Planets, Lights and Angles
in Aries



Sun in Aries


1.                   Major Personality Focus:

The personality demonstrates through driving action focussed within any one, two or all three personality vehicles.


2.                   The “potency of the Sun of Probability”:
When Aries is the Sun-sign the probability is that the individual concerned will be energetic, assertive and focussed upon the immediate fulfillment of his desires and intentions. There will be a factor of ‘irresistibility’ in his manner of wielding energy. His immoderate use of personality force may blind him to the impacts his expression of such force is having upon others and the environment.


3.                   The Factor of Personality Integration:
The personality will be integrated forcefully and under the command of the personal will. Personality integration is directed from the head, and insufficient time and space may be allowed for a true and organic integration to occur.


4.                   Responsiveness and Lack of Responsiveness to the Soul:

a.       The personality will fail to respond to the soul because of its excessively “head-strong” attitudes and its lack of reflection before taking action prompted by desire.

b.       The personality will successfully respond to the soul through an eagerness to carry out all that is ideal and representative of a higher life. The inherent courage conferred by the Aries Sun-sign will make such an individual refuse to hesitate in carrying out soul-behests, and, thus, spiritual accomplishment may be accelerated.


5.                   Ego and Ahamkara:
Those with Sun in Aries may be blind to self and others. They are so carried away by their own ‘energetic intensity’ or by the ‘intensity of the act’ in which they may be engaged, that they do not reflect upon the value of other alternatives to the manner and mode of their expression. Caught up this personal intensity, a mode of thought chiefly centered on the little self (its desires, impulses and apparent needs) is not uncommon. Such people are ‘naively selfish’ rather than premeditatively so. Because they cannot easily stand back from the little self, they cannot escape the overwhelming energy streams which pour through it under the Aries influence. Only by the loyal service of something greater does there develop sufficient perspective to free themselves from the lower ego and its naïve self-importance.


6.                   The “Secret of the Personality Ray”:
It cannot be said that individuals having an Aries Sun-sign will necessary have sixth or fourth ray personalities (because the orthodox and esoteric rulers of Aries, Mars and Mercury, transmit the sixth and fourth rays respectively). Nor can it be said that people with an Aries Sun-sign will necessarily have ray one or ray seven personalities because the constellation Aries transmits the first and seventh rays. Among the majority of Aries people, these rays may be probabilities, but not certainties.



Individuals with the Sun in Aries


Hans Christian Andersen

Johann Sebastian Bach

Bela Bartok

Charles Pierre Baudelaire

Otto von Bismarck

Marlon Brando

Leo Buscaglia

Giovanni Casanova


Ram Dass

Rene Descartes

Anthony Van Dyck

Eric Fromm

Vincent van Gogh

Francisco Goya

William Harvey

Franz Joseph Haydn

Thomas Hobbes

Henry James

Thomas Jefferson

Joseph Lister

Moses ben Maimon

Abraham Maslow

J. Pierpont Morgan

Modest Moussorgsky


Wilhelm Reich

Wilhelm Rontgen

Edmond Rostand

Dane Rudhyar

Charles P. Steinmetz

Algernon Swinburne

Arturo Toscanini

William Wordsworth

Wilbur Wright






Moon in Aries


1.                   The “Prison of the Soul”; A Major Handicap or Limitation original within the Lunar Vehicles:
An unregulated, impulsive form life. The prison of misused, ill-directed, unreflectively expressed personality force.


2.                   A Major Fear Originating within the Form Life:
The fear of discipline and regulation. The fear of restraint in pursuit of the satisfaction of desire


3.                   The Challenge of a Possible Transformation and Transcendence of the Tendencies of the Lunar Vehicles:
The major challenges presented by this position can be met by the initiatory will to over­come the unguided tendencies of the form. The Aries Moon can indicate (once trans­mutation and transformation have occurred) an immediately soul-responsive collection of lunar vehicles, rapidly ready to ‘follow the orders’ of the soul. The customary inertia of the lunar vehicles is easily overcome. The lunar vehicles stand ready for rapid mobili­zation in the cause of the soul.


4.                   The Moon in Aries as the Veil of Vulcan:
The Moon always veils a planet. In the case of the undeveloped man, the Moon (in most cases) veils Vulcan, the planet of the obduracy of matter. Crude, impulsive and un­measured response may be expected when such a veiling is in effect. The individual does not yet have sufficient incarnational experience to know how to co-measure his responses in a manner appropriate to circumstance. As a result great mistakes and blunders can occur.


5.                   The Moon in Aries as the Veil of Neptune:
When the Moon in Aries veils Neptune, one can expect an ardent longing for an ideal state more archetypal than actual. The wish-life will soar. There may also be strong desires to begin the process of incarnating the ideal (for Aries has much of the form-related first and seventh rays)


6.                   The Moon in Aries as the Veil of Uranus:
The Moon in Aries veils Uranus in the charts of disciples and initiates. Such a placement inclines towards strong initiatives to transmute and transform the lunar nature through the agency of fire. Detachment from the emotional life is achieved without much difficulty; the lunar life is subjected to a “new order” to which it readily responds. Breaking from established habit patterns is a natural tendency. At this stage of evolution, the emotions are readily controlled by the will and mind, which both Aries and Uranus represent.



Individuals with the Moon in Aries


John Adams

Sir Francis Bacon

Cyrano de Bergerac

Sarah Bernhardt

Leonard Bernstein

Lucrezia Borgia

Marlon Brando

Robert Browning

Al Capone

Benvenuto Cellini

Michel de Cervantes

Gaetano Donizetti

Enrico Fermi

Galileo Galilei

Bill Gates

Heinrich Himmler

Jim Jones

Immanuel Kant

Martin Luther

Edward Bulwer Lytton

Abraham Maslow

A.A. Michelson


Sir Thomas More

Dr. Francis Regardie

Pierre Auguste Renoir

Maximillian Robespierre

George Sand

Albert Schweitzer

Algernon Swinburne

Rabindranath Tagore

Giuseppe Verdi

Henry VIII

Noah Webster

Duchess of York




Earth in Aries

(Heliocentrically Considered)


1.                   The Earth stands for the sphere of experience” (EA 126):
Those who have the Sun in Libra have the Earth placed heliocentrically in Aries. All astrologically impinge upon the Earth, and it is there/here that these energies must be applied in conformity with the Divine Plan.

The Earth, therefore, represents the field in which dharma must work out in practical action. When Aries qualifies the Earth position, the practical dharma should be pursued with vigor, independence and considerable expenditure of energy. We are told that Libran individuals are particularly effective upon the physical plane; perhaps the energy of the Aries Earth position contributes to this effectiveness. The Earth Represents the Base of the Spine Center: The symbols for the base of the spine center and for the planet Earth are identical. Earth is, monadically, a first ray planet and the Earth is strongly associated with systemic kundalini. Therefore, it is not surprising to see the Earth-symbol placed at the base of the spine from whence kundalini is activated.

The base of the spine represents survival, endurance and the activation of that aspect of the Divine Will which is latent in matter (kundalini). When Aries qualifies the Earth position in the chart, the kundalini experience can be fiery, which is perhaps why Libra (where the Sun is found when the Earth is heliocentrically placed in Aries) rules the “Royal Road” to Shamballa.


2.                   The Earth Represents the Spleen and Pranic Absorption:

The Earth is presently a non-sacred planet, and, when the seven sacred planets are assigned to the seven usual chakras, the Earth is given an assignment in relation to the spleen. The Sun/Earth Axis is a ‘vitality axis’ and aspects to that axis affect for good or ill the access to and absorption of pranic vitality. Theory will reasonably indicate that when Aries energies influence the Earth position, access to vitality should be immedi­ate, but expenditure may also be rapid. Aries is a physical sign but not an “earthy” sign, and so the natural absorption of prana may be somewhat compromised by that attitude in many Aries people which prevents them from paying sufficient attention to the body’s natural needs. All this will have to be researched more extensively. Certainly access to various energies is rapid when the Sun is in Aries. It will be necessary to confirm the degree to which this is true when the Sun is placed in Libra.


3.                   A Lesson for those with Earth in Aries:
Libran people are bent on cooperative endeavors and like to work in partnership. Their position of Earth in Aries, however, tells them that the practicalities of dharmic task is their own responsibility, and they cannot rely upon others to see that the dharma is fulfilled.



Individuals with the Earth in Aries

(Heliocentrically: Also see Sun in Libra)


Francis of Assisi

Annie Besant

Niels Bohr

Jimmy Carter

Paul Foster Case

Michel de Cervantes

S.T. Coleridge

Aleister Crowley

Dwight D Eisenhower

William Faulkner

Enrico Fermi

Mohandas K. Gandhi

George Gershwin

Martin Heidegger

Charlton Heston

Heinrich Himmler

Charles Jayne

Dr. Samuel Johnson

Marc Edmund Jones

Timothy Leary

John Lennon

Franz Liszt

Bela Lugosi


Friedrich Nietzsche

Eleanor Roosevelt

Girolamo Savonarola

Cyril Scott

D.T. Suzuki

Margaret Thatcher

Henry V

Giuseppe Verdi

Noah Webster

Oscar Wilde

Ralph Vaughn Williams

Duchess of York





Ascendant in Aries


1.       The Ascendant is the most important directive factor in esoteric astrology:

It should legitimately be considered the first topic of discussion, however, for the sake of clarity, the decision has been made to discuss the two “Lights” (Sun and Moon) first, then the six Angles (and then the planets and asteroids).

In esoteric astrology, the meaning of the Ascendant and Sun-sign are significant­ly reversed. The Ascendant becomes the indicator of spiritual approach and the Sun-sign the indicator of the perpetuation of personality tendencies. In the advancing disciple, Sun-sign and Ascendant energies/forces are intended to combine, with the Sun-sign energies placed under the direction and guidance of the spiritual-tendencies of the higher aspects of the Rising-sign. When this happens, the personality may be integrated with the soul, and the soul will have at its disposal a spiritually responsive personal instrument.


2.       The “Sun of Possibility”:
When the Ascendant is in Aries, there exists the possibility of an entirely new beginning and a great departure from previously established personality trends, whether such trends have been established in the present incarnation or former ones.


3.       “The remoter possibilities, and the spiritual goal and purpose of the immediate incarnation and of the immediate succeeding incarnations”:
The “remoter possibilities” are keyed to the archetypal soul-purpose resident within the identity of the human-being-as-soul. The entirety of that purpose can only be realized in a long series of incarnations, but there is always a next, soul-intended phase to that complete realization. There is a drive forward towards that next accomplish­ment, pushing obstacles out of the way, focussing full energy with great effort upon the goal. A direction and trend is being set for immediately succeeding incarnations.


4.       How the disciple may be “nearer the centre of his life, closer to the centre of his group and approaching the centre of divine life”:
The disciple pushes towards the center, refusing to be hampered by that which lies behind. He is ‘intent upon the new’.


5.       The Way in which Personality Acquiescence is Achieved:
The personality is almost forced to acquiesce in the new direction leading ‘soul-wards’. Personality tradition, well-established habits, various inertias and resistances—none of these is allowed to interfere with the newly-willed direction inspired by soul contact.


6.       The Way in which the “Death of the Personality” is promoted:
The personality dies in the rush of energy directed towards the achievement of the new. Its desires are overcome by the greater will-to-achieve that which the soul ‘desires’.


7.       The Way in which Soul-infusion is Achieved:
Soul-infusion is achieved as the personality learns to forget that which lies behind. A new soul-related identity faces the individual with Aries-rising (perhaps a sequence of ‘new’ identities leading to a more archetypal identity resident within the soul). When the pattern of these identities is accepted by the personality consciousness and vigorously pursued, the soul energy can more readily flow into the personal, infusing and pervading.



Individuals with the Ascendant in Aries


Joan Baez

Annie Besant

Simon Bolivar

Johannes Brahms

Willy Brandt

John Brown

Oliver Cromwell

Isadora Duncan

Dwight D Eisenhower

Benjamin Franklin

Michael Gorbachev

Billy Graham

Alexander the Great

Thomas Hobbes

Genghis Khan

Herbet Horatio Kitchener

John Lennon

Joseph Lister

Douglas MacArthur

Eva Peron

John D. Rockerfeller

Girolamo Savonarola

Rabindranath Tagore

Nikola Tesla




Descendant in Aries


The Descendant, DSC, is the ‘Point of Engagement’ or the ‘Point of Relationship’:
When the DSC is located in Aries one must assert oneself in the making and sustaining of relationships. One takes the initiative in these matters and attempts to bring the ‘essence of one’s being’ into the relationship. Those with Libra-rising may be more directive in relationship and reciprocal engagements that one might suspect. With Aries on the seventh house cusp, self-fulfillment requires one to “take the lead” in establishing in cooperative enterprises and close mutual exchanges.



Individuals with the Descendant in Aries


Rosa Bonheur

Jimmy Carter

Winston Churchill

Bill Clinton

Desideius Erasmus

Stephen Foster

Eric Fromm

Mohandas K. Gandhi

Uri Geller

Hermann Helmholz

Adolf Hitler

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

14th Dalai Lama

Robert E. Lee

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Modest Moussorgsky

Sir Isaac Newton

H.S. Olcott

Louis Pasteur

Auguste Piccard

Emily Post

Giacomo Puccini

Albert Schweitzer

Walter Scott

John Wesley







MC in Aries


The MC is the ‘Career Point’ or the ‘Dharmic Point’:
When the MC is located in Aries dharma calls for initiative based upon as much of the soul-pattern or ‘Plan-pattern’ as can be realized. A willful and innovative approach to career is required, one in which the individual (responsive to his inner alignment with the Plan, or with his purpose as he conceives it) becomes the initiator of activities—focused within any number of possible vibrational dimensions—which will allow him to embody his portion of the Divine Plan or more personal purpose. The approach to be taken will resonate with the planets Mars, Mercury or Uranus, depending upon the stage in evolution reached by the individual.



Individuals with the Midheaven in Aries


Joan of Arc

Alice Bailey

William Blake

Benvenuto Cellini

Michel de Cervantes


Aleister Crowley

John Dee

Gaetano Donizetti

Anthony Van Dyck

Anne Frank

Galileo Galilei

Giuseppe Maria Garibaldi

Paul Joseph Goebbels

Elbert Hubbard

Czar Alexander II

Edward Bulwer Lytton

Franz Anton von Mezmer

Charles P. Steinmetz

Meryl Streep







IC in Aries


The IC is the ‘Foundational Point’ or the ‘Ashramic Point’:

When the IC is located in Aries, the work of establishing a personal or spiritual anchorage calls for initiative, assertion, pioneering effort. One can only rely upon oneself to create the ‘place of personal or spiritual refuge’. Some may labor for a personal home or security; others, more advanced, will labor for the Ashram as directed by the Master’s will. The ‘place of belonging’ must be created through individual effort.



