Essential Energy Combinations

Gemini and the Seven Rays

Sun (and Ascendant) in Gemini

In Relation to Personalities (and Souls)

On the Seven Rays

  1. Sun Gemini (or Ascendant Gemini), R1P (or R1S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R2): (For most people, a normally weak to mild mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges only through the transmission of the first ray through the Earth {albeit, monadically, hence, not really actively, until the next solar system}. For the first ray initiate, the applicable category could be considered Strong by Rulership—Class 3, but the monadic first ray influence of the Earth is weakened because Earth is a non-sacred planet, the monadic ray of which is, for all practical purposes, presently ineffective. There may be a slight reinforcement of this first ray through the first ray component of Saturn {ruler of the third decanate, in exoteric decanate order}, and through the first ray component of Mars, according to Sepharial, ruler of the second decanate {in esoteric decanate order}. The decanates for Gemini, as given by the Tibetan, are complex and, in a way, unexpected. Six planets are offered as rulers and with none upon the ordinary wheel repeated upon the reversed wheel. It is to be noted that the esoteric decanates as given by Sepharial{and confirmed by the Tibetan}, are the same as the esoteric decanates given for Sagittarius—the sign opposing Gemini.).

  1. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):

  1. The incessant curiosity, the eagerness to know characteristic of the self-centered Gemini person combines with the forcing and demanding attitude induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the first ray. (These undesirable qualities would be in the nature of a relapse or reversion to a formerly bound condition, as it is not possible to have a first or second ray personality unless one is at least an aspirant. The first or second ray may, however, enter the personality by other lines of influence.)

  2. This is a somewhat contradictory indication as the first ray is combined with Gemini, a sign so identified with the number, two.

  3. Domination via thought and the word. Attitude of intellectual superiority. Use of knowledge as an instrument of overlordship.

  4. Forcing others to divulge information. Demanding (often without justification) to know.

  5. Cruel, destructive speech. Shrewishness. Words and thoughts which cleave and separate.

  6. Related to the destructive wind, and the “Breath that Blasts” (EP I 64)

  7. The mind completely separated from the sense of morality: “There is nothing I would not do” the Marquis de Sade (Sun in Gemini) is reputed to have said.

  8. Withholding or revealing information as it suits one’s purposes.

  9. Seeking to control (first ray) the thought of others (Gemini).

  10. Censorship. Control of lines of communication for selfish purposes.

  11. Intelligence as an instrument of war.

  12. Thinking in terms of missiles (including the ‘missiles of the mind’) and other destructive exchanges.

  13. Dueling with pistols, rapiers or by other more sophisticated methods.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Gemini, with the first ray as either the ray of the personality or soul

    1. The power to learn, correlate and share informationa power increasingly characteristic of the advancing Gemini individual—combines with an intrepid and persistently explorative attitude induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the first ray.

    2. Clear and forceful communicator.

    3. A bold mentality. Learning to venture into new realms of thought.

    4. Bringing forward what must be said. Principles forthrightly enunciated.

    5. Power to hold gathered factors in relationship.

    6. The power to “make the map” and see the critical path to accomplishment.

    7. The power to speak the ‘arresting word’—that which seizes attention.

    8. The power “to say much in little”. The ability to be “brief but full” (cf. DINA I 198) (J.W.K-P was a first ray soul with Gemini on the Ascendant.)

    9. On the Path of Discipleship: the ability to isolate the main points within a voluminous teaching.

    10. Power in debate.

    11. The power to isolate just the right word or thought to move persons and circumstances forward.

    12. On the Path of Discipleship: the power to understand first principles and essentials.

    13. On the Path of Discipleship: the power to communicate spiritual priorities.

    14. On the Path of Discipleship: growing power to control and focus the Geminian mind.

    15. On the Path of Discipleship: the power to control the fluctuations of the astral nature through the assertion of the mind.

    16. On the Path of Discipleship: growing ability to energize and strengthen the etheric body through the directed power of thought.

    17. On the Path of Discipleship: growing ability to inspire (first ray) through the word (Gemini)—especially the spoken word.

    18. On the Path of Discipleship: growing power to stabilize and use the opposites, rather than (as is often the case with Geminian personas) to be destabilized and used by them.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Gemini, with the first ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

      1. The power to unite dualities within the many “Pairs of Opposites”a power increasingly achieved by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Gemini—combines with the power to synthesize, thus identifying with the unity underlying all duality—a power induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the first ray.

      2. Fearless enunciation of the truth. The “Enunciating Disciple” is also found upon the first ray. (EP II 141)

      3. The power to champion freedom of speech and freedom of thought. Rebellion against censorship. “I detest what you say, but I will defend with my life your right to say it”.

      4. The ability to think in terms of and to utilize “words of power”.

      5. The power to force the fusion of subject and object.

      6. The power to realize that all names (Gemini) are One Name.

      7. The power to know the pairs of opposites and yet identify with that which is neither of them. “Having then discovered the fact of these pairs of opposites, the task of the disciple is to discover that which is neither of them.” (EP II 163)

      8. The power to identify as Being and yet skillfully manage the many pairs of opposites.

      9. The power to maintain identification with One while surrounded with the Many.

      10. The power to cut through illusion as it is produced by thought and speech. Unity is seen and known; separation and separativeness in the world of thought is overcome.

Directives and Counsels for Gemini and the First Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Abstract Yourself From The Lower Pole

  2. Act Bravely On Intuition

  3. Avoid Crystallization Of Thought

  4. Be The Messenger Of The ‘Will Of Spirit’

  5. Brave Danger For The Sake Of Discovery

  6. Bravely Establish Lines Of Communication

  7. Carry The Message Through All Adversity

  8. Clarify The Chain Of Command

  9. Communicate—No Matter What!

  10. Communicate The Higher Will

  11. Communicate The Principle

  12. Communicate Authoritatively

  13. Communicate Directly With Those In Charge

  14. Communicate With Lightning Speed; Exploit The “Lightning Of Thought”

  15. Conceptualize The Overview, The Larger Purpose

  16. Control Inappropriate Speech

  17. Correspond Purposefully

  18. Cut Through Illusion

  19. Debate Trenchantly

  20. Defend Freedom Of Speech

  21. Destroy Illusion

  22. Destroy Useless Concepts

  23. Ensure Direct Communication From The Highest To The Lowest

  24. Ensure The Passage Of Spiritual Will From Higher To Lower

  25. Enter Dangerous Places To Learn

  26. Face The “Dweller” Courageously

  27. Forbid Vacillation And Inconstancy

  28. Force The Interplay And Fusion Of The Polarities

  29. Force The Two To Become One

  30. Forge Networks

  31. Go Straight To The Point

  32. Govern Astutely

  33. Govern With Reason

  34. Hear The Liberating Word Of The Soul! Hear The Liberating Word Of The Spirit!

  35. Impose Your Will Upon Your Mental Processes

  36. Impress Your Point Firmly And Reasonably

  37. Initiate Intelligent Laws

  38. Initiate The Idea

  39. Insist On Free Speech And Truthful Communication

  40. Instruct With Confidence

  41. Intuit Higher Purpose

  42. Kill Lies! Kill Duplicity!

  43. Knowledge Is Power; Use Knowledge For The Good

  44. Learn Directly From Experience

  45. Let The One Triumph Over The Many!

  46. Let The Truth Be Known!

  47. Let The Vital Body Be Empowered By The Energy Of Will

  48. Let Your Will Be Clearly Known

  49. Marshal The Arguments Which Convince

  50. Mediate Between Those In Authority

  51. Move Swiftly! Move Intelligently!

  52. Negate The Power Of Illusion—Conquer It!

  53. Offer The ‘Life-Giving-Touch’ And Then Withdraw

  54. Outsmart The Enemy

  55. Overcome Cowardice

  56. Overcome Duality Through Synthetic Thought And Action

  57. Prevent Loose Talk

  58. Proclaim The Edict

  59. Project Thought Powerfully

  60. Promulgate The Major Principles

  61. Protect The “Mysteries” And Masonry As The Representative Of The Mysteries

  62. Protect Vital Connections

  63. Relate To Those In Charge

  64. Release The Word That Destroys Illusion

  65. Resuscitate First Principles

  66. Say Only What Is Necessary

  67. Send Forth The Word

  68. Speak Directly, Speak Forthrightly

  69. Speak Out!

  70. Speak Out Against Injustice

  71. Speak The Truth Fearlessly

  72. Speak The Words Of Liberation

  73. Stand Firm Amidst Vacillation

  74. Straighten Out The Lines Of Communication

  75. Strengthen Education

  76. Strengthen The Pillars Of The Wisdom Teaching

  77. Strengthen Vital Links

  78. Suppress The Misuse Of Speech! Suppress Gossip!

  79. Synthesize Multiplicity

  80. Teach The Art Of Warfare

  81. The Mail Must Go Through”

  82. Think Boldly! Speak Boldly!

  83. Travel The Antahkarana Courageously Intent On Oneness

  84. Use Intelligence To Increase Power

  85. Walk The Burning Ground With Mental Objectivity

Mantra for Gemini and the First Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I strive with will and power, to serve, in strength, my Brother, for I recognize my Brother as my self.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: Though the World appear as Many, “I Assert the Fact” of Oneness; I serve the greatest good of all, and thus “I Serve the One”.

Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R1/Gemini: Standing at the center in the ‘Nucleus of Power’ and wielding with dexterity the ‘Rapier of Truth’, the knowledgeable Leader seeks to cut the links which serve no Good, then join the links which render all the Many into Synthesis and Oneness.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Gemini and R1

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R2 constellationally.

  1. R1

  1. Transmits principally R4, R5 and R3 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R1

  1. Colors: yellow and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) orange, orange-yellow, yellow. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)

  1. Colors: red, “roaring orange”, black.

  1. Note: Possibly MI or E (the ‘yellow’ note).

  1. Note: RE or D, or, alternatively, DO or C.

  1. Early expression through the throat center, via Mercury. Later, expresses principally through the ajna center (via Venus and Mercury), and also (via R2) through the heart.

  1. Expresses through the base of the spine and the crown center.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV, liberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number I/VI, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Vegetable Kingdom via Venus and the Earth, the Human Kingdom via Mercury, and the Kingdom of Souls via Mercury and Venus.

  1. Related to the Kingdom of Solar Lives and also the Mineral Kingdom.

  1. Associated, principally, with the second divine aspect, the “Son”, and the third divine aspect, Intelligence.

  1. Associated, principally, with the first divine aspect, the Father.

  1. Representative of the principle of duality.

  1. Representative of the principle of unity.

  1. Full of love and intelligence.

  1. Full of will.

  1. Consciousness—dependent upon the subject/object relationship.

  1. Identity

  1. Associated with complexity.

  1. Associated with simplicity.

  1. Associated with multiplicity.

  1. Associated with singularity.

  1. The principle of relationship.

  1. The principle of isolation.

  1. Flexibility

  1. Fixity, crystallization.

  1. Discontinuity

  1. Continuity

  1. In lower manifestations, cowardice—turning “yellow”.

  1. Manifesting courage and bravery at all levels of manifestation.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Gemini and R1

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Strongly Contradictory Influences: These two influences are strongly contradictory and lines of relationship are rare.

  2. Connection Via the Monadic Ray of Earth: The monadic ray of the Earth is the first ray; Earth is the hierarchical (initiatic) ruler of Gemini.

  3. Thought and the Head: The first ray, occultly, rules the head; Gemini is associated with thought, and the head is the focus of thought.

  4. The “Head” of the Cosmic Christ: Gemini represents the “head of the Cosmic Christ”, thus giving first ray associations within a second ray context.

  5. Etheric Body, Vitality and Will: Gemini is closely associated with the etheric body; this body carries the principle of vitality, and is a reflection of the highest, or will aspect, of the soul—associated with the first ray. Because Gemini is associated with the third as well as second aspect, it has an easy line of access to that aspect of the first ray which stimulates vitality and activity.

  6. The “King of Thought”: Man is the macrocosm for the three lower kingdoms; he is the “king (first ray) of thought”. It is his intelligence (Gemini) which places him in a position of primacy.

  7. Sirius as a Head Center: Gemini is directly related to Sirius, which, in relation to our system of seven suns, is hypothesized as occupying the first place, and taking the role of a head center.

  8. Atma and the First Ray: The third systemic plane, the atmic, can be associated with Gemini, by giving Aries association with the first plane and Taurus with the second. This third plane is also the first Brahmic plane, and is thus associated with the first ray. It represents the head of fivefold Brahma.

  9. Related to the First Initiation: Gemini is active at the first initiation (EA 388) which has numerical affinity with the first ray.

    The secret of Gemini has to be grasped at the first initiation because it is the mystery of the relation of Father, Mother and Child. The birth of the Christ-child upon the physical plane is the consummating glory of the Gemini force.”
    (EA 388)

    The first initiation is an initiatory entry into a dimension of consciousness in which duality (soul and personality) will for a number of lives, prevail.

  10. Related to Processes Occurring at the Second Initiation: More than once Master DK has mentioned Gemini in relation to the second initiation—once in the case of “John the Baptist” (GWP 271), another in relation to the disciple, ISG-L, a Geminian disciple). The symbolism of the glyph for Gemini suggests the number two. Balance between the pairs of opposites on the astral level must be achieved at this degree, and the mental component of Gemini assists with this balancing. As well, the first ray is involved at the second degree because will must begin to assert itself over desire.

  11. Related to Processes Important at the Fourth Initiation: At the fourth initiation, the initiate is crucified between the great pairs of opposites spirit and matter. As well, he is suspended between the spiritual triad and the causal body. This midway position between the opposite implicates Gemini. Interestingly, Mercury, orthodox ruler of Gemini, is (with Saturn) ruler of the fourth initiation (cf. EA 71) (suggesting the need to discriminate between the lower worlds and the world of the spiritual triad and, especially, the buddhic world within the triad). Mercury is the “Star of Conflict”, and at length brings harmony—the third in a sequence of words (“Crucifixion. Sacrifice. Harmony”), which characterize the fourth initiation. The first ray would be involved with the general destructiveness (and liberation) of this initiation.

