Sun Aries or Ascendant Aries, R6P or R6S

VI.  Sun Aries (or Ascendant Aries), R6P (or R6S) (Plus Constellationally Transmitted R1 and R7): (A strong  mutual reinforcement of ray and astrological energies emerges due to the transmission of the sixth ray through Mars, the exoteric ruler of Aries. The applicable category is Strong by Rulership—Class 1. There is also a decanate reinforcement of the sixth ray, with Mars ruling the first decanate {in exoteric order} and the third decanate {is esoteric order}. For the ordinary, non-aspiring human being born in Aries, this reinforcement could be considered very strong; average Aretians are significantly Martian in their behavior .Longing for the new. driven by the ajna center... Irrational.       

(a)    (Selfish, Self-Centered or Self-Serving Human Being):

i.                     The head-long, unreasoning passionate drive of the selfish Aries person combines with a fiery obsessiveness induced within the insufficiently spiritualized personality by the sixth ray.

ii.                   Inflamed solar plexus. “Losing one’s head”.

iii.                  Unbridled enthusiasm. Lacking self-control. Irrationality. “Wild horses”.

iv.                 Rash and impulsive. Lack of realism.

v.                   Immoderate. Even fanatical. Unbalanced extremism.

vi.                 Desperately needs restraint.

vii.                Militaristic. “Flame-thrower”. “Send in the marines.” “Wave the flag”. Kamikaze. The “loose cannon”.

viii.              Fighting over ideals.

ix.                 Great heat and little light to be seen.

x.                   Consumed in one’s own flame. Dying of one’s own desire.

xi.                 “The blind leading the blind”.

xii.                The flame of wrath, but “burn out” is an ever-present danger.

xiii.              The “driven” life. But who is in the “driver’s seat”?

xiv.              Narrow, intolerant idealism

xv.               Cruelty. The imposition of ideals. Forcing conversions.

xvi.              Obsession.

(b)    (Advanced Human Being; Aspirant; Disciple):

i.                     The impassioned courage of the advancing Aries individual combines with the presence great devotion to a chosen objectivea devotion induced within the spiritually unfolding personality by the sixth ray.

ii.                   Enthusiasm for beginnings.

iii.                  Willingness to pursue the goal or ideal “no matter what”.

iv.                 Ardent, undeflectable persistence despite danger and adversity.

v.                   Power to motivate.

vi.                 Strenuous one-pointed effect to achieve high objectives.

vii.                Counting oneself as little and the goal as much.

viii.              On the Path of Discipleship: burning aspiration.

ix.                 On the Path of Discipleship: willingness to sacrifice the lower self in the fires of aspiration and idealism

x.                   On the Path of Discipleship: Increasingly able to inspire and uplift.

xi.                 On the Path of Discipleship: following the promptings of the soul, despite all world considerations.

xii.                On the Path of Discipleship: yet, forcing oneself, often unwisely, to achieve soul promptings and  spiritual goals. Excessively driven.

xiii.              One the Path of Discipleship: great and strenuous efforts on behalf of the soul.

xiv.              On the Path of Discipleship: experiencing the fires of purification (baptism as by fire).

(c)    (Advanced Disciple; the Initiate): [Additionally, where relevant, combine Ascendant Sign, Aries, with the sixth ray as either the ray of the personality or soul. For initiates under monadic impression and on the sixth ray in one of their periodical vehicles, if the point opposite the Sun Sign is in Aries, it may be considered here]

i.                     The power to champion the value of Divine Archetypesa power so frequently present within the soul-infused disciple/initiate born in or under the sign Aries, combines with a valorous, self-sacrificial idealism induced within the soul or spiritualized personality by the sixth ray

ii.                   Counting all as loss unless the “high calling in Christ” is achieved.

iii.                  Access to “The Highest Light” and earnestly desiring/willing that it control.

iv.                 Learning to both live and die for a cause included within the Divine Plan.

v.                   Realizing the unreality of the world of Space-Time, and the reality of the World of Being, the World of Archetypes. This realization allows one to live those Archetypes into the lower worlds.

vi.                 Realizing the transcendent nature of Diving Impersonality.

vii.                A readiness for self-immolation.

viii.              Fiery martyrdom if need be.

ix.                 The “fastest path”; speed and self-sacrifice united; martyrdom.

Directives Disciples and Initiates

Equipped with Aries and the Sixth Ray

(On Behalf of Humanity and the One Great Work)

1.                   Be Aflame With Devotion

2.                   Begin A Pilgrimage

3.                   Be Indefatigable in Pursuit of the Goal

4.                   Be Straightforward and Sincere

5.                   Burn with Dedication and Commitment

6.                   Champion the Cause

7.                   Count All As Loss Except the Great Objective Be Achieved

8.                   Dare to Seek Immolation

9.                   Do Not Stop Until the Seeker and the Sought Are One

10.               Drive forward Along the Path

11.               Enunciate the Creed

12.               Fight for Your Convictions

13.               Flame with Intensity

14.               Hasten towards the Highest Light

15.               Initiate Quests

16.               Inspire Initiatives

17.               Inspire Loyalty

18.               Lead the Crusade

19.               Make Haste to Fulfill Your Mission

20.               Proclaim the Vision

21.               Pursue Your Passion

22.               Sacrifice All for Your Beliefs

23.               Sound the Keynote of the Highest Ideal

24.               Walk Straight and With Courage upon the Burning Ground

25.               Will to Reach and Merge with the “Beloved”

Mantra for Aries and the Sixth Ray

Mantram for the Disciple’s Consciousness: Burning with devotion full, I yearn to merge with “Highest Light” within the glorious Oneness of all Being.

Mantram for the Initiate’s Consciousness: “The Highest Light Controls” when Oneness-of-Being is Flaming in the Heart.

Proposed Symbol/Image/Scene for R6/Aries: Enraptured at the center of a ‘Scintillating Rosy Flame’, the ardent ‘Devotee of Life’ suddenly envisions an ideal he had not seen before—uplifting him, inspiring him propelling him to “Enter into Battle for the Lord”, his Spirit/Soul.