Individuals with the IC in Aries


Hans Christian Andersen

Vincenzo Bellini

Robert Bly

Robert Browning

Lewis Carroll

S.T. Coleridge

Princess Diana

Fyodor Dosteovski

Bob Dylan

Mary Baker Eddy

Manly Palmer Hall

Herman Hesse

Jim Jones

Gottfried von Leibniz

Yehudi Menuhin


John Milton

Sir Thomas More


Eleanor Roosevelt

Dane Rudhyar

Earnest Rutherford

Jean Paul Sartre

Mother Teresa

Andreas Vesalius

Noah Webster

Frank Lloyd Wright











Vertex in Aries


The Vertex is the ‘Point of Fate’ or the ‘Point of Necessary Restitution’:

When the Vertex is located in Aries, the necessary and inescapable encounters which fate will bring (as a balance for encounters evaded or insufficiently worked through in the past) must be approached dynamically and without hesitation. Fate brings all manner of ‘appointments’; how shall the individual respond? In this case, frontally and bravely.



Individuals with the Vertex in Aries


Winston Churchill

Bill Clinton

Eric Fromm

Hermann Helmholz

14th Dalai Lama




Anti-Vertex in Aries


The Anti-Vertex is hypothetically considered the ‘Point of Freedom’ or the ‘Point of Unrestrained Willful Initiative’:
When the Anti-Vertex is in Aries, there is an opportunity for great freedom in the acts of origina­tion. If the Vertex represents that which cannot be avoided, the Anti-Vertex is a point in the chart with few restraints upon it (and, in this way, is very much like the sign Aries in its meaning). It is always possible to create streams of action (in thought, sentient magnetisms, or physical behav­ior) which are not strongly conditioned or determined by already established patterns of energy/­force. The Anti-Vertex is a kind of ‘Point of Free Origination’ where relatively free action of a certain quality (depending upon sign and aspects) may be introduced into the life, for better or for worse. With Aries qualifying this point, the act of origination is unusually free and self-determined.



Individuals with the Anti-Vertex in Aries



Marc Antony

Elias Ashmole

Joan Baez

Karl Barth

Annie Besant

Simon Bolivar

Johannes Brahms

Willy Brandt

John Brown

Oliver Cromwell

Father Joseph Damien

Isadora Duncan

Amelia Earhart

Dwight D Eisenhower

Enrico Fermi

Benjamin Franklin

Michael Gorbachev

Billy Graham

Ulysses S. Grant

Alexander the Great

Thomas Hobbes

Genghis Khan

Martin Luther King

Herbet Horatio Kitchener

John Lennon

Joseph Lister

Douglas MacArthur

John D. Rockerfeller

Gioacchino Rossini

Carl Sagan

Girolamo Savonarola

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Konstantin Stanislavsky

Rabindranath Tagore

Nikola Tesla

Queen Victoria

Richard Wagner

George Washington

Walt Whitman

Eli Whitney



Note: To a degree, and with caution, some of these indications may be transferred to the interpre­ta­tion of the first house, which is naturally associated with the first sign, Aries. Houses carry no formative energy; rather, house conditions are formed by formative energy. For instance, the third house does not confer the power to communicate; it simply relates to life’s communicative possibilities. Gemini, however, as the third sign, does confer the power to communicate.


Vulcan in Aries


Vulcan in Relation to Aries



1.                   Vulcan has a natural relationship with Aries through a fivefold relationship: Pointer II, Aries, Earth, Vulcan, Pluto.

2.                   Vulcan and Aries have a special affinity, as Vulcan is one of planets most conditioned by the first ray and Aries is presently the primary transmitter of the first ray.



Some Questions to Ask in Relation to the Influence of Vulcan in the Life of the Individual

These Questions Can Also be Applied to Vulcan in the Signs.


1.                   What is the nature of the “divine design” being inwardly forged in the life?

2.                   To what extent (and, if so, how) is the “Jewel in the Lotus” active in the life? Is there the capacity to hold an adamantine point of tension?

3.                   To what extent are the seven head centers [which can reasonably be inferred to be ruled by Vulcan] a prominent factor in the disciple’s energy system? To what extent do they dominate the normal, ‘lesser’ centers?

4.                   What is the manner in which the soul (Solar Angel) grips the personality, and bends the personality to its will and enforces that will?

5.                   From a soul perspective, in what manner and with what quality does the soul’s will impact the personality?

6.                   In what ways does the personality experience the pressure of the spiritual will?

7.                   Has the life been one in which circumstances and things have been periodically shattered?

8.                   To what extent and in what fields is the life of the individual impactful? Is the dynamic of the “hammer” noticeable in any of the energy fields or in relation to the environment?

9.                   When the individual uses the energy of destruction in the life, how does the individual exercise this energy and upon what or whom?

10.               How is will (whether personal will or spiritual will) generally evidenced in the life? What qualities of will are demonstrated? To what extent is the individual capable of steadfast­ness and endurance?

11.               What, if anything, does the individual seek to fashion and how does he or she go about this fashioning?

12.               To what extent and in what manner is the light value of matter manifested in the individ­ual’s energy system, especially through what we normally call the “matter aspect”?

13.               To what extent and how is the individual engaged in the process of the “uplift of matter”?

14.               How does the individual go about dominating or controlling the astral body, the body of desire?

15.               What is the nature of the interplay between sacral center and throat center, and is the will brought into this interplay in any potent or noticeable manner?

16.               In what manner and to what extent does the physical form prove obdurate, resistant and even obtuse to the will of the soul?

17.               To what extent is the individual given to self-will and stubbornness?

18.               How are ‘crystallizations developed within the personality? What role does ‘hardness’ play in the life?

19.               What are the nature and quality of the individual’s initiative? To what extent and how, does the individual “get things going”?

20.               To what extent is the individual concerned with the strength of the physical body?

21.               To what extent and how is the individual related to the mineral kingdom?

22.               In what ways, if any, does the individual will to construct? To what extent is such constructive activity utilitarian or artistic? To what extent is the individual deeply concerned with matters concerning the structure of form?

23.               How does the factor of isolation manifest in the life? For what reason is isolation pursued, if it is pursued?

24.               To what extent is the “Will-to-Love” active in the life, and in what manner is it active. (This question is in relation to Vulcan’s connection to the “Heart of the Sun”.)

25.               Etc.—these sorts of questions. I probably have overlooked some really important ones, but a rounded-out point of view will arise through the group interplay.


The following are answers to these questions, in relation to the position, Vulcan in Aries.


It is not yet possible in all cases to detect whether an individual actually has this position. According to present hypotheses, if his Sun is located between 9° and 21° Aries, then Vulcan will be Aries. But if the Sun sign position is before 9° and after 21° it cannot be presumed with certainty that Vulcan will be in Aries. Positions in Pisces or Taurus are also possible.


The responses to the questions are derived from as much from reasoning as from experience and experimentation (as the sample of such people with this position is too small and too uncertain).


1.                   What is the nature of the “divine design” being inwardly forged in the life?

The “divine design” being forged in the life of a disciple or initiate with a prominent Vulcan in Aries would be strongly archetypal and ideal rather than based upon expedient practicality. The individual “divine design” would be imposed


2.                   To what extent (and, if so, how) is the “Jewel in the Lotus” active in the life? Is there the capacity to hold an adamantine point of tension?

The power to hold an adamantine point of tension by sheer force of will, would be very strong. If the point of evolution is sufficient, the effective will-force of the monad would be considerable.


3.                   To what extent are the seven head centers [which can reasonably be inferred to be ruled by Vulcan] a prominent factor in the disciple’s energy system? To what extent do they dominate the normal, ‘lesser’ centers?

There would be a tremendous head center focus (crown chakra). Aries can very reasonably be associated with the head center (for, zodiacally, it is directly related to the head), and Vulcan is given as ruling the head center of disciple (p. 517, EA). Vulcan, as well, may be reasonably associated with the seven controlling head centers by the following analogy: Great Bear is to the Seven Head Centers in the One About Whom Naught May Be Said as the planet Vulcan is to the seven head centers of our Solar Logos, as Vulcan (in its microcosmic mode) is to the seven head centers in a human being.

4.                   What is the manner in which the soul (Solar Angel) grips the personality, and bends the personality to its will and enforces that will?

The Solar Angel would grip the personality, bend the personality to its will, and enforce that will in a manner not characterized by an particular subtlety or gentleness. There would be a potent, fiery display of forcefulness from the soul field and the personality would experience a powerful ‘Vulcanian impact’ (a tiny reflection of a Shamballa Impact—as both Vulcan and Aries are easily associated with Shamballa, the Planetary Head Center).


5.                   From a soul perspective, in what manner and with what quality does the soul’s will impact the personality?

From the soul perspective, the soul will would impact the personality with a certain forceful incessancy; the pressure would be unrelenting .The would be little moderation or restraint in the soul’s effort to bend the personality to its will.


6.                   In what ways does the personality experience the pressure of the spiritual will?

The personality, depending upon its quality and structure would (more or less) experience the pressureful impact of the soul as onerous and unrelenting. There would be a sense that inner pressure was persistently being applied, and that one was always being forced forward. The soul, in this case, could be sense as a kind of ‘slave-driver’, for no matter what might be the ray of the soul, Vulcan in Aries represents a powerful combination of ray one forces. “…Aries which, through the ruling activity of the first ray, both strengthens the will of the man (no matter what his ray)…” (EA 119) On occasion there would be a kind of ‘crashing through’ of soul force which is typical of the movement of the first ray.

“The will which brings fulfilment demonstrates through the second ray by the means of that driving force which enables the second ray soul steadily to achieve its goal, relentlessly pushing forward, permitting itself no let-up or leeway until the desired goal is reached. This is a different expression to the will of the first ray which is dynamic and which crashes forward in spite of all obstacles; the latter does not require the slower methods of the steady drive.” (EA 624, Italics, MDR)

Actually, with Vulcan in Aries, both qualities of the will as just described would be present—both a crashing forward and through, and the quality of unrelenting persistence (at least for the duration during which energy was applied, which periods would be lengthened through the influence of Vulcan). Although both Aries and Vulcan are known for their transmission of the first ray (and thus for bursts of energy), they are both also known for their uncompromising intent to achieve the goal. Vulcan is always associated with the principle of endurance, with the refusal to give up, and Aries (though discon­tinuous) is relentless in the pursuit of its objectives (during the period of pursuit). Vulcan would add endurance to the usual Aries approach, and Aries would add fire and insistence to Vulcan.


7.                   Has the life been one in which circumstances, things and personality states have been periodically shattered?

The effect of shattering in the life would be pronounced. At least, enough spiritual power is applied inwardly to readily produce shattering (unless modified and buffered by ameliorative forces). Soul-driven will-currents would be unusually strong, and this (in a weakened or unprepared personality vehicle) could easily produce shattering.

8.                   To what extent and in what fields is the life of the individual impactful? Is the dynamic of the “hammer” noticeable in any of the energy fields or in relation to the environment?

The “hammer aspect” of Vulcan would be readily and easily expressed when Vulcan is in Aries. Aries individuals have always to learn to co-measure the force they release; this combination does not tend towards co-measurement but towards the application of excessive force. Force can be expressed in an overpowering manner, and with strong, rhythmic accents‑hammer blows. Aries is related to the ‘dance’ (the “Dance of Life”); the sense of rhythm in this combination would be strong, and the rhythmic impacts would be powerful. D.K. speaks of the first ray type’s love of “crashing choruses” (EP I 202); Vulcan in Aries would give the love of what might be called ‘crashing impacts’.


9.                   When the individual uses the energy of destruction in the life, how does the individual exercise this energy and upon what or whom?

Destructive behavior would be expected through the immoderate application of force. Whether upon people or things, destruction would be used to be rid of obstacles; these obstacles would be faced “head-on”. There would be very little subtlety in the destructive process.


10.               How is the will (whether personal will or spiritual will) generally evidenced in the life? What qualities of will are demonstrated? To what extent is the individual capable of steadfastness and endurance?

In the terminology of the spiritual psychologist Robert Assagioli, (unless other astrorayological factors contra-indicated) the “strong” will would be predominantly in evidence, rather than the “skillful will” or the “good-will”. The quality of unrelenting, though discontinuously applied, will would be prominent. There would be steadfastness during periods of intense application, but the application of will over long periods would be punctuated by short bursts of great intensity rather than by a continuous steady and even pressure.


11.               What, if anything, does the individual seek to fashion and how does he or she go about this fashioning?

With this combination there would not be an inherent and especially deep understanding of matter per se (though Vulcan, in itself, always confers this kind of understanding). The fashioning, then, would take place not so much in the more tangible realms, as one might expect with Vulcan in Taurus or in one of the earth signs. Depending upon the point in evolution (though, let us remember, we are talking principally about disciples and initiates when thinking of the conscious application of the energy of the sacred and undiscovered planet, Vulcan) the process of fashioning would relate more to the realm of thought and ideation. These types would be more likely to ‘hammer out a theory’ than to fashion or craft an object or structure in matter. The relationship with the matter and material would, in many instance, tend to be destructive because of an unrealistic assessment (Aries) of how much pressure a particular material object or structure could “take”.


12.               To what extent and in what manner is the light value of matter manifested in the individual’s energy system, especially through what we normally call the “matter aspect”?

Such “light value” would manifest to a rather lesser extent in an individual energy system than would be the case with Vulcan in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn (all earth signs). In some ways, soul light is obscured in Aries (for Venus is in detriment) though the light of the spirit is not. Aries is not known for the refinement of the matter aspect; its natural ruler, Mars, is ‘profane’ in an important sense (“outside the temple”) and is astrologically opposed to Venus, planet of light. But it can be reasonably supposed that the matter aspect could be raised to great heat with Vulcan in Aries, and this heat is a predecessor of light.


13.               To what extent and how is the individual engaged in the process of the “uplift of matter”?

Perhaps Vulcan in Aries is more involved in forcing the compliance of matter than in uplifting it. This combination, however, would definitely force matter into the fire, which, again, would (through inevitable fiery purification) end in revealing the ‘light value’ in matter thus leading to its upliftment. We should also be aware of a certain ‘resurrection value’ in this combination.


14.               How does the individual go about dominating or controlling the astral body, the body of desire?

It is reasonable to say, ‘by brute force’. Aries is such a mental sign (at this stage of evolution). We would see the combination mind/will oppose desire. There would simply be the tendency to say ‘No’ to desire, without necessarily understanding it or transmuting it. Therefore, (in a disciple or initiate) this combination could be repressive where desire and the astral body are concerned.


15.               What is the nature of the interplay between sacral center and throat center, and is the will brought into this interplay in any potent or noticeable manner?

With Vulcan in Aries (especially if prominent in the life through strong aspects or by ray sympathy {i.e., when first ray is naturally a part of the energy system}), the will would always be brought into play in the interchange between the sacral and throat centers. There might be the tendency to deny the one (the sacral) and force the other (the throat). With this combination, Cain is all too ready to kill Abel. The danger is that force will be used against nature; the will, will impose its design without giving time for the process to operate in a reasonably natural manner. With Vulcan in Aries there would be a sense of “forcing the issue” whether or not a process can respond positively to forcing. It must be noted, however, that Vulcan is not a particular verbal planet and the throat center is the seat of verbal creation.


