EEC Libra
Sun (and Ascendant) in Libra
In Relation to Personalities (and Souls)
On the Seven Rays
Sun Libra (or Ascendant Libra), R1P (or R1S)
(or Ascendant
Libra), R1P (or R1S)
(Plus Constellationally Transmitted R3) (For most people, a moderate
mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges from
the filtered-down first ray components of Uranus and Saturn, the
esoteric and hierarchical rulers, respectively, of Libra. For
initiates with the first ray pronounced within the three periodical
vehicles, the applicable category would be Strong by
Rulership—Class 2 and
Class 3.). The
monadic first ray of Uranus would have some influence upon
first ray disciples and certainly upon first ray initiates, even
though they would be moving towards alignment with Saturn, the
hierarchical ruler. First ray energy is also powerfully transmitted
through Saturn {probably through the personality vehicle}. Even
though manifesting, most probably, as the personality ray of Saturn,
this first ray {so active in a Triangle like Leo/Saturn/Shamballa}
would powerfully influence the lives of first ray initiates whose
Sun Sign or Ascendant was Libra. The first ray appears again through
Saturn as ruler of the second decanate {in both clockwise and
counter-clockwise order}. It can be seen that the more advanced the
first ray individual, the more powerfully would the mutual
reinforcement be experienced.)
(Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)
The selfishly regulatory attitude of the self-centered Libra person—arranging the environment to suit personal comfort, combines with the love of control induced within the insufficiently-spiritualized personality by the first ray. (These undesirable qualities would be in the nature of a relapse or reversion to a formerly bound condition, as it is not possible to have a first or second ray personality unless one is at least an aspirant. The first or second ray may, however, enter the personality by other lines of influence.)
The love of social power and status.
The leader of a privileged social group or class: oligarchy, aristocracy.
Using one’s will to strengthen an oppressive society.
Using the law to protect unfair social advantages. Using the system.
Harsh measures taken against anyone who tries to “rock the boat”, even if for fair and just reasons.
Upholding a status quo which supports selfish privilege
The tendency to become a strong enemy or opponent. Unforgiving opposition.
An aggressive adversarial stance.
The selfish determination to “get even” with enemies.
Harsh judgments upon others. The “hanging judge”. The biased, selfishly-motivated judge. Justice without mercy. Concealing one’s own cruelty behind the law.
Casting oneself as “God’s avenging angel” and enjoying the role for personal reasons.
The force of society and social custom oppressing the rights of individuals.
(Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Libra, with the first ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
The developing sense of right relationship and fairness characteristic of the advancing Libra individual combine with the ‘strong-principled’ attitude induced within the spiritually-unfolding personality by the first ray.
Strong sense of social justice.
High principles and a determination to be fair in all dealings.
High standards of conduct and behavior.
Faithfulness in one’s relationships; holding to the principle of fidelity.
Firm measures taken against law-breakers.
On the Path of Discipleship: helping to create and uphold legislation which will help spiritual values to emerge in society.
On the Path of Discipleship: learning to abide by and uphold the laws of the soul in order to achieve balance and equilibrium within the personality system, and in interpersonal relations.
On the Path of Discipleship: learning to use the will of the soul to create right relationship between personality vehicles, and between the personality vehicles and the soul.
On the Path of Discipleship: firmly adhering to the “Golden Rule”. Not allowing oneself any trespass against another.
On the Path of Discipleship: learning to work for peace.
On the Path of Discipleship: learning to face karma with fortitude.
On the Path of Discipleship:
learning how to make the “hard choices” with courage, by
adhering to spiritual principle.
(Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Libra, with the first ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
The deep understanding of the union of Divine Justice and Divine Love characteristic of the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Libra, combines with the determination to use the Will for the promotion of love and right human relationships—a quality induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the first ray.
Deeply identified with Karmic Law.
Understanding oneself and one’s role as an Agent of Karma.
Learning to be an impersonal Agent of Karma. Carrying out difficult decisions and judgments without any personal investment or identification.
Upholding the Principles of Law as the greatest mercy to one and all. Being firm so that Divine Love and Divine Justice may emerge.
Adhering with steadfastness to the Laws of the Soul in all one’s interpersonal and group interactions.
Living the principles of the Noble Eightfold Path, and bending the will to adhere to them.
Understanding Shamballa as the place of perfect peace, and the laws of man as a dim reflection of Shamballic Law and, thus, intended to promote true peace within humanity.
Eventually, treading with fortitude the Royal Road to Shamballa. Ascending via the Sushumna (the “central channel”).
Directives and Counsels for Libra and the First Ray
(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)
(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)
Abstract From All Lesser Relationships
Assess The Potential For Destruction
Balance Opposing Powers
Base Relationship Upon High Standards
Cooperate In Strength—Become Allies
Demand Equality
Enforce Justice
Fortify Allegiances
Illuminate With Lightning The Path To Shamballa
Insist Upon Fairness
Judge According To Principles
Legislate According To Purpose
Liberate through the Achievement of Perfectly Balanced Form
Make Hard Choices
Make Peace With The Enemy
Mediate Fairly Between Enemies
Merge With Being
Moderate The Use Of Force
Open the Door to Shamballa
Ravish (With Spirit) Souls in Communion
Relate Values and Principles To Each Other
Repay Lawlessness
Resist Unfair Agreements
Respect Laws
Respond With The Force Of Law
Share Authority
Shatter Relationships Based Purely On Self-Gratification
Stand By Decisions
Strengthen Relations
Support Principled Compromise
Unite Energies and Forces Cooperatively
Unite Separative Egos Utilizing The Law
Walk The Path As A Burning Ground
Wield The Sword Which Destroys A False Peace
Mantra for Libra and the First Ray
Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I strive with Will and Power to equilibrate all Energies and Forces, that the Balance of Illumined, Loving, Lawful Living may arise.
Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “I Assert the Fact” of Oneness—of the Spirit, One with Matter—in Illumined, Loving, Lawful Equilibrium.
Proposed Symbol/Image for R1/Libra: Standing at the center in the ‘Nucleus of Power’, and holding with authority the ‘Gavel of Decision’, the Leader sits in judgment, upholding laws and principles—fairly, impartially, impersonally.
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Contrasts Between Libra and R1
Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.
Libra |
In Comparison With |
Ray One |
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Similarities Between Libra and R1
Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.
Related through “Hard-Line” Rays: Libra is the seventh sign and expresses through planets on the fifth, seventh and third rays. All the numbers involved are “odd”, and the ray line is “hard”. The third, fifth and seventh rays are, in a way, reflections of the first ray of Will and Power. Thus harmony along the “hard line” can be seen when Libra is compared with R1.
Law, Social Issues and Politics: The Libran energy inclines towards an interest in law, social issues and politics—areas in which the governmental first ray also find expression.
Firmness in Decision: Libra is not only known for its indecisiveness but for its firmness in decision (once the “scales have tipped”). This firmness is reminiscent of the first ray approach.
The “Hub of the Wheel” and Centralization: Libra represents the “hub of the wheel”, “still point” or “central point” around which all turns. The first ray, similarly, may be called the ‘ray of centralization’.
“City of Peace”: Libra
is, in an important way, the sign or constellation ‘ruling’
the first ray Center, Shamballa—which might be called the
‘City of Peace’.
only place of complete ‘peace’ (the meaning of the word
Jerusalem) is Shamballa; the Hierarchy is not a centre of peace in
the true meaning of the term, which has no relation to emotion but
to the cessation of the type of activity with which we are familiar
in the world of manifestation; the Hierarchy is a very vortex of
activity and of energies coming from Shamballa and from Humanity.
From the standpoint of true esotericism, Shamballa is a place of
‘serene determination and of poised, quiescent will’ as
the Old Commentary expresses it.” (R&I
is a peace upon the first ray which can definitely be correlated
with the peace induced by Libra.
Capacity for Organization and Arrangement: The influences of both Libra and the first ray incline towards the capacity for organization and arrangement. Organization (usually considered a seventh ray quality) is one or three energies (with Purification and Destruction) expressed by Shamballa. (cf. R&I 84-86) The seventh ray is a reflection of the first ray, and Libra is the seventh sign, expressing esoterically through the seventh ray (Uranus).
Fairness and Justice: Issues of fairness and justice are common to both influences, especially once there has been some growth away from selfishness and self-centeredness.
Possible Connection to First Initiation Processes: Although the first initiation is ruled by the seventh ray, the first ray (through Vulcan and Pluto) is important in the process. The first ray presides at all initiatory entries, and the first initiation is just such an entry into the Kingdom of Souls. Libra (a leading sign of sexuality) expresses through the sacral center, and via its third ray—mediated through Saturn and Uranus which are, in part, third ray planets—through the throat center. At the first initiation, the transfer of energy from the sacral to the throat center is strongly in process. The esoteric ruler of Libra is Uranus (which expresses not only the seventh ray) but the filtered-down effect of the first ray on the monadic level.
Related to Some Processes Important at the Second Initiation: At the second initiation, will (Vulcan and the first ray) begins to replace desire (Mars and the sixth ray). Also, there is a measure of astral control (first ray) achieved. Libra brings balance and proportion to the astral realm, contributing to deglamorization through the ending of distortion. It is then far easier for the disciple to maintain a healthy emotional balance which admits of an increasing mental illumination so necessary at the second degree.