Well Known Individuals

Hypothesized as Expressing the Combination of

Aries and the Sixth Ray

1.                  Joan Baez—Folk Singer and Songwriter: January 9, 1941, Staten Island, New York, 10:45 AM. (Source: birth certificate)


(Ascendant, Aries; MC, Capricorn with Sun and Mercury conjunct in Capricorn; Moon in Gemini; Mars and Venus in Sagittarius; Jupiter and Saturn conjunct in Taurus with Uranus also in Taurus; Neptune in Virgo; Pluto in Leo)       

Over the course of her career, Joan Baez has become a strong and respects spokesperson for a variety of liberal and progressive causes. She flourished during the folk revival of the 1960’s and her beautiful voice expressed the social aspirations and political discontent of that great period of awakening.     

The Capricorn/Aries combination (with its powerful first ray and mountain symbolism—the mountain goat and the mountain sheep) tends to bring elevation. There is a strong Taurus note in this chart (three planets—including a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction); Taurus is the sign associated with the voice. The Sun and Mercury are placed in the Taurus decanate of Capricorn. Her Taurus planets, including Uranus, inclined her to sing out for the values (Taurus). She held—as indicated by her second house Uranus, somewhat radical or revolutionary values. Taurus, it should be remembered, is a sign associated with high aspirational idealism, and would here serve as a reinforcement for the proposed prominence of the sixth ray.    

Perhaps the most remarkable reinforcement for the sixth ray can be seen through Venus (ruler of the second, or Taurus, decanate of Capricorn) and Mars, the exoteric ruler of the Aries Ascendant both placed in idealistic, sixth-ray Sagittarius—Venus in the house generically belonging to Sagittarius, the ninth, and Mars not far away but placed in the house of great changes and transformations, the eighth. Mars in Sagittarius is a very sixth ray indication, inclining towards activism and a vigorous (Mars) promotion of the “vision”; Venus, the planet of art and beauty (and the planet, as well, of the light and love of the soul) would strengthen the capacity to bring art and music into the service of the ideal. The close parallel between Sun and Venus strengthens this expressive tendency. Venus is such an important planet in this chart for a number of reasons. It is conjunct to the proposed MC and parallel to the MC within an acceptable orb just as is Mercury. Venus also receives the square from Neptune (heightening sensitivity and pain) and an inconjunct from Uranus, again inclining music to express the transformational vision. As a side note, even the intensity of her rapid vocal vibrato, is expressive of the sixth ray.

There is some healing or therapeutic force working through Joan Baez and her music. Two planets of healing, Pluto and Chiron are conjuncted in the fifth house of self-expression, showing the often intense and cathartic effect of her music and performance. As well, Neptune, another planet of the sixth ray (and also of deeply felt empathy) is closely parallel her South Node, showing an inborn, intuitive idealism.      

The Gemini Moon position demonstrates flexibility, and an ability to express in diverse musical styles (both folk and classical, for instance). The close parallel between the Moon and committed Vesta, and the sextile to Pluto, add to the focus and intensity of her emotional expression.  

The major conduits for the sixth ray are Venus and Mars in Sagittarius and Neptune in Virgo. In the case of Mars and Neptune, we have sixth ray planets in signs which are also expressive of the sixth ray. In her legendary song, “Diamonds and Rust”, she wrote of her love affair with Bob Dylan, a folk-singer and songwriter powerfully influenced by the sixth ray. It would seem they shared idealism in common. 

One suspects, as well, first and perhaps some seventh ray in the personality vehicles through the Aries/Capricorn emphasis, and, likely, the fourth ray for musical expressivity. Five planets are found in signs which transmit the fourth ray (in this case, Sagittarius and Taurus).           

2.                   Annie Besant - English Theosophist, Social Reformer, Statesperson: October 1, 1847, London England. Time given between 5:00-5:45 PM, LMT. As most astrologers conclude (due to her forceful and pioneering life) that Annie Besant had Aries rising, the time would have to have been after 5:21 PM, LMT.  (Source: Sabian Symbols and Notable Nativities). Died, September, 20, 1933, Adyar, India.


(Proposed Ascendant, Aries with Uranus and Pluto also in Aries; MC in Capricorn;  Sun conjunct Venus and loosely conjunct Mercury in Libra; Moon conjunct Jupiter Cancer; Neptune in late Aquarius and Saturn in early Pisces)

Annie Besant was an English social reformer, author of many definitive theosophical books, president of the Theosophical Society from 1907 until her death in 1933, and president of the Indian National Congress in 1917. She was second only to her mentor, H. P. Blavatsky, in her influence upon modern Theosophy and the Theosophical Society.

Annie Besant was avidly involved in a radical and transformative approach (Uranus rising) to the social issues of her day (Libra), such as birth control (Cancerian emphasis) and the place of women in society (Libra emphasis). She usually worked in close partnerships professionally (Sun in Libra conjunct the NN in the seventh house), first secularly in relation to the social issues of her day, and later with C.W. Leadbeater in the field theosophical exposition and psychical research.  She was extraordinarily assertive (even driven) and at the forefront of many social and political controversies—a dynamic approach indicated by her Aries Ascendant and her powerful first ray—presumably the ray of her soul, as she was closely connected with Master Morya (as was H.P.B.)

The strong Cancerian Moon was reflected in her years of motherhood, and in the struggles she experienced as she felt it necessary to divorce and pull herself away from the conventional, traditional domestic sphere. The Moon (in its own sign, exoterically), however, is conjunct Jupiter (in the sign of its exaltation, further dignified by placement in the house of its exaltation), and indicates not only traditionalism, but much karmic benefit from merit generated in previous incarnations. The needs of the form (Moon) had been fulfilled (Cancer). AB’s last incarnation built upon that accumulated merit. These two planets, rather, functioned in a protective manner—not for herself, but for the socially abused, for theosophists hunger from the light of truth, and for the people of India who craved independence from Britain.

First ray Uranus rising in the chart not far from first ray Pluto, is a strong indicator of the power of the first ray of Will and Power. Later in life she became an elected political leader, an avid advocate of Indian home rules and president of the Indian National Congress. It is interesting to realize that the soul sign of India is Aries, the foremost constellational distributor of the first ray. One of the major soul-oriented indicators in Annie Besant’s chart is Aries on the Ascendant; further, Annie Besant, like India, is presumed to have a first ray soul. It would seem that there was a deep karmic/dharmic bond between her and that great country.