16.               In what manner and to what extent does the physical form prove obdurate, resistant and even obtuse to the will of the soul? To what extent is the individual given to self-will and stubbornness?

Vulcan in Aries is “head strong”, whereas Vulcan in Taurus is “bull-headed”. Perhaps there is a difference, but maybe not much. In any case, the potential for self-will and stubbornness is very strong. But we might say that Vulcan in Aries would incline a person to be more changeable about the matters about which he or she were stubborn—perhaps we might say, ‘unpredictably stubborn’. While this is not really an esoteric interpretation, we are dealing with a very esoteric planet whose ways in exoteric matters are, perhaps, somewhat obscure, and therefore worthy of discussion.


17.               How are ‘crystallizations developed within the personality? What role does ‘hardness’ play in the life?

With Aries transmitting both R1 and R7, hard attitudes are to be expected, but perhaps they do not become hardened as one would expect with Vulcan in Capricorn, for instance. There would be some intermittency; thus the combination would harden the attitude on occasion.


18.               What are the nature and quality of the individual’s initiative? To what extent and how, does the individual “get things going”?

Aries is the sign of all beginnings and Vulcan sets things in motion (including the whole evolutionary process). One can imagine that the tendency to initiate would be prominent and forceful. We might think of this dynamic as ‘original impact’‑or what has been called in theology, the “Prime Mover”—the “Fiat of God” as it creates Divine Activity.


19.               To what extent is the individual concerned with the strength of the physical body?

The individual would be very much concerned with the strength of the physical body, and inclined to force the physical body into feats of strength. The Uranian planet (in “Uranian Astrology
J ‘Vulcanus/Samson’ would be implicated in such demonstrations of strength. It will be necessary to discriminate between the effects of Vulcan and “Vulcanus/Samson” in their effect upon physical strength. Perhaps, too little is presently known to make that discrimination reliably..


20.               To what extent and how is the individual related to the mineral kingdom?

Aries, per se, is not closely related to the mineral kingdom, but the first and seventh rays coming through Aries are thus related. However, the tendency to forge weapons, or, even more, to use forged weapons would be very strong. Other placements of Vulcan would, perhaps, be more inclined to fashion the weapon, but the Aries influence rarely hesitates to wield the weapon.


21.               In what ways, if any, does the individual will to construct? To what extent is such constructive activity utilitarian or artistic? To what extent is the individual deeply concerned with matters concerning the structure of form?

It would seem that construction in matter would be limited. Construction within the realm of mind would be more common (for disciples and initiates). Impatient Aries is not a sign which inclines toward a knowledge of the laws of matter.


22.               How does the factor of isolation manifest in the life? For what reason is isolation pursued, if it is pursued?

The tendency towards isolation could be pronounced. On a lower turn of the spiral, Aries inclines towards a “go-it-alone” attitude. The first ray emphasis in this combination would reinforce the tendency towards isolation. Isolation might be pursued to facilitate independence of action. There would be a pronounced tendency towards self-reliance, and an inclination to “take matters into one’s own hands”. The capacity (at a later stage of evolution) to centralize in the Self would lead initially to isolation.


23.               To what extent is the “Will-to-Love” active in the life and in what manner is it active? (This question is in relation to Vulcan’s connection to the “Heart of the Sun”.)

The ‘will-tendency’ would incline more towards the “Will-to-Be”, though Aries (at a high point of evolution) is an example of the “Lamb of God slain from the foundations of the World”. The “Eternal Youth” (Aries) is also the “Great Sacrifice” (Pisces). We might say the monad begins its pilgrimage under the impulse of the Will-to-Love, and that beginning might be related to Aries (just as the first impulse into incarnation of the soul comes under the rulership of Aries).


24.               How will Vulcan (when it is in a particular sign) operate with respect to the various initiations in which it is said to play a part?

Vulcan in Aries would certainly enflame the “burning ground” phenomenon which precedes the first initiation (during which Vulcan and Pluto are so prominent). We might also say that Vulcan (related as it is to the monad and Shamballa) forces the spirit into matter at the beginning of the initiatory regime. (The monad is active in relation to the soul and subtly in relation to the personality and its ‘matters’, even at the first initiation.) The prologue to the first initiation must necessarily be destructive because there are many impediments to a fundamentally new orientation which must be destroyed; the habit nature (Vulcan/Moon) of aeons must be broken, even shattered. We might see, with Vulcan in Aries, the inauguration of the new and the burning of bridges (or shall we say, the dynamiting of bridges?).

Aries is active at the third initiation (EA 387-388). Also, at that initiation, Mars and the Moon (veiling Vulcan from one reasonable interpretation) are also active. The monadic will (active to some extent at the second degree) becomes an irrevocable influence at the third initiation. Aries give a strong orientation toward spirit, for spirit is the “One and Only”, and Aries is the One. Vulcan is the emissary of the Will of the Spirit (sometimes called “Spiritual Will”). We can see, then, how Vulcan and Aries are prominent at the third initiation initiation, at which time, the will of the monad becomes irrevocable (though, at first, tenuously so). Having passed the point of no return some mid-way between the second and third degree, the now trusted disciple is committed to the initiatory regime of the Great While Lodge and cannot turn back. Vulcan in Aries represents a new appreciation of the Divine Will, and a new (though incipient) ability to wield the same. All personality inclinations and desires are burned away (another burning ground for Vulcan in Aries) in the will of the monad, and the beginning of real isolation takes place, for the man is never more attracted to the three worlds simply for that which he may acquire from them.

With respect to the fourth degree, Vulcan is greatly involved, as the “depths of aloneness are plumbed”. At the fourth degree we find the man (detached from “that which is above and that which is below”) renouncing all desire. Again, we see Vulcan as the enemy of desire per se, for will and desire (though related) are, in one sense, opposites. Vulcan confers the strength to prove that all desire except the desire to manifest the Plan has been renounced. As the fourth Degree represents an entirely new departure, and a repolarization within the vital body of the planetary Logos (and even the solar Logos) we can see how Aries, the sign of life is particularly implicated. An initiate begins truly to live at this point, and Aries inaugurates this process of living. We can see as well since the causal body must be destroyed to admit into the ‘realm of Life’, the combination of Aries in Vulcan would be most suitable to both shatter and burn the causal body. At the fourth initiation, burning takes place for all, but there are different methods of ‘causal dismemberment’; for the first ray, it is shattering, peculiarly related to Vulcan in Aries. What kind of force will “shatter the rock” (reference not only to matter, but to the Jewel in the Lotus which is also destroyed and consumed by fire at the fourth initiation). The fourth degree represents an adventure into the realm of “free souls”, and Aries inaugurates all such adventures. This is an adventure into the ‘realm of will’ (for which the combination Vulcan in Aries is peculiarly useful). Destruction, Fire, Inauguration, Life.


25.               What can be expected of the combination Vulcan in Aries based upon the rays which are transmitted through Aries and the rays which are transmitted through Vulcan.

Aries as a constellation, transmits rays one and seven. The planets ruling Aries transmit ray six and (hypothetically ray one—Mars; rays four, three and hypothetically five—Mercury; rays seven, one, three and five—Uranus. Vulcan transmits ray one definitely, ray four probably, and rays five and seven are definitely associated with it through Vulcan’s connection to the mineral kingdom.

Some rays listed (other than the customary) are based upon various available references, and also upon speculative inference. Rays one, seven and three for Uranus are given by the Tibetan, and ray five is inferred because of the close connection of Uranus with occult and orthodox science as well as with electricity. The inference regarding the association of ray one with Mars arises for DK’s brief description the occult school on Mars. Mercury’s third and fifth rays are easily and reasonably inferred.

In relation to Vulcan, rays one and seven can be considered prominent. Vulcan’s association with ray seven arises through the ‘factor of rhythm’ and through Vulcan’s association with the mineral kingdom. Vulcan has a close connection with all that is concrete and dense hence its association with ray five which promotes concretion and density. A study of the “Primary Lotuses” (TCF 841-842) seems, by inference and some intuition, to connect Vulcan with a strong ray five component. Let each student attempt to arrive at a reasonable judgement for himself/herself. With respect to Primary Lotuses (emphasizing the first and third petals of the egoic lotus, ray five can be considered, in one way, a subset of ray one).

If we were to ask the meaning of the Aries/Vulcan ray seven connection, we might think of enforced regimentation, and the fortifying of the law, rigidly considered. But the seventh ray connection with Vulcan is speculative, whereas Vulcan’s first ray is assured and its fourth ray strongly suggested through its association with Taurus and with humanity (the “Fiery Stones” and the “Living Stones”)


Specific Expression of Vulcan in Aries


Vulcan in Aries for the Average or Undeveloped Human Being


  1. Crudely forceful impacts
  2. Under-estimating the limitations of matter
  3. Harsh application of the will
  4. Brute force
  5. Vulcan in Aries—
  6. Breaking in
  7. ‘Matter over mind


Vulcan in Aries for the Advanced Human Being


  1. Strong will
  2. Power to initiate
  3. Power to emphasize
  4. Concentration of forces for maximum impact
  5. The manifestation of the new


Vulcan in Aries for the Disciple or Initiate


  1. ‘Conquest’ of the lower nature through sheer force of will
  2. Initial vibration
  3. The power to take initiation by forcing penetration into new fields of vibration. ‘Breaking into’ the New.
  4. Mobilization of the spiritual will

5.       Imposition of the Divine Plan

6.       Monadic access and power

7.       The irresistible impression of the spirit aspect



Individuals with Vulcan Necessarily in Aries

(Sun will be from 9° Aries to 21° Aries)


this list includes only those Sun signs within longitude of 9 to 21

Check this over – do we want RAM Das under Ram?


Hans Christian Andersen

Johann Sebastian Bach

Charles Pierre Baudelaire

Otto von Bismarck

Marlon Brando

Leo Buscaglia

Giovanni Casanova


Rene Descartes

Francisco Goya

Vincent van Gogh

William Harvey

Franz Joseph Haydn

Joseph Lister

Moses ben Maimon

Abraham Maslow

Ram Dass


Edmond Rostand

Charles P. Steinmetz

Algernon Swinburne

William Wordsworth


General Questions Concerning
the Spiritual Function of Mercury



1.       What type of messages are carried from soul to personality?


2.       What are the qualitative and quantitative dynamics characterizing the carrying and reception of such messages?


3.       Qualitatively and quantitatively what is the nature of the dialogue between soul and personality?


4.       What is the specific type of right relation or bridging which Mercury establishes between soul and personality?


5.       In what way does the individual with Mercury in a particular sign give ‘voice’ and ‘word’ to higher realizations?


6.       In what manner does Mercury in a particular sign contribute to the building of the “Rainbow Bridge”—the Antahkarana?


7.       What is the nature of the individual’s intuitive process and access—its strength, its quantity, its quality?


8.       What is the nature and quality of the thoughtform-building process?


9.       How is the fusion of spirit and soul facilitated?



Mercury in Aries or in Relation to Aries


Evolutionary Mantram of the Sign Aries: “And the Word said: Let form again be sought”

Spiritual Mantram of the Sign Aries: “I come forth, and from the plane of mind, I rule”


Quotations from Esoteric Astrology, relevant to the meaning of Mercury in relation to Aries.


1.       Mercury in Aries:—Involved in Harmonizing the Cosmos and the Individual:
Aries and Virgo, through Mercury and the Moon, are related to Ray 4. Harmonising the cosmos and the individual through conflict, producing unity and beauty. The birth pangs of the second birth. The Cosmic and Individual Christ” (EA 67)


2.       Mercury in Relation to Aries—Setting the Jungles of Illusion on Fire:
“Through the lesser fire of mind, the ‘jungles of illusion are set on fire and dissolve in flames and then the Path stands clear and unobstructed vision is achieved’.”(Old Commentary) (EA 95)


3.       Mercury in Relation to Aries—Purification Through Vision:
“This same purification [as in the case of Mars], but this time through vision, comes to the developed man through the activity of the subjective ruler of the planet, Mercury, who is the illuminating principle which releases the mind, directs the way of man through life and enables him to be aware of the divine Plan which underlies all his fiery experience.” (EA 96)


4.       Mercury in Relation to Aries—Birth:
“At the same time, Aries is related to birth, through Mercury who rules Aries esoterically, and also Virgo, of which Mercury is the exoteric ruler.” (EA 98)


5.       Mercury in Relation to Aries—Leads Aries to Virgo; Mercury and the Sun are One:
“Mercury and the Sun are one, we are frequently told in the occult literature. The Sun is the symbol of the Son of God, Who is the mediator between Father-Spirit and Mother-Matter. Mercury, therefore, leads Aries to Virgo (again speaking symbolically) where the idea or Word of God begins to take form, and consequently the latent life in Aries comes to the ‘crisis of the birth hour,’ prior to the birth of the Christ, cosmically considered, though the birth of the individual Christ takes place in Capricorn, at the close of the needed gestation period.” (EA 100)


6.       Mercury in Aries—Related to the Birthplace of Divine Ideas:
“Aries, the ‘birthplace of divine Ideas,’ whether these ideas are souls brought into incarnation and controlled by Mars until they reach the point of reorientation and become sensitive to the influence of Mercury, or whether they are the birth of the ideas of God in the form of the hierarchical plans to which the initiate becomes sensitive.” (EA 102)


7.       Mercury in Relation to Aries (and Gemini)—Will-to-Be in Form, and Will-to-be-Free of Form: “The potencies of Gemini-Aries, instilled into our planetary life via Mercury, focus the energy of the conditioning will-to-be upon the Earth, producing initial beginnings as in incarnation, or initiation, or the start of organisation as well as organisms. It should be remembered that there is the will-to-be in form and the will-to-be free from form, but all these aspects of will are achieved through conflict and interplay of which energy both Gemini and Mercury are the eternal symbols.” (EA 358-359)


8.       Mercury in Aries—with Gemini, Inciting to Trial Efforts and Beginnings:
“The influence of Mercury, as it relates Aries and Gemini to our Earth, establishes in time and space a unique situation, for it incites to trial efforts or initiates a series of beginnings in order to relate opposing forces and produce certain planned and definite effects upon our planet, thus influencing the kingdoms in nature or an individual soul-in-form. A conflict is thus initiated which leads finally to balance.” (EA 360)


9.       Mercury in Relation to Aries—Leads into the Mysteries:
“2. Mercury is the expression of fourth ray energy and this is, as you know, peculiarly related to the fourth kingdom in nature, the human kingdom. It is the esoteric ruler of Aries (hence it ‘leads into the mysteries’)…”(EA 548-549)


10.   Mercury in Relation to Aries—Bringing Illumination and Intuitive Understanding:
“… in the evolution of the will aspect, you have the influence of Mars and Mercury—the one bringing conflict and the death of the form and the other bringing illumination and the development of the intuition as a result of that conflict and death. New cycles of Being and of consciousness are initiated by conflict. Such seems as yet to be the law of life and the governing factor in evolution. If, however, the result of this initiating, energising will is to produce such beneficent effects of intuitive understanding and the activity of Mercury as the messenger of the Gods, it can be seen how truly through conflict the will-to-good can be wrought out.” (EA 619)



Specific Expression of Mercury in Aries


Mercury in Aries for the Average of Undeveloped Man


1.       Energetic pursuit of novelty for its own sake

2.       Combative, argumentative mind, thought which causes friction

3.       Chaotic, disjointed thinking, discontinuity of thought

4.       Hasty thinking, overly rapid conclusions

5.       Inability to develop thought, elaborate it, or carry it through—all beginnings and no endings.


Mercury in Aries for the Advanced Human Being


1.       Rapid reaction to new ideas and the tendency to implement them with immediacy.

2.       Great mental energy. ‘Fiery thought’. The raging fires of mind are pronounced.

3.       Fertility of thought, a fount of ‘new ideas’, the scattering of mental ‘seeds’ or “seed ideas”

4.       Intrepid mind, fearless mind, daring to ‘think the un-thought or unthinkable’ forcing the issues mentally.

5.       The mind which rejects that which is pre-established—ignoring previous patterns of thought, feeling and behavior. Under this independent influence, the individual must “see for himself” and “think for himself”


Mercury in Aries for the Disciple or Initiate


(The usual exoteric and psychological interpretations are purposely not here emphasized).


