EEC Virgo


Sun (and Ascendant) in Virgo

In Relation to Personalities (and Souls)

On the Seven Rays


I.        Sun Virgo (or Ascendant Virgo), R1P (or R1S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R2 and R6) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the first ray transmitted through Vulcan, one of two veiled esoteric rulers of Virgo. The applicable category is Strong By Rulership—Class 2, indicating that the mutual reinforcement of this combination is experienced far more strongly by the first ray disciple than by the average human being upon the first ray. Presumably, the initiate upon the first ray would also experience the significant strength of the reinforcement, but the second ray transmitted through the hierarchical ruler, Jupiter, would be superceding in strength the first-ray Vulcan transmission. First ray transmissions through Saturn, ruler of the second decanate in both exoteric and esoteric order, would, in general, add to the strength of the mutual reinforcement.)

(a)    (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)


i.                     The caustic, critical nature of the selfish, or self-centered Virgo person combines with a harsh, demanding quality induced within the insufficiently-spiritualized personality by the first ray. (These undesirable qualities would be in the nature of a relapse or reversion to a formerly bound condition, as it is not possible to have a first or second ray personality unless one is at least an aspirant. The first or second ray may, however, enter the personality by other lines of influence.)

ii.                   Harsh destructive criticism.

iii.                  Tearing down, belittling. Mockery. One must stoop low to see the fruits of belittlement.

iv.                 Hostile thought. Shrapnel in the mental world.

v.                   Thoughts like predatory insects.

vi.                 Never satisfied. “Nothing you do will ever be good enough”.

vii.                “No matter how hard you try, no matter how well you think you do, there will always be a flaw which nullifies the value of your effort—and I will find it”.

viii.              Unforgiving. Never forgiving of imperfection—(or, at least, of one’s concept of imperfection).

ix.                 Demanding the fulfillment of the picayune and missing the main point.

x.                   Ignoring the soul, exalting matter and form.

xi.                 Insisting upon the “dead letter”; ignoring the substance.

xii.                Enforcing upon life the ‘tyranny of the tiny’, the minute.

xiii.              Form-destroying pursuit of physical disciplines. Spartan.

xiv.              Misogyny.

xv.               Purging the ‘impure’, or those who do not fit into one’s selfish designs.

xvi.              Extreme intolerance and separatism.

xvii.            Forcing others into service. Demanding to be served.

xviii.           The “Mother” (Virgo) dominates (first ray) both the “Son” and the “Father”


(b)    (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple)


i.                     The highly responsible nature of the advancing Virgo individual combines with the quality of persistent endurance induced within the spiritually-unfolding personality by the first ray.

ii.                   Fulfilling all responsibilities down to the last detail.

iii.                  Strength (first ray) and humility (Virgo)

iv.                 Directing the fulfillment of all those thing no one else wishes to do

v.                   Great persistence in performing the unpleasant

vi.                 On the Path of Discipleship: forcing oneself to service. Engaging with indefatigability in the “hard work” of service.

vii.                On the Path of Discipleship: enduring until that which must come to birth, has come to birth.

viii.              One the Path: not letting a single flaw or deficiency escape unchallenged by the will to correct it.

ix.                 On the Path of Discipleship: forcing the personality to serve the soul

x.                   On the Path of Discipleship: a rigorous disciplining and purifying of all aspects of the personality. Enforced chastity, celibacy, vegetarianism, etc.

xi.                 On the Path of Discipleship: one must beware of unnecessarily killing the personality. “Killing the Amazon Queen”.


(c)    (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate)[Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Virgo, with the first ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]


i.                     The love of divine perfection of the soul-inspired disciple/initiate born in or under Virgo, combines with the self-sacrificial will induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the first ray.

ii.                   Strenuous self-sacrifice in bringing the Christ to birth—in the individual, in the group and in humanity.

iii.                  Gladly giving one’s life, if need be, so that the second aspect of divinity may emerge in humanity.

iv.                 Guarding and defending the Christ Consciousness.

v.                   Submitting in utter self-abnegation (Virgo) to the Divine Will (first ray).

vi.                 Fortifying the vessel in form through which the Christ Consciousness may express.

vii.                Creating and enforcing laws within society by means of which the “Pearl of Culture” may be protected from destruction and safely preserved.

viii.              Synthesizing the triple manifestation of Mother, Father and Child.

ix.                 Preserving with full strength the values which emanate from the higher worlds.

x.                   Maintaining the highest standards of quality; allowing no compromise in the fulfillment of these standards.

xi.                 Forging in strength (Vulcan) the perfect forms which reflect the perfection of the higher worlds.

xii.                The practical realization that spirit and matter are one and the same.

xiii.              Forcing matter to conform to the Divine Will in every particular.

xiv.              Representing Shamballa through the energy of Purification.


Directives for Virgo and the First Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work):


Mantra for Virgo and the First Ray



Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I seek with will and power, to know the Father/Mother/Child as One—and Christ as Light within the Whole.


Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “I Assert the Fact”—that the Father/Mother/Child are One, God and Matter Joining through the Light of Christ the Son.


Proposed Symbol for R1/Virgo: Standing at the center in the ‘Nucleus of Power’ and wielding with skill the ‘Discriminative Sword’, the Leader


Well Known Individuals Hypothesized as Expressing this Combination of Rays and Signs:


1.                   Augustus Caesar—Roman Emperor: (62 B.C. – 14 A.D.) September 21, 62 B.C., NS, Rome, Italy, 5:35 AM, LMT (Source: LMR cites Fagan who, in American Astrology, 1969 quotes the historian Sutonius, Lives of a Dozen Caesars ) Planetary positions vary depending upon which program is used to calculate B.C. positions. Died, Aug. 19, AD 14, Nola, near Naples

An alternative time is given by the Encyclopedia Britannica: September 23, 63 BC. Marc Penfield give September 22, 63 BC.

(Ascendant, Virgo with Sun in Virgo rising, with Mercury also in Virgo; MC, Gemini with Pluto also in Gemini; Uranus and Neptune in Cancer conjunct, with Jupiter also in Cancer’ Moon in Capricorn; Venus in Scorpio; Mars conjunct Saturn and the NN in Taurus’)

However, according to LMR in The American Book of Charts, while Sun, Mercury and Ascendant are in Virgo, Moon is in Capricorn; Mars is in Taurus with the NN; Venus is in Scorpio; Jupiter is in Cancer)


This discrepancy can be solved by noticing that the Rodden Chart, though stating 62 BC, is calculated for 63 BC and not 62 BC.

The charts for the 22nd, (Penfield) and the 23rd (Britannica) yield an Aquarius Moon. That is the only significant difference.

Grandson of Julius Caesar. A cold, calculating statesman who knew how to win popular affection. Became Emperor in 27BC. During his lifetime Rome reached its greatest glory, a golden age of literature and architecture. Mention the presence of R7 and R3.

2.                   Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill—British Statesman, Prime Minister 1940-1945, 1951-1955, Orator, Author, Historian, Artist: November 30, 1874, Blenheim Palace, England, 1:30 AM, LMT. (Source: entry in father’s diary, and a letter written by his father. Rectified to 1:19 AM by T. Pat Davis). Died, January 25, 1965, London, England.


(Ascendant, Virgo {some suggest Libra}; Midheaven, Gemini; Sun Sagittarius with Venus also in Sagittarius; Moon and Uranus in Leo; Mercury in Scorpio; Mars conjunct Jupiter in Libra; Saturn in Aquarius; Neptune in Aries; Pluto in Taurus)


Winston Churchill was undoubtedly one of the greatest statesmen of the twentieth century. So many and varied were his notable achievements, that few can equal the scope, depth and variety of his impact upon the progress and welfare of the human race. He was a man of extraordinary vitality and resilience, imagination, intelligence and daring—a truly great patriot, leader and defender of the values of Western civilization, one of humanity’s most inspiring orators, an author and historian of the first rank, a talented amateur painter, and a writer with a masterful command of the English language. Although the positive aspects of his character overshadowed by far his liabilities, these too, were significant and surprising—excessive and ill-considered zeal, stubbornness, arrogance, inconsistency and a kind of perpetual adolescence exacerbated by an immoderate use of alcohol.


Humanity owes an inestimable debt of gratitude to Winston Churchill. Without exaggeration it can be said that the heroic valor of his spirit was a decisive force in preventing the enslavement of humanity by the horrific tyranny loosed upon the world by the Nazi regime. Churchill (and the soul of Britain he inspired in those dark days in the early 1940’s) held out, virtually alone, against the murderous onslaught of the world’s mightiest military machine (the German Army) directed by malicious and hateful individuals who were obsessed by a vision of world conquest and domination. The odds were overwhelmingly against Britain’s survival. Once the Luftwaffe unleashed its full fury against the English cities and military bases, it was conservatively estimated that the country would fall in less than three months. The German war machine seemed invincible and hope but a cruel illusion.      

In terms of men and materiel the situation was, indeed, desperate, but wars are not won and lost on the basis of physical realities alone. Deep-seated psychological and spiritual factors played their crucial part, and it is here that Churchill’s character was worth millions of soldiers in the field. Well he knew that Western civilization (not just Britain) was in mortal peril. So deep was his love of that civilization and its cherished values, that his will was strengthened to a point inconceivable by normal standards. If the selfish and sadistic rulers of Nazi Germany were obsessed by members of the Black Lodge, then Winston Churchill was, equally, obsessed by the “Forces of Light”, by the “Good”. No doubt the Masters of the Wisdom directed towards him potent streams of vitalizing energy and inspiration, to sustain this man whose spirit stood as a bulwark between a besieged civilization and the yawning abyss. Had Britain fallen, Germany would not have been forced to fight a war on two fronts, and, through the concentration of its superbly trained forces, may well have prevailed over the Soviet Union. With all of Europe and the Soviet Union subdued, America, threatened from the West by Japanese aggression, and still inadequately armed compared to Germany, would have been gravely endangered. World enslavement under Germany and the Axis Powers would have been conceivable, and with it, the beginning of a thousand years of darkness—a “re-initiation into the Earth…”. The Tibetan described the dire possibility in this way:       

“If this does not take place [humanity’s ability to ‘use the mind as a reflector of soul purpose’], the present situation will turn into something far worse—a situation wherein the mass of men will be ‘re-initiated into the Earth and forced to turn their backs upon the dawning light.’ A dark period of civilisation will ensue. Instead of the dark cave of initiation wherein the light of the initiate's own nature illumines the darkness and so demonstrates his command of light, the dark cave of materialism and of physical, animal control will take the place of the ‘lighted Way.’ The earthy aspect of Capricorn, the lowest concrete aspect of the mind and an increased control by the Taurian spirit in its worst form will take the place of the divine possibility of entrance into greater light,…” (EA 543) (It should be noted that a number of Nazi leaders were powerfully conditioned by Taurus and Capricorn—Hitler especially—and by Scorpio as well.)               

That this terrible fate was possible (and even probable) was the conviction of the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet Who, in the latter days of 1942, were preparing to withdraw from contact with humanity, convinced that the human race would indeed go down to defeat, and that the Black Lodge would triumph.


But Britain did not collapse. It stood, with firm and unflinching steadfastness before an overwhelming superiority of men and arms. This resolute refusal to give up was the glory of the British soul—yes—but that glory was magnificently inspired by the valiant spirit/soul of one man who insisted that not only would Britain stand, but that it would prevail in victory over Hitler and his Germany. With one-pointed almost superhuman intent, Churchill willed Hitler’s defeat—and it came to pass. He held the blazing torch of fiery resistance to evil when so few fires of freedom flamed against the encroaching darkness. Churchill. consumed in the fires of the Will-to-Good, burned with such persistence that, at length, the many lesser torches were ignited; a roaring bonfire at last arose and, directed against the aggressor, consumed it completely.


Winston Churchill and his Britain could not have won the war without the tremendous sacrifices of the United States, the Soviet Union and all their allies, but at a time when few seemed to care, or care enough, about the fate of humanity, he, at least, refused to lose the war—thereby buying precious time in which those, less alert to the peril than he recognized, could awaken and mobilize their forces. In the development of all great conflicts there are pivotal moments—hinge points—upon the outcome of which the future is decisively determined. The Battle of Britain was such a moment. Britain survived still strong; Germany paused and changed direction, divided its focus and was, at length, drawn into a war on two fronts which it could not sustain. Thus, did Germany meet its final defeat. The Battle of Britain and the victory of  the British resistance were the beginning of the end of German invincibility.


Which is the Correct Astrological Chart for Winston Churchill?


For many years it was supposed that the proper Ascendant for Winston Churchill’s astrological chart was Scorpio. Indeed, his powerful Scorpio qualities were easily discerned and the assumption seemed logical and astrologically valid.           

Some however, suggested a Libra Ascendant. Again, Libra is a sign evident in Churchill’s nature (he has two planets, Mars and Jupiter in this sign), and often appears in the charts of generals, public figures, and those who do not so much
start wars as finish them.


Then, a letter from Winston Churchill’s father, Randolph Churchill, and an entry from his diary were discovered, stating that Winston’s birth had occurred at 1:30 AM, and not a few hours later as had been supposed. Although the 1:30 AM time is under suspicion as being, at least, slightly rounded-off, it gives an Ascendant different from those used previously (an Ascendant in the last degree of Virgo)—which might seem an unlikely Rising Sign for one of the world’s most resolute and willful wartime statesmen. Yet, this Ascendant has been accepted by many astrologers and rectified by some. Some have rectified this time slightly forward to as to produce, again, a Libra Ascendant. At least one other has rectified the time to about ten minutes earlier, to produce an Ascendant unequivocally in Virgo.


Some Justifications for the Virgo-Rising Chart


As one examines the chart with the Virgo Ascendant, number of convincing justifications emerge.


1.       Physiognomically, the Virgo Ascendant makes sense. The 28th degree of Virgo, for instance, lies in the Taurus decanate of Virgo. Churchill’s decidedly ‘bull-dog’ appearance is, therefore, at least partially accounted for. A close examination of the facial structure of those born in the any of the three decanates of Virgo, will show the last decanate (20° - 30°), all things being equal, to be the ‘beefiest’. As with both Mercurial signs (Virgo and Gemini) the physiognomy will depend much upon the position of Mercury (as in the case of a well-known triple-Gemini individual, Queen Victoria, who had physiognomically-determining Mercury in Taurus).

2.       A Virgo Ascendant would emphasize the importance of the planet Mercury, placed in Scorpio. A Scorpio Ascendant, on the other hand, contradicts the birth information found in the letter and diary entry of Churchill’s father. A rectification producing a Libra Ascendant emphasizes the importance of Venus rather than Mercury. Venus is important, and can be seen in the Churchill’s fair and florid appearance, but Mercury in Scorpio is even more important—both physiognomically and psychologically. 

a.       Churchill was a war correspondent (Mercury in Scorpio), a master of irony, sarcasm and biting humor (Mercury in Scorpio), and was, perhaps, the greatest war-time orator in modern history (Mercury in Scorpio in the second house ruling the voice).

b.       His caustic criticism—so characteristically Churchillian—makes far more sense if the clarity and sharpness of critical Virgo reinforce the sting of the Scorpionic Mercury. This would be the case were Virgo the Ascendant.

c.       He was a master of English prose (grammatical Virgo rising) and claimed to understand “the essential structure of the normal British sentence—which is a noble thing” (a skill, by imputation, beyond the capacity of most writers).

d.       Churchill was, of course, a great writer—in fact receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953, for his history in six volumes, The Second World War. After 1899, he made his living through the pen—thus his Mercury in the second house of personal finances is a convincing placement. This Mercury position is, of course, emphasized considerably if the Ascendant is Virgo.

e.       It must further be remarked that Churchill’s thrilling exactitude in the use of words is far more Virgoan than Libran.

f.        The emphasis upon Mercury through a Virgo Ascendant accounts for Churchill’s extraordinary mobility—for instance, his eagerness during both wars to go wherever he might be needed—to the front lines, to meet on numerous occasions Franklin Roosevelt, to fly to Russia to meet with Stain—he was simply always ready to go.

g.       Perhaps, as well, the presence of the Vulcanian cane or walking-stick is a hint about the importance of Virgo/Vulcan. Vulcan was a ‘god with a limp’.  

3.       Thus, we notice quite a number of Virgoan traits in this great leader. It should be pointed out that, were Libra the Ascendant, there would be no astrological influence of Virgo in the chart, but with Virgo as the Ascendant, the astrological influence of Libra is still very much present, through the Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Libra.

4.       When one thinks of Churchill’s emphatic character, his remarkable stamina, his refusal to give up or give in, it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that Vulcan (the planet of persistence and endurance) is mightily important. The Virgo Ascendant, esoterically ruled by Moon-Veiled Vulcan (and Neptune), gives the necessary Vulcanian emphasis.. It seems that in the case of advanced Virgo individuals, one must often, if not always, choose between the importance of Vulcan or Neptune. In Churchill’s case, Vulcan is the obvious choice, though Neptune (planet of romanticism) should not be discounted.

5.       The Taurus decanate of Virgo does offer an important Venusian sub-influence, but again, an esoteric rulership by Vulcan is important. Thus, twice, Vulcan emerges within the context of a Virgo Ascendant, and not at all with a Libra Ascendant. We must remember that Vulcan rules “men of will”. (cf. EA 264)

6.       Remembering that the principal esoteric ruler of Virgo is the Moon, Churchill’s Moon in Leo, conjunct Regulus, the “Heart of the Lion” is a highly significant placement. Here is great star of law and command, emphasizing, because conjoined with the Moon, Churchill’s tremendous personal authority and magnetism. He became the very embodiment (Leo, and the Moon as the “Mother of the Form”) of Britain’s courage and greatness of heart (Leo).

7.       Of course, there are matters of timing which suggest the importance of a late Virgo Ascendant, giving, as it does, a late Gemini Midheaven.

a.       The Nobel Prize for Literature was received on a conjunction of Jupiter to the late Gemini MC.

b.       Churchill resigned the office of Prime Minister of Great Britain within the range of a solar eclipse which occurred within less than a degree of the 27°Gemini22’ MC of the 1:19 AM rectified chart. He resigned on April 5, 1955 and the eclipse occurred on June 20, 1955. An earlier solar eclipse at 2°Capricorn59’ on December 25th, 1954, would also be considered effective (especially in an early Libra-rising chart) but other matters of timing make such a chart less likely.

c.       There are a number of aspects and eclipses to indicate his marriage on September 12, 1908, but, interestingly, the progressed Ascendant of the rectified Virgo chart, has reached natal Jupiter (indicator of marriages, and, also, orthodox ruler of his Pisces seventh house cusp—the marriage cusp). If the time were a little earlier than the 1:19 AM proposed by T. Pat Davis, the accuracy of the P-Ascendant/N-Jupiter conjunction would be even more exact. There is also a lunar eclipse at 23°Sagittarius04', about four degrees off the 27°Gemini22’ MC of the 1:19 AM chart. Again, a slightly earlier time would make it closer, and also tighten the T-Jupiter to MC aspect on his reception of the Nobel Prize for Literature.

d.       In January of 1919, Churchill became Secretary of War. A lunar eclipse occurred on Dec 18 1918 at 25°Ge03' (just two degrees of the proposed Gemini MC). Again, the eclipse suggests a time slightly earlier than 1:19 AM, but would be effective in any case. It would not be effective with a Libra Ascendant and a consequent Capricorn MC.

e.       In the autumn of 1922, Churchill became the worst casualty of the fall of an already shaky coalition government; shortly afterwards had an attack of appendicitis (Virgo and Scorpio), and was unable to campaign properly, losing the election for which he was standing by a humiliating margin. There is a solar eclipse at on Sep 21 1922 at 27°Virgo25', just 34 minutes of arc from the 27°Virgo59' Ascendant proposed by T. Pat Davis. Again, a slightly earlier time of birth would render the already close eclipse even more exact. (There is a trend here which points to the validity of a time of birth perhaps slightly earlier than 1:19 AM.)

f.        As a final “pièce de resistance”, marshaled for the purpose of validating the Virgo Ascendant, the Sabian Symbol for the 28th degree of Virgo rising is almost supernaturally congruent with Churchill’s image: “A Bald-Headed Man Who Has Seized Power”, or “A Bald-Headed Man Dominates a Gathering of National Figures”; “The sheer power of personality in times that call for decision”; “The Power of the Will”. These images are uncannily accurate, given the nature of Churchill’s character and the circumstances which brought him to his greatest power. Can the individual who rectified the chart from 1:30 AM to 1:19 AM have been aware of this symbol, and was it his principal reason for choosing that time? Probably not, as there are a number of other convincing astrological confirmations (especially matters of timing) and, in any case, the same symbol would have been in effect with a birth time as early as 1:13:30 AM—more the five minutes from the chosen time of 1:19 AM. The Sabian Symbols were derived in the earlier part of the century, and indicate a specific quality of energy which inheres in each of the 360 degrees. Are they universally accurate and useful? This has yet to be convincingly determined. In this case, the symbol for the proposed degree of Churchill’s Ascendant captures a description of character which is, to say the least, remarkably apt.

g.       Perhaps the foregoing reasons will offer a sufficiently convincing justification for a Virgo Ascendant to allow us to proceed confidently with the interpretation.


Hypotheses Regarding Winston Churchill’s Rays


The Soul Ray: Ray I


There can be little doubt that Winston Churchill’s soul ray is the first Ray of Will and Power. Almost single-handedly, Churchill saved European civilization from barbarism. He did so by sheer force of character, and by a refusal to surrender no matter how punitively savage the attacks against Britain. He persisted; he endured; he stood and at the same time inspired his countrymen to dogged resistance and heroic countermeasures and offensives against the enemy. Clearly, these are all first ray virtues, and of them, Churchill was an outstanding example.


Astrological Conduits for the First Ray


The astrological conduits for the first ray force are noteworthy and important. Constellationally, the first ray signs Aries and Leo are tenanted—Aries holding Neptune, the North Node, the planetoid, Chiron, and the asteroid, Pallas Athene; Leo holds the all important Leo Moon, for which we may substitute the planet Uranus (already in Leo), thus adding weight to the Moon position as a conduit of the first ray. The star, Regulus, within less than a degree and a half from the Moon, adds its first ray, regulatory and directorial, power. Churchill was not a dictator, but his powers of persuasion were immense, strengthened (at least during the war) by his irresistible force of character.      

Uranus, monadically a first ray planet, is in the first ray sign Leo, in the house of idealistic group action, the eleventh. It opposition to Saturn (with its own first ray component) in Aquarius strengthens the first ray, creating a tension concerning how the first ray shall be applied—whether conservatively (Saturn) or creatively (Uranus), or both.


If sixth ray Neptune is considered one of the veiled esoteric rulers of Virgo, its placement in first ray Aries creates a combination of the first and sixth rays, and, thus, augments the power to inspire.


The importance of Vulcan—that most willful planet—has already been stressed. Following the presently useful rule of thumb that Vulcan should be no more than eight degrees on either side from the Sun’s position (many say, toward Mercury), the probability is that it would be found in Sagittarius (the sign of inspiration), but a possibility also exists that it might be found in the last degree of Scorpio. If found in Sagittarius, again the first ray (Vulcan) and the sixth ray Sagittarius are combined. Churchill was the master of the “set speech” over which he took enormous pains (fourth ray as “Corrector of the Form”), rather than the impromptu. A comment attributed to F. E. Smith, a British lawyer and politician illustrates this: “Winston has devoted the best years of his life to preparing his impromptu speeches”. The politician Lord Balfour, the Conservative leader said of him, that he carried “heavy by not very mobile guns”. Churchill knew how to take aim with those big guns, and Vulcan in Sagittarius would promote the undeniable power of his oratory to move and inspire. Churchill’s tremendous power of resistance, his one-pointed willfulness, suggests a Vulcan closer to the Sun rather than farther.


Pluto, another conduit of the first ray, must be mentioned, placed as it is in Vulcan’s sign, Taurus, and opposite the all-important ruling planet Mercury in Scorpio, a sign which Pluto rules. The ability to transmit will through the word, is thereby many times increased. Churchill was gifted with the word-power to destroy obstacles in the mental field. He was master of morale, rousing the British to unexpected heights of courage and resistance. Churchill spoke frankly of Britain’s dire situation: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat”, but this brutal frankness had the effect not of depressing the nation, but of summoning its valor to the fore. The T-square between Pluto, Uranus and Mercury, with Uranus on the short leg, represents the ability to mobilize group-courage (Uranus in Leo) through the compelling force (Pluto) of speech (Mercury). From yet another perspective, the Pluto/Mercury opposition can be seen as contributing to Churchill’s speech defect—the impediment of lisping and stuttering—which at length he overcame through sheer determination and oratorical power.          

Sometime first ray Saturn reinforces by sextile the Sagittarian Sun, and Mars (with its own first ray component) conjunct expansive Jupiter (both in karmically motivated Libra), confers the power to retaliate against the aggressor—mobilizing the counter-blow.


Searching for the Personality Ray—Either Ray Six or Ray Four


When it comes to assigning the personality ray, we are faced with a dilemma, because both the fourth and sixth rays are so strongly represented that it is difficult to choose between them. Both of them are active on the personality level, and it is merely a question of discovering which is the principal ray and which is its sub-quality.