As an initiate (one would hypothesize) of the third degree, the esoteric ruler of her Sun Sign and that of her Rising Sign should be compared. Interestingly they are Uranus, esoteric ruler of the Libran Sun, and Mercury, esoteric ruler of her Aries Ascendant. Uranus and Mercury are in almost exact opposition, conferring great mental power (she had a scientific mind, reinforced by the conjunction between fifth ray Venus and Mercury, which planet also has much of ray five, though hypothetically on the monadic level), and must have evidenced a dynamic tension between reason and intuition, between the lower mind and the higher mind, and between manas (Mercury) and the will (Uranus). Her nervous system would have been taut—highly strung, ultra-responsive, made still more sensitive by Neptune in H12. Ultimately, Uranus, although the esoteric ruler of the Sun Sign, is the more powerful planet, because it is also the hierarchical ruler of the Rising Sign, Aries. Hierarchical rulers may be read as relevant in the lives of initiates. As the hierarchical ruler of a powerful first ray sign/constellation, Uranus is a potent conduit of electric fire, of Shamballic Energy, and conferred upon Annie Besant the power to embody Divine Purpose—no matter what might have been the counter-pulls from the lower aspects of attached Cancer and partner-bound Libra.

The sixth ray was also, it would seem, an important aspect of her character, as she changed her vocational orientations drastically a number of times in her life, and pursued each new orientation with great one-pointedness. Mars, the sixth ray, orthodox ruler of the Aries Ascendant, is retrograde and hence strong, though found in Taurus, the sign of its detriment. Her devotion to, belief in and promotion of Jeddu Krishnamurti as the “World Teacher” (overshadowed by Maitreya, the Christ) confirms the presence and importance of the sixth ray. It should be noted that her Mars sits within five degrees of Krishnamurti’s Sun in Taurus. In addition, Taurus is a Shamballic sign, and carries much will (in its own right and through its association with Vulcan). Her unusual intensity seems a combination of R1 and R6, with the probability of a R5 mind, reinforced by the Venus/Mercury conjunction.

The chart demonstrates a tremendous T-Square between the Aries, Cancer and Libra planets. This pattern defined the dynamics of her notable life, generating the conflict to be overcome through great energy and the spirit of synthesis. The tension generated from an indomitable and impersonal will (indicated by the Aries Ascendant and planets), deep social concern and investment in socio-political issues (indicated by the Libra planets) and the profound sense of motherhood (generated karmically and later applied to greater ‘family spheres’, were expressed within the tenth house sphere indicating powerful work on behalf of the planetary power structure—the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. Interestingly, the asteroid Juno (of committed partnerships) is placed in Capricorn and forms with the Aries, Cancer and Libra planets a Grand Cross. Much of her work was carried forward in important, professional (Capricorn) partnerships, which furthered her social and spiritual ideals.

Because it can be reasonably proposed the Annie Besant was an initiate of the third degree, the “fixed stars” would be of particular importance. The stars represent the solar dimension of life, and come into greater prominence with the solar part of man (the soul) has taken a dominating position, as it does at the third initiation.

The Cancerian Moon is exactly (to the minute) conjunct a major star of guidance and education, Canopus, the leading star of the constellation Argo (the mythical ship which served the Argonauts on their great quest). Great “path-finders”, pilots and navigators come under the influence of Canopus (and surely AB was that for many aspiring people—whether than aspiration was social, political or more esoterically spiritual). As the Moon is involved, this capacity was for her built-in, instinctive, the result of previous incarnational work.

Significantly, the “star of initiation”, Sirius, also conjuncts her Moon within less than a degree. She was one of the leading exponents of the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, working in close, conscious cooperation with one or two of Them. Her many theosophical writings helped prepare the mind of humanity for definite steps along the paths of discipleship and initiation.

The brilliant, magnetic star, Vega, is also connected to the Moon by opposition, contributing to her great charisma and oratorical abilities. Vega, in the constellation Lyra, can be associated with gifts of expression through the throat center and is magically magnetic in its influence.

Bellatrix (a star of assertive and even warlike speech) is exactly contraparallel Mercury (planet of thought and verbal expression and esoteric ruler of the assertive Aries Ascendant. This combination increased AB’s willingness and ability to speak out forcefully on unpopular and even dangerous social and spiritual issues (and ensured that there would be adverse consequences). She was once (1877) arrested on charges of immorality for lecturing on birth control. The placement of Mercury in Libra opposed Uranus in Aries is, of course, potent and relevant to this dynamic of outspokenness. In addition, and although it would apply to many born at a similar period, the planet Pluto is also in contraparallel to Bellatrix, conferring the power to speak what might be called the ‘terminating word’—the word of death (exposing and bringing down social, political and spiritual abuses).

We also see benevolent and wise Jupiter closely conjunct the star Castor, which relates to the ability to write and create in a flowing and relatively painless manner. AB’s great literary output is reinforced by this position.

AB’s role as a healing of social ills can be liked to the contraparallel of Neptune to Rasalhague, which is in the head of the “Serpent Holder”. Also, the healing planet Chiron is potently conjunct the brilliant star, Spica, giving the gift of knew knowledge. Chiron is also the mentor and quest guide—a role which AB fulfilled admirably.

There are other star positions of significance but these few will reveal the importance of that particular dimension in AB’s chart.

The hypothesized rays of Annie Besant, discussed in detail in Tapestry of the Gods, Volume. II, are 16-567—first ray soul, sixth ray personality, fifth ray mind, sixth ray astral nature, and seventh ray etheric physical nature. A fuller description of her amazing life (i.e., her last incarnation) is given there and may be read with the above astrological thoughts in mind.

This is just the briefest of expositions of the chart of a truly remarkable server on behalf of humanity and the Spiritual Hierarchy. Clearly, she came as a major promoter of the Divine Wisdom as expressed through the Theosophical Society. Endowed with a significant amount of seventh ray energy (complementing her potent first ray) she was equipped to organize what H.P.B. and Col. Olcott had begun. Her work was to strengthen and institutionalize Theosophy so that it could become a major conditioning force in human civilization. It may be that her own devotion and zeal (sixth ray) were at times counterproductive (as in the case of bringing Jeddu Krishnamurti forward, perhaps too ardently—causing dismay and divisions within the TS), but her tremendous labors for the Society and for the cause of human freedom (Indian Home Rule) must be remembered and honored.