1.       The kind of mind that discovers new Archetypes, (i.e., those which are on the point of revelation). It is a mind open to that which is as yet unrevealed. Shedding the light of the Archetypes, especially of the light of “idea(s) whose time has come”.

2.       The bringer of ‘new light’ via the intuition.

3.       Soul messages arrive with a ‘blast’, augmenting the conflict between soul and personality. A vigorous, interactive soul/personality dialogue. Sharp and ‘argumentative’ exchanges between soul and personality providing creative ferment and possible mental stress.

4.       The pioneering, demanding mind, penetrating into the formless worlds by the force of will.

5.       Willful and assertive ‘bridging’. Bridging with strenuous effort, ‘throwing or ‘hurling’ strands of substance across the “gap in consciousness” during the “projection” phase in the building of the Antahkarana.

6.       Mentally, “taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm”.

7.       The intuition which reveals the Will and Plan of God. The mind is unusually responsive to the Will and Purpose Aspects of Deity.

8.       Mental fertility, and the pouring forth of creative ideation. The creation and propelling and scattering of “seed ideas” inspired by soul and spirit.

9.       Soul messages are authoritative.

10.   The soul/personality conflict (brought about by increased soul/personality communication) centers upon whether the personality is willing to live according to the new archetypes which the intuition reveals.

11.   A mind useful in discovering ‘First Principles’, ‘Causative Principles’.

12.   A mind conducive to the achievement of mental synthesis (produced by the ‘burning away’ of ‘thought barriers’ to that synthesis).

13.   The tendency to think in and respond to ‘mental fiats’, commands. “I come forth and from the plane of mind I rule”.

14.   A mind contributing to the willful regulation and suppression of the emotional, and physical-etheric vehicles.

15.   A mind given to thinking in terms of absolutes. (Of course this will vary with the nature of the mental ray).

16.   A mind particularly responsive to the power aspect of ideas.

17.   A mind (at a certain point in evolution) characterized by the ‘Will to Identification’, determined to weld subject/object into a sameness. (The higher mind of India may be qualified by Aries, as Aries is the soul-ruler of that nation).



Individuals with Mercury in Aries


Hans Christian Andersen

Karl Barth

Lucrezia Borgia

Johannes Brahms

Marlon Brando

John Brown

William Jennings Bryan

Sir Richard Burton

Leo Buscaglia

Teilhard de Chardin

Rene Descartes

Albert Einstein

Eric Fromm

Vincent van Gogh

Francisco Goya

Ulysses S. Grant

Catherine the Great

Franz Joseph Haydn

Adolf Hitler

Queen Elizabeth II

Henry James

Immanuel Kant

Joseph Lister

Guglielmo Marconi

J. Pierpont Morgan

Modest Moussorgsky

Florence Nightingale

Eva Peron

Wilhelm Rontgen

William Shakespeare

Algernon Swinburne

Rabindranath Tagore

Arturo Toscanini

Leonardo da Vinci

Wilbur Wright

General Questions Concerning the
Spiritual Function of Venus


Venus in Aries or Venus in Relation to Aries

(from Esoteric Astrology)


Quotations from Esoteric Astrology, relevant to the meaning of Venus in relation to Aries.


Venus is in Detriment in Aries:

“The power of Venus is lessened in this sign (Aries).  It is a detrimental sign to Venus. The reason for this is that when the Sun is exalted and blazes forth in all its glory, the other lesser luminaries fade out.  Just as the personality is lost sight of in the light of the soul, the solar Angel, so the soul itself disappears and its power and radiance fade out when the Presence, which it has hitherto veiled, appears and dominates the scene at the end of the greater world cycle.  We are told that the incarnating Minds, human beings, the solar Angels, came originally from Venus, but they in turn give place to the monad, the One.  Mind gives place to intuition and reason to pure perception.” (EA 104-105)


Specific Expressions of Venus in Aries


1.       Venus is one of the planets which rules the intellect, and Aries is a mental sign. Aries is more related to Mercury than to Venus. If Venus is a planet which evaluates, then the rash and precipitous nature of Aries does not give Venus a chance to complete its evaluation. As a result, there is rapid attraction to that which may not be truly suitable or worth while. The values are distorted by ‘heat’ from fiery Aries. The true love aspect of Venus cannot be so easily activated in Aries, though the mentality represented by Venus (fifth ray) may be stimulated in this first ray/seventh ray sign associated with the head. However, it must be considered that Mars is the orthodox ruler of Aries, and this Martian presence tends to stimulate more the lower aspect of Venus relating to desire. Venus may become hasty and overexcited by the Martian quality. Thus, in this Venus position, we have combative Mars related to a planet (Venus) for which peace is consummately important


2.       In the phase of evolution during which Mercury rules Aries, the brilliant, mental aspect of Venus may be enhanced. There is possible an affection for and love of mental things (the “things of the mind”), but the heart aspect may be somewhat missing from this ‘love’.


3.       With Venus in Aries, there also may be a cerebralization of the affection. In its highest expression this will be what has been called “Platonic Love”. Impersonally, this may be seen as a love of ideal, archetypal patterns. More personally applied, there may be a love of the ideal person, or the archetype of the individual, but not of the entire, “flesh-and-blood” person. Self-love may also be pronounced, as Aries does not promote skill in reciprocity. There may be a degree of narcissism, and the love of one’s own mind and its process.


4.       Anticipatory desire and an eagerness to experience with immediacy, tends to overcome the light value of Venus, as well as its good judgment.


5.       The fruits of Aretian initiatives bring a greater fusion of soul and personality (the Venus process).


Venus in Aries for the Average or Undeveloped Human Being


1.       Immediate Enthusiasm for What is Desired:
With Venus in Aries there is a tendency to follow, immediately and without reservation, that which is seen as beautiful. There is instantaneous ardor for that which attracts—whether for good or ill.

2.       Coarsening of Magnetism:
Venus in Aries can contribute to a coarsening of magnetism—an attraction to that which is less refined than would be the case, for instance, with Venus in Libra.

3.       Strengthens Kama-Manas:
Venus is already associated with kama-manas, and Aries (in early evolutionary days) is passional. This combination, therefore, strengthens kama-manas (desire-mind). Venus in signs like Virgo and Capricorn may make it easier to dissociate the mental from the feeling function.

4.       Hastiness in Evaluation:
Venus in Aries contributes to hastiness in the evaluative function. On a mundane level this can work out, for instance, as buying anything that immediately appeals to one without taking time to properly evaluate it.

5.       Falling in Love Quickly and Superficially:
Similarly, Venus in Aries can incline one to fall in love with ‘almost anybody who is appealing’ without really gauging the quality and suitability of the person to whom they are attracted. This can be called “love at first sight”—often, with later unhappy results.

6.       Indiscriminate Attractions:
Aries (upon the Mutable Cross) is an energy inclining towards proliferation as well as towards non-discriminative response to stimuli; therefore, during the early evolutionary period, an abundance of indiscriminate magnetisms and attractions are likely.

7.       Assertive Approach to That which One Loves:
Under this combination, the one who is attracted does not wait for the attractive object to “come to him”. Instead, he pursues the object. There is, therefore, an eager going-out towards the object of attraction.

8.       the “Assertive Woman”; the “Amazon”:
The combination symbolizes the “assertive (Aries) woman (Venus)”. There is more assertion here than magnetism. In mythology, Pallas Athene carries this quality, and, indeed, she was a warrior goddess born out of the head of her father, Jupiter.

9.       Heart Energy Needs Cultivation:
The energy of the heart, a patient energy, may be more difficult to activate due to the energy of impatient Aries. The solar plexus and ajna are more easily activated. One wants (solar plexus) what one sees (ajna).

10.   Unsettled Nervous System; Ill-regulated Expenditure:
Venus and prana (the “treasure of vitality”) are intimately related; Venus also rules the “nervous system” (EH 143). Because Aries is prodigal, there may be a diverse and ill-regulated expenditure of prana. This is an unsettling combination; the nervous and etheric systems may have less equanimity than with other combinations.

11.   Unclear Vision:
Symbolically, Venus focuses the light just like the magnifying glass; ability to focus, however, is often a problem under the influence of Aries. Venus is related to good eye sight—the clarity that comes from focus and appreciation; Aries is not. Thus, this combination may give some unclarity or obscuration with regard to external and internal vision. The situation would be quite otherwise with Venus in vision and light-related signs like Taurus, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

12.   Insufficient Understanding of those who are ‘Loved’:
True love requires that the ‘object’ loved be deeply understood. Because Venus in Aries inclines towards haste, perhaps there is a lack of true appreciation and understanding of the ‘loved’ object. Rash, impulsive attraction towards an object—an attraction misnamed “love”—means, fundamentally, that one does not know the quality of that object and does not have the patience to register and assimilate that quality.

13.   Looking for a Partner “Just Like Me”:
The factor of projection is very strong with this combination. There is not much interest in getting to know the true nature of any ‘loved object’. Rather, there is the tendency to see oneself in such an object. The love of another becomes, really, a love of self.

14.   Superficial Accumulations and Lack of Assimilation and Appreciation:
The accumulative faculty may be stimulated, but accumulations tend to be of superficial value and of short duration—easily dispersed.  Real assimilation of that which is gathered (a real “taking in”) is difficult. Because of a sense of rush, Aries is classically resistant to assimilation (which always takes time). Venus in Aries is also insufficiently or superficially appreciative. This lack of real appreciation may apply to the world of personal relationships, but also to the world of business and investment. Even in the financial world, the word “appreciate” means to gather, and to expand the qualitative worth of what is gathered. This takes time and patience. Thus, with respect to the resources gathered under this influence, there is little “appreciation of value”. This may also apply to the interpersonal field, where love of new attractions may take the place of the appreciation of those relationships already established.

15.   Disappointment in Love:
With this combination, the result of attraction is so often disappointment, because the focus of attraction does not live up to expectation.

16.   The Love of Death and Destruction:
Venus bring love and appreciation (and awakened intelligent interest). The sign Aries provides strife and violence. This may bring violence, and even death, into love/‘desire’ relationships.

17.   Human Love is ‘Hot’:
This is not a warm position for Venus (such as in Leo). Rather it is ‘hot’ and passionate. The serenity of Venus is diminished in the Aretian ‘atmosphere’.


Venus in Aries for the Advanced Human Being


1.       Mental Beauty:
This combination confers an appreciation of “mental (Aries/Venus) beauty (Venus)”. This can work out as aesthetic appreciation or, for instance, as an appreciation for the beauty and elegance of mathematical formulae.

2.       Enthusiasm for Ideal Beauty:
Venus in Aries is associated with the beauty of Archetypes—those guiding subjective patterns, which condition all formation below. Under this influence, one can appreciate the beauty (Venus) of the Divine Concept (Aries) and the Divine Purpose. The beauty (Venus) of the Divine Plan can be found with Venus in Capricorn.

3.       Aesthetic Theory:
There may be a capacity for aesthetic theory, because Venus is the planet related to aesthetics (or the philosophy of the beautiful), and Aries (when it begins to be ruled by Mercury) becomes, often, mental-theoretical in expression.

4.       The Mind as an Organ of Sentiency:
Under this combination the mind can be used as an organ of sentiency; one feels with the mind.

5.       Love of Concepts:
Much of the energy of love may be directed towards mental concepts: “What a beautiful idea!” This is a fine position for an architect (who creates patterns of beauty in the mind) but less so for a builder of concrete structures, unless the ability to do so comes from other sources. One may also collect examples of inspiring thoughts.

6.       Concepts of Love:
There may be the concept of love, but will the love express through the heart, becoming “more than just a concept”?

7.       Theoretical Approach to Experience:
Venus is experiential (entering experience not only mentally, but sentiently). Aries (under the esoteric rulership of Mercury) may have a tendency to “remain in the head”. Thus, under this combination, there may develop a more theoretical than participatory approach to experience.

18.   Strong Ajna Center Focus:
A relatively strong ajna center focus would be anticipated because Aries is associated with the head in general, and with the directing power of the Ajna center, and Venus is always associated with the ajna center. Venus in Taurus, however, tends towards a more stable ajna functioning and with Sagittarius and Capricorn it becomes increasingly focussed and powerful.

19.    “Platonic Love”:
At the point of evolution when the ajna center is functioning more powerfully than the solar plexus and sacral centers, this combination can incline towards “Platonic Love”—a mentalized (ideally, soul-inspired) form of love which does not involve the passions as does normal human love. “Let us not to the marriage of true minds admit impediment.”

8.       Mental Affilia-tions:
Venus in Aries promotes the idea of the community of friendship that is mentally sponsored—a “society of the mind”.

9.       In Art, Brilliance, but is there Heart?
When poetry or music is produced, the result may be brilliant, but depth of heart and deep magnetism may be missing. There may be fire and flash, but the beauty may be more superficial than profound.

10.   ‘Athena-like’ Women:
Venus in Aries can represent the Athena-like woman—brilliant and beautiful, but not exactly soft, compliant and “cuddly”. We might also call this quality, ‘Amazonian beauty’.