A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Libra is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the First Ray is Proposed as Prominent
Annie Besant—English Theosophist, Social Reformer, Statesperson (Sun Sign)
Dwight D. Eisenhower—American General, Statesman and President (Sun Sign)
Mohandas K. Gandhi—Statesman, Non-Violent Liberator of India (Sun Sign and Ascendant)
Henry V—King of England (Sun Sign often Proposed as Libra)
Adolf Hitler—Founder of Nazism, Dictator of Germany Preceding and During WWII (Ascendant)
John Fitzgerald Kennedy—American President, Assassinated in 1963 (Ascendant)
Robert E. Lee—General, Leader of the Confederate Forces in the American Civil War (Ascendant)
Horatio Nelson—Admiral of the British Navy, Hero of Trafalgar (Sun Sign)
Friedrich Nietzsche—German Philosopher and Social Critic (Sun Sign)
Henry Steele Olcott—American Theosophist, With H.P.Blavatsky, Founder of the Theosophical Society (Ascendant—Sun Leo)
Eddie Rickenbacher—Ace Aviator in WWI (Sun Sign)
Margaret Thatcher—Prime Minister of Great Britain (Sun Sign)
Sun Libra (or Ascendant Libra), R2P (or R2S)
(or Ascendant
Libra), R2P (or R2S)
(Plus Constellationally Transmitted R3) (A moderate mutual
reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges due to the
second ray transmitted through Venus, the exoteric ruler of Libra.
Perhaps we may think of the second ray as being inherent within
Venus—long developed and well incorporated in its expression.
Is the applicable category for this combination, Strong by
Rulership—Class 1? The
answer to this question will depend upon how strongly Venus is seen
to express the second ray exoterically. From another perspective the
second ray energy could be seen as originating monadically, as the
primary monadic ray of Venus{hypothetically—if the
analogy can be taken from man—a Ray of Aspect} could be
considered the second, upon which the Venusian sixth ray
monad eventually refocuses. This type of seventh ray influence would
be most influential in the lives of initiates who could respond to
monadic influence, and who were on the second ray monadically or in
the soul nature; Additionally, Libra being the second sign of the
zodiac {proceeding to count by polarities from Aries}, it has
numerical affinity with the second ray. Due to various qualities
emerging from Libra (cf.
EA 333), the second ray
can, as well, be considered a candidate for transmission
through this constellation/sign, along with the third ray.)
(Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)
The over-dependency upon “all-too-human”, passional relationship characteristic of the self-centered Libra person combines with the “love of being loved” induced within the insufficiently-spiritualized personality by the second ray. (These undesirable qualities would be in the nature of a relapse or reversion to a formerly bound condition, as it is not possible to have a first or second ray personality unless one is at least an aspirant. The first or second ray may, however, enter the personality by other lines of influence.)
Pleasure-loving. Wanting only what is pleasant and agreeable.
Loss of self. Permissiveness. Overly accommodating. Sacrificing one’s own rights. Weak. Unable to stand up for oneself.
Ever seeking ‘peace’ and disliking any form of disruption.
Too timid to disturb the status quo.
Doing anything and everything for the sake of personal relationships. In fact, doing far too much.
Seeing in “the other” what should be found within oneself.
The “love of being loved”. Feeling like “nobody” unless loved.
Courting popularity.
Wanting to be beautiful and admired for one’s outer form. Doing everything possible to remain attractive. Vanity.
Too “nice”. Too good to be true.
Laziness. Passivity. Expectancy—that others will be for one and do for one.
Stagnation. Fearing to take action. Fearing to go in one direction or the other.
Incapable of self-validation. Needing outside love and approval to feel worth anything.
(Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Libra, with the second ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
The growing understanding of respectful and loving relationship characteristic of the advancing Libra individual combines with the developing warmth of heart and magnetism induced within the spiritually-unfolding personality by the second ray.
The cultivation of truly loving reciprocity.
The warmth of real love produces faithfulness.
Learning the true meaning of marriage.
Mature interest in ‘soul-mate’ relationships.
On the Path of Discipleship: learning the art of Right Human Relations.
On the Path of Discipleship: practicing the “Golden Rule” from the heart.
On the Path of Discipleship: the realisation of the true meaning of altruism (being for the other).
On the Path of Discipleship: marriage as a form of service—to the partner—and to society as a whole.
On the Path of Discipleship: promoting inter-personal and group unity with every thought, word and deed.
On the Path of Discipleship: seeing fairness and justice as acts of love—not just acts of law.
On the Path of Discipleship: realization of the true meaning of forgiveness. Putting forgiveness into practice.
(Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Libra, with the second ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
The capacity to express Divine Love within human relationships (and with a rapidly-perfecting reciprocity) characteristic of the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Libra, combines with heart-felt loving-understanding induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the second ray.
A friend is truly another self—or so Pythagoras thought.
His “brother’s need is for him of greater moment than his own”. (IHS 193)
The “divine marriage” to the soul is being consummated.
Living according to the “Law of Magnetic Impulse” also called, occultly, the “Law of Polar Union”. This is a second ray law of the soul, expressing the energy of Libra. Thus, uniting with others as souls and not as personalities.
Becoming an agent of group unity and an exponent of “group soul” in expression.
Bringing love and beauty into all relationships.
Understanding and expressing the divine joys of heart-felt relationships.
Knowing from deep experience the truth of Christ’s statement: “Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there am I”.
Directives and Counsels for Libra and the Second Ray
(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)
(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)
Abide In Peace
Adhere To Loving Interplay
Assess The Degree Of Light And Love In Any Relationship
Balance Giving and Receiving
Balance The Expression Of Love And Wisdom
Bestow The Wisdom Of Divine Proportion
Bridge In Love Between Soul And Personality
Bring Wise Balance To The Field Of Spiritual Education
Connect With Compassion
“Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You”
Encourage Compromise Based On A Spirit Of Love And Mutual Respect
Equilibrate Soul Expression Within The Personality
Express Love In A Wisely Balanced Manner
Facilitate Right Human Relations
Fulfill Promises
Harmonize The Group Soul
Heal Through The Balanced Use Of Energy
Increase The Light Of Love Through Right Relationship
Keep Agreements
Keep Sympathy And Pity In Right Proportion
Let Love In Right Relationship Reveal the Cosmic Christ
Magnetize Loving Relationship
Magnetize the Poles; Bring The Two Together
Merge With Soul, Becoming Thus The “Son Of God Incarnate”
Protect Close Connections
Mediate For The Sake Of Unification
Mediate Lovingly Between Hierarchy And Humanity
Moderate Attractions
Promote Brotherly Affiliation
Radiate The Spirit Of Justice And Equality
Relate With Empathy
Reveal According To The Consciousness Of Your Listener
Reveal Eternal Union; Reveal Eternal Love
Reveal The Radiance Achieved Through Perfect Union
Share Revelation Appropriately
Share Proportionately
Teach Right Relationship
Preserve Alliances
Unite In Loving Relationship
Mantra for Libra and the Second Ray
Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: In Love and deepening Wisdom, I seek dynamic balance of the Spirit, Soul and Mind.
Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “I See the Greatest Light” revealing Spirit joined to Matter in Illumined, Loving, Lawful Equilibrium.
Proposed Symbol/Image for R2/Libra: Focussed at the center of a radiant Lotus Blue, surveying thence the inner and the outer worlds, the Scholar, the Teacher, deeply understands—how both Love and Wisdom are the underlying qualities pervading all relations to be found within the Whole.
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Contrasts Between Libra and R2
Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.
Libra |
In Comparison With |
Ray Two |
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Similarities Between Libra and R2
Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.
Linked by Considering Libra as the ‘Second’ Sign: Counting in measures of 180° (Aries—Libra, Taurus—Scorpio, Gemini—Sagittarius, etc.) Libra is second in order, just as ray two is, indeed, the second ray. In contrast with Aries, Libra demonstrates a number of characteristics of the second ray, such as “Divine Love and Understanding” (EA 331). The Sun, principle of the authority and power of selfhood, is exalted in Aries, but “falls” in Libra, indicating Libra as a field in which altruism (consideration of the other) flourishes. This altruism is directly related to the sensitive second ray which so often considers the welfare of the other before its own.
Magnetism and Attraction: The influences of both Libra and ray two are magnetic and attractive.
Peace and Reconciliation: Both Libra and the second ray support the ways of peace and reconciliation. They work inoffensively, non-intrusively and, usually, politely. The influences primarily work towards unity rather than separation, though when a ray or sign operates through a self-centered or selfish personality, some kind of separation is almost always the result.
Agonizing and the Agony of Indecision: The second ray person or individual (soul, for the soul is really the individual) “agonise(s) towards the goal…” (cf. DINA I 149), and Libra is frequently found in the agony of indecision. This means that division and oscillation operate through both influences, though the second ray influence is, perhaps, more adhesive than that of Libra.
Learning Detachment: Those upon both influences must learn detachment—Libra from its passional attachments and the second ray from its attachments to “near ones” too much loved.
Love of Harmony and Agreeability: Both influences incline towards the love of harmony and agreeability; this can compromise the telling of the truth. Libra may lie to avoid that which is unpleasant or socially unacceptable. Those upon the second ray may lie to “spare the feelings” of another.
Correlation with Sex: The second aspect of the Libran energy correlates with sex (the other two aspects relating to law and money). This second aspect is correlated to Venus (more under the second ray than the fifth) and not to the other rulers of Libra—Saturn (law) and Uranus (money). The second ray is correlated to the Law of Attraction which, reasonably, is correlated to the second aspect of Libran energy, even though sex, per se, can as easily be understood in relation to the third divine aspect, which is responsible for the creation and manifestation of forms.
Correlation with Unity and Synthesis: For advanced people, Libra works on behalf of unity and cooperation. The type of will expressed by the second ray is the “Will-to-Unify” and synthesis is the second aspect of the will. Shamballa (to which the ‘Royal Road of Libra’ leads) is the Center of Synthesis upon our planet.
Active in Relation to the First Initiation: Libra, related to Uranus and the sacral center, is a sign which features prominently at the first initiation which the passions and appetites must be brought into balance. This is done to a great extent through the increasing activation of the heart center ruled by the second ray. In addition, the heart (second ray) is the balance (Libra). At the first degree, the ‘balance’ tips in favor of the soul, though until the third initiation, the “scales” continue to fluctuate.