The Case For (and Against) a Fourth Ray Personality


1.       Winston Churchill was a colorful and dramatic character, notable for his lack of discipline in a number of personal matters—he drank and smoked to excess—though, in all matters of high purpose, his focus and concentration were absolute.

2.       Churchill was moody and experienced periodic bouts of heavy depression—“the black dog on my back”. Depression is not an attribute of the fourth ray alone, but such natures are cyclically prone to it.

3.       He was a man of temperament, with a great love expressive language and of painting. Of course, the artist, we are told by the Tibetan, is found equally on all the rays, but it cannot be denied that the fourth ray is especially connected with artistic expression. His two important planets in Libra (Jupiter and Mars) would, in part, account for this expressiveness, as well as Venus (planet of art and beauty) is partially fourth ray Sagittarius. The fourth ray Moon is self-expressive Leo is undeniably important, as well.

4.       A certain British Labour politician, Aneurin Bevin, said of him, “He is a man suffering from petrified adolescence”. His frequent errors in judgment were a product of an erratic fourth ray nature as much as the over-zealousness of the sixth.

5.       The factor of steadfastness—an objective most often yet to be achieved by the fourth ray personality, was already and indisputably present in Churchill’s psychological equipment. One can ask whether a fourth ray personality (with its proverbial inconstancy) could have withstood the pressures of leading Britain safely throughout the harrowing war years.

Conduits for the Fourth Ray

There can be no question that the fourth ray is prominent in Churchill’s ray chart—the question is, does it condition the personality as well as the mind (of which more shortly).

1.       All three constellational conduits for the fourth ray are tenanted.

2.       Scorpio, the major fourth ray constellation, holds the major planet of the fourth ray—Mercury—in its hierarchical position.

3.       Sagittarius, a sign transmitting the fourth, fifth and sixth rays, holds the both the Sun and Venus (a planet which, for its capacity to harmonize, seems to have important fourth ray associations).

4.       Taurus, another sign transmitting only the fourth ray (at least this is what D.K. tells us), holds the lethal planet Pluto

5.       The fourth ray Moon is in a sign (Leo) which sign, itself, brings out a fourth ray quality—drama.

6.       The sign Libra, associated with the process of harmonization (as is the fourth ray), holds conflict-prone Mars (thus, Mars in Libra is a ‘war-and-peace’ position), and benevolent Jupiter (emphasizing more the harmony aspect of the fourth ray)


The Case for a Sixth ray Personality


1.       Churchill was one of the most inspiring statesmen of the modern world. His powers to arouse, motivate and uplift (in even the darkest hours) were extraordinary, incomparable. The sixth ray is, above all rays, the ray of inspiration. Perhaps his greatest gift to Britain was that he never allowed its morale to flag. The power and presence of the sixth ray are unmistakable.

2.       Churchill was a great orator—not because he screamed and gesticulated wildly as did Hitler, but because of the clarity and perfection of his language (Virgo), the steady, dignified and controlled emotion which underlay his delivery, and an unmistakable nobility of thought and aspiration which poured through his thrilling words—spoken with greatness and generosity of heart. The sixth ray, above all rays, makes the great orator.

3.       He approached life with what some have called, “characteristic Churchillian intensity”. He threw himself into his projects with immoderate zeal. Whether he proposed to lead Britain to victory, write a book, or paint a picture, he was zealous in approach. The sixth ray is the ‘Ray of Undue Emphasis’. (cf., DINA I 322-323) His relish for dramatic action often led him beyond acceptable limits.

4.       Churchill never wavered with regard to his major objectives. Disconcertingly, he might change tactics, sometimes unwisely, but in intent he was inflexible—a quality of the sixth ray (much reinforced by the first). One of his own statements of purpose will give the idea:       

“I have only one purpose, the destruction of Hitler, and my life is much simplified thereby. If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons”.

One has to laugh and simultaneously applaud. The humor of the fourth ray mind dances in these words, but the obsessive intent cannot be mistaken. The Tibetan has said of the sixth ray man, “his friends are angels, his enemies are very much the reverse”
(EP I 209) This one-pointed (Sagittarius and the sixth ray) will to destroy Hitler is a perfect expression of the sixth ray.

5.       Churchill’s personal energy was prodigious and almost constant. He was ‘down’ now and then (for the fourth ray was strong), but his enormous resilience was proverbial. He drove the British Government with his immense and unrelenting energy—too intent and too focussed to be purely the product of the inconstant fourth ray on the personality level.

6.       Churchill was a great idealist. When Greece, the cradle of Western civilization (as Churchill saw it) came under heavy attack, Churchill (idealistically more than strategically and wisely) diverted many badly needed troops from the North African theatre in the attempt to rescue that brave nation. He suffered the consequences, not really achieving his objective and sacrificing a nearly-achieved advantage in North Africa.

7.       When the Duke of Windsor decided to abdicate his throne to marry the lady he loved (a “commoner”—Wallis Warfield Simpson), Churchill quixotically and romantically defended his decision, even though public opinion was strongly against the abdication. Interestingly, that year, there was a solar eclipse within twenty-two minutes of arc of the proposed Gemini MC, and another solar eclipse on Churchill’s Venus in Sagittarius—hence his support of King Edward’s romanticism. The sixth ray, expressed through Neptune (and in a deep way through Venus) is the ray of romanticism—reinforced, of course, by the fourth.


Conduits for the Sixth ray

1.       From a certain perspective, all three of the constellations/signs expressing the sixth ray are tenanted.

2.       Sagittarius, of course, is the major sixth ray sign and it holds the Sun—in itself a strong indication of a possibly sixth ray personality. Venus, ruler of the third (or Taurus) decanate of the Virgo Ascendant is also of importance, and Venus is trine the sixth ray planet Neptune, which, itself, is a veiled esoteric co-ruler of the Virgo Ascendant.

3.       The proposed Virgo Ascendant also transmits the sixth ray. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, placed in Scorpio, a sign strongly conditioned by sixth ray Mars. Virgo is also ruled by the veiled Vulcan and Neptune. Vulcan is probably placed in sixth ray Sagittarius and sixth ray Neptune is placed in Aries, which, like Scorpio, is a sign conditioned by sixth ray Mars.

4.       The Equatorial Ascendant (not insignificant, especially as it is conjuncting the normal Ascendant) is placed in sixth ray Virgo.

5.       The Anti-Vertex is also found is sixth ray Virgo, conjunct both the Equatorial Ascendant and the Ascendant, and the Vertex (which sign is significant for the quality of fated encounters) is placed in sixth ray Pisces.

6.       Vesta, asteroid of devotional commitment, is opposed the Sun.

7.       Mars and Jupiter, both planets of enthusiasm (Mars with a strong sixth ray, and Jupiter with sixth ray resonances on some level of its expression) are conjunct each other.

8.       Sixth ray Neptune in sixth ray Mars-ruled Aries is closely trine the Moon (which presides largely over the sixth or watery astral plane of emotions.


Choosing the Personality Ray


As we can see, there are good reasons for choosing either of these rays (sixth or fourth) as the personality ray. While both rays share the ‘pros’, perhaps there are more ‘cons’ against the fourth ray. Churchill’s unremitting zeal in the defense of his nation and the pursuit of Hitler, suggests more the sixth ray than the fourth. His Nazi opponent, was, in the author’s new estimation, also a first ray soul, and very reasonably a sixth ray personality. If Churchill possessed a sixth ray personality, then the two of them were matched fatefully and equally—engaged in a relentless battle to the death. Curiously, Hitler almost ‘courted’ Churchill, feeling rather like a rejected suitor when Churchill refused Hitler’s frequent secret overtures for Anglo-German cooperation. Hitler, it seems, loved England in a strange way—identifying Englishmen with the Aryan Race. Churchill, on the other hand, simply hated Hitler (however, impersonally) and all that he stood for—without, however, hating Germany.           

Churchill spoke so often against the irresolution of the British leaders who preceded him, that a double fourth ray would be unlikely—the potential for the very irresolution that he deplored would be too great.     

Perhaps the reader will find the following quotation from the Encyclopedia Britannica a convincing testimony to the strength of Churchill’s sixth ray—most reasonably assigned to the personality level:


In a sense, the whole of Churchill's previous career had been a preparation for wartime leadership. An intense patriot; a romantic believer in his country's greatness and its historic role in Europe, the empire, and the world; a devotee of action who thrived on challenge and crisis; a student, historian, and veteran of war; a statesman who was master of the arts of politics, despite or because of long political exile; a man of iron constitution, inexhaustible energy, and total concentration, he seemed to have been nursing all his faculties so that when the moment came he could lavish them on the salvation of Britain and the values he believed Britain stood for in the world”.


Note the keywords: “intense patriot”, “romantic believer”, “devotee of action”, a man capable of “total concentration”—there is nothing here to suggest the vacillation of the fourth ray, should both the personality and mind be qualified by that ray.


It is the conclusion of the author, therefore, that assigning Churchill a sixth ray personality has the greatest explanatory power, accounting most for his character and behavior. The Sun (so strong a contributor to the quality of the personality ray) is in the major sixth ray sign, which sign also expresses the fourth ray. It is reasonable to think of Churchill therefore as colored in his personality by both rays, but predominantly and preeminently by the sixth and modified by the fourth—a ray which almost certainly is the main ray of the concrete mental vehicle.


The Ray of the Mind: Ray 4, Sub-Ray 1


Here there can be little doubt: the planet of the fourth ray, Mercury, is the exoteric ruler of the Ascendant and placed in a sign which is, during this world period, most identified with the expression of the fourth ray—Scorpio.  Further, Mercury in Scorpio is found in the second house, associated with Taurus, another fourth ray sign. It must be said however, that Mercury is quite close to the house of communication, the house three (by the Placidus house system) where it would have a certain suitability. Mercury can also be ‘read into’ the third house, because its sign is the same as the sign on the cusp of the third house.


For his noble prose, his constant colorful contrasts, for the delightful and arresting surprises in his turns of phrase, for the exhaustive labor he expended upon his choice of words, for his refinement and harmony of expression, for his irony and pungent humor, and for the power of his evocative imagery—for all these reasons, assigning the fourth ray as the ray of the mind seems incontestable.


Perhaps a few quotations from his various speeches and writings will demonstrate the fourth ray quality with clarity.           

“So they told me how Mr. Gladstone read Homer for fun, which I thought served him right”—from My Early Life, Ch. 2.


Note the element of surprise, playful irreverence and unpredictability characteristic of the fourth ray.


“Those who can win a war well can rarely make a good peace and those who could make a good peace would never have won the war”—from My Early Life, Ch. 26.


Here the fourth ray ability to compare, contrast and oppose one thing to another is demonstrated. Churchill’s frequent symmetry of phrasing suggests the use of the fourth ray.


“In defeat unbeatable; in victory unbearable”—referring to Viscount Montgomery, commander of the North African forces.


Here the fourth ray, which might be called the ‘Ray of Contradiction’, is used to emphasize (with a mixture of praise and humor) the contradictions in Montgomery’s character.


“The is the sort of English up with which I will not put”—taken from Churchill’s commentary in the margin of a report in which a Civil Servant had used an awkward construction to avoid ending a sentence with a proposition.


This is one of Churchill’s most humorous grammatical remarks (perfectly in keeping with his proposed Virgo Ascendant) . It uses the fourth ray method of exaggeration to prove the point

“Men will forgive anything except bad prose”—from an election speech, 1906.


Again, Churchill surprises us. We have to remember that Uranus (the planet of surprises) is quite closely square to his Mercury in Scorpio. He simply does not say what is expected. The fourth ray uses this technique to shock (and delight) by contrast and thus engage the reader’s attention.


“I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma”—from a Broadcast Talk, October 1, 1939.


Here Churchill is doing some fourth ray word painting, creating a very evocative effect overall.


“We are waiting for the promised invasion. So are the fishes”—from a radio broadcast to the French People, October 21, 1940.


Here we have the fourth ray love of humorous contrast. Always the fourth ray in the mind offers the possibility of the surprising non-sequitur.


“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”—referring to the Battle of Egypt in a speech on November 10, 1942.


Here again is the fourth ray love of word-play, creating so many contrasts that the reader is made to think.


“There are few virtues which the Poles do not possess and there are few errors they have ever avoided”—from a speech before the House of Commons, 1945.


Here again (as in the reference to Montgomery) is the fourth ray method of apportioning praise and blame through contrast. This method is also psychologically revelatory—it clarifies through contrast.


An appeaser is one who feed a crocodile—hoping that it will eat him last”—attributed.


The fourth ray love of metaphor is indulged, with biting humor and humorous contempt (Mercury is, after all, in sarcastic, satirical Scorpio).


In his frustration with the blindness and denial of the government in power during the menacing build-up of German might, Churchill had the following to say. It is remarkable for its series of ironic contradictions:      

“The government cannot make up its mind, or they cannot get the Prime Minister to make up his mind. So they go on in a strange paradox, decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent”.


Here we find the undeniable stamp of the fourth ray as paradox is piled upon paradox, inconsistency upon inconsistency, for the purpose of revealing  the untenable position of the timid pre-war British government in all its cowardly hesitation.


A First Ray Component to the Mind


The fourth ray for the mental vehicle seems an unmistakably clear choice, but there are powerful displays of first ray energy through Churchill’s thought as well. Mercury is in Scorpio (which is ruled by Mars and Pluto—both of which have strong first ray components). In addition, Scorpio (the sign of Hercules) can be conceived as transmitting the first ray constellationally. Not only does Scorpio add the first ray coloring to the mind (and its thought and speech), but first ray Pluto is opposed to the Mercury position, adding its destructive power to the thought process.


The Rays of the Emotional Vehicle: Ray 6


Given the passion and ardor of his oratory, his great devotion to his country and his family, and his enthusiastic zeal in pursuit of any objective, there can be little doubt that his emotional vehicle was qualified by the sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism.


The Ray of the Physical Vehicle: Ray 3 with Ray 1


Winston Churchill had small use for formalities. Though he labored tirelessly over his speeches to create the perfect oratorical effect, his actions on the physical plane were spontaneous and unpredictable. He showed little talent for strictly administrative projects or posts (which would appeal to those with a strong seventh ray). There was little about his life which exemplified seventh ray regularity. Rather, he was in constant motion, traveling where needed on the spur of the moment. (Uranus square Mercury promoted this.) A man of prodigious energy, his expenditures of vitality were equally prodigious. Evidence points to an etheric-physical body upon the third ray, reinforced by the first, for, equally, he was a man of “iron constitution and inexhaustible energy”.


Astrological Conduits for the Third Ray


Of the three constellations/signs which transmit the third ray, only Libra is tenanted, but it holds the powerful Mars/Jupiter conjunction. The Earth (heliocentrically placed in Gemini, representing the third ray and having much to do with the etheric/physical body) receives a trine from third ray Saturn in Aquarius. Mercury, with its third ray component, is ruler of the proposed Virgo Ascendant. The third ray is not found in Churchill’s psycho/mental vehicles, but it may be important as a factor conditioning the highest and lowest levels of his energy system.


Considerations Related to the Monadic Ray


As always, hypotheses upon the quality of the monadic ray are simply speculations supported by reason and inference.


Whatever the subray of the monad, its major ray must in all cases be the first, second or third. First ray monads are rare and even rarer in full expression at this time of history. A “pure” first ray type (by which may be meant, the individual with both a first ray soul and a first ray monad) are not presently to be found in the ranks of humanity, as the human race would not be ready for such an focussed application of pure will.      

The degree to which a subray of the monad will have a powerful modifying effect upon the expression of the monadic ray is worthy of careful consideration. The first ray (like any other ray) may be found as a subray on the monadic level. Or, in the event that the principal monadic ray were the first, the modifying influence of the monadic subray might be so powerful, that the prohibition against the appearance of a pure first ray type would be preserved. This would mean that an individual
could have both a first ray monad and first ray soul, but that the monadic subray (being other than the first) would buffer the expression of the first.     

Given, however, the breadth and diversity of Churchill’s multiple interests and accomplishments, his outstanding intelligence, his love of the written and spoken word, his passion for history and his proficiency as a historian, as well as the enormous activity he typically displayed, it is not unreasonable to hypothesize the major monadic ray as the
Third—the Ray of Activity and Creative Intelligence. Churchill’s great commitment was to the values of Western civilization. The preservation of values is the task of those upon the first ray; dedication to the creative life as an enhancement of civilization is pursued by those upon the third ray. Churchill was a man of brilliant mentality—reasonably a reflection of the third ray monad. The gentler, slower, more unitive second ray seems less a part of his make-up.


Another great first ray soul, who displayed an outstanding talent for writing and for historical analysis, was H.P. Blavatsky, for whom a monad upon the third ray may also be a reasonable hypothesis. H.P.B. (incarnated as Cagliostro in the eighteenth century), had a close relationship to the Comte de St. Germain (later known as Master R.) This connection may have occurred on the third ray, for Master R. (now the Lord of Civilization and director of the entire greater third ray Ashram which includes ashrams upon the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh rays) is certainly a third ray monad. If H.P.B.’s monadic ray is principally the third, then the subray would almost certainly have to be the first.

(Parenthetically, when thinking of both Master Morya and Master Koot-Hoomi, we can with all reason understand them to have soul rays which are the
same as their monadic rays. (Although They have no longer has a causal body, They do have a triad/soul.)  In the case of Master M, there would be a first ray monad and a predominantly first ray spiritual triad. In the case of Master K.H., there would be a second ray monad and a predominantly second ray spiritual triad. We may ask, “For how many of their leading disciple/initiates would this be similarly the case?” For instance, could AAB (a leading disciple/initiate of KH’s) be considered to have both a second ray monad and a second ray triad/soul? And what about H.P.B. in this regard? And yet, the counter-indications to identical rays for both monad and soul are there in H.P.B.’s case, so it may be best to avoid premature generalization.)


The point opposite the Sun Sign is considered, in any one life, an important conduit for the monadic ray. In the case of Churchill, it is the third ray/second ray Earth (in Gemini, heliocentrically). The Earth is the hierarchical ruler of Gemini. The placement of Earth in the ninth house, accentuates the global and historical perspectives, and would be an effective source of service (Earth) in the field of international statesmanship carried forward within the context of a deep understanding of the meaning of civilization.


It the matter of discerning the monadic ray, it may be the subray of the monad which comes into prominence before the major ray of the monad is detectible. This seems to be the case for Master Hilarion Whose monadic subray can be considered the fifth (as he is a Chohan upon the fifth ray and directs the entire fifth ray ashram), his major monadic ray being almost certainly the first. It is often difficult to determine which of two rays (sensed as conditioning the monadic aspect) should be considered major and which minor. Only if one of such rays is a Ray of Attribute, is the matter easy to decide, as no Ray of Attribute can be a major monadic ray.


Combining the Principal Ray and Astrological Indications


1.       The first ray of the soul in combination with the proposed Ascendant, Virgo, confers the capacity to discern the highest values of civilization and culture, and the strength and endurance to preserve and defend them.

2.       The first ray of the soul in combination with the Sagittarian Sun Sign, confers the power to strengthen the will (first ray) to achieve the envisioned ideal (Sagittarius). Churchill demanded victory over Hitler no matter what might be the cost. He envisioned total victory and was unrelenting in its pursuit.

3.       The sixth ray of the personality in combination with the Virgo Ascendant renders one a devotee of excellence. In Churchill’s case the excellence to be achieved was in the field of thought and language, and in the area of aesthetics.

4.       The sixth ray of the personality in combination with the Sagittarian Sun sign confers full and unrestrained devotion to a higher vision—so often for Churchill, the vision of powerful British Empire upholding and sustaining its rightful place in a dangerous world.


Ray Hypothesis for Winston Churchill


Monad: Ray Three, speculatively, Is the monadic subray the first? The fourth?

Soul: Ray I (with certainty); Sub-Ray 4 or 6

Personality: Ray 6/strong Sub-4

Mental Vehicle: Ray 4/Sub-1 (with certainty)

Astral/Emotional Vehicle: Ray 6

Etheric-Physical Vehicle: Ray 3, with strong Ray 1


Important Features in Winston Churchill’s Astrological Chart


1.       From the perspective of elemental balance, we see five major planets (Sun, Venus, Moon, Uranus, Neptune) and a major asteroid and planetoid (respectively Pallas and Chiron) in fire signs. Essentially we have two grand trines in fire endowing Churchill with his seemingly inexhaustible energy and his undeflectable ardor. All air signs are tenanted (if we include Vesta in Libra), two of the earth signs and one water sign. Water (representing feeling and emotional sensitivity), therefore, is Churchill’s weakest element, and yet Mercury, the planet found therein, in Scorpio, is very powerful in the chart. We might say of him that he was a fiery romantic—not a languid and sentimental romantic. Even Neptune and the Moon (the most ‘watery’ of planets) are placed in fire signs.

2.       We have already discussed the importance of the proposed Virgo Ascendant, which made of Churchill a discriminating thinker and astute historian, masterful in the perfection of his prose, and in the choice of the oratorically apt word and phrase. Through Virgo, we can understand him as well as an individual intent on the preservation of cherished values, fighting (using other strengths of his chart) against anything that would compromise them.  

Virgo is also a sign of purification and eventual perfection. The two great wars, in which Churchill played so large a part, were part of humanity’s terrible purificatory process preparatory to the re-emergence of a new civilization inspired by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet. Perhaps Winston Churchill did not realize this for, like certain other great leaders, he may purposefully (before incarnation) have relinquished knowledge of his affiliations with Hierarchy for the sake of greater effectiveness in service to the race. He was, nevertheless, one of the leading warriors in the “Army of Maitreya”, helping to make the way safe for the emergence of the Christ Consciousness in the hearts and minds of humanity (Virgo) and for the tangible Reappearance of the Christ. Had his Nazi opponents prevailed, the Christ could not have returned—worse, the Hierarchy would have been forced to withdraw from contact with humanity.         

Beneath his more obvious struggles as war-leader and statesman was a ongoing struggle for perfection of thought, for perfection of literary and artistic expression. Largely through his heroic efforts, the freedom without which no true culture can thrive was preserved. His various writings (and especially his histories) contributed significantly to the elevation of culture.

3.       Churchill’s Sun is in the first decanate of Sagittarius. This was one of his greatest assets. Under its influence he became the most inspiring leader of the Second World War—a prophet (Sagittarius) alerting his country and the world to dangers they refused to see, an orator who vitalized the morale of his countrymen and inspired all lovers of freedom at a time when psychological depression would have meant defeat.  

Note that the Sun is placed in the third house—the house of communication, thought and the word through which thought is communicated. The Sun does not make many major aspects: a sextile to regulatory Saturn in the fifth house (steadying his resolve, and welding his Sagittarian zeal to group responsibility, for Saturn is in the group sign, Aquarius). Although the square would be wide, Saturn, actually, can be read as square to Mercury—yet another indication of the speech impediment and stuttering which he overcame so magnificently. Demosthenes, the greatest orator of ancient Greece, also stuttered as a youth. That Saturn is in the fifth house of personal self-expression only reinforced the initial inhibition, and acted as a check against spontaneity of expression.           

The Sun is also found in septile to Mars (the “God of War” in Libra, one of the karmic signs). The septile is often considered an aspect of
fate. This septile creates a link between Sagittarian inspiration and the will to fight back against the aggressor (retaliatory Mars in justice-conscious Libra).    

The Sun is also quintile to the proposed Ascendant degree, making of his thought, speech and oratory an intelligent and creative servant of the soul-purpose indicated by the Virgo Rising Sign. His inspiring words were spoken and written in service to the refined values he sought to see preserved.

4.       The Moon in the last degree of Leo, conjunct Regulus, and veiling, in this case, the electric fire of Uranus, is a position powerful for the expression of individual authority—and, the authority and indisputable leadership of the first ray soul. The grand trine between the Moon, Neptune and Venus (all in fire signs) is potent for intuition and artistic inspiration. It is a uniquely aesthetic triangle, combining imagination, beauty and deeply dramatic instincts. Occultly it signifies the alignment of buddhi with manas, and their embodiment in the persona.

5.       The importance of Mercury has been much discussed. Churchill destroyed and purified (two powers of Shamballa) chiefly through the mind and its expression through speech. It is not a gentle vibration which reverberates through his words. Relying upon lethal Scorpio, he explodes one illusion after another. The mind of humanity is much clarified after it has been subjected to his perception. The two World Wars were principally battles against glamor, illusion and maya. Though his Pluto-empowered, Uranianly electrified, Saturninely chastened Mercury, Churchill was through and attacked the three-headed Dweller. The critique (spurred by perfectionistic Virgo) was complete. No flaw went undetected or unexposed. All stupidity and corruption were brought to light. A verbal blow has been struck against the forces of obstruction and obscuration.

6.       Mercury holds an exalted relation to Virgo and is the hierarchical ruler of Scorpio. Hierarchical rulers come into play in those individuals who possess the initiate consciousness—and Winton Churchill may have been one. The power of the mind to access the intuition and, thereby, triumph over illusion is indicated by this hierarchical position.

Was the war won on the physical plane or in the mind and psyche? Surely, there was a tremendous battle for the hearts and minds of men, and Churchill’s hierarchical Mercury in Scorpio made him an fierce warrior in this subjective battle. His greatest opponent was more the Nazi thoughtform than the Nazis, themselves. He was one of the principal warriors committed to the destruction of Nazi glamor and illusion, and hierarchical Mercury in Scorpio (clear, deadly and uncompromising) was one of his greatest weapons. He saw Nazism for what it was. Could any good and reasonable person hearing his speeches and reading his words see otherwise?