Venus in Aries for the Disciple/Initiate


1.       The Contents of the Causal Body Initiate Effects in the Lower Worlds:
Venus rules the qualitative content of the causal body. Aries, governs the initial impulses towards incarnation. The human soul, or consciousness, (when liberated from the personality) is focussed within the causal body. Before each incarnation, this causally-conscious human soul ‘consults’ with the supervisory Solar Angel, and (through the instrumentality of the powers and patterns of the causal body) initiates causes which work out as personality patterns in the lower worlds. Venus in Aries represents this causal initiative. That which is initiated under this combination is to reflect the idealism and values of the soul.

2.       Soul Impulses:
Venus in Aries is a position associated with “soul impulses”, for Venus is, paramountly, the planet of the soul or Solar Angel, and Aries, the sign of impulse. Soul-impulses begin upon the higher mental plane which is ruled by Venus (though other co-rulers, like Mercury, can be justified). Aries represents the first steps of descent into incarnation, and Venus (the soul) enters into a weakened position, detrimental to its full expression. There is, therefore, something self-sacrificial about this combination (at least for disciples or initiates, who are beginning to remember the origin of individual incarnations, and the origin of the entire cycle of incarnations).

3.       Seeding Things of Value:
Aries represents the process of seeding, and Venus is the symbol of all that is valuable. Thus, with Venus in Aries, ‘seed values’ are planted—whether by the soul, or the enlightened personality. One day these will come to fruition as manifested soul values.

4.       Uniting Spirit and Personality:
Venus is always a planet which (in later days) unites soul and personality. But Aries is particularly related to the spirit aspect, and transmits the first and seventh rays (the seven ray being a concrete reflection of the first). Venus is also the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, which also transmits the first and seventh rays (as well as the third). The first and seventh rays can be considered as the rulers of spirit (first ray, first principle) and matter (seventh ray, seventh ‘principle’—though matter, per se, is not a principle. Matter as ether is a principle.). Magnetic Venus is instrumental in holding them together, just as it does, eventually, in its exalted position in Pisces (for Pisces represents both the ocean of matter and the liberation of the spirit). Other planets also assist in the binding of spirit and matter, but Venus (representing the soul or middle principle) is the archetypal bond between spirit and matter.

5.       Venus in Aries in Relation to the Third Initiation—with Reference to Capricorn:
Aries is related to the third degree as Capricorn is.

“The secret of Aries is the secret of beginnings, of cycles and of emerging opportunity. At the third initiation, the initiate begins to understand the life of the spirit or the  highest aspect; until that time, he has expressed first the life of the form and then the life of the soul within that form. This experience is of so high a nature that only those who have passed through it could in any way comprehend anything I might say.” (EA 388-389)

“Capricorn—Guards the secret of the soul itself and this it reveals to the initiate at the time of the third initiation. This is sometimes called the ‘secret of the hidden glory’.” (EA 165)

Venus as the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn is powerful at the third degree. Venus emphasizes the fusion of soul and personality. When Aries is connected to the third degree, it represents the rising of the exalted Sun of spirit, and the diminution of Venus (which represents the soul). Both signs (Aries and Capricorn) are active at the third degree, but Capricorn emphasizes the light (“supernal”) which relates it to the combined second and third aspects, and Aries emphasizes the power and will of the monad.

6.       Considering the Venus in Aries “Detriment” as an Advantage:
There is a difference in the light quality of Venus in Aries and Capricorn in Aries. Venus in Aries, generally not a luminous position (because incarnation which is sought in Aries obscures the light) touches, in relation to the third degree, monadic light. Every planetary “fall” is can really be understood as a “dignity”, for a “fall” can be a ‘fall away’ from that which is lowest, as the Tibetan states: “It is to the ‘fall’ of the highest aspect that the symbolism refers, and then later to the fall or disappearance of all that is base and low.” Thus, too, a detriment can become an advantage, and Venus can be considered well-placed in Aries when it comes to the task of blending the light of the soul and of the spirit.

7.       The Soul as a Reflector of Monadic Light:
Venus in Aries can represent the combination of soul (Venus) and being (Aries). At and after the third initiation, the soul can become a reflector of a new kind of light—monadic light.

8.       Soul Values Overcome by the Brilliance of Spirit:
From another perspective, the unfettered brilliance of spirit could be threatening to the soul and its values. Soul values could be “blotted out” by the overpowering spirit. This could be thought of as the “blotting out the light of form” (Rule V, R&I), or, alternatively, “blotting out all form” (Rule XI, R&I).

9.       Venus in Aries Represents the Threatening of the Causal Body—Soul Color Overcome:
In very high souls, the causal body could be somewhat ‘threatened’ with this combination. One can imagine the light of spirit becoming so dominant that it would “blot out” the multiple colors of the causal body—the many varied hues of qualitative soul-consciousness (for quality is color). Venus, then, would become brilliant rather than colorful—as if diamond white—and would represent the beauty of the pure white light. The normal qualitative expression of the soul within the causal body would be reduced, but its brilliance enhanced. Perhaps, this is a good position for the enhancement of the functioning of the “jewel in the lotus”, just as Venus in Capricorn would be (and perhaps Venus in Taurus and Virgo—ruled in part by Vulcan, the “fashioner” of the “jewel”).

10.   Spirit over Soul: The soul (Venus) cannot express itself to full advantage in an ‘atmosphere’ of pure spirit.

11.   Beauty of Violence, Destruction and Death:
The kind of beauty that might be appreciated by Venus in Aries (especially at the stage when spirit is becoming positive in the life) would be of a very assertive and destructive kind—the beauty of destruction, the beauty of death, the beauty of the blast, the beauty of boundary-annihilating synthesis.

12.   Mental Societies; Hierarchy as a Society of Minds:
The Hierarchy has been called the “Society of Organised and Illumined Minds” (DINA I 788-789); the mentalized love of Venus in Aries has a natural enthusiasm for participation in such societies and for this great spiritual “Society”, itself. Venus in Aquarius is perhaps even more indicative of the “Brotherhood”.

13.   The Power which Shines through the Jewel in the Lotus:
Aries has very little to do with creating the form of the “jewel in the lotus” (more the task of the Venus and Vulcan in the earth signs), but relates to the power that shines through the form of the “jewel”.

14.   Pure Ideas and their Embodiment:
Aries is the “birthplace of ideas”; at a certain relatively high point of unfoldment, there may be a love of pure ideation and of mental abstraction. There will be a focus upon the higher mental plane, and the possibility of developing “buddhi-manas”—the combination of reasoning mind and intuitive mind. True ideas come from a dimension even higher than the buddhic level (which is usually considered the source of ideas). Aries indicates fertility of ideation. Ideas descending are in need of embodiment in form—first upon the mental plane. Venus provides the higher mental focus for the formulation of abstract ideas. This formula­tion is mentally tangible, but, at first, tangible in no other way. Examples of such formula­tions may be mathematical patterns expressive of mental beauty—a beauty which reflects the relative perfection of the Planetary Fixed Design. (There are much greater Fixed Designs.


15.   Rays Expressed through the Venus Mind:
Through the agency of Aries, the first and seventh rays are expressed through the fifth ray of the mind ruled by Venus. The second ray, also related to Venus, is not so congenially placed in Aries. The very high sixth ray expressed by Venus, has some resonance to the fiery atmosphere of Aries, ruled in part by sixth ray Mars.

16.   The Love of the Ideal, of the Archetypal:
Venus in Aries confers the love the ideal and the archetypal. There is a special love of ideal beauty—not only beauty as it is expressed through form.

17.   Venus in Aries—the Magnetization of the Divine Plan:
At a high level of development, Aries represents the possibility of recognizing the Divine Plan and working within it—intelligently and willfully. Venus in Aries adds magnetism to this work, helping, especially, to keep the beauty of the archetypal outline of the Plan vividly present.

18.   The Beauty of the Divine Mind:
Aries comes forth “from the plane of mind” and rules. God’s Mind expressed the Law. There is Divine Beauty in the conceptions of the Divine Mind. Venus in Aries (when its usual detriment is considered an advantage) reveals the archetypal beauty of the Divine Mind, and the beauty of the Divine Laws which it expresses.

19.   The Attractive Declaration of Principle:
Aries declares and enunciates laws and spiritual principles. These can come forth seeing harsh, cold, uncaring, impersonal. Venus in Aries renders these laws and principles more attractive, magnetic—beautiful. This combination reveals the beauty of first principles—albeit, at a very high point of evolution.

20.   Blending Will and Mind:
Venus is the illumined mind and Aries, the will. Venus in Aries can blend the two, helping to reveal and express “spirit (Aries) values (Venus)”.



Individuals with Venus in Aries


Karl Barth

Charles Pierre Baudelaire

Alexander Graham Bell

Cyrano de Bergerac

Rosa Bonheur

John Brown


Nicolaus Copernicus

Charles Darwin

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Anthony Van Dyck

Albert Einstein

Richard P. Feynman

Sigmund Freud

Francisco Goya

Martha Graham

William Harvey

Saddam Hussein

Jim Jones

Abraham Lincoln

Carolus Linnaeus

Nicolo Machiavelli


Marilyn Monroe

Sir Thomas More

J. Pierpont Morgan

Modest Moussorgsky

Sir Lawrence Olivier

Samuel Pepys

Francis Rakoczy



Pierre Auguste Renoir

Maximillian Robespierre

Dane Rudhyar

Arthur Schopenhauer

Algernon Swinburne

Queen Victoria

William Wordsworth






General Questions Concerning the
Spiritual Function of Mars



Mars in Aries or Mars in Relation to Aries


Quotations from Esoteric Astrology, relevant to the meaning of Mars in relation to Aries.


1.       Mars in Relation to Aries is Involved in a Needed Purification:
“Through the fiery processes of war and strife, brought to the individual through the influence of the planetary ruler, Mars, the God of War, a needed purification takes place.” (EA 95-96)


2.       Mars Embodying Sixth Ray Force:
[Mars in relation to Aries] Mars embodies sixth ray force which leads to idealism, destructive fanaticism frequently, struggle, strife, war, effort and evolution.
(EA 99)


3.       Mars rules Last Decanate of Aries (on the Reversed Wheel). “When he reorients himself and mounts the Fixed Cross, he comes under the influence of Jupiter, the Sun and Mars, for the initiate and the disciple culminates his career in any of the signs with a final and dominant struggle and fight”. ( EA 106)


4.       Mars rules the first decanate of Aries if Aries is partitioned among the members of the Fire Triplicity. Aries, exoterically ruled by Mars, would then correspond to the first decanate.


5.       Mars and the Dynamics of Aries:
“Mars appears first of all as the orthodox ruler in Aries, the sign in which the first move is made towards bringing about objective manifestation, or physical incarnation.” (EA 210)


6.       Mars in Aries Related to the War Between the Dualities:
[The man] “started in Aries with Mars ruling, and the great war between the dualities which constitute the man began. The pairs of opposites were thus brought into relation with each other.” (EA 210)


7.       Mars in Relation to Aries—Producing Great Revelation:
“The effect of Mars is, therefore, largely mass effect and group results, producing great struggles but leading to great revelation. In Aries, it is the final revelation of the nature of knowledge and the purpose of incarnation.” (EA 210-211)


Specific Expressions of Mars in Aries


1.       Mars (in Aries) in Relation to the Dense Physical Vehicle: The physical nature tends to be highly energized and strong (especially for short applications of energy). Acute physical conditions appear without warning; sudden fevers which burn away impurities are common.

2.       Mars (in Aries) in Relation to the Etheric Vehicle: The etheric body experiences bursts of energy leading to action. Etheric flows are irregular.

3.       Mars (in Aries) in Relation to the Astral Vehicle: The astral nature is fiery, restless and turbulent—rajasic rather than tamasic or sattvic. Reactivity is sudden and strong; there is little emotional restraint. There is a tendency towards emotional outbursts, sudden “flare-ups” which rapidly subside. The “blood boils” easily. Blood (symbolized by Mars) rushes to the head (ruled by Aries). There is strong impulsiveness—acting “on the spur of the moment”—prompted by keen and insistent desires. Thus, initiatives are rapidly undertaken; there is a rapid and unrestrained response to the impulsions of desire.

4.       Mars (in Aries) in Relation to the Concrete Mind: Mars in Aries sharpens the concrete mind (depending upon the level of evolution), making its expressions incisive and oriented towards rapid action. The mind becomes the servant of the personal will creating thoughtforms which both direct and impose.

5.       Mars (in Aries) in Relation to the Personality as a Whole: The entire personality is highly energized, mobilized and inclined towards great efforts, whether these efforts are impulsed by desire or more directed by will. The personality confronts life, insisting upon its own way, and forcing the environment to conform to its thoughts.

6.       Mars (in Aries) in Relation to Glamors and Necessary Transmutation and Transformations: Glamors derive from impatience, impulsiveness, a too-eager, too-emphatic response, and an excessively combative attitude. Idealism may be over-emphasized to the point of fanaticism. A condition of too much heat and too little light, leads astray. Disproportion estimation blinds the eye to true values. The instinctual, desire-driven animal nature is accentuated, and prevents a more refined response to the soul. This ill-regulated animal nature requires subduing, taming and training, and, then, culturing.

7.       Mars (in Aries) in Relation to Sex: Sexual energy is spontaneous and easily aroused, with a tendency to be unregulated or, at least, insufficiently regulated by thought. The urge to fecundation, to the scattering of the seed is pronounced in Aries—the sign of all beginnings.

8.       Mars (in Aries) in Relation to the Management and Expenditure of Energy: There is a tendency to towards the excessive expenditure of energy. Through over-estimation, more energy is often applied than needed; thus there is waste.

9.       Mars (in Aries) in Relation to Courage: The personality tends to be courageous and willing to fight for what it thinks and believes. There is a ready will to confront obstacles (even if that confrontation is hasty, impulsive and insufficiently thought through).

10.   Mars (in Aries) in Relation to Aspiration: The aspirational life is fiery, potent and easily ignited

11.   Mars (in Aries) in Relation to Idealism: Mars in Aries greatly stimulates the idealism of the personality and its tendencies towards fiery devotion. Such individuals tend to commit themselves fully (if at times inconsistently) to their beliefs, visions, causes—in short, to their ideals.

12.   Mars (in Aries) in Relation to Life’s Battlefield and the Readiness and Willingness to Fight: Mars in Aries gives, above all, the ready willingness to fight—be it for one’s desires, one’s personal will, or one’s ideals. Four directives are given in relation to Aries. One of them is most related to this combination of influences: “Enter into battle for the Lord.” (EA 93) Resistance (whether from persons, places or things) is the ‘enemy’ and must be overcome. Such persons force their way through life engaging in many necessary (and very many unnecessary) conflicts.


13.   Mars (in Aries) in Relation to the Nature of Personality Rebellion against the Soul: In general, during the early period in which there is an interplay between the soul and its personality, the desire-driven personality is in frequent and energetic combat with soul tendency. The rebellion of the personality is accentuated, aggravated by rampant, unrestrained forces expressing through the various personality vehicles.


14.   Mars (in Aries) in Relation to Personality Cooperation with the Soul: After some experience upon the reversed wheel, Mars in Aries can stimulate the personality into becoming an energetic ally of the soul—a ready fighter for the promotion of soul-inspired ideals. The “good soldier”.