Active at Processes Related to the Second Initiation: The three planets (Venus, Jupiter and Neptune) which express actively at the second initiation, also express (in one way or another) the second ray. Libra (as the second sign in the first polarity—Aries/Libra) has second ray associations. Also, the energy of Libra is active at the second initiation, bringing relative peace, proportion and deglamorization to the astral body. Libra and the second ray contribute the energy of love to the astral process at the time of the second degree.
A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Libra is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Second Ray is Proposed as Prominent
Desiderius Erasmus—Renaissance Humanist (Ascendant)
Bill Clinton—United States President (Ascendant)
Eric Fromm—Psychiatrist, Social Psychologist, Author of “Escape from Freedom” (Ascendant)
Dalai Lama, the 14th—Spiritual Leader (in Exile) of Tibet (Proposed Ascendant)
Eleanor Roosevelt—American Stateswoman and Social Reformer (Sun Sign)
Cyril Scott—British Composer, Author, Occultist (Sun Sign, with R4)
Albert Schweitzer—Humanitarian, Physician, Theologian, Scholar, Musician, Philosopher, Author (Ascendant)
Michael Servetus—Theologian, Scientist, Scholar, Astrologer, Reformer, Anti-Trinitarian (Sun Sign)
D.T. Suzuki—Sage and Zen Scholar (Sun Sign)
Sun Libra (or Ascendant Libra), R3P (or R3S)
(or Ascendant
Libra), R3P (or R3S)
(Plus Constellationally Transmitted R3) (A strong to very strong
mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges
through the third ray transmitted constellationally—though not
in greatest strength—through Libra. The appropriate category
of reinforcement would be, Strong by Constellational
Transmission. Additionally,
the third ray is transmitted significantly through Uranus
{reasonably, through its personality} and very powerfully through
Saturn (certainly through its Monad and perhaps through its
soul)—Saturn and Uranus being the esoteric and hierarchical
rulers of Libra respectively. Thus, the degree of mutual
reinforcement of this combination is also Strong by
Rulership—Class 2 and
Class 3. Because the third ray
is probably the personality ray of Uranus, and because
personality rays of sacred and especially synthesizing
planets like Uranus are subsumed within the soul ray expression {and
perhaps even within the monadic ray expression}, the degree of
mutual reinforcement for third ray initiates {under Class 3}
will be even stronger than for third ray disciples {under
Class 2}. Thus, Initiates on the third ray will find themselves
influenced by a very powerful combination.
As well,
the reinforcement is further strengthened by the transmission of the
third ray through Saturn, considered as the exalted planet in Libra.
Further, the third ray transmission is strengthened by the fact that
Saturn is, according to the Tibetan, the ruler of Libra’s
second decanate {in both counter-clockwise and clockwise order}.
(Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)
The self-serving subtlety of the self-centered Libra person combines with the manipulativeness induced within the insufficiently-spiritualized personality by the third ray.
Capacity to manipulate human affections. Ability to “talk others into” love.
The “smooth operator”. The lover with a “line”.
Deceit, evasion, intrigue.
Much sacral center activity without real love to accompany it.
“Handling” others with ease.
Living the “honey-coated” life.
Taking advantage of everyone but having a ‘teflon reputation’—nothing damaging sticks.
Polished superficiality. Pleasant insincerity. Agreeable for ulterior motives.
Always negotiating for best advantage.
Profiting from legal loopholes.
Successfully using the “soft sell”. Getting what one wants through ‘manipulative magnetism’ or ‘magnetic manipulation’.
Selfishly plotting and planning for future best advantage. A paralyzing uncertainty and consequent inability to take action may eventuate through the seeing of too many possible outcomes.
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive”.
(Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Libra, with the third ray as either the ray of the personality or soul
The growing understanding of consequences and of effective methods of balancing forces—characteristics of the advancing Libran individual—combine with a sophisticated intelligence induced within the spiritually-unfolding personality by the third ray.
An example of fluid, refined “skill-in action”.
Rapid and intelligent assessment of value. Knowing the relative worth of things.
Intelligent manipulation for a good purpose.
The intelligent orchestration of social events.
Enlisting cooperation for philanthropic purposes.
Finesse. Frictionless accomplishment through a wise and deft coordination of energies and forces.
Thinking, planning, executing without laboriousness.
Making difficult things seem easy. Effortless effort.
Acting with speed due to the elimination of opposition. Working one’s “magic”.
On the Path of Discipleship: creating a general ease of energy flow within the personality vehicles.
On the Path of Discipleship: financing Hierarchical Work.
On the Path of Discipleship: the social thinker (Libra) and philosopher (ray three)
On the Path of Discipleship: beginning to understand (more abstractly and insightfully) the workings of the Law of Karma. Beginning to untangle the lines of fated interplay. A growing awareness of the weavings of the “Three Fates”.
On the Path of Discipleship: exercising an increasingly wise caution in the generation of consequences.
On the Path of Discipleship: acting with wise and forethoughtful caution.
(Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Libra, with the third ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
A considerable understanding of and finesse within the Science of Relationship—abilities characteristic of the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Libra—combine with the skill to “use … forces intelligently for the furtherance of the Plan”—a capacity induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the third ray.
Understanding the true meaning of the dynamic equilibrium of energies and forces—especially of spiritual or occult energies and forces.
Standing in the center or at the fulcrum point as the manipulator and coordinator of numerous lines of energy and force. Becoming a skillful white magician.
Planning in line with the Divine Plan. Skillfully executing in line with the Divine Plan. The polished, spiritually-minded executive or manager.
A broad and wide understanding of many relational contexts upon the planet.
Endowed with a wide perspective revealing the many world cultures in the light of social relativism.
Skillfully coordinating the payment of one’s karma, and helping others face their karmic obligation with skill.
Gifted with foresight and the understanding of the long-term and short-term consequences of any thought, feeling or action.
A perspicacious understanding of how to plan and act so that the Law of Karma is not violated.
Abilities in abstract thought, such as mathematics, philosophy and system dynamics.
Philosophical understanding of the subtle relationship between the potential and the actual; between the conception and manifestation.
Seeing to the skillful precipitation of the next phase of the Divine Plan with greatest harmony and the least disturbance.
Work within the context of the spiritual triad—especially with manas and atma.
Appreciating and participating in the work of the ‘Divine Manipulator’.
Directives and Counsels for Libra and the Third Ray
(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)
(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)
Analyze Issues Of Social Justice
Analyze Relationship Dynamics
Apply And Appreciate The Architecture Of The “Plan”
Arrange Alliances
Articulate Mores And Social Standards
Assess All Relations Through Divine Mental Perception
Balance The Economy
Bring The Legal Profession And Business Into Fruitful Discussion
Build The Foundation In Beauty
Collect Art And Objects Of Art
Compare Strategies
Comprehend The History Of Culture And Civilization
Conceive Legislation
Conceptualize Strategies For Peace
Create Opportunities For Cultural Relations
Critique Imbalance
Critique Injustice
Energize Interplay
Evaluate Alternative Creative Solutions
Evaluate Discriminatively
Express Mental Brilliance With Ease
Facilitate Cooperation In The Enactment Of A Plan
Facilitate Creative Thinking
Finance Cultural Projects
Generate Creative Compromise
Intelligently Discuss The Law And Legalities
Intelligently Promote Needed Social Action
Legislate For The Development Of Economic Well-Being
Make Carefully Reasoned Choices
Make Things Happen Smoothly And With Ease
Manage Many Activities Skillfully
Plan For Peace
Promote Mutuality
Offer Matching Funds
Reason In A Balanced Manner
Reason With Finesse
Separate The Wheat From The Chaff And The Sheep From The Goats
Share Financial Resources Fairly
Skillfully Balance All Forces
Skillfully Unify The “Lower Four”
Sponsor Financially Projects For Social Understanding And Cooperation
Strategize Negotiations
Streamline Interaction
Think-Through Judgments Carefully
Unify Negotiations
Use “Super Mind” As Entrée To The Universal Mind
Work Out Skillful Compromises
Mantra for Libra and the Third Ray
Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Creatively I seek to weave the thoughts acute through which Illumined, Loving, Lawful Equilibrium may be fulfilled upon the Earth.
Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Purpose Itself Am I”, and Responsive to that Purpose, with Intelligence Judicious, I Weave Together Wisely many Energies and Forces in Illumined, Loving, Lawful Equilibrium.
Proposed Symbol/Image for R3/Libra: Alert and at the center of the ‘Web of Life’, the Weaver, with intelligence, creatively equilibrates the energies and forces of the many worlds, in order that the Plan Divine may manifest in balance.
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Contrasts Between Libra and R3
Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.
Libra |
In Comparison With |
R3 |
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Similarities Between Libra and R3
these similarities to further understand how these two energies may
combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when
they are found within the same energy system.
Linked Through Abstract Mind and “Super-Mind”: The third ray is closely related to the abstract mind and Libra to “super-mind”, “which is the response of the illumined mind to the Mind of God” (EA 495) One of the names of the Third Ray Lord is the “Universal Mind” to which “super mind” gives entrée.
Manipulation: Both influences have a strong capacity for manipulation. They are tactical.
Indirectness: Both Libra and the third ray influence towards indirectness rather than forthrightness. Under both influences there is a capacity for insincerity. This, of course, is corrected at more elevated stages of evolution.
Evaluative Objectivity and Abstracted Detachment: The evaluative objectivity of Libra and the abstracted detachment of the third ray have some similar dynamics.
Hard-Lines: All influences pouring through Libra are on the “hard line”. This harmonizes with the third ray which is also a hard-line ray.
“Skill-in-Action” and Ease: The influences of both Libra and the third ray incline towards skill-in-action, ease and ‘smoothness’—or it is ‘slipperiness’ (for better or worse)?
Linked Through Karma: Both the third ray and Libra are closely related to the factor of karma. The third ray is related to the “Weavers of Fate” and Libra to the repercussive consequences of engendered actions.
Planning and Foresight: The power to plan and to foresee is strong in both influences.