In the last analysis, it would seem that the ray of the monad was active in her case, and that, as a leader/educator, she was responding to it. This ray may be hypothesized as the second ray of love-wisdom. Since the Sun is in Libra (at seven degrees) the “Monadic Point” would be found at seven degrees of Aries and rising in the proposed chart. Not all disciples can refer to the Monadic Point as significant, but AB could probably do so. The placement (in the eighth degree of Aries) again emphasizes the first ray—a generically first ray point in a first ray chart position (rising) and in the strongest first ray sign. This does not mean that she necessarily had/has a first ray monad, but that the way through to monadic expression was through an indomitable, pioneering assertion of the fact of the Ageless Wisdom as promoted through Theosophy. That AB will probably be remembered even more as a theosophical educator than as an organizer and executive (though she was formidable in these respects) may well point to the growing influence of a second ray monad expressing potently in a position in the astrological chart which emphasizes the first ray. It is impossible for anyone less than a Master to speak of the monadic ray with certainty, but we can recognize that it was probably influential in the case of AB—clearly an initiate. Certainly, the whole question of the spirit/monad was very much on her mind, and she was qualified to speak of it, which she did with illuminating accuracy.

3.                  Marlon Brando—Actor: April 3, 1924, Omaha, Nebraska, 11:00 PM, CST. (Source: recorded, B.C)



(Ascendant, Sagittarius with Jupiter in Sagittarius; MC, Virgo with NN in Virgo; Sun and Moon conjunct in Aries with Mercury also in Aries; Venus in Taurus; Mars in Capricorn; Saturn in Scorpio; Uranus Pisces conjunct the IC; Pluto in Cancer)           

Marlon Brando is considered by many to be the finest actor of his generation. He is wll known for his portrayals in “A Streetcar Named Desire”, “The Wild One”, and in 1954 he won the Oscar for best actor in “On the Waterfront”. He has also received several additional nominations for Oscars.        

Marlon Brando has developed a reputation as both a genius and a difficult, eccentric individual. He chooses his films very selectively; his performances are not many, but they are invariably a huge box-office draw. A number of directors dread to work with him because of his unpredictability. Having established so great a reputation, he has become something of a “law unto himself” (Aries) and does not seem to play be the rules which bind other actors (rebellious, willful Uranus conjunct the IC, opposing the MC)           

One of the qualities for which Brando is known is his honesty—an often disturbing and unsettling honesty. This quality, in his case, is correlated to his Sagittarian Ascendant with its exoteric ruler also in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the lover of truth. The first ray also has a reputation for speaking the truth fearlessly, and for being; utterly indifferent to comment. There is an abundance of first ray indicated in the chart—an intense Sun/Moon conjunction in first ray Aries; the exoteric ruler of Aries, Mars, in first ray Capricorn; and Neptune placed in first ray Leo. The close trine between first ray Pluto in Cancer and Saturn (with its first ray component) in Scorpio, ensures that Brando will not refrain from speaking his opinions strongly (and even cruelly). The grand trine in fire signs adds to the intensity of the life.        

Most people know Marlon Brando as an actor, and artist of the stage and screen. Certainly, the fourth ray is powerfully represented in the chart through Sagittarius and Scorpio. Perhaps fewer know him as an idealist and an activist. He seems to have a certain contempt (first ray) for the acting profession, considering it unimportant. He seems to “throw away” or reject (first ray) what others most value in him—his artistic talent. Instead, he focuses on social abuses, especially when those abuses have fallen on Native Americans. In fact, Marlon Brando is a passionate advocate for Native American causes. Throughout his life he has spoken out (Sagittarius) on behalf of the American Indian, and has even been arrested while participating in protests against laws and policies which he considered unfair to them. Interestingly, the asteroid Hopi, which has to do with the culture and ways of indigenous peoples is conjunct his ruling Mars within  fifteen minutes of arc.       

The inlets for the sixth ray are numerous and powerful. Sagittarius, the major sixth ray sign, rises. Its expansive exoteric ruler, Jupiter (endowed with the enthusiasm characteristic of the sixth ray) is also found in this sign, reinforcing its strength, and sixth ray Mars (exoteric ruler of his Aries Sun and Moon) is closely parallel to Jupiter. Clearly Brando is “up front” in promoting his views and is not a bout to be held back or held in. He might be called a “rebel with a cause” (revolutionary Uranus square Jupiter, contraparallel and opposed to the MC). The sixth ray is further accentuated by sixth ray Neptune placed in the ninth or generically Sagittarian house, in the Sagittarian decanate of Leo (the third) and trine Sagittarian Jupiter and exactly quincunx to sixth ray Mars in Capricorn. As well, Uranus is place in Pisces, a sign with transmits the sixth ray.          

In sum, the sixth, first and fourth rays are very strong in his life, and all are well supported in the chart. As well, there is something of the third ray, the strategist, the philosopher, and he has a reputation for being a deep thinker. 

It is difficult to say whether life has given Marlon Brando what he truly and deeply desires (retarding and delaying Saturn in Scorpio in the house of goals and wishes). He gives the impression of being hugely talented, but deeply discontent and dissatisfied. This psychological state suggests the power of the fourth ray (the seeker of perfect harmony) and the sixth (the divinely discontent idealist), all empowered by the rejecting power of the isolative first ray—a strong candidate for the ray of his personality.

4.                  John Brown—American Abolitionist: May 9, 1800, Torrington, Connecticut, 3:00 AM, LMT (Source: speculative. The Old File suggests 6:45 PM, LMT, yielding a Scorpio Ascendant) Died (by hanging), December 2, 1859.




(Speculative Ascendant, Aries with Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries; Speculative MC, Capricorn; Sun in Taurus; Moon and Neptune in Scorpio widely conjuncted; Mars conjunct Pluto in Pisces, H12; Jupiter in Cancer; Saturn in Leo; Uranus in Virgo)          

John Brown is perhaps the most famous (and most violent) of the American abolitionists. His numerous attempts to free the slaves cost a number of lives and was one of the factors contributing indirectly to the beginning of the Civil War. It was Brown’s intention to cause an uprising among the slaves, who would then overthrow their ‘masters’. It would be a full-scale “slave revolt”. These plans naturally alarmed whites in the Southern United States. In 1859 he was captured during his attack on Harper’s Ferry by General Lee, tried, convicted and hanged for insurrection (Aries) on December 2nd.         