  12. Possible Relation to the Seventh Initiation: Gemini represents a very high point of achievement (perhaps the highest upon the cosmic physical plane) for those upon the second ray.

    When an embodied Christ in time and space reaches His goal of achievement, recognition of this comes to Him at the time of the June Full Moon, for in that sign of Gemini the complete victory of life over form, and of spirit over matter, is consummated and celebrated” (R&I 88-89).

    The paragraph above suggests the seventh initiation (that through which the Christ is in process of passing). This initiation focuses the initiate upon the first or logoic plane, and is hence (by numerical resonance) related to the first ray.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Gemini is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the First Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. John Fitzgerald Kennedy—American President, Assassinated in 1963 (Sun Sign)

  2. George Patton—Most Formidable of the United States’ Generals during World War II (Ascendant)

  3. Peter the Great—Innovative Tsar of Russia During the 18th Century, Intent on Modernization (Sun Sign)

  4. Theodore Roosevelt—USA President, Statesman, Conservationist “Rough-Rider” (Ascendant)

  5. Richard Wagner—Innovative German Romantic Composer of Opera, Music-Dramatist (Sun Sign with R4)

  6. Walt Whitman—19th Century American Poet; Author of “Song of Myself” (Sun Sign)

    1. Sun Gemini (or Ascendant Gemini), R2P (or R2S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R2) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges due to the transmission of the second ray through the constellation Gemini—though not in greatest strength. The appropriate category of reinforcement would be, Strong by Constellational Transmission. This reinforcement is strengthened by the transmission of the second ray through probably the personality aspect of Venus {the esoteric ruler} and through the second ray soul aspect of Earth {the hierarchical ruler} as well as through second ray Venus as the ruler of the second decanate in exoteric decanate order, through second ray Jupiter as the ruler of the first decanate in esoteric order, and through the second ray Sun, ruler of the third decanate in esoteric decanate order. For second ray initiates, the applicable category of reinforcement would be Strong by Rulership—Class 3. As the Earth comes increasingly under the influence of its second ray soul, second ray initiates born in and under Gemini will be more powerfully influenced by Earth as the hierarchical ruler of this sign.)

  1. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):

  1. An over-extended involvement in too much variety characteristic of the self-serving Gemini person combines with an over-inclusiveness resulting in an inability to choose, discriminate and detachcharacteristics induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the second ray. (These undesirable qualities would be in the nature of a relapse or reversion to a formerly bound condition, as it is not possible to have a first or second ray personality unless one is at least an aspirant. The first or second ray may, however, enter the personality by other lines of influence.)

  2. Too much!

  3. The seeking of too much information. Overloaded circuits. Inability to assimilate that which ingested—whether thought or food.

  4. The thinking of too many thoughts and the pouring forth of too many words. Too much talk.

  5. Lack of discrimination. Inability to separate one thing from another.

  6. Excessive variety lead to confusion. ‘Voluminosity’ inhibits right action.

  7. Inability to prioritize. Refusal to choose.

  8. Time dilation. Poor time management. Spending too much time in pleasant conversation.

  9. Too many fingers in too many pies!

  10. Making too many promises—impossible to fulfill. “Biting off more than one can possibly chew”.

  11. Agreeing with everyone.

  12. Ultimate paralysis, futility and ineffectiveness.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Gemini, with the second ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

    1. The love of relating and correlating characteristic of the advancing Gemini individual combines with the ability to relate and unify polarities induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the second ray.

    2. Wide understanding and illumination.

    3. Integrated coordination of masses of information.

    4. Facilitation of the energy of kindness and love through the word (written, spoken or thought).

    5. The communicator of positivity.

    6. Wisely understanding the relationships between many variables.

    7. Reading voraciously in order to be well and completely informed.

    8. An attitude of tolerance and non-criticism.

    9. The power to see the ways in which many things are related, and how they may be even more constructively and cooperatively related.

    10. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to absorb any subject of study in its completeness. This leads, at length, to the expression of “pure reason”.

    11. On the Path of Discipleship: growing receptivity to the intuition.

    12. On the Path of Discipleship: a facility for promoting interpersonal and group unity through loving words and thoughts.

    13. On the Path of Discipleship: a growing ability to create a magnetic rapport (leading to unification) between the pair of opposites—soul and personality.

    14. On the Path of Discipleship: a creator of loving networks. Promoting unified flows of energy which creates group soul.

    15. On the Path of Discipleship: a growing ability to create a state of loving-intelligence. Buddhi-manas begins to mean something real.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Gemini, with the second ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

      1. The capacity for stimulating intelligent interplay and loving magnetism between a host of opposites—a capacity increasingly demonstrated by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Gemini—combines with a facility for understanding and unifying the two divine qualities—Love and Wisdom—a capacity induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the second ray.

      2. Growing rapidly towards an understanding of the underlying loving unity inherent in the network of living relations.

      3. Embodying and revealing Wisdom in thought and speech

      4. Embodying and revealing Love in thought and speech.

      5. Embodying and revealing Unity in thought and speech.

      6. Capable of true group consciousness based upon brotherhood. “I serve my brother” (EA 332)

      7. Being able to think within the Ashram.

      8. Learning to unite the qualities of the Christ and the Buddha, Love and Wisdom.

      9. Achieving some success through the “Technique of Duality” which follows upon the Technique of Fusion. This technique depends upon successful use of the antahkarana (the construction and utilization of which can be related in part to Gemini and the second ray).

      10. Uniting not only soul and personality but spirit with soul/personality. ‘Spiritual fusion’ in the higher reaches of human nature, thus blending the One into the Many.

      11. A well-developed capacity to understand and utilize pure reason and inclusive reason.

      12. An ever-strengthening relationship to the Solar Logos, and Sirius through Gemini and the second ray.

      13. Detailed Unity”. “Meticulous Entirety”. The “Divine Pattern”. “Synthetic Understanding”. All these are conferred upon the initiate by the second ray and are only strengthened by the association of that ray with the second ray sign, Gemini.

Directives and Counsels for Gemini and the Second Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Adapt For The Sake Of Unity

  2. Adhere To Pursuit Of Omniscience—Never Let Up

  3. Animate Loving Relationships

  4. Be Brotherly! Be Sisterly!

  5. Be A Messenger Of Love And Wisdom

  6. Be Comprehensive In Pursuit Of Knowledge

  7. Be Flexible And Accepting

  8. Be The Voice Of Benediction

  9. Bless With Mind And Heart, With Word And Hand

  10. Bring ‘Good News’

  11. Build Within The World Of Thought

  12. Celebrate Diversity

  13. Commune With Your Angel

  14. Communicate Love-Wisdom

  15. Comprehend And Then Reveal The Science Of Relations

  16. Conceptualize The Interrelated Wholeness

  17. Converse From Soul To Soul

  18. Cultivate Illuminating Conversation

  19. Detach From Fear

  20. Dialogue For Mutual Understanding

  21. Dialogue With The Source Of Love And Light

  22. Dissolve Illusion Through The Light Of Intuition

  23. Educate!

  24. Educate The Soul

  25. Embrace The Whole With Inclusive Reason

  26. Enliven The Teaching

  27. Expand Consciousness

  28. Explain The Divine Pattern

  29. Fuse And Blend The Many As The One

  30. Heal With Your Hands

  31. Hold Converse With The Solar Angel

  32. Identify With One Amidst The Many

  33. Impart Revelation

  34. Invoke The Higher Brother; Invoke The Soul

  35. Laugh! Let In The Light

  36. Learn That Mind Must Serve The Heart, Even As The Light Serves Love

  37. Let Laughter Reveal The Love Of Life

  38. Let Love And Wisdom Subdue Instability

  39. Let Spirit Fuse With Soul In Divine Comprehension

  40. Let Your ‘Pen’ Spread Love And Light

  41. Let Your Words And Thoughts Carry The Energy Of Solar Fire

  42. Let Your Words And Thoughts Foster Group Unity

  43. Lighten The Tendency To Depression With Humor

  44. Link In Love

  45. Love Life In All Its Rich Diversity

  46. Magnetically Unite The Severed Poles

  47. Mediate Between The Heart And Mind; Facilitate Their Fusion

  48. Meditate To Bring The Two Together

  49. Mentally Detach From Anxieties

  50. Open The Door To Wide And Tolerant Understanding

  51. Perceive Attachments For The Limitations They Are

  52. Preserve The Schools!

  53. Protect The Growth Of The Light

  54. Recognize A Friend As Another ‘Self’

  55. Radiate The Light Of Pure Reason

  56. Rejoice In Loving Interplay

  57. Rejoice In The Wonder Of The Multifarious Whole

  58. Reveal The Network Of Relationships

  59. Reveal The Glory Of The One Within The Many

  60. Reveal Unity In All You Teach

  61. Safeguard The Ancient Mysteries

  62. See Ratio In All Relations

  63. See The Beauty Of Life’s Variety

  64. See The One Through All Diversity

  65. Send Forth Blessed Thoughts

  66. Share ‘Messages’ From The World Of Soul

  67. Sparkle In The Radiance Of The Spirit/Soul

  68. Speak For The Heart

  69. Speak Words Of Healing

  70. Spread The Ageless Wisdom

  71. Step Through The Pillars Of Hercules In Search Of Light Supernal

  72. Synthesize Ideas

  73. Teach Loving-Relations

  74. Teach The Culture Of The Soul

  75. Think Golden Thoughts! Speak Golden Words!

  76. Think Outward In Love Towards Your Brother

  77. Transmit Knowledge Skillfully

  78. Transmit The Light Through Thought And Word

  79. Understand The Divine Patterns Underlying The Network Of Relations

  80. Unify The World Of Thought

  81. Utter Words Of Benediction

  82. Verbalize The Wisdom Of The Ages

  83. Vivify The Network Of Light and Love

  84. Write So As To Bless And Uplift

Mantra for Gemini and the Second Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I call on Love and Wisdom as I seek with all my heart and soul to serve my ‘Brother-souls’—my Brothers in the One.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: When suffused with Love and Wisdom, “I See the Greatest Light”, I see all “Opposites” united; “I Serve the One” revealed by ‘Reason Pure’.

Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R2/Gemini: Focussed at the center of a radiant Lotus Blue, the Scholar/Teacher understands how all the many entities, how all the many happenings, how all the many places are insep’rably related in the Oneness of the Whole.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Gemini and R2

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R2 constellationally.

  1. R2

  1. Transmits principally R4, R5 and R3 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R2

  1. Colors: yellow and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) orange, orange-yellow, yellow. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)

  1. Colors: indigo blue, sapphire blue, light blue.

  1. Note: Possibly MI or E (the ‘yellow’ note).

  1. Note: SOL or G.

  1. Early expression through the throat center, via Mercury. Later, expresses principally through the ajna center (via Venus and Mercury), and also (via R2) through the heart.

  1. Expresses through the heart chakra; the “heart in the head” and also through the spleen as solar prana on our planet.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV, liberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number II/VII, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Vegetable Kingdom via Venus and the Earth, the Human Kingdom via Mercury, and the Kingdom of Souls via Mercury and Venus.

  1. Related to the Vegetable Kingdom and the Kingdom of Souls.

  1. Associated partially with the third divine aspect—Intelligence.

  1. Associated always with the second divine aspect—Love.

  1. Mind

  1. Heart

  1. Detachment (especially when functioning in relation to the intelligence aspect).

  1. Attachment

  1. Variety

  1. Unity

  1. Detached duality.

  1. Fused duality.

  1. Mobile

  1. Magnetic

  1. Rapidly moving, Mercurial.

  1. Moving slowly under the influence of either inertia, caution or, later, wisdom.

  1. Connecting through motion (and some magnetism).

  1. Connecting through attractive magnetism.

  1. At first superficial, emotionally.

  1. Always connected with feeling and sensitivity. However, the Wisdom aspect of this ray is less so.

  1. Discontinuity, the “butterfly” approach.

  1. Persistent continuity. “The will which brings fulfilment demonstrates through the second ray by the means of that driving force which enables the second ray soul steadily to achieve its goal, relentlessly pushing forward, permitting itself no let-up or leeway until the desired goal is reached. This is a different expression to the will of the first ray which is dynamic and which crashes forward in spite of all obstacles; the latter does not require the slower methods of the steady drive.” (EA 624)

  1. In early days, “monkey mind”.

  1. Brooding, pondering mind.

  1. Connection with amorality.

  1. Connected with morality—“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. This is a Jupiterian modification.

  1. A sign of reason and reasoning.

  1. The Ray of Pure Reason.

  1. A blend of masculine (Mercury) and feminine (Aphrodite). Gemini represents the soul, or “divine hermaphrodite”.

  1. A more strictly feminine influence.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Gemini and R2

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. The Glyph of Gemini and the Number Two: The glyph for Gemini represents the number two, just as the second ray has direct numerical affinity with the number two.

  2. The Factor of Relationship: Gemini and the second ray both represent the principle of relationship. Gemini is the relating factor between all pairs of zodiacal opposites except itself and Sagittarius.

  3. Shared Duality: The second ray is the dual Ray of Love-Wisdom. The duality within Gemini also represents both Love and Wisdom, or, perhaps, Love and Mind.

  4. Pure Reason and Inclusive Reason: The second ray is the Ray of Pure Reason. Reasoning and reasonable Gemini is associated with the factor of pure reason, and with the related factor of “Inclusive Reason”—also associated with the second ray (cf. EP II 393-396).

  5. Related Through the Christ: Gemini is a sign particularly associated with the Christ, since this constellation serves as the “head of the Cosmic Christ”. The Christ, of course, is the great Representative of the Ray of Love-Wisdom, the second ray.

  6. Buddhi and Intuition: Gemini is, via the antahkarana, one of the preliminary signs of intuition. The second ray, associated with the second principle, buddhi, is the primary ray of intuition.

  7. Emotional Detachment: The second ray type eventually achieves that emotional detachment which is always relatively easy for the Gemini type to achieve.

  8. Unification: The magnetism of Gemini leads to a fusion or unification of the opposites. The aspect of will which operates through the second ray is the “Will to Unify”.

  9. Eleven and Two: Gemini also stands for the number eleven, which is the number associated with the “Initiate” (EA 542) and, thus, with the Master and with Hierarchy (Aquarius, the sign of Hierarchy is the eleventh sign. Eleven is equal to two. The Hierarchy is the second center upon our planet, and its major expression is through the second ray.

  10. Related Via Education: Gemini is one of the principal signs of education, and the second ray is considered the ray of the educator—especially of the educator who seeks to evoke the soul-wisdom of the one he educates.

  11. Related Through the Giving of Light: Gemini is a communicating bestower of light, and the second ray is the ray of the “light-bearer”—the ray of “light-giving influence” (DINA I 177).

  12. Connection to the Triadal Realm: Gemini represents the bridge of light which connects the personality consciousness to the triadal realm—a realm which is the true soul of humanity, and which is ruled, archetypally by the second ray, even though this realm carries the influence of the monad (and its first ray coloring).

  13. Conferring Names: The second Ray Lord is the “Conferrer of Names”; similarly, under the Gemini influence, a name for everything can be found.

  14. Relation to the First Initiation: Gemini reveals the secret of the first initiation. The “Brothers” come into a new relationship, with the ‘Elder Brother’ beginning a recognizable ascendancy. The first initiation represents initial entry into the Kingdom of Souls, ruled generically by the second ray. This initiation also represents the first real mounting of the Fixed Cross, which is the ‘Cross of Consciousness’, and on which the second ray eventually prevails.

  15. Relation to the Second Initiation: Gemini and the second ray are related at the second initiation. (GWP 271) Gemini represents the struggle on the astral plane between the pairs of opposites. This struggle is subdued at the second degree—an initiation in which selfish desire is largely overcome and selfless love (second ray) begins to take its place.

  16. Related to Processes Occurring During the Fourth Initiation: Before the fourth initiation we are told that the initiate amasses information at an unusual rate of speed; this amassing can be understood in relation to both Gemini and the second ray. Gemini, in one respect, rules the “Crisis of Crucifixion” (cf. EA. 472) and it is the second aspect of the will under impression from buddhic energy which is largely responsible for the destruction wrought at the fourth degree.

  17. Relationship to the Seventh Initiation: These two influences combine at the seventh initiation, which is ruled by the second ray of Love-Wisdom. A Christ reaches a high-point of achievement under Gemini, and becomes peculiarly responsive to the heart of the Solar Logos. It may be that Gemini forms a triangle between Sirius and our Solar Logos. This would be an extraordinarily second ray triangle, and one tremendously important at the seventh degree. Special facility in relation to the seven rays (all of them subrays of the great Second Ray) must also be achieved at this time.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Gemini is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Second Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Alice A. Bailey—Amanuensis to the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul (Sun Sign)

  2. Ralph Waldo Emerson—American Essayist, Minister, Philosopher, Poet, Transcendentalist (Sun Sign)

  3. Anne Frank—Young Jewish Writer and Diarist Famous for Her Diary Written While Hiding from the Nazis WWII (Sun Sign)

  4. Master Djwhal Khul—Proposed as Working Largely Under the Influence of Gemini

  5. Johannes Kepler—Astronomer, Astrologer German who Disocvered the Three Major Laws of Planetary Motion; known for his Thoery Celestial Harmonics” (Ascendant)

  6. Master Koot-Hoomi—Proposed as Strongly Related to the Gemini Energy

  7. Master Racokzi—Proposed as Closely Related to the Intelligence Aspect of Gemini

  8. Baruch Spinoza—Dutch Philosopher During the Age of Reason (the “The God-Intoxicated Philosopher”) (Ascendant)

    1. Sun Gemini (or Ascendant Gemini), R3P (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R2) (A moderate to strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges due to the fact that Gemini, being the third sign, has numerical affinity with the third ray; further, the third ray is transmitted through the personality component {probably} of Mercury, the exoteric ruler of Gemini, and through the personality ray of Earth—the hierarchical ruler. Further the third ray is transmitted through Mercury as the ruler of the first decanate {in exoteric order} and through Saturn, ruler of the third decanate {in exoteric order}. Again, since Earth is the hierarchical ruler of Gemini, and since the third ray is Earth’s personality ray, third ray initiates would find the applicable category to be, Strong by Rulership—Class 3.)

  1. (Selfish , Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being):

  1. The chaotic instability of the self-serving Gemini person combines with the disorganized hyperactivity induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the third ray.

  2. Excessive busy-ness and discontinuity.

  3. Hyper-activity and scattering. The busybody. Motion without action.

  4. Let instability do its work” (somewhat as in the case of Gemini and the fourth ray).

  5. Subtle and deceptive weaving. Mental manipulation. The lie. False propaganda.

  6. Theft. Mercury is the “God of Thieves”

  7. Excessively verbal. Chatter.

  8. Hearing voices and speaking in voices not his own.

  9. Mixed messages. “Double-talk”. Dishonesty. Having a “line”.

  10. Stealth. Craft. Deception. Trickiness. Misleading. The “con-man”. The “artful dodger”. Duplicity. The “Lie”.

  11. Confusion and veiling. Motion within the “Veils of Maya” “He hid himself behind a veil. He rolled himself within that veil, and deeply hid his face. Naught could be seen but that which veiled, and active motion.” (EP II 37) Mayavic living.

  12. Playing games” with others. Clever manipulation.

  13. The know-it-all. Pride of mind. Useless, irrelevant intellectualism.

  14. Jack of all trades; master of none”.

  15. Overstimulation of mind and body.

  16. Purposeless complication. Sophism. False argument. Simply “playing with words”.

  17. Impracticality and consequent futility. Defeated by ‘manyness’.

  18. Amoral. Irresponsible. Undependable. Untrustworthy. Uncommitted.

  19. Caught in one’s own web.

  20. Failure through the misuse of thought and action.

  21. Forgetting that the thought is not the thing itself.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Gemini, with the third ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

    1. The rapid absorption and impartation of information characteristic of the advancing Gemini individual combines with the skillful thought and intelligent adaptivity induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the third ray.

    2. Resourcefulness and the ability to solve problems both mentally and practically.

    3. Thus, useful versatility. A “can do” attitude, equal to almost any eventuality.

    4. Adaptable. At home anywhere.

    5. In-the-know” about all relationships within a system.

    6. Tactical abilities. Ability to foresee many contingencies. One who is always “many moves ahead”. Skillful maneuvering.

    7. Linguist. Interpreter.

    8. Intricacy of thought and argument.

    9. Skillful debater.

    10. Great capacity to express brilliantly through the word, whether written or spoken.

    11. Mental and verbal sophistication. Subtlety of thought.

    12. Intellectuality as a means of achieving mental integrity. Not easily fooled.

    13. Wide-mindedness.

    14. Skillful with thought and word, but not caught by thought and word.

    15. On the Path of Discipleship: understanding and thinking in terms of the relativism of all formulations of truth.

    16. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to skillfully formulate and express in thought and word the ideas and energies prompted by soul realization.

    17. On the Path of Discipleship: achieving sophistication in abstract thought.

    18. On the Path of Discipleship: becoming so familiar with illusion that one can evade the snare of illusion. Becoming free of the “Idols of the Mind”.

    19. On the Path of Discipleship: creating lighted (and fluid) networks for the distribution and circulation of that which is of value (tangible and intangible). An intelligent networker, using various kinds of networks swiftly and intelligently on behalf of the Good.

    20. On the Path of Discipleship: one who is seeking and finding “the mark of the messenger in his feet”. (IHS 206-207)

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Gemini, with the third ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

      1. The swift intuitive receptivity and brilliant articulation of thought increasingly characteristic of the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Gemini, combines with an exceptional acuity of both the abstract and concrete mind induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the third ray.

      2. Unusual facility with “the acute energy of divine mental perception” (R&I 558).

      3. The abstract mind as “playground”.

      4. Accomplishment in the field of buddhi-manas. Great ideas are accessed and well-clothed in the substance of the abstract mind. Thus two aspects of the threefold Spiritual Triad are united.

      5. Understanding the “divine blueprints”.

      6. Able, with facility, to trace any concretion to its archetype.

      7. The modern “magician” as opposed to the “ritualist”. The magician is found upon the third ray; the ritualist upon the seventh (cf. DON 145).

      8. Facility with “spiritual discernment”—a siddhi to be found upon the third plane (counting from below, upwards—the mental plane) and on the third subplane of that plane (counting from above, downwards).

      9. This combination contributes to the destruction of the causal body through the accumulation of knowledge and information; “…it is more the accumulation of needed material and quality for the helping of the world, and the amassing of information through love and discrimination that eventually causes the shattering of the causal body.” (cf. LOM 16)

      10. Victor over illusion—because of buddhi-manasic facility. Able to view the World of Illusion and “in its midst locate the golden thread of truth”. (TWM 473)

      11. Gradual approximation to the siddhi of “All-Knowledge”—interestingly found upon the third subplane of the third plane, the atmic. Gemini s the third sign of twelve and the third ray is, naturally, the third ray of seven (cf. TCF 188).

      12. When thinking of the Mahachohan, and His administration of the Department of Civilization, it is hard to think that He is not strongly condition by the combination of Gemini and the third ray. Even as Francis Bacon, He took “all knowledge as his province”—“All Knowledge”: third plane, third subplane.

Directives and Counsels for Gemini and the Third Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Adeptly Clothe Ideas In Thought

  2. Accumulate Knowledge And Information For The Helping Of The World

  3. Analyze Your Thought Life; Escape From Prison

  4. Articulate Your Concepts Acutely

  5. At Manas You Excel; Invoke Buddhi!

  6. Balance Relativity Against The Absolute

  7. Be Creatively Intelligent

  8. Be Economical In Movement; Act Purposefully

  9. Be In Two Places At Once; Be In All Places At Once

  10. Be Humble In Intelligence—There Is Always More To Know.

  11. Be Ready With An Answer, But Not Too Ready!

  12. Blend Intuition With Reason, Buddhi With Manas

  13. Brilliant Genius Is Meant To Serve The One

  14. Calculate For The Welfare Of The Plan

  15. Cleverly Arrange For All Contingencies

  16. Communicate Reasonably

  17. Communicate The Divine Plan

  18. Comprehend The Healing Power Of The Serpent—The Caduceus

  19. Comprehend The ‘World Of Becoming’

  20. Cooperate With “God” Through Multiple Activities, But Find God In Silence

  21. Create A Network Of Triangles

  22. Create Soul Alliances

  23. Critique Mental Processes

  24. Decode Encryptions

  25. Dialogue For Philosophical Understanding

  26. Discriminate! Learn The Many Differences And Similarities

  27. Discuss With Intelligence; Sharpen The Mind

  28. Disengage From The World Maya—Stillness Is Required

  29. Disentangle Threads Of Thought

  30. Do Business Honestly

  31. Doing Is Good. Being Is Better. Approach Being.

  32. Do Not Deceive Others! Do Not Deceive Yourself!

  33. Do Not Excuse Yourself Without Justification; Do Not Rationalize

  34. Engage In Interesting Conversation

  35. Escape From The Web Of Illusion

  36. Excel In Forethought And Sagacity

  37. Face The Consequences Of Your Actions Even Though You Could Evade Them

  38. Finance Creatively

  39. Find The Means—Be Resourceful

  40. Foresee The Causes Of Confusion

  41. Fuse The Second And Third Aspects Of Divinity

  42. Go Around When You Cannot Go Through—But Remember Your Direction

  43. Hold To The Truth; Do Not Lie

  44. If The Mind Be Fluid, Let The Heart Be Sound

  45. If Your Speech Be Subtle, Let It Also Be Sincere

  46. Impart Creative Solutions

  47. Interpret That Which Is Seen By Relating It To The Unseen

  48. Let Fluid Intelligence Resolve Contradiction

  49. Let Idea Precede Thought

  50. Let Skill-Of-Mind Serve The Higher Self

  51. Link With Many But Remember Well The One

  52. Manipulate, Not For Yourself, But For The Sake Of Divinity

  53. Move Swiftly Through Complexity

  54. Offer Constructive Critique To Improve The Flow

  55. Of Many Possibilities, Manifest At Least A Few

  56. One Cannot Think Reality; One Can Only Be It

  57. Plan And Imagine—Conceive What Must Be Done, Not Merely What Can Be Done

  58. Pull Strings”—For The Greater Good!

  59. Recognize the “Idols Of The Mind”; Refrain From Idolatry!

  60. Respond To The Thoughts In The Mind Of The “Great Architect Of The Universe”

  61. See The Truth From Many Angles And From The Point Opposed—But Realize, It Is One Truth

  62. Seek To Understand The World As ‘Process’

  63. Separate The Many Woven Strands

  64. Shall Omnipresence Be The Goal, Or Shall It Be Omniscience? Or Shall You Strive Toward Them Both?

  65. Skillfully Avoid Entanglements

  66. Speak The Words Which Work For The Good

  67. Strategize Your Moves

  68. Streamline Your Communications

  69. Streamline Your Methods; Act Swiftly And Efficiently

  70. Study The Past And Apply What You Learn In The Living Moment

  71. Submit Reason To “Pure Reason”

  72. Teach What Man Can Know; Teach What Man Can Do

  73. Temper Criticism With Understanding

  74. Temper Intelligence With Morality

  75. The “Holy Spirit” Serves The “Son Of God”—Serve Both!

  76. The Mind Is “Slayer Of The Real”—Be Not Slain By Your Own Fertility Of Thought!

  77. The Plan Divine Is Ever Ready To Precipitate; Present To The World The Attributes Presented To You

  78. The Word Is Not The “Thing In Itself”—Understand This

  79. Think With Subtlety—Abstractly, Yet Clearly

  80. Untie The Knots Of Consciousness

  81. Use The Gift Of Eloquence In The Service Of The One

  82. Utilize Networks For Widespread Benefit

  83. Words Are Many But Great Thoughts Are Few—Think The Great Thoughts!

Mantra for Gemini and the Third Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Creatively I seek to weave the thoughts acute through which the Service of my ‘Brother-in-the-One’ may be fulfilled upon the Earth.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Purpose Itself Am I” and responsive to that Purpose, I weave with keen Intelligence the Plan which Serves the One.

Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R3/Gemini: Acute, alert and centered in the pulsing “Web of Life”, the Weaver, with intelligence, creatively manipulates the many-threaded energies which intricately fabricate the ever-varied, interwoven manifested Life of God.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Gemini and R3

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R2 constellationally.

  1. R3

  1. Transmits principally R4, R5 and R3 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R3

  1. Colors: yellow and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) orange, orange-yellow, yellow. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)

  1. Colors: green, yellow, black.

  1. Note: Possibly MI or E (the ‘yellow’ note).

  1. Note: FA or F.

  1. Early expression through the throat center, via Mercury. Later, expresses principally through the ajna center (via Venus and Mercury), and also (via R2) through the heart.

  1. Expresses through the throat chakra and (to a degree) through the sacral chakra, also through the spleen as planetary prana, and, quite reasonably, through the ajna center when that center represents the spiritual triad

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV, liberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number I, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number III/VIII, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Vegetable Kingdom via Venus and the Earth, the Human Kingdom via Mercury, and the Kingdom of Souls via Mercury and Venus.

  1. Related to the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives.

  1. Associated with intelligence and love.

  1. Associated with intelligence.

  1. Duality

  1. Triplicity

  1. Associated with the Christ.

  1. Associated with the “World”.

  1. Associated with the Principle of Relationship.

  1. Associated with discrimination and separation. “The Divine Separator. The Discriminating Essential Life” (EP I 68).

  1. Associated with intuition, and that quality of Mercury which promotes intuition.

  1. Associated mostly with reason and reasoning—pure reason without intuition (thus, occultly, not really pure reason!)

  1. Related to the Divine Heart.

  1. Related to the Divine Mind.

  1. Influences, often, towards material impracticality.

  1. Can influence towards practicality, and greater material concern.

  1. Represents the duality of soul and personality.

  1. Represents the triplicity of the unified third aspect of divinity—the personality.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Gemini and R3

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Related Through the Number Three: Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, thus relating it directly to the third ray.

  2. Principle of Intelligence: Gemini is associated with the Principle of Intelligence as is the third ray.

  3. Throat Center and Organs of Speech: Gemini, through Mercury, has a natural resonance with the organs of speech and, thus, with the throat center. This is also true of the third ray which has a Mercurial connection (as well as its usual connections through the Earth and Saturn).

  4. Physical and Mental Activity: Both Gemini and the third ray conduce to great activity—physical and mental.

  5. Emotional Detachment: Both Gemini and the third ray promote emotional detachment.

  6. Multiplicity: Both influences are related to multiplicity, to many rather than one.

  7. Divine Mind: Both influences are related to the Divine Mind.

  8. Promoting Discrimination: Both energies promote discrimination—the third ray through separation “The Divine Separator” (EP I 68), and Gemini through the factor of contrast.

  9. Facility for Abstraction: Both energies give a facility for abstraction, for a ‘distancing’ from that which is immediately at hand..

  10. Manipulation: Both energies give a capacity for manipulation. Gemini rules the hands which manipulate, and the third ray is called the “Manipulator” (positively as a monad, offering divine manipulation, or as one who misleads others). “The third ray person who also fails to shatter his ‘Dweller’ becomes what is called a ‘manipulator of souls’ and uses the mind to destroy the real and to put a veil between the man and reality.” (TWM 240-241)

  11. Dishonesty: In early evolutionary days, dishonesty is found in relation to both energies. Gemini is ruled by Mercury which is the “god of thieves”. Gemini, similarly, has a reputation for duplicity (or lying). The third ray (in early days) is always misrepresenting, covering up or leading astray—thus its early association with the misrepresentations of Maya. Both Gemini and the third ray can incline towards ensnarement in Maya. Later, both Gemini and the third ray influence towards a preoccupation with truth.

  12. Relationship to the First Initiation: Gemini is directly connected to the first initiation.

    ” The secret of Gemini has to be grasped at the first initiation because it is the mystery of the relation of Father, Mother and Child. The birth of the Christ-child upon the physical plane is the consummating glory of the Gemini force”. (EA 388)

    Further, before and at the first initiation, the third ray is powerful, frequently as the personality ray.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Gemini is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Third Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Aristotle—With Plato, One of the Two Most Famous Greek Philosophers (Proposed Sun Sign with Virgo possible Virgo Ascendant)

  2. Henry Kissinger—American Statesman in the Nixon Administration (Sun Sign and Ascendant)

  3. Regiomontanus—German Astrologer, Astronomer, Humanist; Devised a System of House Division (Sun Sign)

  4. Jean Paul Sartre—French Existentialist Philosopher, Playwright, Novelist (Sun Sign)

  5. Baruch Spinoza—Dutch Philosopher During the Age of Reason (the “The God-Intoxicated Philosopher”) (Ascendant)

  6. Voltaire—French Author, Satirist, Philosopher, Poet, Historian, Encyclopedist, Novelist (Proposed Ascendant)

    1. Sun Gemini (or Ascendant Gemini), R4P (of R4S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R2) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges due the transmission of the fourth ray through Mercury—the exoteric ruler of Gemini and the ruler of the first decanate {in exoteric order}. The applicable category for this reinforcement is Strong by Rulership—Class 1, with the strength of this reinforcement applying mostly in the life of the average fourth ray human being who is not yet reversing the wheel. It should be noted, however, that the exoteric rulership continues to apply {though to an ever-lessening degree} in the lives of those who are reversing wheel and even to those who have reversed it. This exoteric rulership is simply subsumed under the esoteric rulership and eventually, under the hierarchical rulership.)

  1. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):

  1. The incessant fluctuation and changeability of the self-centered Gemini person combines with the vacillation and unpredictable reversals induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the fourth ray.

  2. Unstable. Inconsistent. Discontinuous. Unreliable. Unpredictable. Uncommitted. “Mercurial”. Holding no fixed position. Full of reversals.

  3. Full of conflict, especially mental conflict. Suffering greatly from cognitive dissonance.

  4. Speaking out of both sides of his mouth”.

  5. Possessed by the “gift of gab”.

  6. Split-personality; the “brothers” are at war.

  7. Manic depressive. Possibility of insanity. (cf. EH 51)

  8. Extreme self-contradiction. This is different from the insincerity of Gemini and the third ray negatively combined.

  9. Possibility of multiple-personality disorder. Who is “at home”? Obsession. Possession.

  10. Open to thought impression; “channeling”—in this case from the worlds of glamor and illusion.

  11. Fantasy. Unreality.

  12. Traitorous. Betrayal.

  13. Let instability do its work” (as in the case of Gemini and the third ray). Or, as a corollary, “Let inconsistency do its work”.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Gemini, with the fourth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

    1. The alert and facile intelligence of the advancing Gemini individual combines with the spontaneous skill-in-action and ‘artful living’ induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the fourth ray.

    2. Spontaneous. Delightfully unpredictable.

    3. Colorful. Entertaining. Humorous. Full of variety.

    4. Vivid imagination. Mental/emotional creativity.

    5. Tragi-comic. Humorous.

    6. Literary. Capacity to write prose and poetry. Story-teller. Dramatist. Facility with the beautiful (fourth ray) word (Gemini).

    7. Acute awareness of the “pairs of opposites” (physical, emotional and mental) and their interplay. Facility in the reconciling of these opposites. Flexible.

    8. The one at who stands in the middle. Translator. Interpreter.

    9. As an artist, inclined to work in several media, and to make new connections between thoughts and materials. Artistic versatility (with a finer technique than Gemini with the third ray—a combination which also may have artistic versatility).

    10. Able to avoid mental rigidity and confinement to one point of view—and thus avoid fanaticism.

    11. Able to see issues from both sides. Thus tolerant.

    12. On the Path of Discipleship: able to engage in and contain the necessary mental conflict which contributes to the sharpening and refinement of thought.

    13. On the Path of Discipleship: facilitating rapport within and between the personality vehicles and thus contributing to a state of fluid, harmonious integration. The overcoming of “internecine warfare” (EP II 340).

    14. On the Path of Discipleship: understanding with perspective; a clever and light touch as the antidote to a humorless and overly-earnest attitude.

    15. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to express (verbally and through the written word) energies of harmonization, uniting individuals and groups.

    16. On the Path of Discipleship: a growing facility for relating and harmonizing mind and emotions, soul and personality.

    17. On the Path of Discipleship: growing capacity to access and express the intuition.

    18. On the Path of Discipleship: skillful participation in the soul-personality dialogue.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Gemini, with the fourth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

      1. An increasingly developed ability to relate soul and personality, and then, triad and soul-infused personality—abilities progressively characteristic of the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Gemini—combine with a symbolic/imaginative reception and understanding of buddhi induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the fourth ray.

      2. Imagination as an instrument of spiritual perception, and eventually, of triadal perception.

      3. Gifted symbolist. Understanding “spiritual reading”. Seeing the contents of the world symbolically. Seeing the world, itself, as a great symbol.

      4. Facile use of the antahkarana.

      5. Always sensitive to that which is unexpressed—i.e., buddhically sensitive.

      6. Ready recipient of impression—first from the soul, then, from the spiritual triad.

      7. Gifted in accessing and harmonizing the World of Ideas.

      8. Subtlety of thought capable of embodying the ineffable.

      9. May be among the great authors, composers or artists.

      10. Able to see the necessity for the outrageous contrasts within the World Process.

      11. Engaging in the dialogue of the opposites: soul and personality; higher mind and lower mind; spiritual triad and soul-infused personality; spirit and living soul.

      12. The power to touch new dimensions, and harmonize with them.

Directives and Counsels for Gemini and the Fourth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Access The Buddhic Plane With Facility—Use Your Intuition

  2. Achieve Steadfastness After Many Changes

  3. Actively Identify With Your Brother—Imitate And Realize

  4. Adapt To All Changes Of State

  5. Analogize With Facility

  6. Apply The Harmonizing Word

  7. Articulate The Ineffable

  8. Avoid Splits—Maintain Integrity

  9. Be Adept At The Art Of Conflict Resolution

  10. Be A ‘Messenger Of Beauty’

  11. Be Both—Not Just One Or The Other

  12. Be Sensitive To That Which Is Produced By Speech

  13. Be Well-Informed In The Field Of The Arts

  14. Beautify Your Thoughts

  15. Bridge Through Intelligence

  16. Bring A “Light-Touch” To Your Explanations

  17. Bring Freedom Through Humor

  18. Charm With Wit

  19. Clothe Intuitions In Beautiful Forms

  20. Communicate Beautifully

  21. Communicate With Formlessness On The “Mountain Whereon Form Dies”

  22. Correct The Form With Many Deft Touches

  23. Counter Tedium—Be Alive To Contrast

  24. Cultivate Virtuosity

  25. Dance Nimbly With Your Mind

  26. Defuse Tension With A Sudden Change Of Perspective

  27. Dialogue For Peace

  28. Discover Lines Of Communication Regardless Of The Severity Of The Conflict

  29. Dispel Illusion With Sudden Intuition—See The Unity Behind The Opposites

  30. Engage Is Delightful Conversation

  31. Entertain! Delight!

  32. Express In A Variety Of Artistic Modes

  33. Express Intelligent Aesthetic Appreciation

  34. Express Through A Variety Of Contrasting Colors

  35. Express Your Artistry Through The Literature

  36. Find Something In Common With Everyone

  37. Fine-Tune All Adjustments

  38. Get The Two Sides Talking To Each Other

  39. Harmonize Your Mind

  40. Imagine! Fantasize!

  41. Inspiration Is Just A Breath Away

  42. Inspire With Beautiful Words

  43. Intermediate’ With Facility

  44. Intuit! Enter The World Of Ideas

  45. Laughter Brings Relief From Tension—Enjoy The Comedy Of Life

  46. Learn To Control Change—No Longer Be Its Victim

  47. Let Buddhi Triumph In Your Life

  48. Let There Be Intelligent Understanding Between The Warring Poles

  49. Let There Be Peace—Still And Steadfast Stand

  50. Let Your Hand Be Guided By The “Hand Of God”

  51. Let Your Language Sparkle; Also Let It Brood

  52. Life Is A Symphony Of Sound And Color—Experience This Fully

  53. Link Harmoniously

  54. Mediate Between The Opposites

  55. Mediate With Verbal Skill

  56. No Failure Is Permanent, Nor Is Any Success

  57. Nothing Is Constant But Change”—Let This Realization ‘Lighten’ Your Way

  58. Perceive The Way Between The Opposites

  59. Reconcile Dissonant Concepts

  60. Reduce Friction Through Facile Intelligence

  61. Reveal The Brilliance Of The Intuition

  62. Recover Quickly From Any “Mood Swing”—“This Too Shall Pass”

  63. Resolve Conflict With Keen Intelligence

  64. Resourcefully Find The Lines Of Agreement Amidst The Conflict

  65. Respond Swiftly And Harmoniously

  66. Self-Contradiction Leads To Self Knowledge—Realized Contrasts Lead To Integrity

  67. Serenity Can Be Achieved Through Identification With The Soul—Withdraw The Lower Pole Into The Higher

  68. Shuttle Between The Poles To Bring The Peace

  69. Speak On Behalf Of Culture And The Arts

  70. Stand Steadfast At The Midway Point And Act With Equal Facility In Either Direction

  71. Struggle With The “Pairs Of Opposites”, But Reconcile Them

  72. Sublimate Experience—Transfer Form To Formlessness

  73. Surprise Others

  74. Talk To Anyone With Facility And Understanding—Relate!

  75. Teach Experientially

  76. The “Way” Will Part. Which Way Will You Go?

  77. Two Must Merge With One—Appreciate The Reality Of Unity In Diversity

  78. When Necessary, Go To War With Thought And Word

  79. Write Colorfully

  80. You Have A Talent For Seeing Life’s Great Contrasts—Share Your Enlivening Vision

Mantra for Gemini and the Fourth Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: With intuition keen, attuned with harmony and beauty, I seek to end all strife between my Brothers and myself; through all life’s instabilities, I serve my Brother-Souls within the One.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “Two Merge with One” in Beauty when within the flow of Harmony Divine “I Serve the One”.

Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R4/Aries: Vibrantly responsive to the scintillating ‘Spectrum of all Rainbow-Colored Tones’, the ‘Artist of his Life’ beholds the many pairs of opposites, arrayed in contradiction, and yet tending in fluidity toward ever-changing harmony—how skillfully, how rapidly, he deftly touches one and all, resolving every discord into amity and Beauty.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Gemini and R4

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R2 constellationally.

  1. R4

  1. Transmits principally R4, R5 and R3 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R4

  1. Colors: yellow and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) orange, orange-yellow, yellow. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)

  1. Color: yellow, green, cream.

  1. Note: Possibly MI or E (the ‘yellow’ note).

  1. Note: MI or E.

  1. Early expression through the throat center, via Mercury. Later, expresses principally through the ajna center (via Venus and Mercury), and also (via R2) through the heart.

  1. Expresses through the ajna center at a relatively advanced point of evolution. Related as well to the fourfold base chakra.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV, liberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number II, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number IV/IX, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Vegetable Kingdom via Venus and the Earth, the Human Kingdom via Mercury, and the Kingdom of Souls via Mercury and Venus.

  1. Related to the Vegetable Kingdom and the Human Kingdom.

  1. Related to the number two.

  1. The number four.

  1. Gemini is, in a way, less material than the fourth ray.

  1. The fourth ray is related to the number four and thus to the geometrical figure associated with this number—the square.

  1. Represents the soul or the divine in man.

  1. Represents the quaternary—that which is more material and earthy.

  1. Thus, represents the goal of humanity.

  1. In a lower sense, represents, humanity’s present state—the fourfold personality (but also the goal of humanity—the buddhic plane, the fourth).

  1. Tends to be more mental.

  1. Tends to be more experiential.

  1. Associated with consciousness and subjectivity.

  1. Associated with manifestation.

  1. Gemini is most associated with Solar Fire and secondarily, through its triplicity, with Fire by Friction.

  1. The fourth ray is equally associated with Solar Fire and Fire by Friction.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Gemini and R4

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Conflict and Division: Both Gemini and the fourth ray have a close relationship to the factor of conflict and division. Both energies represent the conflict between soul and personality, and spirit and matter. The conflict between good and evil is well-represented by the dynamics displayed by these two energies (and, indeed, the greatest conflict between Good and Evil on our planet was waged when the fourth ray was at its height—during the fourth subrace of the fourth root race during the fourth round).

  2. Principle of Contrast: With respect to both energies, the principle of contrast is very strong. Those influenced by these two energy/forces learn by comparing and contrasting.

  3. Intuition: Both influences contribute to the cultivation and use of the intuition.

  4. Related to Buddhi: Both Gemini, via the antahkarana, and the fourth ray are related to buddhi and the buddhic plane.

  5. Two and Four: These influences are related numerically, as Gemini represents the number two, which multiplied by itself yields the four of the fourth ray.

  6. Bridging: Both energies are related to the process of bridging.

  7. The Midway Point: Both energies eventually take a position at the midway point—once fluctuation has subsided.

  8. Magnetic Influences: Both influences are powerfully magnetic. The mutual attraction of the warring poles.

  9. The Factor of Rapport: Both energies are energies of rapport.

  10. Harmonization: Both can be harmonizing energies, though active harmonization is more the province of the fourth ray.

  11. Relating Man and Deva: Both energies can be understood as representing the relationship between man and deva. This relationship is harmonized upon the buddhic plane, to which both Gemini and the fourth ray have a resonance, for Mercury is a buddhic planet, and the buddhic plane is the fourth plane.

  12. Imaginative and Literary: Both Gemini and the fourth ray are often imaginative and literary.

  13. Representing the Goal of Man: Both Gemini and the fourth ray represent, in their own way, the goal of man. Man is to become a representative of the Love-Wisdom which Gemini conveys. Man is also to learn to function consciously upon the fourth or buddhic plane, which is ruled by (among other rays) the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict. Since man is a member of the Fourth Creative Hierarchy, his expressive destiny is to be found, eventually, upon the fourth plane.

  14. Related to Our Solar Logos: Both Gemini and the fourth ray have a close relation to the Solar Logos. Our Logos radiates Love-Wisdom, thus representing the Geminian duality. Further our Solar Logos is a Logos of the fourth order, relating Him to the fourth ray. There is also the possibility that our Logos may have a monad qualified by the fourth ray (at least this is the theory of the esoteric astrologer, Stephen Pugh). The primary monadic ray of any self-conscious being in cosmos must be, it would seem, one of the Rays of Aspect.

  15. The Quadrangle or Oblong Square: Actually, the constellation Gemini is more a quadrangle (an oblong square) than a duality, thus relating it to the number four and to the fourth ray.

  16. Pain and Suffering: Both influences promote great suffering because of unreconciled dualism. Gemini, through Venus, is associated with the “desperate conflict of the imprisoned soul upon the astral plane”, and it is well known that the fourth ray is associated with the Fourth Purpose of Sanat Kumara, which necessitates the factor of pain in the process of planetary development. “The mysterious purpose which has necessitated the calling into activity the Principle of Pain.” (R&I 243)

  17. The Fourth Subplane and the Mental Unit: Gemini represents the dualistic human mind which has its focus on the fourth subplane of the lower fourfold mental plane, and focuses through the fourfold mental unit. Thus Gemini is anatomically related to the fourth ray when considering how intelligence manifests through the human being.

  18. The Third and Fourth Kingdoms: Gemini represents, in some measure, the “monkey” so closely related in intelligence to the normal human being. In a certain way, Gemini represents the bridge between the animal kingdom (the third kingdom related to the third sign Gemini) and the fourth kingdom of nature, related to the fourth ray. Gemini also facilitates the extension of the ‘bridge’ into the fifth kingdom—the Kingdom of Souls.

  19. Related to Processes Occurring at the Second Initiation: The astral struggles characteristic of the second initiation certainly involve Gemini and can be understood as relating to the search for balance or “sattva” (as distinct from constant fluctuation between “rajas” and “tamas”) in which the advancing fourth ray individual engages. A degree of astral serenity is required of the second degree initiate; this is one of the qualities which is to be cultivated by the individual on the fourth ray.

  20. Related to the Fourth Initiation: Gemini and the fourth ray are related at the fourth initiation, which destroys triplicity (indicated by Gemini as the third sign) and institutes the duality of spirit/triad and soul-infused personality (also represented by dualistic Gemini). The fourth ray at this fourth degree is the antahkarana which connects the spirit/triad to the lower soul infused man—the most focussed connection (at that point) being from the fourfold mental unit to the buddhic permanent atom on the fourth or buddhic plane. Further, the orthodox ruler of Gemini, Mercury, is active at the fourth degree (linking to buddhi) (EA 71)

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Gemini is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Fourth Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Dante Alighieri—Author of “The Divine Comedy” (Sun Sign and Ascendant)

  2. Isadora Duncan—Pioneer in Improvisational Modern Dance (Sun Sign)

  3. Albrecht Dürer—German Painter and Print-Maker: Regarded as the Greatest German Artist of the Renaissance (Sun Sign)

  4. Martha Graham—Dancer, Choreographer, Brilliant Innovator in the Field of Modern Dance (Ascendant)

  5. Marilyn Monroe—Actress, Immensely Popular Sex Symbol of the 20th Century (Sun Sign)

  6. Sir Lawrence Olivier—Actor (Perhaps the Outstanding Actor of the 20th Century) (Ascendant)

  7. Alexander Scriabin—Russian Composer for Piano and Orchestra, Artistic Synthesist, Symbolist, Musical-Mystical Philosopher (Ascendant)

  8. Robert Schumann—German Romantic Composer, Known for his Song Cycles, Especially Dichterliebe“ (A Poet’s Love) (Sun Sign)

  9. Richard Strauss—German Composer of Opera, and Tone-Poems (Sun Sign)

  10. Giuseppe Verdi—19th Century Italy’s Most Prominent Composer of Opera (Ascendant)

  11. Jules Verne—French Author; Pioneer in the Science Fiction Genre (Ascendant)

  12. Richard Wagner—Innovative German Romantic Composer of Opera, Music-Dramatist (Sun Sign with R1)

    1. Sun Gemini (or Ascendant Gemini), R5P (or R5S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R2) (A strong mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges due to the transmission of the fifth ray through Venus, the esoteric ruler of Venus as well as {probably} through Mercury {possibly monadically}—Mercury being the exoteric ruler of Gemini. The applicable category of reinforcement is Strong by Rulership—Class 2, and is therefore strongest in the lives of fifth ray aspirants, and especially, disciples, and not as strong for average humanity upon the fifth ray. This reinforcement is further strengthened by the Mercury and Venus rulership of the first and second decanates {respectively}—when these decanates are considered in exoteric order.)

  1. (Selfish , Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being):

  1. The active, superficial mentality of the self-centered Gemini person combines with an arid, unfeeling, mental focus often induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.

  2. Aridly mental. Life in the ‘desert’ of the mind.

  3. Over-attention to accuracy of word or concept.

  4. Minute focus upon inconsequential matters.

  5. Unbalanced. Over-emphasized mentality; deficient in feeling.

  6. Split between mind and heart, or mind and emotion.

  7. A mind and brain (embodied in a man)” (EP II 169)

  8. Understanding the world as a mechanical process.

  9. Thinking that simply by naming something or classifying it, one has understood it.

  10. The second petal of the egoic body is either not much open or fails to express through the prevailing astro-rayological condition.

  11. Needs to cultivate affect—or mind may be directed towards negative expression.

  12. Missing the heart and soul of the world. The mind as “slayer of the real”.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Gemini, with the fifth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

    1. The alert curiosity of the advancing Gemini individual combines with a spirit of inquiry and investigation induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the fifth ray.

    2. Great facility for applied knowledge.

    3. Excellent investigator. Resourceful researcher. Excellent fact-finder. Excellent at detecting missing pieces of information.

    4. Insatiable curiosity. Greatly accentuated urge to know.

    5. Unusual capacity for verbal definition. A sharpener of concepts. A creator of dictionaries.

    6. Expert within a specialized field, but using the connective properties of Gemini and the fifth ray (“The Divine Connecter”), to see the relationship between the specialty and the wider field.

    7. Able to throw the light of the fifth ray on many (Gemini) matters.

    8. Mental/manual dexterity. The surgeon. The power to repair.

    9. Someone who knows (fifth ray) what they are talking about (Gemini). A source of reliable knowledge.

    10. On the Path of Discipleship: the developing of considerable mental clarity.

    11. On the Path of Discipleship: facility in achieving mental polarization and detecting the glamors of the astral body. (May however, fall into the snare of illusion based upon separateness and cleavage.)

    12. On the Path of Discipleship: facility in achieving mental illumination, and holding the mind steady in the light. The fifth ray steadies the Geminian mind.

    13. On the Path of Discipleship: thought is rendered practical, and occult techniques are studied or devised and, then, applied.

    14. On the Path of Discipleship: the power to meditate is achieved, but intuition may have to be cultivated (as the fifth ray may, at first, deflect the intuition)

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Gemini, with the fifth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

      1. The capacity to study and understand exact relations within the great Science of Relations—a capacity increasingly characteristic of the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Gemini—combines with an increasing ability to unite the three levels of mind (“Three Minds Unite”) induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the fifth ray.

      2. This combination in an advanced disciple or initiate is useful in unifying the mental field. The concrete mind, the unitive mind (sometimes called the “Son of Mind”) and the abstract mind can all interpenetrate and be used as one mental field. Worldly perceptions and thoughts, ancient memories and faculties, and ideas within the Divine Mind can all be combined to good effect.

      3. Great brilliance may be demonstrated in discovering the relations existing between the factors within any field of research or investigation.

      4. Rather than understand the network of relations in general, this combination gives facility for understanding the specific dynamics involved in relational interplay. Thus the study of planetary and systemic relationships becomes the science of planetary and systemic relationships. Thus, is the entire field clarified by specificity, and yet the pertinent links are seen and understood.

      5. Under this combination, the anatomy and physiology of the higher worlds may be studied. There will, one day, emerge a science of the soul. Today’s scientist knows “how it works” on the lower three planes and is now penetrating the etheric planes. One day, under this combination (and a few others) it will be possible to know “how it works” in the higher dimensions, which will admit of explanations just as technical (and probably, far more so).

      6. The energies released into the personality by the soul and spiritual triad are studied for their specific effects, and their vibratory quantity and quality are registered. All is seen as vibration, and vibratory frequency is noted as the key to all distinction.

      7. In the life of the advanced disciple and especially the initiate, the luminosity of this combination is, potentially among the highest.

Directives and Counsels for Gemini and the Fifth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Achieve Mental Polarization; You Are Equipped To Do So

  2. Adapt To The Facts

  3. Analyze Your Reasoning And Mental Processes

  4. Apply Manual Dexterity To Mechanisms; Fix Them; Make Them Work

  5. Ask The Question; Get An Answer; Apply What You Get

  6. Be A Cool And Clever Head Amidst Emotional Storms; Live “Above And Beyond” Kama-Manas

  7. Be At Once The Generalist And The Expert

  8. Bend All Resources Of The Mind To Ascertain The Truth

  9. Be Open To Discovery—Truth Can Emerge In A Surprising Way

  10. Be Wary Of Your Rationalizations; Refuse To Escape Yourself Through Mental Dexterity

  11. Beyond The “Disk Of Golden Light” Lies The Polarity Of Spirit; Invoke Spirit

  12. Blend Facts Fluidly; More Light Will Be The Result

  13. Bring Soul Light Into The Mind Through Meditation; The Lower Mind Must Be Illumined

  14. Clarify Multiplicity Factor By Factor

  15. Clarify Your Communications

  16. Collate Numerous Lines Of Research To Reveal Unsuspected Facts

  17. Collect The Data And Verify It

  18. Communicate The Truth

  19. Consider Well The Technical Aspects Of The Science Of Meditation

  20. Contrast To Clarify—The Opposites Shed Light Upon Each Other

  21. Contribute To The Brotherhood Of Illumined Minds

  22. Cultivate Lucid Perception

  23. Define Your Concepts

  24. Detach From The Contents Of Your Thought-Life

  25. Detach Yourself From Involuntary Fluctuation; Let The Soul Control

  26. Develop Expert Adaptivity; Know The Many Energies And Forces, And What Can And Should Be Done With Them

  27. Dialogue For The Sake Of Elucidation

  28. Discriminate High From Low, Then Unite Them

  29. Disidentify With Lower Mind; Polarize Your Consciousness On The Higher Mental Plane

  30. Dispel Ignorance; Too Long Has Humanity Lived In Darkness

  31. Dispense Knowledge—Spread The Light

  32. Do Not Replace Uncertainty With Rigidity; Probably You Will Not

  33. Don’t Be A “Know It All”; Be A ‘Know It Well’!

  34. Educate! Intensify The Light

  35. Elucidate Your Thoughts

  36. Embark On A Never-Ending Quest For Knowledge, But Be Sure That You Really Know What You Think You Know

  37. Enquire The Way! You Have Many Questions And You Can Answer Most Of Them For Yourself

  38. Examine Many Factors To Arrive At A Reliable Conclusion

  39. Explore The Garment Of God In All Its Manifest Variety

  40. Focus Sharp Intelligence On The ‘Science Of Polarity’

  41. Formulate Thought To Carry Truth

  42. How Close Is ‘Nonsense’ To Fact And Fact To ‘Nonsense’? Be Open To That Which Lies Beyond Common Sense

  43. Impart Factual Knowledge

  44. Inquire Intuitively; Inquire In Detail

  45. Intuit The Facts, Then Prove The Facts

  46. Know A Great Deal And Know It Well

  47. Let The Light Of The ‘Higher Brother’ Penetrate The Lower Mind

  48. Let Your Quest For Knowledge Know No Bounds

  49. Write Lucidly; Speak Lucidly

  50. Like Sherlock Holmes, Exercise Your Powers Observation And Deduction

  51. Link By Intensifying Light

  52. Make The Facts Interesting

  53. Marshal The Evidence; Convince With Proofs

  54. Penetrate The Higher Mind Upon A Beam Of Focussed Light

  55. Point Out Prejudice When You Detect It

  56. Question Yourself And Others Clearly

  57. Realize That Merging With The Higher Brother Is Guarded By “The Angel With The Flaming Sword”

  58. Relate The Contents Of The Divine Mind

  59. Research The Science Of Communication

  60. Search For Certainty But Remain Flexible; Avoid Mental Fixation

  61. See From Many Perspectives; Avoid Bias

  62. See With Clarity Devoid Of Sentimentality

  63. Seek To Understand The Sirian Energy And How It Might Apply To Your Mind

  64. Speak The Truth With Lucidity

  65. Speak With Certain Knowledge

  66. Steady You Mind And Focus It; Accurate Understanding Must Not Be Sacrificed To A Variety Of Interests

  67. Study The Mental Body Scientifically

  68. Syllogisms Can Reveal The Truth; They Can Also Be A Prison. Check Your Premises

  69. Test Your Thoughtforms For Their ‘Light-Content’

  70. The Ideas Are There—Invoke Them. Invent!

  71. Three Minds Are To Unite; You Have The Capacity To Unite Them

  72. Think In A Manner Unswayed By Emotion

  73. Think As Those Who Are Members Of The Fifth Kingdom Think

  74. Throw Light On Many Subjects

  75. Transmit Inner Messages With Accuracy

  76. Understand The ‘Movements’ Of Various Glamors And Counter Them With A Beam Of Focussed Light

  77. Understand Light As The Medium For The Transmission Of Love

  78. Unite The Heart And Mind; Gemini Is The “Head Of The Cosmic Christ”

  79. Verify All Connections

  80. What Does The “Science Of Mind” Mean To You? Are You A Raja Yogin Or A Gnani Yogin Or Both? Why?

  81. You Reason Well; Can You Reason Purely? Respect The Intuition

Mantra for Gemini and the Fifth Ray

Mantram for Discipleship Consciousness: Upon a beam of focussed thought I seek to know the ‘Mind of Soul’, I seek to know ‘Techniques of Light’ wherewith to serve all Brother-Souls discovered and revealed within the Light of Higher Mind.

Mantram for the Initiate Consciousness: “Three Minds Unite” revealing in the brilliant Light precise techniques wherewith to Serve my Brother and the all-comprising One.

Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R5/Taurus: Intent within a ‘Beam of Intensely Focussed Light Divine’ the ‘Scientist of Life-in-Form’, studies the relationships of all things to each other, discerning with exactitude each likeness each disparity—foundation of all contact which creates the Great Complexity—the interwoven, ever-varied, ever changing Web of Life.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Gemini and R5

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R2 constellationally.

  1. R5

  1. Transmits principally R4, R5 and R3 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R5

  1. Colors: yellow and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) orange, orange-yellow, yellow. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)

  1. Colors: orange (exoteric) and indigo blue (esoteric).

  1. Note: Possibly MI or E (the ‘yellow’ note).

  1. Note: LA or A.

  1. Early expression through the throat center, via Mercury. Later, expresses principally through the ajna center (via Venus and Mercury), and also (via R2) through the heart.

  1. Expresses through the ajna center.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV, liberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number III, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number V/X, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Vegetable Kingdom via Venus and the Earth, the Human Kingdom via Mercury, and the Kingdom of Souls via Mercury and Venus.

  1. Related to the Human Kingdom and the Kingdom of Souls.

  1. Related the second aspect of divinity, the “Son”.

  1. Related mostly to the third aspect of divinity—Intelligence.

  1. The flexible mind.

  1. The concentrated mind.

  1. The relational mind.

  1. The penetrating mind.

  1. Contains the aptitude for abstraction.

  1. Rules the concrete mind.

  1. Connected with the building of the antahkarana.

  1. Associated more with the mental unit and with developments within the egoic lotus.

  1. The Geminian mind is initially associated with superficiality.

  1. The fifth ray mind is never careless or superficial, though it may be slow.

  1. Contributes conflict to the psychological nature.

  1. Less involved with conflict and more with clarification of mental perceptions.

  1. Through logic may be important in the process of the development of the Geminian mind, this influence later tends to the utilization of the intuition.

  1. Tends towards reliance upon logic, and responds only slowly to impregnation from the intuition.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Gemini and R5

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Related Via Venus: Gemini has a particular connection with the fifth ray through its esoteric ruler, Venus, a distributor of the fifth ray.

  2. The Factor of Mind: Both Gemini and the fifth ray are intimately associated with the factor of mind.

  3. Connected Via the Angels: Gemini is connected to the “Angels”—the members of the fifth Creative Hierarchy, Who are naturally conditioned by the fifth ray, as well as by the second ray which expresses itself through Gemini.

  4. The Sirian Connection: Both Gemini and the fifth ray have a Sirian connection. Sirius can be understood as making a triangle with our Sun (Sol) and the constellation Gemini, serving as a relating agent. The fifth ray component of the Sirian energy is well understood as manasic training is given upon that star. Additionally, Sirius is considered the source of the Solar Angels (Gemini—for the Angels are the “Messengers”—again, Gemini), who are members of the fifth Creative Hierarchy.

  5. The “Spark of Intelligence”: The Angels came to plant the “spark of intelligence” (both Gemini and the fifth ray) in animal man.

  6. Dualistic Ajna Center: Both influences have a close connection to the dualistic ajna center. Gemini represents the dualism of this center, and the fifth ray, through Venus, represents the capacity both to see and to focus light through that center.

  7. Related to the Hand: Both Gemini and the fifth ray are related to the hand. Gemini (which is associated the hand zodiacally) rules the manipulation of which the hand is capable, and the fifth ray is connected with the five fingers of the hand. Mercury, the orthodox ruler of Gemini, and also associated with intelligence as demonstrated through the instrumentality of the hand, is a strong distributor of the fifth ray, probably on a monadic level.

  8. Principle of Illusion: Both Gemini and the fifth ray can reasonably be associated with the principle of illusion. Gemini separates many perceptions into opposites before it puts them back together. The fifth ray, under the Law of Cleavage, is also active in separating (discriminating) one thing from another. Separation is the basis of illusion.

  9. Connecting and Re-Connecting: Later both Gemini and the fifth ray are involved in the re-connection process. The fifth Ray Lord is called the “Divine Connector”, and Gemini brings all mental factors into a fluid synthesis.

  10. Mentalism: Both influences may be considered mentalistic—avoiding the heart and producing a certain aridity in the psychological life. This changes later. Gemini then represents the Christ, and the fifth ray functions as the “Rose of God”.

  11. Lower and Higher Manas: Both Gemini and the fifth ray represent lower and higher manas. Gemini can refer as much to the higher mind as to the lower, and this is equally true of the fifth ray, though is may be thought to relate more directly to the lower mind.

  12. Related to the Second Initiation: The intelligence of Gemini, ruled in this case by light-bestowing Venus, is active at the second initiation, clarifying the relationship between the pairs of opposites upon the astral plane, and bringing mind to bear in the process of that clarification. The fifth ray is active at the second initiation in the process of de-glamorization.

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Gemini is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Fifth Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle—Author, Spiritualist, Creator of Sherlock Holmes (Sun Sign and Ascendant)

  2. Carolus Linnaeus—Swedish Botanist and Explorer; First to Frame Principles for Defining Genera and Species and Organisms, and to Devise Uniform Naming System (Sun Sign)

  3. Robert Oppenheimer—Scientist, Nuclear Physicist, “Father of the Atomic Bomb” (Proposed Ascendant)

  4. Teilhard de Chardin—French Philosopher, Jesuit Priest, Paleontologist, Geologist, Visionary Mystic (Ascendant)

  5. Stephen Hawking—English Theoretical Physicist who Advanced the Theory of Exploding Black Holes (Proposed Ascendant)

  6. Immanuel Velikovsky—Revolutionary Scientific Theorist and Author (Sun Sign)

  7. Jules Verne—French Author; Pioneer in the Science Fiction Genre (Ascendant)

    1. Sun Gemini (or Ascendant Gemini) R6P (or R6S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R2) (Normally and for most people, only a very mild mutual reinforcement between ray and astrological energies emerges due to the deeply esoteric sixth ray component of Venus—the esoteric ruler of Gemini and the ruler, as well, of the second decanate {considering the decanates in exoteric order}. This reinforcement is strengthened due to the Martian rulership of the second decanate {considering the decanates in esoteric order}. If it is granted that the monadic ray of Venus {though not necessarily the primary monadic ray} is the sixth, then this combination would a strong mutual reinforcement, for high initiates {i.e., for those initiates really responsive to the monadic ray}. For initiates with a strong sixth ray component in any of their three periodical vehicles the applicable category of reinforcement is Strong by Rulership—Class 3.

  1. (Selfish, Self-centered or Self-Serving Human Being):

  1. A restless, unresolved attitude to life’s many polarities—a state of consciousness characteristic of the self-centered Gemini person—combines with the tendency to swing “pendant between the pairs of opposites”a condition induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the sixth ray.

  2. This is a potentially contradictory influence as the straightness of the sixth ray is in contrast with the duality of Gemini.

  3. Passionately and simultaneously pursuing contradictory goals. A prescription for self-division.

  4. As much the activist as Gemini and the third ray, but more emotional.

  5. Passionate instability in relation to the world of thought.

  6. Over-enthusiastic use of words. Undue emphasis in speech.

  7. Seeking excessively to persuade. Overbearing; interfering. Incapable of hearing anyone’s point of view but his own.

  8. Biased thinking fed by strong beliefs.

  9. The dynamic preacher, but can he live his high words without being overcome by the pole of nature he has ignored? Passionate words must be matched by practical deeds. Thus, hypocrisy often eventuates because of the tendency to ignore balance between the polarities.

  10. Getting into too many things with unrestrained enthusiasm. Following one passion after another, but getting nowhere. Changing commitment with great emphasis. Blindly following the many paths, but not the true path which leads to the goal.

  11. Seeking guidance (sixth ray and psychic) from inner and outer voices (Gemini).

  12. Liable to fall into the glamor of following (sixth ray) teachers (Gemini). The followers of Busiris in The Labors of Hercules, demonstrate the case. Those who stand for Busiris may also have this combination.

  13. The glamor of adherence to certain forms of thought as if they were “Gospel”—inerrant.

  14. Incapable of discerning the “path which lies between the pairs of opposites”.

  15. Furious, driven activity engaged with life’s superficialities, while the real issues are covered in the turbulence of maya, glamor and illusion.

  16. Discouragement, disillusionment, and, finally, real freedom from illusion.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Gemini, with the sixth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

    1. A capacity to sense the desire of the polarities for each other—a state of awareness characteristic of the advancing Gemini individual—combines with a strongly focussed desire to merge with the polar opposite—a desire induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the sixth ray.

    2. Power to inspire through the word.

    3. The truly great preacher who is also a teacher.

    4. Motivational writer. Oratorical gift. Exhortation. The power to speak the uplifting word.

    5. Giving word to the shining ideal, but steady enough to live that ideal.

    6. The painful realization of the distance between the ideal and the actual.

    7. Versatility (Gemini) in carrying out ones hopes, dreams, visions, ideals (sixth ray).

    8. Idealizing the relation between the poles and attempting to facilitate their interplay. Hence, the idealization of their balanced union.

    9. On the Path of Discipleship: strong aspiration towards the soul, the World of the Angels (Gemini).

    10. On the Path of the Discipleship: an approach to spirituality intended to fulfill the word of power—“The Highest Light Controls”. Aspiring orientation towards the “Brother in the Light”.

    11. On the Path of Discipleship: dedication to the “Teaching”.

    12. On the Path of Discipleship: learning the tread the way which leads between the pairs of opposites, thus learning to avoid a somewhat innate extremism.

    13. On the Path of Discipleship: learning to achieve the balanced, rapidly forward-moving approach.

    14. On the Path of Discipleship: always able to speak the ‘word of inspiration’.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Gemini, with the sixth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

      1. The intense interplay of the polar opposites (soul and personality, spirit and matter)an interplay increasingly experienced by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Gemini—combines with a fiery aspiration to merge with the higher pole at all costs—an inspiration induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the sixth ray.

      2. Power to envision highly developed. The point of evolution has been reached at which the sixth ray as well as Gemini both express through the ajna center.

      3. The ardent use of the antahkarana as the familiar “way of escape” from the confines of the lower worlds.

      4. A determination to polarize within the causal body, and then the spiritual triad, and to hold those points of tension.

      5. The idealistic messenger of the soul, or of the Master. Always capable of speaking the word of inspiration.

      6. Life within the World of Duality is governed and controlled by the “Highest Light”. Soul-based idealism is maintained despite the fluctuating forces of the three worlds.

      7. The focussed disciple/initiate discovers the World of Being, lying between the many pairs of opposites.

      8. Many are the “Pillars of Hercules” upon the long, long Path. One-pointedly, the disciple-initiate endowed with this combination of energies is able to step through one pair of pillars after another.

      9. This combination describes the man who would become the angel.

      10. The divine enthusiast—for Gemini is the breath, and the sixth ray, the fire of divinity.

Directives and Counsels for Gemini and the Sixth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Adhere Faithfully To The Teaching; Let It Prove Itself Before You Change Capriciously To Another

  2. Are You Faithful To The “Letter” Or The “Spirit”? The Spirit Lies Behind The Form—Any Form!

  3. Arouse Through Impassioned Eloquence

  4. Ascend Towards The “Angel”, But Bring The Lower Self Along

  5. Aspire Towards A Diversified Education

  6. Avoid Hypocrisy; Practice What You Preach

  7. Be Not Obsessed By “Messages” You Think You Hear

  8. Beware False Guidance; The Word That Praises Self Should Serve As Warning

  9. Be Well-Informed About The Various World Religions

  10. Blend Reason With Ardor; Surely You Must Justify Your Beliefs

  11. Burn Your Way Through The Illusions Of The Mind

  12. Can You Be Both Earnest And “Light Hearted”? A Man “In Deadly Earnest” Is Often Blind To Light And Love

  13. Can You Tread The “Burning Ground” And Still Think Clearly?

  14. Can You Tread The Way Between The Pairs Of Opposites Rather Than Swinging “Pendant” Between Them?

  15. Carry The ‘Message’, Even If It Means Complete Self-Sacrifice

  16. Celebrate The Wonder Of This Multifarious World

  17. Communicate The “Vision”

  18. Consecrate Yourself To The Acquisition Of Knowledge

  19. Converse With “The Beloved”

  20. Convey Enthusiasm

  21. Count All As Loss Unless The “Mysteries” Return To Earth

  22. Devote Yourself To Learning

  23. Devote Yourself To The Teaching

  24. Discriminate “Blind Faith” From ‘Substantial Faith”—The “Substance Of Things Hoped For, The Evidence Of Things Not Seen”

  25. Do Your Powers Of Reason Serve Desire? How Objective Are You? Avoid Rationalization

  26. Ensure That ‘Messages’ You Receive From ‘Above’ Are Free Of The Taint Of Personalism

  27. Enthuse With Thought And Word

  28. Escape From Entrapment By Teachers Of Spirituality; Your Tendency Is To Become Entrapped

  29. Fanatical Adherence To Certain Forms Of Thought And Word Is No Evidence Of Spiritual Attainment

  30. From A Lofty Perspective, Love And Reason Are Identical; Can You Be Devoted To Both?

  31. Give Yourself To The Cause Of Increasing Humanity’s Intelligence

  32. Hold High The ‘Banner Of Brotherhood’

  33. How Many “One And Only Causes” Can There Be?

  34. How Stands The Battle Between Consistency And Inconsistency?

  35. Idealists Speak Endlessly Of Their Ideals; Can They Speak Of Anything Else?

  36. Identify The Major “Pairs Of Opposites” And Tread The Path Between

  37. Invoke! Discover Your “High Calling”

  38. Invoke The “Highest Light”

  39. Impart Inspiring Messages

  40. Inspire Through The Written And Spoken Word

  41. Justify Your Convictions

  42. Keep Your Promises Although Your Point Of View May Change

  43. Lead The Twelve, Each On His Particular Path

  44. Learn That The “One” Is Inseparable From The “Two”

  45. Learn To Tolerate Diverse Perspectives; Yours Is Among Them

  46. Link The “Faithful”

  47. Make Known The Great Objective

  48. Negate Desire—Be Assisted By Your Soul-Infused Mind

  49. Pledge Yourself To The Teaching

  50. Pray For Proper Guidance

  51. Preach The “Word”; Obey It As Well

  52. Rational Zeal’ Is The Way For You

  53. Rush Not From Point To Point; Tread The Path With “Perceptive Steadiness”

  54. Skillfully Handle The “Beast” Which Wants But Does Not Know The Reason Why

  55. See The Relativity Of All Dogmatic Religions; “All Roads Lead To Rome”

  56. Seek The Voice Of Your Own Soul, And Not The Many Voices Eager To Have You Do Their Will

  57. Self-Contradiction Is Hard To Avoid; The Opposites Will Not Disappear

  58. Shall You Go To The Right, The Left Or Between?

  59. Speak Sincerely; Do Not Seek To Sway A Brother’s Mind. Indoctrination Is Not Spiritual

  60. Strengthen Your Devotion Through Repetition Of Your Creed

  61. Take An Oath; Keep The Oath; Be Loyal To Your Word

  62. Teach About The Path

  63. Tell About The Quest

  64. Temper Fervor With Reason

  65. The “Good News” Applies To All; Do Not Offer Narrow Hopes That Apply To Few

  66. The Pairs Of Opposites Are Two; The Lower Cannot Be Divorced From The Higher

  67. The Pilgrim Wanders Many Paths, Uncertain As To Which Will Lead Him “Home”

  68. The Universe Is Awe-Inspiring; Praise The Creator Of The Many Worlds

  69. There Are Many ‘Bibles’—Think More Widely, Avoiding Idée Fixe

  70. There Are Many Paths To Follow—Do You Know Which Path Will Lead You “Home”?

  71. To Change Or Not To Change—Can You Strike The Balance?

  72. To Compromise Or Never To Compromise—What Does Perspective Suggest?

  73. Transmit The Ideal

  74. Try To Be Objective About Your Attachments; You Are Two Selves And One Of Them Can See

  75. Verbalize Your Fiery Aspiration

  76. Welcome Opinions Contrary To Your Own; Promote Free Thought And Free Speech

  77. Where Does The “Highest Light” Reside? Is It Only Found ‘Above’?

  78. Why Did Jason Go In Quest Of The “Golden Apples”? What Is The Nature Of Your Quest?

  79. Why Impose Your Point Of View? Rather, Inspire Others To Find Their Own

  80. Wield The ‘Sword Of Discrimination’; Learn The Relative Value Of The Higher And Lower Opposites

  81. Will You Follow One Who Knows, Or One Who Simply Speaks?

  82. Will You Persecute One Who Thinks And Speaks From Another Perspective? Is There Only One Path?

  83. Write Passionately

Mantra for Gemini and the Sixth Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Devotedly, with ardor keen, with fiery aspiration, I, the “Brothers Twain”, now yearn to serve my Brother and the One.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “The Highest Light Controls”, when, Heart and Mind aflame as ‘One-no-longer-Two’, “I Serve the all-inclusive One”.

Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R6/Gemini: Enraptured at the center of a ‘Scintillating Rosy Flame’, the ardent ‘Devotee of Life’ pulsates with a Vision of a richly interwoven Whole communicating with Itself. Heavenwards he sends his voice—hoping , thus, to speak with gods; attentively he listens—hoping for divine reply. He yearns to know of ‘higher things’ and speak these things, below, for all to hear.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Gemini and R6

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R2 constellationally.

  1. R6

  1. Transmits principally R4, R5 and R3 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R6

  1. Colors: yellow and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) orange, orange-yellow, yellow. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)

  1. Colors: silvery rose and light blue.

  1. Note: Possibly MI or E (the ‘yellow’ note).

  1. Note: DO or C.

  1. Early expression through the throat center, via Mercury. Later, expresses principally through the ajna center (via Venus and Mercury), and also (via R2) through the heart.

  1. Expresses through the solar plexus center and, at a later stage of evolution, through the ajna center (cf. EH 149).

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV, liberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number VI/XI, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Vegetable Kingdom via Venus and the Earth, the Human Kingdom via Mercury, and the Kingdom of Souls via Mercury and Venus.

  1. Relates to the Vegetable Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives.

  1. Strong relationship to the mind.

  1. Strong relationship to desire and the emotions.

  1. Dualistic

  1. One-pointed (yet, over-all, still subject to dualism).

  1. Rational

  1. Often irrational.

  1. Earlier: Kama-Manasic.

  1. Earlier: Kamic.

  1. Later: Manasic.

  1. Later: Kama-manasic.

  1. Skeptical

  1. Credulous

  1. Emotionally detached.

  1. Emotionally intense.

  1. Mentally flexible and complex.

  1. Often mentally rigid and simplistic.

  1. Capable of seeing and understanding opposing points of view.

  1. Adhering to a single point of view; opinionated.

  1. Less biased; emotion less inclined to sway the mind.

  1. Biased; emotion very inclined to sway the mind.

  1. Associated with the Solar Angels—the fifth Creative Hierarchy.

  1. Associated with the Lunar Angels—the sixth Creative Hierarchy.

  1. Intuitive

  1. Aspirational and, ultimately, intuitive.

  1. Studential

  1. Devotional

  1. Observational

  1. Moving too close to really observe.

  1. More connected to the Christ.

  1. More connected to the Master Jesus.

  1. Humorous, due to perspective.

  1. Often lacking in humor due to lack of perspective.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Gemini and R6

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Differences Prevail: There are many differences between these energies and few similarities.

  2. Linked Through Venus: One rulership link between Gemini and the sixth ray comes through Venus, esoteric ruler of Gemini. Venus may reasonably be considered to transmit the sixth ray via its monad (cf. TCF 595-596)

  3. Related Through the Ajna Center: Both can be related to the ajna center; Gemini is associated with the dualism of this center and the sixth ray (eventually through Neptune) with the factor of seeing the Vision (cf. EH 149).

  4. Conflict Upon the Astral Plane: Gemini contributes to the conflict between the opposites upon the astral plane, and the sixth ray is the ruler of that plane.

  5. Devotion of the Solar Angels: Gemini represents the Solar Angels whose relationship to the human kingdom is one of utmost devotion (however intelligent or otherwise that devotion may be.) The devotion links this fifth kingdom (which carries Geminian intelligence to the humanity) to the sixth ray of devotion.

  6. Related to the “Word”: Both influences are related to the “Word”. Gemini understands the Word and speaks it, and the sixth ray (often a great orator) follows it.

  7. Guidance: Both energies incline their possessors to receive and attend to guidance. The Geminian person may hear voices and receive internal instruction. The sixth ray person is always looking for someone or something to follow—frequently inner voices. Thus both types may be active in the channeling phenomenon.

  8. Related to the Processes of the Second Initiation: John the Baptist was a Gemini with, undoubtedly, a strong sixth ray. He is the Biblical symbol of the second initiation, illustrating the connection of Gemini to this initiation. Further, the second initiation is governed by the sixth ray. Gemini and the sixth ray, in combination, are thus potent in relation to the second degree.

  9. Related to the Second Cosmic Path of “Magnetic Work”: Gemini is the sign particularly assigned to this Cosmic Path. Upon this Path, many fifth ray monads ‘travel’, but they work with redemptively with the astral plane and with the color rose (in varying shades) and thus the sixth ray is implicated. (cf. TCF 1248, 1252)

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Gemini is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Sixth Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Dante Alighieri—Medieval Italian Author of “The Divine Comedy” (Sun Sign and Ascendant)

  2. Saint Augustine, Theologian and “Church Father” (Proposed Ascendant)

  3. William Jennings Bryan—American Statesman, Orator (Ascendant)

  4. Bob Dylan—Singer, Musician, Poet, Identified with the Spirit of the 60’s (Sun Sign)

  5. Judy Garland—American Actress, Singer, “Dorothy” in the “Wizard of OZ” (Sun Sign, with R4)

  6. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale—Clergyman, Inspirational Writer of “The Power of Positive Thinking” (Sun Sign)

  7. Gioacchino Rossini—Italian Composer of the 19th Century (Ascendant with R3 and R4)

  8. Alfred Lord Tennyson—Poet Laureate of Victorian England During the 19th Century; One of the Greatest English Poets (Ascendant)

    1. Sun Gemini (or Ascendant Gemini), R7P (or R7S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R2) (No significant mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges in this combination. If one considers that Saturn {ruler of the third decanate in exoteric order} and Jupiter {ruler of the first decanate in esoteric order} both have seventh ray components, then the seventh ray could be slightly strengthened by its association with the rays transmitted through Gemini. {Note: when one realizes how weak is the seventh ray in relation to Gemini, and that there can, indeed, be people with seventh ray personalities born with the Sun in Gemini, one concludes that the personality ray is not tied in any obvious way to the rays transmitted through the Sun Sign.})

  1. (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):

  1. The superficial thought and speech of the self-preoccupied Gemini person combines with habitual or conventional patterns of response induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the seventh ray.

  2. Power of thought and speech limited to that which is “acceptable”.

  3. Not free or allowing freedom in communication. Potential for self-censorship and the censorship of others.

  4. Disliking new thoughts, words or paths.

  5. Acceptable lines of relationship are well-established and must not be changed. “Driving the same way to work every day”.

  6. Rigidly adhering to ‘proper’ lines of communication. Taboos of thought and speech.

  7. Crystallized responses. Not thinking or saying anything surprising.

  8. Mannered speech. Stilted conversation. Superficial interplay: “Talking pleasantly about the weather”.

  9. This combination describes the usual level of social discourse.

  10. Fear of depth. Fear of new commitments. A safe and regular world with predictable contacts.

  1. (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Gemini, with the seventh ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

    1. The enlightening communication skills of the advancing Gemini individual combine with an astute awareness of social customs, manners and patterns induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the seventh ray.

    2. Knowing just what to say, how and to whom. A successful conversationalist and communicator.

    3. Promoter of right communication within any system.

    4. Using the “word” or thought to bring order.

    5. Able to organize a large number of variables.

    6. Systemic and systematic thinking. The power to organize and classify knowledge, and to present it clearly.

    7. Ability to work intelligently with the hands.

    8. Excellent networker.

    9. Well-developed capacity to promote cooperation between groups and organizations through right thought and right speech.

    10. On the Path of Discipleship: knowing the best paths to tread.

    11. On the Path of Discipleship: regular meditation. Through regularity in the process of invoking the soul, the meditator is ready to receive the regular, cyclically-emitted ‘messages’ of the soul.

    12. On the Path of Discipleship: regular, responsive communication and feedback.

    13. On the Path of Discipleship: a factor for group cohesiveness, for the flow of vital energies among group members and, in general, for group health.

    14. On the Path of Discipleship: etheric coordination, and power in etheric healing. Growing sensitivity to the magnetic conditions in persons and places.

    15. On the Path of Discipleship: understanding the structure within the spiritual teaching. Able to determine which aspects of the Teaching (Gemini) are most important and to prioritize these aspects.

    16. On the Path of Discipleship: able to prioritize and manage time efficiently so that many and diverse things can be accomplished.

    17. On the Path of Discipleship: working with the externalization of the Teaching.

  1. (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Gemini, with the seventh ray as either the ray of the personality or soul]

      1. A distinguished capacity to understand a broad network of relationships—a capacity increasingly demonstrated by the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Gemini—combines with a developed facility for maintaining right relationship based upon law and mutual respect—a facility induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the seventh ray.

      2. Capacity for manifesting the Kingdom of Heaven (the Kingdom of the Angels—Gemini) within the three lower worlds.

      3. A factor for cooperation and right division of labor within groups.

      4. A contributor to ashramic cooperation and division of labor.

      5. A contributor to inter-ashramic cooperation and division of labor. All lines of communication kept clear and well-organized.

      6. Facility in understanding that magic is the manifestation (seventh ray) of thought (Gemini).

      7. Facility in understanding and speaking with intelligence, “magical words”—whether esoterically, or with more immediately recognizable practical utility in the world.

      8. An excellent conduit for the Love-Wisdom energies of Gemini to reach into the world of form.

      9. Accomplished in esoteric healing, which so much relies upon the heart, the ajna, the hands (all related in one way or another to Gemini) and the vitality of the etheric body—Gemini with Aquarius rules the etheric body.

      10. Accomplished, in wider sense, in promoting the flow of Love-Wisdom through the greater etheric body of groups, nations and humanity. An excellent light-worker, whether subjective or objective.

      11. Excellent receptacle for the manifestation of the Ageless Wisdom, and more specifically, for helpful work in the Externalization of the Hierarchy and the Reappearance of the Christ. (The seventh ray with Aquarius would also serve well in this regard.)

Directives and Counsels for Gemini and the Seventh Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

(These are Meant to be Suggestive; Your Intuition Will Supply the Directives and Counsels Most Suitable to You)

  1. Act Quickly And In A Well-Organized Manner

  2. Alchemize The Form By Uniting The Poles

  3. Ally The Eye, The Hand And Heart For Healing

  4. Anchor Even A Few Of Your Many Ideas

  5. Announce A Re-Formation

  6. Apply Yourself Practically To The ‘Sacredization’ Of The Earth

  7. Are You Interested In “Spiritualism”—Study Materializations

  8. Be An Example Of Skillful Efficiency

  9. Be Fertile In Conception And Responsible In Execution

  10. Be Upright—A Pillar Between ‘Heaven’ And ‘Earth’

  11. Build The Temple Of Knowledge

  12. Clothe Thought Beautifully

  13. Communicate The “Key To The Mystery”

  14. Communicate With The Deva Kingdom

  15. Conceptualize A New World Order

  16. Conceive Of New And Better Laws

  17. Conduct Yourself Civilly And Politely In All Public Discourse

  18. Converse’ With The Various Orders Of Lives

  19. Create Thoughtforms Of Great Clarity And Utility

  20. Determine Who May Speak And When; Follow The “Rules Of Order”

  21. Develop Practical Understanding Of The Etheric Body As The Basis For All Tangible Reality

  22. Dignity In All Exchange Of Thought—Such Is The Way For You

  23. Discover The “Fountain Of Youth” And Drink Therefrom

  24. Discuss Environmental Policy

  25. Enter The World Of Ideas And Align There With The Plan-Intended Archetypes

  26. Establish Protocols

  27. Explain Procedures

  28. Express Thought As Perfectly As Possible

  29. Fashion Thought To Rebuild The Shrine Of Man’s Living

  30. He Spoke With Everyone He Met”—Is This True Of You? If So, To What End?

  31. Heal With Subtle Energies

  32. Heal With Your Hands

  33. Impart The Laws Of Manifestation

  34. Ingeniously Encrypt The Truth For Its Protection

  35. Institute ‘Heavenly’ Ideas On Earth

  36. Intuit That Which Must Be Manifested

  37. Invoke Above, Invoke Below—With Equal Facility

  38. Invoke Angelic Forces To Guard The Temple

  39. Join The “Highest” To The “Lowest”; See The “Brothers” Merge

  40. Know The Many Means Of ‘Getting Things Done’

  41. Know, If Necessary, The Method Of Invoking The Subterranean Forces, But Invoke Principally The Angelic Forces

  42. Learn How To Reorganize

  43. Learn The Use Of The Hands In The Magical Process

  44. Learn To Think And Speak Appropriately

  45. Let The Caduceus Work Its Transformative Magic

  46. Lift To Life; Lift To The “Eternal Youth”

  47. Link The System All Together

  48. Master The “Magical Words”

  49. Mediate With Discretion

  50. Organize A Paradigm Of Thought

  51. Organize Systems Of Hermetic Education

  52. Participate In The ‘Rituals Of The Temple’

  53. Pass On The Ancient Oral Tradition

  54. Polarize In The ‘Higher Brother’ And There Control The ‘Lower’

  55. Polish Your Speech

  56. Practice The Technique Of Bringing Thought Into Manifestation

  57. Prepare Formal Documentation

  58. Promote The Externalization Of The Mysteries

  59. Publicize The Coming Pattern

  60. Receive Timely Messages And Execute Them In Time

  61. Regularity Or Discontinuity—Which Shall It Be And Why?

  62. Rejuvenate The Etheric Body; See To Its Vitality

  63. Relate The Highest And The Lowest

  64. Reorganize Educational Paradigms

  65. Respect Your Brother

  66. Reveal Beauty In All Its Geometrical Variety

  67. Straighten Out All Lines Of Communication

  68. Stabilize The Antahkarana

  69. Stabilize The “Pillars Of Hercules”

  70. Study Meter—Learn The Power And Effectiveness Of Rhythmic Speech

  71. Speak Intelligently Of The Ancient Traditions

  72. Speak Politely And Formally When Occasion Requires

  73. Study Mudra

  74. Study The Orders Of Angels

  75. Teach The Methods Of Perfecting The Form

  76. Temper Mental Fecundity With Practicality

  77. Temper Propriety With Flexibility

  78. There Are Many Ways To “Make Things Happen”—Be Resourceful

  79. Tolerate What Others Say; Variety Is Acceptable; Undue Censorship Is Not

  80. Transmit The Laws And Rules

  81. Understand The Divine Order Of The Great Etheric Web

  82. Unify With The ‘Word Of Fire’

  83. Vary Your Patterns Of Thought And Speech; Avoid Falling Into Conceptual Ruts

  84. Vivify The Etheric Body

  85. Vitalize Organisms Through ‘Interconnectivity’

  86. Wield The Wand With Consecrated Hand

  87. Work Directly And Practically With The Etheric Body

  88. Write Ceremonies And Rituals

Mantra for Gemini and the Seventh Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: I seek the full expression of the perfect Plan-intended form, in Service of my Brother and the One.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: When “Highest and the Lowest Meet”, perfected is the Service of the One.

Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R7/Gemini: Invoking at the center of a ‘Magic Circle’ rightly drawn, the wise ‘Magician of his Life’, sees all the many conduits, the streams which lead from high to low, from East to West, from North to South and then return again. He speaks the Word relating all the many pairs of opposites, resolving them within a Point in common to the Two.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Gemini and R7

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


  1. Transmits R2 constellationally.

  1. R7

  1. Transmits principally R4, R5 and R3 through its planetary rulers.

  1. R7

  1. Colors: yellow and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) orange, orange-yellow, yellow. (A color-chromatic scale has fourteen steps and a musical chromatic scale only twelve—hence the discrepancies and alternatives. The shading of decanates may offer a partial solution.)

  1. Colors: violet and purple.

  1. Note: Possibly MI or E (the ‘yellow’ note).

  1. Note: TI or B.

  1. Early expression through the throat center, via Mercury. Later, expresses principally through the ajna center (via Venus and Mercury), and also (via R2) through the heart.

  1. Expresses through the sacral center and also (at a later stage of evolution) through the base of the spine center. Additionally, throat center expression is found in disciples.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number IV, liberated.

  1. Creative Hierarchy number V, ‘liberating’, and Creative Hierarchy number VII/XII, unliberated.

  1. Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Vegetable Kingdom via Venus and the Earth, the Human Kingdom via Mercury, and the Kingdom of Souls via Mercury and Venus.

  1. Relates to the Kingdom of Solar Lives and the Mineral Kingdom.

  1. Associated with the Divine Son and also with the Intelligence aspect.

  1. Associated principally with the Intelligence aspect, but in a larger sense with the blending of all three aspects.

  1. Let instability do its work”.

  1. Stability itself.

  1. The dissipation of forces.

  1. The concentration of forces.

  1. Ungrounded

  1. Grounded

  1. Given to abstraction.

  1. Given to relating the abstract with the concrete.

  1. The mental worker.

  1. The practical worker.

  1. Tending towards disorganization (especially in early days).

  1. Highly organized.

  1. Proceeding without much regard for rhythm and sequence.

  1. Proceeding rhythmically and sequentially.

  1. Teaching

  1. Doing

  1. Talking

  1. Demonstrating

  1. Tends to move beyond established boundaries.

  1. Tends to establish boundaries.

  1. Sees things in relativistic terms.

  1. Sees all things in terms of laws and rules, without much relativism.

  1. Bridging and communicating.

  1. In early days, often sectarian.

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Gemini and R7

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

  1. Few Similarities: There are few similarities between these two energies.

  2. Detachment from Emotions: Both influences incline towards detachment from the emotions. Gemini is detached and observational; the seventh ray adds control to detachment.

  3. Working with the Hands: Although Gemini is often abstract and impractical, it has much relation to the hand and the “work of the hands”. Gemini is given to manual dexterity. In this way it is like the seventh ray, which inclines those it influences to work with their hands—especially in the accomplishment of practical work (cf. DINA I 352).

  4. Magic and Magical Words: Both influences have a relation to the work of magic. Magic is ruled particularly by the third and seventh rays. (cf. DON 145) In this case, Gemini relates to the third ray. Gemini confers formulas of words which can be used in the execution of seventh ray magic. But Gemini also relates to the hands which are strongly involved in seventh ray magical process.

  5. Agents of Relation: Both the seventh ray and Gemini are relational. The seventh ray relates spirit and matter, while Gemini, under the influence of Jupiter, relates spirit and soul. Both are active in the relating of soul to personality.

  6. Triplicity: Both Gemini and the seventh ray are related to triplicity. Gemini is the third sign, and the seventh ray represents the union, in equal measure, of the three leading ray types—the Rays of Aspect.

  7. Synthesizing and Unifying: Both the seventh ray and Gemini can serve as synthesizing, unifying factors. Gemini is inclined to create synthesis in the mind and the seventh ray more upon the physical plane.

  8. Linked to the Etheric Body: Both Gemini and the seventh ray relate to the etheric body. Gemini, the third sign, is particularly connected to the etheric body, the third of the personality vehicles. The seventh ray is related to the seventh principle, prana, which is distributed through the etheric body. The network of nadis can easily be seen to represent both Gemini and the seventh ray—both of them relating and linking factors.

  9. Relationship to the First Initiation: Both energies are active at the first initiation. “The secret of Gemini has to be grasped at the first initiation because it is the mystery of the relation of Father, Mother and Child. The birth of the Christ-child upon the physical plane is the consummating glory of the Gemini force.” (EA 388) As well, the first initiation is specifically ruled by the seventh ray. (cf. R&I 340)

  10. Related to Processes Found at the Seventh Initiation: Both energies are active at the seventh initiation. Gemini, dispenser of Love-Wisdom, can be seen as active at this high point of initiation. The initiation occurs in relation to the seventh plane, the logoic, and thus, by numerical affinity, must be related to the seventh ray. This initiation is a consummating initiation with respect to our planetary life, for it is said that the eighth and ninth initiations are very difficulty to take in relation to our planet. The seventh ray is a ‘Ray of Consummation. “The ray of vision and of application indicates the way direct, evokes the will to follow, and welds the love of God, the love of man and all that breathes into the purpose underlying all, and towards that purpose and its earthly consummation the seventh ray gives all it has.(R&I 507, underlining MDR)

A List of Famous Individuals for Whom Gemini is Either the Sun Sign or Ascendant and in Whom the Seventh Ray is Proposed as Prominent

  1. Elias Ashmole—English Historian, Expert in Heraldry (Sun and Ascendant)

  2. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle—Author, Spiritualist, Creator of Sherlock Holmes (Sun and Ascendant)

  3. Elbert Hubbard—Editor, Author, Community Leader, Founder of the Roycrofters Press (Sun Sign)

  4. Carolus Linnaeus—Swedish Botanist and Explorer; First to Frame Principles for Defining Genera and Species and Organisms, and to Devise Uniform Naming System (Sun Sign)

  5. Edward Bulwer Lytton—Author of “Zanoni”, an Occult Romance: (Sun, Gemini with R4)

  6. Franz Anton von Mesmer—Physician, Hypnotist, Founder of “Mesmerism” (Sun Sign)

  7. Vincent Price—Actor (Especially in Macabre Films), Art Connoisseur (Sun Sign)

  8. Victoria—Queen of England for Sixty-Three Years of the 19th Century (Sun Sign, Ascendant and Moon Sign)

  9. William Butler Yeats—Poet, Dramatist, Occultist (Sun Sign)

  10. Frank Lloyd Wright—America’s Greatest Architectural Genius (Sun Sign with R4)