Balance: Both Libra and the third ray are related to the factor of balance. Libra is, per se, the sign of balance, and the third ray is associated with the triangle, the geometrical figure which symbolizes balance.
Linked Through the Third Creative Hierarchy: Both are connected to the Third Creative Hierarchy (unliberated_—the third ray by numerical resonance, and Libra as the sign ruling this Hierarchy. The abstract mind (triadal mind) is stimulated under both influences.
Linked Through the Sacral Center: Both Libra and the third ray have a close connection to the sacral center, which is responsible for the creation of material forms. Libra, the foremost sign of sexuality (along with Taurus and Scorpio) is naturally to be connected to the sacral center from which originates the sexual impulse. Libra is related to sex in both its attractive and procreative aspects. The attractive aspect comes under the Law of Attraction on the second ray, and the procreative aspect is impulsed by the third ray—the ‘Creator of Forms’. While the sacral center is usually assigned a seventh ray rulership under Uranus (esoteric ruler of Libra), its third ray connection cannot be denied.
Related to Processes Important at the First Initiation: Libra through its constellationally transmitted third ray, and its linking of sacral and throat centers, can arguably be related to the first degree, at which time a degree of balance and regulation is to be achieved within the etheric body and the worst aspects of maya overcome. The personality ray is often the third before (and presumably “at”) the time of that initiation (cf. EP II 386). When the third ray is combined with Libra, the operative link to first initiation process connection is only reinforced.
Facilitative at the Time of the Second Initiation: The intelligent third ray promotes “an illumed mind and spiritual intelligence” necessary at the second degree (DINA I 267), and Libra, the balancing of astral forces and the overcoming of glamor through the ‘disciplines of proportionality’.
Combine their Influences at the Sixth Initiation: Since the sixth initiation is known as the “Great Decision”, Libra is necessary involved. Further, that decisive initiation is ruled by the third ray (R&I 340).
A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Libra is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Third Ray is Proposed as Prominent
Bill Clinton—United States President (Ascendant)
William Faulkner—American Novelist (Sun Sign)
George Gershwin—American Composer (Sun Sign)
Martin Heidegger—German Exitentialist Philosopher (Sun Sign)
Charles Ives—Revolutionary American Composer (Sun Sign)
Charles Jayne—American Astrologer (Sun Sign)
Dr. Samuel Johnson—(English Critic, Biographer, Essayist, Poet, and Lexicographer. Regarded as one of the greatest figures of 18th-century life and letters) (Sun Sign)
Marc Edmund Jones—American Astrologer and Philosopher, “Dean of American Astrologers” (Sun Sign)
Timothy Leary—Futurist and Visionary, ‘Psychodelecist’ (Sun Sign)
Michael Servetus—Theologian, Scientist, Physician, Scholar, Astrologer, Reformer, Anti-Trinitarian (Sun Sign)
Wallace Stevens—American Poet (Sun Sign)
Sun Libra (or Ascendant Libra), R4P (or R4S)
Sun Libra (or Ascendant Libra), R4P (or R4S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R3) (Though no significant mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies seems to appear in relation to this combination through the planets ruling Libra and their acknowledged or more recondite rays, Libra and the fourth ray seem to carry some similar qualities. Perhaps the fourth ray is one of those rays transmitted through Libra in addition to the third, and thus the category Hypothesized as Constellationally Transmitted would deserve consideration. Additionally, there is a slight reinforcement coming from fourth ray Mercury as the ruler of the third decanate in counter-clockwise order, and of the first in clockwise order—if we reverse the confirmed order of decanates esoterically considered.)
(Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)
The often-unbalanced, harmony-seeking indecisiveness of the self-centered Libra person combines with the stress and instability induced within the insufficiently-spiritualized personality by the fourth ray.
“Unbalanced fiery passion. Human love”. (EA 331) Strong emphasis upon sexual expressiveness and the interplay of the human pair of opposites—male and female.
A most tentative combination—like Libra and the second ray but under greater stress.
The agonies and debilitations of the decision-making process. Often ‘making the worst’ of both alternatives.
Unsettled. Unreliable. Unpredictable.
Paralysis, suspension. Hesitation.
A “house divided”.
Capricious evaluation (Libra) based upon mood (fourth ray).
Or trying one alternative and immediately after, contradicting oneself by trying the opposite alternative.
Haunted by the feeling of loss, lest one choose incorrectly.
The donkey who starved to death between two tasty thistles.
Searching, unrealistically, for an unattainable harmony.
The drama-filled search for the ‘perfect’ partner.
(Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Libra, with the fourth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
The aesthetic refinement characteristic of the advancing Libran individual, combines with an ability to harmonize conflict (internal and external) induced within the spiritually-unfolding personality by the fourth ray.
The skillful mediator.
The unusual ability, truly to understand the other’s point of view—as is found to an even greater extent with Libra and the second ray.
Sufficient identification with humanity to “walk a mile in one’s brother’s moccasins”.
The growth of the power of the creative imagination.
Movement towards an intuitive evaluative function.
Entering upon a process of fulfilling the “Urge to Creative Life” (cf. EP II 222)
On the Path of Discipleship: the skillful harmonizing of the personality vehicles (both within themselves and in relation to each other). Skillful, psychological healing.
On the Path of Discipleship: the growing power of spiritual evaluation—the ability to tell the relative worth of any person, place or thing in relation to the large context.
On the Path: the discernment of true spiritual values, facilitated by a growing intuition.
On the Path of Discipleship: the intuitive capacity to “stay on the Path” by avoiding the extremes.
On the Path of Discipleship: the adjustments and harmonizations made between personality and soul in order to bring about the consummation of the “marriage in the heavens”.
On the Path of Discipleship: “Harmony through Conflict” is chosen as the preferred means of progress.
(Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Libra, with the fourth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
The understanding of how to evoke the emergence of beauty and truth within the vast field of relationships—an ability characteristic of the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Libra—combines with a deep intuition concerning the divine nature of Harmony—an intuition induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the fourth ray.
Understanding the beauty of cosmos as an exquisite balancing of forces. Realizing the ‘Cosmic Process’ as the divine interplay of the great Pairs of Opposites—spirit/matter, male/female.
Understanding the equivalence of Truth and Beauty.
Realizing that love and beauty, united, are necessary to fulfill any relationship. Realizing there is no beauty without loving relationship.
Using relationship (whether of two or more—as in a group) to invoke the intuition. The insight of the partnership; the insight of the group—seen as greater than the insight of the isolated individual.
Realizing that all right adjustment of relationship within the vast field of relationships must be intuitively performed.
The power of vision in proportion is conferred. Beauty, proportion, balance and love come together in the consciousness of the appreciative initiate.
Utilizing pattern, sound and color to creatively reflect the ‘Harmony of the Heavens’.
Utilizing the power of imagination to contact and “bring down” patterns of Divine Beauty.
Appreciating and creating exquisite beauty reflective of Divine Beauty.
Understanding that the severities of the Lords of Karma are motivated by the will to bring about perfected Love and Beauty in all relationships.
Ever searching for the mysterious factor of Beauty in all forms.
Becoming a master in the “Art of Living”.
Facilitating the harmonization (Libra) of the fourth-ray human family.
Directives and Counsels for Libra and the Fourth Ray
(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)
(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)
Achieve Master In Expressivity
Arbitrate Matters Of Aesthetic Taste
Balance In Beauty
Bridge Conflicts
Be Balanced In Expression
Become The “Divine Intermediary”
Bring Mutual Understanding To Humanity’s Struggles
Choose So As To Facilitate The Harmonious Integration Of The Opposites
Come Into Rapport And Full Attunement
Come Onto The “Same Wavelength” As Another
Contemplate And Thus Invoke The Intuition
Contemplate And Thus Merge Two In One
Create Beauty Through Right Proportion
Decide—Mark The Parting Of The Way
Evaluate Artistic Expression
Evaluate And Correct The Form
Express Harmony With Ease
Facilitate Agreements And Accords
Form Alliances For The Development Of Culture
Graciously And With Finesse, Achieve Harmony Despite Conflict
Harmoniously Balance The Pairs Of Opposites
Harmonize Clashes And Jarring Contrasts
Judge According To High Aesthetic Standards
Legislate On Behalf Of The Arts
Make Peace In The Midst Of War: “Peace Not War”
Marry The Opposites—Horizontally And Vertically
Match Colors Harmoniously
Merge In Beauty
Offer Impartial Interpretations
Perceive Formless Beauty
Reciprocate Appropriately And Harmoniously
Reduce Tensions Through Mediation
Relate The Rupa To Arupa Worlds
Relate To Others Through Impersonation (The Actor)
Reveal In Beauty The Archetypal Seed
Reveal The Hidden Beauty
Sensitively Perceive Commonalties—Positions Held In Common
Skillfully Manage All Interplay Between The Poles
“Smooth Out” Or “Smooth Over” Areas Of Contention
Stand Between And Reconcile
Stand In Poise Upon The Mountain Whereon Form Dies
Stand Steadfast In The Center And Link All Opposites
Suggest Fair And Equable Resolution Of Conflicts
Tread The ‘Way Of Beauty’
Mantra for Libra and the Fourth Ray
Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: With intuition keen, and in harmony and beauty, I seek the art of balance—of Illumined, Loving, Lawful Equilibrium.
Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Two Merge with One” in Beauty, when Illumined, Loving, Lawful Equilibrium Prevails.
Proposed Symbol/Image for R4/Libra: Vibrantly responsive to the scintillating ‘Spectrum of all Rainbow-Colored Tones’, the ‘Artist of his Life’, inspired by his perception of a “Beauty in Relationship”, a “Harmony Divine”, is moved in rapture to create, in ecstasy express the ‘Soul of Beauty’.
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Contrasts Between Libra and R4
Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.
Libra |
In Comparison With |
R4 |
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Similarities Between Libra and R4
Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.
Reckoning with and Resolving Duality: Both Libra and the fourth ray force those they influence to reckon with duality and resolve it harmoniously.
Premature and Real Peace: Both Libra and the fourth ray incline towards the conclusion of a premature peace based upon personal comfort and harmony. Later, they show themselves as influences indispensable in concluding a true peace, based upon the good of the whole.
Passion and Intensity in Human Love: Both Libra and the fourth ray incline towards passion and intensity in the field of human love.
Balancing Soul and Personality Life: Both influences facilitate (at a certain point of evolution) the reconciliation, harmonizing and balancing of soul and personality life; both poles receive their due.
Art of Living: Both influences contribute to the development of the “Art of Living”—based upon the revelations of a wise and loving intuition which understands the principle of relationship. Of the fourth ray the Tibetan states: “This fourth ray is, in the last analysis, the ray which teaches the art of living in order to produce a synthesis of beauty”. (DN 143) The skill-in-action of Libra only stimulates this development
Emphasis upon Decision Making: Both influences place an emphasis upon the process of decision-making. Irresolution must give way to resolution.
Ajna Center Expression: Libra and the fourth ray (through Mercury at a relative advanced point of evolution) pour their influence through the ajna center when choice must be made between the rupa and arupa worlds. The necessity to choose is symbolized by the dualistic shape of that center.
Harmonization: Under the influence of these two energy factors the power to achieve harmonization must be cultivated.
Related to Processes Important at the Second Initiation: Cultural refinement is important at the second degree. Kama-manas is purified, harmonized and beautified. Many distortions are ended, and new ways of balancing the pairs of opposites are discovered. New capacities for right relationship, based on love and selflessness emerge. The harmonizing and balancing abilities of both Libra and the fourth ray would be useful in this regard.
A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Libra is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Fourth Ray is Proposed as Prominent
Rosa Bonheur—French Painter and Sculptor Famed for the Remarkable Accuracy and Detail of her Portrayals of Animals (Ascendant, with R7)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge—English Lyrical Poet, Critic and Philosopher of the Romantic Era (Sun Sign)
George Gershwin—American Composer (Sun Sign)
Vladimir Horowitz—Virtuoso Concert Pianist (Sun Sign)
Jenny Lind, Singer—“The Swedish Nightingale” (Sun Sign and Moon)
Franz Liszt—Hungarian Composer, Spectacular Pianist of the 19th Century (Sun Sign)
Arthur Miller—American Playwright (Sun Sign)
Eugene O’Neil—American Playwright (Sun Sign)
Modest Mussorgsky—Russian Nationalist Composer (Ascendant)
Friedrich Nietzsche—German Philosopher and Social Critic (Sun Sign)
Giacomo Puccini—Italian Opera Composer (Ascendant)
Arthur Rimbaud—French Poet (Sun, Moon and Ascendant in Libra)
Giuseppe Verdi—19th Century Italy’s Most Prominent Composer of Opera (Sun Sign)
Virgil—Epic Poet of Rome (Proposed Sun Sign)
Oscar Wilde—Irish Playwright, Poet and Wit (Sun Sign)
Sun Libra (or Ascendant Libra), R5P (or R5S)
Sun Libra (or Ascendant Libra), R5P (or R5S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R3) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the fifth ray transmitted through Venus, the exoteric ruler of Libra. The applicable category is—Strong By Rulership—Class 1. The reinforcement will be strongest for the average non-aspiring individual, though still significant for the disciple. Uranus and Saturn, the other rulers of Libra also have arguable fifth ray associations, perhaps in relation to their mental vehicles. Saturn is associated with the concrete mind {a vehicle directly related to the fifth ray} and Uranus with orthodox and occult science {both necessarily related to the fifth ray}.)
(Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)
The judgmental attitude of the selfish, or self-centered Libra person combines with the tendency towards harsh evaluation induced within the insufficiently-spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.
Judgmentalism based on very limited (even petty) criteria and standards.
Prejudice—then using the mind to justify the prejudice.
Strictly mental decisions devoid of feeling and heart.
Or, decision based only on the testimony of the senses.
Deciding materialistically. Tilting towards Virgo and materialism, rather than towards Scorpio and psycho-physical transformation.
Separative decision-making reinforcing a negative application of the Law of Cleavages. Racism, and other rejections of fellow human beings. Building concrete-mental barriers between people.
Thus, rejecting that which leads to integration and accepting that which leads to separation.
Along with Libra and the first ray, justice without mercy. Exact justice, but with no knowledge of and no interest in “extenuating circumstances”.
Narrow and strict interpretations of the law. The “letter” is present, but the “spirit of the law” is missing.
(Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Libra, with the fifth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
Fair-minded, objective evaluation characteristic of the advancing Libran individual, combines with a spirit of clear-thinking truthfulness induced within the spiritually-unfolding personality by the fifth ray.
Thinking with great care and thoroughness before choosing.
Unbiased objectivity. Cold-minded analysis.
Growing of a balanced point of view. Clear-mindedness. Unswayed by emotion.
Fully conscious choice.
On the Path of Discipleship: discriminating analysis of spiritual and worldly values.
On the Path of Discipleship: being fully informed of alternatives before decision are made.
On the Path of Discipleship: mind as the detached observer of the emotional and physical life, and (in a way) even of itself.
On the Path of Discipleship: successful use of the light of mind in the deglamorization process.
On the Path of Discipleship: growing capacity to hold the mind steady in the light. The stabilized mind.
On the Path of Discipleship: growth of the capacity to contemplate.
(Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Libra, with the fifth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
The clear understanding of the art and science of “Polar Union” (the uniting of spiritual/material polarities)—a capacity possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Libra—combines with an established understanding of the science of spiritual contact induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.
Growing utilization of the powers of the soul to establish soul-union (“Polar-Union”) with “other” souls—although (in fact) there is no “my soul and thine” (R&I 20) Thus, knowing the technicalities concerning how to unite (“soul to soul”) on the plane of soul. This union (dependant, in essence, upon the second ray) is facilitated by the fifth ray, known as “The Great Connecter” (EP I 77)
Advanced utilization of the ajna center for telepathic purposes and to establish soul-rapport.
The Law of Karma (Libra with the Lords of Karma having a strong fifth ray component) is more deeply understood. The causes of certain karmic situations is revealed in the growing light.
With this combination, one has the capacity to project a lighted beam ahead upon his path—in short, to illuminate the way ahead before treading it.
“In that light we shall see Light”. In the light of the soul, one learns to see the light of the spiritual triad. This triad expresses itself through the ajna center (ruled by the fifth ray).
Stabilization of the soul/personality consciousness so that it can receive the still higher light.
The initiate possess a clarified field of inner and outer vision.
Since Shamballa is strongly ruled by Libra (the “City of Peace”), and since the fifth ray is a great revealer, the possibility exists with this combination for Shamballa to begin to “make revelation” of itself in the consciousness of the initiate. The way ahead into Shamballa is ‘seen’.
Capacity to make the lighted decision necessary midway between the second and third initiations. This decision will allow a full entry into light at the third degree and the possibility of becoming a disciple of the Sirian mode of training.
The Fifth Ray Lord is the “Door into the Mind of God”; that mind is accessed through “super-mind” over which Libra rules. “Super-mind” is “is the response of the illumined mind to the Mind of God.” (EA 495).
Treading the Noble Middle Path (Libra) in the “Third Heaven” (ruled by the fifth ray).
fifth ray influence is prominent on the “Path of Magnetic
Work”. Libra may be related as well because of its relation to
fifth ray Venus and its pronounced magnetic qualities. There is an
“unknown constellation” which, on that Path, works “via
Gemini”. Is that constellation Libra?
might be said that the Masters working on the second Path are
working in relation to and in contact with certain great Lives Who
work on the periphery of the constellation Libra, the Balances.
This is due to the fact that Those Masters Who can work with
magnetic energies, and with the three above Laws, have achieved a
point of balance which makes Their work possible; it involves also a
poised attention and directive power, permitting the inflow of
energies from Libra which could not otherwise enter our planetary
life at all. These Libran energies enter our solar system via the
Heart of the Sun and are peculiarly amenable to magnetic attraction
and distribution.” (R&I
Directives and Counsels for Libra and the Fifth Ray
(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)
(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)
Abandon Lesser Loves—Love Alone Within The Light
Approach Research Cooperatively
Apply The Science of Equilibrium
“Balance The Books” So That All Numbers “Add Up”
Balance The Three Aspects Of Mind: “Three Minds Unite”
Be A Liaison Between Differing Scientific Disciplines
Be Unbiased In Evaluating Experimental Results
Bring Harmony To Those With Different Reasoned Points Of View
Carefully Evaluate All Findings
Choose With Exactitude
Consider All Facts In Relation To Each Other
Cooperate In The Spirit Of Discovery
Cultivate Fair-Minded Realism
End Uncertainty Through A Just Appreciation Of The Facts
Evaluate Approaching Ones; With Sword of Light Repel The Ones Unfit
Evaluate Impartially
Illuminate The Path That Leads To Merging With the “Angel” In The Heavens
Impartially Weigh All Evidence
Judge According To The Facts
Judge Between Two Tendencies—That Which Leads to Higher Mind And That Which Leads To Lower Mental Worlds
Judge The Soul Upon The Karmic Scales
Judge The True From False
Keep Mechanisms “Running Smoothly”
Learn The “Noble Middle Path”—The Path That Leads To Sirius
Let Higher Self And Lower Self Marry In Angelic Solar Light
Link All Souls In Light Upon The Higher Mental Plane
Make Science and Instrument of Peace
Marry Mind and Heart
Merge Within The Light Of Soul
Observe And Then Compare
Patiently Assess When Seeking Certainty
Preserve Balance And Common Sense
Realize The Balanced Beauty Of The “Garment Of God”
Reveal The Truth—Surveyed Without Distortion
See With Utter Clarity; Eliminate All Bias
Share Knowledge And Illumination
Survey The Contents Of Triadal Mind (“Super-Mind”)
Unite In Soul Within The Light Of Higher Mind
Unite Those Holding Concrete Contradictory Thoughtforms
Unite Three Minds, Then Link Them With The Threefold Triad
Utilize The Beam Of Lighted Mind To Eradicate The Distortions Of Glamor
Walk The “Noble Middle Path” Into The “Disk Of Golden Light”
Walk The Path With The Light Of Mind Illumining The Way
Weigh The Facts
Wield The Dividing Sword—Cleave The Worlds of Form From Formless Worlds
Mantra for Libra and the Fifth Ray
Mantram for Discipleship Consciousness: Upon a beam of focussed thought, I seek to fathom Higher Mind—the “Mind of God” reflected—to learn the means of balancing the principles of Light, and Love and Law within my Microcosmic Life.