Brown was a fanatic in the truest sense. Many believe he was not psychologically normal. His principal ray was the sixth with a strong first ray as well. Many are familiar with a song popular at the time of the Civil War—the “Battle Hymn of the Republic”. There are few pieces of music which more which more clearly express the militant, Martian side of the sixth ray. What few may know is that the melody of this song was used to celebrate the life of John Brown. “John Brown’s body lies a mold’rin in his grave,…” and “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord” are set to exactly the same tune. Probably, the tune was used first for John Brown. The words to the two songs are very different, but the spirit and the ray are the same.

Given the accuracy of a speculative Aries Ascendant, he would be easily inflamed, even though Mars is in a water sign, Pisces. The Mars/Pluto conjunction in H12 (with Mars as the orthodox ruler of the speculative Aries Ascendant) speaks of his deadly (Pluto) violence, related to an old karmic issue—slavery. Pluto and the Moon are also parallel. The 12th house placement in Pisces emphasizes the idea of “unfinished business”—both for society and probably for his own soul. This same Mars is only six minutes of arc away from a perfect parallel with the South Node, indicating a militant past and suggesting in yet another way, “unfinished business”.     

The Moon conjunct Neptune in deadly Scorpio (both in the eighth house of death) increases the idealism and his visionary tendencies, and made him willing to die for the cause. The Moon is even more closely conjuncted to Chiron, showing that he carrying a festering, psychological wound.  Jupiter in Cancer conjunct the IC renders him a protector—presumably of the slaves. Saturn in the fifth house, in this case, shows the burden of his twenty children, and also the dharma and karma related to them, for he enlisted a number of his sons in his para-military exploits. Perhaps, he was repressive (Saturn) towards them.         

The sixth ray enters the chart via Mars, the exoteric ruler of his Aries Ascendant, placed in the sixth ray sign, Pisces, conjunct Pluto, which is hypothesized, as well, to have sixth ray component related to the solar plexus. Aries plus a Mars/Pluto conjunction in self-sacrificial Pisces, with a ‘life-and-death’ Scorpio Moon—all spell intense idealism and fanaticism. Neptune, also expressing the sixth ray, is opposed to his aspiring Taurus Sun, strengthening his tendency to dream of a better, higher way—to achieve which, the use of violent means would be justified. Revolutionary Uranus is also placed in a sixth ray sign, and is trine the ‘values-laden’ Taurus Sun. As well, dedicated Vesta is conjunct to idealistic Neptune, adding to the strength of idealistic commitment and a willingness risk death for those ideals.      

First ray would enter the chart via the proposed insurrective, agitative Aries Ascendant and Aries planets, the Mar/Pluto conjunction, the Scorpio Moon, first ray Saturn in first ray Leo, and first ray Vulcan, esoteric ruler of Taurus necessarily found in Taurus.      

While it cannot be easily demonstrated, the very close conjunction of Venus and Mercury in Aries, suggest that he was easily inspired by music—probably militant music on the sixth ray, music very much like the song which celebrated his life and exploits.

5.                   Billy Graham—Southern Baptist Preacher, Evangelist: November 7, 1918, Charlotte, North Carolina, 3:30 PM, EST. Several times are given and even an alternative day, November 17th. However, 3:30 PM, EST is established on the birth certificate. This chart, characteristically, places Moon and Mars conjuncted in Sagittarius at the Capricorn MC.


(Ascendant, Aries; MC, Capricorn; Sun in Scorpio conjunct Venus; Mercury also in Scorpio; Moon in Sagittarius conjunct Mars; Jupiter and Pluto in Cancer; Saturn and Neptune in Leo; Uranus in Aquarius)       

Billy Graham is today, (2001) perhaps the world’s most famous, popular and influential evangelist. He has brought tremendous charisma to his task (inspiring Aries Rising with a stirring Mars/Moon conjunction in Sagittarius and the Sun conjunct attractive Venus in Scorpio). He has persisted in his calling (since 1934 when he was “born again”) with unusual tenacity (Scorpio Sun) and intensity (sixth ray soul). If an evangelist wishes to raise the spectre of hellfire and brimstone, it helps to have a strong concentration of Scorpio energy. Certainly Scorpio and Sagittarius (Moon conjunct Mars which rules both the Scorpio Sun and the proposed Aries Ascendant) together give the kind of religious intensity needed. Scorpio plumbs the depths and Sagittarius aims at the heights. Repentance from the depths of sin, and the vision and inspiration to live rightly. The power of ‘resurrective’, ‘revivalistic’ Aries to inspire listeners and raise those who are “spiritually dead” to life, is characteristic of this charismatic minister. Whatever other rays may be part of his energy system, it is for the power of the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism that he will be remembered    

It is interesting to see some of the same zodiacal signs prominent in Billy Graham’s chart as were found in the chart of  the fiery John Brown—Aries, Leo and Scorpio, but Brown was missing uplifting Sagittarius. The sixth ray has strong channels of expression through Ascendant exoteric ruler Mars (a sixth ray planet) in sixth ray Sagittarius, reinforced by the spontaneous, ‘karma-collecting’ Moon also in Sagittarius and conjuncted to Mars. No combination in the chart better represents Graham’s sixth ray “calling”. One’s “calling” or “vocation” is found at the MC, to which Mars/Moon are conjunct. Sixth ray Mars is doubly potent because it is not only the exoteric ruler of the proposed Ascendant, but the exoteric and esoteric ruler of the Scorpio Sun. It can be safely suggested that Graham’s sixth ray soul works powerfully through this Mars/Moon conjunction  

What planet does the Moon veil? In this particular case, sixth ray Neptune would be a good bet. It seems that Billy Graham wants as many to “go to heaven (Neptune)” as possible, and he is attempting to “show the way”. How interesting that Chiron, the “Quest Guide” is in the very last degree of Pisces—th e sign of salvation          .

Sixth ray Neptune, itself, is powerful, trine to the Aries Ascendant, and square to the Sun/Venus conjunction. This Neptune in the house of “showmanship” (H5) certainly would help with the success of his “televangelism”.  There is much in this chart about the “dark” and the “light”. Certainly, Aries and Sagittarius are meant to lead to the land of brilliant light, but Scorpio (Sun, Mercury and Venus) detect the dark. Yet, withal, it can be said that  Billy Graham knows how to find light within the dark—for both Mercury and Venus are, characteristically, associated with the light, and Venus, conjunct the Sun, symbolizes the light and love of the soul—or, in this case, more personally, Jesus. Lighted Venus in Scorpio conjunct the Scorpio Sun, shows that Graham, too, like Jesus, is willing to go down into a “dark place” and “harrow hell”, looking for souls that might be redeemed.       