7.       Venus, representing the light and love of the soul, the higher values and aesthetic ideals, is found in Sagittarius in the third house of thought and word. Venus is also retrograde, pointing to a more reserved and introverted expression. Surely he was capable of many tender and romantic words—in private.  

Venus (reinforced by the trines from Neptune and the Moon) gave him his love of the arts, of beautiful verbal expression, and of the creative process in general. It contributed also to the harmony of his written and spoken words. The secret of his inspired oratory lies not only in its power, its incisiveness and arresting contrasts, but in the beauty of sound of the chosen words. Venus is a ruler of the Taurus decanate of the proposed Virgo Ascendant, and esoteric ruler of his MC. Clearly, through Venus, Churchill was carrying the inspiring “Word of the Soul”, and his many words (servants of the One Word), turned his readers and listeners
inward to their own soul as a source of strength. He carried people beyond their smaller, personal concerns into a state of self-sacrifice and even heroism—of which each soul is ever capable.          

Churchill’s marriage was a long and happy one. The grand trine in which Venus plays its part and the close sextile to Venus from felicitous Jupiter in Libra, the sign of relationship, beneficently condition this one area of his life in which harmony prevailed. There was a time, also, when, as the man who held the light, he merged with the soul of Britain, ruled by the opposite sign, Gemini. Under the influence of Venus and responsive to Sagittarius, he offered Britain the opportunity to
see in the light of the soul, and tread the path of the soul. Through illumined and illuminating Venus, he became the ‘Guide in the Night’. The prominent fixed star, Polaris, also had a important part to play in offering this spiritual guidance to his nation and, by extension, to the world.

8.       Mars in Libra makes the fighter for justice and right relations. Hesitant as an aggressor, it is determined to finish any fight forced upon it—in the interests of karmic redress. This position in Churchill’s chart contributed to the continual disruption of any harmony he managed to achieved. It also contributed to the creative ferment of his psyche.      

The parallel of declination between Mars and Juno (in a chart distinctive for its
lack of such parallels) contributed to his romantic ardor. He was a devoted husband, father of five children (of whom one died early) and, in all matters concerning relationships between men and women, a romantic—as his defense of the abdicating Edward VII demonstrated.

9.       Though a zealot in his stance first against Nazism and then Communism, Churchill knew how to cooperate and accept the advice of others when there was the possibility that it might be sound. The fourth ray, which was so often used by him to emphasize contrasts, could also be used to promote harmony and accord. Jupiter (a major planet of unification) in Libra (the sign of peace) could only be helpful in his attempt to promote cooperation. During the Second World War Churchill presided over a coalition government, which held together admirably under the circumstances. We see that this Jupiter-in-Libra ability to promote cooperation is furthered by a trine from Jupiter to the Midheaven. Churchill was a firebrand, but, gradually, he learned his lessons, emerging as a mature statesman. It is easily realized that Jupiter in Libra contributes to popularity—especially, when, as in Churchill’s case, it is sextile to Venus (planet of love and magnetism), the exoteric ruler of Libra. Since Jupiter is conjuncted the South Node, it would appear that Churchill brought these conciliatory and unifying abilities with him from previous life cycles. In order to hold to his first purpose and priority of defeating Hitler, he was even willing to join forces with the Communists. His cooperative overtures, however, always served a higher purpose.

10.   Saturn in Aquarius in the fifth house is part of a grand-cross involving, by translation of light, Mercury, Uranus, and Pluto (to which Saturn is not, in itself, really square). Mundanely, Churchill lost a child (Saturn in the house of children opposed to Uranus, ruler of that house) and had trouble and pressures with some of the others. He also labored under the pressure to become an ever more creative individual, and attempted to overcome his inherent inhibitions (Saturn) to the creative process.   

His life was extraordinarily responsible. There were sudden and apparently irresponsible flights from duty (and from wise judgment), but, on the whole, his life path was not one of amusement (Saturn in the fifth house) but one of ceaselessly intensifying pressure—until his last ten synthetic and reflective years.  

Was Churchill a progressive (Uranus) a conservative (Saturn) or both and neither? The fourth ray enters the equation with all its attendant paradoxes. He took very individual stands on differing issues—sometimes Uranus predominated, sometimes Saturn. Their opposition caused him another of those sources of strain and tension which sought release in writing, art and war.          

As an indicator of
group responsibility, Saturn in Aquarius is important. It signifies one who takes on burdens for the collective.

11.   First ray Uranus is in the first ray sign, Leo, in the house of creative group endeavor (the eleventh)—and also the house which represents the Spiritual Hierarchy as a creative Organism. This position points to Churchill as a dramatically expressive individuality offering his creative gifts to the greater group—thus shaking and electrifying the group. He stood uncompromisingly in his own uniqueness (Uranus and the Moon both in Leo), and re-mobilized his nation through force of character. Uranus is trine the midpoint of the Sun and Venus in Sagittarius. His words of inspiration led to great and revolutionary changes—first of all, in the conduct of war. We can see this position as one of the most important conduits through which his first ray soul could work.          

In synastry, we find Churchill’s Uranus on Hitler’s Saturn—disrupting the permanent structure which Hitler was seeking to build. The two were really deadly enemies, with strong Pluto, Mars and Mercury aspects—mostly oppositions and conjunctions. It appears, as well, that their soul, personality, mental and emotional rays were also the same.

12.   Intuitive Neptune is in Aries, sign of the “new”. Neptune is involved in a grand-trine with Venus and Moon, and opposes Jupiter in Libra. It also is in close and supportive sextile to the MC. Exoterically, this eighth house position of Neptune contributed to his alcoholism, because the grand-trine is not only artistic and inspirational, but self-indulgent. The eight house, as well, has not only to do with transformation and triumph, but with that which one must transform and over which one must triumph. So there is some self-undoing occurring in this very psychological ‘mansion’.     

The opposition of Neptune to Jupiter shows strong heart center activation. Although Churchill was not principally a second ray type, any world leader of his stature,
must have a strong heart center activation, or he could not be the focal point for a national (and even international) group. It is clear that Churchill was great-hearted. Many are the heart indications: the Moon in Leo conjunct the “Heart of the Lion”—Regulus; Uranus (associated with the rhythmic pulse of the heart) in Leo, the sign of the heart; Jupiter and Neptune (the first being the disciplic ruler of the heart center, and the second being the ruler of the “solar flames” of the “Heart of the Sun”) in opposition, and Venus, another planet with heart center associations, related to all these planets—Neptune, Uranus, Moon, and Jupiter.      

Courage arises in the mature heart. We can say that Churchill held the British Nation (and also the Commonwealth) in his heart. In his person he absorbed and magnified the courage of the British People. Here is what he said—so beautifully, so nobly, with such humility—exemplifying his relation to the heart of his nation. 

“The nation had the lion’s heart. I had the luck to give the roar”—said on his 80th birthday.

This is a deeply soul-inspired statement. The “lion’s heart” was the second ray soul of Britain expressed through its first ray personality. London, the center of the British Empire, has Leo (the Lion) as its soul sign. The “roar” was the magnificent, magical oratory without which Britain would not have survived. The poignancy of this statement lies in his humble recognition of the priceless privilege it was to serve the soul of his nation. Through the word, “luck”, Churchill, recognizes the work of fate in the role he played—he was but an instrument.

13.   Pluto is, technically, in the sign of its detriment, Taurus. It is, perhaps, not so important by sign as it is in aspect and house position. Placed in the ninth house it serves as a prophet of dire danger and impending catastrophe, and as the destroyer of illusions—principally the illusion of peace in which England ‘slept’.    

Further, Churchill knew Nazism as an abomination, a world-view which threatened all that was best in human civilization and culture. He thought much the same of Bolshevism (Red Communism). He threw himself against these perspectives, seeking to destroy them not only on the physical plane, but on the plane of mind. This was part of his clearing, purifying, destroying dharmic work for humanity. As Pluto was the ruler of his third house of communication, thought and speech, he had the destructive mental power to wage war on the mental plane against philosophies he considered perverse and revolting.    

In some ways, he may have gone too far. His vision of a continuingly prominent British Empire made him the enemy of the self-rule of Britain’s colonies. He dismissively said of India, for instance: “India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator”. Gandhi, another great disciple/initiate, can not have liked to hear that.

14.   We find the North Node in the eighth house and the South Node in the second. It may have been Churchill’s personal desire to preserve the status quo—in which the political and financial (second house) role of Britain in the world was secure and undisputed—but he was obliged to throw himself into the destructive processes of war (eighth house) to salvage his country’s freedom. Churchill’s life saw little of peace—first the Boer War, then the Great War, then the Second World War. His life and times called for struggle and triumph.

Testimony of Asteroids and Other Lesser Factors

Of the several larger asteroids (including the planetoid, Chiron) there are two significant positions.

1.                   The mother asteroid Ceres, is in a sign congenial to its expression, Cancer, and in the prominent tenth house. Under this influence, he preferred a paternal/maternal role for Britain, rather than the relinquishment of the colonies. More positively, there is a tenderness which emerges in his most moving oratory; his care for his nation and his sympathy for his countrymen were profound.

2.                   Chiron is placed in often-imprudent Aries, which indicates that one will be injured by what one initiates and one will learn therefrom. Churchill’s reputation was, on several occasions, badly damaged by ill-conceived initiatives—causing him to lose popularity, elections and posts. It is instructive to see that Mars, the dispositor of Chiron (since it is the orthodox ruler of Aries) stands opposed to Chiron. This aspect ensured that impulsively or hastily conceived action would come to grief. He always had abundant boldness and zeal in excess; these needed to be tempered and over time they were. Sobering Saturn is in quintile relationship to Chiron. The Second World War forced upon Britain great economies, and upon Churchill caution as a counterbalance to audacity.


Testimony of the Fixed Stars


The fixed stars in Churchill’s chart tell a dramatic story, as some of the most powerful of the fixed stars hold a prominent place in his horoscope. It may be that a relatively advanced stage of evolution is necessary for one to consciously receive and apply the influence of the fixed stars. Churchill, it seems, was of sufficient development.


1.       We have already discussed the power of the royal star, Regulus. Regulus is not within a degree of the Moon, but it is within a degree and a half. The theme of Regulus (according to Brady) is “success if revenge is avoided”. Regulus is also called, “The Crushing Foot” and “King of the Heavenly Sphere”.  Churchill was the eternal warrior, fighting with the full powers of his impressive personality. But he was large-minded, as well, and although he could wither an opponent with a few well-chosen words, he was not mean-spirited or petty.

His antipathy for Hitler was not, essentially, personal. Hitler represented a monstrous ideology which had to be destroyed (for the sake of humanity). Hitler focussed his full “Will-to-Destroy” upon Hitler and his Reich, but he was not consumed by an ignoble and debilitating hatred. The impersonal force of the Good fed his intent, and avoiding the vengefulness which can accompany the influence of Regulus, he went on to victory. The forcefulness of Regulus contributed greatly to Churchill’s influence as a war-time leader.

Regulus is considered the most powerful of the four royal stars. Conjunct the Moon, it suggests a noble past instinctively accessed.

2.       Antares, another of the royal stars, is closely conjunct Churchill’s Sun. Thus, there are two stars, Regulus and Antares which confer military prowess. Just as Regulus is the “Heart of the Lion”, Antares is the “Heart of the Scorpion”. Again the heart theme and its life-power are emphasized.

Antares is called the “Watcher in the West”, and can lead to great success if success does not turn to obsession. In a way, Churchill was
obsessed or possessed by his mission—the salvation of Western civilization. His entire psyche was captured by the “Good”, in the same way that Hitler and his “evil gang” were overshadowed by evil entities. However, Churchill did not let his obsession consume him to the point of losing his larger perspective—the reason why obsession leads to downfall.      

Churchill’s extraordinary vitality was at least partially augmented by this star of extreme focus--working in combination with the one-pointedness of Sagittarius. With single-minded intent he pursued the defeat of Germany and victory for the Allies—he would accept nothing less.      

Antares is known as “Anti-Aries”—the rival of Mars. This was clearly a force useful in countering Hitler’s Martian aggression. Churchill’s oratorical Mercury in Scorpio (no insignificant weapon) was, in fact, opposed Hitler’s Mars. Antares, conjunct Churchill’s Sun was widely opposed Hitler’s Pluto. Antares with the Sun confers mental alertness, strategic ability, courage and risk-taking bordering on foolhardiness. A headstrong self-destructiveness and obstinacy are indicated in the undeveloped, and firm will and great strength in battle in those more advanced. If there were any star to render Churchill a warrior, it would be Antares.

3.       Mercury is in very close conjunct (just 02’ of arc) with Zuben Elschamali, the star of “negative social reform” according to Brady. The negativity of this star and the more positive reformative tendencies of companion star, Zuben Elgenubi, cannot be taken too literally. Suffice it to say that both stars represent powerful forces which change the pattern of society; to this one can add Churchill’s Uranus (the planet of reformation) in Leo in the eleventh house of social reformation. It was the power of Churchill’s thoughts and words which changed the tide of the early European War. Churchill regenerated the morale of his country and Zuben Elschamali assisted.

4.       A very different indication is afforded by Mirach conjunct Churchill’s well-aspected Neptune. Mirach confers harmony and receptivity; beauty, brilliance, beneficence and good fortune in marriage all attend its influence. Venus (the planet of marriage) is trine to Neptune (conjunct Mirach).  Mirach would influence positively the artistic, aesthetic side of Churchill’s nature.

5.       Perhaps the most important fixed star contacts are the close conjunctions of both Betelgeuse and Polaris with the proposed Midheaven. These are two extremely important stars. Betelgeuse is said to give complete success (without complications) and is considered one of the most fortunate stars in the sky. It gives martial honors and great military fortune, preferment, wealth, fame, command and perfection in the arts and sciences. With Orion it is said to give a heart which presses on with unflagging energy in spite of every trial. We can see how well these descriptors fit with Churchill’s considerable attainments and lofty  reputation.

6.       Polaris is a major “Star of Direction” and of “Reorientation”. It confers a good sense of direction and the ability to conceive and realize one’s aims.  The power to offer guidance is considerable. This quality is entirely applicable to Churchill in relation to his nation (especially during the Second World War). He was the captain of the ship of state, and successfully guided the entire process of the war.          

Polaris confers the art of “refacing and recovering that which is lost”.  Britain began the war at a terrible disadvantage—so much had already been lost; European culture had been thrown down. But through the guidance Churchill offered, that which was lost was recovered and reestablished. The people of Europe found their way back to the soul and the threatening darkness was dissipated.

7.       Note that both of these stars are only conjunct the Midheaven within one degree if that Midheaven is in the 28th degree of Gemini, pointing again to the explanatory usefulness of the late Virgo Ascendant, especially an Ascendant in the 28th degree of Virgo.


Some Important Events in Churchill’s Life, Astrologically Considered


1.       In 1895, he father died tragically after a slow and painful syphilitic illness. Churchill entered the Fourth Hussars.     

T-Pluto opposed the progressed natal Sun—within 2 degrees. There was a solar eclipse on the natal Moon later that year. In some ways the death was a liberation, as transiting Jupiter was crossing the MC. As well, the progressed Sun was conjuncting the IC—the place of family and tradition, often indicating the father. Later in the year, there was a solar eclipse very close to his proposed Virgo Ascendant, indicating his new military career. Because of the death, Churchill was forced to establish himself in the world and found the opportunity to do so.     

Mon           LEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Sep 15 1894 NS            13:31    22°Pi18' D       
Sun             SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Aug 20 1895 NS22:08    27°Le14' D      
Sun             SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Sep 19 1895 NS            05:44    25°Vi40' D       

2.       In 1899, he resigned his military commission to enter politics, and make a living by the pen. T-Uranus was, conjuncting the N-Sun and the Nodes were transiting conjunct the MC/IC. Later in the year, there is a solar eclipse on his N-Sun and also a lunar eclipse involving his MC/IC axis.         

Sun             SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 3 1899 NS 09:57    10°Sg41' D      
Mon           LEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 17 1899 NS10:26    24°Ge56' D      

3.       In 1908 he won an important election and later that year, and on September 12th, he married the beautiful Clementine Hozier; it was a marriage of unbroken affection that provided a secure and happy background for his turbulent career.     

There is a lunar eclipse on June 14, 1908, involving a conjunction with Venus. T-Uranus conjuncted the progressed Sun, The progressed Moon conjuncted N-Mercury. Importantly, P-Asc conjuncted N-Jupiter, ruler of H7 in the 1:19 AM Chart. T-Jupiter also conjuncted N-Moon. These are certainly sufficient indications of a time of active affections, happiness and emotional expression.        

Mon           LEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Jun 14 1908       23:05    23°Sg04' D      

4.       He was transferred to the Admiralty in 1911, and went to work with a conviction of the need to bring the navy to a pitch of instant readiness.    

There were important eclipses involving his progressed Vertex and natal Pluto. As well, there was a solar eclipse on his progressed Ascendant in late Libra. T-Pluto hovered very near his MC, and had been so for two years. 

Mon           LEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Nov 17 1910     09:21    23°Ta47' D      
Mon           LEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    May 13 1911     14:55    21°Sc21' D      
Sun             SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Oct 22 1911      13:12    7°Li39'D          

5.       In 1915 Churchill came under heavy political attack after the failure of the naval campaign in the Dardanelles. He was removed from his post as Lord of the Admiralty in 1915 and demoted to the Duchy of Lancaster. Disheartened, he rented a farm to retreat from public life and reflect upon the circumstances of his removal.   

The progressed Moon was in the area of N-Saturn and then P-Saturn. T-Uranus (bringing reversals) was conjunct the P-Moon and P-Saturn. Transiting Saturn. T-Saturn (bringing career pressures) had been hovering about the MC for about a year. Jupiter, however, was transiting through the fifth house of creativity, offering new opportunity. Jupiter was also opposed N-Uranus bringing unexpected openings. T-Uranus was also conjuncting the progressed IC, bringing a new basis to the life, and new activities which could be pursued in private. There is a solar eclipse widely opposed the expressive Leo Moon. More importantly, there is a solar eclipse conjunct N-Uranus (again a fresh start). At that time, T-Uranus (the liberator) was transiting N-Saturn, which had been involved in inhibition of expression. There was now scope for new expression and an end to old restraints.      

Sun SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Feb 14 1915      13:33                24°Aq25' D      
Sun SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Aug 11 1915     07:52                17°Le12' D      


6.       In January of 1919, Churchill became Secretary of War, presiding over the cutting of military expenditures with surprising zeal.       

Progressed Moon was just moving into Aries across the Descendant, giving a new burst of energy. There was a solar eclipse on the Sagittarian Sun on December 4, 1918 and a lunar eclipse involving the MC and IC on December 18th, 1918. Toward the middle of the year, there was another solar eclipse in Gemini, exactly opposite the N-Sun. T-Saturn had been quite active nearly conjuncting the N-Moon (economy) and sextile the MC. It was an important moment for the advancement of his career, and as was so often the case at such times, eclipses were activated in relation to his natal Sun position.

Sun             SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 4 1918       00:22    10°Sg40' D      
Mon           LEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 18 1918     04:06    25°Ge03' D      
Sun             SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    May 29 1919     22:08    07°Ge06' D      


7.       In the autumn of 1922 the insurgent Turks appeared to be moving toward a forcible reoccupation of the Dardanelles neutral zone, which was protected by a small British force at Chanak. Churchill was foremost in urging a firm stand against them, but a political debacle (prompted by fears of a new war)ensued, bringing the government down in ruins. He was also gripped by a sudden attack of appendicitis, could not campaign properly for office in the forthcoming election, and was humiliatingly defeated.

Saturn was crossing the Descendant (popularity) by solar arc direction and the Nodes were also making their transit of the Ascendant/Descendant. On April 21, 1922 there was an lunar eclipse which included the Nodal Axis and involved Chiron (sickness) as well. Later, a solar eclipse on September 21 1922, occurred exactly on the proposed Virgo Ascendant (to the degree). The Ascendant is also a health indicator, and, interestingly, Virgo is a sign related to the intestines and the bowel, to which the appendix is attached.

Mon           LEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Apr 12 1922      05:31    21°Li09' D       
Sun             SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Sep 21 1922      13:40    27°Vi25' D       

8.       At home there was one grievous, characteristic, romantic misreading of the political and public mood, when, in Edward VIII’s abdication crisis of 1936, he vainly opposed prime minister  Baldwin by a public championing of the King's cause.         

The MC had progressed to a conjunction with his Leo Moon. There was a solar eclipse exactly on his Gemini MC, and also a solar eclipse, later that year, on his natal Venus.   

Sun SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Jun 19 1936       14:19                27°Ge44' D      
Sun SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 14 1936     08:27                21°Sg49' D      

9.       Churchill was deeply alarmed by the developments in 1938—the appeasement which gave Czechoslovakia to the Germans. He recognized that Britain, without firing a shot, had sustained a great defeat.         

There is a solar eclipse within three degrees of his Sagittarian Sun. A lunar eclipse involves progressed Mars and also natal Pluto. Another solar eclipse takes place opposite the natal Sun. Finally a solar eclipse occurs exactly square the natal Moon.

Churchill was moving towards prominence. He was empowered by these eclipses, and Britons began to think of him as the only man who could lead them during an increasingly threatening situation. 

Sun SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 3 1937       08:05                10°Sg22' D      
MonLEcl                (X)       Tr-Tr    May 14 1938     17:43                22°Sc54' D      
Sun SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    May 29 1938     22:50                07°Ge31' D      
Sun SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Nov 22 1938     08:51                29°Sc01' D      

10.   On Sept. 3, 1939, the day Britain declared war on Germany, Chamberlain appointed Churchill to his old post in charge of the Admiralty. The signal went out to the fleet: “Winston is back.” 

T-Uranus is conjunct N-Pluto. There is a solar eclipse on natal Neptune, co-ruler of the seventh house. Neptune, Lord of the Sea is involved with the appointment to the highest level of the Navy—the Admiralty. There is also a solar eclipse on natal Mars  

Sun SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Apr 20 1939      01:44                28°Ar44' D      
Sun SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Oct 13 1939      05:39                18°Li37' D       

11.   On May 10, 1940, after a great and growing demand for his leadership, Churchill was appointed prime minister and received the highest seals of office. 

The progressed Moon had entered Capricorn in H4,
P-Venus was near the IC and solar arc directed Jupiter was  near IC.     

The Vertex was closing on the proposed MC, Uranus was transiting conjunct Pluto, and there was a solar eclipse on natal Chiron—the guide and mentor.       

Sun SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Apr 8 1940        05:20                17°Ar52' D      

12.   It is significant that during the period when Britain faced the greatest danger (1940-1942), the Vertex (the ‘Point of Fate’) was cresting by progression the top of Churchill’s chart, conjuncting the Midheaven. Indeed, he was “walking with destiny”.

13.   Churchill wrote a six volume history of World War II, for which he received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953. That same year he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. (T-Jupiter was conjuncting MC in the latter part of 1953. It is opposing N-Venus which is the esoteric ruler of the MC. There is a solar eclipse conjunct N-Uranus (which is the ruler of house five, the house of creativity and is natally placed in house eleven, the house of culture and its rewards). There is also a solar eclipse opposed the natal Leo Moon and conjunct the progressed Sun in late Aquarius—again in house five, the house of creativity.)        

Sun SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Feb 14 1953      09:58                25°Aq03' D      
Sun SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Aug 10 1953     00:55                16°Le45' D      

14.   Aging and in declining health, Winston Churchill resigned his post as prime minister on April 5, 1955, at the age of eighty. There was a solar eclipse within less than a degree of his proposed late Gemini Midheaven, emphasizing an important, precipitating event in the field of his vocation and public career. T-Nodes were also conjunct MC/IC. Later in the year there was a solar eclipse conjunct Venus in Sagittarius (Venus, being the esoteric ruler of his Gemini MC). T-Pluto (finality) was opposing progressed Sun in late Aquarius and at the end of the year the progressed Sun changed sign to Pisces—the sign of retirement          .

Sun SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Jun 20 1955       13:09                28°Ge05' D      
Sun SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 14 1955     16:01                21°Sg31' D      

15.   Just after Christmas 1964, Churchill suffered another stoke and developed a bad cough. He died peacefully at 8:00 AM of 1/25/1965 at the age of 90, London.  

We see a solar eclipse within four degrees of his natal Sun. These solar eclipses have always been found at particularly important points in the life.         

Sun SEcl                 (X)       Tr-Tr    Dec 4 1964       10:30                11°Sg56' D      


Noteworthy Quotations

1.       “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.”—from his maiden speech as prime minister, May 13, 1940.         

These words ring with the first ray power to face adversity without flinching. By speaking directly of the inevitability of the very worst, he evoked the very best—for he understood that the spirit, in its own essence, will not accept defeat.

2.       “Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duty, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, ‘This was their finest hour’.”—from a speech given before the House of Commons, June 18, 1940, announcing the fall of France, and the start of the Battle of Britain.     