Mantram for the Initiate Consciousness: “Three Minds Unite” Revealing in the Brilliance of Triadal Light, Precise Techniques for Balancing and Fusing all the Principles of Microcosmic Man within his Macrocosmic Whole—so that Illumined, Loving, Lawful Equilibrium may be achieved upon our Planetary Home.
Proposed Symbol/Image for R5/Libra: Intent within a ‘Beam of Intensely Focussed Light Divine’, the ‘Scientist of Life’ ascertains the ‘Secret Cause of Equilibrium’, the formula which holds the worlds in balance true.
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Contrasts Between Libra and R5
Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.
Libra |
In Comparison With |
R5 |
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Similarities Between Libra and R5
Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.
Linked Through the Mental Principle: Both influences are strongly related to the mental principle. This relationship can readily be seen concerning the fifth ray. The transmitted ray of the constellation, Libra, is the third (a mental ray) and the rays of its planetary rulers are (in order)—five, seven and three, two of which are mental rays.
Lack of Bias: Because of their innate mentality, both influences create a balanced condition which is not easily biased by the sentient nature. Thus they participate in creating a condition of “mental polarization”.
Deglamorization and Mental Illumination: Both influences are important in producing the de-glamorization and mental illumination necessary for the taking of the second initiation.
Fair Assessment and Evaluation: Both Libra and the fifth ray incline towards fair and impartial assessment and evaluation. Libra confers observation from the greatest psychological ‘distance’ (180°), and the fifth ray always inclines towards detached observation.
Linked to the Sense of Sight: Both Libra and the fifth ray are associated with the sense of sight. Vision is the third sense to be developed and is particularly associated with the Aryan Race, which the fifth ray conditions potently. Libra is involved in establishing the sense of proportion which can only be achieved through the development of the sense of vision.
Linked to the Second Ray of Love Wisdom: Latent within both influences, and reserved for later periods of development, is the relation to the second ray of Love-Wisdom. Libra has an affiliation with the number two, and could easily transmit this ray (even though, during this “World Period”, it transmits ray three exclusively). Nevertheless, the expression of Divine Love is the goal for the Libran disciple/initiate. The fifth ray is closely connected with Sirius (which is a Source of Love as well as of Manas). There is a close connection, the Tibetan tells us, between rays two and five—for, as an example, the soul (second principle) is found upon the fifth or mental plane. Both rays two and five, as well, are rays of the greatest luminosity. Thus, both Libra and the fifth ray incline towards the development and expression of the second principle and ray two.
Connecting and Bridging: Paradoxically, for all its isolating and cleaving tendencies, the Fifth Ray Lord is called the “Great Connector”. Once example of such a capacity is the uniting of the three aspects of mind—“Three Minds Unite”. Libra, too, is a great connecting and bridging sign.
Related to Processes Important at the Second Initiation: The fifth ray can be associated with the second initiation—an initiation in which deglamorization and a reasonable control of the astral nature must occur. Further, an “illumined mind and spiritual intelligence” (DINA II 267) (arguably related to the fifth ray) must also be present. Libra is exoterically ruled by Venus (conveying the fifth ray and, most probably, second and sixth rays) and, further, is involved is the general process of equilibrizing the astral nature, and freeing it from its distortions (i.e., glamors).
A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Libra is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Fifth Ray is Proposed as Prominent
Niels Bohr—Danish Nuclear Physicist, Proponent of Quantum Mechanics (Sun Sign)
Enrico Fermi—Atomic Scientist, Produced First Successfully Control Chain Reaction (Sun Sign)
Herman von Helmholtz—German Scientist, Philosopher contributing to Physiology, Optics, Electrodynamics, Mathematics, and Meteorology. (Proposed Ascendant)
Anton van Leeuwenhoek—Dutch Naturalist and Inventor of the Microscope (Ascendant)
Sir Isaac Newton—English Physicist, Mathematician, Major Formulator of the Laws of Physics (Ascendant)
Louis Pasteur—French Biochemist and Bacteriologist (Ascendant)
Auguste Piccard—Swiss Scientist, Inventor, and Physicist. Famous for Gondola and Bathyscaph Experiments (Ascendant)
Sun Libra (or Ascendant Libra), R6P (or R6S)
Sun Libra (or Ascendant Libra), R6P (or R6S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R3) (Only a weak mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges as the sixth ray is arguably the monadic ray of Venus—the orthodox ruler of Libra. Neither of the esoteric or hierarchical rulers of Libra transmits the sixth ray from any of its periodical vehicles, but since the exoteric ruler of Libra, Venus, has a sixth ray component, it could be argued that the initiate {sensitive monadically} could respond in some degree making a reinforcement-category Mild by Rulership possible for consideration. The reinforcement must still, however, be considered weak for most people, as the planet involved, Venus, is, for Libra, an exoteric ruler, and as monadic rays in sacred planets, while somewhat in effect, cannot be considered as strongly in effect as when monadic rays are expressed through synthesizing planets.)
Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)
Intense attraction for the “partner” or the “other”, characteristic of the selfish or self-centered Libra person, combines with the drive towards immediate satisfaction of superficial desire induced within the insufficiently-spiritualized personality by the sixth ray.
Swinging wildly and unwisely between the Pairs of Opposites. Feels it must have one or the other; cannot balance them or find the way between.
Excessive passion and desire. Sacral center (the sixth center counting from above) strongly stimulated.
Immediate and unwise “falling in love”.
Seeing the partner through “rose-colored glasses”—at first!
Incapability of seeing the partner clearly. Projecting one’s hopes, desires, wishes onto the partner.
Insufficient self-knowledge; fervently seeking in others what one should find in oneself (somewhat like Libra and the second ray but with more ardor and less understanding).
Tendency towards co-dependency.
Unrealistic in relationship life. Looking for the ideal relationship. Persistently becoming disappointed with the partner after time. Dragging the partner down from the pedestal upon which he was placed (whether or not he wanted to be there).
Idealizing pleasant relations. Attachment to superficial, outer harmony.
Extreme attitudes in relationship life.
(Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Libra, with the sixth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
The love of peace and right human relations characteristic of the advancing Libran individual, combines with a spirit of lofty idealism induced within the spiritually-unfolding personality by the sixth ray.
Holding justice as an ideal. One who believes passionately in the power and purpose of law.
Gandhi, (a lawyer—Libra) who held the ideal of justice before the world was a strong combination of Libra and the sixth ray (reinforced by what was probably a first ray soul).
Looking beyond the “letter of the law” to the idealistic principles it embodies.
Peace as an ideal—the devoted peace-worker. Self-sacrifice (sixth ray) in the name of peace (Libra). A willingness to “go to extremes”, to put oneself on the line, for the sake of peace. Willingness to ‘go there {‘sixth ray’ and bring peace {Libra}”. One may become a mediator between warring sixth ray parties—especially so, if the fourth ray is added to the combination. Thus, devotion to right relations between all things.
Possibly, over-idealizing one’s partners and intimates. The various glamours surrounding the concept of “soul-mates”.
Idealizing perfect (sixth ray) relationship (Libra) between all people. Social utopianism.
Devotion to art, beauty and all things lovely. Devotion to one’s ‘favorite artists’.
On the Path of Discipleship: keen aspiration to tread the Noble Middle Path, the path of true spiritual development.
On the Path of Discipleship: idealizing union with the soul. Longing for the “marriage in the heavens”—the suffusing of personality life with soul quality.
On the Path of Discipleship: idealizing “Right Human Relations” based on soul recognition and soul love.
On the Path of Discipleship: uplifting one’s own vehicles until they achieve and hold a high and harmonious vibration.
On the Path of Discipleship: inspiring others to live in a state of individual harmony and to express that harmony to others.
(Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Libra, with the sixth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
The ability to understand and balance the many Pairs of Opposites—a capacity possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Libra, combines with the keen vision and perception which allows one to tread the path which leads between the Pairs of Opposites—a capacity induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the sixth ray.
The achievement of balanced (Libra) and “perceptive steadiness” (EP II 38) which leads between the pairs of opposites to the goal.
Earnestly seeking, and finding that which is neither of the pairs of opposites—the state of being.
Envisioning (sixth ray) the ‘Harmony of the Worlds’ (Libra).
Seeking that life in the lower worlds may conform to those high and perfectly balanced relationships between spiritual beings and spiritual principles (as they exist in the higher worlds).
Bringing the highest light of heavenly harmony and peace “down to earth”, and insisting that earthly processes be controlled by this lofty energy. The initiate lives in two worlds—a realm of ideal relations, and a realm of discord and wrong relations. He knows that the lower world can be brought to a more ideal state reflective of the heavenly spheres.
The aspirational fire (sixth ray) which helps to polarize the consciousness within the Spiritual Triad (ruled by Libra—associated with the “Triads”—{EA 35})
The keenest aspiration (sixth ray) to tread the Path (Libra) to the Holy City (cf. DN 23) (Shamballa—Jerusalem—the “City of Peace”, ruled by Libra).
Idealizing, longing for the eventual materialization of Shamballa on Earth.