Pluto in the fourth house conjunct the IC (the position representing the ‘hell’ of the past) shows that Billy Graham knows how to “raise hell”, bringing it up into the faces to those who would rather not see it. This Pluto is powerful because it is a co-ruler of his Sun Sign, Scorpio. Pluto is, as well, loosely opposed to the Sagittarian Moon, helping to reveal the flaws in the lunar vehicles.     

The opposition between conservative Saturn and liberative Uranus, shows a basic tension in his life, with thinking Mercury at the short let of the T-Square. He needs to see his way between the “Pairs of Opposites” and use the intuition of the Scorpio Mercury to become a “Conqueror of Duality”. So often for those upon the sixth ray, the duality remains firmly in place—and “poles apart”. The Saturn trine to the Mars/Moon conjunction shows that he, himself, has learned to regulate (Saturn) the more impulsive aspects of this conjunction.          

Jupiter in Cancer in the fourth house (of the Ashram) shows that, in his own way, he understands the concept of “heaven”—the place of rest and retreat—the true “home” of the soul. As well, it indicates something about the importance of his home life and his rather large family of five children and many grandchildren.    

Billy Graham is said to be an upright man of high principles. One suspects the presence somewhere within the personality vehicles of the first and or seventh rays. In his mind he seems so convinced that an at least partial first ray coloring to the mind would not be unreasonable. The fourth ray is also well represented in this chart through the three Scorpio and two Sagittarius planets.       

His magazine called Decision could point towards the importance of Libra, and, indeed, a number of astrologers (before consulting the actual birth records) had thought that he had a Libran Ascendant. The important Saturn/Uranus and Pluto/Moon oppositions could also contribute to emphasis placed upon decision (especially as the planet of the fourth ray, being, as well, the planet of thought—Mercury—forms the short leg of an important, decisive T-Square. The fourth ray signs would also, in some degree, contribute to his high valuation of “either—or” (heaven or hell).
(Check this)     

In any case, there can be little doubt that Billy Graham is an almost archetypal example of a sixth ray soul. Whether or not one agrees with his religious premises, it would appear that he has made a success of this incarnation; certainly he has followed his calling, fulfilling through expression the quality of his major ruling planet, Mars, and awakened many to higher ideals and greater spiritual possibilities.     

6.                  Mahomet—Founder of Islam: No definitive chart (among very many proposed) is presently available, but the Tibetan (of Alice Bailey in The Labors of Hercules) associates him (like Moses) with the sign, Aries. Elsewhere, says that He was a very high initiate and disciple of the Master Jesus—thus linking him with the sixth ray.        

“…the Mahommedan faith will be found to be linked to the Christian faith because it embodies the work of the Master Jesus as He overshadowed one of His senior disciples, a very advanced initiate, Mahomet.” (R&I 254)

The militancy and intensity of an Aries individual whose soul was upon the sixth ray can well be imagined.


7.                  Modest Moussorgsky—Composer: March 21, 1839 NS, Karevo, Russia. (Speculative time, either 8:00 PM, LMT, from Marc Penfield, or 10:00 AM, LMT, from the Old File) Died, March 28, 1881.

(Speculative Ascendant, Libra or Cancer; MC, Cancer or  Aquarius with Neptune in Aquarius; Sun and Mercury in Aries, with Venus widely conjunct Pluto, both in Aries; Moon in Gemini widely conjunct Chiron; Mars in Virgo; Jupiter in Libra; Saturn in Sagittarius; Uranus and NN in Pisces)

Modest Moussorgsky was a Russian composer of the nineteenth century, most famous for his nationalistic opera, Boris Godunov. He is also well known for his orchestral work, “A Night on Bald Mountain” and for his virtuoso piece for the piano—“Pictures at an Exhibition”, later brilliantly orchestrated by Maurice Ravel. He is also the composer of many songs, including his most famous cycle, “Songs and Dances of Death” (Venus conjunct Pluto).     

Moussorgsky sought to express himself in a characteristically Russian genre; he avoided imitating French, Italian or German music, and, instead, drew his melodies and harmonies from traditional Russian folk and church music. The connection between Russia and France—both with personalities ruled by Leo—had considerable influence upon Russian culture, but he numbered himself among those sought to create music which was distinctly and recognizably Russian. In so doing, he demonstrates the influence of the nationalistic and patriotic sixth ray, and relates himself as well to his proposed Ascendant, Cancer, which inclines those it influences to express love for the native land—“home”.           

Moussorgsky, then, was a pioneer (Aries Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto) in a new Russian style of musical expression. His work was deeply psychological (Pluto conjunct Venus, and the fourth ray), but it was rough and exuberant rather than refined. Many of his songs are so driving (Aries) that they offer the singer simply no opportunity for a breath. Moussorgsky, who possessed, it would seem, very little seventh ray, did not write with niceties (such as interludes for rest) in mind. After his death, his music, in some cases, had to be re-worked and re-orchestrated because, like a typical Aries, his interest, often, was in stating the idea rather than working it out to completeness. Yet, Mars, the exoteric ruler of his Aries Sun was, after all, in Virgo, and exacting Saturn was trine to Mercury, and, as well, disciplining Saturn sextiled the abandon of Neptune, so, in musical matters, he was not careless either.      

His work abounds with passion (four Aries planets), dark brooding, often on death (Pluto conjunct Venus), sudden contrasts (fourth ray), expansive feeling (grand trine between Jupiter, Neptune and the Moon) and exalted idealism (sixth ray Mars, his Aries Sun ruler in sixth ray Virgo, and sixth ray Neptune, esoteric ruler of his speculative Cancer Ascendant, in idealistic Aquarius in the ninth house). This important Neptune is connected with his sixth ray urge for transcendence which can be heard in full power in the glorious coronation scene at the end of the first act of Boris Godunov; the level of praise and exaltation is, in the opinion of the author, practically unparalleled in the entire operatic repertoire.        

Russian music has the reputation for being “heavy”, and in many ways, Moussorgsky’s music was often dark and heavy, but it was also grand and at times thrillingly beautiful—and he could certainly produce a deft and “light touch” (the gift of his Moon in Gemini).