Specific Expression of Mars in Aries


Mars in Aries for the Average or Undeveloped Human Being


  1. Violence, rage, anger
  2. Many conflicts; unnecessary battles
  3. Rashness, impatience
  4. Immoderation, extremism
  5. Rudeness, crudeness
  6. War


Mars  in Aries for the Advanced Human Being


1.       Vigor, abundant energy

2.       Courage, bravery, daring, valor

3.       Hope and enthusiasm

4.       Initiative


Mars in Aries for the Disciple or Initiate


  1. Spiritual will
  2. Spiritual courage
  3. High aspiration
  4. Tapping abundant energy through inspiration
  5. Heroic self-sacrifice
  6. Willingness to confront the enemies of the Plan
  7. Power to initiate Plan-based enterprises



Individuals with Mars in Aries


Charles Pierre Baudelaire

Cyrano de Bergerac

Simon Bolivar

Tycho Brahe

Frederick Chopin

Oliver Cromwell

Claude Debussy

Charles Dickens

Albrecht Durer

Hermann Goering

Francisco Goya

Stephen Hawking

Alduous Huxley

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Nicolai Lenin

Claudio Monteverdi

John Muir

Norman Vincent Peale

Girolamo Savonarola

Franz Schubert


Richard Strauss

Andreas Vesalius

Queen Victoria

Swami Vivekananda

Walt Whitman

Paramahansa Yogananda




General Questions Concerning the
Spiritual Function of Jupiter







Jupiter in Aries or Jupiter in Relation to Aries


Quotations from Esoteric Astrology, relevant to the meaning of Jupiter in relation to Aries.


Jupiter in Relation to Aries—Conferring Success:
[On the ordinary wheel, the third decan of Aries is ruled by Jupiter, conferring] “…the successful satisfaction of desire and ambition.” (EA 106)


Specific Expressions of Jupiter in Aries


1.       Jupiter (in Aries) in Relation to the Three Personality Vehicles: This combination will energize the three vehicles, increasing their positivity towards the environment. An increase in physical-etheric energy with added buoyancy; a sense of optimism and enthusiasm in the astral vehicle; a tendency towards mental fertility—the conceiving of many possible initiatives—such would be characteristic results of this combination.

2.       Jupiter (in Aries) in Relation to the Personality as a Whole: The personality becomes eager, ready and willing to begin. Aries is the sign of commencement and Jupiter believes and is optimistic. This combination influences the personality towards a positive, expectant outlook that initiatives begun can and will be fulfilled. If anything, there may be too many initiatives, accompanied by over-confidence and unrealistic estimation of possibilities.

3.       Jupiter (in Aries) in Relation to the Fusion of Soul and Personality: This combination will reveal to the personality those soul initiatives which seek to manifest and be fulfilled. The personality becomes “more than willing” to undertake, immediately, what the soul reveals. To the extent that these “seed ideas” are accepted and put into action, the soul and personality will draw closer together.

4.       Jupiter (in Aries) in Relation to the Synthesis of Human Dualities—Head/Heart; Mind/Love; Will/Wisdom: By the time Jupiter, a sacred planet, can be effective in the fusion of soul and personality as well as the lesser dualities, Aries has become a ‘mental’ sign, ruled by Mercury. Aries rules the head and Jupiter the heart (EA 517); Jupiter is related to higher mind (EA 369) as well as to love; Aries is related to will and Jupiter to wisdom. This combination, therefore, touches each member of each duality concerned. Jupiter in Aries influences towards eager entry into experience. High things are undertaken under the impulse of the soul, and one learns because one has dared. A confident entry into big and demanding projects calls upon all available resources; the opposites learn to cooperate because they must if there is to be success.

5.       Jupiter (in Aries) in Relation to the Means by which the Expansion of Consciousness may be Sought: Experience is the best teacher; once learns by doing, “on the job”. Fearless beginnings lead to revelatory engagement with circumstance. Those who are more timid and hesitant do not learn so quickly. The willingness to undertake in response to soul vision throws one into the field of revelation, and one learns more and more through success, and also through the failures due to overestimation.

6.       Jupiter (in Aries) in Relation to the Fulfillment of Desire and the Satisfaction of Demand—1) initially, fulfillment for the little self; then . 2) fulfillment of desire for the good of the whole—a fulfillment achieved through the outgoing expression of love: Jupiter in Aries dares greatly and expresses fully. Tasks are undertaken simply because they are part of the Divine Plan; there may be personal sacrifice involved, but it does not seem important compared to that which must be done. Confidence and optimistic unselfishness attracts cooperation and resources. That which man desires, he can have, especially if he does not bock his own way with negativity. The belief that difficult undertakings lie fully within the range of accomplishment makes accomplishment that much easier. People love and circumstance supports those who dare greatly.

7.       Miscellaneous Meanings of Jupiter in Aries:

a.       Jupiter in Aries, expands the mentality and mental initiative. Aries rules the head and Jupiter confers enlargement; the head, itself, may be increased in size.

b.       The Jupiter in Aries person enters enthusiastically and joyfully into uncharted territory; he is always “up for the new”. His is the joy (Jupiter) of new beginnings (Aries).

c.       The Jupiter in Aries person is always ready to expand the present ring-pass-not. Is he over-eager? Are expansions of consciousness superficial and without depth? Will they last? These are important questions for those born with this combination.

d.       For the Jupiter in Aries person, expansion occurs through initiative, through trying new things, through undertaking that which has not been done before.

e.       For Jupiter in Aries expansion occurs in bursts of enthusiasm. One can expect impulsive and intermittent expansion, rather than steady expansion.

f.        The Jupiter in Aries person grows (Jupiter) through assertion (Aries).

g.       Since Jupiter is the planet of fulfillment and completion, (and is exalted in Cancer, a sign of completed form) the Jupiter in Aries person will at least attempt to bring his initiatives to fulfillment—but may well need the help of other planets and signs to do so.


Specific Expression of Jupiter in Aries


Jupiter in Aries for the Average or Undeveloped Human Being


1.       Underestimation; “biting off more than one can chew”

2.       Over-optimism; “thinking too big”

3.       Exaggeration and excess

4.       Foolish, careless and reckless

5.       Bombast and pretense

6.       Immoderation; improvidence; prodigality

7.       Grasping power; expansion through unlawful means


Jupiter in Aries for the Advanced Man


1.       Hopefulness; “hope springs eternal in the human breast”

2.       Optimism; believing in the possibilities

3.       A source of many proposals

4.       Positivity

5.       Enterprising, large-scale beginnings

6.       Wide vision

7.       Involvement in large initiative and undertakings

8.       Generous

Jupiter in Aries for the Disciple or Initiate


1.       Faith in the Divine Plan and Purpose

2.       Inspired by the Divine Plan and Purpose

3.       Implementing the Divine Will through expansive Love

4.       Capacity to intuit and receive impression from archetypes

5.       Contact with the monadic world

6.       Readily inspired by soul initiatives

7.       Undaunted by negativity

8.       Grasping the Purpose and Plan in a large-minded way

9.       Eagerness to serve the Hierarchy

10.   Intuitively understanding “Life more Abundant”

11.   Spreading spiritual vitality and spiritual energies

12.   Capable of “rising above” any adversity



Individuals with Jupiter in Aries


John Audubon

Sir Francis Bacon

Alice Bailey

Bela Bartok

Clara Barton

Charles Pierre Baudelaire

Cyrano de Bergerac

Johannes Brahms

Louis De, Prince Broglie                        form of name check?

Sir Richard Burton

Fidel Castro


Frederick Chopin

Rene Descartes

Gaetano Donizetti

Fyodor Dosteovski

Mary Baker Eddy

Hermann Goering

Elbert Hubbard

Helen Keller

Mustafa Kemal-Ataturk

Yehudi Menuhin

Sir Thomas More

Wilhelm Rontgen

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Nikola Tesla

Paramahansa Yogananda





Saturn in Aries or Saturn in Relation to Aries:


Quotations from Esoteric Astrology, relevant to the meaning of Saturn in relation to Aries


1.       Saturn Falls in Aries:
“Saturn ‘falls’ in Aries. This has two meanings, for this is a dual sign. First: Saturn is the Lord of Karma, the imposer of retribution and the one who demands full payment of all debts and who therefore condemns us to the struggle for existence, both from the form side and from the soul side. Saturn, therefore ‘fell’ when man fell into generation. He ‘followed the sons of men down into their low place’. Second: Saturn’s power is completely ended and his work accomplished when man (the spiritual man) has freed himself from Karma and from the power of the two Crosses—the Common and the Fixed. Esoterically, Saturn cannot follow man on to the Cardinal Cross.” (EA 105)


2.       Saturn Stimulates Discriminative Pioneering:
Saturn in Aries is particularly described by the term, “discriminative pioneering”. (cf. EA 148-149)

Specific Expressions of Saturn in Aries:


1.       Saturn (in Aries) in Relation to the Three Personality Vehicles: With this combination, blockages or obstructions focus in the area of the head, causing congestion or insufficient vitalization. Just as Mars promotes the flow of blood or etheric energy to particular areas of the body which correspond to the sign in which Mars is placed, so Saturn restricts this same flow, or concentrates energy/force in a particular locality, thus preventing healthy flow. For some this will mean headaches, or an insufficiently responsive brain (not mind). Saturn also brings unwanted precipitations in the area indicated. Conversely, and in terms of organ polarity indicated by astrology, there may be trouble with the organ system polar to organ system ruled by Aries—namely the kidneys.

Aries is connected with motor impulse—the impulse to take action. Mars promotes the free expression of this impulse; Saturn inhibits. When the physical body should spring into action, there may arise, unaccountably, a hesitation to act. Saturn in Aries acts as a check upon physical impulse. The body is, as it were, “under leash”.

From the perspective of the rays and chakras, Saturn transmits much of the first ray, and is, therefore, related to the head center, and the pressure which that center exerts upon all the others. (It must be added that Vulcan, too, is very much a part of this pressure.) Aries, similarly, is related to both the head and the head center. This combination is therefore related to what might be called the ‘imposition of pressure’ via the head center. Ultimately, this pressure is impelled by soul plan and purpose (which respond to Divine Plan and Purpose).

Instinctual impulse is emotional-etheric-physical. The same restraining power, which operates etherically and physically, operates emotionally. There is the feeling of wanting to do or start something, but of being, somehow, prevented—either inwardly, outwardly or both. This is, however, a good position for administering the restraining will in relation to the desire nature. The combination is a “fall”, and therefore personally uncomfortable, but, from the perspective of discipleship, Saturn in Aries can contribute to the conquering of the restless instinctual-emotional nature. “Never get angry except on purpose”.

In the mind, this position can work to inhibit thought and mental initiatives. One does not dare to think the new, or to create, mentally, in areas where there is no precedent. The flow of thought may be slowed—the normal impetuosity of the Aries-influence mind, restrained. But, later, upon the path of discipleship, this can be a most useful position, for the mental processes are subjected to will and purpose. Useless, mental chatter is stilled, and one only begins to think about that which is in line with the Plan.

2.       Saturn (in Aries) in Relation to the Personality as a Whole: This position adds caution to personality behavior. Aries, per se, is always “getting into things”—beginning things, sometimes wisely, often unwisely. Saturn in Aries retrains the eager entry into experience. In early days upon the Mutable Cross, this may mean many missed opportunities. Circumstance invites, offering the possibility of accomplishment, but the hesitant human does not “seize the day”. Perhaps the conscious or unconscious memory of so much karma generated unnecessarily acts to restrain. If Pisces is the sign in which long-established karmic conditions have, at long last, to be faced, Aries is the sign in which the seeds of this karma are sown. When Saturn in Aries is working under wisdom, there is great respect for the Law of Karma, and a reduction of beginnings which will drive the human soul more deeply into form. Upon the Fixed Cross, this position produces the purposeful personality, deeply aware of karmic consequence. The individual knows how to choose (Saturn) his battles (Aries), and faces with courage those conditions which must be faced—of necessity. A high meaning of this combination could be expressed as ‘purposeful beginnings in line with the Divine Plan’.

3.       Saturn (in Aries) and the Presentation of Opportunity on the Path of Discipleship: In the language of esotericism, the presentation of obstacles which must be overcome is called the “presentation of opportunity”. With Saturn in Aries, one is presented with the ‘opportunity’ of difficult but necessary beginnings. For instance, many difficulties lie in the path of something that must be done; the disciple feels the great burden of beginning. His dharmic and karmic responsibilities, however, will not allow him to escape shouldering the burden. Actually, in many countries of the world, huge, heavy burdens are either carried on the head, or by using the head as a principle means of support. Those who carry such burdens walk very carefully and slowly. This is a graphic symbol of the Saturn-in-Aries attitude.

4.       Saturn (in Aries) and Choices to be Made, and Destruction to be Endured in order to Promote a Freer Expression of the Soul: The choices to be made concern what is worth undertaking and what is not—which ‘invitations’ of life to accept, and how to accept them. One may also have to witness his initiatives destroyed if they are insufficiently sound to bear the weight of purpose. One may also destroy the initiatives of others, as when rebellions (Aries) are “put down” (Saturn). Dangerous conflagrations can be “stamped out”; this combination is good at “putting out fires”—for good or ill.  When this Saturn in Aries turns tyrannical, a suggestive image would be the heel of the boot upon the fresh, young shoot; but noxious weeds, too, may be “crushed” before they grow. Rooting them out, however, requires the work of Pluto.

5.       As “the sacred planets endeavour to fuse the personality and make it the instrument of the soul and the non-sacred planets influence more specifically the form nature”, how does Saturn, a sacred planet, fuse the personality and make it a responsible instrument of the soul in this particular sign? How does it enforce the law(s) of the soul, and assist in the fulfillment of the Purpose, Plan and Dharma conceived by the soul?:
When the vehicles of the personality function under soul plan and purpose, they function harmoniously. Saturn in Aries (like its counterpart, Saturn in Libra) helps to keep the balance between the three personality vehicles, by subduing inappropriate initiatives in any one of them. The vehicles or fields are kept “in leash”, and none is allowed to act entirely independently of the rest. The soul is intended to “rule” from the plane of mind—at first from the lower mind and then, from that concentration of energy on the higher mental plane which is called “soul”. Aries governs what might be called ‘soul impulses intended to become personality initiatives’. The personality can waste so much precious time following impulses from the three lower vehicles, or from the ambient force fields in which these three lower vehicles function. For instance, an impulse towards action may be prompted by my own emotional vehicle, or may impress itself upon my astral body from my astral environment (which includes the astral bodies of those with whom I am associated). But, Saturn is the Lord of Time, just as it is the planet of plan and purpose. By regulating initiatives—confining the many possible initiatives, more and more, to those which should be undertaken, whether or not the personality wants to undertake them, this combination makes the personality an instrument of soul dharma, and clears ‘room-in-time’ in the life, for those things that, from a spiritual point of view, must be done.