Directives and Counsels for Libra and the Sixth Ray
(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)
(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)
Adhere To Choices, Agreements and Contracts
Avoid All Deviation From The Noble Middle Path
Be Balanced In Your Pursuit Of The Goal
Be Devoted To Union
Blaze A Trail Between The Pairs Of Opposites
Bring Culture To The Lunar Lords; Civilize The “Beast”
Bring Peace To The Emotional Body
Choose According To Your Highest Ideals
Choose Your Partners Wisely And Realistically, And Not According To Impulse
Collaborate With Others On All Missions Of Importance
Commit Yourself To Tread The Noble Middle Way
Cooperate Faithfully
Decide With Conviction
Decide For Yourself—Even As You Follow Those Who Lead
Dedicate Yourself To Peace
Deliberate Carefully Before Treading Any Path
Devote Yourself To Balanced Living
Devote Yourself To Right Relationship
Encourage Cooperation
Find And Follow The Straight And Narrow Path Which Leads Between The Pairs Of Opposites.
Hold Fast To Your Decisions
Hold Firm To Your Ideal—Yet Practice Righteous Compromise
Hold The “Vision” In Right Proportion
Idealize A Perfect Peace
Idealize Balance And Equilibrium
If Hate The Lower Forms You Must, Then Love, At Least, The Higher
Keep Your Balance As You Tread The Path
Let Peace For All Humanity Be Your Greatest Cause
Mediate In Conflicts Of Belief
Merge With “The Beloved”
Moderate Any Fanatical Tendencies
Moderate Your Intensity
Negate Desire Between The Lower Pairs Of Opposites
Patiently Assess Before Committing
Persist In The Fulfillment Of Contracts And Agreements
Preserve Balance In Devotion
Preserve A Point Of View Unbiased, When Pursuing Any Cause
Quest For Peace
Race Not Towards Your Goal—Measure Well Your Pace
Reflect When Impulse Comes
Regulate Your Human Passions
Relate With Sincerity
Remain Loyal In Partnership And Marriage
See The Right, But Tread The Path Thereto With Balance
See Karma Bring The Crucifixion To The One Who Crucified
Seek To Merge As One With The “Spirit Of Peace”
Sensitively Perceive The “Vision”
Temper Faith With Reason
Uphold The Truth Revealed By A Knowledge of Divine Proportion
Vision The Reality Shamballa, Only, Can Reveal
Walk The Noble Middle Path, Earnestly And Without Deviation
Whether Following Or Leading—Preserve Your Equilibrium
Mantra for Libra and the Sixth Ray
Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Devotedly, I yearn to find true balance—Illumined, Loving, Lawful Equilibrium.
Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “The Highest Light Controls”—reigning from the Worlds in which Illumined, Loving, Lawful Equilibrium prevails.
Proposed Symbol/Image for R6/Libra: Enraptured at the center of a ‘Scintillating Rosy Flame’, the ‘Devotee of Life’ yearns to merge with one and all, in consummate perfection of relationship.
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Contrasts Between Libra and R6
Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.
Libra |
In Comparison With |
R6 |
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Similarities Between Libra and R6!
An Essential Contrast: Balance contrasts with the tendency to emphasize one pole of any opposition over another.
Achievement of Vision: Both influences are connected with the achievement of Vision—especially clear vision. This comes later for those influenced by the sixth ray than for those conditioned by Libra. In the early days, the sixth ray inclines towards vision of all kinds, but rarely clear or proportional vision. Eventually the sixth ray causes the development of “steadiness of perception through the expansion of consciousness” (EP II 43). The unbiased evaluation of Libra is valuable in clarifying vision.
Inclination Towards Devotion: Both Libra (at a certain point of development) and the sixth ray incline towards devotion. The Tibetan speaks of the “Advanced Man” in Libra in terms of “Devotion and aspiration”. (EA 332) The sixth ray is not only well-known as the Ray of Devotion, but also an influence which naturally induces aspiration.
Linked Through Passion: Both Libra and the sixth ray, at an early point of development, share the factor of passion. Libra: “Unbalanced fiery passion. Human love”. (EA 332) Of the sixth ray the Tibetan informs us, “Curiously enough, it is the potency of this sixth ray force (as it feeds desire) which is responsible for much of the ills and diseases of humanity which are based upon the misuse of the mission and function of sex”. (EH 303) We realize too, the tendency for excess connected with the sixth ray. Further, Mars, the major planet of sex transmits the sixth ray, and is reasonably connected to the functioning of the sacral center. Libra is a sign also closely connected to the sacral center—not only through its own energy, but through the energy of Uranus, its esoteric ruler.
Eventual Peace: Libra is the foremost sign of peace. In early days, the sixth ray (under Mars) is militant and warlike. Later, under the sixth ray (i.e., under its more Neptunian aspect) there develops an orientation towards what the Tibetan calls “peace and not war”. (EP II 43) Thus, peace becomes a high ideal sponsored by the sixth ray.
Oscillation Between the Poles: We are familiar with the idea that Libra inclines towards an oscillation between poles. The Tibetan tells us that “a gentle oscillation now proceeds” (EA 250), in this case between the claims of personality and soul. For the sixth ray the oscillation is not gentle. The Tibetan calls it “vibratory activity between the pairs of opposites” (EP I 42), and it is often characterized by violence, fanaticism, rejection and a too-eager embrace of the part, not the whole. But there is a commonalty here, which eventually brings both types to an appreciation of the “Noble Middle Path”.
More Similarities Later: It is clear that most similarities between Libra and the sixth ray develop more during later phases of evolution than during earlier phases. Libra always rules the “Way which leads between the two great lines of force”. (EA 251) The sixth ray inclines towards the over-emphatic choice of one line or its opposite, but eventually, the sixth ray discovers the wisdom of “choosing the middle way” (EP II 43)
Antidoting Each Other’s Worst Tendencies: There are relationships in which one partner antidotes the worst tendencies of the other. Such is the case between Libra and the sixth ray. Each has virtues which the other requires.
Related to Processes Important at the Second Initiation: The sixth ray governs the second initiation, helping to substitute idealism and aspiration for selfish desire. Libra, a harmonizing sign, conveys the energy of love and helps to reduce the selfishness of desire. “He has, through his willingness to pass through the second initiation, struck the first blow at his innate selfishness and has demonstrated his determination to think in wider and more inclusive terms. The group begins to mean more to him than himself” (R&I 677-678). Libra also brings a sense of proportion to the deglamorization process so important in this degree.
Related to the Process of The Sixth Initiation: The sixth initiation is the Initiation of Decision (therefore, Libra, the ‘Sign of Decision’, is necessarily related). Because it is the sixth initiation (leading to the treading of one of various higher Paths which will lead away from the solar system altogether), the sixth ray is necessarily involved by numerical affinity.
A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Libra is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Sixth Ray is Proposed as Prominent
Annie Besant—English Theosophist, Author in Occultism, Social Reformer, Statesperson; For Many Years Head of the Theosophical Society (Sun Sign)
James Earl “Jimmy” Carter—U.S. President and Humanitarian. Director of “Habitat for Humanity” (Sun Sign and Ascendant)
Michel Cervantes—Spanish Author of Don Quixote (Sun Sign)
Francis of Assisi—Catholic Friar and Preacher, Founder of the Franciscan Order (Proposed Sun Sign)
Mohandas K. Gandhi—Statesman, Non-Violent Liberator of India (Sun Sign and Ascendant)
Charlton Heston—American Actor, Especially in Heroic Roles, and President of the National Rifle Association (Sun Sign)
David Koresh—American Cult Leader, Fanatic, Psychopath (Ascendant)
Sir Walter Scott—English Romantic Novelist (Ascendant)
Girolamo Savonarola—Italian Religious Reformer (Sun Sign)
John Wesley—English Religious Reformer, Founder of Methodism (Ascendant)
Woodrow Wilson—President of the United States during the First World War, Promoter of the League of Nations (Ascendant)
Sun Libra (or Ascendant Libra), R7P (or R7S)
Sun Libra (or Ascendant Libra), R7P (or R7S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R3) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges for a few reasons: firstly, by numerical affinity, as Libra is the seventh zodiacal sign; secondly, strong reinforcement also comes through the seventh ray transmitted through Uranus (esoteric ruler of Libra). The applicable category of reinforcement is Strong by Rulership—Class 2. This reinforcement will be strongest for advanced human beings, aspirants, disciples and initiates—i.e., for those who can respond to the esoteric rulers. Additionally, and thirdly, reinforcement can be considered to arrive through Saturn {hierarchical and exalted ruler of Libra and also Lord of the seventh or lowest systemic and cosmic plane}. Saturn {through its rulership over exactitude of structure} seems to have significant seventh ray associations. In addition, the seventh ray is one of those rays which may be transmitted through Libra along with the third.)
(Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)
The tendency to judge by outer appearances and conventional standards of beauty characteristic of the selfish or self-centered Libra person, combines with the tendency towards superficial traditionalism and judgmentalism induced within the insufficiently-spiritualized personality by the seventh ray.
The attitude that something or someone must look good to be good.
The need to be stylish, to wear what is “in”, to be accepted according to the image one presents. As if, “You are what you wear”.
Over-valuation of social customs, norms and protocols.
Superficial politeness.
Lack of originality. Hesitancy, timidity—over-reliance upon precedent or tradition as a guide to action.
Subservience to the rituals of society—including mating rituals.
Joining clubs, fraternities, sororities to be “in”—to be with the “right people”, to be one of the “right people”.
Over-valuation of heredity, physical lineage and pedigree. The form and status of the “inner man” is forgotten.
Class consciousness. Social snobbery.
(Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Libra, with the seventh ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
The love of beauty, balance and proportion characteristic of the advancing Libran individual, combines with a love of perfect form and perfected expression through form, induced within the spiritually-unfolding personality by the seventh ray.
Distinguished powers of organization, coordinating all people, places and things to maximum advantage with skill-in-action and without forcing.
Excellent managerial abilities.
Noteworthy abilities as at networker.
The use of dress and color coordination for the revelation of the inner nature and quality.
Great social success through saying and doing the “right thing at the right time”, This is already the tendency for the advanced individual upon the seventh ray, and is only strengthened by the social awareness of Libra.
On the Path of Discipleship: learning to treat the personality vehicles wisely and well, so that, vibratorily they can bear the transmutative fire. Libra and the seventh ray together present a very alchemical combination of energies.
On the Path of Discipleship: Libra and the seventh ray properly utilized ensure a wise and appropriate balance between the legitimate demands of the personality and the increasingly regulatory demands of the soul. Usually, all is for the best when there is incremental growth which respects present conditions, while preparing for the transition to a more vibratorily elevated condition. With this combination of energies, time is very rarely lost through haste and missteps.
On the Path of Discipleship: the achievement of spiritual poise.
On the Path of Discipleship: a facilitator of cooperative group interplay.
On the Path of Discipleship: building the group structures and processes which promote group consciousness.
On the Path of Discipleship: correct learning and application of white magical techniques.
On the Path of Discipleship: achieving beauty in manifestation.
(Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Libra, with the seventh ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]
The ability to achieve the “Marriage in the Heavens”, thus merging the “pairs of opposites” soul and personality (and later Monad and soul/personality)—a capacity possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Libra—combines with a facility for bringing about the union of the “highest” and the “lowest”—“The Highest and the Lowest meet”—induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the seventh ray.
In the life of the initiate, Libra and the seventh ray bring about various unions and consummations between polar opposites.
The fusion between soul and personality is consummated. There is a true “marriage in the heavens”; the poles merge, blend and become as one. But as in any marriage, there may be periods of more intense merging, and perhaps, periods of estrangement or even conflict. However the ideal of merging has been established, and the energy created in merging cannot be forgotten. It is now real and not just theoretical.
The spiritualization of sex. Co-creativity with one’s partner. The elevation of the sacral energy to the throat center which, in the advanced disciple or initiate, expresses the seventh ray, and is related to the presentation of speech which is in line with the Divine Plan. Being creative together.
Healing the etheric body (correlated to the seventh ray) through the disciplines of balance.
Further, this combination gives the capacity to merge the spiritual triad with the soul-infused personality. Especially will the abstract mind (“super-mind” ruled by Libra) be linked with the mental unit.
In the seventh ray tradition, the “Holy Guardian Angel” is the Solar Angel, or “Angel of the Presence”. Libra signifies the “Divine Marriage” of personality and Angel (or at least with an aspect of the Angel), and the seventh ray is the ray of consummation, bringing the opposites together.
Eventually, for the high initiate, Libra and the seventh ray would offer the possibility of merging the highest aspect of the human being, the monad, with the lowest aspect of manifestation. The “Highest and the Lowest” would meet. Spirit and matter would be united, and an open channel, via the sushumna, would unite life ‘below’ (the etheric nature) with life ‘above’ (the monadic nature).
Libra and the seventh ray in the life of the initiate, also offers the opportunity to participate in the marriage of the Hierarchy (as a whole) with humanity as a whole. For a long while, this will not be the case. The Hierarchy must first externalize, and the culture of spirituality must recondition the life of humanity. At length, however, will come the time of the merging.
One day this will also be true of Shamballa and humanity. Perhaps we may look for this eventuality in the seventh round.
Just as seven is the number of a “relative perfection”, so in the life of the advanced disciple or initiate, Libra and the seventh ray offer the opportunity for a relative consummation. Venus is always a planet of consummation, and rules Libra exoterically. The final consummation will necessarily involve the final sign, Pisces, in relation to which Venus is exalted.
Directives and Counsels for Libra and the Seventh Ray
(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)
(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)
Appreciate Cultural Traditions
Be An Example Of Social Rectitude—A Pillar Of Society
Be Courteous And Respectful In All Organizational Work
Be Just In Making And Executing The Law
Be Lifted Unto Life And Lift To Life—When “Kundalini” Rises From The Base Unto The Crown
Be Unfailingly Polite In All Social Intercourse
Bring People Together Into Networks
Build Balance, Build In Beauty
Ceremonialize Relationship
Conduct Ceremonies With Grace And Finesse
Consummate Manifestations In Balance And Beauty
Create Smoothly Functioning Organizations and Organisms
Create The Form In Beauty, In Perfection
Design New Patterns And Structures
Equilibrate, Merge And Blend The “Highest And The Lowest”
Facilitate Organizational Transformation
Facilitate Social Interaction Through Politeness
Find The Best Procedures To Make Group Consciousness And Group Interaction Easier Than It Usually Is
Function As Custodian Of The Execution Of The Plan Upon The Lowest Plane
Honor Alliances
Judge According To High Ethical Standards
Learn The Lesson Of the Setting Sun; It Will Animate The Form With Soul
Maintain Your Equilibrium; Preserve Group Equilibrium
Make Exacting Work Seem Effortless
Manage Skillfully, And With Poise, All Responsibilities
Meet The One Applying; Has Transmutation Done Its Work?
Model Beauty In Form
Perceive The Archetypes Of Perfection
Perform Rites And Rituals Elegantly
Practice In The Interludes—The Linking Of The Higher And The Lower
Proceed In A Balanced Manner Towards The Manifestation Of Well-Organized Structures
Promote Truly Cooperative Teamwork
Recompense Justly, Fairly, Exactly
Relate Energies Synthetically
Reorganize Contracts For the Benefit Of All
Respect Precedent
Reveal Beauty In Perfect Form
Sanctify All Sexual Relations
Set The Standard Of Perfection
Skillfully Direct The Forces, Preserving Well The Peace
Solemnize The Bonds Of Right Relationship
Speak With Right Proportion—Constructively, Appropriately
Stand in the Center—The ‘Midway Point’—And Wield The Magical Art
Stand Stably In The Center
Support The Social Contract
Turn And Turn As The Whirling Sphere, Yet Do Not Lose Your Balance
Unify The Poles Through Fire
Value Perfected Form
Watch The Cycles Come And Go—See and Understand, The Rising And The Setting Of The Sun
Work For Both Perfection And An Ease Of Execution
Work For True Proportion In All Matters Of Appearance
Work With Poise As A White Magician
Mantra for Libra and the Seventh Ray
Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I seek expression of the perfect Plan-intended form, in accordance with Illumined, Loving, Lawful Equilibrium.
Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “The Highest and the Lowest Meet”, a Consummation which reveals Illumined, Loving, Lawful Equilibrium—expressed throughout the lower worlds as well as in the higher.
Proposed Symbol/Image for R7/Libra: Invoking at the center of a ‘Magic Circle’ rightly drawn, the ‘Magician of Life’ envisions well the forms which must emerge within the lower worlds, then skillfully and artfully, “brings them through”, expressing them in balance, beauty and correct proportion.
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Contrasts Between Libra and R7
Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.
Libra |
In Comparison With |
R7 |
Discover Potentials to be Derived from
Energetic Similarities Between Libra and R7
Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.
Correlation by Numerical Affinity: Libra correlates numerologically with ray seven because Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac. The esoteric ruler of Libra, Uranus, is also a dispenser of the seventh ray.
Selfish Hesitation: The “power to ‘sit upon the fence’ till the selfish values emerge” (EP I 43), a quality of the selfish seventh ray person, can certainly be recognized as a characteristic of the selfish Libran person as well.
Strong Connection with Sexuality: Both Libra and the seventh ray have a powerful connection with sexuality through their active influence of the sacral center. The seventh ray, through Uranus, rules the sacral center. In earlier days, both may incline towards the unhealthy or perverted use of soul powers in the form of “sex magic”.
Managerial and Administrative Abilities: Both influences incline towards the demonstration of managerial or administrative abilities.
Social Consciousness: Both influences incline towards a strong social consciousness. At a certain stage of evolution, they are both strong facilitators of group consciousness.
Politeness and Courtesy: Both energies incline those under their influence to “do the right thing socially”; politeness and courtesy are characteristic.
Planning and Foresight: Both influences bestow the capacity to plan and to foresee consequences.
Manifestation upon the Physical Plane: Both influences care deeply about manifestation upon the physical plane. Ray seven is specifically focussed upon such manifestation, and Libra is endowed with so many hard-line rays that facility for such manifestation is a natural outcome.
Law, Sex and Money: The triad of foci within Libra—Law, Sex and Money—are certainly important for those in whom the seventh ray is a powerful influence.
Related Directly to the First Initiation: These two energies are much associated with the taking of the first initiation. This initiation is ruled by the seventh ray, and emphasizes bringing the physical/etheric life under regulation and into conformity with the rules of the spiritual path. Rule and law are important features of this initiation, and thus Libra (the seventh signs ruled by seventh-ray Uranus) can be understood as an important contributor to the first initiation. Libra is also the sign of “Right Human Relations” which are essentially ‘Right Soul Relations’ under the Second Law of the Soul—the “Law of Polar Union”. The first initiation marks the point of evolutionary development when conscious soul-relations begin to be strongly possible.
A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Libra is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Seventh Ray is Proposed as Prominent
Paul Foster Case—Astrologer, Occultist, Founder of Builders of the Adytum (Sun Sign)
Aleister Crowley—Notorious Contemporary Magician, Author on the Occult, Ceremonialist (Sun Sign)
Uri Geller—Israeli Telekeneticist and Proponent of Paranormal Phenomena (Ascendant)
Heinrich Himmler—Nazi Leader and Occultist (Sun Sign)
Robert E. Lee—Commander of the Confederate Forces in the American Civil War (Ascendant)
Bela Lugosi—Hungarian-American Actor, Especially in Horror Films (Sun Sign)
Emily Post—American Etiquette Expert (Libra strong, through date and time of birth remain undetermined)