The fourth and sixth rays are most in evidence, with an evident lack (certainly in daily life) of the seventh.  He was deeply imbued with the fervent religious spirit of Russia with its sixth ray personality. His life, uneven, conflicted, frustrated, almost tortured, reflected the fourth ray. He was forced to work in a bank to make ends meet (perhaps indicated by Saturn, the planet of discipline, in the house of necessary labor—rather than chosen labor). Moussorgsky’s was a life upon the Mutable Cross—reflected by the two oppositions—Saturn in Sagittarius widely opposing Moon in Gemini, and Uranus in Pisces opposing Mars in Virgo. Therein, lay much of his suffering.          

It is difficult to discern which of these rays might be the soul ray and which the personality ray. There are some similarities with the life of Vincent Van Gogh (and the same rays). The artistic medium was different, but the Sun Sign was the same, and if speculation about Moussorgsky is correct, the Rising Sign as well. There were also similar suicidal themes. Van Gogh was more direct and more violent. Moussorgsky simply drank himself to death. Each lived a short life, and each contributed great and original works of art to the treasury of civilization.      

8.                  Edmond RostandFrench Playwright and Poet: (1868-1918) April 1, 1868, Marseilles, France, 5:00 PM, LMT (Source: from birth record)         Died, December 2, 1918, Paris, France.

(Ascendant, Virgo; MC, Gemini; Sun conjunct Neptune in Aries; Moon and Uranus in Cancer; Mercury in Pisces with Mars conjunct Jupiter, both in Pisces; Venus and Pluto in Taurus; Saturn in Sagittarius) If the birth occurred at 5:20 PM, LMT, Libra would be the Ascending Sign. This would not be without reason, because both relationship and the legal profession (Rostand was originally a lawyer) would be emphasized. 

Edmond Rostand was a French poet and playwright best known for his wonderful play, Cyrano de Bergerac, an ultra-romantic story of great, unselfish devotion and unrequited love. There was, in fact, a real Cyrano de Bergerac born in Perigord, France, March 6, 1620. There are interesting parallels between Rostand’s chart and that of the actual Cyrano. (Speculative Ascendant, Leo; Speculative MC, Taurus conjunct Pluto in Taurus; Sun in Pisces, with Chiron conjunct Ceres and Pallas also in Pisces; Moon and Jupiter conjunct in Aries, with Venus and Mars also conjunct in Aries; Mercury in Aquarius; Saturn in Gemini; Uranus in Cancer; Neptune in Libra)        


It is clear from Edmond Rostand’s horoscope that he (despite his pursuits as a lawyer and journalist) was a true romantic, just like his leading character. His Aries Sun is conjunct with sixth ray Neptune in the seventh house of relationships. Neptune, further, is the veiled esoteric ruler of the Virgo Ascendant, and so, is connected with the energy of Christ-love. The great love of the hero, Cyrano, for Roxanne, was deep, true, abiding  and sacrificial—utterly devoted and yet the seed of the kind of wider and selfless love demonstrated by the Great Teacher, the Christ. As if the Sun/Neptune emphasis were not enough, sixth ray Mars is conjunct second ray Jupiter in Pisces (a sign which transmits both the sixth and second rays). Mars is strengthened, (just as Neptune was) because it is the exoteric ruler of the Sun Sign. The Mars/Jupiter conjunction gives great enthusiasm and a strong solar-plexus/heart interplay; it is found conjunct the Pisces Descendant. This second conjunction places a tremendous emphasis upon the dynamics of relationship, bringing romantic passion (Mars in Pisces) and compassionate, selfless wisdom (Jupiter in Pisces). Interestingly, Chiron, like Jupiter, is almost exactly conjunct the Descendant, showing that there is a deep wound in the field of relationship, but that, through love and selfless devotion (Jupiter, Mars and Neptune), it can be healed. Even further stress in and emphasis upon relationship can be seen by the conjunction between conscientious Saturn and Juno (the asteroid of partnership). The Moon in Cancer gives that tenacity in devotion which remembers always and will not release. It is important to realize that an artist will work through his own psychological issues through the medium of his creations. A similar instance is the work of Cervantes in the love story, Don Quixote.     

Whether or not the original and real-life Cyrano led a life resembling the literary Cyrano, he too was an ardent and enthusiastic lover (Mars in Aries almost exactly conjunct Venus, and the Moon in Aries conjunct Jupiter). The date of his birth is known, and a reasonable but speculative rectification places ardent Leo on the Ascendant, emphasizing the importance of the Sun in romantic Pisces—the sign in which Rostand’s Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Chiron are found. The deadliness of  the actual Cyrano’s blade would be indicated by Pluto at the MC, and his poetry by Neptune in the third house of communication—a Neptune given added weight because it is the veiled esoteric ruler of his speculative Ascendant Leo. Further, romantic, sixth ray Neptune would be in the sign of relationship and marriage, Libra.  Both men—Rostand and the real Cyrano—would then have Neptune (with its emphasis on selfless love) as the veiled esoteric ruler of the Ascendant. As an interesting side note, the “Uranian Planet” Hades (23º Taurus), which can indicate ugliness or deformity, is, in the speculative chart of the real Cyrano exactly square to his relationship axis at 23º Leo/Aquarius. Further, just as in the case of Rostand, the real Cyrano would have wounding Chiron in the seventh house of relationship. These are interesting potential parallels.     

In the life of Edmond Rostand, although the poetic fourth ray would be of importance, and has conduits through the Taurus planets (Venus and Pluto) and the Sagittarius planet (Saturn), the sixth ray is of overpowering importance. Each of the three signs conveying this ray is strongly represented in Rostand’s chart—the Virgo Ascendant, the Sagittarian Saturn, and the Piscean Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Chiron.        

Combining the testimony of the chart with the play and character upon which his reputation rests, one might say that the purpose of the incarnation was to develop and nurture the germ of Christ-love through the garnered wisdom of sacrificial, devoted, painful, personal love.          

9.                   Girolamo Savonarola—Religious Reformer: September 21, 1452 (OS), Ferrara, Italy. Various times are given in LMT: 4:00 PM (Cardan), 4:26 PM (Gauntlett), 5:33 PM and 5:46 PM (Martin Harvey from Cardanus) and 6:00 PM (Evangeline Adams). All yield either Pisces or Aries Rising. Died (hanged and burnt at the stake) June 1, 1498 (NS), Florence, Italy.