6.       Miscellaneous Directives for those with Saturn in Aries:

a.       See that you begin purposefully.

b.       See that plans are begun in accordance with the Plan.

c.       See that activities are begun aright.

d.       See that undertakings are initiated in line with the Law; lawful beginnings.


Saturn in Aries for the Average or Undeveloped Human Being


1.                   Action which causes further karma

2.                   Hesitation, delay, timidity, fear of action

3.                   Lack of initiative; “He who hesitates is lost”

4.                   Lack of spontaneity

5.                   Enforced conformity

6.                   Lack of originality; unwillingness to try the new


Saturn in Aries for the Advanced Human Being


1.                   Purposeful action

2.                   Steady beginnings

3.                   Planning, foresight, providence; planned initiatives

4.                   Regulation from the top down

5.                   “Look before you leap”

6.                   Intelligent action which does not cause further karma

7.                   Bound by the illusions of the mind; trapped by thoughtforms of one’s own conception


Saturn in Aries for the Disciple or Initiate


1.                   God’s Will as Law

2.                   Alignment with Shamballa

3.                   Conformity to and imposition of Divine Law, Shamballic Law

4.                   Recognition and work with the Divine Plan

5.                   Understanding of and responsible cooperation with the laws which the Divine Plan seeks to institute

6.                   Initiatives required by karma

7.                   The soul as regulator of karma

8.                   Direction of life from the head center considered as a purposeful regulator



Individuals with Saturn in Aries


Alice Bailey

Bela Bartok

Clara Barton

Charles Pierre Baudelaire

Sir Richard Burton

Fyodor Dosteovski

Mary Baker Eddy

Albert Einstein

Desideius Erasmus

Peter the Great

Franz Joseph Haydn

Hermann Helmholz

Saddam Hussein

Helen Keller

Mustafa Kemal-Ataturk

Herbet Horatio Kitchener

Johnson Lyndon

Douglas MacArthur

Abraham Maslow

Franz Anton von Mezmer

Florence Nightingale

Gioacchino Rossini

Cyril Scott

George Washington

John Wesley





Uranus in Aries or Uranus in Relation to Aries:


1.                   Uranus (in Aries) in Relation to the Three Personality Vehicles:

a.       Uranus in Aries beings electric strength to the physical body, but may incline towards accidents and sudden, untoward impacts.

b.       Uranus in Aries can pour “electric fire” into the etheric nature, galvanizing the chakras into fresh and vibrant activity. If Uranus is prominent, one must be on guard against overstimulation. All the same, the treading of the “burning ground” is facilitated; one may readily reorganize the expression of the etheric energy system.

c.       Uranus in Aries may promote sudden, fiery and unpredictable changes within the astral nature. In more advanced individuals control of the astral by the will and mind is facilitated.

d.       Uranus in Aries gives originality and fresh ideas to the mind. There will be a flow of mental inspiration providing the incentive for new initiatives. The individual will often be unconventional and progressive in his thinking.

2.                   Uranus (in Aries) in Relation to the Personality as a Whole: When prominent, Uranus in Aries confers a daring personality, willing to disrupt “personality tradition” and attempt the new. Convention has little hold and the sense of direction is very much derived from the spontaneous directives of the ‘authentic self’—whatever the individual considers that to be.

3.                   Uranus (in Aries) in Relation to the Integration of the Personality: The personality is not integrated in accordance with the patterns of society but by a S/self-originated pattern which organizes personality expression in a way unique to the individuality.

4.                   Uranus (in Aries) in Relation to the Fusion of Soul and Personality: Uranus is the messenger of the soul, seeking to awaken the personality to respond to the archetypal soul pattern which is guiding it from above. Sudden bursts of inspiration will pour light and will into the personality, providing it with fresh incentives and reorganizing its usual patterns. The personality is forced to drop the habitual patterns which prevent it from knowing the authentic pattern to which it should acquiesce. Soul and personality are fused when the personality is ready to “take the risk” of being spontaneously authentic.

5.                   Uranus (in Aries) in Relation to the Transmutation and Transformation of the Personality: Uranus is the principal planet of transmutation and transformation. In this disciple/initiate, this placement initiates an advanced “burning ground” within the personality vehicles, subjecting them to the “fires of transmutation”. Energy is elevated from a given chakra to its higher corresponding fire—this is the “passage across from one state of being to another through the agency of fire ” which is characteristic of transmutation. Old impediments are burned away and reorganized—or destroyed. This position (Uranus in Aries) is very Shamballic—but one must have reached the point in evolution when response to the higher will is possible.

The “new form” of the purified, transmuted vehicles reflects the individual “pattern in the heavens”. The work of Uranus in Aries is to reveal the archetypal patterns which are inherent within the individual, and to reorganize the personality forms until they become responsive to the power and originality of the “trans” factor which lies ‘beyond’ those vehicles.

Such individuals have a great capacity to start anew, to be “born again”, and to start an entirely new and far more spiritually authentic life with unusual vigor.


Specific Expression of Uranus in Aries


Uranus in Aries for the Average or Undeveloped Human Being


  1. Recklessness
  2. Law breaker; above the law; “I am the law”
  3. Chaotic beginnings
  4. Disruptive independence and self-will; rebelliousness
  5. Unpredictable activity
  6. Explosiveness
  7. Anarchism


Uranus in Aries for the Advanced Man


  1. Strong will
  2. New ideas
  3. The architect; the ‘conceptualizer’
  4. Radical daring
  5. Uninhibited spontaneity, creative improvisation
  6. Sudden innovation
  7. A complete break with the past
  8. Doing what has never been done before
  9. The pursuit of that which is radically new.
  10. Radical reorganization
  11. The heroic revolutionary
  12. Destruction of old traditions


Uranus in Aries for the Disciple or Initiate


  1. Realization of Shamballa as the ‘Planetary Ideal’
  2. Realization of the ever-regenerating “Eternal Youth”
  3. Realization of life as ever new
  4. Access to the organizational power of Shamballa
  5. Breakthrough into pure being
  6. Occult identification
  7. Occult direction of the life from the realm of spirit
  8. Realization of primeval, present and ultimate synthesis
  9. Will leading to synthesis
  10. Realization of synthesis as the annihilator of “all but One”
  11. The “Sea of Fire”—the logoic plane
  12. “The Lightning which Annihilates”
  13. The maximum concentration of the first ray.
  14. The acme of “Electric Fire”
  15. Realization of original archetypes
  16. Attunement to the ‘Grand Design’
  17. Attunement to the “Fixed Design”
  18. The final stages of the burning ground
  19. Death of the old through the blazing presence of the new.
  20. Complete freedom and liberation
  21. The flash of genius
  22. Realization of synthesis through strong activation of the crown center
  23. Activation of the seven head centers
  24. Electrification by kundalini­



Individuals with Uranus in Aries



Alexander Graham Bell

Sarah Bernhardt

Annie Besant

Luther Burbank

John Calvin

Fidel Castro

Oliver Cromwell

Ram Dass

Rene Descartes

Anthony Van Dyck

Thomas Alva Edison

Anne Frank

Michel Gauquelin

Michael Gorbachev

King Ludwig II

Jim Jones

Martin Luther King

Herbet Horatio Kitchener

Friedrich Nietzsche

Elvis Presley

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Wilhelm Rontgen

Carl Sagan

Andreas Vesalius

Eli Whitney

Boris Yeltsin





Specific Expressions of Neptune in Aries


Note: To a degree, and with caution, some of these indications may be transferred to the interpretation of the first house, which is naturally associated with the first sign, Aries. Houses carry no formative energy; rather, house conditions are formed by formative energy. For instance, the third house does not confer the power to communicate; it simply relates to life’s communicative possibilities. Gemini, however, as the third sign, does confer the power to communicate.


The following interpretations refer to those with a high focus Neptune in Aries.

1.       Neptune in Aries in Relation to Desires, Hopes, Wishes, Imaginings, Dreams, Glamorization, Lower Psychism

a.       Desires are ‘bound-less’. Everything seems possible—even the impossible. But, Neptune is implicated in the “desire for incarnation” (EA 171, 218), and Aries thinks, “Let form again be sought.” The archetypal idea goes forth. This combination rules seed-thoughts (Aries) upon the buddhic plane (Neptune)/

b.       Hopes are high. “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.”

c.       Wishes are many—burgeoning. “The possibilities are infinite.”

d.       Imaginings are ‘wild’, full of fertile possibility.

e.       Dreams are of “un-dreamt of possibilities”.

f.        Glamorization arises through thinking the “sky is the limit”; over-estimation, over-optimism; thinking that the impossible is possible.

g.       Perhaps there is not so much tendency towards lower psychism, as Aries is so assertive rather than receptive.

2.       Neptune in Aries in Relation to Feeling-Sensitivity, Psychism, Sensitivity to Higher Vibration

a.       The outgoingness of new beginnings is so strong that the necessary receptivity for feeling sensitivity is missing. (Of course, there have been and will be many psychics born under this influence, but this would depend upon the strength, house position and aspects of Neptune, rather than is placement in the sign, Aries.)

b.       Psychism may be reduced for reasons stated.

c.       Sensitivity to Higher Vibration may exist in relation to the ream of ideas, which are incorporeal beings focused upon archetypal levels—the buddhic, atmic and monadic planes.

3.       Neptune in Aries in Relation to Refinement, Sensitization, ‘Etherealization’

a.       Initiatives are taken towards refinement, but too much Martian energy makes much refinement of substance unlikely. Thought may be refined and rendered more subtle.

b.       Sensitization, in general, is reduced, but there may be sensitization to the will¸ which the presence of Aries always increases.

c.       Most often, Aries is ‘down-ward’ tending, towards incarnation; ‘etherealization’ is an up-ward tending process. There is a desirous plunge into experience. There is, however, a reaching for sublimity, and a rising impulse towards resurrection.

4.       Neptune in Aries in Relation to Devotion and Idealism, Mysticism, the Higher Vision

a.       Devotion is keen; this is like a Neptune/Mars combination.

b.       Idealism is very high. This is a “reach for the stars” combination. There may be ‘utopian’ beginnings. Many idealized projects may be undertaken.

c.       Mysticism is ardent; the ideal world of pure-being is believed a reality. The desire to rise.

d.       Formless unity.

e.       The Higher Vision is the vision of possible beginnings, as the Guides of the Race would see them.

5.       Neptune in Aries in Relation to Intimacy leading to Union, leading to Identification

a.       There may an urgent urge towards intimacy, but energies too strong and restless to produce it.

b.       Union is of the mind and will.

c.       Identification is strongly indicated (for those at the point in evolution when identification becomes possible). Aries indicates “pure being” and Neptune the idealization of pure being and the urge to merge with it and as it. India has Aries as its soul sign, but the tremendous power of abstraction in its major philosophies, have made it seem as if Neptune in Aries is part of the horoscope.

6.       Neptune in Aries in Relation to Intuitive Response—Buddhi: If intuition means contact with true ideas upon the archetypal planes (beginning with the buddhic plane), then the intuitive response for this combination is strong. Feeling beauty of the Original Pattern.

7.       Neptune in Aries in Relation to Sympathy, Empathy, Compassion, Forgiveness, Selfless-Heart-Love Stimulated by the Heart of the Sun.

a.       Sympathy is reduced, but there may be sympathy for those who undertake bold initiatives.

b.       Empathy is reduced, at least in its emotional aspects, but there may be a capacity to feel others’ thoughts.

c.       Compassion is vigorous, filled with the idea that the improvement of unfortunate or pitiful situations is amazingly possible.

d.       Forgiveness is generous, and linked to the ideas that potentials are boundless, and that any deficiency can be overcome.

e.       Selfless Heart-Love from the Heart of the Sun is spontaneous and linked to the will. The heart-in-the-head may undergo stimulation.

f.        (Atma-Buddhi placement).

8.       Neptune in Aries in Relation to Abstraction, Transcendence, Sublimity, Exaltation, Ecstasy, Bliss

a.       At a certain point of evolution, abstraction is powerful. Earlier, there is devotion (Neptune) to new beginnings. But Aries represents the archetypal pattern which remains forever abstracted from the emanations/precipitations it stimulate—so there is a natural tendency towards abstraction.

b.       The urge to Transcendence is powerful, related to the upwelling urge for resurrection.

c.       Perhaps there is not the refinement necessary to produce truly sublime states.

d.       Exaltation is frequent due to up-welling urges and aspirations.

e.       Ecstatic tendencies are strong. The identity seeks separate itself from its identifications, and to re-become the One Identity.

f.        Bliss is based on synthesis. Neptune in Aries absorbs the consciousness into the Synthesis.


Neptune in Aries for the Average or Undeveloped Human Being


1.                   Lack of realism through overestimation

2.                   Glamorous, unrealistic hopes and wishes

3.                   Utopian ventures; starting off boldly (but without clear vision), and but losing one’s way

4.                   Mental confusion; unwisely believing that anything is possible; unrealistic utopianism

5.                   Leaping into action through desire and solar plexus impulse

6.                   Aggressive dissolution—corrosion


Neptune in Aries for the Advanced Human Being


1.                   Conceptual idealism

2.                   Mental idealism—“if you can conceive, you can achieve it”

3.                   Envisioning the entirely new

4.                   “the sky is the limit”

5.                   Ever-present hopes for new beginnings

6.                   Initiatives based on compassion

7.                   Vigor upon the astral plane; ‘breaking into’ the astral plane

8.                   New methods of travel by sea

9.                   Fresh religious and spiritual initiatives

10.               “Revivals”


Neptune in Aries for the Disciple or Initiate


1.                   Philosophical idealism

2.                   Intuitive access to “ideas whose time has come”; intuiting that which is new and ‘descending’

3.                   Strong urge towards transcendence

4.                   Solo-pursuit of the ‘Path of Transcendence’

5.                   Strong urge towards identification

6.                   Rising “up, up and away”—from concrete manifestation

7.                   ‘Breaking into’ the buddhic plane

8.                   Buddhic initiatives

9.                   The beginning of absorption and obscuration

10.               Mystical initiatives—starting out on great quests

11.               Taking the Kingdom of Heaven ‘by imagination’

12.               The sacrifice of the soul and spirit



Individuals with Neptune in Aries



Tycho Brahe

Julius Caesar

Winston Churchill

Marie Curie

Claude Debussy

Henry Ford

Benjamin Franklin

Mohandas K. Gandhi

Dr. Samuel Johnson

Nicolai Lenin

Carolus Linnaeus

Carl Gustav Emil Mannerheim

Guglielmo Marconi

Maria Montessori

Emily Post

Edmond Rostand

Bertrand Russell

Earnest Rutherford

Albert Schweitzer

Alexander Scriabin

Jean Sibelius

Konstantin Stanislavsky

Charles P. Steinmetz

Richard Strauss

D.T. Suzuki

Rabindranath Tagore

Arturo Toscanini

Swami Vivekananda

John Wesley

Ralph Vaughn Williams

Frank Lloyd Wright

Orville Wright

Wilbur Wright

William Butler Yeats




Pluto in the Signs

Specific Expressions of Pluto in Aries


1.                   Pluto (in Aries) or the First House in Relation to Purification and Purging: Pluto, when active upon the later stages of the One Path, brings to the surface all filth and poison hidden in the recesses of the lunar nature. This cleansing must occur if the true identity of the individual is to shine forth. The lunar nature is no longer allowed to harbor or retain the residual corruption of the ages. When Pluto is placed in Aries, this purification and purging is of a drastic nature—the burning grounds fiercer in their fire.

2.                   Pluto (in Aries) or the First House in Relation to Destruction: If that which obscures the identity cannot be successfully purged and the lunar nature purified, then the obstructions must be destroyed, eradicated. Aries is a first ray sign and Pluto a first ray planet; the ‘will-to-terminate’ for the sake of freedom from the old is very strong.

3.                   Pluto (in Aries) or the First House in Relation to Identity: The first house indicates identity on all levels. Circumstance is met with a ‘rejecting force’ designed to banish, exile, repudiate anything that would compromise the true nature of the real identity. Conventional assessments of identity are not accepted. The solution to the problem of identity must be radical and the essential identity revealed.

4.                   Pluto (in Aries) or the First House in Relation to Preparation for Initiation: Those who are not cleansed cannot pass through the “portal of initiation”. One cannot enter that portal still influenced by glamors and illusions about the self. Pluto eradicates the set of glamor and illusions which pertain to the particular initiation being faced (as all cannot be eradicated at once).


Note: To a degree, and with caution, some of these indications may be transferred to the interpretation of the first house, which is naturally associated with the first sign, Aries. Houses carry no formative energy; rather, house conditions are formed by formative energy. For instance, the third house does not confer the power to communicate; it simply relates to life’s communicative possibilities. Gemini, however, as the third sign, does confer the power to communicate.


Miscellaneous Meanings for Pluto in Aries or in the First House

1.                   Pluto does not destroy consciousness. Rather, it clears the way for its expression.

2.                   Pluto in Aries deals with beginnings, endings. Aries/Pluto/Shamballa.

3.                   In some systems Pluto is ruler of Aries, or related.

4.                   A conduit for Trans-Plutonian planets.

5.                   Scientist working with nuclear energy.

6.                   Aries/Father—Pluto/Mother.



Specific Expression of Pluto in Aries


Pluto in Aries (or the First House)

for the Average or Undeveloped Human Being


1.                   Love of power

2.                   Eliminating all obstacles

3.                   Ruthlessness

4.                   Destruction by fire

5.                   Brain tumor. The disease, cancer, is related to first ray. Both Aries and Pluto are related to the head and Pluto brings corruption to the surface.

6.                   Aries relates to the power of the eye, Pluto to the “evil eye”



Pluto in Aries (or the First House) for the Advanced Man


1.                   Destroying to begin

2.                   Purgative initiatives

3.                   The “clear cut”—irrevocable detachment

4.                   Impressive and powerful personality

5.                   Raising all things into the light

6.                   Pluto in Aries or the First House has a particular kind of usefulness to the psychologist. It facilitates work with strong, crystallized people. Its energy is able to break down crystallizations and cut away mental illusions which prevent moving into new cycle.

7.                   “Enough is enough”—no tolerance with the old and outworn

8.                   Atomic energy



Pluto in Aries (or the First House) for the Disciple or Initiate


1.                   Plunging into the depths of being.

2.                   Destroying illusions

3.                   The assertion of Shamballa in the life of the individual and group: there is an important triangle in this regard: Aries/Pluto/Shamballa

4.                   Destruction and purification by means of Shamballic Will

5.                   Shamballically-induced burning ground

6.                   Annihilating all that which stands in the way of the realization of being

7.                   Occult power—ruling from the head as the synthesis of all

8.                   The burning ground

9.                   Pealing away the layers of identity, until to the essential identity is disclosed

10.               Destruction which must precede synthesis

11.               Preparing the way for the emergence of a new archetype.

12.               Destruction which ever precedes the new; the old disappears in an explosion of power

13.               Connecting the head center and base of the spine; the ‘straight road’ from the base to the crown, and crown to base

14.               Rising of kundalini to the crown.

15.               Burning away of all obstacles to Mastership and Resurrection

16.               Death and resurrection



Individuals with Pluto in Aries


Horatio Alger

Marcus Aurelius

Alexander Graham Bell

Sarah Bernhardt

Annie Besant

Johannes Brahms

Luther Burbank

Julius Caesar

Andrew Carnegie

Lewis Carroll

Paul Cezanne

Oliver Cromwell

Father Joseph Damien

Rene Descartes

Anthony Van Dyck

Thomas Alva Edison

Stephen Foster

Ulysses S. Grant

Alexander the Great

William Harvey

Thomas Hobbes

King Ludwig II

Henry James

William James

Herbet Horatio Kitchener

William Lilly

Joseph Lister

Cosima Liszt

Edouard Manet

A.A. Michelson

J. Pierpont Morgan

Modest Moussorgsky

John Muir

Friedrich Nietzsche

H.S. Olcott


Pierre Auguste Renoir

John D. Rockerfeller

Auguste Rodin

Wilhelm Rontgen

Algernon Swinburne

Leo Tolstoy

Jules Verne




Additional Planetoids and Asteroids




Chiron in Aries


Chiron in Aries: Chiron is the “Quest Guide” and the “Wounded Healer”. With this position, one is compensating for wounds to one’s power to act independently. As we always teach what we have to learn, or learn from bitter experience with our shortcomings, the individual with Chiron in Aries will, after much pain (‘Chironic pain’) develop a strong sense of initiative and will direct himself and others forward accordingly bravely. Chiron in Aries, as teacher, will counsel independent, Self-directed action.

Chiron is a bridging planet, bridging from lower Saturnian worlds to higher Uranian worlds. The quest departing from familiarity to the new will be undertaken with boldness and courage. One will risk all to venture forth and discover what only the higher worlds can reveal. If there are battles to be fought on the ‘Quest Path’, the one with Chiron in Aries will be equal to them.


Individuals with Chiron in Aries


Isaac Asimov


Clara Barton

Charles Pierre Baudelaire

Leonard Bernstein

Robert Bly

Marlon Brando

Sir Richard Burton

Leo Buscaglia

Jimmy Carter

Giovanni Casanova

Carlos Casteneda

Edgar Cayce

Winston Churchill

S.T. Coleridge

Aleister Crowley

Fyodor Dosteovski

Mary Baker Eddy

Elizabeth I of England

Richard P. Feynman

Stephen Foster

Mohandas K. Gandhi

Judy Garland

Ulysses S. Grant

Catherine the Great

Hermann Helmholz

Charlton Heston

Queen Elizabeth II

Carl G. Jung

Immanuel Kant

Henry Kissinger

Timothy Leary

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Nicolai Lenin

Joseph Lister

Nelson Mandela

Guglielmo Marconi

Maria Montessori

Florence Nightingale

Louis Pasteur

Samuel Pepys

Eva Peron

Emily Post

Francis Rakoczy

Bertrand Russell

Earnest Rutherford

Albert Schweitzer

Walter Scott

Alexander Scriabin

Baruch Spinoza

D.T. Suzuki

Margaret Thatcher

Henry V

Jules Verne

George Washington

Ralph Vaughn Williams

Orville Wright





Vesta in Aries


Vesta in Aries: Vesta is the committed one, focally dedicated to uphold the pledge, the promise. Vesta is the “Vestal Virgin” sworn to keep the sacred flame alight. Vesta is the sacred ritualist consecrated to keep the channel to divinity open through the performance of sacred rites.

When Vesta is in Aries, the sense of commitment is passionate and the focus is intense. One counts all as loss if the sacred pledge is not kept. Under this influence the disciple will fight if, necessary, to do all that is necessary to fulfill the promise of holiness. The position gives an unrelenting commitment.


Individuals with Vesta in Aries


Hans Christian Andersen

Susan B. Anthony

Marcus Aurelius

Vincenzo Bellini

Robert Browning

Luther Burbank

Michel de Cervantes

Teilhard de Chardin


Bill Clinton

S.T. Coleridge

Nicholas Culpeper

Charles Darwin

Albrecht Durer

Michel Gauquelin

William James

Marc Edmund Jones

Martin Luther King

Abraham Lincoln

Carolus Linnaeus

Joseph Lister

Guglielmo Marconi

Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy


Wilhelm Rontgen

D.T. Suzuki

Arturo Toscanini

John Wesley




Ceres in Aries


Ceres in Aries: Ceres is the maternal asteroid, nurturing, sustaining, protecting, providing that which is required or needed by the one in her care. Aries is far from a maternal sign. The nurturance, consequently, is offered in a less gentle manner. It is independence and self-reliance that are nurtured. Those in the care of a Ceres in Aries person are left freer than usual, encouraged to fend for themselves. Support is given with some degree of urgency and insistence; it is encouragement without caress. There is attentiveness not only for the material and emotional aspects of a person, but for their ideas and originality. Nurturance may come as a stream of fiery encouragement.


Individuals with Ceres in Aries


John Adams

Marc Antony

Roberto Assagioli

Johann Sebastian Bach

Sir Francis Bacon

Nadia Boulanger

John Brown

William Jennings Bryan

S.T. Coleridge

Walt Disney

Benjamin Disraeli

George Frederic Handel

Werner Heisenberg

Thomas Hobbes

Czar Alexander II

William James

Chiang Kai-Shek

John Keats

Herbet Horatio Kitchener

William Lilly

Karl Marx

Margaret Mead

Sir Thomas More

J. Pierpont Morgan

Francis Rakoczy

Ronald Reagan

Wilhelm Reich

George Sand

Richard Strauss

Algernon Swinburne

Mother Teresa

Jules Verne

Andreas Vesalius

Henry VIII

Noah Webster

John Wesley




Juno in Aries


Juno in Aries: Juno is the planet of committed partnership, whether in marriage or in business. It indicates serious alliances and the rules of alliance are emphasized. The mythological Juno did not forgive Jupiter who was forever breaking the rules of marriage.


When Juno is in Aries one is eager for partnership, and once engaged, pursues it energetically. Within partnership, the parties are expected to be somewhat independent of each other; Aries does not promote the clinging attitude. The Juno in Aries person enters fully into relationship and expects the partner to do likewise


If partnerships can serve high or idealistic purposes so much the better. Aries, like all other signs, can be influential at three different levels of evolution: for the undeveloped human being, the advanced individual and the disciple or initiate. (There are many interim phases as well). The expression of this position can range all the way from instinctual, impulsive alliances, to vigorous alliances in which great personality effort is expended by all parties, to alliances in which the Divine Plan is the raison d’être for its existence.


Individuals with Juno in Aries


Woody Allen

Nadia Boulanger

John Brown

Father Joseph Damien

Ram Dass

Benjamin Disraeli

Albert Einstein

Stephen Foster

Judy Garland

Ulysses S. Grant

Alexander the Great

Heinrich Himmler

Jim Jones

Chiang Kai-Shek

14th Dalai Lama

Nicolai Lenin

A.A. Michelson

John D. Rockerfeller

Rabindranath Tagore

Richard Wagner





Pallas Athene in Aries


Pallas Athene in Aries: Pallas Athene is a warrior goddess and a constant friend to many of the heroes of Greek Mythology, offering them stratagems to survive the enmity of the gods. Aries is warlike and Pallas Athene was born wearing full armor as she sprung forth from the head of her father Zeus/Jupiter (after Hephaestus/Vulcan had cured him of a headache through the expedient of a hammer blow to his skull!).


We can imagine that this position would be useful for military strategy and for bold and creative approaches to all undertakings which courage, bravery and pioneering effort. Its influence allows one to forge head not only bravely but intelligently, able to seek wise and strategic counsel from the ‘goddess ally” within. This position is a strong support for one who is intent on victory.


Individuals with Pallas Athene in Aries


Jane Addams

Dante Alighieri

Hans Christian Andersen

Francis of Assisi

Johann Sebastian Bach

Sir Francis Bacon

Alexander Graham Bell

Louis De, Prince Broglie

John Brown

Frederick Chopin

Winston Churchill

Thomas Alva Edison

Albert Einstein

Anne Frank

Paul Joseph Goebbels

Johann von Goethe

Thomas Hobbes

Timothy Leary

William Lilly

Cosima Liszt

Edward Bulwer Lytton

Guglielmo Marconi

Sir Thomas More

J. Pierpont Morgan

Grandma Moses

Benito Mussolini

H.S. Olcott

Auguste Piccard

Francis Rakoczy

Albert Schweitzer

Rudolf Steiner

Charles P. Steinmetz

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Andreas Vesalius

Henry VIII


John Wesley



North Node in Aries


North Node in Aries: The North Node is a ‘Point of Constructive Incorporation’. Where it is found, the individual is building certain qualities into the life according to sign placement, aspects and house position. When the North Node is in Aries, one is incorporating initiative and bold action into the life process. The result will be worked out within the field of experience indicated by the house placement. The Aries energy should be considered new and necessary and one should build in a direction which emphasizes the use of this energy.


Susan B. Anthony

Eva Braun

John Brown

Augustus Caesar

Winston Churchill

Aleister Crowley

Ram Dass

Rene Descartes

Christian Doppler

Sigmund Freud

Michael Gorbachev

Martha Graham

William Harvey

Elbert Hubbard

Alduous Huxley

Jim Jones

Carl G. Jung

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Carolus Linnaeus

Cosima Liszt

Martin Luther

John Muir

Florence Nightingale

Richard M. Nixon

Samuel Pepys

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Norman Rockwell

Albert Schweitzer

Baruch Spinoza

Meryl Streep

Nikola Tesla

Mao Tse-Tung

Queen Victoria

Walt Whitman

Boris Yeltsin



South Node in Aries


South Node in Aries: The South Node is a ‘Point of Expression for Tendencies Past’; it is also a ‘Point of Dependency’ or of ‘Necessary Detachment’. When Aries qualifies the South Node, past patterns of action have been assertive; such tendencies may represent a “fall back position”, useful at time, but they are not to be built into the present life. New substances, energies and forces are needed, not the old. One may rely upon these more assertive and independent tendencies but the real task lies in the incorporation of Libran tendencies at the North Node.


John Adams

Joan Baez

Alexander Graham Bell

Annie Besant

Paul Foster Case

Frederick Chopin

S.T. Coleridge

Thomas Alva Edison

Judy Garland

Bruce Lee

John Lennon


Amadeo Modigliani

Sir Isaac Newton

Auguste Piccard

Eleanor Roosevelt

Gioacchino Rossini

Robert Schuman

Jean Sibelius

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Ivan the Terrible

Leo Tolstoy

Jules Verne

William Butler Yeats

Duchess of York