The moment was desperate. France had fallen and the Battle of Britain was about to begin. Here he displays the first ray/sixth ray power to evoke in his countrymen a soaring strength based upon their love of the British Empire. His call was to their patriotism and nobility of spirit. The vision of a splendid future is given; the suggestion is planted—the Commonwealth will last for a thousand years; there will be no Thousand Year Reich. All that is required is that we face the peril—braced and ready to perform our duty to the uttermost. Churchill is lifting the morale of his nation, preparing it for battle.

3.       “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”—from a speech before the House of Commons, London, August 20, 1940, in which he referred to the pilots who fought the Battle of Britain.     

Gratitude pours through these words which could not help but evoke gratitude from every British citizen. The heroism of the pilots calls for heroism on the part of all. His fourth ray power of contrast is at work.

4.       This is no war for domination or imperial aggrandisement or material gain.... It is a war ... to establish, on impregnable rocks, the rights of the individual and it is a war to establish and revive the stature of man.”—from a speech before the house of Commons, London, September 3, 1939, on the day of the declaration of war against Germany by Britain and France.      

Here Churchill is speaking for the preservation of civilized values. As a historian, he understands that the Nazi peril is not just an attack against certain nations, but against the very progress of humanity.

5.       “Outside the storms of way may blow and the lands may be lashed with the fury of its gales, but in our own hearts this Sunday morning there is peace. Our hands may be active but our consciences are at rest.”—spoken by Churchill to Parliament on the day that Hitler invaded Poland.           

Here in image and metaphor he comforts the people, assuring them that theirs is a righteous cause and that they are on the side of the “Good”. It is a spiritual message, reinforcing the alignment of the nation with the subtle spiritual potencies.

6.       “I felt as if I were walking with destiny, and that all my past life had been but a preparation for this hour and this trial”—from The Gathering Storm, p. 38.   

Churchill realizes that there is a guiding providence. He is under the direction of his soul and realizes that he is an instrument of impersonal destiny. This is a first ray realization.

7.       Sure I am of this, that you have only to endure to conquer. You have only to persevere to save yourselves.”—from his first wartime address, September 4, 1914, London.  

Some of his leading thoughts were already fashioned during the First World War. We see the themes of endurance and perseverance. These are Vulcanian themes and relate to the holding power of the first ray.

8.       “Do not let us speak of darker days; let us rather speak of sterner days. These are not dark days: these are great days—the greatest days our country has ever lived.”—from a speech at Harrow School, England, October 29, 1941.         

Here Churchill is lifting his listeners out of the looming darkness into the promising light. He is altering the quality of their perception by speaking from a elevated perspective which sees all circumstance with the eye of history, perhaps, though unconsciously, from the perspective of those who are the hidden source of his spiritual inspiration. He insists upon an unrelenting positivity which does not allow the spirit/soul to capitulate even subjectively. Using the Sagittarian energy, as well as the sixth and first rays, he is subtly transforming how the British perceive their situation and prospects. Refusing to be negatively conditioned by apparently dire circumstance, he, instead, insists upon a reinterpretation which infallibly evokes inner strength and resilience.

9.       “A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.”—quoted in the New York Times, July 5, 1954.      

This quotation comes from post-war years. It is humorous and precisely true. As usual, his fourth ray mind and razor-sharp words, make the statement memorable.

10.   “You ask what is our policy—I will say, it is to wage war by sea, land and air, with all our might, and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the darkened, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, “What is our aim?” I can answer in one word, “Victory”—victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be.”  

Here are not only the “Will-to-Persist” and “Will-to-Victory” of his first ray would, but the great historical compassion of one who has seen too much of grief and human misery over the centuries, over the millennia. A mature and chastened soul is speaking, and his resolve is born of a vast and encompassing perspective.

11.   “I want a war. I want a war”—Churchill’s rousing daily exhortation to himself. When this was reported to Hitler, he became disconcerted, unable to understand Churchill’s continued defiance and resistance. 

The first and sixth rays are at work, causing the fiery energy in his own system to rise up and beat back any thought of negativity or depression.

12.   “You do your worst, and we will do our best”—addressed to Hitler in a speech on July 14, 1941.        

A simple epigram dividing Good from evil, and simultaneously strengthening his countrymen, aligning them with the Good. The reader or listener is affirmed—exactly sure of where everyone stands, and that he or she is standing with the “Good”.

13.   “We shall not flag or fail. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender”—from a speech to the House of Commons, June 4, 1940.  

Churchill is actually leading the battle. With these words he becomes pervading presence in every place of conflict, infusing himself into every moment of struggle. This affirmation drives all Britons forward with an irresistible strength. Churchill has invoked the first ray with its motion of “Progress Onward”. Every thoughtform of failure is driven back. The vision of victory is firmly implanted in the psyche of his countrymen—they have no choice but to follow it and prevail.

14.   “In Franklin Roosevelt there died the greatest American friend we have ever known and the greatest champion of freedom who has ever brought help and comfort from the New World to the Old”—from The Second World War.     

Roosevelt and Churchill were great friends (and only occasional rivals). These healing words bind the old wounds which arose during the Revolutionary War. They convey a recognized reciprocity. The Geminian brother/sister nations are harmonized and united. Churchill, himself, was the son of a British aristocrat and an American socialite.

Together Churchill and Roosevelt celebrated Freedom; unconsciously they were working under the Sirian Law of Freedom, and the Atlantic Charter is a testimony to their alignment with this great stellar Source. Both of them had Virgo Ascendants, within four degrees of each other; as the two major leaders of the free world, they were working, together for the purification of humanity and the Reappearance of the Christ.

15.   In war: resolution. In defeat: defiance. In victory: magnanimity. In peace: goodwill.—from an epigram used by Sir Edwin Marsh who called this “a moral of the work” in Churchill’s book.        

Here we see the breadth, heart and highest virtues of the first Ray of Will and Power. This epigram expresses the Will-to-Good in action.


Discussion of Winston Churchill’s Initiatory Level


It becomes clear that even among initiates of the third degree, no perfection of character can be expected. One sees greatness, and accompanying it, an imperfection which, in an ideal world, should have been outlived. One sees this with H.P.B, with Krishnamurti (both in their last incarnations, initiates of the fourth degree). One sees this with the extraordinarily gifted Richard Wagner—an artistic and mental giant who behaved shamefully at times (at least if judged by “conventional” standards). And, perhaps, one sees this in Winston Churchill—a leading ‘general’ in the human battalion of the Army of Maitreya.


Winston Churchill is certainly the proverbial “Rich Young Man”. His accomplishments were many, varied, and one of them, at least (his heroic defense of Britain), was indispensable to the survival of Western civilization and thus, to the progress of all humanity. Surely he was, even technically, a “world disciple”, an individual who guided the destiny of millions and inspired many more.


For all his irregularities of habit, his unconventionality, his apparent irreverence, his disconcerting manners—the vastly more important part of him was solidly in the first ray ashram.


One simply must laugh at the following anecdote. When lunching with the Arab Leader Ibn Saud, and learning that the king’s religion forbade smoking and alcohol, he became typically Churchillian:      

“I must point out that my rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after, and if need be, during all meals and in the intervals between them”.


What can one say? Is this an initiate speaking? After a pause, one must simply say, “Yes”. There are parts of every human being which don’t enter the Ashram, with which the Master has simply no concern. These things refine in time as perfection is reached. At the third degree—the stage of true world-discipleship—perfection is not reached, but a sense of planetary wholeness is  .

What would the world be today without an Einstein, a Schweitzer, a Beethoven, a Bach, a Leonardo, a Newton—and without a Winston Churchill? The stature of these great individuals shows that they stand with the Hierarchy and
within the Ashram—regardless of their personal shortcomings.


We must, therefore, conclude that Winston Churchill saw human civilization and culture as from the mountain top—imperfectly, yes, (as his attitude towards India and other colonies demonstrated), but still comprehensively and with deep understanding. It is this large, impersonal vision of wholeness which the third degree confers, and the power to identify with and reveal this vision to others so that they may be inspired to leave behind lesser things.


The contrast between Churchill and Hitler is instructive. Hitler, brilliant in his own way, disciplined in his own way, and pure—in his own perverted way—was the example of a second degree initiate who went wrong. He made the choice (Libra Ascendant) and followed the “Left-Hand Path”. Churchill, wider, healthier, robustly larger in heart and mind (yet equally fierce upon the first and sixth rays) choose to champion the Path of Freedom, and thus came under the influence of Sirius and its Law of Freedom which is consciously recognized by initiates of the third degree. Hitler refused the Christ; Churchill, though he was not of a specifically ‘religious’ temperament, embraced Him and in so doing, served the Hierarchy and humanity as few have done or can hope to do.


Astrology and Initiation


Does Winston Churchill’s astrological chart reveal some of the customary signatures of initiation? Surely the signatures of the second degree are there—with the Sun in idealistic Sagittarius and purificatory Virgo rising. Sagittarius gives purification by fire (the process of war throughout his life) and purification of the mind proceeds through Virgo. As well, Mars, the Moon and Uranus are all related—Mars in semisquare to the Moon and in sextile to Uranus.


Sagittarius relates specifically to the first two initiations, but as the Sun progresses other opportunities are offered. Capricorn relates to the third degree (as well as all of the first five) and Aquarius to the third and fourth degrees (as well as the second). There came a time in later 1942 ( very dangerous time for humanity), when the Sun, the Moon and Saturn gathered conjunct in the fifth house (the causal body) in the sign Aquarius (in preparation for a new lunation—progressed Sun/Moon conjunction), buddhic Neptune was crossing the Ascendant, the progressed Ascendant was conjuncting Mercury in Scorpio, and progressed Venus had just moved into transfigurative Capricorn, still conjunct the fourth house cusp. A solar eclipse had just occurred on Uranus, and within less than a year preceding, solar eclipses had occurred exactly on the Ascendant and very close to the Descendant. Deep opportunities were offered by these alignments and emphases. It is impossible to tell whether they were taken—but there is a good chance they were.


Summary and Conclusion


Some have speculated that Winston Churchill was the reincarnation of both Alexander the Great and Napoleon (the relationship between whom can easily be seen)—but returning chastened, and determined to fight against tyranny rather that impose it. However the truth may be, certainly, without Churchill, the free world as we know it might not have survived.

To think of the valor of his “finest hour”, is to find the unconquerable spirit in every human heart. Humanity will always be severely tested before it can proceed into greater livingness. Now that Shamballa draws ever closer, the tests will be increasingly severe. Courage will always be needed on the Path of Occultism. We all have it, but some have yet to find it. To think on Churchill—his words, his deeds—it so come closer to the undying Spirit-Source of that courage.


In a stirring documentary called, “Churchill’s War”, the following words are heard, and with them we will end:      

“In sullen fear-laden camps across the huge bleak expanse of Nazi-occupied Europe, prisoners often with no other language in common, would exchange in greeting a single whispered word—‘Churchill’. ‘Churchill’—in that name, lay the hope beyond despair.”


2.                   Elizabeth the first of England—Queen: September 7, 1533, OS, 2:54 PM, Greenwich, England. (Source: Birth recorded as occurring between 2-3 PM. According to LMR, Martin Harvey in Nativitas quotes Latin records. The date is attested by her mother, time fixed by Windsor Herald in “Chronicle of England,” “three of the clocke in the afternoune.”—3:00 PM LAT; birth, presumed to be 2:30 PM by Marc Penfield. Even this time gives Capricorn Ascending). Died, March 24, 1603, 2:15 AM, London, England.   

(Ascendant taken as early Capricorn; Sun in Virgo; Mars in Taurus conjunct the proposed IC; Mercury and Venus in Libra; Mars in Gemini; Jupiter in Sagittarius; Saturn conjunct Uranus in Cancer; Neptune in Pisces; Pluto in Aquarius)           

The “Virgin Queen” was well known for her strength of will (first ray) and her high intelligence and often-critical temperament (third ray with Mars in Gemini). The third ray is reinforced by the Ascendant in Capricorn and four planets in third ray Libra and Cancer She also never married; spinsterhood is archetypally associated with Virgo. Her capacity to hold the English nation in stability is reflected by the power of her first ray as well as by the Moon in stable Taurus at the IC. Whether or not Sagittarius may be the Ascendant, her Jupiter is placed in Sagittarius and her Sun in H9, both bestowing a spirit of vision and internationalism. Certainly, if Capricorn were the Ascendant—and her physical appearance seems to suggest this—it would reinforce her first ray, and show the great responsibility which descended upon her from the middle of her life until is conclusion—for Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn is placed in Cancer, the sign which rules one’s native country—of which she was, perforce, the custodian.

3.                   Francisco Franco—Dictator of Spain: December 4, 1892, El Ferrol, Spain, 12:30 AM, LMT. (Source: registered at the parish church)  Died, November 19, 1975, Madrid.

(Ascendant, Virgo; Sun and retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius; Moon in Gemini conjunct Neptune and Pluto also in Gemini; Venus conjunct Uranus in Scorpio; Mars in Pisces; Jupiter in Aries; Saturn in Libra)        

Franco, an excellent organizer and a puristic idealist (with four planets plus Ascendant in signs through which the sixth ray is transmitted), expressed the seventh, sixth and first rays. He rose through the ranks to become chief of staff of he army in 1935. He commanded the rebel forces during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) leading the revolt against the Communist-inspired socialist government and planning the offensives which gave victory to the rebel forces. After the War he became dictator of Spain, maintaining a strong anti-Communist policy and using repressive, censorious methods.

It is well to remember that the rays of Spain are the sixth ray soul and the seventh ray personality—two of Franco’s important rays. Yes, withal, the first ray must be considered as a major ray, since the Tibetan informs us that Franco, along with Stalin and Hitler were expressions of the “Shamballa Force”.

4.                  Henry VIII—King of England: (1491-1547) June 28 1491, Greenwich, England, 8:45 AM, LMT. (Source: according to LMR, Martin Harvey quotes the birth record.) Died of hepatic dropsy on January 28, 1547, OS,  February 7, 1547, NS, Westminster, England.

(Ascendant, Virgo with Mars in Virgo, H1; MC, late Taurus with Venus in Gemini conjunct MC; Sun in Cancer; Moon in Aries; Mercury in Leo; Jupiter in Gemini; Saturn in Aquarius; Uranus in Capricorn; Neptune in Sagittarius; Pluto in Scorpio)

Henry VIII took the helm of the English church because the Pope would not let him divorce his first wife. He dissolved the monasteries and took over their property but allowed church services to continue in their old form.

Handsome and popular when young, as Henry grew older he became renowned for his tyrannical ways.

5.                   Ivan the Terrible—Tsar of Russia: August 25th, 1530, Moscow, Russia, 6:00 PM, LMT. (Source: Ivan the Terrible by Robert Payne) Died, March 18, 1584, OS, Moscow, Russia.

(Ascendant, Aquarius: Sun conjunct Mars in Virgo; Moon, Venus and Jupiter all loosely conjunct in Libra; Mercury retrograde in Leo; Saturn in Gemini conjunct the IC; Uranus in Cancer; Neptune in Pisces; Pluto in Capricorn oppose Juno)   

Ivan was an unusually complex and tortured man—intensely religious yet outrageously cruel. While he contributed to a number of needed reforms (for instance, of the army and the legal system), and the expansion foreign trade, he also ruled tyrannically in a bizarre manner. It is said that the death of his first wife (he married seven times—stellium in Libra with a Venus/Jupiter conjuction, Uranus in H5 square Jupiter and Venus) deranged his mind and led to his cruelties. Pluto from H12 opposed the asteroid of marriage, Juno in H6, showing the loss or destruction of his partners.           

His Sun/Mars conjunction in sixth ray Virgo reinforced the cruel tendencies of his first and sixth ray combination. Megalomania was enflamed by Mercury, ruler of his Virgo Sun, place, retrograde, in egoistic Leo. Aquarius, his Ascendant, contributed to his eccentricity; and his capacity to be pathologically detached from his cruel behavior (followed by intense fits of remorse, penitence and self-castigation—sixth and fourth rays).

6.                   Richard Nixon—United States President: January 9, 1913, Yorba Linda, California, 9:30-9:35 PM, PST. (Source: birth certificate; also recorded by his nurse. Doris Chase Doane gives 9:35 PM, rectified)  Died, of a stroke, April 22, 1994, New York, USA.

(Ascendant, Virgo; MC, Gemini with Pluto in Gemini; Sun in Capricorn with Jupiter conjunct Mercury in Capricorn’ Moon in Aquarius conjunct the Vertex, with Uranus also in Aquarius; Venus in Pisces; Mars in the last degree of Sagittarius; Saturn in Taurus, H9; Neptune in Cancer)


7.                   Franklin D. Roosevelt—United States President During the Depression and WWII: January 30, 1882, Hyde Park, New York, 8:45 PM, LMT. (Source: father’s diary) Died, April 12, 1945, Warm Springs Georgia, USA         .

(Ascendant, Virgo with Uranus also in Virgo, H12; Sun conjunct Venus in Aquarius with Mercury also in Aquarius; Moon in Cancer; Mars in Gemini; Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus, with Saturn and Pluto also in Taurus)           

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was one of the most important presidents of the United States, ranking in significance and influence with Washington and Lincoln. Elected for an unprecedented four terms of office, Roosevelt saw America through some of its most trying and critical times—the Great Depression and World War II. Before he was stricken with polio, there was little to indicate that he could successfully and resourcefully lead his nation through such crises, but his illness deepened his character and strengthened his resolve. The relative superficiality of his second ray personality subsided and the profound purposefulness of his first ray soul rose to meet the staggering challenges with which he was presented—the first such challenge being overcoming the crippling effects of polio. (As a side note, attention must be drawn to the opposition of the asteroid Hygeia, representing all health matters, to Roosevelt’s Mercury (ruling his nervous system) in the sign Aquarius (also closely related to the nervous system), and occupying the sixth house of sickness and health. Mercury is as well the orthodox ruler of the Ascendant, Virgo, and the Ascendant also has health implications. This (along with the Moon/Mars relationship) is one of the signatures of the Polio which overtook him.

Similarities exist between Roosevelt's chart and that of Ronald Regan. Both have Aquarius and Cancer (if the usual Cancer rising chart for Reagan is considered). Roosevelt was leaving Cancer (the mass desire) behind since it was his Moon sign; Reagan in the latter part of his life, became its representative. Both have Sun in Aquarius, but Roosevelt being a true disciple, represented the nation and even the world as a group,  rather than a small group of privileged citizens, as is the case with Reagan. Roosevelt’s Virgo Ascendant suggests the development of the attitude of the humble servant. The emphasis upon meeting the needs of labor (the common man) with a “New Deal” is suggested by the planet of the new and revolutionary, Uranus, placed in the sign Virgo (the sign of work and labor), near the Ascendant. With the benefit of these astrological energy, Roosevelt became the practical idealist. One of his great functions was to put America “back to work” through the institution of his New Deal programs.. His Uranian ideals made him, in the eyes of America’s wealthy, “a traitor to his class”—a class which stood for the preservation of the status quo, in which power and privilege remained in the hands of the wealthy few. Aquarius can be the most democratic of signs—opposed to control by monarchy or oligarchy.         

One can see that the first ray, as well as the seventh worked through Roosevelt’s high focus Uranus—really a singleton combining with the Ascendant. Uranus, when functioning in the life of a disciple or initiate, seeks to improve conditions through the institution of patterns which are more archetypal in nature. Roosevelt set about changing the patterns of American society. His Moon in Cancer put him in touch with the “little person” with the “common man”, for Cancer ruler the “mass consciousness”, and it was the average American who was suffering as a result of the Depression—not the privileged few. The Cancer Moon inclined him to seek to ensure their greater security, which he did by insuring bank deposits and putting millions of unemployed and impoverished Americans back to work through “make work” programs of civil service such as the Word Projects Administration and the Civilian Conservation Corps. It is clear that Roosevelt was an activist, with energetic Mars in thought-filled Gemini, at the MC. His progressive ideas were many and he sought, immediately, to put them into action. There is an exact trine between this activist, tenth house Mars in Gemini and Mercury, the planet of thought, in progressive Aquarius, placed in the sixth house of work and labor.

His Jupiter/Neptune conjunction (both of them either second or sixth ray planets) showed the possibility of heart center development and of compassion. Chiron is also conjunct these two planets and in Taurus. It was his task to heal (Chiron) the nations relations to its wealth and resources (Taurus), and restore its sense of self-worth (Taurus). We find Saturn (management) in Taurus (resources) in H8 (the energy and resources of “others”), and so we see his stewardship over the collective resources of the United States, and the caution (Saturn) it was necessary for him to exert to ensure that America could rise out of debt and depression (eighth house).

It was Roosevelt’s popularity and magnetism which made it possible for him to do the seemingly impossible. Venus, the planet of the soul and, in any case, the planet of attractiveness was conjunct to his Sun in Aquarius in H5 (the place where talents are expressed or displayed). Through Venus he managed to unite the majority of Americans in a more optimistic attitude towards national destiny. His “fire-side chats” were warm (nurturing Ceres conjunct Venus) personable and encouraging (Jupiter conjunct Neptune—hope and optimism), and he brought a sense of harmony (Venus) to the American group (Aquarius).      

Roosevelt’s Sun and Venus in house five, show that he was able to embody the energies of which he spoke; he was a living example of the jaunty optimism needed to raise a nation out of its economic (and psychological) misery. When he stated that, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”, he was offering the best of the first and second rays in combination. He was also speaking as Jupiter, the esoteric ruler of his Sun Sign, Aquarius. One of his main tasks was to restore confidence (Jupiter) in American potential.

The esoteric ruler of the Virgo Ascendant is the Moon, placed in its own sign (exoterically), Cancer. No doubt the Moon is a veil for the transformative and reformative planet Uranus, expressing in yet another way Roosevelt’s profound ability to change the patterns in the life of his nation. The Cancerian conservatism of America was challenged by this veiled rulers, and irreversible changes for the better occurred.

Franklin Roosevelt was a great first ray disciple—strong enough to guide his nation through the Second World War where a psychological victory would contribute greatly to an eventual physical plane victory. In true Uranian manner, he enunciated the Four Freedoms which were great statements relating to the spiritual freedom  of humanity. The Tibetan emphasizes again and again the importance of these Freedoms, and the invaluable role of “that great first ray disciple” Franklin D. Roosevelt, in enunciating them. It is interesting to realize that Thomas Jefferson, who penned the Declaration of Independence also had Uranus at the Ascendant, just as Roosevelt had.

The Law of Freedom is Sirian in its nature, and Uranus is one of the conduits for the Sirian Energy (Sirius/Pisces/Uranus). Aquarius, we know, is, especially, the sign of freedom. While the first ray is undeniable and potent through Roosevelt as it was through Lincoln, both of these great “Sons of God” probably had a monad upon the second ray of Love-Wisdom, and were, probably, essentially related to the “Heart of God” as it expresses itself through the Will of God. Time will tell if this was the case, but there is good reason to think that it is so.   

As for Virgo, ultimately it is the distributor of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, and, presently, the most powerful constellational distributor of this ray. Through Virgo, Roosevelt met the needs of the lunar lords in a new and reorganized manner (Uranus), but he also contributed to the germination (Virgo) of the Love-Wisdom energy expressed through Freedom (inspired from Sirius), and so was instrumental in helping bring into greater prominence the second ray soul of the United States.


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Virgo and R1


Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.



In Comparison With


1.        Transmits R2 and R6 constellationally


1.        R2

2.        Transmits principally R4, R4/6/1 and R2 through its planetary rulers (unveiled and veiled)


2.        R2

3.        Colors: yellow (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) yellow-green, green, greenish-blue.(A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)


3.        Colors: red, “roaring orange”, black

4.        Note: Possibly FA or F


4.        Note: RE or D

5.        Expresses principally through the solar plexus center and later the heart center, through Neptune and Jupiter. Some ajna center expression likely through Mercury. Since Virgo is the sixth sign, sacral center expression (through the Moon) is likely, in relation to conception and the gestation period.


5.        Expresses through the base of the spine and the crown center

6.        Creative Hierarchy number II/VII, unliberated


6.        Creative Hierarchy number I/VI, unliberated

7.        Hypothesized as being especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom via the Moon/Vulcan, the Vegetable Kingdom via Moon/Neptune and Jupiter, the Animal Kingdom via the Moon, the Human Kingdom via Mercury and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives via Jupiter. (Virgo can be seen as connected to every kingdom except the seventh. It is the true six-pointed star without the central point.)


7.        Related to the Kingdom of Solar Lives and also the Mineral Kingdom

8.        Identified principally with the second and third aspects of divinity; presently, Virgo is the major zodiacal transmitter of the second ray.


8.        Identified with the first aspect of divinity

9.        Associated particularly with “God the Mother”


9.        Associated particularly with “God the Father”

10.     Analysis


10.     Synthesis

11.     Unification of Father, Mother and Son


11.     Synthesis on the basis of Transcendent Principle

12.     Associated with the “Animal Mundi”—the World Soul


12.     Associated with God-as-Spirit

13.     Active in relation to the heart and solar plexus centers


13.     Active in relation to the crown center and the center at the base of the spine

14.     Most active in relation to the latter part of the previous solar system


14.     Will be most active in relation to the coming solar system

15.     Often focused upon the detail of life


15.     Understanding life in terms of laws and principles; much less preoccupation with detail

16.     Slower, more meticulous action


16.     Rapid more sweeping action

17.     Analyzing the emotions


17.     Suppressing the emotions


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Virgo and R1


Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.