(Ascendant, probably Aries {with Pisces a remote possibility); Mars, retrograde, in first hour and closely conjunct the Ascendant for the 6:00 PM chart; MC, Capricorn; Sun conjunct Neptune and the Vertex in Libra with Mercury and Saturn also in Libra; Saturn in H7 or exactly conjuncting the DSC in the 6:00 Pm chart; Moon and Vesta in Capricorn conjuncted; Venus in Scorpio; Jupiter in late Aquarius; Uranus and Pluto widely conjunct in Leo; NN in Sagittarius)           

Savonarola was a fanatic upon the sixth ray. Extremism is indicated throughout his chart. Fiery Aries rises and the exoterically ruling planet, sixth ray Mars, opposes disciplinary Saturn on the Descendant. Savonarola was both a religious incendiary (Mars rising in Aries) and a stern judge of moral rectitude (stern Saturn, the planet of discipline, conjunct Mercury, the planet of thought, exalted in Libra, the sign of judgment—in this case, harsh judgment. The moralistic Moon in Capricorn is elevated and conjunct the asteroid of focussed commitment, Vesta. Mars is square that Moon and Vesta. The Moon, therefore, is the short leg of a close T-Squares also involving Saturn in Libra. There is a burning fire here, and a rigid standard which demands that others conform. The question arises for any reformer—is he leading people forwards (Aries and Mars) or backwards into established tradition ( Moon in Capricorn)?          

With the exoteric ruler of the Libran Sun, Venus, in troubled Scorpio, one is only too aware of temptations, which one suppressed in oneself and others (Saturn conjunct the DSC).       

The preeminent ray is clearly the sixth—the ray of the soul. The chart offers expression for this sixth ray soul through the rising sixth ray Mars in Aries, and through sixth ray Neptune conjunct the Libran Sun. The North Node is in sixth ray Sagittarius in the ninth house, which field resonates to matters of religion and world understanding. The Sagittarius North Node is also closely parallel to the MC; to change perspective was, indeed, a central focus.

The chart also offers abundant first ray potentials, with Aries, rising, being the strongest distributor of the first ray and first ray Pluto and Uranus conjuncted in first ray Leo. Seventh ray energies could be expressed through both Aries and the Capricorn Moon.     

Girolamo Savonarola meant well, as do so many religious reformers, and was popular at first, but became carried away with his initial success (an intense sixth ray), fell from power (Uranus closely contraparallel the Moon—reversal of popularity) and was finally put to death by the very persons he sought to change. The judge was judged (Saturn in Libra at the DSC, and the fire (Mars in Aries as ruler of the eighth house of death) was applied.


Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Contrasts Between Aries and R6

Utilize these contrasts to understand how these two energies may contrast or conflict with each other when they are found together within the human energy system.


In Comparison With


1.        Transmits R1 and R7 constellationally


1.        R6

2.        Transmits principally R6, R4, and R7 through its planetary rulers


2.        R6

3.        Colors: carmine red (or scarlet red) (given by D.K.) and possibly (on a hypothetical color-scale incrementally related to the chromatic musical scale) red, red-orange, orange.


3.        Colors: silvery rose, light blue

4.        Note: DO or C


4.        Note: DO or C

5.        Expresses through the crown center, and secondarily, via Mars and Mercury, through the solar plexus and ajna centers


5.        Expresses through the solar plexus center and, at a later stage of evolution, through the ajna center (cf. EH 149)

6.        Creative Hierarchy II, liberated


6.        Creative Hierarchy number IV, liberated, and Creative Hierarchy number VI/XI, unliberated

7.        Hypothesized as especially expressive in relation to the Mineral Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Solar Lives.


7.        Relates to the Vegetable Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Planetary Lives

8.        Full of Will


8.        Full of Desire

9.        Seeking complete freedom and detachment


9.        Seeking intimacy with “the beloved”

10.     Tendency towards independence


10.     Tendency towards dependence

11.     The self as law


11.     The ideal or the object of devotion as law

12.     Archetypally, the leader


12.     Archetypally, the follower

13.     Self-exaltation


13.     Self-abnegation

14.     Imperious


14.     Reverential

15.     Dominating


15.     Supplicating

16.     Initiating


16.     Awaiting

17.     Impulsing


17.     Responding

18.     Impregnating


18.     Receiving

19.     Most often serving one’s own will


19.     Most often serving the will of another

20.     Acting from the center


20.     Seeking the center

21.     Loving to fight


21.     Fighting vigorously only when aroused

22.     Seeking to be


22.     Seeking to love

Discover Potentials to be Derived from

Energetic Similarities Between Aries and R6

Utilize these similarities to further understand how these two energies may combine with or reinforce each other (for better of for worse) when they are found within the same energy system.

A.     Aries and the Sixth Ray Intimately Related: Because the sixth ray is transmitted through Mars, the orthodox ruler of Aries, these two energies are intimately related.

B.     Fire: The sign Aries and the sixth ray (in one of its expressions related to Mars) are both closely associated with the factor of fire.

C.     Desire: Both of these influences are closely related to the factor of desire. Further, the behavior of both is often characterized by a certain drivenness’.

D.     Blood: Both Aries and the sixth ray are related to the factor of blood. The “blood is the life” (and Aries is identified with life. Mars is “objective and full of blood” and the sixth ray is transmitted through Mars.

E.      Persistence: Both Aries and the sixth ray induce the factor of persistence. Perhaps Aries will persist somewhat discontinuously, thought relentlessly, with repeated attacks on the goal. The sixth ray will persist with greater continuity.

F.      Fanaticism and Extremism: Both of these influences are given to fanaticism and extremism.

G.     Causing Trouble in Human Relations: Both Aries and the sixth ray can, if unregulated, be extremely separative and the cause of much trouble in human relations.

H.     Acting on Impulse: Both energies incline those they influence to act on impulse and with insufficient forethought.

I.        Will-to-Initiate and the Will-to-Causation (“Will to Cause”):

J.       Related to Important Processes Occurring at the Second Initiation: The sixth ray rules the second initiation, the theme of which is purification by “water”, and more recently by water and “fire”. The sixth ray manifests through both water and fire. The fire of Aries adds to the intensity of “purification so as by fire”—the “fiery baptism”.

K.     (? Sixth Ray?): Third Ray and Sixth: