisces, a sign with transmits the sixth ray.

In sum, the sixth, first and fourth rays are very strong in his life, and all are well supported in the chart. As well, there is something of the third ray, the strategist, the philosopher, and he has a reputation for being a deep thinker.  

It is difficult to say whether life has given Marlon Brando what he truly and deeply desires (retarding and delaying Saturn in Scorpio in the house of goals and wishes). He gives the impression of being hugely talented, but deeply discontent and dissatisfied. This psychological state suggests the power of the fourth ray (the seeker of perfect harmony) and the sixth (the divinely discontent idealist), all empowered by the rejecting power of the isolative first ray—a strong candidate for the ray of his personality.

2.                  Bob Dylan—Singer, Musician, Poet: May 24 1941, Duluth, Minnesota, 9:05 PM, CST. (Source: recorded, birth certificate)          

(Ascendant, Sagittarius; MC, Libra; Sun, Venus and Mercury in Gemini with Mercury conjunct DSC; Moon, Saturn and Uranus in Taurus, all conjunct, with Jupiter also in Taurus conjunct Uranus; Mars in Pisces; Neptune and NN in Virgo, conjunct)

Legendary performer, Dylan was reviewed in the New York Times on 29 September 1961, and became an icon overnight.

Songwriter with a gravel voice and long hair; called the Robert Burns of the pop revolution. Folk artist who moved into folk-rock with songs of poetry and protest. Divorce in 1977 from his wife of eleven years; custody battle for their five children.

3.                  Mary Baker Eddy—Founder of Christian Science: July 16, 1821, Bow Center, New Hampshire. (Source: Sabian Symbols, Chart #533. According to LMT, Davison quotes a biography by Pakin for 5:38 PM)  Died, December 3, 1910, Boston, Massachusetts

(Sun, Cancer; Ascendant, Sagittarius; Moon in Aquarius; Venus and Mercury in Leo; Saturn and Jupiter conjunct in Aries;  Uranus conjunct Neptune and both rising in Capricorn.) (Source: Sabian Symbols).    

Christian Science is a method by which souls upon the sixth ray may transfer off the mystical path by means of the fifth ray. The system is based upon both belief (sixth ray) and rationality (fifth ray). A rising Neptune accents the fundamental sixth ray (probably the ray of the soul), but a rising Uranus, conjunct Neptune as well as both Venus and Mercury conjuncted in Leo, a fifth ray sign—emphasize science and rationality—albeit with an unusual and transformational twist.

4.                  Jane Fonda—Actress, Fitness Guru, Political Activist: December 21, 1937, New York, New York, 9:14 AM, EST. (Source: recorded) Another time is given personally—7:57 PM, EST. These result in very different horoscopes.   

(Either Capricorn or Leo rising; Sun and Venus in Sagittarius; Mercury retrograde in the last degrees of Capricorn; Mars in the last degrees of Aquarius and Jupiter in the first degree; Saturn in the last degrees of Pisces; Uranus in Taurus; Neptune in Virgo; Pluto in Leo on the DC of the Capricorn rising chart) The Capricorn rising chart has the advantage of indicating the fateful and political nature of her long-term partnerships—first to Tom Hayden and then to Ted Turner—through Pluto at the seventh house cusp and Juno—the asteroid of serious partnerships in Scorpio—on the MC.

Jane Fonda's name has always been synonymous with idealism and the fervent support of causes—whether or not one believed in the wisdom of such causes. Her love of politics is indicated by her Capricorn Ascendant, and the progressive nature of her views, by her Aquarian planets as well as by the Sagittarian energy expressed through her Sun (sixth ray). Her idealism (sixth ray) is accentuated by sixth ray Mars in the idealistic sign Aquarius. Her role as a dominant and noticeable individual, in whatever she undertakes, is impulsed by her Leo Moon. Venus in Sagittarius has contribute to her role as ‘Queen of Fitness’, showing the way to beauty (Venus) through exercise (Sagittarius).

It is clear that she has strong political aspirations, expressed to some degree through her partnership with powerful political or business figures. She possesses a ready Aquarian idealism, accented by progressive Jupiter in Aquarius rising.
(Complete this)

The number of planets in the late degrees of the signs indicate that Jane Fonda is bringing to a conclusion a number of important impulses—very late Capricorn rising; the Sun is in the last degree of Sagittarius; Mars is in the last degree of Aquarius; and Saturn is in the next to the last degree of Pisces.     

Fonda has forcefully played out different aspects of her personality each decade: in the Sixties, she was a sex kitten in her husband's movies; the Seventies saw her praised and reviled for her political stand and visit to Hanoi; during the Eighties she was at the forefront of the exercise boom; and the Nineties have seen her move into the role of wife to billionaire and tycoon Ted Turner (qv).  She had a tense relationship with her father, and her mother committed suicide when Jane was a teenager.  She played out many issues with father Henry Fonda (b. 16 May 1905, Grand Island, Nebraska, 40N56, 98W21, news birth announcement obtained by Edwin Steinbrecher gives 'afternoon') in the Oscar-winning film 'On Golden Pond' in November 1981.  Her actor-brother is Peter Fonda (b. 23 February 1940, 12.09 pm EST, Manhattan, New York, 40N46, 73W59, from Birth Certificate, AA).  Her niece is the talented film actress Bridget Fonda (b. 27 January 1964, 3.45 am PST, Los Angeles, California, 34N03, 118W15, from Birth Certificate, AA).

5.                  Francis of Assisi—Friar and Preacher: September 26, 1182, Assisi, Italy, 11:15 PM, LMT (Source: date and time speculative as per Marc Penfield in “2001”) Died, October 3, 1226, Assisi.

Ascendant, Sagittarius; MC, Libra with Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra; Moon in Virgo conjunct Venus with Mars also in Virgo; Jupiter in Gemini; Saturn in Leo; Uranus in Taurus; Neptune in Aquarius; Pluto in Cancer)

Noteworthy Features of St. Francis’ Chart


1.      The Sun in Libra makes of St. Francis an apostle of the Spirit of Peace, bringing a supremely harmonious relationship with not only all people but all beings. He is in partnership with the world—all human beings, all animals, all planets, all things, even all conditions are his brothers and his sisters.

2.      The Ascendant in Sagittarius brings mystical ardor into his life, joyous enthusiasm, eagerness for the Divine Quest, willingness to travel to foreign countries to pursue his mission.

3.      St. Francis was a great preacher of the Gospel—an itinerant enthusiast who travelled through Italy, and a number of other countries, including the “Holy Land” to spread the “Word”. Sagittarius is the sign most associated with those who preach, exhort and inspire and travel widely to do so.

4.      St. Francis was also a profound visionary. Sagittarius confers the power to see the vision. One of the most extraordinary visions accorded to Francis was of a six-winged angelic presence which occurred at a time when transiting Jupiter had entered Sagittarius, the sign of Francis’ proposed Ascendant.

5.      St. Francis has a stellium (in this case, three planets—the Moon, Venus and Mars, and the asteroid of dedication, devotion and intense labor, Vesta) in Virgo, the sign of purification, humble and persistent labor, and the birthing of the Christ energy in the material world. These positions correspond to the austerities and voluntary sacrifices to which he subjected himself and members of his various Orders.

6.      The Virgo stellium contributes to the literalness with which Francis often interpreted the Holy Word or his guidance. When in one of his visions he was told, “Go, Francis, and repair my house which, as you see, is well-nigh in ruins.”, he took the admonition literally (and sought to repair a nearby church) rather than taking the directive symbolically in relation to the quality and morale of World Church—badly in need of regeneration and reform. This concrete literalness is related to the specificity of that very practical earth sign, Virgo. As well, Virgo is quite literally, the sign of ‘improvement’, betterment and repair, and more than once Francis undertook the literal repair of Churches which needed it.

7.      Jupiter, the orthodox ruler of the Sagittarian Ascendant, is placed in Gemini (ordinarily a sign of its detriment) and in the seventh house of altruism and relationship. In the case of an advanced individual (and certainly Francis of Assisi was) Jupiter is Gemini has a very high and specifically spiritual meaning, for it relates the monad or spirit to the soul, and not just the soul to the personality. The second ray planet Jupiter in the second ray sign, Gemini, in a house where the principle of related ‘twoness’ is so prominent, was a powerful influence in the success of Francis’ mission.

8.      Great powers of persuasion attended this Jupiter in Gemini position, and may well have been an important reason for St. Francis’ effectiveness as a preacher—not only magnetizing those who would become members of the various orders he sponsored, but also those who were hostile to the Christian religion, and yet respected Francis because of the quality of his nature. Such a one was the Sultan of the Saracens, who in 1219, allowed Francis to visit holy places in Palestine even though they were under Saracen control.

9.      Incidentally, there is some question whether St. Francis was born in 1181 or 1182. Births in 1181 would have shown Jupiter in the acquisitive sign Taurus. Of course there are higher meanings to Jupiter in Taurus, but it is hardly a position for an individual who so eagerly (almost fanatically) embraced the life of poverty.



6.                  Charles Lindbergh—Aviator: February 4, 1902, Detroit Michigan, 2:30 AM CST, or, alternatively, 3:02 AM, LMT. (Source Sabian Symbols, Famous Nativities) Died of lymphoma cancer, August 26, 1974, in Maui, Hawaii.           

(Ascendant, Sagittarius, with Uranus conjunct Moon, both in Sagittarius and rising in the first house; Sun and Mars in Aquarius; Mercury and Venus in Pisces; Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn; Neptune and Pluto in Gemini)          

Charles W. Lindbergh was a pioneer in the field of aviation, famous because of his solo, non-stop flight from New York to Paris on May 20-21, 1927, after which he was celebrated as a world-hero . As an author he won the Pulitzer prize in 1954 for his autobiography, The Spirit of St. Louis.       

Aquarius and Sagittarius are both progressive, forward-looking signs. Aquarius has always been associated with revolutionary possibilities, and is the sign (with its exoteric ruler, Uranus) most associated with aviation. Lindbergh was a man who single-mindedly followed his Sagittarian vision and his Aquarian dream of demonstrating that a solo trans-Atlantic flight was, indeed, possible. After this feat of daring, he was seen as a global citizen (Aquarius), who contributed to the sense of a unified humanity. His solo flight was one of the first major symbols of the Aquarian ideal of global community.

Although we may easily find the fifth ray of mechanics in Lindbergh’s ray profile, and the seventh ray (helping to usher in aspects of the new Aquarian civilization), it is the idealism of the sixth ray which emerges most strongly. With Ascendant, Moon and Uranus (aviation) all in Sagittarius (a sign transmitting primarily the sixth ray), we see in Lindbergh, an idealist, with his eye upon a distant goal, and the will to follow his vision, despite the danger, until the final destination is reached. He set an example of courage and resourcefulness which, to this day, serves as an inspiration and a source of upliftment.

7.                  John Milton—English Poet and Political Writer: December 19, 1608 (NS), London, England, 6:30 (6:33) AM, LMT. (Source: Minutes in the Life of John Milton, by John Aubrey, as per Lois Rodden) Died, November 8, 1674, Chalfont St. Giles, England.

(Ascendant and Sun in Sagittarius: Moon in Taurus with Jupiter and Pluto also in Taurus; Mercury and Venus conjunct in Capricorn with Saturn also in Capricorn; Mars in Pisces opposing Neptune in Virgo; Uranus in Gemini conjunct the cusp of H7)

John Milton is famous for writing his works of religious epic poetry—Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes. The exaltation and grandeur of his masterpieces required the combined application of the fourth and sixth rays—as is the case with Dante and Blake, and found together whenever religion and the arts are united.

The sixth ray is powerfully indicated in his chart, given the double Sagittarius influence and the opposition between two sixth ray planets (Mars and Neptune) tenanted in signs which transmit the sixth ray (Virgo and Pisces, respectively). Thus all signs transmitting the sixth ray are emphasized. Two of the fourth ray signs (Taurus and Sagittarius) are also emphasized.        

Milton’s life held a number of tragedies and disappointments. His married life was unhappy and unstable—he was twice widowed (as unpredictable Uranus at the Descendant might suggest), and he became blind. The drama of darkness and light (a ray four theme, intensified by the sixth ray) is worked out on a grand scale in his poetry (and in his life); he seemed to have a fascination with the original luminosity of Lucifer, the “Fallen Angel”, who fell into darkness. Interestingly, Taurus is the sign of illumination (from an esoteric perspective) and holds both Jupiter, the orthodox ruler of both his S
agittarian Ascendant and Sun, and Pluto (“Lord of Darkness” in the sign of light. Chiron, the planet of wounding, rises in Sagittarius, the sign of vision, and T-Squares his two opposed sixth ray planets.

8.                  Elvis Presley—Singer: January 8, 1935, Tupelo, Mississippi, 4:35 AM, CST. (Source: birth certificate from Eugene Moore. A twin brother, Jesse, was stillborn at 4:00 AM) A number of alternative times are given: 3:25 AM, and 12:20 PM. 3:30 AM. The earlier times give Scorpio Rising, and the 12:20 PM time, Taurus. Died, August 16, 1977, Memphis, Tennessee.       

(Ascendant, Sagittarius; MC, Virgo; Sun in Capricorn with Mercury and Venus also in Capricorn, conjunct; Moon in Pisces; NN and Saturn in Aquarius with Saturn conjunct the Pisces Moon; Mars in Libra; Jupiter in Scorpio; Uranus in Aries; Neptune in Virgo; Pluto in Cancer)           

Singer and superstar who made forty-five gold records and twenty consecutive movie hits. Religious fundamentalist background, but lived and traveled like a potentate with an entourage. Married, May 1, 1967; one daughter. Died of heart failure, August 16, 1977.

9.                  Mother Teresa—Nun, Humanitarian: August 26, 1910, Skopje, Yugoslavia, 2:25 PM, MET (Source: Astrologicshe Auskunftsbogen) Another time given is 4:48 AM, MET. Died, September 5, 1997, Calcutta, India.   

There are many potential problems with the accuracy of this chart as the quotation from Lois Rodden below reveals:          

“Marcello Borges  quotes the photo-bio  "Faith  and  Compassion, The Life and Works of  Mother  Teresa,"  in  Portuguese by Raghu Rai  and Navin  Chawle,  Element Books.  Chawle is a civil servant in India and had close  contact  with the nun.  On p.22,  "Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born 26 August 1910 in Skopje.  The date is often given as  August  27, which is the date she was baptized." 

Astrolog quotes Astrol  Auskunfsbogen for  August  27, 1910,  2:25 PM  MET.  Helen Adams Garret gives August 26  (with 4:58 AM MET, no source) in the ISAR Emailleter Vol.41.

As  Yugoslovia was on the Julian calendar, the question remains of whether the date is OS or NS.

 (Ascendant Sagittarius; MC, Libra; Sun and Mars in Virgo; Moon and Pluto in Gemini; Mercury and Jupiter in Libra; Venus in Leo;  Saturn in Taurus; Uranus in Capricorn; Neptune in Cancer)

Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, after devoting her life to the poor and sick in India

10.              Father Junipero Serra—Spanish Missionary: November 24, 1713, Petra, Majorca, Spain, 1:00 AM, LMT (rectified to 12:53:20 AM, LMT) Died, August 28, 1784, Monterey, California.          

(Source: The Spirit of Serra by Thomas Cullen) (Ascendant, Virgo, with Uranus, Saturn and Pluto all in Virgo all loosely conjunct; MC in Gemini; Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius; Moon in Aquarius; Venus in Libra; Mars in Capricorn; Jupiter in Pisces conjunct Vertex; Neptune in Taurus)   

(Look into this as the chart is tremendous for martyrdom and death)

11.              John Wesley—Theologian, Evangelist, Itinerant Preacher: (Listed under Sagittarius because of the profound effect of the singleton Sagittarian Moon)  June 28, 1703, Epworth, England, 1:00 PM, LMT. (Source: speculative, per Marc Penfield) Died, March 2, 1791, London, England.      

(Ascendant, Libra; Sun in Cancer {H9} with Mars conjunct Uranus in Cancer;  Moon in Sagittarius, H3, as a singleton, and exoteric ruler of the Cancer Sun; Mercury in Leo, with Venus and Pluto also in Leo, conjuncted; Jupiter in Taurus; Saturn in Aries with Neptune also in Aries conjunct to the seventh house cusp)           

John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, had a profound effect upon the religious life of England. He was a religious enthusiast, a writer of hundreds of hymns, and most importantly, an itinerant preacher, who reached the people (on horseback) with his simple message of piety and devoted Christian living. It has been said that his efforts and their transformative effect upon the masses of common people, were largely responsible for the fact that England did not experience the same kind of traumatic political revolution which swept through France.           

Clearly, he is an example of the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism, with secondary influences of the fourth ray (his music) and the seventh ray (his method—Methodism). Interestingly, a sixth ray planet, Mars, and a seventh ray planet, Uranus, are conjunct in H10 in Cancer. Clearly, he was a religious reformer and transformer. The higher sixth ray planet, Neptune, is (in this speculative chart) conjunct the H7 cusp, where he met the people, and had his inspiring effect upon them. Note that Venus is Leo is conjuncted to Pluto and trined by Neptune. The healing (Pluto) and inspiring (Neptune) effect of his lively hymns (Venus in Leo) is thereby indicated. As well, the Sun is placed in the house of Sagittarius, the ninth—a perfect placement for a theologian and visionary.

Perhaps the strongest conduit for the sixth ray is the singleton Moon in Sagittarius in the third house. For an itinerant preacher this would be a remarkably characteristic astrological signature. Sagittarius is a predominantly sixth ray sign (though fifth and fourth rays are also expressed through it). In this particular case, it would seem that the Moon would veil Neptune, the major planet of the sixth ray—inspiring and uplifting with a vision of a higher spiritual life. Interestingly, Billy Graham, also has a prominent Sagittarius Moon (MC conjunction) in his case conjuncted also to sixth ray Mars in Sagittarius as well.          

Libra, his Ascendant is the sign of balance, and perhaps this indicates his role within the political and psychological life of his nation. As for Cancer, it is the sign of the “mass consciousness”, and indicates the preacher’s “flock”—that he cared for the common people and their religious welfare.


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Sagittarius and R6


Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.



In Comparison With


1.       Transmits R4, R5, R6 constellationally


1.       R6

2.       Planetary rulers transmit R2, R3, R6


2.       R6

3.       Color: rich blue (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) blue or blue-indigo


3.       Color: silvery rose or light blue

4.       Note: possibly SOL sharp or G sharp


4.       Note: DO or C

5.       Expresses especially through the solar plexus and sacral centers via Mars, and the ajna center via far-seeing Jupiter, R5 and R4. Expression through the oratorical throat is also possible through the Earth and the sixth ray.


5.       Expresses through the solar plexus center and, at a later stage of evolution, through the ajna center (cf. EH 149)

6.       Creative Hierarchy number VI/XI, unliberated


6.       Creative Hierarchy number IV, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number VI/XI, unliberated

7.       Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Vegetable Kingdom via R6, the Animal Kingdom via Mars, Earth and R6, the Human Kingdom via R4 and R5, the Kingdom of Souls via R5 and R4 and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives via Jupiter and R6.


7.       Relates to the Vegetable Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives

8.       Related to the mind, especially the abstract mind


8.       Related more to the emotional field

9.       Sagittarius, at first narrow-sighted, expands its vision rapidly as evolution proceeds.


9.       The sixth ray, lacking the influence the Jupiterian influence, retains the narrowness of its vision for a longer time.

10.   Experimental attitude, taking chances


10.   Wishes to follow a trustworthy guide rather than risk thinking for itself

11.   Strong body-consciousness (even if mind tends towards abstraction)


11.   Attempts to escape from awareness of body

12.   Irresponsible speech, casual, informal


12.   Reverent, censoring speech (and thought)

13.   Eager to expand horizons


13.   Adherence to the accepted vision. Often threatened by expansion into unfamiliar areas

14.   Values other cultures, due to exploration and comparison


14.   Adheres to its own culture and that which is familiar

15.   Thus, “moving on”


15.   Repetitive due to insecurity. Security sought in sameness

16.   May change allegiance suddenly if new vision is more attractive


16.   Longer-lasting loyalty (though sudden changes can occur)

17.   Demanding freedom, space, range, room


17.   Self-enslavement through faith and belief


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Sagittarius and R6


Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.


A.      Sagittarius Transmits the Sixth Ray: Since Sagittarius is the major zodiacal transmitter of the sixth ray, it is natural that these two energies would have a great affinity with each other.

B.     Visions and Quests: They both incline towards seeing and following the vision. Thus those influenced by both energies are given to quests.

C.     Inspiring Faith in the Unseen: They both inspire those they influence with great faith—in that which is not yet seen.

D.     Related to the Sixth Creative Hierarchy: They both provide energies which animate the sixth Creative Hierarchy of Lunar Lords. Those thus energies are easily impelled and compelled by their lunar elementals.

E.     Love of the Ideal: Both energies incline towards a love of the ideal. Something ‘higher’ and ‘beyond’ the immediate presentation is desired.

F.      Stimulating Fiery Aspiration: Both energies stimulate aspiration in those they influence. Sagittarius is a fire sign, and the sixth ray (as transmitted through one of its planetary conduits, Mars) is a fiery ray.

G.     Solar Plexus and Sacral Center Influence: Both influences have a strong effect upon the both the solar plexus and sacral centers. Although Mars is usually considered in relation to the solar plexus, its role in relation to the sacral center (stimulating the sex impulse) is certain. Mars is the hierarchical ruler of Sagittarius and so this sign is brought into relation with the sacral center. Such a relation is also obvious from an examination of the behavior of the mythical beast—the centaur.

H.     Relationship to the Ajna Center: Sagittarius and the sixth ray are also related to the ajna center. Of the ajna center and the sixth ray, the Tibetan says the following: “It is the organ of idealism therefore, and,—curiously enough—it is closely related to the sixth ray, …” (EH 149) The planet Neptune must be involved in this connection, and the point of evolution at which this occurs must be relatively high—probably well after the third initiation.

I.         Differentiating Signs and Rays: The list of these points of commonalty could be a long one. The qualities of Sagittarius will vary from those of the sixth chiefly because of the many rays which are transmitted by this constellation/sign, and the rays which, secondarily, are transmitted through the ruling planets. Every sign of the zodiac is a rich source of contrasting energies due to such transmissions. A ray, obviously, is a single and relatively pure form of energy.

J.       Related to the Process at the Second Initiation: The second initiation (the Baptism or Purification) is governed by the Ray of Purification—the sixth. Sagittarius (a sign associated with both the first and second initiations) is the major distributor of the sixth ray during this world period and is, therefore, even further related to the process which occurs at the second degree. A freedom from the slavery of ideas and from fanaticism must be demonstrated at this degree. Sagittarius and the sixth ray, together, are exactly the combination which is likely to produce fanatical behaviors and undue, emphatic adherence to thoughts, ideas, ideals or persons. The only cure for this tendency is found upon the second ray, which also figures prominently at the second initiation. Second ray Jupiter, a ruler of Sagittarius, is a bridge between its sixth ray nature and the second ray developments required at the second degree.

K.     Relevant to the Fourth Initiation: For sixth ray types, the causal body is destroyed by fire at the fourth degree. It can readily be seen how this combination would contribute to this destruction.

L.      Relevant to the Sixth Initiation: This initiation is consummated in relation to the monad on the sixth (monadic) plane—counting from below upwards. It is also, interestingly, connected with the sixth center—the ajna—by means of which (on whatever level of development) one “sees which way to go”. There is an adventurous, “outward bound” (Sagittarius) quality to this sixth degree. Further, the degree is called not only the Great Decision (relating it more to Libra and the third degree) but, also, the Ascension. The uprising out of matter which the sixth ray promotes, has an even higher application here, as there is an uprising or ascension out of the influence of the five planes of superhuman evolution.


7.      Sun Sagittarius (or Ascendant Sagittarius), R7P (or R7S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R4, R5 and R6) (A mild mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the seventh ray transmitted through Jupiter, exoteric ruler of Sagittarius. Jupiter is a sacred planet, and the seventh ray does not rule its soul. Perhaps a monadic rulership is possible, although a personality rulership is possible. If we take the example from the Sun, a single ray {in this case the second ray} can ruler more than one of the periodic vehicles. For instance, the second ray rules both the personality and the soul of the Solar Logos. Perhaps the same is true for Jupiter with regard to the second ray, though, given our present stage of evolution and understanding, such possibilities must remain purely speculative. The most appropriate category of reinforcement would probably be, Mild to Moderate by Rulership. The seventh ray is definitely an effective and noticeable component of a planet usually associated with Sagittarius. Because Jupiter ordinarily rules Sagittarius, and because the seventh ray component of Jupiter is so noticeable, there is something of the feeling of Strong by Rulership—Class 1, but the fact that the exact placement of the seventh ray through Jupiter is presently uncertain, makes the designation “by Numerical Affinity” more appropriate. Much depends on whether the seventh ray is the personality ray or the monadic ray—it probably is not both. If it is the monadic ray, initiates will be the only ones to respond. If it is the personality ray, everyone can respond. There is good argument for considering Jupiter the heart center of the Solar Logos. If that were the case, its placement as a chakra within the solar system, could well respond to its monadic ray {in this case it would be the second}, just as Venus, with its probably sixth ray monad, would be most fittingly assigned to the solar plexus chakra of the Solar Logos.)


(a)   (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)


i.                     The focussed physicality of the self-centered Sagittarius person combines with the strongly material, physical-plane preoccupation induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the seventh ray.

ii.                   Subscribing to physical routines, especially where physical exercise is concerned. The gymnasium and work-out routines. This usually indicates a preoccupation with the physical body—body consciousness. More positively, the field of “sports medicine”.

iii.                  Athletics as a form of ‘worship’. Devotion (Sagittarius) to the team (seventh ray).

iv.                 Conventional religion; formalized worship without real depth.

v.                   The loyal, the faithful, and (so often) the unthinking and sectarian.

vi.                 Repetition of religious practices and observances; believing in their efficacy without really knowing why.

vii.                An emphasis upon faith and works, without real mental understanding of the religious system to which one is adhering.

viii.              Organized (seventh ray) Religion (Sagittarius)


(b)   (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple)


i.                     The search for contact with higher energies and influences characteristic of the advancing Sagittarius individual combines with a growing love of meaningful ceremony and ritual induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the seventh ray.

ii.                   Physical culture with the purpose of improving the quality of life.

iii.                  Development of an integrated (Sagittarius) and balanced (seventh ray) personality—well anchored on the physical plane (both Sagittarius and the seventh ray).

iv.                 On the Path of Discipleship: Deepening ceremonial work.

v.                   On the Path of Discipleship: Transcending dead lifeless of worship, and engaging in ceremonial work (seventh ray) which truly inspires and uplifts (Sagittarius).

vi.                 On the Path of Discipleship: learning to use the creative imagination and creative visualization (Sagittarius) as part of the building process (seventh ray).

vii.                On the Path of Discipleship: learning what it means to follow the vision and make progress (Sagittarius) as a group or team (seventh ray).


(c)   (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate)[Additionally, where relevant,  combine Ascendant Sign, Sagittarius, with the seventh ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]


i.                     The capacity to achieve an orientation of one-pointed discipleship, integrating the personality and creating an unobstructed ‘straight-line’ (alignment) between personality and soul—an orientation and alignment characteristic of the disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Sagittarius, combines with the ability to bring the highest energies correctly and lawfully into the world of form—an ability induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the seventh ray, for under the seventh ray, “The Highest and the Lowest Meet”.

ii.                   The correctly oriented (Sagittarius) practitioner of white magic (seventh ray). The ajna center is highly stimulated as may be the “third eye”, and there develops a power to direct (Sagittarius) the magical process (using these eyes) so that the intended precipitation occurs.

iii.                  The growing capacity to live the inspired life, with the higher and inspiring energies making their way (through a properly aligned channel) right to the very depths of matter (seventh ray)—anchoring, especially, in the etheric body (seventh ray).

iv.                 The capacity to live a correctly oriented (Sagittarius) and upright life (seventh ray)—one of those who is sensitive to the Divine Vision (Sagittarius) and the imminent possibilities for humanity, and is able to wisely and securely integrate this vision of possibilities into the fabric of human living (seventh ray).

v.                   The seventh ray might be called the “Ray of Temperance” (rejoicing in “all things done decently and in order” (EP I 210) The sign Sagittarius is assigned to the Temperance Card in the Tarot. Further, no planet is exalted or falls in Sagittarius, indicating its capacity for poise, once fanaticism has been overcome. The initiate is known by his “wise and sanctified normality” (IHS 205) To this temperate, normal yet uplifting state of poise, both Sagittarius and the seventh ray contribute.

vi.                 These two energies create the much needed practical visionary, the practical (seventh ray) mystic (Sagittarius with its strong sixth ray).

vii.                Humanity must be taught to see in a new way (Sagittarius). When the seventh ray combines with Sagittarius, practical structures and programs are creates which allow humanity to experience the new vision as a factual demonstration. Vision does not remain simply theoretical. The “Vision” (Sagittarius) is incarnated (seventh ray), and part of the coming new civilization begins to take shape (seventh ray)  before the eyes of those who much participate in “rebuilding the shine of man’s living”. (DN 106) Both Sagittarius and the seventh ray, and Aquarius and the seventh ray, help humanity prevision the future and establish the seeds of structural transformation—now.


Directives for Sagittarius and the Seventh Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)



1.                  Adhere One-Pointedly To Your Religious Practices

2.                  Aspire To Become A White Magician And Direct Your Steps Upon The Path Thereto

3.                  Avoid Sectarian Divisions Based Purely On Belief And Tradition

4.                  Base Athletic Prowess On Good Form

5.                  Be Ethical And High-Minded

6.                  Be The Far-Seeing, Perspicacious Chamberlain

7.                  Blend Bhakti And Karma Yoga

8.                  Blend Formality And Informality; Blend Control And Spontaneity

9.                  Build Carefully Towards The Distant Goal

10.             Carefully Construct The Path To Higher Worlds

11.             Combine The Power To Visualize With The “Will To Express”

12.             Control The Gate; Let Pass Only Those Who Have Fulfilled The Rules

13.             Ceremonialize The Treading Of The Path

14.             Control Your Aspiration; Be Urgent Yet Composed

15.             Direct Your Thoughts Towards The Magical Manifestation Of A New World

16.             Discover The “Ancient Landmarks”

17.             Draw Your Bow In Perfect Form

18.             Dream, Then Realize the Dream In Form

19.             Edify!

20.             Ensure Long-Range Financial Security And Stability

21.             Envision The “Universal Order”

22.             Explore Ancient Traditions And Their Meaning For The Future

23.             Feed The Sacred Fire Of Aspiration

24.             Follow The Rules To Reach The Goal

25.             Foresee The Manner In Which The Highest And The Lowest Can Meet

26.             Foretell The Ways Of Transformation

27.             Fulfill The Role Of Temple Priest Or Priestess

28.             Gain Respect Through Honesty

29.             Go In Search Of Earth Mysteries

30.             Go Where You Must To Precipitate What You Must

31.             Ground The Vision In Form

32.             Guide And Regulate Group And Organizational Process

33.             Hasten Toward The Goal, But Know Where You Are Now. Read The Map!

34.             Imagine Perfected Expression

35.             Incant And Project; Summon And Send Forth

36.             Indicate The Way Ahead For Groups And Organizations

37.             Intuit The Pattern Intended To Manifest

38.             Journey To Learn The Secrets Of Ancient Temples And Their Traditions

39.             Let Ancient Rituals Indicate The Path That You May Tread

40.             Look Ahead; Discern The Ways That Future Security May Be Ensured

41.             Look Forward; Invoke Through Lawful Means That Which Will Be Needed

42.             Loose The Arrows Of Thought Rhythmically And Appropriately

43.             Make Sure The Temple Is Rightly Oriented

44.             Manifest The Vision

45.             Move Lawfully And In Good Order Towards The Destined Objective

46.             Observe The Rules For Treading The Path

47.             Organize The Quest

48.             Orient Yourself Toward The Inner Sanctum Of The Temple

49.             “Penetration, Polarization, Precipitation”: Penetrate, Polarize, Precipitate

50.             Perfect Religious Ritual

51.             Progress Through Scrupulous Attention To Right Practice

52.             Point The Way For Those Who Seek To Discipline Themselves Upon The Path Of Discipleship

53.             Project A Line From Earth To Heaven And From Heaven, Again, To Earth

54.             Prophesy A “New World Order”

55.             Regulate The Centaur

56.             Re-Organize The World So That Humanity’s Goal May Be Achieved

57.             Through The Mind’s Eye, Be Impressed By Images Of The New World Order

58.             Travel To Sacred Sites

59.             See Into The Future; Envision Better Ways To Make Things Work

60.             See The Ideal But “Walk Your Talk”

61.             Set An Example Of Uprightness, Decency And Morality

62.             Speak Truthfully In A Manner Unfailingly Polite

63.             Soar With Your Mind But Keep Your Feel Planted Firmly On The Ground

64.             Stand Steadfastly; Progress By Graded Steps

65.             Structure Lawful Foreign Policies

66.             Study Anthropology And Cultural Traditions

67.             Study International Law

68.             Uplift Energies Through Magical Processes

69.             Vision The Goal Of The Magical Process

70.             Walk With Formality, In A Manner Dignified



Mantra for Sagittarius and the Seventh Ray


Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I seek the full expression of the perfect Plan-intended form, inspired by my Vision of the Holy, True and Real. 

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “The Highest and the Lowest Meet”, flawlessly expressing in the realms of earthly form the full perfection of the Vision of the Holy, True and Real.


Proposed Symbol for R7/Sagittarius: Invoking at the center of a ‘Magic Circle’ rightly drawn, the wise ‘Magician of his Life’ beholds a vision of the Goal, and then with opened single Eye, directs all forces to combine, align and progress undeflected, straight toward the visioned Mark

Well Known Individuals Hypothesized as Expressing this Combination of Rays and Signs:


1.                  Paul Foster Case—Astrologer, Occultist, Founder of Builders of the Adytum: October 3, 1884, Fairport, New York, 11:00 AM, EST (Source: According to LMR,  Dane Rudhyar quotes him) or, alternatively, 6:00 AM, EST. (Source: Sabian Symbols)

(Ascendant, Sagittarius; MC, Virgo;  Sun in Libra conjunct NN; Moon in Pisces; Mercury and Uranus in Virgo widely conjuncted; Venus conjunct Jupiter in Leo; Mars in Scorpio; Saturn and Pluto in Gemini; Pluto in Taurus)          

Founded a school of Western Occultism, wrote much on the Tarot.

2.                  Walt Disney—Cartoonist, ‘Fantasist’, Animator: December 5, 1901, Chicago, Illinois, 00:35 AM, CST. (Source: Sabian Symbols) Died, of circulatory failure following lung surgery, on December 15, 1956, Burbank, California.   

(Ascendant, Virgo; Sun conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius; Moon in Libra; Mercury in Scorpio; Mars in Capricorn loosely conjunct Jupiter and Saturn {both conjunct} in Capricorn, with Venus also in Capricorn; Neptune in Cancer conjunct MC; Pluto in Gemini)

The name, Walt Disney, is immediately associated with fantasy (Neptune conjunct the MC) and animation—giving ‘life’ to imaginary characters. From a certain perspective, this is the magical process. That which cannot happen in “real life” can magically happen in the world of fantasy. For Disney, imagination becomes reality. Thus, the seventh ray (seventh ray Uranus conjunct the Sun, and four planets in seventh ray Capricorn) is pervasive in the creations of Walt Disney. His cartoons, animations and the ‘kingdoms of fantasy’ built by him or built in his name (Disneyland and Disneyworld) are tributes to the revival of magic in the 20th Century. As well the fourth ray of imagination and the second ray (“family entertainment” in which the “good” always wins) can readily be seen in his life and work.          

Sagittarius contributes to the sense of adventure experienced on magical, “fantastic” journeys to far-away places where the laws of the material world no longer hold sway. Virgo (Ascendant) with the stellium of planets in Capricorn, reveal Disney as an astute businessman. Virgo also signals the meticulous labor and care required to create animations, and especially full-length animated films.

3.                  Francisco Franco—Dictator of Spain: December 4, 1892, El Ferrol, Spain, 12:30 AM, LMT. (Source: registered at the parish church)  Died, November 19, 1975, Madrid.

(Ascendant, Virgo; Sun and retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius; Moon in Gemini conjunct Neptune and Pluto also in Gemini; Venus conjunct Uranus in Scorpio; Mars in Pisces; Jupiter in Aries; Saturn in Libra)         

Franco, an excellent organizer and a puristic idealist (with four planets plus Ascendant in signs through which the sixth ray is transmitted), expressed the seventh, sixth and first rays. He rose through the ranks to become chief of staff of he army in 1935. He commanded the rebel forces during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) leading the revolt against the Communist-inspired socialist government and planning the offensives which gave victory to the rebel forces. After the War he became dictator of Spain, maintaining a strong anti-Communist policy and using repressive, censorious methods. 

It is well to remember that the rays of Spain are the sixth ray soul and the seventh ray personality—two of Franco’s important rays. Yes, withal, the first ray must be considered as a major ray, since the Tibetan informs us that Franco, along with Stalin and Hitler were expressions of the “Shamballa Force”.

4.                   Uri Geller—Telekenetic: December 20, 1946, Tel Aviv, Israel, between 2:00 AM and 2:30 AM, EET. (Source: Richard Nolle in Dell, February 1976; “data through Puharich, who wrote of Geller after testing”.           

(Ascendant, Libra or Scorpio; MC, Leo with Saturn conjunct the MC and Saturn loosely conjunct Pluto also in Leo; Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius; Moon in Scorpio, conjunct  both Venus and Jupiter also in Scorpio; Mars in Capricorn; Uranus in Gemini; Neptune in Libra)

First paranormal experience on December 25, 1949. International reputation as a phenomenon by 1971, when he began to demonstrate his abilities professionally. tested by Stanford Research Institute in 1972; odds pronounced to be trillion to one against chance.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Sagittarius and R7


Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.



In Comparison With


1.       Transmits R4, R5, R6 constellationally


1.       R7

2.       Planetary rulers transmit R2, R3, R6


2.       R7

3.       Color: rich blue (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) blue or blue-indigo


3.       Color: violet (and various shades of purple)

4.       Note: possibly SOL sharp or G sharp


4.       Note: TI or B

5.       Expresses especially through the solar plexus and sacral centers via Mars, and the ajna center via far-seeing Jupiter, R5 and R4. Expression through the oratorical throat is also possible through the Earth and the sixth ray.


5.       Expresses through the sacral center and also (at a later stage of evolution) through the base of the spine center. Additionally, throat center expression is found in disciples

6.       Creative Hierarchy number VI/XI, unliberated


6.       Creative Hierarchy number V, liberating, and Creative Hierarchy number VII/XII, unliberated

7.       Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Vegetable Kingdom via R6, the Animal Kingdom via Mars, Earth and R6, the Human Kingdom via R4 and R5, the Kingdom of Souls via R5 and R4 and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives via Jupiter and R6.


7.       Relates to the Kingdom of Solar Lives and the Mineral Kingdom

8.       Close identification with the astral plane


8.       Close identification with the physical plane

9.       Closely related to higher thoughts found upon the abstract mental plane


9.       Closely related to the manifestation of such thoughts, where possible

10.   Direction—up. The arrow is shot into the air


10.   Direction—up then down. The Highest and the Lowest must meet—on the ground.

11.   Idealism


11.   Practicality

12.   Faith in the ‘beyond’


12.   Attention to that which is immediately before the eyes

13.   Improvisational


13.   Proceeding by rule and precedent

14.   Needs to control speech


14.   Regulation of speech—polite and appropriate

15.   Informality, looseness


15.   Formality, discipline

16.   Impulsiveness, spontaneity


16.   Steadiness





Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Sagittarius and R7


Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.


A.      Ceremonialism: Through its Jupiterian rulership (Jupiter is the ceremonialist), Sagittarius has points in common with ray seven—the Ray of Ceremonial Magic. It is reasonable to suspect that ray seven is one of the secondary rays transmitted through Jupiter.

B.     Strong Opinions Indulged: Sagittarius is known for its opinionated attitudes. Of the seventh ray person the Tibetan says, “self-opinion over-indulged” (EP I 210). Thus a point in common appears, rendering this combination potentially intolerant. Of course, this would be more true at earlier than later stages of evolutionary development.

C.     Body-Consciousness: Though Sagittarian idealism is high, and the belief in the value of that which lies ‘beyond’ is strong, nevertheless, the Sagittarian gives much attention to the condition of physical body. Of the three fire signs, Sagittarius is the most “body-conscious”. This approach is common, as well, to those influenced by the seventh ray. While the physical body is no principle, esoterically speaking, it is immediately associated with the etheric body (the vehicle for the seventh principle—prana). The seventh ray is involved in all manner of “physical culture”, which offers opportunity for the will to express itself through the physical vehicle. One can see how these two energies incline towards a similar emphasis where the physical vehicle is concerned.

D.     Athletics and Physical Culture: Of the three fire signs, Sagittarius is associated with the physical body or the personality as body. (EA 293) Much of development of physical culture in today’s society is related to Sagittarius, but not exclusively, for the seventh ray also plays its role. The seventh ray is connected with the seventh principle (the etheric body and its reflection, the dense physical body—often enumerated as the seventh, though, itself, not a principle). The training of this physical body (and athletics and physical culture is such a training) comes under the province of the seventh ray.

E.     Related to the First Initiation:  While a number of signs and planets are involved in the first initiation, Sagittarius is one of them. Discussing Sagittarius the Tibetan says: “Intuition, governing aspiration—Sagittarius. Soul consciousness in early stages. Initiation 1 and 2. I vision. (EA 178). The seventh ray is the ray peculiarly connected with the first initiation, because at that initiation control of the physical elemental must be demonstrated. The rather physical focus of Sagittarius is also useful in this task. Sagittarius rules all the lunar elementals, not excluding the physical. The “wild horse” (the physical vehicle) which Sagittarius can symbolize, must be trained.