A.     Related Through Vulcan: Virgo and the first ray are principally related through first-ray Vulcan, one of the veiled esoteric rulers of Virgo.

B.     Related to the Monad: Both influences are active in the realm of the monad. The monad represents the first aspect of divinity, thus correlating with the first ray. The monad and its plane (the second systemic plane counting from above) are ruled by Jupiter in relation to the sign Virgo.

C.     Matter and Power in Matter: Virgo is a sign much associated with matter—the third aspect. Within matter a tremendous first ray force is stored; we call this “atomic power”.

D.     Powers of Endurance: Both the first ray and Virgo (through Vulcan, the second and the sixth rays) possess great powers of endurance. The first ray inclines one never to give up, and Virgo endures faithfully through all vicissitudes.

E.      The Fires of Purification: Both influences are related to the fires of purification. Purificatory fire emanates, with respect to our planet, from Shamballa—the first ray center. Purificatory fire is applied upon the “burning ground”, and Virgo is one of the major signs of purification. Vulcan, a fiery planet which helps to consume personality dross, is a veiled esoteric ruler of Virgo.

F.      Separatism and Cleavages: At certain stages of evolution, both influences conduce to separatism and the creation of cleavages.

G.     Destruction Through Criticism: Both influences can wield destruction through criticism.

H.     Rejecting Energy: Both Virgo and the first ray wield rejecting energy. Virgo discriminatingly rejects that which is qualitatively unsuitable to purpose; the first ray more violently rejects and forcefully casts out.

I.        Vitality/Life in Matter: Virgo induces knowledge of how to generate and sustain vitality in matter. The means are nutrition, herbalism, healing, etc. Vitality is related to the life aspect of divinity, and hence to the first ray.

J.       Disciplining: Both Virgo and the first ray are active in the process of disciplining. Virgo submits all personality vehicles to a discriminating discipline, and the first ray operates through an enforcing discipline. These two influences combine in relation to rigorous physical disciplines (and the sixth ray is also included).

K.     Related to the First Initiation: Virgo is related to the first ray through the first initiation—a kind of second ‘birth’ (with which Virgo would naturally be affiliated), and a initiation in which first-ray Vulcan (a veiled esoteric ruler of Virgo) is strongly involved.


II.                 Sun Virgo (or Ascendant Virgo), R2P (or R2S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R2 and R6) (A very strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the second ray transmitted constellationally, and in greatest strength, through Virgo. The initial appropriate category of reinforcement would be, Very Strong by Constellational Transmission.  The second ray transmitted through Jupiter, the hierarchical ruler of Virgo, also adds to this reinforcement. Further, the second ray, transmitted monadically/esoterically through Neptune—one of the veiled esoteric rulers of Virgo, adds its measure of strength. Because of these rulerships, the categories of mutual astro-rayological reinforcement, Strong by Rulership—Class 2 and Class 3, both apply. One can see how powerfully the second ray is transmitted through Virgo and its higher rulers. The greatest strength of this mutual reinforcement occurs for disciples and initiates, for whom it is very strong. The second ray is also transmitted through Venus, ruler of the third decanate {in esoteric order}and of the first decanate {in exoteric order}, which adds to the general strength of the second ray presence in relation to Virgo.)

(a)    (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)


i.                     The excessive attention to unimportant detail of the form-bound Virgo person combines with the attitude of unwise attachment induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the second ray. (These undesirable qualities would be in the nature of a relapse or reversion to a formerly bound condition, as it is not possible to have a first or second ray personality unless one is at least an aspirant. The first or second ray may, however, enter the personality by other lines of influence.)

ii.                   Burdened by the weight of unnecessary and irrelevant detail. Buried in the inconsequential.

iii.                  “The Blessed One built him an ark.  Stage by stage he built it, and floated upon the bosom of the waters.  Deeply he hid himself, and his light was no more seen,—only his floating ark”. (EP II 36)

iv.                 Attached to many forms. A glut of undigested particulars.

v.                   Held back by these attachments. Speed greatly reduced by unnecessarily meticulous fulfillment. Encumbered.

vi.                 Cherishing many forms; missing the soul and the life within.

vii.                Surrounded by many “trees”; no view of the forest is to be seen.

viii.              A mother-consciousness which cannot release itself from its child.

ix.                 Loving the form but not the soul.

x.                   Wasting time! Excruciating slowness, though incessantly preoccupied with detailed fulfillments.

xi.                 Retarded progress.


(b)    (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple)


i.                     The careful, attentiveness to detail of the advancing Virgo individual combines with an increasing presence of wise loving-understanding induced within the spiritually-unfolding personality by the second ray.

ii.                   Great patience in the fulfillment of burdensome, wearisome duties.

iii.                  Cultivation of the “wise use of slow action”. (EP II 142)

iv.                 Duties undertaken and responsibly fulfilled without complaint.

v.                   The ability to bring to completion very complicated, frustrating tasks.

vi.                 Tolerance and understanding of the idiosyncrasies of others.

vii.                A growing interest in the healing arts. Seeking to bring relief to the distressed form.

viii.              On the Path of Discipleship: gradual and patient purification.

ix.                 On the Path of Discipleship: the emergence of humility.

x.                   On the Path of Discipleship: gently nurturing the emergence of the Christ force, within oneself and others.

xi.                 On the Path of Discipleship: learning self-forgiveness and the forgiveness of others when imperfections appear. “Each sees and knows the villainy of each. And yet there is with that great revelation, no turning back, to spurning of each other, no shakiness upon the road”. (GWP 50-51)


(c)    (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate)[Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Virgo, with the second ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]


i.                     The humble, Christ-centered orientation of the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under Virgo combines with the pure and selfless love and wisdom induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the second ray.

ii.                   One who joyfully accepts the burden of the spiritual will.

iii.                  The realization that whatever may come of adversity, it comes for the best. “Then all that comes is for the best—sickness, opportunity, success, and disappointment, the gibes and machinations of enemies, the lack of comprehension on the part of those we love—all is but to be used, and all exists but to be transmuted”. (IHS 78)

iv.                 “The first shall be last and the last shall be first”. (cf. TCF 63)

v.                   Work is love made manifest.

vi.                 Working the Christ through into manifestation, into matter.

vii.                Dissolving the World Illusion through Love-Wisdom.

viii.              Illumined receptivity. Intelligent mediumship.

ix.                 Sensitivity to the soul in all forms.

x.                   Healing the form through access to the soul.

xi.                 Achieving a practical grasp of the Ageless Wisdom with “meticulous entirety”.

xii.                The spiritual expression of selfless mother-love.

xiii.              Christ shall “return to Earth”, and the second ray soul of the planet Earth shall manifest through its third ray personality. (Virgo is closely connected with and expressive of both the second and the third ray.)

xiv.              The consummation of the Christ Consciousness in the “fullness of time”. (Second ray Jupiter in Virgo. The monad.)


Directives for Virgo and the Second Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)


Mantra for Virgo and the Second Ray


Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness:


Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “I See the Greatest Light”, Revealing Father/Mother/Child as One—God and Matter joining Through the Light of Christ, the Son.


Proposed Symbol for R2/Virgo: Focussed at the center of the Lotus Blue, the Scholar/Teacher


Well Known Individuals Hypothesized as Expressing this Combination of Rays and Signs:


1.                    Elizabeth Barrett Browning—Poet: March 6, 1806, Durham, England, 7:00 PM, LMT (Source; Sabian Symbols and LMR cites Ruth Hale Oliver who quotes Dorothy Hambate, “A Life”; given as approximately 6:35 PM, LMT by Marc Penfield in An Astrological Who’s Who) Died, June 29, 1861, in Florence, Italy.

(Ascendant, Virgo; Sun, Pluto, Mars and Mercury all conjunct in Pisces; Venus also retrograde in Pisces; Moon in Libra with Saturn and Uranus also in Libra, conjunct; Jupiter in Capricorn)

Pisces is, perhaps, the most poetic of all the signs. The size of her stellium in Pisces is an excellent indication for a person whose calling is poet. Her tremendous sensitivity and physical weakness are also indicated by the concentration of planets in Pisces. Most of the Pisces planets are in the sixth house of sickness and health, rising planet. Her life expression was powerfully conditioned by her invalidism. Pisces is one of the most susceptible of signs. This susceptibility was not aided by what may well have been an addiction to opium; addictive tendencies are commonly found in Pisces. There was a passionate idealism indicated by R6, which comes through both Virgo and Pisces. She lived with Robert Browning in Italy, a R6 country, and idealistically espoused the cause of political freedom in Italy.

2.                   Charles Dickens—English Novelist: February 7, 1812, Portsmouth, England, 12:30 AM, LMT. (Source: Sabian Symbols and Notable Nativities) Died, of a massive stroke, June 9, 1879, Gadshill, England.        

(There is a conflicting time, which offers Virgo rising instead of Scorpio. If true, that which is written below will have to be modified.)    

(Ascendant, Scorpio (
or now more probably Virgo) with Uranus also in Scorpio; Sun in Aquarius; Moon in Sagittarius; Mercury and Saturn in Capricorn; Venus in Pisces conjunct Pluto; Mars in Aries; Jupiter in Gemini; Neptune in Sagittarius)

Charles Dickens was the most popular English novelist of the nineteenth century, and perhaps the greatest of all the English novelists. Some of his best works include Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, and A Tale of Two Cities. The energy of Love-Wisdom is profoundly present. The theme of redemption through love emerges persistently; love (Venus and Jupiter) and sacrifice (Pluto conjunct Venus) are understood as the best ways to conquer the Scorpionic Hydra. Venus (with its second ray component) exalted in second ray Pisces, only strengthens the compassion which underlies Dickens’ stories. Love redeems, and Ebenezer Scrooge is, from the esoteric perspective, “born again” as a “new man in Christ” on Christmas morning. The soul always triumphs (Scorpio).

The broad humanitarian side of Aquarius (the energy of “universal love”) emerges here. The largesse of Dickens’s approach to the human character is indicated by broad and benevolent Jupiter standing alone in second ray Gemini in the house of penetrating psychological understanding, H8. Dickens’ view of human nature was realistic (Mercury and Saturn in Capricorn) but generous and full of loving-understanding.

Beneath the description of sordid and unhappy conditions, there is the optimism of his Sagittarian Moon, and his singleton Jupiter. To read his novels is a transformative experience (Uranus in the first house in Scorpio)—transformative through an access to a great flow of heart energy.           

Along with the energy of the second ray, the fourth ray stream of energy can certainly be detected. The drama between good and evil, light and dark is ever present—but at length, there is, in true fourth manner, victory.


3.                   Maria Montessori—Progressive, Transformational Educator: August 31, 1870, Chiaravalle, Italy, 3:30 AM, LMT (Source: Michel Gauquelin) Died, May 6, 1952, Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands.    

(Ascendant, Leo with Venus and Ceres conjuncted and rising in Leo; Sun in Virgo; Moon in Scorpio; Mercury in Libra; Mars conjunct Uranus in Cancer; Saturn in Sagittarius in H5; Jupiter in Gemini; Neptune in Aries; Pluto in Taurus)

Maria Montessori was a medical doctor who evolved into a transformational educator. The so-called Montessori method (signaling Virgo and the seven ray) is essentially a  practical and sequential approach.. The orderly use of concrete methods and materials was considered vital in her method of education. The Leo Ascendant, with nurturing Ceres and light-filled Venus rising, and responsible Saturn in the fifth house of children, indicates her soul mission—to bring illumination to the minds and hearts of children—(Leo, the “Will to Illumine). Behind her practical and concrete seventh ray methods, one can feel the expansive presence (second ray Jupiter in second ray Gemini) of the Ray of the Teacher—the second ray of “Love-Wisdom”.

4.                    Florence Nightingale—Nurse (who established nursing as a dignified profession): (1820-1910) May 12, 1820, Florence, Italy, 2:00 PM (Source: Speculative) Died, August 13, 1910, London, England.

(Ascendant, speculatively and appropriately, Virgo; Sun conjunct Moon in Taurus; Moon; Mercury, Aries; Venus, Cancer; Mars, Leo; Jupiter in Pisces in the sixth house; Uranus in Sagittarius conjunct Neptune in Capricorn in the fourth house; Pluto in Pisces)

The power, strength and endurance of Taurus are here indicated, as well as its close association with the biological dimension of life. Florence Nightingale gave form, and substance and established the dignity of the nursing profession. Much seventh and first ray energy was needed. As Florence Nightingale was known as the “lady with the lamp” (the symbol of the approach of a comforting light in the darkness of sickness and despair) she was, archetypally, the Taurean “light bearer” and, thus, carried much of the second ray energy in addition to the seventh and first. Of all the signs, Virgo (the speculative Ascendant, and possibly Pisces) is most associated with sickness and health. Virgo is almost archetypally the “nurse”, careful in small things, discriminating, understanding the value and administration of medicines, etc. Jupiter in Pisces bestows compassion, and it is in the sixth house which has to do, again, with sickness or the restoration of health.

Left her wealthy family to learn nursing at 33; became hospital superintendent. A selfless heroine in the Crimean War; became a world-known authority on the care of the sick; founded the nursing profession as we know it today.

5.                   Cyril Scott—Composer, Poet, Author and Occultist: September 27, 1879, Oxton England. (Source: AstroDataBank citing report by Ralph Kraum who cites Scott’s book “Doctors, Disease and Health”) Died, December 31, 1970, Eastbourn, England.

(Proposed Ascendant, Virgo; MC, Gemini with Mars and Pluto conjunct in Taurus conjuncted to the MC; Sun in Libra; Moon in Aquarius; Mercury, Vesta and Venus (retrograde) closely conjuncted in late Virgo, all three conjunct the Libra Sun; Uranus also is in Virgo conjuncting proposed Ascendant from H12; Jupiter in Pisces; Saturn in Aries; Neptune in Taurus conjunct Chiron, also in Taurus)

6.                   Oprah Winfrey—Actress, Talk-Show Host: Jan 29 1954, Kosciusko, Mississippi, 7:51 PM. (Source: Clifford Compendium; reported by her on television)

(Ascendant, Virgo; MC, Gemini with Jupiter in Gemini, H10; Sun conjunct Venus in Aquarius with Mercury also in Aquarius; Moon in Sagittarius; Mars and Saturn in Scorpio; Uranus in Cancer; Neptune in Libra; Pluto in Libra)

Frank, honest and astute, Winfrey has dazzled the talk show opposition since 1984.  She was raped as a child and struggled with her weight for many years.  A considerable acting talent, Winfrey has set the standard in recent years with her TV show.


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Virgo and R2


Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.



In Comparison With


1.        Transmits R2 and R6 constellationally


1.        R2

2.        Transmits principally R4, R4/6/1 and R2 through its planetary rulers (unveiled and veiled)


2.        R2

3.        Colors: yellow (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) yellow-green, green, greenish-blue.


3.        Colors: indigo blue, sapphire blue, light blue

4.        Note: Possibly FA or F


4.        Note: SOL or G

5.        Expresses principally through the solar plexus center and later the heart center, through Neptune and Jupiter. Some ajna center expression likely through Mercury. Since Virgo is the sixth sign, sacral center expression (through the Moon) is likely, in relation to conception and the gestation period.


5.        Expresses through the heart chakra; the “heart in the head” and also through the spleen as solar prana on our planet

6.        Creative Hierarchy number II/VII, unliberated


6.        Creative Hierarchy number II/VII, unliberated

7.        Hypothesized as being especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom via the Moon/Vulcan, the Vegetable Kingdom via Moon/Neptune and Jupiter, the Animal Kingdom via the Moon, the Human Kingdom via Mercury and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives via Jupiter.


7.        Related to the Vegetable Kingdom and the Kingdom of Souls

8.        Although associated strongly with the second aspect of divinity, Virgo is also, by ancient association, linked to the third aspect as well.


8.        The ray associated with the second aspect of divinity

9.        “God the Mother”


9.        “God the Son”

10.     “God the Holy Spirit”


10.     “God the Son”

11.     Strong lunar associations (with some solar associations)


11.     Strong solar associations

12.     Related to all aspects of the personality


12.     Related to the causal body and solar angel

13.     Analytical


13.     Unitive

14.     Critical


14.     Tolerant

15.     Coolness


15.     Often evidences warmth (depending upon the type upon the second ray)

16.     Discriminating mind


16.     Inclusive mind

17.     Active, analytical mind may contribute to a reduction in individual magnetism.


17.     Strong magnetism

18.     Active and industrious upon the physical plane


18.     Less active, perhaps more passive upon the physical plane


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Virgo and R2


Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.


A.     Virgo Transmits the Second Ray Most Powerfully: Virgo and the second ray are closely related because the major zodiacal transmission of the second ray occurs through Virgo.

B.     “Mother Love”: Both Virgo and the second ray are closely identified with “mother love”. Both influences can be considered largely feminine in nature (though second ray carries also the quality of the “Son”).

C.     Heart Center Activation: Both energies stream into the heart center, though Virgo is active within the solar plexus as well.

D.     Relation to the Human Monad: Both influences are related to the human monad and its plane. The monad (for practical purposes) focuses upon the second systemic plane (the monadic plane). It is included within a Creative Hierarchy called the “Divine Builders”, and this Hierarchy is ruled by Virgo and Jupiter (Jupiter being a planet which transmits the second ray).

E.      The Deva Kingdom—the Feminine: Virgo (related to matter and to the Pleiades) is always associated with the Deva Kingdom—especially those who are the servants of humanity. The second ray is archetypally the feminine ray (just as the first ray is the archetypal masculine ray), and the Deva Kingdom, as a whole, is a feminine kingdom.

F.      “Meticulous Entirety”: Virgo and the second ray are related to each other through the achievement of “meticulous entirety”. This method of procedure so characteristic of the second ray is particularly strong when Virgo (or perhaps Gemini) combines its energy to that normally expressed through the second ray.

G.     Selfless Service: Virgo and the second ray are also linked through the urge, selflessly, to serve others. All signs of the zodiac and all rays eventually become signs and rays of service, but this sign and this ray are characteristically related to service (as is Pisces and also Aquarius).

H.     Related to the Second Initiation: Virgo is related to the second ray through the second initiation—the Baptism or Purification. This initiation demands the purification of all three lunar vehicles—a  task for which the Virgo energy is well-suited. Special attention is placed upon the discriminative clearing of the astral vehicle, thus ridding it of its major glamors.  Further (although the second initiation is ruled by the sixth ray) much second ray energy is also released (through Venus, Jupiter and Neptune) bringing a truer love into the astral nature and overcoming the worst aspects of selfish desire.


3.       Sun Virgo (or Ascendant Virgo), R3P (or R3S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R2 and R6) (A mild to moderate mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the third ray component of both Mercury and the Moon—the exoteric and esoteric rulers of Virgo, respectively. Mercury is a sacred planet and its third ray is most likely associated with the personality aspect, which it has transcended. The third ray is not actually transmitted through the Moon, but the Moon is associated with many phenomena conditioned by the third ray. The general operative category of reinforcement would be Moderate by Rulership, even though the third ray is not the usually designated ray in any of Virgo’s rulers.

Virgo—through its activity in relation to the first solar system—also has an ancient association with the third divine aspect and with the third ray. The category, Probable by Constellational Transmission may apply.

The mutual reinforcement of this combination is further strengthened by the transmission of the third ray through Mercury, ruler of the first decanate {in esoteric order} and the third decanate {in exoteric order}, as well as through Saturn, ruler of the second decanate in both {esoteric and exoteric order}.)


(a)    (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)


i.                     The preoccupying materialism of the self-centered Virgo person combines with the busy, sense-bound attitude induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the third ray.

ii.                   “Let matter reign”.

iii.                  Maya flourishes.

iv.                 Materiality taken as reality.

v.                   ‘Busyness’ and business without heart.

vi.                 Continuous complexity. Kaleidoscopic preoccupation.

vii.                Material intelligence shuts out the subtler worlds. Blinded by the veils of matter

viii.              Food becomes a consuming interest.

ix.                 Continuous acquisition for the sake of the physical body.

x.                   Intelligence utilized exclusively for the pursuit of material well-being.

xi.                 Preoccupation with “the World”.


(b)    (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple)


i.                     The sound knowledge of material processes of the advancing Virgo individual combines with the intelligence-in-matter induced within the personality by the third ray.

ii.                   Extremely resourceful.

iii.                  Able to solve many practical problems.

iv.                 Understanding diet and their relationship to health.

v.                   Wide knowledge of pharmacology and herbalism.

vi.                 A growing appreciation of nature and natural process.

vii.                Growth of an acute, diversified and practical intelligence.

viii.              On the Path of Discipleship: devising practical strategies for dealing intelligently with the lunar vehicles.

ix.                 On the Path of Discipleship: the growth of a practical, spiritual intelligence.

x.                   On the Path of Discipleship: bringing business and spirituality together.

xi.                 Bringing the resources of business to the aid of the emerging Christ.

xii.                On the Path of Discipleship: utilization of commerce to meet human needs.

xiii.              On the Path of Discipleship: serving, sharing, distributing the necessities of life. Concerned with world hunger, and world health.

xiv.              On the Path of Discipleship: preparing the personal foundation for the emergence of the Christ Consciousness.


(c)    (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate)[Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Virgo, with the third ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]


i.                     The highly intelligent yet spiritual understanding of form and matter possessed by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under Virgo, combines with the acute, active intelligence induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the third ray.

ii.                   Finding intelligent ways to bring soul and form together on a broad scale.

iii.                  One adept at elevating human intelligence and its loving expression through matter and form.

iv.                 Promoting the fusing of the second ray soul of our planet with its third ray personality.

v.                   Detailed knowledge of the particulars of the Divine Plan. Therefore understanding, how soul is meant to spiritualize matter and form.

vi.                 Understanding the particular ways in which Divine Intelligence intends to serve Divine Love.

vii.                Understanding the means by which the Mother Force can be brought into right alignment with the energy of the Son and of the Father. Thus, intelligently uniting the  Father, Mother and Son.

viii.              Having the intelligence to bring the material world into adjustment with the spiritual world. Understanding the practical timing to bring about these adjustments.]

ix.                 An active worker in the physical manifestation of the Kingdom of God.

x.                   Manipulating (third ray) the resources of the Mother (Virgo) for the sake of the Divine Son—the emerging Christ Consciousness.

xi.                 Working as a constructive agent in relating the efforts of the Mahachohan and the Bodhisattva—the third and second Departments of Hierarchy.

xii.                Practically considered—preparing economically for the advent of the Aquarian Age.


Directives for Virgo and the Third Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)


Mantra for Virgo and the Third Ray


Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness:


Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Purpose Itself am I”—this is Known when Comprehending that the Father/Mother/Child are One—when Seeing God and Matter Joined within the Light of Christ, the Son.


Proposed Symbol for R3/Virgo: Alert at the center of the ‘Web of Life’ the Weaver creatively


Well Known Individuals Hypothesized as Expressing this Combination of Rays and Signs:


1.                  Woody Allen—Screenwriter, Actor, Comedian: December 1, 1935, Brooklyn, New York, 10:55 PM. (Source: Birth Certificate)

(Ascendant, Virgo with Neptune in Virgo; MC in Taurus; Sun, Mercury and Jupiter all conjunct in Sagittarius; Moon in Aquarius; Venus is Libra; Mars and NN in Capricorn; Saturn in Pisces conjunct DSC; Uranus in Taurus; Neptune in Virgo; Pluto in Cancer)

Known to be a compulsive worker and neurotic, prone to paranoia and depression, and an inability to enjoy himself, Allan has produced much acclaimed work, especially with his former partner Mia Farrow (qv).  He was discovered in 1964 and wrote a screenplay for his first film in June 1965, 'What's New Pussycat'.  One of his masterpieces, 'Annie Hall' opened in April 1977.  In August 1992, Allen and Farrow were embroiled in a law suit, and Allen was alleged to have sexually abused his child.  He began an affair with his adopted teenage daughter in December 1991.  The split and court case (Farrow was triumphant) was one of the ugliest in recent times.


1.                   Georg Friedrich Hegel—German Philosopher: August 27, 1770, 1:30 PM, Stuttgart, Germany. (Source: time speculative, MDR) Died, November 14, 1831, Berlin, Germany.

(Speculative Ascendant, Sagittarius with Mars also in Sagittarius; Sun in Virgo with Mercury also in Virgo; Moon in Pisces; Venus in Leo conjunct Juno; Jupiter in Libra conjunct Neptune, also in Libra; Saturn in Scorpio; Uranus in Gemini with NN also in Gemini; Pluto in Aquarius)

2.                   Henry George—Social Reformer and Political Economist: September 2, 1839, 12:00 Noon, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Source: Notable Nativities No.790) Died, October 29, 1897, New York, NY.

(Proposed Ascendant, Scorpio; Sun in Virgo with Mercury, retrograde, and Vesta also in Virgo and exactly conjunct the Sun; Moon in Cancer conjunct Chiron; Venus in Libra conjunct Jupiter, also in Libra; Mars in Scorpio; Saturn in Sagittarius; Uranus in Pisces exactly conjunct the NN; Neptune in Aquarius; Pluto in Aries)

3.                   Dr. Samuel Johnson—English Author, Critic, Lexicographer: September 18, 1709, Lichfield, England, 16:00 LMT (Considering the discrepancy between NS or OS—the major change  would be to place the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Leo, OS, or in Pisces, NS)

(Ascendant Capricorn or Aquarius; Mercury in Virgo NS and in Libra OS; Mars and Venus in Libra; Jupiter in Scorpio; Saturn in Cancer; Uranus and Pluto in Leo; Neptune in Aries; Pluto)

(The OS chart is quite different; Ascendant, Aquarius; Sun in Libra; Moon in Leo; Mercury in Libra; Mars and Venus in Scorpio; the other planets, the same)

The Virgo energy signals his sharp, critical mind, (especially if Mercury is also in Virgo) and his preoccupation with the exactitudes of the English language. Johnson used to “hold court” in a particular tavern, and his brilliant conversations and humor have been immortalized by his biographer, James Boswell. The brilliance of the third ray is everywhere in evidence, reinforced by the exactitude of the fifth (or is it simply Virgo?) and the wit and color of the fourth. Certain pointed first ray qualities are also evident in the speech and thought. Because of his position in his “circle” of admirers and attendees, it is hard to conceive that Leo would not have been important in this chart.


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Virgo and R3


Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.



In Comparison With


1.        Transmits R2 and R6 constellationally


1.        R3

2.        Transmits principally R4, R4/6/1 and R2 through its planetary rulers (unveiled and veiled)


2.        R3

3.        Colors: yellow (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) yellow-green, green, greenish-blue.


3.        Colors: green, yellow, black

4.        Note: Possibly FA or F


4.        Note: FA or F

5.        Expresses principally through the solar plexus center and later the heart center, through Neptune and Jupiter. Some ajna center expression likely through Mercury. Since Virgo is the sixth sign, sacral center expression (through the Moon) is likely, in relation to conception and the gestation period.


5.        Expresses through the throat chakra and (to a degree) through the sacral chakra, also through the spleen as planetary prana, and, quite reasonably, through the ajna center when that center represents the Spiritual Triad

6.        Creative Hierarchy number II/VII, unliberated


6.        Creative Hierarchy number I, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number III/VIII, unliberated

7.        Hypothesized as being especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom via the Moon/Vulcan, the Vegetable Kingdom via Moon/Neptune and Jupiter, the Animal Kingdom via the Moon, the Human Kingdom via Mercury and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives via Jupiter.


7.        Related to the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives

8.        Preoccupied with the birthing, guarding and nurturing of the Christ life


8.        Related to the matter aspect more than the Christ (consciousness) aspect. Related to the material foundation

9.        Physically meticulous


9.        Often physically careless

10.     Emotionally purifying


10.     Emotionally detached

11.     Mentally analytical and concrete


11.     Mentally analytical and yet abstract

12.     Personally focussed


12.     Personally active and dispersed

13.     Related to the personality and its three vehicles


13.     Related to the personality but also to the Spiritual Triad

14.     Related (through Jupiter) to the monad and the monadic plane


14.     Related to the Spiritual Triad and to the personal triad

15.     Clear and focussed


15.     Initially involved and obscure; later focussed but abstract

16.     Sequential action


16.     Rapid, often non-sequential action

17.     Working with finesse of technique in most matters


17.     His “technique is not fine” (EP I 205)


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Virgo and R3


Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.


A.     Related Through Association with Previous Solar System: Virgo and the third ray are intimately related because Virgo was the foremost sign in relation to the latter half of the previous solar system—a system which was ruled by the third ray. Even in this solar system, Virgo retains its third ray quality.

B.     Mother and Matter: Virgo is related to the “Mother” aspect of divinity as is the third ray, for mother is matter, and the third ray is the ruler of the matter aspect. Since Virgo and the third ray are (through ancient experience) related to the third or matter aspect, they are, consequently, related to each other.

C.     Intelligence in Matter: Mercurial intelligence has a strong third ray component, and Mercury is the exoteric ruler of Virgo. As well, according to the Tibetan, Mercury is exalted in this sign. Both Virgo and the third ray are related, especially, to intelligence in matter.

D.     Dealing with Complexity: Each of these influences has the capacity to deal with complexity—the sinuosity of matter and thought.

E.      Efficiency: Some third ray types suffer from the glamor of efficiency—specifically, “the glamour of self-importance, from the standpoint of knowing, of efficiency” (GWP 122); Virgo types, ever intelligently improving their technique, are also known as efficiency experts.

F.      Succumbing to Illusion: Both types may succumb to illusion—glamor on the level of mind. Illusion is based principally upon the perception of separation towards which both Virgo and the third ray may influence the perceiving consciousness.

G.     Herbalism: The third ray type is often the herbalist; Virgo, as well, gives a capacity for herbalism and, in general, pharmacology and the knowledge of medicines.

H.     Business and Commerce: Both Virgo and the third ray (in its more material expression) given an aptitude for business and commerce (the exchange of goods and services).

I.        Glamor of Criticism: With both types the “glamor of criticism” is often to be found.

J.       Relation to Processes in Preparation for the First Initiation: At the time of the third initiation, the personality is often to be found upon the third ray—a synthesizing and ‘collecting’ ray—gathering and collecting the energies of the third aspect. Virgo, too, is related to the first degree—“giving birth” to the Christ (and especially to the long preparation for that birth).

“She stands also for the womb of form and for the nurturing mother, guarding the Christ principle within her own material substance until in "the fullness of time" she can give birth to the Christ child”. (EA 262)

Virgo, too is a sign of material synthesis (uniting “Father”, “Mother” and “Child”, and relating them in a new way—as is done for the first time at the first degree.


4.       Sun Virgo (or Ascendant Virgo), R4P (or R4S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R2 and R6): (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the fourth ray transmitted through both Mercury and the Moon—respectively the exoteric and esoteric rulers of this sign. The esoterically veiled Vulcan, arguably, also has a fourth ray component; and esoterically veiled Neptune has a strong fourth ray association through buddhi. As well, fourth ray Mercury is exalted in this sign. Mercury is also a decanate ruler {first decanate counter-clockwise and third decanate clockwise} thus adding further strength. The categories applicable to this reinforcement are Strong  by Rulership—Class 1 and Class 2. The mutual reinforcement of this combination of astro-rayological energies is, it would seem, equally strong for both the average individual and for the aspirant/disciple.)


1)      (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)


i.                     The petulant dissatisfaction of the self-centered Virgo person combines with the general attitude of reactive discontent induced within an insufficiently-spiritualized personality by the fourth ray.

ii.                   Pettiness, worry, fussiness.

iii.                  Fretting over small matters. Fighting over little things. The ‘war of inconsequentials’.

iv.                 The smallest things can upset the psychological balance.

v.                   Argumentative.

vi.                 Hyper critical in all matters of taste.

vii.                Flagellation.

viii.              Destructive friction in search of unattainable perfection.


2)      (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple)


i.                     The high qualitative standards of the advancing Virgo individual combine with the love of beauty and aesthetic refinement induced within the spiritually-unfolding personality by the fourth ray.

ii.                   The cultivation and refinement of the mind, especially as an instrument of appreciation and creation.

iii.                  A growing excellence in the field of the arts.

iv.                 Exercising the utmost discernment and discrimination in all matters of taste.

v.                   Exercising exactitude in all musical matters. If notes, intervals or chords are out of tune, it is actually a source of pain.

vi.                 Doing all one can to resolve dissonance—whether of forms, color or sound.

vii.                Long and tedious labor so that beauty may emerge. Growing expertise in techniques of beautification.

viii.              Artistic criticism with the purpose of maintaining high standards and preserving quality.

ix.                 A talent for finding, creating, creating or refining the gem or the jewel.

x.                   On the Path of Discipleship: a keen development of the faculty of discrimination (related to Virgo and found on the fourth subplane of the mental plane).

xi.                 On the Path of Discipleship: seeking to fine-tune the personality vehicles to each other and to the soul.

xii.                On the Path of Discipleship: detecting the smallest physical, emotional or mental dissonance, and seeking to resolve it by fine adjustment.

xiii.              On the Path of Discipleship: seeking refinement in all intra-personal and inter-personal interplay.

xiv.              On the Path of Discipleship: using the arts as a source of spiritual elevation.

xv.               On the Path of Discipleship: beautification as purification.

xvi.              On the Path of Discipleship: harmonization as healing.

xvii.            On the Path of Discipleship: involvement in psychological healing. Healing the fragmented psyche. Learning to help the love principle emerge into the field of psychological conflict and stress.

xviii.           On the Path of Discipleship: the quiet worker for improvement in all areas of the personal and group life.


3)      (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate)[Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Virgo, with the fourth ray as the ray of the personality or soul]


i.                     The deep appreciation of the perfection of Divinity possessed by the soul-inspired disciple/initiate born in or under Virgo, combines with the intuitive realization of the equivalency of Beauty and Truth induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the fourth ray.

ii.                   Beautifying form to better reflect divine patterns.

iii.                  The disciple, identified as soul,  becomes the “Corrector of the Form”, so that divine beauty may emerge.

iv.                 The one who knows archetypal perfection and labors to present that perfection in form as a contribution to the emergence of the Divine Plan. (The monadic plane, ruled by Jupiter and Virgo, is, for practical purpose, plane on which perfect archetypes are found.)

v.                   Finding divine beauty in the smallest aspect of Nature. Full of loving appreciation for the Work of the Creator.

vi.                 Knowing how to recognize, cherish and utilize the gems and jewels of spiritual living.

vii.                A deep appreciation for the beauty of “Mother Earth”.

viii.              The art of harmonizing emergent Love-Wisdom with the conditions of matter.

ix.                 Intuiting the art, song and dance of the angels. Virgo is closely related to the Deva Kingdom, and the fourth ray is numerically resonant with the fourth or buddhic plane upon which man and angel meet in harmonious cooperation.

x.                   Beautifying the “Mother” for the sake of Her union with the “Father”.

xi.                 (Reexamine closely)


Directives for Virgo and the Fourth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)


Mantra for Virgo and the Fourth Ray


Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness:


Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Two Merge with One”—a One in which the Father/Mother/Child are also One, with God and Matter Joining through the Light of Christ, the Son.


Proposed Symbol for R4/Virgo: Vibrating to the ‘Spectrum of Rainbow-Colored Tones’, the ‘Artist of Life’


Well Known Individuals Hypothesized as Expressing this Combination of Rays and Signs:


1.                   Frederic Chopin—Composer and Pianist: (1810-1849) February 22, 1810, or March 1, 1810,  Zelazowa Wola, Poland, 6:00 PM, LMT. (Source: for March 1st: LMR cites David Fisher who quotes Valerie Matthews letter from Dariusz Proskurnicki in Poland,  “Chopin himself presented his date as the 1st of March, 1810, as presented in his letter dated 1/16/1833 to the Head of the Literary Society in Paris.  The same date is given in the letters of his Scottish pupil Jane W. Stirling, saying that “his parents made an error of eight days when they went to the registry office some weeks after his birth.”: Sources for February 22nd: Chopin by Henri Bidou; also Sabian Symbols, and Notable Nativities) Died, October 17, 1849, Paris, France.                                                                           

(Ascendant, Virgo: Sun and Pluto in Pisces; Moon in Libra; Venus conjunct Mercury in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde; Mars and Jupiter in Aries; Saturn conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius; Uranus in Scorpio)      

(Ascendant, Virgo: Sun conjunct Venus and Pluto in Pisces; Moon in Libra; Moon in Capricorn; Mercury in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde; Mars and Jupiter in Aries; Saturn conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius; Uranus in Scorpio)           

Frederick Chopin was one of the greatest pianists of the 19th century and, in the eyes of many, the greatest of all composers for the piano. Many of his pieces are dreamy, delicate, shimmering, opalescent (Sun in Pisces, Moon in Libra); others have the raw power, vigor and irrepressibility of the military (Mars and Jupiter in Aries). We find in Chopin a blend of the fourth sixth and seventh rays, with the fourth being the probably soul ray. A number of sensitive artists were ‘sent in’ (into incarnation) “before their time” (and, reasonably, under Neptune) in an attempt to offset the gathering materialism which later engulfed the world in the late 19th and the first half of the 20th century. Chopin was just such a sensitive soul. From a certain perspective, however, it seemed that the burning passion of his soul was too great for the delicate strength of his body, and he was consumed by the fire. He died of tuberculosis at the age of thirty nine.

2.                   Johann Wolfgang von Goethe—German Poet and Novelist: (1749-1832) August 28, 1749, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, 12:00 Noon, LMT. Died, Weimar, March 22, 1832

(Source: his autobiography, in which he writes, “born mid-day when the clock struck 12:00”) (Ascendant Scorpio with Saturn conjunct Scorpio from H12; Pluto also in Scorpio, H1: MC, Virgo, with Sun in Virgo conjunct the MC and Venus also in Virgo; Moon and Jupiter in Pisces; Mercury in Leo; Mars in Capricorn; Uranus in Aquarius; Neptune in Capricorn)

Germany's most famous writer; a great literary genius of imagination and versatility, unsurpassed as a poet. Lawyer in 1771; first published in 1773; famous by the age of 25. Took sixty years to complete Faust. (1749-1832)

3.                   Franz Joseph Haydn, Composer: March 31, 1732, Rohrau, Austria, 4:00 PM, LMT. (Source: “baptismal records” in Horoscopes of Composers.) Died, May 31, 1809, Vienna, Austria.

(Ascendant, Virgo; MC, Gemini with Ceres, Neptune, Moon and NN all in Gemini and conjuncted by translation of light within a nine degree span; Sun, Saturn and Mercury all in Aries, with Saturn conjunct the Sun and Saturn conjunct Mercury; Venus in Taurus Mars conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius; Jupiter and Pluto both in Libra)

Papa Haydn, Surprise symphony. Cleaning the stables—Saturn conjunct the Sun. Teacher of Mozart and Beethoven. Thought of Beethoven as the “Great Mogul” R7 present too, so it seems

4.                   Hermann Helmholz—the Nineteenth Century’s Foremost ‘Acoustician’: August 31, 1821, Potsdam Germany, no time given. Died, September 8, 1894, Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany.

(Could Libra be rising?)
(Sun, Virgo; Moon and Venus in Libra; Mercury in Leo; Mars in Cancer; Jupiter in Taurus conjunct Saturn in late Aries; Neptune in Capricorn conjunct Uranus in late Sagittarius; Pluto in Pisces)

Helmholz’s brilliant researches into the exact nature of sound—the science of acoustics, certainly took place on a fifth ray impulse, but his fourth ray sensitivity to perfect pitch, tone and harmony were unusually keen, indicating as well the presence of the fourth ray.

5.                   John Keats—English Poet: October 29 {or October 31}, 1775, London, England, 1:30 AM, LMT. (Source: speculative per Marc Penfield)  Died, of tuberculosis, Feburary 23, 1821, Rome, Papal States, Italy.

(Source: speculative from Marc Penfield) (Speculative Ascendant, Virgo, with Uranus and Chiron conjunct in Virgo and rising; Mars is also in Virgo;  Sun conjunct Neptune and Venus, all in Scorpio, with Mercury in Scorpio also; Moon in Taurus (or Gemini); Jupiter in Capricorn; Saturn, elevated, in Gemini; Pluto in Aquarius)

Keats was the author of “Ode on a Grecian Urn”. Like Shelley, he was enamored of the ancient Greek culture, relating to it through his powerful fourth ray—reasonably, the ray of his soul. Scorpio is principally a fourth ray sign; the fourth ray influence in magnified in Keats’ chart through the Scorpio Sun and the conjunction of the two planets of beauty, Venus and Neptune in Scorpio. As well, the exoteric ruler of the Virgo Ascendant, Mercury, is placed in fourth ray Scorpio (in H3) and the esoteric ruler, the Moon, is placed in fourth ray Taurus in H9. Thus, a number of strong fourth ray reinforcements appear.


6.                   Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy—Composer: February 3, 1809, Hamburg, Germany, approximately 8:00 PM. (Source: Speculative from Marc Penfield) Died, November 4, 1847, Leipzig, Germany.     

(Speculative Ascendant, Virgo with speculative Moon also in Virgo; Sun and Mercury in Aquarius; Venus loosely conjunct Jupiter in Pisces with Pluto also in Pisces; Mars in Libra; Saturn conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius; Uranus in Scorpio)           

Again we have an example of a powerful combination of universal, eclectic Aquarius blended with the fourth ray. Mendelssohn was one of the most gifted and accomplished composers of the 19th Century. He was a romantic with a definitely established understanding of classicism. This may be indicated by his Saturn (classicism) conjunction with Neptune (Romanticism). His music is delicate and pristine (speculative Virgo Ascendant and Moon). He also captures a certain gossamer, devic quality to which he was closely allied (one of the effects of ‘ariel’ Aquarius). Who better to write the incidental music to “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”?    

Another side to his character is demonstrated by the sixth ray. He converted from Judaism to Christianity (as did a number of the better educated Jews of early 19th century Germany) and wrote, as a testimony to his new faith, the Reformation Symphony, featuring Martin Luther’s famous hymn, “A Mighty Fortress is our God”. As well, Mendelssohn wrote several of the most known and beloved religious oratorios—first and foremost, Elijah, and also St. Paul. His religious orientation was a deep theme in his life. Interestingly, he has the speculative Ascendant and six planets in signs which transmit the sixth ray of Idealism and Devotion.


7.                   Amadeo Modigliani—Artist: July 12, 1884, Livorno, Italy, 9:00 AM, LMT. (Source: Gauqelin) Died, of tuberclular meningitis, He died of tubercular meningitis on January 24, 1920.

(Ascendant, Virgo, with Mars and Uranus conjunct in Virgo; MC, Gemini with Pluto in Gemini conjunct the MC and Saturn also in Gemini; Sun in Cancer conjunct Mercury and Venus in Cancer; Moon in Pisces; Jupiter in Leo Neptune in Taurus)

Italian portrait pointed of artists, poets, musicians, and models, usually with long bodies and oval heads. Moved to Paris in 1906, and supported himself for a while by sketching care portraits; later also did sculpture.

8.                   Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart—Composer, Musical Genius: January 27, 1756, Salzburg, Austria, 8:00 PM (Source: According to LMR, a letter from his father in a biography by J.G. Prodhomme) Died before 1:00 AM on December 6, 1791.

(Ascendant, Virgo; Sun, Mercury and Saturn all conjunct in Aquarius; Venus also in Aquarius; Moon conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius; Jupiter in Libra; Uranus in Pisces conjunct Descendant; Neptune in Leo)       

The presence of the fourth ray, as Mozart’s soul ray, is indisputable. The Aquarian potential for genius and soul-telepathy is remarkably evident. Aquarius connected Mozart to the Universal Mind, and it was from that source that he “heard” much of his music which, in a manner of speaking, he simply transcribed. The refinement of his work and his keen musical discrimination are reflected in his Virgo Ascendant.

Esoterically, the fifth house represents the expression of soul talents, the contents of the causal body. Mozart’s Sun and Mercury are placed in H5 and demanding Saturn as well (in one sense, representing his father, who trained him in music and insisted upon his creativity and performance). It is also interesting to consider Jupiter in Libra in the second house. The second house is the ‘treasury’ of the soul, the contents of the causal body, indicating, esoterically, the ‘gifts’ which one has accumulated through lifetimes of effort. This Jupiter placement indicates that Mozart was inwardly ‘wealthy’. Jupiter trines the midpoint between the Mercury/Sun conjunction and the placement of Venus in the last degree of Aquarius.      

The Pluto/Moon conjunction in Sagittarius in H4, indicate the “burning ground” which Mozart was treading. In this fire all obstacles to the expression of his genius were consumed. Uranus on the cusp of H7 indicate, esoterically, the awakening and transformative effect which he had upon those who experienced his music, and more mundanely, the instability of his interpersonal life. From yet another perspective, this placement can be understood as a Uranian ‘partnership’ with the triadal realm on inspiration, from which his beautiful and abundant ideas flowed. Pisces is one of the more musical signs   .

The opposition of musical Neptune to his Sun, Mercury and even to Saturn, accentuate his receptivity and sensitivity. Neptune is also sextile to the MC, or his career point. His fourth ray soul found strong expression through the Neptune/Mercury opposition—Mercury being a planet of the fourth ray, and Neptune ruling the fourth, or buddhic, plane. The Virgo Ascendant is ruled by the fourth ray moon, placed in Sagittarius, a partially fourth ray sign, and in the fourth house. The Moon here is a veil for Neptune, especially (though Uranus cannot be discounted). The result is to bring heavenly music from ‘afar’ (Sagittarius) to the earth in the service of the fourth ray Ashram.

When thinking of Mozart’s chart the esoteric relations between Virgo and Aquarius become important: “Virgo hides the light which irradiates the world in Aquarius.” “Aquarius released Virgo from her load”. Through Mozart a great and heavenly gift came to birth and was distributed widely for all humanity.

9.                   Oscar Wilde (Fingal O'Flahertie Wills)—Playwright: October 16, 1854, 3:00 AM, Dublin, Ireland. (Source: according to LMR, Fagan quotes baptismal certificate, in American Astrology, September, 1963 Rectified to 2:38 AM) Died (of encephalitis) on November 30, 1900, Paris, France.

(Ascendant, Virgo; MC, Gemini with Saturn in Gemini; Sun in Libra conjunct Juno in Libra with Venus also in Libra; Moon in Leo;  Mercury in Scorpio widely conjunct both Vesta and the PF also in Scorpio; Mars in Sagittarius conjunct the IC; Jupiter in Capricorn; Uranus in Taurus widely conjunct NN in Taurus, with Pluto also in Taurus; Neptune in Pisces conjunct DSC)


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Virgo and R4


Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.




In Comparison With


1.        Transmits R2 and R6 constellationally


1.        R4

2.        Transmits principally R4, R4/6/1 and R2 through its planetary rulers (unveiled and veiled)


2.        R4

3.        Colors: yellow (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) yellow-green, green, greenish-blue.


3.        Colors: yellow, green, cream

4.        Note: Possibly FA or F


4.        Note: MI or E

5.        Expresses principally through the solar plexus center and later the heart center, through Neptune and Jupiter. Some ajna center expression likely through Mercury. Since Virgo is the sixth sign, sacral center expression (through the Moon) is likely, in relation to conception and the gestation period.


5.        Expresses through the ajna center at a relatively advanced point of evolution. Related as well to the fourfold base chakra

6.        Creative Hierarchy number II/VII, unliberated


6.        Creative Hierarchy number II, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number IV/IX, unliberated

7.        Hypothesized as being especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom via the Moon/Vulcan, the Vegetable Kingdom via Moon/Neptune and Jupiter, the Animal Kingdom via the Moon, the Human Kingdom via Mercury and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives via Jupiter.


7.        Related to the Vegetable Kingdom and the Human Kingdom

8.        Relates to the realm of the monad ruled by Jupiter and Virgo.


8.        Relates to the buddhic plane whereon the Fourth Creative Hierarchy, the “Initiates” find their expression

9.        Relates to the entire fourfold lunar realm as the Moon is the esoteric ruler of Virgo


9.        Relates to the super-lunar world of the buddhic plane within the Triad

10.     Mentally rational


10.     Mentally intuitive

11.     Logical in thought


11.     More capricious or free-associative in thought

12.     Analytical


12.     Unitive. Seeing relationships more in terms of similarities than differences

13.     Cool or restrained in the emotional life


13.     Often, struggling, turbulent or expressive in the emotional life

14.     Tendency towards discipline in the physical plane life


14.     Tendency towards lack of discipline in the physical life, and in general (except in artistic matters)

15.     Purificatory


15.     Mixing and promiscuous

16.     Critical


16.     Often more tolerant and accepting of diversity and difference

17.     Cleaving


17.     Bridging

18.     Precise in matters of form


18.     Often more vague in relation to perception of form (other influences notwithstanding). Color sense more precise; sense of form, more diffuse

19.     Tendency to be concrete


19.     Tendency towards abstraction: “The Mountain whereon Form dies” (EP I 71)

20.     Hesitating to confront directly


20.     Confrontational

21.     Cautious and provident


21.     Often more reckless and foolhardy

22.     Tendency towards consistency


22.     Tendency towards inconsistency and discontinuity


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Virgo and R4


Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.


A.     Virgo Has Two Rulers Transmitting the Fourth Ray: Virgo is closely related to the fourth ray because two of its rulers, Mercury and the Moon are distributors of the fourth ray.

B.     Related Through the Fourth Member of the Divine Quaternary: The fourth ray is related to the fourth or “Mother” aspect in what might be called the ‘Quaternary of the Divine Family’. Since Virgo is also the “Mother”, a strong line of connection between Virgo and the fourth ray is established.

C.     Refinement and Perfectionism: These two influences share a certain desire for refinement or perfectionism. The fourth ray is the “corrector of the form” (EP I 71), and Virgo is well known for high standards and for taking pains in relation to small matters. Interestingly the psychic ability called “Perfection” is found upon the fourth subplane of the Atmic plane.

D.     Discrimination: Both Virgo and fourth ray types can be discriminative. The fourth ray is full of contradictions. In relation to most qualities, it both is, and is not. But is must be noted that the fourth subplane of the mental plane is given to the faculty of discrimination. (cf. TCF 188) In this instance, the personal ego is discriminated from all other personal egos and from the soul on the higher mental plane.

E.      Dualism of Soul and Personality: In or under Virgo, the dualism of soul and personality is realized. This dualism is also revealed and practiced under the influence of the fourth ray.

F.      The Elementals of the Fourfold Personality: Both Virgo and the fourth ray relate to the fourfold personality. The Moon as esoteric ruler of Virgo connects this sign with all lunar elementals of the personality nature. The fourth ray, as well, has numerical affinity with the fourfold personality.

G.     Related to Processes Important at the Second Initiation: Virgo is sign of purification, which relates it to the focus upon purification found at the second degree. Purification at that initiation is largely of the emotional body; the objective and discriminative attitude of Virgo helps in that regard. Virgo also conveys the “Christ-energy” which, at the second degree must begin to replace desire (especially selfish desire). The fourth ray is also related to this Christ-energy. The energy of the fourth plane—buddhi—is, from one perspective, the unifying, harmonizing Christ-energy. The fourth ray helps to harmonize and balance the astral body, opening it to the coming Christ. Perhaps this is why the second degree has so much to do with the culture and the appreciation of beauty.


5.       Sun Virgo (or Ascendant Virgo), R5P (or R5S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R2 and R6) (A mild mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the fifth ray {probably monadic} component of Mercury, the exoteric ruler of Virgo. The fifth ray component of Mercury is presently not as powerful as one day it will be—perhaps in the next solar system. The operative category of reinforcement would be Mild by Rulership—what is probably a monadic ray must filter-down into a more customary, “orthodox” setting, for Mercury is the orthodox ruler of Virgo. The fifth ray and Virgo, however, share the factor of analysis and so the fifth ray presence—even though it may emanate from the highest part of Mercury—is not negligible. Perhaps, the fifth ray is built very strongly into the nature of Mercury as a mental ray, in which case it would be far more accessible to the average individual. {It is difficult to know how much weight to give to the rays which condition the personality vehicles of a planetary deity. Firstly, we cannot be sure which rays to assign; secondly, we cannot be sure of the degree to which such rays have been subsumed in the normally designated rays of the planetary god—the personality or soul ray. Nevertheless, by the Law of Analogy, it stands to reason that, just as the rays conditioning the personality vehicle of a man are important to his overall presentation-of-self, so they would be to a greater entity. Even in the case of the Christ and the Buddha {both of whom had reached a high level of spirit/soul synthesis, the ray of the mental vehicle was considered important and was given a ray to be considered.} If then, the fifth ray were to be found within the mind of Mercury, the operative category of mutual reinforcement would be more Moderate or Moderately Strong than Mild.

From another perspective, the constellation Virgo, itself, so strongly related to the third ray, especially in the last solar system, is, for this very reason, very resonant to the fifth ray. Further, Mercury and Venus are both decanate rulers of Virgo. Venus, ruler of the third decanate {in esoteric order} and of the first {in exoteric order}, strongly transmits the fifth ray. The Mercury decanate rulerships are exactly reversed. Virgo is also associated with the factor of analysis as is the fifth ray. The movement within Virgo seems to be from mind to heart. Nevertheless, the position of Venus in the last decanate illustrates the importance of the fifth ray and the mind even in the later stages of development of the Virgo initiate.)


(a)    (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)


i.                     The preoccupation with sensory reality characteristic of the self-centered Virgo person combines with the narrow and prejudiced attitude induced within an insufficiently spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.

ii.                   “Matter reigns” again, as in the case with selfish use of the third ray and Virgo.

iii.                  The “Glamor of Knowledge and Definition” (GWP 122)

iv.                 Destructive analysis. “The power to rationalise and destroy”. (EP II 42)

v.                   Harsh rejection of all that is not considered logical or rational.

vi.                 Splitting hairs, and then splitting the ones that have been split. Irrelevant exactitude of thought.

vii.                Skepticism, doubt, disbelief.

viii.              “Only the dense physical world is real. All psychology and spirituality, even mind itself, is an artifact of matter”.

ix.                 “Learning more and more about less and less, until one knows everything about nothing”.

x.                   Ultra-specialization out of all relation to the larger context.

xi.                 Rejection of length, width, breadth. Contentment with a narrow and well-defined world.


(b)    (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple)


i.                     The careful observation and practical understanding characteristic of the advancing Virgo individual combine with the capacity for accuracy and truthfulness induced within the spiritually-unfolding personality by the fifth ray.

ii.                   Expertise. Specialization as a contribution to human welfare (not as a defense against the wider world.

iii.                  Growing expertise in the field of logic and discriminative thinking.

iv.                 The stocking of the mind with facts.

v.                   Exacting truthfulness—to one’s self and other.

vi.                 Strong medical interests; ability in diagnosis.

vii.                On the Path of Discipleship: sound development of the Science of Meditation. (Meditation, per se, is ruled by the sign Virgo, just as contemplation is ruled by Libra, etc.,.)

viii.              On the Facility: a marked facility for studying and applying Raja Yoga.

ix.                 On the Path of Discipleship: the facile detection of glamor—one’s own or that of another.

x.                   On the Path of Discipleship: facility with the “Technique of Light”, through which glamor can be dissipated.

xi.                 On the Path of Discipleship: facility for developing and utilizing the “Attitude of the Observer”. A gradually growing objectivity concerning all personality states.

xii.                On the Path of Discipleship: correct estimation of one’s own status and that of others. Knowing with accuracy what has been done, and what remains to be done.

xiii.              On the Path of Discipleship: the attack on glamor may be successful, but there may be danger of illusion through an overly-fragmented mental consciousness.


(c)    (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate)[Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Virgo, with the fifth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]


i.                     The reverence for the Christ-presence within the field of all manifested forms—a characteristic possessed by the soul-inspired disciple/initiate born in or under Virgo, combines with a great capacity for discovery and revelation of the Light induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.

ii.                   Strides are made in developing the science of the soul. The disciple/initiate becomes a technician in the application of this science.

iii.                  The overshadowing soul emerges as a spiritual technician, and where necessary, a spiritual surgeon.

iv.                 The techniques whereby the substance of the personality vehicles can manipulated and mastered by the human soul are learned.

v.                   The formulas related to the keynotes and vibratory frequencies of matter within the three worlds begins to emerge in consciousness.

vi.                 The techniques whereby the Christ can be brought into emergence through matter are learned and applied.

vii.                The technique of transmutation becomes a science, not a reflex action of correctly applied spiritual psychology.

viii.              The initiate becomes increasingly adept at the Science of Redemption. He learns to work intelligently in matter with the three lower kingdoms as well as with the Human Kingdom.

ix.                 A practical understanding of the permanent atoms grows.

x.                   The technicalities of the Science of Initiation are revealed and gradually applied.

xi.                 The “Son of Mind” becomes glorified. Intelligence is exalted and becomes luminous and filled with love.

xii.                The man masters energy so that the Christ Life may emerge in greater power and beauty through matter and form.

xiii.              The “Garment of God” glorifies the Wearer of the Garment—the planetary Christ/Soul.


Directives for Virgo and the Fifth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)


Mantra for Virgo and the Fifth Ray


Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness:


Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Three Minds Unite” Perceiving in the “Light Supernal”, Father/Mother/Child as One, and God and Matter Joining through the Light of Christ, the Son.


Proposed Symbol for R5/Virgo: Intent within a ‘Beam of Intensely Focussed Light Divine’ the ‘Scientist of Life’


Well Known Individuals Hypothesized as Expressing this Combination of Rays and Signs:


1.                   Nicolaus Copernicus—Astronomer: February 19, 1473, Torun, Poland, 4:48 PM, LMT. (Source: LMR cites Constellations 1977 which quotes J. Scperkowicz, “Nicolaus Copernicus,” “data from astrologers present at his birth” (February 19 OS, 5:00 PM LAT). Copernicus and His World, by Hugo Steiner) Died, of apoplexy on May 24, 1543, Frauenburg, East Prussia.

(Ascendant, Virgo with Pluto in Virgo; Sun and Mercury in Pisces; Moon conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius; Venus in Aries; Mars in Aquarius; Saturn in Gemini; Uranus and Neptune in Scorpio)

Founder of modern astronomy; established the theory that the earth rotates daily on its axis and that planets revolve in orbits around the sun. Author of Concerning the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres (1473-1543)

A number of astronomers and physicists involved in the dissolution of conventional boundaries seem equipped with the oceanic sign Pisces in their charts.

2.                   John Flamsteed—Astronomer: August 19, 1646 OS (August 29, 1646, NS),  Denby, England: (Source: LMR cites American Astrology, July 1941, which quotes a biography, by Francis Bailey An Account of the Reverend John Flamsteed.) Died, December 31, 1719, Greenwich, England.

(Ascendant, Pisces; Sun and Mercury in Virgo; Moon in Aries; Venus conjunct Jupiter in Cancer with Mars also in Cancer; Saturn in Taurus; Uranus in Scorpio; Neptune in Sagittarius; Pluto in Gemini)

3.                  Hermann Helmholz—Brilliant and Versatile Nineteenth Century Scientist and Renowned ‘Acoustician’: August 31, 1821, Potsdam Germany, no time given. (Speculative MDR: 8:30 AM) Died, Sept. 8, 1894, Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany.   

(Speculative Ascendant, Libra or Sagittarius; Sun, Virgo; Moon and Venus in Libra; Mercury in Leo; Mars in Cancer; Jupiter in Taurus conjunct Saturn in late Aries; Neptune in Capricorn conjunct Uranus in late Sagittarius; Pluto in Pisces)

Helmholz’s brilliant researches into the exact nature of sound—the science of acoustics, certainly took place on a fifth ray impulse, but his fourth ray sensitivity to pitch, tone and harmony were unusually keen, indicating as well the presence of the fourth ray.

4.                  John Locke—English Materialistic Philosopher: September 8, 1632, NS, Somerset, England, time unknown. (Speculative: 6:15 AM, MDR)  Died, October. 28, 1704, Oates, Essex, England.

(Speculatively, Virgo may have been rising with the Sun in H12) (Sun in Virgo; Venus and Uranus also in Virgo; Mercury and Mars in Libra; Moon in Cancer; Jupiter in Taurus conjunct Pluto; Saturn and Neptune in Scorpio). The name of John Locke is associated with the concept of the “Tabula Rasa”—the “clean slate”—the idea that there is nothing in the mind which was not first in the senses. This approach clearly identifies him with the fifth ray rather than the third (as in the case of Immanuel Kant). For the fifth ray time, the senses are preeminent and apriori contents of mind are de-emphasized or considered non-existent. Uranus operates concretely in this instance as orthodox science. The Sun and Mercury in Virgo reinforce the materialistic point of view, as would the Ascendant in Virgo—if Virgo were the Rising Sign. Jupiter in Taurus (emphasizing philosophy through its possible placement in H9—if Virgo rises) further strengthens the materialistic approach. With a Virgo Rising chart, materialistic Saturn would be in the third house of concrete mind and perception. Virgo, as present in the chart of Locke, is to be read with respect to the first mantram—“Let Matter Reign”.

1.                   Wilhelm Roentgen—Physicist, Discoverer of the X-Ray: March 27, 1845, Lennep, Germany, 2:00 PM or  4:00 PM, (Sources: both times are said to be taken from birth records) Died, February 10, 1923, Munich, Germany.                  

(Ascendant, Leo or Virgo; Sun exactly conjunct Uranus in Aries, with Mercury also conjunct Jupiter in Aries; Pluto also in Aries; Moon in Scorpio; Venus in Pisces; Mars in Capricorn; Saturn and Neptune both in Aquarius.)          
(Revision is required)           

The X-ray is a subtle energy with great power to penetrate and reveal. It is no surprise, therefore, to find Uranus, the planet ruling rays, radiation and subtle energies conjuncted to Roentgen’s pioneering Aries Sun.
The healing potential of the X-ray is indicated by the Virgo Ascendant with Chiron conjunct the Ascendant. Perhaps the sign most associated with the power of the X-ray to reveal the hidden is Scorpio, which houses Roentgen’s Moon. As well, the great concentration of planets (Sun, Uranus, Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto) is in H8, one of the houses of research and the house most associated with Scorpio. The research potentials of this chart are very great—Scorpio, third house, eighth house, Uranus, Uranus parallel to Chiron and Pluto contraparallel to the Ascendant, etc..  

Given Roentgen’s field of enquiry the presence of the fifth ray at a deep level is an unavoidable conclusion, but like Madame Curie and Millikin (the discoverer of cosmic rays), the seventh ray may also be present—especially given the conjunction of seventh ray Uranus to the Sun in Aries (a sign ruled by both the first and seventh rays). The orthodox ruling planet of the Aries Sun is Mars in seventh ray Capricorn, and Virgo, as well, always seems to correlate highly with the presence of the seventh ray—though the rays assigned to Virgo by the Tibetan do not contain the seventh.           

The Moon in Scorpio conjunct the North Node seems a very important feature in this chart. We must remember the importance of the third house in the matter of investigation and the expansion of knowledge. Einstein had a third house Uranus singleton, and his thought changed the field of knowledge forever. The discovery of the X-Ray, while not so dramatic, also changed the field of thought—the invisible became visible. We find that the Moon is the esoteric ruler of the Virgo Ascendant. The Scorpio Moon position connected with material Virgo, promises revelation concerning the deeper (Scorpio) nature of matter (Virgo). The Moon is to be considered the veil for with Vulcan, Neptune or Uranus, and while, in the case of Roentgen, justification might be possible for any of these three, the most convincing choice would be Uranus (exalted ruler of Scorpio), ruler of both orthodox science and occult science and intimately connected with rays and radiation. Uranus, further, is to be chosen as veiled by the Moon in the case of advanced or intellectual man. Thus, with the actual of veiled Uranus to be found in both the third and eighth houses, we can see the very great potential for discovery. The conjunction with the North Node of the Moon shows the importance of this position, indicating it as a point for deliberate focus.         

If we examine the preponderance of zodiacal signs which might indicate an emphasis upon one ray or another, Aries and Capricorn stand out, emphasizing the first and seventh rays, with the seventh ray reinforced by the Sun/Uranus conjunction and the Virgo Ascendant. Zodiacally, all rays are present. The fifth ray has access to the chart through the Aquarius planets, Saturn and Neptune, as well as through Uranus (with a significant fifth ray component). One would think Venus in Pisces might draw forth more the second and sixth ray potentials if this sign, but fifth ray Venus is trine the investigative Scorpio Moon, and Pisces is a sign related to subtlety and to that which is invisible.

5.                  Earnest Rutherford—Scientist Clarifying the Nature of the Atom: August 30, 1871, Spring Grove, New Zealand. Time not known. Died October 19, 1937, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England.

(Sun Virgo; Moon either Capricorn or Aquarius; Mercury and Venus in Libra; Mars in Scorpio; Jupiter in Cancer; Saturn in Capricorn; Uranus in Leo; Neptune in Aries; Pluto in Taurus)


Think also of those who discovered “rays” and how they were on the seventh ray. Millikan and the Curies.


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Virgo and R5


Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.



In Comparison With


1.        Transmits R2 and R6 constellationally


1.        R5

2.        Transmits principally R4, R4/6/1 and R2 through its planetary rulers (unveiled and veiled)


2.        R5

3.        Colors: yellow (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) yellow-green, green, greenish-blue.


3.        Colors: orange (exoteric), indigo-blue (esoteric)

4.        Note: Possibly FA or F


4.        Note: LA or A

5.        Expresses principally through the solar plexus center and later the heart center, through Neptune and Jupiter. Some ajna center expression likely through Mercury. Since Virgo is the sixth sign, sacral center expression (through the Moon) is likely, in relation to conception and the gestation period.


5.        Expresses through the ajna center

6.        Creative Hierarchy number II/VII, unliberated


6.        Creative Hierarchy number III, liberated and Creative Hierarchy number V/X, unliberated

7.        Hypothesized as being especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom via the Moon/Vulcan, the Vegetable Kingdom via Moon/Neptune and Jupiter, the Animal Kingdom via the Moon, the Human Kingdom via Mercury and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives via Jupiter.


7.        Related to the Human Kingdom and the Kingdom of Souls

8.        Relates to the third or “Mother” aspect of divinity


8.        Through its affinity with the third ray, can relate to the matter aspect, but also has facility to transfer consciousness into the “Son” and the “Father”

9.        Interested more in refinement


9.        Interested more strictly in functionalism

10.     Holds within itself the capacity for cherishing and devotion—especially when influenced by the 2-4-6 line with which Virgo is so abundantly endowed


10.     Rarely given to a cherishing or devotional attitude (other factors notwithstanding)

11.     Once love is awakened, can give a tendency towards Bhakti Yoga—the Yoga of Devotion


11.     Given a preference for Gnani Yoga—the Yoga of Knowledge

12.     Gives facility for intelligent psychism


12.     At first skeptical and repudiating of psychism. Later, a student of psychism without, necessarily, having the receptivity

13.     Related to biological processes


13.     Related to mechanical processes


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Virgo and R5


Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.


A.     Sharing Many Similarities: An unusual number of similarities can be found between these two energies.

B.     Criticism: Both Virgo and the fifth ray share a tendency towards harsh criticism. The fifth and the third rays are intensely critical.

C.     Meticulousness: Both of these influences share a passion for meticulousness; this is not the case when comparing Virgo with the third ray.

D.     Concretion: Both share a capacity for producing concretion, and relate most readily to the more concrete  planes.

E.      Analysis: Both influences are intensely analytical, and that analysis tends to apply to the realm of physical process.

F.      Useful in Raja Yoga: Both influences incline towards success in the field of Raja Yoga, the “Kingly Science of the Soul” approached through the control of the mind.

G.     Skepticism: Both share a pronounced skepticism.

H.     Study of the Garment of God: Both Virgo and the fifth ray tend to study the “Garment of God” (the ‘robe or matter’ worn by Deity).

I.        Specialization: Both, as well, share a tendency towards specialization, leading them into the “Glamor of assurance based upon a narrow point of view”. (GWP 122)

J.       Emotional Coolness: Both types tend towards coolness or coldness in the emotional life.

K.     Mechanical Ability: For both, there may be mechanical ability, and the capacity to fix and repair.

L.      Glamor of Materiality and Form: Both Virgo and the fifth ray share in the “Glamor of Materiality or overemphasis on form” (GWP 122) The early mantram for Virgo is, “Let matter reign”, and its involvement with the third aspect of divinity is well-recognized.

M.    Glamor of Organization: Both frequently succumb to the “Glamor of Organization”

N.     Glamor of Intellect: Before the energy of love has made its presence felt, both types demonstrate the “Glamor of the Intellect”

O.     Related to Processes Important During and After the Second Initiation: The second initiation is the “Baptism” focusing on purification; Virgo is a sign of purification. At the second degree, purification of the emotional vehicle is important, and discriminating Virgo can be of assistance. But equally important is purification of the mind, and the logic, analysis and careful thought of Virgo helps to create “illumination of the mind and spiritual intelligence” which must be to a certain present at the time of the initiation and must develop following that degree. To this general trend, the illuminating fifth ray can only contribute, bringing deglamorization and illumination of the astral body, and an increasingly mental focus and capacity for objective thought.


6.       Sun Virgo (or Ascendant Virgo), R6P (or R6S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R2 and R6) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the sixth ray transmitted constellationally—though not in greatest strength—through Virgo, and through the transmission of the sixth ray through Neptune—a veiled esoteric ruler {with Vulcan} of Virgo. The appropriate category of reinforcement would be, Strong by Constellational Transmission. However, we can see that, as a rulership reinforcement is added to the constellational reinforcement, an additional applicable category would be Strong by Rulership—Class 2. The Virgo/sixth ray reinforcing interplay would thus be especially strong in the lives of those who can respond to the level of esoteric rulership. As well, there is a high sixth ray component to Venus, one of the decanate rulers, although that particular ray influence would not be very potent except in the lives of initiates. In general in relation to the Virgo/sixth ray interplay, the more advanced the sixth ray individual, the stronger will the mutual reinforcement of this combination be experienced.)


(a)    (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)


i.                     The intolerant and exacting attitude of the selfish, or self-centered Virgo person combines with the rigid and uncompromising idealism induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the sixth ray.

ii.                   Driven by material desire.

iii.                  Narrow obsessive interests.

iv.                 Narrowness.

v.                   Fanaticism.

vi.                 Intolerance. Engaging in inhuman purges. Destructive purism.

vii.                The self-righteous puritanical spirit.

viii.              Anorexia. Punishing the body.


(b)    (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple)


i.                     The growing love of qualitative purity possessed by the advancing Virgo individual, combines with the sincere idealism induced within the spiritually-unfolding personality by the sixth ray.

ii.                   Earnestness. Sincerity. Commitment. Humility.

iii.                  Dedication and devotion to cleanliness, as “next to Godliness”.

iv.                 Purity becomes a high ideal.

v.                   On the Path of Discipleship: engaging strenuously in spiritual disciplines of the lower vehicles.

vi.                 On the Path of Discipleship: there is a danger of engaging too strenuously in spiritual disciplines. Again, one is in great danger of killing “The Amazon Queen”.

vii.                On the Path of Discipleship: treading the “burning ground” of personal purification.

viii.              On the Path of Discipleship: the cherishing of high ideals which motivate all spiritual effort.

ix.                 On the Path of Discipleship: devotion to duty.


(c)    (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate)[Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Virgo, with the sixth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]


i.                     The fully-unfolded spirit of Christ-Love characteristic of the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under Virgo, combines with the self-sacrificing devotion and idealism induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the sixth ray.

ii.                   Purificatory fire refines the group life.

iii.                  One becomes the willing servant of the Christ Force no matter what the cost to the personality.

iv.                 The faithful servant of Hierarchy. The faithful servant of Humanity.

v.                   Achieving true humility and self-abnegation (as with the sixth ray and Pisces).

vi.                 Giving “the last full measure of devotion”.

vii.                Becoming through devotion the servant of the Higher Will.

viii.              “God is everything; I am nothing”. The apotheosis of the mystical consciousness.’


Directives for Virgo and the Sixth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)


Mantra for Virgo and the Sixth Ray


Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness:


Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “The Highest Light Controls”, when Three—the Father/Mother/Son—are seen as One—with God and Matter Joining through the Light of Christ, the Son.


Proposed Symbol for R6/Virgo: Enraptured at the center of a ‘Scintillating Rosy Flame’, the ‘Devotee of Life’


Well Known Individuals Hypothesized as Expressing this Combination of Rays and Signs:


1.                   Jane Addams, Social Worker and Reformer:. Born, September 6, 1960, Cedarville, Illinois, USA, 03:40 AM, LMT. (Source: Sabian Symbols) Died, May 21, 1935, Chicago, Illinois.

(Speculative Ascendant, Leo; with Sun in Virgo with Mercury and Saturn are also in Virgo; Moon in Taurus with Pluto also in Taurus; Venus in Leo with Jupiter also in Leo; Mars in Capricorn; Uranus in Gemini conjunct Ceres, also in Gemini; Neptune in Pisces; Chiron in Aquarius conjunct the speculative DSC; NN in Aquarius.

2.                  Edmond Rostand—French Playwright and Poet: (1868-1918) April 1, 1868, Marseilles, France, 5:00 PM, LMT (Source: from birth record)         Died, December 2, 1918, Paris, France.

(Ascendant, Virgo; MC, Gemini; Sun conjunct Neptune in Aries; Moon and Uranus in Cancer; Mercury in Pisces with Mars conjunct Jupiter, both in Pisces; Venus and Pluto in Taurus; Saturn in Sagittarius) If the birth occurred at 5:20 PM, LMT, Libra would be the Ascending Sign. This would not be without reason, because both relationship and the legal profession (Rostand was originally a lawyer) would be emphasized.

3.                   Edmond Rostand was a French poet and playwright best known for his wonderful play, Cyrano de Bergerac, an ultra-romantic story of great, unselfish devotion and unrequited love. There was, in fact, a real Cyrano de Bergerac born in Perigord, France, March 6, 1620. There are interesting parallels between Rostand’s chart and that of the actual Cyrano. (Speculative Ascendant, Leo; Speculative MC, Taurus conjunct Pluto in Taurus; Sun in Pisces, with Chiron conjunct Ceres and Pallas also in Pisces; Moon and Jupiter conjunct in Aries, with Venus and Mars also conjunct in Aries; Mercury in Aquarius; Saturn in Gemini; Uranus in Cancer; Neptune in Libra)        

It is clear from Edmond Rostand’s horoscope that he (despite his pursuits as a lawyer and journalist) was a true romantic, just like his leading character. His Aries Sun is conjunct with sixth ray Neptune in the seventh house of relationships. Neptune, further, is the veiled esoteric ruler of the Virgo Ascendant, and so, is connected with the energy of Christ-love. The great love of the hero, Cyrano, for Roxanne, was deep, true, abiding  and sacrificial—utterly devoted and yet the seed of the kind of wider and selfless love demonstrated by the Great Teacher, the Christ. As if the Sun/Neptune emphasis were not enough, sixth ray Mars is conjunct second ray Jupiter in Pisces (a sign which transmits both the sixth and second rays). Mars is strengthened, (just as Neptune was) because it is the exoteric ruler of the Sun Sign. The Mars/Jupiter conjunction gives great enthusiasm and a strong solar-plexus/heart interplay; it is found conjunct the Pisces Descendant. This second conjunction places a tremendous emphasis upon the dynamics of relationship, bringing romantic passion (Mars in Pisces) and compassionate, selfless wisdom (Jupiter in Pisces). Interestingly, Chiron, like Jupiter, is almost exactly conjunct the Descendant, showing that there is a deep wound in the field of relationship, but that, through love and selfless devotion (Jupiter, Mars and Neptune), it can be healed. Even further stress in and emphasis upon relationship can be seen by the conjunction between conscientious Saturn and Juno (the asteroid of partnership). The Moon in Cancer gives that tenacity in devotion which remembers always and will not release. It is important to realize that an artist will work through his own psychological issues through the medium of his creations. A similar instance is the work of Cervantes in the love story, Don Quixote.     

Whether or not the original and real-life Cyrano led a life resembling the literary Cyrano, he too was an ardent and enthusiastic lover (Mars in Aries almost exactly conjunct Venus, and the Moon in Aries conjunct Jupiter). The date of his birth is known, and a reasonable but speculative rectification places ardent Leo on the Ascendant, emphasizing the importance of the Sun in romantic Pisces—the sign in which Rostand’s Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Chiron are found. The deadliness of  the actual Cyrano’s blade would be indicated by Pluto at the MC, and his poetry by Neptune in the third house of communication—a Neptune given added weight because it is the veiled esoteric ruler of his speculative Ascendant Leo. Further, romantic, sixth ray Neptune would be in the sign of relationship and marriage, Libra.  Both men—Rostand and the real Cyrano—would then have Neptune (with its emphasis on selfless love) as the veiled esoteric ruler of the Ascendant. As an interesting side note, the “Uranian Planet” Hades (23º Taurus), which can indicate ugliness or deformity, is, in the speculative chart of the real Cyrano exactly square to his relationship axis at 23º Leo/Aquarius. Further, just as in the case of Rostand, the real Cyrano would have wounding Chiron in the seventh house of relationship. These are interesting potential parallels.     

In the life of Edmond Rostand, although the poetic fourth ray would be of importance, and has conduits through the Taurus planets (Venus and Pluto) and the Sagittarius planet (Saturn), the sixth ray is of overpowering importance. Each of the three signs conveying this ray is strongly represented in Rostand’s chart—the Virgo Ascendant, the Sagittarian Saturn, and the Piscean Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Chiron.        

Combining the testimony of the chart with the play and character upon which his reputation rests, one might say that the purpose of the incarnation was to develop and nurture the germ of Christ-love through the garnered wisdom of sacrificial, devoted, painful, personal love.          

4.                   Ivan the Terrible—Tsar of Russia: August 25th, 1530, Moscow, Russia, 6:00 PM, LMT. (Source: Ivan the Terrible by Robert Payne) Died, March 18, 1584, OS, Moscow, Russia.

(Ascendant, Aquarius: Sun conjunct Mars in Virgo; Moon, Venus and Jupiter all loosely conjunct in Libra; Mercury retrograde in Leo; Saturn in Gemini conjunct the IC; Uranus in Cancer; Neptune in Pisces; Pluto in Capricorn oppose Juno)   

Ivan was an unusually complex and tortured man—intensely religious yet outrageously cruel. While he contributed to a number of needed reforms (for instance, of the army and the legal system), and the expansion foreign trade, he also ruled tyrannically in a bizarre manner. It is said that the death of his first wife (he married seven times—stellium in Libra with a Venus/Jupiter conjuction, Uranus in H5 square Jupiter and Venus) deranged his mind and led to his cruelties. Pluto from H12 opposed the asteroid of marriage, Juno in H6, showing the loss or destruction of his partners.           

His Sun/Mars conjunction in sixth ray Virgo reinforced the cruel tendencies of his first and sixth ray combination. Megalomania was enflamed by Mercury, ruler of his Virgo Sun, place, retrograde, in egoistic Leo. Aquarius, his Ascendant, contributed to his eccentricity; and his capacity to be pathologically detached from his cruel behavior (followed by intense fits of remorse, penitence and self-castigation—sixth and fourth rays).

5.                   Father Junipero Serra—Missionary: November 24, 1713, Petra, Majorca, Spain, 1:00 AM, LMT (rectified to 12:53:20 AM, LMT) Died, August 28, 1784, Monterey, California.

(Source: The Spirit of Serra by Thomas Cullen) (Ascendant, Virgo, with Uranus, Saturn and Pluto all in Virgo all loosely conjunct; MC in Gemini; Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius; Moon in Aquarius; Venus in Libra; Mars in Capricorn; Jupiter in Pisces conjunct Vertex; Neptune in Taurus)

6.                   Upton Sinclair—Writer and Social Critic: September 20, 1878, Baltimore, Maryland, 9:00 AM, LMT (Source: Constellations, 1977, Lockhart quotes AFA data exchange, “from him”. Same in Sabian Symbols, #845) Died, November, 15, 1968, Bound Brook, New Jersey, USA.

(Ascendant, Scorpio; MC, Leo; Sun conjunct Mars in Virgo, H11; Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo; Uranus widely conjunct Venus in Virgo; Moon in Cancer; Jupiter in Capricorn; Saturn in Pisces; Neptune in Taurus conjunct DSC)

American writer who tried to expose the evils in various industries; author of ninety books. Won the Pulitzer Prize for Dragon’s Teeth (1943). Ran unsuccessfully for public office as a socialist and as candidate for California governor in 1934).

A socialist, Sinclair exposed the evils in many industries to his often horrified readers, including The Jungle (1906), a novel exposing meat-packing conditions in Chicago.

7.                   Leo Tolstoy—Russian Novelist (War and Peace): September 9, 1828, Tula, Russia. (Sources: Times given variously as 10:30 PM, LMT {Evangeline Adams} and 10:52 PM, LMT {Notable Nativities}. LMR cites Modern Astrology , June, 1912, for August 28, 1828 OS, time unknown, speculative 7:20 AM.) Died, November 20, 1920, Astapovo, Russia.

(Ascendant Cancer; Sun, Mercury and Moon conjuncted in Virgo in the fourth house; Venus conjunct Saturn in Leo, H2; Mars conjunct Neptune in Capricorn in H7; Uranus also in Capricorn; Jupiter in Scorpio; Pluto in Aries; MC in Aquarius or Pisces).

Born into nobility, wealthy and a land-owner, Tolstoy became a novelist of great reputation and acclaim, with, apparently, the fullest possible personality life. As his life progressed and his dissatisfaction with outer success arose, he moved more towards an attitude of militant purification becoming obsessed with this idea (Venus conjunct Saturn, with idealistic Mars and Neptune—both planets of the sixth ray—conjuncted in moralistic Capricorn. Increasingly renounced the world moving towards monastic, hermit-like attitudes characteristic Virgo. The theme of “War and Peace” emphasizes the drama of the fourth ray, but the gradual spiritual intensification of Tolstoy’s life suggests the growing power of the sixth.        

8.                   Mother Teresa—Nun, Humanitarian: August27, 1910, Skopje, Yugoslavia, 2:25 PM, MET (Source: Astrologicshe Auskunftsbogen) Another time given is 4:48 AM, MET. Died, September 5, 1997, Calcutta, India.

There are many potential problems with the accuracy of this chart as the quotation from Lois Rodden below reveals:

“Marcello Borges  quotes the photo-bio  "Faith  and  Compassion, The Life and Works of  Mother  Teresa,"  in  Portuguese by Raghu Rai  and Navin  Chawle,  Element Books.  Chawle is a civil servant in India and had close  contact  with the nun.  On p.22,  "Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born 26 August 1910 in Skopje.  The date is often given as  August  27, which is the date she was baptized." 

Astrolog quotes Astrol  Auskunfsbogen for  August  27, 1910,  2:25 PM  MET.  Helen Adams Garret gives August 26  (with 4:58 AM MET, no source) in the ISAR Emailleter Vol.41.

As  Yugoslovia was  on the Julian calendar, the question remains of whether the date is OS or NS.

(Ascendant Sagittarius; MC, Libra; Sun and Mars in Virgo; Moon and Pluto in Gemini; Mercury and Jupiter in Libra; Venus in Leo;  Saturn in Taurus; Uranus in Capricorn; Neptune in Cancer)

Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, after devoting her life to the poor and sick in India


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Virgo and R6


Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.



In Comparison With


1.        Transmits R2 and R6 constellationally


1.        R6

2.        Transmits principally R4, R4/6/1 and R2 through its planetary rulers (unveiled and veiled)


2.        R6

3.        Colors: yellow (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) yellow-green, green, greenish-blue.


3.        Colors: silvery rose and light blue

4.        Note: Possibly FA or F


4.        Note: DO or C

5.        Expresses principally through the solar plexus center and later the heart center, through Neptune and Jupiter. Some ajna center expression likely through Mercury. Since Virgo is the sixth sign, sacral center expression (through the Moon) is likely, in relation to conception and the gestation period.


5.        Expresses through the solar plexus center and, at a later stage of evolution, through the ajna center (cf. EH 149)

6.        Creative Hierarchy number II/VII, unliberated


6.        Creative Hierarchy number IV, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number VI/XI, unliberated

7.        Hypothesized as being especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom via the Moon/Vulcan, the Vegetable Kingdom via Moon/Neptune and Jupiter, the Animal Kingdom via the Moon, the Human Kingdom via Mercury and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives via Jupiter.


7.        Related to the Vegetable Kingdom and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives

8.        Now, the strongest constellational expression of the second ray


8.        The sixth ray must become transmuted into the second ray (or the third).

9.        Application to physical, emotional and mental purification


9.        Application to physical and mental purification, but not so much to mental purification

10.     Not given to emotionalism


10.     Strong emotional response

11.     Capacity for objectivity


11.     Frequently involved in biased thinking and feeling due to emotionalism

12.     Establishes the independence of the mind from the field of emotion  


12.     Kamic in nature; or, tends to promote kama-manasic thought—“feeling-toned thought”





Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Virgo and R6


Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.


A.     The Sixth Ray is Transmitted Through Virgo: Virgo and the sixth ray are closely related as the sixth ray is transmitted through the constellation Virgo.

B.     Maternal and Cherishing: Virgo is an intensely maternal sign and the sixth ray, as well, is related to instinctual, material devotion. Both influences share the power to cherish.

C.     Persistence: The influence of Virgo (through Vulcan) is one of persistence; the sixth ray, as well, is one in which the factor of persistence is highly developed.

D.     Related to the Human Monad: Virgo and the sixth ray are both related to the human monad. The Divine Builders (second Creative Hierarchy) in which the monads participate, are ruled by Virgo and Jupiter. The focus of the monads is upon the second (or sixth) systemic plane—thus implicating the sixth ray. Since monads are “Lords of persevering and ceaseless devotion”, the link of the monads  with the sixth ray is firmly established.

E.      Planetary Lives and Nirmanakayas: The “Planetary Lives”, or Planetary Spirits, are members of the sixth kingdom of nature. In a way, the human monad is also a member of this kingdom. Planetary Lives are Nirmanakayas—divine contemplatives or divine visionaries (the sixth ray, related to the ajna or sixth center, is one of the chief rays conferring the power to envision). Monads (under Virgo) proceed through the utilization of Kriyashakti (the materializing of the ideal)—a faculty related to Virgo. Clearly this is an advanced faculty of the imagination, a faculty found upon the second or sixth level of the astral plane.

F.      Physical Disciplines: Both influences incline towards application to physical disciplines—vegetarianism, strenuous exercise and other forms of physical purification.

G.     Purification of the Desire Body: Both, as well, apply themselves to a purification of the body of desire.

H.     Related to the Lunar Lords: Both influences are closely related to the “Lunar Lords”. The Creative Hierarchy of Lunar Lords is ruled by the sixth ray. Additionally, since in Virgo the Moon (patron of the Lunar Lords) is the esoteric ruler, the Virgoan link with these elemental beings is established.

I.        Fanaticism: Both influences can given a tendency towards fanaticism. The mental aspect of Virgo can counteract this, or, in worst cases, even promote it.

J.       Related to Processes Important at the Second Initiation: Both influences contribute to the second initiation, which is governed by the sixth ray. Virgo, one of the chief signs of cleansing and purification, distributes both the second and sixth ray—both of which are involved in this second initiation which takes place in relation to the second or sixth plane (depending upon whether one is counting occultly from the top down, or mystically from the bottom up).


7.       Sun Virgo (or Ascendant Virgo), R7P (or R7S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R2 and R6) (For most people only a mild mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges through the filtered-down transmission of the seventh ray probably through the personality aspect of Jupiter. Jupiter in Virgo {the hierarchical ruler} is important for seventh ray, Virgoan initiates. The applicable category would be Strong by Rulership—Class 3 {though perhaps not very strong, as the seventh ray transmission, in this case, is probably associated with the personality of a sacred planet}. The Moon, esoteric ruler, also has seventh ray associations. As well,  the seventh ray seems to carry a close qualitative correlation to the energy of Virgo.           

Perhaps, in addition to the second and sixth rays, ray seven is one of the additional rays transmitted through this sign. The category would then be
Hypothesized as Constellationally Transmitted.  The third ray, it seems, was transmitted through Virgo in the previous solar system; perhaps this is the case for the seventh ray as well.

An interesting thought arises. If human individuals can have as many as six rays transmitted through their various vehicles {whether periodical or personality vehicles}, and if this can be true of planetary logoi, why can it not be true of  constellational logoi? A wide field of future speculation and research is here indicated.)


(a)    (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being)


i.                     The form-obsessed pettiness of the selfish, or self-centered Virgo person combines with the inflexible formalism induced within the insufficiently-spiritualized personality by the seventh ray.

ii.                   Rigidity.

iii.                  A host of petty observances.

iv.                 Stultifying and time-consuming formalism.

v.                   The obstructive, bureaucratic consciousness.

vi.                 Form freezes the life of the soul.

vii.                Threatened by the grandeur and spontaneity of life.


(b)    (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple)


i.                     The capacity to labor upon the form until it is suitable to reflect inner quality—a capacity possessed by the advancing Virgo individual, combines with the love of “good form” induced within the spiritually-unfolding personality by the seventh ray.

ii.                   Dependability. Reliability. Responsible in every detail.

iii.                  Persistence until labor is consummated.

iv.                 Learning to meet all obligations conscientiously.

v.                   Learning the true needs of the matter aspect—how it may be brought into right responsiveness to the higher energy patterns.

vi.                 On the Path of Discipleship: the emergence of healing abilities.

vii.                On the Path of Discipleship: laboring for the perfecting of the personality and its conformity to the will of the soul.

viii.              On the Path of Discipleship: attempting earnestly to fulfill all rules of thought and conduct within the range of present possibility. Meeting the vicissitudes of life through rule and principle.

ix.                 On the Path of Discipleship: the recognition and carrying forth of dharma.

x.                   On the Path of Discipleship: many probations met successfully.


(c)    (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate)[Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Virgo, with the seventh ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

i.                     The ability (in the “fullness of time”) to give birth to the perfected Christ-Consciousness—a capacity possessed by the soul-infused, disciple/initiate born in or under Virgo, combines with the “Will-to-Express” divinity perfectly, induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the seventh ray.

ii.                   Through exacting and meticulous labor, bringing the divine archetype through into perfected manifestation.

iii.                  Giving all to ensure consummation: “..and towards that purpose and its earthly consummation the seventh ray gives all it has”. (R&I 507)

iv.                 “He who is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in that which is most”.

v.                   Utilization of devic energies to promote healing. Communication with the higher healing devas to this end.

vi.                 In process of mastering the art and science of ceremonial healing.

vii.                In process of mastering the art and science of sanctifying the form.

viii.              In process of mastering the art and science of transmutation.

ix.                 In process of mastering the art and science of transformation.

x.                   Mother, Father and Child are one in the Love-Wisdom consciousness of the Solar Logos.

xi.                 Love-Wisdom and Intelligence are fused. The Christ has accomplished His work in matter.


Directives for Virgo and the Seventh Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)


Mantra for Virgo and the Seventh Ray


Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness:


Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “The Highest and the Lowest Meet” when Father/Mother/Child are Merged as One—both God and Matter Joining through the Light of Christ, the Son.


Proposed Symbol for R7/Virgo: Invoking at the center of a ‘Magic Circle’ rightly drawn, the ‘Magician of Life’


Well Known Individuals Hypothesized as Expressing this Combination of Rays and Signs:


1.                   John Audubon—Ornithologist, Naturalist: April 26, 1785, Les Cayes, Haiti, 2:00 PM, LMT. (Source speculative as per Marc Penfield)

(Speculative Ascendant, Virgo; Speculative MC, Gemini with Venus in Gemini conjunct MC; Sun and Mercury in Taurus; Moon in Sagittarius; Mars in Pisces; Jupiter in Aries; Saturn, Pluto and NN in Aquarius with Pluto conjunct NN; Uranus in Cancer; Neptune in Libra)

2.                  Walt Disney—Cartoonist, ‘Fantasist’, Animator: December 5, 1901, Chicago, Illinois, 00:35 AM, CST. (Source: Sabian Symbols) Died, of circulatory failure following lung surgery, on December 15, 1956, Burbank, California.

(Ascendant, Virgo; Sun conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius; Moon in Libra; Mercury in Scorpio; Mars in Capricorn loosely conjunct Jupiter and Saturn {both conjunct} in Capricorn, with Venus also in Capricorn; Neptune in Cancer conjunct MC; Pluto in Gemini)

The name, Walt Disney, is immediately associated with fantasy (Neptune conjunct the MC) and animation—giving ‘life’ to imaginary characters. From a certain perspective, this is the magical process. That which cannot happen in “real life” can magically happen in the world of fantasy. For Disney, imagination becomes reality. Thus, the seventh ray (seventh ray Uranus conjunct the Sun, and four planets in seventh ray Capricorn) is pervasive in the creations of Walt Disney. His cartoons, animations and the ‘kingdoms of fantasy’ built by him or built in his name (Disneyland and Disneyworld) are tributes to the revival of magic in the 20th Century. As well the fourth ray of imagination and the second ray (“family entertainment” in which the “good” always wins) can readily be seen in his life and work.

Sagittarius contributes to the sense of adventure experienced on magical, “fantastic” journeys to far-away places where the laws of the material world no longer hold sway. Virgo (Ascendant) with the stellium of planets in Capricorn, reveal Disney as an astute businessman. Virgo also signals the meticulous labor and care required to create animations, and especially full-length animated films.

3.                   Howard Hughes—Billionaire Entrepreneur: (1905-1976) December 24, 1905, Houston, Texas, 10:12 PM. (Source: “confirmed by Hughes himself, and used by his astrologer). Died, April 5, 1976, 1:27 PM, of kidney failure, over Brownsville, Texas, while being flown to Houston Brownsville, TX .

(Ascendant, Virgo; MC in Gemini with Pluto also in Gemini; Sun conjunct Uranus in Capricorn; Moon, Mercury and Venus all conjunct in Sagittarius; Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius; Jupiter in Taurus; Neptune in Cancer)

Industrialist, film producer, and aviator. Set world speed record in 1935 of 352 MPH. Had control of TWA for years; head of Hughes Tool Corp; invested in Las Vegas land and property. Reclusive in later years. Estate valued at $2.5 Billion.

4.                   (Check for R6) Grandma Moses—American Painter: September 7, 1860, Greenwich, NY, 4:00 PM, LMT (Source: Church of Light), or 3:38 PM, LMT (Source: LMR cites Tucker who quotes her in Research Quarterly (Volume 4, 1961). Died at 101 Robertson on December 13, 1961, Hoosick Falls, NY, USA.         

(Ascendant, Capricorn: Sun in Virgo; Mercury conjunct Saturn in Virgo; Moon conjunct Uranus in Gemini; Venus and Jupiter in Leo; Mars rising in Capricorn; Neptune in Pisces; Pluto in Taurus).       

Beginning her career as a painter relatively late in life, Grandma Moses went on to become one of America’s best known and beloved artists. Her paintings are, in a way, part of the “American Primitive” tradition; the kinds of skills acquired in art school—perspective, proportion, realistic shading, etc.—are not the emphasis among such painters. Instead, an almost child-like representation of familiar country scenes is to be found. She painted with a naïve literalism (Virgo, Saturn/Mercury) which is part of the great charm of her works. Great attention was lavished upon the minute and particular. A love of the tiny object, the tiny detail correlates with the strength of Virgo and the seventh ray in combination. Capricorn on the Ascendant reinforces the seventh ray.

5.                    Florence Nightingale—Nurse (who established nursing as a dignified profession): (1820-1910) May 12, 1820, Florence, Italy, 2:00 PM (Source: Speculative) Died, August 13, 1910, London, England.   

(Ascendant, speculatively and appropriately, Virgo; Sun conjunct Moon in Taurus; Moon; Mercury, Aries; Venus, Cancer; Mars, Leo; Jupiter in Pisces in the sixth house; Uranus in Sagittarius conjunct Neptune in Capricorn in the fourth house; Pluto in Pisces)

The power, strength and endurance of Taurus are here indicated, as well as its close association with the biological dimension of life. Florence Nightingale gave form, and substance and established the dignity of the nursing profession. Much seventh and first ray energy was needed. As Florence Nightingale was known as the “lady with the lamp” (the symbol of the approach of a comforting light in the darkness of sickness and despair) she was, archetypally, the Taurean “light bearer” and, thus, carried much of the second ray energy in addition to the seventh and first. Of all the signs, Virgo (the speculative Ascendant, and possibly Pisces) is most associated with sickness and health. Virgo is almost archetypally the “nurse”, careful in small things, discriminating, understanding the value and administration of medicines, etc. Jupiter in Pisces bestows compassion, and it is in the sixth house which has to do, again, with sickness or the restoration of health.

Left her wealthy family to learn nursing at 33; became hospital superintendent. A selfless heroine in the Crimean War; became a world-known authority on the care of the sick; founded the nursing profession as we know it today.


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Virgo and R7


Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.



In Comparison With


1.        Transmits R2 and R6 constellationally


1.        R7

2.        Transmits principally R4, R4/6/1 and R2 through its planetary rulers (unveiled and veiled)


2.        R7

3.        Colors: yellow (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) yellow-green, green, greenish-blue.


3.        Colors: violet and purple

4.        Note: Possibly FA or F


4.        Note: TI or B

5.        Expresses principally through the solar plexus center and later the heart center, through Neptune and Jupiter. Some ajna center expression likely through Mercury. Since Virgo is the sixth sign, sacral center expression (through the Moon) is likely, in relation to conception and the gestation period.


5.        Expresses through the sacral center and also (at a later stage of evolution) through the base of the spine center. Additionally, throat center expression is found in disciples

6.        Creative Hierarchy number II/VII, unliberated


6.        Creative Hierarchy number V, in process of liberation, and Creative Hierarchy number VII/XII, unliberated

7.        Hypothesized as being especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom via the Moon/Vulcan, the Vegetable Kingdom via Moon/Neptune and Jupiter, the Animal Kingdom via the Moon, the Human Kingdom via Mercury and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives via Jupiter.


7.        Related to the Kingdom of Solar Lives and to the Mineral Kingdom

8.        Often (when under the influence of R2 or R6) related to monastic or mystical consciousness—based upon introspection and isolation


8.        Occult consciousness: the Occultist

9.        The faculty of will is not especially emphasized


9.        A ray of strong will—reflecting in more concrete terms, the first ray

10.     Specialistic


10.     Specialization is possible as is sectarianism, but before long the seventh ray becomes a predominantly linking, bridging and synthesizing influence.

11.     Lost in the “trees”; overcome by too many particulars


11.     The “forest”; seeing the relationship between the many particulars. The synthetic vision

12.     Creating cleavage through precisely focused attention or devotion


12.     Networking and overcoming cleavage





Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Virgo and R7


Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.


A.     Seem to Have Much in Common: Although the seventh ray is not given as transmitted through Virgo, these two energies seem to have much in common.

B.     Related to Matter: Both energies are intimately related to matter.

C.     Cleanliness and Organization: Both are particularly related to the cleanliness and organization of matter. Each energy inclines towards a clear, clean and highly sequential approach.

D.     Manifestation: Both are endowed with the capacity to achieve manifestation.

E.      Detail: Both are given to a meticulous consideration of detail—especially of detail within the realm of material expression.

F.      Rules and Regulations: Both types have strong respect for rules and regulations.

G.     Relation to the Magical Process: Both can easily be involved in the magical process. Ceremonial magic often involves the directing or the lesser lives for which Virgo is the conditioning energy. The seventh ray is closely related to these lives and to the well-regimented “Army of the Voice” which carries out the magician’s behests.

H.     Workers and Servants: Both types possess the service or servant consciousness. They serve a will higher than their own. At first this may be servitude, for Virgo and seventh ray types are the true workers. Later, their capacity to carry ideas through into manifestation, makes them among the most practical and efficient cooperators in the carrying out of the Divine Plan.

I.        Rectitude: Both types share the quality of rectitude.

J.      Related to Processes Important at the First Initiation: Virgo is instrumental in “giving birth” to the Christ; this “birth” is another name for the first initiation. Virgo is often focussed upon physical disciplines, and at the first initiation, a far more physically disciplined life is instituted—through diet, exercise, purification and regimen. From the ray perspective, it is the seventh ray (again, focussed very much upon the physical/etheric mechanism) which is the ray governing the first initiation. Thus, their combination would be significant at the time of the first degree.